
How to drink green absinthe. To drink absinthe or not? What do people in France think about this?

« Green fairy"- this is often called a strong alcoholic drink of bright emerald color. Absinthe for a long time considered a drink not suitable for drinking, it was used as remedy at various diseases. Its strength can reach 85%, so drink in pure form drink is undesirable. Over time, the "Green Fairy" learned to dilute, and currently there are several original ways drink absinthe, let you enjoy amazing taste this drink and not harm your health.

The main raw material for its manufacture is the extract of bitter wormwood, so it has a specific taste. To reduce bitterness and slightly lower strength this drink, many original methods of serving it to the table have been invented. IN different countries there is a special culture of consumption various kinds alcohol and absinthe is no exception. Therefore, you can always choose the most suitable option for yourself, how to drink absinthe correctly, in order to truly appreciate its taste and aroma.

How to drink absinthe the French way

This method of serving and drinking absinthe is considered the most common and popular. In bars and clubs, most often it is called "in French", since it is believed that this original method was first invented there. Classic variant serving a drink - put on a glass of absinthe special spoon and a piece of sugar, after which ice water is poured on top.

Ready for use is considered when it becomes cloudy. You can watch the video on how to drink absinthe correctly - the cooking process is shown in sufficient detail and clearly.

How to drink absinthe at home

At home, you can use an easier way. Before drinking absinthe at home, you should prepare ice, cold water, juice and some sugar. Any sugar can be used in place of fruit syrup. Absinthe is diluted with sweet syrup or juice, added to a glass a little cold water or pieces of ice. You can make syrup from sugar and water, then add to the drink to taste.

Juices that are best suited for diluting absinthe are lemon, pineapple, orange, strawberry. You can dilute the drink with ready-made lemonade or tonic.

Gonna arrange house party, you should remember how to drink absinthe - in its pure form, the drink can cause alcohol poisoning. Therefore, undiluted absinthe is served in small glasses of 25-50 ml with a glass of ice water or juice.

Almost every known alcoholic drink has a developed culture of drinking, and absinthe is no exception. This article will discuss how to drink absinthe so as not to harm your health and get the most out of it. You have to be very careful. The high fortress is not the only problem, in some cases the "green fairy" causes hallucinations.

All methods come down to reducing the bitter taste and high strength. Also, the emphasis is on the entertainment of the process itself, everything should be beautiful. The choice of shot glasses (glasses) depends on the method of use, in some cases you will need specific accessories.

Absinthe can be drunk in the following ways:

1. Classic (French). A special spoon with holes is placed on top of a glass of absinthe, then a piece of sugar is placed on it. Before drinking, ice water is poured over sugar until the drink in the glass turns cloudy (the French call this effect "Louche").

absinthe with sugar

Water makes it precipitate essential oils contained in alcohol, making it easier to drink absinthe. It is also considered that sweet water enhances the effect of thujone (a narcotic substance in crude absinthe), but this hypothesis has not been scientifically proven. Water with absinthe is diluted in a ratio of 5:1 (five parts of water and one part of absinthe). The preparation is no less exciting than the drinking itself.

2. Undiluted (in pure form). Absinthe is a classic aperitif that can be drunk neat from narrow glasses. But this method is not suitable for everyone. It is used only by experienced absentiers. Before drinking, they cool the absinthe to almost zero temperature, and then drink it in one gulp. The recommended single dose should not exceed 30 grams.

From stacks in one gulp

3. Czech (fire) method. First, a glass of 1/4 part is filled with absinthe. Next, a piece of sugar is moistened in a pile and placed on a special spoon (as in the first method). After that, the sugar is set on fire, allowing it to burn for about one minute.

Burnt absinthe

Sugar melts, its hot drops fall to the bottom of the glass. When the flame goes out, a spoonful of sugar is placed in a glass and the contents are stirred. Next, ice water is added to taste, which softens the taste of the resulting drink.

This is the most spectacular, but at the same time the most dangerous way drink absinthe, because the flame from the glass can easily spread to surrounding objects. The main thing is to be able, then there will be no problems.

4. Absinthe with syrup (Russian method). First, sugar syrup is prepared (sugar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2), then the resulting syrup is poured into a glass. This is how many Russians are accustomed to drinking absinthe. Simple and fast.

5. Method "Two glasses". A small glass is filled with absinthe and placed in a large glass. After that, water is slowly poured into the glass. The liquids gradually mix, overflowing into a large glass. The drink is considered ready when only water remains in the glass.

There is an opinion that this is a very inconvenient method, since a glass in a glass interferes. But no one bothers you to pour absinthe diluted with water into a clean glass.

6. With other drinks. To reduce the strength and bitterness of absinthe, it can be diluted with cola, orange, pineapple, lemon juice, tonic, lemonade, sprite or other drinks. The proportions depend on individual preferences. I also advise you to try strong ones that have found their admirers all over the world.

7. "Bartender". The video shows how to drink green absinthe in the bar. You will need: two glasses, a napkin, a straw for cocktails and a lighter. In fact, this is one of the most popular ways to drink sambuca, and is also suitable for absinthe.

The bartender does everything, the client only has to drink the prepared drink. You can try this method at home, but first I advise you to practice a little.

Attention! Experimenting with different methods, it is important not to overdo it, correctly calculating your dose, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous.


According to one white paper, absinthe originated in Switzerland. But to make tinctures from wormwood on alcohol began in ancient Egypt. Absinthe is considered legendary drink, he is equally revered and feared. Due to the notoriety of the main component of the drink - thujone, many believe that the use of absinthe can cause mental disorders.

A drink for creative people

People who tend to create and invent something new love to use absinthe. This category of the population is called bohemian, and these are artists, poets, writers. Some of them believe that by drinking absinthe they develop their creative nature. By its strength, absinthe is quite strong, it contains about 75% alcohol.

At the beginning of its distribution on the shelves of bars and pubs, absinthe was not very respected. There was an opinion that a person intoxicated with this drink becomes aggressive and angry.

Methods of drinking absinthe

Absinthe can be consumed in many ways. True connoisseurs know them all. They collect both recipes for absinthe itself and ways to use it. True connoisseur absinthe can always distinguish natural product from a fake, but to drink absinthe in such a way as to enjoy the bouquet of herbs on which he insisted as much as possible. Thanks to such a wide interest in the drink, a whole subculture has appeared that calls itself absinthe.

Three ways to drink absinthe

The Czech method is not complete without the use of sugar. The sequence of use is as follows: a spoon for absinthe is placed on the edge of the glass. Refined sugar is placed on it, then it is set on fire. When the caramel drains into a glass, three servings of cold water are added to it.

The French method is also sugar. The glass is filled with one serving of absinthe, then a spoon and a piece of refined sugar are placed, as in previous recipe. Through sugar, the glass is filled with three portions of water. Be sure to bring the water to ice temperature. Thanks to the holes in a special spoon for absinthe, the sugar syrup moves into the glass.

An absinthe set, a glass and a spoon, in general, can please a real lover interesting drinks and how to use them.

According to the Russian method, absinthe is also drunk with sugar, but the process of preparing the mixture is a bit simpler. Sugar is mixed with water and added to a glass of tincture.

Mix or drink neat?

Two glasses are used specifically to dilute the drink. Absinthe is diluted, oddly enough, plain water. First, a glass of absinthe is placed in a wide and large glass, and then water is poured into it. Water is poured until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

In its pure form, absinthe can only be drunk by brave people. To do this, it must be cooled and drunk. in small portions, each should not exceed 30 grams. Absinthe is eaten with a slice of lemon, this helps to slightly weaken its bitter taste. True absinthes do not respect this method, since it was used in France in the 19th century by ordinary workers.

In those ancient times, alcoholism was a very problematic phenomenon, it was on a large scale, and cheap low-quality absinthe was offered to the working class in large quantities. Through sugar, the glass is filled with three portions of water. Be sure to bring the water to ice temperature. Thanks to the holes in a special spoon for absinthe, the sugar syrup moves into the glass. The workers did not come up with any particularly ingenious way to drink, therefore, for connoisseurs of the drink, its usual drinking is barbarism and disrespect for such a valuable and amazing alcohol.

Youth way of using

Young people love to be pampered too exotic drinks so they came up with a simplified way to drink absinthe. They drink it with lemon or orange, which today is rightfully considered part of the club culture. Before use, a special mixture of cinnamon and sugar is prepared. A slice of orange or lemon is rolled in the sugar mixture. The drink is poured into a glass, which has thick walls, and set on fire. Wall thickness matters. A slice of fruit is held over the fire, so the juice with sugar moves into the glass. In order not to waste time and receive more juice from a slice, it must be compressed when heated. After the whole process, the fire should be put out, wait until the slice has cooled, and then drunk. Sugar crystals can be simply chewed.

How does absinthe affect a person?

Despite many controversies over the hallucinogenic effect of thujone, nothing has been proven. Despite the absence of a direct hallucinogenic effect, the use causes mild arousal and changes the perception of reality to a small extent. If used in high doses, thujone can cause seizures and extremely negative effects. The component itself in absinthe is in such an insignificant amount that you can feel real side effects almost unrealistic.

  • What is the right way to drink absinthe? It is customary to drink absinthe from a wide, tapering glass. Since it is a very bitter drink, all methods of its consumption are reduced to reducing this bitterness. The traditional way(French) consists in the fact that before drinking absinthe, cold water is poured into it through a piece of sugar lying on a special spoon with holes. Sugar dissolves...

  • Absinthe - emerald green, cloudy when water is added, has firmly established itself in almost all Parisian cafes from the Latin Quarter to Montmartre. Where are the British with their five-hour tea before the French "l'heure verte" - "green time". From 5 to 7 pm it was possible to perform an absinthe ritual. Absinthe should have been drunk before meals - an excellent aperitif, how could it be otherwise? After all, it was originally intended to stimulate appetite ...

  • To avoid buying fake absinthe, carefully read all the inscriptions on the label. First of all, look at the title. The spelling of the word "absinthe" in different languages is different. For example, in Spain and Italy they usually write "Absenta", in the Czech Republic - "Absinth". Be careful: there are often drinks that imitate absinthe - in this case, the name is changed intentionally. In France, for example, where the word "absinthe" is spelled "Absinthe", it is produced ...

  • From 1875 to 1913 in France, the consumption of absinthe per capita increased 15 times, for example, in 1913 the French drank about 40 million liters of absinthe. In 1837, absinthe appears in America in New Orleans under the brand names Green Opal (Green Opal) and Milky Way (Milky Way). Absinthe became fashionable and even received another name - the Green Fairy, ...

  • Absinthe (Absinthe) is an emerald green drink, very bitter (due to the presence of absinthe) and therefore traditionally poured through a special spoon with sugar into a glass of water. It is an alcoholic drink made from the extract of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium). Even one and a half thousand years before the birth of Christ, the Egyptians appreciated this drink as an excellent medicine. Ancient absinthe was different from the liquor that Verlaine and Picasso drank, wormwood leaves…

Absinthe is strong alcoholic drink containing up to 85% pure alcohol. One of the main ingredients of absinthe is the essence of wormwood, the essential oil of which is rich in thujone. Without the latter, the drink would not have such a specific effect. However, the legislation of many countries classifies thujone as a prohibited element.

Absinthe can have enough a large number of shades. You can find it in transparent form, brown, red or yellow color. Most often, the drink is found in a rich emerald color, and therefore its unspoken nickname is the "Green Fairy".

The presence of a green tint indicates the presence of chlorophyll in the composition. It tends to fade in the light, so alcohol is sold in dark glass bottles. Absinthe will be slightly cloudy when diluted with water. This is due to the specific reactions of wormwood and alcohol.

Attention to the label!

  • First of all, pay attention to the name. The word "absinthe" in the languages ​​of different nationalities is spelled differently. For example, the Spaniards or Italians write "Absenta", and the Czechs "Asinth". Don't be fooled by manufacturers who intentionally change names to sell a drink that is an imitation of the original.
  • Be sure to read the other inscriptions that are on the label. If you see the phrase “absinthe refined”, then you are holding pure absinthe that does not contain thujone. This is also evidenced by the mark "thujone-free". The amount of thujone in the drink is indicated only when it exceeds 10 mg/kg. You may also see the word "distilled", which means the alcohol has not been brewed.
  • Russian manufacturers indicate the degree of strength of the drink with standard percentages. Most foreign suppliers prefer to do it in proof. If your bottle says "100 proof", then absinthe is half pure alcohol.


We drink absinthe correctly!

First, it is worth noting that absinthe has a bitter taste, so various variations its use is aimed at reducing this bitterness. Dishes for pouring absinthe are also associated with the way it is consumed.

The world knows many popular options for how to drink absinthe. It is combined with fruit juices, tonic, cola and ice. Learn about the most popular ways to consume the drink.

The way in Russian

This method requires some pre-training. Before proceeding with the manipulation of absinthe, it is necessary to prepare sugar syrup. To do this, water is mixed with sugar until it is completely dissolved. Absinthe is diluted with this composition until the required proportion is reached.

french classic

Placed on top of a glass of absinthe special device- a spoon with many small holes. A cube of refined sugar is placed in it, and then they begin to pour ice water. This continues until the contents of the glass become cloudy (the ingress of water leads to an imbalance in the extract of wormwood and alcohol, due to which the latter loses the ability to retain the precipitated essential oils). Name this effect Louche (scoop). If follow classic recipe, then the most optimal ratio of ingredients is 5:1 (water to absinthe).

Method "With the help of two glasses"

To implement this method, you will need a small glass and a standard glass. Place one device in another (the glass should be filled with absinthe), and then start pouring water into the glass in a thin stream. The liquids will mix, after which they must be drained into a large glass. The drink is considered ready when there is no absinthe left in the glass.

Absinthe "Frappe"

In a glass for a drink, you need to grate some ice on fine grater. There you also need to pour 50 g of absinthe. Then a special spoon with holes is lowered into the glass and cold water is slowly poured in. After that, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

Extreme method "Flaming"

A glass for a drink is filled with absinthe by about 3 parts. They take a cube of pressed sugar soaked in alcohol and put it on a special spoon. Next, the sugar is set on fire and allowed to burn for about 60 seconds. In this case, the contents of the spoon begin to melt and become covered with bubbles. Melted sugar gradually flows into a glass of absinthe.

After the bright flame subsides, the spoon is completely lowered into the glass with the drink and mixed well. Then water or ice is added to taste to the drink. This method is good for making absinthe taste softer. However, you should be extremely careful, because the drink can quickly take over the flame.

Absinthe "pure"

In the standard understanding of the essence of this drink, absinthe should be consumed without anything, from dunks with a narrow throat, filled to 50%. Do not be upset if the venture fails. We hasten to reassure you that only a true "professional" manages to drink a drink without any additives. If you decide to take the risk, be sure to chill the drink before drinking.

The "Breathe and Sip" Method

In order to prepare absinthe in this way, you must have 2 glasses - one for cognac and one snifter. Also in the process you will need a sugar cube, a paper napkin, a tube for cocktails.

A cognac glass is filled with absinthe at an inclination of approximately 25%, and then the drink is set on fire. If you are working with chilled alcohol, then for a successful operation you will need a cube of sugar dipped in absinthe. Sugar must be placed closer to the edge of the glass and set on fire. The flame raging in the glass must be kept for several minutes. After that, the drink will be ready.

Quite sharply, the contents of the glass are poured into a pre-prepared snifter. The glass is tipped onto the napkin with the foot up. Use a couple more napkins to put out the flame in the snifter while the glass brews. After that, the brandy glass should be lifted and a tube should be inserted under it. It is through it that you and your friends will take puffs. Immediately after inhalation, the drink from the snifter is absorbed.

Since absinthe is a very strong alcoholic drink, you may find it useful to read how to get rid of a hangover and prevent it. Happy holidays friends!

drop of absinthe

Set fire to love...

Many learned about the existence of a drink called only from a song performed by Irakli. Previously, we did not sell or produce absinthe, but our compatriots also had to try something similar. True, that “absinthe-like” drink was called “Riga Balsam”, prepared on herbs, the main of which was wormwood. The same herb that gives absinthe a special taste and color.

Absinthe got a nickname "Green fairy" - not only for its wonderful color (most often emerald green), but also for a special effect on a person. In addition, absinthe is called the drink of bohemia and is compared with menthol cigarettes (say, not everyone can appreciate it). Why is absinthe so remarkable, why did the representatives of bohemia love it, and what is the special effect of absinthe on a person?

What is absinthe? A little history of absinthe

The name absinthe comes from the Latin word for wormwood. artemisia absinthium . Absinthe in many sources is called a tincture of wormwood. In fact, absinthe is not a tincture, but a distillate , that is, an alcoholic beverage obtained by distillation (distillation). The standard strength of absinthe is 70%. To learn how to make absinthe at home, read our article "": for cooking you will need alcohol, wormwood and a distiller.

Many sources report that absinthe recipe invented by a certain Madame Enrio from western Switzerland. And it happened only in the 18th century. When the woman died, her daughters sold the recipe for absinthe to a certain Major Dubier, who launched the production of this drink in industrial scale. Absinthe first became popular in Switzerland and France, and then throughout the world.

However, according to historical data, a drink similar to absinthe was prepared by the ancient Egyptians one and a half thousand years BC. They used an alcoholic drink prepared with wormwood as a medicinal product. In general, drinks similar to absinthe were prepared always and everywhere, but it was in the 18th century that this drink got its permanent name () and gained particular popularity - they began to use it not for treatment, but for intoxication.

By the middle of the 19th century, absinthe gained special love from the representatives of the French bohemia. Absinthe was most often used by poets, artists, musicians, theater actors. Rumor has it that the reason for such a passion for absinthe lay in its special action.

Picasso Drinking Absinthe

The fact is that Absinthe contains "thujone" It is a clear substance with a menthol-like odour. This substance is contained in some plants, including bitter wormwood, from which absinthe is made. Thujone is toxic to humans - its use can cause hallucinations, increased activity and excitability. People of art probably liked this effect, as it gave inspiration. However, there were other symptoms: convulsions, convulsions, epileptic seizures.

Although today there is an opinion that there is not much thujone in absinthe, and absinthe itself is very strong, and you can’t drink a lot of it. Accordingly, you will not receive the amount of thujone that can cause the conditions mentioned above. And the strange sensations in people were explained by banal alcoholism, since people become drunk faster with strong absinthe.

Nowadays it is not customary to drink pure absinthe as the main drink. There are certain rules for drinking absinthe , as well as some ways to serve this drink. Let's talk about .

Absinthe is not the main alcoholic drink that is drunk at lunch or dinner and finished off at the end of the meal. As a rule, absinthe is served before meals as an aperitif.

In most civilized countries, it is believed that absinthe is just an aperitif . It is served small quantities(no more than 30 grams per person) before meals. Absinthe is not put on the table at which the meal will take place!

Why is absinthe an aperitif? Because, firstly, he is very strong. Secondly, if you drink absinthe while eating, its smell can interrupt the taste of dishes, which is unacceptable for gourmets. It is customary to serve food all over the world various varieties wines, less often - vodka, even more rarely - beer (depending on snacks). Thirdly, absinthe stimulates appetite - such is the effect of wormwood. After 30 grams of absinthe, a person begins to look at with even greater enthusiasm.

After a meal, absinthe is also not served - at this moment it is the turn of sweet liqueurs and cognac.

However, aperitif is not the only hypostasis of absinthe. if you want to serve it to the table after lunch or dinner? Make a cocktail. Absinthe is widely used in cocktails.

You can serve cocktails with absinthe as an aperitif, after a meal, at a buffet table, or simply as a drink for guests who come for a short while.

Absinthe diluted with water, tonic or sugar syrup- It's not a cocktail. Absinthe, even as an aperitif, is almost always served diluted with plain or sparkling water or tonic. If absinthe is mixed with other drinks, then this is already a cocktail.

How to drink absinthe: how to serve absinthe

As an aperitif, absinthe can also be served in its pure form, but it must be very chilled. And most importantly - it must be poured in portions of no more than 30 grams. One serving per person, and no more.

However, the most common serving is diluted absinthe. There are several ways to dilute absinthe - this is done not only in order to reduce the strength of the drink, but also in order to improve its taste. pure absinthe tastes bad.

Dilute absinthe with plain or carbonated water with sugar. By the way, absinthe began to be diluted with soda back in the 19th century. Then they began to add tonic to absinthe. Traditional proportions of absinthe-water: for one part of absinthe - 3 parts of water, tonic or lemonade. If the drink with which absinthe is diluted is sweet, there is no need to add sugar. Otherwise, the water can be sweetened beforehand. But there are more original ways of sweetening absinthe.

Picasso "Absinthe Drinker"

Please note: when absinthe is mixed with water, the drink becomes cloudy and less green.

How to drink absinthe: the most common way. Pour 1 part of absinthe into a glass (usually 30 g of absinthe in one part), put a special spoon with holes on the edge of the glass, and a sugar cube on the spoon. If someone likes sweeter drinks, you need to put 2-3 sugar cubes.

Next, 3 parts of very cold water are gradually poured into the glass, and it pours through sugar. The sugar dissolves and the drink is sweetened. You can, of course, sweeten the water in advance and simply pour it into a glass, but serving absinthe with a special spoon and sugar is more original. This method of serving absinthe is called French.

How to drink absinthe: the Czech way. This way is more spectacular. An absinthe spoon with a cube (or several cubes) of sugar is placed on the edges of an empty glass. One part of absinthe is poured through sugar (slowly, in drops). Sugar is saturated with absinthe.

Then the sugar must be set on fire. Sugar will turn into caramel, flowing into absinthe. When the sugar burns out, all the caramel from the spoon should be dropped into absinthe, then add three parts of ice water. This method requires accuracy, since during the burning of sugar, absinthe in a glass can ignite.

Another option for serving absinthe with ignition. The glass is 4/5 filled with ice-cold absinthe. A cube of sugar is placed on an absinthe spoon and the spoon is held over the burning absinthe. The sugar turns into caramel and starts dripping into the absinthe. When all the sugar is dissolved, the spoon is removed, the flame is extinguished and absinthe is immediately served with a cocktail tube.

The meaning of such a supply of absinthe lies not only in entertainment, but also in the spectacular combination of temperatures: at the bottom of the glass - ice absinthe, at the top - piping hot. At the same time, absinthe acquires a sweetish caramel flavor. This way of drinking absinthe gives a special feeling.

How to drink absinthe: hard way, which is also called Russian. One part of absinthe is poured into a glass. The drink is set on fire and burns for a while. After that, the glass with the burning drink is covered with another glass so that the flame goes out.

Immediately after this, hot absinthe is poured into a second glass, and the first one is immediately covered with a napkin and turned upside down. A straw for a cocktail is carefully tucked under an overturned glass and absinthe vapors are inhaled. After that, they drink slightly cooled absinthe from the second glass. This way of serving absinthe was invented by our bartenders in order to impress.

How to drink absinthe: citrus heaven. Absinthe is served not only with water, tonic and sugar, but sometimes with lemon, as well as other citrus fruits. Here is one of the original ways to serve absinthe with citrus fruits.

Pour one part of absinthe into a glass. Take or tangerine, cut off a slice along with the peel. However, the film must be removed from the pulp. Next, roll the slice in granulated sugar mixed with cinnamon. Burn absinthe in a glass. Place a slice on an absinthe spoon and hold over a flame. With the help of an additional spoon, you can press on the slice so that more juice flows into the absinthe. Then, when there is little left of the slice, put out the absinthe, let it cool down a bit and serve with a straw.

How to drink absinthe: what to serve. Diluted absinthe is served in ordinary glasses of 50-100 grams. Undiluted absinthe can be served in shot glasses. If the absinthe will be set on fire, you need to take thick-walled glasses, because. thin glass may not withstand. Glasses should not be very cold. In addition, glasses in which absinthe will be set on fire should not taper towards the top, but rather, on the contrary, expand.

Concerning absinthe spoons , then they often come with a bottle of absinthe (expensive absinthe in boxes). Besides, absinthe spoon can be bought in stores of dishes, cutlery and other accessories for bars and.

How to drink absinthe: absinthe cocktails

Green Bull Cocktail


  • absinthe - 1 part
  • vodka - 2 parts
  • drink "Red Bull" - 1 part

Cooking: put 3 ice cubes into a glass, pour vodka, then absinthe, red bull on top. Do not stir. Serve with a straw.

Cocktail "Orange absinthe"


  • absinthe - 1/4 part
  • sweet vermouth - 3/4 parts
  • orange liqueur - 1 part

Cooking: Pour all the ingredients into a glass, add a few ice cubes, stir. Pour into a martini glass. Take immediately before serving orange peel set on fire and put into a glass.

Cocktail "Pomegranate"


Cooking: mix absinthe and sweet pomegranate juice in a glass, add a few ice cubes. Add water, stir and serve.

What to eat absinthe?

As has been repeatedly noted above, absinthe is a classic aperitif . It is served before lunch or dinner and, accordingly, is not a snack.

But if you decide to serve diluted absinthe or an absinthe cocktail not as an aperitif, but as a main drink, you can add a snack: slices of lemon, orange or tangerine, as well as bitter. Seafood pairs well with absinthe.
