
What kind of alcohol can you mix champagne with? What alcoholic drinks can be mixed without much harm

An innocent glass of wine with girlfriends or a beer with friends may not be so innocent.

What can and cannot be mixed with alcohol and is it worth drinking or abstaining in a certain situation? We analyze 9 scenarios.

You have one dose of antibiotic left to drink, and you already feel great, and your friends are calling you to the bar?

Get in the way! If your health is at an acceptable level, do not be too hard on yourself. “Alcohol should not conflict with most antibiotics at all,” said Eron Michelfelder, a professor at Loyola University. But here's a catch: alcohol does affect the ability of red blood cells to fight infections. “Your immunity may be suppressed, and the effect of antibiotics will be significantly weakened.” When in doubt, it never hurts to call your doctor.

In the morning you took a sedative medicine, and in the evening you were going to a party?

Don't interfere! Any kind of alcohol can increase the side effects (lethargy, dizziness) of the sedative. "It's possible to inadvertently throw yourself out of a rut if you mix such a drug with alcohol, given that the body's reaction to such a combination is completely unpredictable," said Matthew Edlund, director of the Center for Circadian Medicine. Sometimes such a combination may not manifest itself in any way, or it may send you to intensive care.

Are you at the spa and are offered champagne after your massage?

Get in the way! This sparkling drink will enhance the relaxing effect of a massage, according to Professor Tiffany Field. The main thing is after the massage, but before the champagne, drink 1-2 glasses of water (massage can have a dehydrating effect on the body), and know your limit in alcohol - busting threatens to counterattack the happiness hormones serotonin and dopamine, the level of which increased massage.

After a long flight, there are too many hours in your day, and you want to soften it with a glass of wine?

Don't interfere! Desynchronosis is an unpleasant phenomenon. But, no matter how great the temptation, alcohol will make your sensations even less pleasant, especially if it is already past midnight. Your internal clock is still in the take-off time zone, and even a small glass of alcohol will hit you with triple force. And no matter what the clock shows, alcohol will affect the hormones responsible for sleep and make it difficult for you to try to close your eyes.

Have you had a little too much alcohol and are now in the mood to make love?

Get in the way! Mild drunkenness will make you more ready and easier to get up in terms of sex by turning off the parts of the brain responsible for self-control, says gynecologist and author Alyssa Dweck.
Nevertheless! If your level of intoxication is close to the concept of "in a sausage", you should refuse sex. In this state, you will not be able to make adequate decisions, and dehydration caused by alcohol will negatively affect the sensations.

You drank a bottle of wine with your best friend, the dream went away, and you are reaching for sleeping pills?

Don't interfere! When combined with alcohol, sleeping pills can cloud your mind. In other words, alcohol will worsen the side effects of these drugs, impairing your ability to drive or think clearly the next day. An alternative to sleeping pills: pick up a good book and read until you fall asleep.

You took a few ibuprofen at lunchtime and now you're heading to a cocktail party?

Get in the way! Some physicians believe that this drug is even useful to take before the evening with alcohol: "Ibuprofen will reduce alcohol-related inflammation, leading to an unpleasant hangover," says Professor Michelfelder. But it’s still not worth it to lean heavily on alcohol - such a combination in extremely rare cases is fraught with gastric hemorrhage. But mixing alcohol and paracetamol (acetaminophen) is not at all worth it - this mixture threatens liver damage.

Are you exhausted and have to go to your best friend's birthday party and you decide to pre-energize yourself with an energy drink?

Don't interfere! Be careful with cocktails. Energy drinks contain a huge amount of caffeine and other stimulants that can completely cancel the pacifying effect of alcohol. Sounds good, but scientists warn that such an "explosive mixture" can result in excessive drinking, temporary loss of consciousness, poor coordination and accidents.

You got burned on the beach, and a bottle of cold beer looks like the best medicine?

Don't interfere!“Sunburn causes the blood vessels in the skin to dilate, resulting in a reaction that causes dehydration,” says dermatologist Whitney Voey. In turn, alcohol also dries out the skin, making the healing process very slow. It is better to give up alcohol completely while the skin is recovering from a burn.

This is interesting!
Why can't you combine alcohol and antibiotics?

It is widely known that it is impossible to combine alcohol and antibiotics. Official medicine assures us that alcohol affects the activity of antibiotics and changes the way they are absorbed by the body. But what happens in the body when they interact?

Under the influence of alcohol, antibiotics are rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract. As a result, a high concentration of drugs is created in the body, and as a result, overdose and toxic reactions are possible.

Consequences of combining alcohol and antibiotics

Why can't you mix alcohol with an antibiotic? Under the influence of alcohol, the active work of liver enzymes decreases, and these enzymes are responsible for the breakdown of antibiotics. Drugs such as levomycetin, metronidazole, cefoperazone, furazolidone, ketoconazole, tinidazole, cefmenoxime and others, interacting with alcohol, cause serious adverse reactions. The patient feels nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, convulsions begin. There have been cases of death. Drinking alcohol along with antibiotics of this type is strictly prohibited. Especially in such situations, the liver suffers, which must be protected from both alcohol and antibiotics, even if taken separately.

Interactions of alcohol with other drugs

Alcohol is dangerous to take not only with antibiotics. Other drugs change their properties and their effectiveness is reduced. Regular intake of alcohol increases the immunity of bacteria and viruses, and drugs become ineffective in combating them. For example, taking aspirin and drinking alcohol, you can get very unpleasant consequences in the form of tachycardia, headache, shortness of breath. Analgesics, along with alcohol, thin the blood and can cause hemorrhage, bleeding, and death. Each drug is able to treat some organs and adversely affect the work of others. It is the organs oppressed by the drug that suffer from alcohol to a large extent.

By taking alcohol and drugs at the same time, you give your body a double burden, thereby endangering it. Neither experienced chemists nor biologists can predict what processes in the internal organs will cause such a combination.

Interactions between alcohol and antibiotics

Alcohol, getting into the human body, gradually turns into aldehyde. Later, it will turn into acetic acid, and it will be used in metabolism. The faster all these transformations occur, the less the body will suffer from alcohol. Under the influence of antibiotics, the process of converting alcohol into acetic acid slows down significantly. Alcohol lingers and accumulates in the blood, poisoning the entire body.

During antibiotic therapy, alcohol significantly delays the recovery time. Therefore, when treating any such drugs, it is better to refuse alcohol.

And even after the completion of the course of treatment, it will take at least three more days to completely remove antibiotics from the body. And only after that alcohol can be consumed.

Undoubtedly, it is possible to find the statements of some scientists who believe that the incompatibility of alcohol and antibiotics is fiction. They claim that, apart from the increased load on the liver, there are no problems. Hence the side effects.

Be that as it may, the responsibility for your health lies entirely with you. And it's up to you to decide whether it's worth the risk of taking alcohol and antibiotics at the same time or not.

So that after the holiday your head does not hurt and you do not die from a hangover, you should follow some rules.

Rules for avoiding a hangover:

Eat a big meal before drinking and don't forget to snack. Food, especially fatty foods, slows down the absorption of alcohol and you won't get too drunk.

You should always start with low alcohol and go to increase the degree. If you do the opposite, then the effect of ethyl alcohol will only increase and you risk getting very drunk, and you are guaranteed a hangover.

Never drink alcohol with carbonated drinks- it also increases intoxication.

You can only mix alcohol if it made from one raw material. Otherwise, you will not envy your liver. You can even get poisoned.

What drinks go together?

  1. Wine and cognac are made from grapes and therefore, starting with wine, you can finish with cognac.
  2. Beer and whiskey - made from barley, so they are combined with each other.

Vodka should not be mixed with anything, and you should not experiment with such drinks as: rum, tequila, bourbon, sake.

It would seem that harmless champagne causes a severe hangover, and the reason for this is the bubbles. They enhance the absorption of alcohol into the blood.

What alcohol should not be mixed with and what alcohol mixing is strictly prohibited?

Vodka with beer and champagne with vodka do not combine with each other.

Do not mix vodka with wine.

Do not mix whiskey with cognac.

You can not mix rum and brandy with liquor.

Never mix alcohol with energy drinks - it's very dangerous. The result can be so deplorable that it can even be fatal.

When drinking alcohol, it is necessary not only to know your norm, but also the strength of certain alcoholic beverages, the technology of their production, as well as the effect that they can have on the body when mixed. Otherwise, a fun holiday runs the risk of turning into a real hell.

Vodka + champagne or beer

Drinking champagne or beer along with vodka can result in rapid intoxication, and, consequently, loss of control over oneself and one's actions, as well as a subsequent heavy hangover. The fact is that champagne and beer contain carbon dioxide, which significantly reduces the time it takes for alcohol to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Getting on the gastric mucosa, the carbonated drink foams and thereby increases the rate of absorption of the liquid. Moreover, this happens not only in the stomach, but also continues in the intestines.

That is why you should not mix vodka with any carbonated drinks. Most often, the consequence of the use of these explosive mixtures is intoxication of the body, which is accompanied by headache, dizziness, nausea and apathy.

However, beer goes well with barley-based whiskey. The secret of such a tandem is simple: for the production of such whiskey, as well as for the production of beer, the same raw materials are used. That is why the ingredients of these drinks practically do not affect each other.

Wine + beer

Wine and beer are also not recommended to be consumed together. Even the old English proverb reminds of this: "Either grapes or grain." Indeed, it is the different technology for making these drinks that is the root cause of the morning hangover: wine is made from grapes, and beer is made from grain.

If you intersperse a glass of drunk wine with a glass of beer, then, most likely, you will soon begin to feel sick. And to the one who has a stronger stomach, a terrible hangover will come in the morning. The fact is that wine has an acidic reaction, therefore it irritates the gastric mucosa, helping to reduce its protective properties. And beer, saturated with carbon dioxide, only accelerates and aggravates this process.

Whiskey + cognac

Whiskey and cognac are also diametrically opposed drinks. The first is made on the basis of grain raw materials, and the second - from grape alcohol. And the strength of whiskey and cognac is somewhat different. So the strength of whiskey is 39-40 degrees, and the strength of cognac is 40-42 degrees. For alcoholic beverages, this is a significant difference. Hence the heavy hangover and gloomy morning.

Vodka + wine

Real wine is made exclusively from natural ingredients, the main of which, of course, is grapes. That is why the wine is quickly absorbed into the gastric mucosa. While vodka penetrates the blood much more slowly. Therein lies the insidiousness of this combination. Wine, being not a very strong drink, does not give such intoxication as vodka. Swapping a glass with a shot may seem like you're not getting drunk. In fact, the wine will already begin its work, and vodka will declare itself much later. And then, when both alcoholic drinks begin to act, you will quickly leave for nirvana. And the next morning, and maybe the whole next day, is unlikely to be joyful for you.

Even a glass of champagne can hurt if you drink it with products from our "black list". We present the top list of products that are incompatible with alcohol.

1. Medicines

Sometimes there are situations when on the eve of the holiday you get sick, and you are prescribed medications. In this case, the patient must comply with the regimen and categorically refuse any alcohol for their own good, because drugs and alcohol are incompatible things.

Alcohol in combination with antibiotics nullifies all treatment, completely neutralizing their effect. Plus, this killer cocktail hits hard on the liver and other organs. Alcohol with analgesics and antipyretics also causes severe liver damage. And mixing alcohol with drugs for the cardiovascular system, you can get severe dizziness and nausea. Alcohol enhances the effect of sedatives and sleeping pills, such mixing can simply stop the heart!

2. Energy

Any energy drinks, or rather caffeine and other tonic substances in their composition, should not be mixed with alcohol. Energy drinks excite the nervous system, and alcohol, on the contrary, has a depressing effect. This crazy mixture does not allow a person to understand how much has already been drunk, so a person drinks a lot more. All this is fraught with unpleasant consequences for the body: pressure rises, vasospasms, convulsions, stroke and heart attack, and impaired kidney function may occur.

3. Pickles and marinades

Pickles and marinades have always been considered an excellent snack for alcohol. But no, it's not like that at all. Vinegar is present in almost all homemade preparations, and in purchased ones there is a lot of vinegar, which slows down the process of ethanol breakdown. Plus, the combination of salt and alcohol doubly dehydrates the body and causes severe damage to the liver and kidneys.

4. Sweets

Cakes, pastries, sweets, sweet fruits and berries should not be combined with alcoholic beverages. When alcohol is mixed with simple sugar, the process of splitting the first goes much more slowly and, accordingly, the toxic effect of alcohol on the body is extended over time. The liver receives a large load, often failing to cope, which leads to mild poisoning.

5. Fatty food

There is an opinion that by eating a piece of butter before drinking alcohol, we will slow down the flow of ethyl into the blood. But as in the case of sweets, the effect of alcohol on the body is stretched and causes great harm. Therefore, if you do not want to avoid intoxication and poisoning of the body, you should not eat alcohol with fatty foods.

6. Alcohol and alcohol

Many people like alcoholic cocktails, in which several types of “hot” are mixed at once. But it's better not to do that! It is impossible to mix alcohol of different production technology: sparkling wines cannot be mixed with strong spirits; everything above 35 degrees is not combined with beer, young wine and liquors.

There is a golden rule for cocktail lovers: the strength of alcohol does not matter, the body is badly affected by the different biological activity of alcoholic beverages and the rate of entry into the blood.

Remember, everything is good in moderation! In general, follow the rule: after a glass (glass) of alcohol, drink a glass of water. To health!

Incorrect mixing of alcoholic beverages is fraught with a severe hangover. So that it never bothers you, you need to know the rules for making ideal alcoholic pairs and prohibited combinations. We will talk about all this in more detail today.

To mix? Can!

The first principle of compatibility is: The feedstock must be identical. Drinks based on:

  • grain alcohols. First of all, it is vodka and whiskey. This group also includes Ukrainian vodka, German schnapps, American bourbon, Jewish paisakhivka and many other national drinks.
  • Grape spirits. Representatives of this category: cognac, armagnac, brandy and its national variations (Bulgarian pliska, Greek metaxa, Italian grappa, Georgian chacha, etc.).
  • fruit alcohols. These are calvados, kirsch, mulberries, slivovitz and any other strong alcoholic drinks based on juice or pomace of any berries and fruits.
  • Alcohols from molasses (sugar cane). These primarily include rum and cachaca.
  • Agave spirits. These are various tequilas, but they also include mezcal and sotol, which is practically unknown to us.
  • flavored alcohols. Mixing drinks in this category should be treated with extreme caution: they are united by the fact that they receive the aroma from plant components and have a distinct smell of these ingredients, but are made on the basis of various alcohols. The brightest representatives of this group are absinthe, gin, jenever, aquavit.

The second principle of mixing alcoholic beverages- increase in degree. Everything is simple here: if strong alcohol is washed down with a lighter drink, the effect of ethyl alcohol on the body will increase, that is, intoxication will be faster and stronger. The next morning, the use of such a mixture is very likely to backfire with a serious hangover. The transition from low-alcohol drinks to stronger ones, especially if they are based on the same raw materials, slows down the process of alcohol absorption in the stomach. As a result, the liquid will enter the intestines only after an hour or two. There will be no negative consequences from this.

The most striking example of such a combination is wine and brandy. It is best to do it like true gourmets: first use at dinner, and after the evening meal, armagnac or cognac with a cigar, dessert.

What else do you need to know?

There are a few more tricks that will help you enjoy fine alcoholic drinks without consequences:

  • Time interval. If you follow the saying that there is a small break between the first and second, you can get drunk before anyone else. Therefore, before drinking each next serving of alcohol, wait at least 20 minutes.
  • Volume. The rule “less is better, more often” only works for food, it does not apply to alcohol. Alcohol is better to use O larger portions, but less often.
  • Food and snacks. The negative effects of alcohol can be reduced with food. Snack on fatty foods or drink grape juice or eat some honey between toasts.

There are no categorical prohibitions for mixing alcoholic beverages and preparing cocktails based on them, because there is no dispute about tastes. However, you need to get acquainted with the recommendations of experienced bartenders without fail:

  • No alcohol should be washed down with beer or champagne. The carbon dioxide contained in them contributes to a more active absorption of alcohol, which means that you can fail much earlier than planned. This is also true for non-alcoholic carbonated drinks.

  • Sour drinks can cause curdling of milk and cream: in a glass they will turn into unaesthetic flakes, and in the stomach they will cause intoxication.
  • The effect of a fermented product also occurs when carbonated alcoholic beverages are combined with juices containing pulp: bubbles envelop it and, as a result, the taste of the drink becomes, to put it mildly, an amateur.
  • Misalliance will also be obtained if any vegetable juice is mixed with alcohol with a sweet or tart taste.

That's all the basic principles. Do not be afraid to experiment, discover new flavors and combinations.

Always yours, Fragrant World
