
How to cook frozen pork tongue. How much to cook pork tongue - the secrets of cooking offal in different ways

Language and how to do it right? These questions are beginning to interest those who decide to master the difficult way of preparing offal.

Right choice

A product such as language can rightly be considered a delicacy. And the reason here is not that it is some kind of rarity. The language is valued mainly for its useful properties, which cannot be ignored. To begin with, it is worth mentioning that it contains a huge amount of vitamins, iron and minerals. Such a rich composition is especially useful for people with a weakened body. It is recommended to be eaten by children and pregnant women. The rare qualities of this meat product are able to support any weakened body or restore the strength of a person who has undergone a major operation. Before you figure out how much to cook pork tongue, you first need to choose and buy it. Don't go for big sizes. Size is not a sign of quality. If the product is large, it is likely that it once belonged to an adult animal. In this case, it will take much longer to cook it, and very few nutrients will remain in the finished product. It would be better to choose a smaller instance. It will cook faster, and the taste will be more tender and soft.

Cooking methods

Getting started, you need to know that there are two options for cooking this product. Basically, they are very similar. The essential difference here is not how much to cook the pork tongue, but how this process begins. In the first case, the meat is placed in hot water. Then it will need to be boiled a little (10-15 minutes), change the water, and only after that complete the process. Shortly (about 10 minutes) before the end of the cooking process, carrots and various roots must be added to the pot with boiling meat. Next, the tongue should be lowered into cold water and peeled off. After that, you can start cooking the selected dish. In the second case, the water is taken not just hot, it should already boil. After 15 minutes, the product should be removed from the container, cleaned and immersed in water again. Further, the process follows a similar pattern. The fundamental difference between these options is that in the first case, the product is cooked to the end as a whole, and in the second, in the middle of the process, the skin is removed from it. This does not affect how much to cook the pork tongue. Here the matter is different. The first method allows you to save more nutrients. But in the second, the product absorbs aromas from additional components better. Each hostess chooses the method that suits her best.

Everything is calculated in advance

If you are going to cook some complex dish, you need to take care of the necessary components in advance so that they are always at hand at the right time. And what can be cooked from pork tongue? The choice is large enough. It can be sandwiches, salads, cold and hot appetizers, as well as soups. In most of the listed dishes, the tongue acts as the main ingredient and is used already in finished form. So, it must be prepared in advance. In order to calculate everything correctly, you need to know exactly how long to cook the pork tongue. Based on the experience of professional chefs, we can conclude that the average cooking time is about 2 hours. In this case, we mean the product from a young animal. It is small in size and weighs very little. For example, the tongue of a piglet is no more than 0.5 kg. If a large sample is available, the time can be extended up to 3 hours. It is better to pre-soak such a product for 2 hours in cold water. This will increase the preparatory period, but will not affect how long the pork tongue cooks.


Housewives do not always have enough time for all sorts of delights and pickles. Sometimes you have to limit yourself to the simplest dishes. For example, just boil a fresh or frozen product. After all, the tongue itself is very tender and soft, so there is no need to unnecessarily subject it to additional culinary processing. In this case, it is really important to know how much you need to cook pork tongue. In principle, one and a half to two hours is the minimum time period. You can add another 20 minutes. They will go to clean the semi-finished product from the skin and additional boiling. It is worth paying attention, after the product was left without a surface layer, microbes could penetrate inside with raw water. They definitely need to be removed. To do this, the tongue should be lowered into the boiling broth again and kept there for about 10 minutes. This time will be quite enough for the final processing. Now the finished meat can be simply cut and served, garnished with vegetables and herbs.

What is the best way to cook?

Most meat products at home can be cooked in two ways: on the stove or in a slow cooker. There are other options, but these two are worth paying special attention to. If we talk about the language, then its preparation in these two cases differs significantly from each other in two ways:

If the product is cooked on the stove, then the whole processing is to wash it thoroughly, and then remove the tough tendons, excess fat growths and unnecessary streaks. For a slow cooker, there is a recipe with which the product becomes even softer and more tender. To do this, you just need to rub it with salt, garlic, spices and put in the refrigerator for a day. Then you can cook as usual. The result will speak for itself. But the most important thing is boiling. There is a significant difference between how much you need to cook pork tongue in a slow cooker and in a regular pan. As practice shows, the difference is about an hour. After 60 minutes, you can already take out the finished product from the multicooker and serve it to the table.

Complete readiness control

At the final stage of the preparation of any product, it is always necessary to make sure that the process is completely completed. This can be done by the organoleptic method or with the help of any devices. If, for example, aspic from the tongue of a pig is planned for the festive table, then in addition to additional ingredients, it is necessary to clearly understand the technology of its preparation. More precisely, you need to know how much to cook the pork tongue until cooked and how this can be checked. As is known, the duration of the process is primarily affected by the mass of the initial product. So, pork tongue is usually cooked from one and a half to two hours. It is better to salt it at the final stage in order to preserve the nutritional properties as much as possible. And the readiness of any hostess usually checks with a fork. If, with light pressure, it freely passes through the fibers, then the product is ready. If there is some resistance, then it is worth cooking the tongue for a few more minutes. After some time, the test can be repeated again.

Pork tongue is actually just as good as the popular beef tongue: it also tastes great and makes a great aspic. And with boiled pork tongue, you can make all kinds of snacks, or breaded ... There are really a lot of options, believe me! But it is important to cook the pork tongue properly so that it is soft and tasty, while cleaning well - you don’t want to spend a lot of time on this, right?

My grandmother taught me how to cook pork tongue correctly: aspic from the tongue was her signature dish, so she, like no one else, knew all the subtleties of its preparation. This is not such a difficult process, it is only important to remember some points, and then you will certainly succeed. My detailed recipe will certainly help you: it tells you step by step how to cook a delicious, tender and appetizing pork tongue.

What do you need?

  • 1 pork tongue (350-400 g);
  • 1 carrot, small;
  • 1 onion, small;
  • 2-3 black peppercorns;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste.

Should I soak my tongue?

Rinse fresh pork tongue thoroughly with cold water. From the tip of the tongue we scrape off the remnants of resin. It is quite difficult to clean them off finally, but when we remove the skin from the finished tongue, they will go away more easily. No need to soak.

We put the washed tongue in boiling water. The water should be a couple of centimeters above the tongue.

Onions and carrots are peeled and washed. Bring the water back to a boil in a saucepan and skim off the foam. We put onions and carrots, add salt.

How much to cook pork tongue

Cook over low heat so that there is no violent boil, until cooked - 1.5 - 2 hours. If the tongue is larger, it should be boiled for 2 hours, for a smaller tongue (young animal) it will take 1.5 hours. The readiness of the tongue is determined by the color of the juice: if you pierce the finished tongue with a thin knife, light juice is released, if the tongue is not ready, the juice is pink. About half an hour before the end of cooking, put black peppercorns and bay leaf. Taste for salt, adding more if necessary.

We transfer the finished tongue to a container with cold water (2-3 liters) and keep it for 10 minutes. As a result of a sharp temperature drop, the skin will lag behind the bulk of the tongue, and it will be easier to remove it.

How to clean a pig's tongue correctly

We take out the tongue from cold water and remove the skin, starting from its thin end. If there are small areas where the skin is still not lagging behind, carefully trim it with a knife.

Pork tongue is cooked - in a saucepan and 20 minutes in a pressure cooker. Piglet's tongue - - in a saucepan and 15 minutes in a pressure cooker.

How to cook pork tongue

Rinse the pork tongue, brush it, cut off the fat and salivary glands. Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire. Put the tongue in boiled water and cook it for 1.5-2 hours. Then rinse the tongue with cold water and remove the skin from the pork tongue.

The weight of the pork tongue before cooking is approximately 220-300 grams

The skin of the pork tongue can be easily removed by rinsing the tongue in cold water. During cooking, the pork tongue is boiled down by about 2 times.

Spices for pork tongue
Like any offal, pork tongue loves spices when cooked. When cooking pork tongue, you can add peppercorns, garlic, peeled onions and carrots.

When to salt the pork tongue when cooking?
Salt at the beginning of cooking.

Calorie boiled pork tongue
208 kcal.

Garnish for boiled pork tongue
Beans, green peas, fresh vegetables, lettuce, boiled potatoes, mushrooms.

Sauce for boiled pork tongue
Bechamel sauce and chicken sauce and mushroom sauce, mustard and horseradish are perfect.

How easy it is to clean a pig's tongue
Rinse the pork tongue after it is cooked with cold water - clean the cooled tongue with a knife, removing the whitish skin. If you do not rinse the tongue with cold water or tighten with cleaning, the skin will have to be torn off along with the tender fleshy part.

How to cook pork tongue for a child
Pork tongue can be offered to a child when he reaches 1 year. However, due to the relative fat content of pork tongue, parents usually prefer beef tongue. When cooking the child's tongue, increase the time by half an hour.

The price of pork tongue
From 500 rubles / 1 kilogram (average in Moscow as of June 2019).

Softness Secrets Most often, the pork tongue needs to be boiled for a snack or salad, so it is very important to boil the tongue correctly. The most important thing is that the tongue should be soft, which is why it is boiled for so long. To make the pork tongue so soft that it melts in your mouth, it is enough to follow a couple of rules: before cooking, fill it with ice water for 1-2 hours, and at the beginning of cooking, as soon as the water in the pan boils for 15 minutes, change the water to cold - and finish boil in it. Add salt at the very end of cooking or salt dishes with tongue directly. After cooking, immediately pour over the tongue with ice water - a sharp change in temperature will give even greater softness.

Boiled pork tongue salad


Pork tongue - 2 pcs.
Cucumber - 2 pcs.
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Cheese - 1 pc.
Mayonnaise or sour cream - to taste.

Recipe for boiled pork tongue salad

Boil the pork tongue and finely chop, wash and chop the cucumber, finely chop the boiled eggs. Cut cheese on a grater. Put cucumbers, tongue, eggs, cheese in layers. Then again - cucumbers, tongue, eggs, cheese.

Sandwiches with boiled tongue

Boiled tongue - 300-400 grams (this is half a kilo of raw), 1 large carrot, onion, a third of a loaf of white bread, greens and seasonings - to taste.

Boiled Tongue Sandwich Recipe
40 minutes before the end of the cooking of the tongue, add carrots, onions and spices to the pan with the boiling tongue. Dry the tongue for 5-7 minutes, cut into thin pieces, serve the tongue on bread, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Pork tongue

Products for pork tongue
Pork tongue - 3 pieces
Carrot - 1 piece
Parsley greens - 2 tablespoons
Onions - 3 heads
Gelatin - 50 grams
Green peas - 5 tablespoons
Salt, pepper, lavrushka - to taste

How to cook pork tongue
Wash and cook the pork tongues, the water should cover the tongues by 2 centimeters. When cooking the tongue, remove the foam. 1 hour after boiling, add peeled carrots and onions, salt, parsley and pepper. Remove the boiled tongue from the broth, peel and cut into cubes. Remove the onion from the broth, put the carrots and then use for decoration.

Dilute the gelatin with a glass of water, leave for 30-40 minutes, then add the gelatin mixture to the boiling broth and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
Pour the bottom of the dish for the jellied tongue with broth for a couple of centimeters and cool in the refrigerator for 2 hours until it hardens. Put, decorating, sliced ​​​​carrots, peas and parsley on a frozen broth. Then lay out the tongue and pour strained broth. In the refrigerator, pork tongue filler will freeze for no more than a day.

Serve aspic pork tongue with lettuce, sour cream, mustard, pickled ginger, horseradish, fresh vegetables.
Calorie jellied pork tongue- 180 kcal.

Pork tongue in a slow cooker

Products for cooking pork tongue
Pork tongue - 3 pieces
Carrot - 1 small
Onion - 1 head
Bay leaf - 2 leaves
Black peppercorns - half a teaspoon
Parsley root - 1 tablespoon
Salt - to taste

How to cook pork tongue in a slow cooker
Rinse the tongue, put it in a multicooker container and pour water with a margin of 2 centimeters. Peel the onions and carrots, add to the slow cooker. Set the multicooker to the "Extinguishing" mode, time - 1 hour. Then add salt and spices to the tongue. Boil the tongue for another half hour. After cooking, pour the tongue with cold water, clean it. Cut the tongue, serve with mustard or horseradish. Also, pork tongue cooked in a slow cooker can be used in the preparation of salads.

All about language cooking

Author/Editor -

Pork tongue is an ancient Russian delicacy. Properly cooked and served with horseradish or mustard, pork tongue is a favorite delicacy on the table.

It's pretty easy to buy these days. Therefore, each housewife has her own recipe for salad or aspic with tongue.

Properties of the pig tongue

Pork tongue is classified as an offal. In terms of nutritional properties and the value of the nutrients contained in it, the tongue is second only to meat of the 1st grade. Calorie content of 100 grams of pork tongue - 208 kcal. It contains vitamins of the following groups: B, E and PP, as well as sodium, potassium and phosphorus useful to the body.

Cooking preparation

If you purchased pork tongue fresh or chilled, then rinse well in warm water before cooking. Then, with a table brush, clean its surface, cut off the salivary glands and excess fat. In stores you can find salted tongue. Then it must be soaked in cold water for 8-10 hours before cooking. It is advisable to change the water every 2.5 hours.

Pour cold water into a saucepan. Add spices. Spices such as black peas, onion, celery root, bay leaf are best suited for pork tongue. Bring to a boil and then, put the tongue in the pan. When the water boils again, salt it.
If you cook a salted tongue after soaking, then the water should not be salted.

The tongue should be cooked depending on the age of the pig. The tongue of a young animal is boiled for about 2 hours, and an adult for about 3 hours under a closed lid. You can check the readiness of the tongue by piercing it with a fork. If the fork easily enters the tongue, then it is ready.

After cooking, lower the tongue into cold water. This will make it easier to remove the skin from the pig's tongue.

Secrets of cooking pork tongue

Leaving the cooked tongue under a load for a while after cooking will change the texture of the tongue. It will become denser, less porous. This is necessary when serving a sliced ​​\u200b\u200btongue on the table. The pieces look neat and appetizing. Or when using the tongue in a salad.
The most difficult process when cooking a tongue is removing the skin. If you have difficulty even after lowering your tongue into cold water, then make cuts along the pork tongue. And take the skin off.

Another secret of soft tongue cooking is pre-soaking in water. Put the tongue in water for 3 hours before cooking. This will make it softer.
If you cook the tongue of an adult animal or a boar, then specific odors are possible. To avoid this, cooking in 2 broths is necessary. To do this, bring the broth with the tongue to a boil, drain the water and add fresh. The second time, boil the tongue in the broth until fully cooked. The first broth will absorb unpleasant odors and preserve the taste of the tongue.

Recipes with boiled pork tongue

The language itself is already an independent dish. The tongue with horseradish or mustard is especially tasty. But the tongue is no less tasty in salads or soups.
Tongue and pineapple salad: boiled tongue - 300 grams, hard cheese - 150 grams, pineapple - 150 grams, 1 bell pepper, peeled grains of half a pomegranate, garlic, pepper, salt to taste, mayonnaise. Cut the tongue, cheese, pineapple and pepper into strips. Combine pomegranate seeds with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfood, and add spices to taste. Fill with mayonnaise. Serve in bowls or small salad bowls.

Tongue in sour cream. Boiled pork tongues cut into cubes or strips and put in a warm sour cream sauce. Warm the mixture over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Serve the dish warm.

To prepare sour cream sauce, you will need 500 grams of sour cream and 100 grams of butter. Melt butter and mix with sour cream. Add finely chopped greens.

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