
Good bottled beer title. Dark unfiltered beer

Dark beer is a foamy alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink, which is one of the most ancient of its kind. The manufacturing process consists in mixing water, hops, barley malt to obtain the wort and its further alcoholic fermentation. As a result of the combination of the listed ingredients, a delicious dark beer is obtained, which not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also fights hunger. This drink has a pleasant aroma, rich color, and after drinking, a bitter aftertaste remains in the mouth, which is so to the liking of all lovers of dark beer. The most popular is beer from a barrel, called "live", it is most often unpasteurized. It can be bought in glass in bottles, jars, as well as drunk from a glass, a glass on tap in the institution itself. For some connoisseurs of both dark and light beer, skip a glass of cold intoxicating drink, such as Velkopopovitsky Kozel, Spaten Dunkel, Zhatetsky Goose, Chernovar, enjoying the wonderful taste of Belgian, Czech, German or other beers in the warm season or on weekends after a difficult working week, it has actually become a tradition.

Dark and light beer: the difference

Dark and light beer: the difference between these types is very significant. Such a division according to the color characteristic among all the classifications, which, by the way, are very numerous, is one of the most common, despite the fact that the masters of brewing this drink have created a lot of varieties, types and cooking recipes. The following questions arise: “What is the difference between dark and light beer?”, “Which beer is better and stronger: dark or light?”, “Which beer is tastier?”, “How many calories and degrees are there in light beer, and how many in dark? and the like. Not even all beer lovers know what the difference is between these two varieties of intoxicating alcohol. Many of them, without hesitation, will say that the difference is only in color, and they will turn out to be wrong, since there are significant differences in addition to the color factor.

Perhaps one of the most common misconceptions is that dark beer is exclusively ale and light beer is lager, when in fact ale and lager are two types of foamy drinks that differ in the method of preparation.

Lager is a type of beer that currently ranks first in popularity in the ranking of other similar drinks, it is made on the principle of bottom-fermentation by cooling the boiled wort, adding yeast to its composition, pumping the liquid into the fermentation tank ... And when the 21-day procedure infusion at low temperatures will be completed, filtered and bottled in vessels for sale or bottling - in cans, barrels, bottles, glasses, mugs. There are several varieties of the lager itself: filtered and unfiltered, light and dark.

Ale is a type of beer that is top-fermented and brewed at higher temperatures for a short amount of time compared to bottom-fermented beers (ales only take 5-6 days or less to ferment).

So, what is the difference between dark beer and light beer? It is worth noting that there are several discrepancies between these types of foamy drink, since each of them has its own properties and characteristics. What are we talking about? Now you will know.

  • Preparation of ingredients. The composition of dark and light beer is not too different, but there is a difference in how the ingredients are prepared. To prepare the first type, it is necessary to use a special barley, which must be germinated for 9 days, and dried for another 2 additional days. To prepare the second barley, it should be germinated for 7 days, and dried for a day. From this it follows that the production of dark beer is a laborious process that takes more time than the preparation of light beer.
  • Cooking technology. To make a dark beer, the barley needs to be roasted, while it is not necessary to make a light beer. It is the roasting of the barley that gives dark beers their velvety, caramelized brown color, and the absence of this process preserves the light color in other types of beer.
  • The amount of hops. It is widely believed that dark beer is given more hops, which makes it much stronger than light beer. This judgment is erroneous, because if you add more hops to the light one, it, accordingly, will have a strength higher than the dark one, but the light shade will still not change.
  • Included useful properties. Yes, no matter how absurd it may seem at first glance, both types of beer contain substances that benefit the human body. It is impossible to argue that dark beer is more useful than light beer, since both types have useful substances in their composition. Dark beer contains iron, while light beer contains silicon.

This is not to say that dark beer is better than light beer. This is a matter of taste and every connoisseur of intoxicating drink chooses for himself: someone prefers light Czech or Belgian, because, in their opinion, it is lighter and not bitter, but someone, on the contrary, appreciates these very qualities in dark Irish, German beer, considering their flavor benefits.

Types and varieties of intoxicating drink

There are quite a lot of types and varieties of intoxicating drink. Each variety includes many types, brands sold in stores and having a certain price, reviews, calorie content, taste, cooking technology.

The most famous varieties of dark beer are considered to be the following.

  1. Porter. Porter is a delicious beer, it has a strength, since it uses 4-4.9% of the original wort. Poter differs from other types of foamy drinks in that its taste is quite rich, reminiscent of wine, the malt gives off a pleasant aroma. During the preparation of porter, burnt sugar and dark malt are used. If you delve into the history of this variety, it should be noted that its creator is the English brewer Ralph Harwood, who lives in the 18th century. Porter was originally intended to be a substitute for British ale and be a drink for people with heavy physical work due to its nutritional value. Interesting fact! According to the literal translation from English, the word "porter" means "loader". There are several types of porter: "Brown Pote", which in the original sounds like Brown Porter, "Reubast Pote" - also known as Robust Porter and "Baltic Pote", which sounds like Baltic Porter. The first type is quite classic among others, it is dark brown in color, has a malty aroma and a slight roastiness. It was this view that was so fond of the working class of the British. The second type - Robust Porter is also a dark brown, chocolate shade, in which notes of hops are felt, the aftertaste is dry, and the foam is thick. The producers of Baltic Porter are countries that border the Baltic Sea, hence, in fact, its name. This variety is fundamentally different from the previous ones, since its taste does not feel hops at all, but you can feel only caramel and licorice.
  2. Stout. Stout is a drink that was originally practically no different from porter. The state where its production originated is Ireland, in which, among other varieties, it was distinguished by a dark saturated color and a special strength. The Russian translation of the English "stout" is the word "proud". Arthur Guinness was the first to describe this type of dark beer, and after his work, "stout" became a generalized name for those types of beer, the strength of which exceeds others. After a while, he separated from the porter and began to exist as an independent species. At the present stage, manufacturers have stopped making stout too strong; in this regard, it is significantly inferior to porter. Now the stout is the smell of coffee and a burnt aftertaste. Brewers in Great Britain showed imagination and added oats to the composition of this beer variety during production, due to which the taste became lighter and softer, and the smell gave off a nut. Dark beer connoisseurs were satisfied. Interesting fact! International Stout Day is celebrated on the first Thursday of November.
  3. El. Ale is a type of beer produced in Belgium and the UK. In the English original, there are two variations of ale - real ale, which translates as "real / live ale" and traditional British beer - traditional British beer. Ale is not as strong as a stout, not as sweet as a porter, although they are made in the same way - top-fermented, but still especially tasty. At the same time, the ale is dark, moderately strong, dense and bitter, there is little sweet aftertaste. To make it as malt, barley or wheat is often used. Today, due to the spread of other types of beer and other alcoholic beverages, ale has somewhat lost its popularity, however, due to the increased interest in such a variety as craft beer, the production and sale of ales is growing again.

This is interesting! Dark beer - "velvet". Why is this drink often called that way, because its taste is far from such, but, on the contrary, bitter. True, but besides this, it also has a peculiar sweetness, which is easily captured and felt by lovers of this intoxicating alcohol. Hence the name.

Quite well-known brands are both imported and domestic producers of dark beer, in the top of which we can distinguish: Amsterdam (“Amsterdam”), Bakalar (“Bacalar”), Bavaria (“Bavaria”), Belhaven (“Belhaven”), Bernard ( "Bernard"), Black Desert ("Black Dessert"), Boroda ("Beard"), Brander Biar ("Brander Beer"), Budweiser ("Budvayzzer"), Cernovar ("Chernovar"), Spaten Dunkel ("Spaten Dunkel ”), Franziskaner (“Franziskaner”), Gösser (“Gesser”), Grimbergen (“Grimbergen”), Guinness Draught (Guinness Draft” with a nitrogen capsule), Hofbrau (“Hofbroy”), Karlovec (“Karlovets”), Keltske Dedictvi ("Celtic Deditsvi"), Klaster ("Klaster"), Kruger ("Kruger"), Krusovice ("Krushovice"), Leffe Brune ("Leffe Brune"), Lowenbrau ("Levenbrau" / "Lovenbrau"), Miller ("Miller"), Velkopopovicky Kozel ("Velkopopovitsky Kozel"), Zatecky Gus ("Zhatec Goose"), Zlaty Bazant ("Golden Bazant"), "Baltika", "Bouquet of Chuvashia", "Zhiguli", "Ker Sari" , Obolon, Stary Melnik, Dark Night.

Other types of beer, such as, for example, Afanasy, Varnitsa, Vasileostrovskoye, Volzhskoye, Vorsin, Okhota, Pyaterochka, Petrogradskoye, Samara, Stalingradskoye, Tayozhnoye ”, “Trekhsosenskoye”, “Khamovniki” are no longer so well known, because they have given way to newer brands. In the list of listed names there are Belarusian, Belgian, Dutch, Irish, German (Munich), Russian, Czech (Prague), Scottish branded bottled and draft types of intoxicating drinks. They can be alcoholic and non-alcoholic, filtered and unfiltered, pasteurized and unpasteurized, nitrogen, chocolate, cherry, caramel, nut, and other flavors and aromas.

This is interesting! On the first Friday of August, International Beer Day is celebrated, which is celebrated in 23 countries around the world, including Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, the United States of America, France, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Poland and many others. On this day, beer lovers gather with friends, try different brands and glorify producers, enjoying the taste of a hoppy drink. It is a tradition to treat everyone with beer prepared according to the recipe of foreign countries, to all acquaintances, as well as to taste all new, experimental varieties.

Cooking technology at home

The technology of cooking at home is quite simple, so it is not necessary to go shopping to the store. In order to make dark beer with your own hands, you need to use the following ingredients: rye flour, malt, yeast, hops, sugar. Flour is mixed with malt, diluted with water until a homogeneous mass is formed. Boiling should be carried out in a saucepan with a small hole in the bottom so that the wort flows through it. This slot is closed with a gauze cloth, and the contents of the pan are transferred to another container and placed in the oven. Keep the dough inside until it is well fried. After it, you need to pour boiling water over it, and pour the wort back into the pan.

Hops are poured with water and boiled over a fire. The broth after cooking at home is mixed with the wort and stirred thoroughly. Yeast with sugar pre-diluted in water is added to the pot with hops and wort. The entire composition is left for fermentation for one night, and then distributed among the vessels - jars, bottles, kegs. As you can see, the recipe for making dark beer at home is absolutely not complicated.

How strong the drink will end up after brewing at home depends on the proportion in which roasted malt and dark raw materials will be used during brewing. It does not matter the color of the beer for its strength: light beer can be stronger than dark, despite the difference in color saturation. Weak beer is considered to be beer that contains 5% of the original wort, medium - where 12% of the wort, and strong beer - that which contains more than 14% of the original wort.

Worth knowing! On the first Saturday of November, the day of learning to brew beer at home is celebrated.

Dark beer in cooking

Dark beer in cooking is nothing new. The intoxicating drink becomes the basis for preparing a marinade for meat kebabs or boiled goulash from beef, chicken, pork, rabbit, sausages, making sauce with sour cream and batter for ribs, baked shank in Bavarian style.

Ribs, shank and other meat dishes end up incredibly tasty and juicy. Dark beer has a special taste, thanks to which it goes well with a number of products:

  • stew, such as beef, or fish, as well as mussels;
  • onion, cheese, beef first courses soups;
  • boiled shrimp.

A dark foamy drink is also used during baking: biscuits, brownies, muffins, cookies, bread. Red, black, brown hoppy beer is used to prepare a variety of cocktails, for example, with birch kvass, juice, Jägermeister liqueurs and others.

In its pure form, dark beer is consumed from cans, bottles after purchase in a store or mugs, glasses, glasses when drinking on tap in special establishments. The bartenders pour the liquid slowly, so that the foam does not splash out.

What about this drink? The traditional snack of dark beer is pretzel - salty pastries, fried sausages, sausages, chicken ribs, baked pork knuckle.

So that the intoxicating drink is not warm, which spoils its taste, you need to store it vertically in a dark, cool room, the temperature in which will be +4 ... +12 degrees. To keep the beer as aged and tasty, it is not recommended to store it in the freezer.

The benefits of the drink

The benefits of the drink are known. Dark beer has some properties that favorably affect the health and the human body as a whole, and due to these features it is also used in traditional medicine. It is believed that dark beer stimulates the digestive processes. Use it in a hot state and as a folk remedy during the treatment of cough, to increase white blood cells.

Fact! A mug, a glass or a glass of homemade or store-bought beer, however, like some other alcoholic drinks, stimulates an increase in appetite.

Rumor has it that beer is gaining weight, but it is worth mentioning that the calorie content of this drink is 48 kilocalories per 100 grams, and this is not so much. Weight gain will be if fatty foods, as well as other high-calorie foods, go as snacks for beer. And if you use an alcoholic or non-alcoholic intoxicating foamy drink in large quantities. One jar or bottle holds 500 grams of drink, one glass - 250 grams, one tablespoon - 18 grams, and one teaspoon - 5 grams.

Dark beer contains 90 grams of water, 3.4 grams of alcohol, 0.2 grams of ash, 0.2 grams of organic acids.

Due to its calorie content, dark beer has a high nutritional value. It consists of:

  • 0.8 mg of vitamin PP, 0.05 mg of riboflavin (vitamin B2), 0.01 mg of thiamine (vitamin B1), 0.7 mg of vitamin B3;
  • 0.1 mg, iron, 60 mg potassium, 13 mg calcium, 12 mg magnesium, 20 mg sodium, 18 mg phosphorus;
  • 0.3 grams of protein, 5.7 grams of carbohydrates, there are no fats in the composition of dark beer.

It is widely believed that beer prevents the negative impact on a person of a substance such as aluminum, an excessive amount of which in the body leads to the development of Alzheimer's disease, prevents coronary heart disease, stomach cancer and ulcers, as it fights the spiral bacterium Helicobacte Pilori.

While preparing hair masks at home, women also use dark beer. The intoxicating drink in the composition of wellness mixtures promotes hair growth, restores damaged, for example, after dye, hair structure, eliminates brittleness and returns a beautiful appearance. Currently, cosmetologists have shared a large number of proven hair masks.

Recipe and application

To restore the hair structure

100 ml of dark beer are mixed with egg yolk and four tablespoons of rum. The whole mixture is shaken with a mixer. The finished mass is applied to the entire length of the strands. Keeps for 20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Bread Repair Mask

Take 200 grams of bread and pour one liter of dark beer. Leave the composition for three hours in a warm place. When the specified time has passed, beat with a mixer. The mask is ready for application. Keep the product on the curls for 20 minutes, and after the specified time, rinse with warm water and vinegar. Applying this mask twice a week will be enough to keep your hair healthy.

Mask against brittle hair

Mix 3 tablespoons of dark beer with one tablespoon of gelatin. The composition should be infused for 20 minutes. When the specified time has elapsed, it is necessary to add vitamins A and E, which are sold in capsules at all pharmacies. The product must be applied along the entire length of the hair, warmed up with a hairdryer, and then put on a bathing cap or a plastic bag on your head. Keep the mask on the strands for 30 minutes, then simply rinse under running water of warm temperature.

Mask against hair loss

Take a small container, mix in it hot beer (one glass) with one tablespoon of burdock and the same amount of calamus root.

The mask should be infused for two hours. After the time has elapsed, strain the mixture and apply neat to the hair. To get the result, you need to keep the mask for 6-9 hours and use it 7-8 times, 2 procedures a week, or even less often.

Hair Growth Mask

The recipe for its preparation is as follows: 100 grams of chopped birch leaves and 2 spruce cones (also in crushed form) should be poured with hot beer and the mixture should be left to infuse for 2 hours. After the time has passed, the composition is filtered and applied to the hair, and special attention is paid to the roots. Keep the mask for 5-10 minutes, and then just rinse with non-hot water.

Harmful properties

Dark beer also has harmful properties. Excessive consumption of this drink will clearly lead to weight gain and is fraught with addiction. Therefore, so that extra pounds do not appear, you should drink beer in reasonable quantities. The use of both dark and light, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer is strictly prohibited:

  • pregnant women;
  • women who are nursing mothers;
  • children;
  • people suffering from a number of chronic diseases, including gastritis, diabetes, ulcers.

That is, in addition to benefits, homemade or store-bought wheat beer also harms the human body.

Experimental dark beers

Experimental beers do not stop appearing every day. Brewers from Belgium, Holland, the Czech Republic and some other countries of the world share their descriptions of new products. Just recently, Czech brewers have made non-alcoholic beer, the basis of which is a cactus. Brewing masters assure that such a drink can be consumed by people with diabetes and athletes.

There are also types and varieties of beer specifically focused on the tastes of women: banana, cherry, caramel, coffee, blueberry.

There is also the so-called "golden beer", which includes such a valuable metal as gold. The preparation technology is very simple: you need a gold plate, the size of which will be 8 by 8, which is dipped into an empty container, then poured with beer, as a result of which the plate breaks into a large number of small pieces. The container is shaken - and gold particles are visible through the glass. Such beer was very expensive, the exact price is unknown, however, such a variety is not included in a wide range, but is made to order.

Now you are aware of the features of new and experimental types, varieties of dark beer, are aware of the technology of its preparation at home and its use in cooking, and also got acquainted with its useful and harmful properties.

No. 50 Papaya Rye

Nómada Brewing, Sabadell (Barcelona), Spain

Alcohol: 9%

This dark golden colored beer is a real explosion of fruit, hops and rye. Malty with notes of tropical fruits and caramel, it is both intense and extremely drinkable. Nómada Papaya Rye was ranked in the Top 100 and Top 10 Imperial IPAs by RateBeer.

No. 49 Viaemilia

Birrifico del Ducato, Parma, Italy

Alcohol: 5%

A perennial favorite, it has consistently won medals at the World Beer Cup and European Beer Star competitions. Birrifico del Ducato was the Italian Brewery of the Year in 2010 and 2011 and has won numerous other awards. This malty beer with herbaceous, floral and honey notes pairs well with prosciutto, another staple of the region.


No. 48 Brio

Olgerdin Egill Skallagrimsson, Reykjavik, Iceland

Alcohol: 4.5%

From the brewery, named after the skald Egil Skallagrimsson, you can expect something outstanding. Brio features notes of grassy and spicy hops and cracker-like malt. This beer, brewed with Icelandic mountain water, has brought home World Beer Cup and World Beer Awards medals.


No. 47 Galaxy IPA

Other Half Brewing, Brooklyn

Alcohol: 6.5%

Hazy peach, resinous, herbaceous yet surprisingly floral with hints of tropical fruits. Other Half is a rising star in the craft firmament, and this IPA is considered one of the best in New York.

No. 46 Nogne Ø Porter

Nøgne Ø, Grimstad, Norway

Alcohol: 7%

An outstanding full-bodied porter brewed in Norway is pitch black with dark chocolate and espresso flavors followed by caramel. This is the Bronze medal winner in the 2016 Barcelona Beer Challenge Export Stout category.

No. 45 Man Bear Pig

Voodoo Brewing Co., Meadville, Pennsylvania

Alcohol: 14.1%

This powerful beer with maple syrup and local honey is aged in bourbon barrels. It is strong, pitch black and very complex, with a pronounced and long aftertaste. It is one of the top beers in the world according to Beer Advocate 2016.

No. 44 Black Eyed King Imp Vietnamese Coffee Edition

BrewDog, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Alcohol: 12.7%

Included in the world top 100 according to RateBeer. This is the world's strongest canned ale - black, intense, with powerful aromas of coffee and cocoa.

No. 43 Breakside IPA

Breakside Brewery, Portland, Oregon

Alcohol: 6.4%

This is a delicious, hoppy IPA with notes of grapefruit, pine needles, resin and tangerines. It contains four varieties of hops plus dry hopping. Breakside IPA won the gold medal in the American IPA category at the 2016 Best of Craft Beer Awards.

No. 42 Lambo Door

Grimm Artisanal Ales, Brooklyn

Alcohol: 8%

Grimm calls it "pure hoppy candy". This double IPA with Citra, El Dorado and Simcoe hops ranked first out of 115 double IPAs in Paste magazine's blind tasting. Grimm is one of the pioneers of contract brewing.

No. 41 Samiec Alfa

Browar Artezan, Blonie, Poland

Alcohol: 11%

This barrel-aged miracle is one of RateBeer's top 50 imperial stouts. It has a sweet aroma, low bitterness, pronounced notes of vanilla and toffee, and a creamy body.


No. 40 St. Feuillien Triple

Brasserie St-Feuillien / Friart, Le Reux, Belgium

Alcohol: 8.5%

Light amber color with pronounced maltiness. Secondary fermentation in the bottle gives a recognizable aroma created by yeast, as a result of long maturation, a long aftertaste is obtained. Gold medalist at the Barcelona Beer Challenge 2016 in the Belgian Triple category.

No. 39 Mikkeller Beer Geek Brunch Weasel

Lervig Aktiebryggeri, Copenhagen, Denmark

Alcohol: 10.9%

This top 50 imperial stout is brewed with one of the most expensive coffees in the world - yes, the one that has passed through the digestive tract of the civet, a highly picky South Asian mammal that eats only the finest, freshest coffee berries. This is a rather rare variety of coffee, with a strong aroma. It gives the beer an intense smoky profile with notes of toasted bread and toasted vanilla.

No. 38 Avec Les Bons Voeux

Brasserie Dupont, Tourpe-Leuze, Belgium

Alcohol: 9.5%

Light, copper-colored top-fermented beer with a light body, dry and sour. This delicious Belgian farmhouse ale ranks among the world's finest abbey tripels. It is ideal to drink it at cellar temperature, or chilled as an aperitif.

No. 37 Julius

Tree House Brewing Company, Monson, Massachusetts

Alcohol: 6.8%

This is an intimidatingly drinkable IPA, with notes of mango and sweet citrus and rounded bitterness. Beerishealthy.com calls it "The Best IPA in the World".

No. 36 Aecht Schlenkerla Fastenbier

Braueri Heller, Bamberg, Germany

Alcohol: 5.5%

With a reddish-brown body and large white head, this unfiltered beer has a recognizable smoked meat aroma balanced by cinnamon toast and caramel flavors. Fastenbier means "beer for Lent" and this beer is only sold during Lent - from Ash Wednesday to Easter.

No. 35 Orval

Brasserie d "Orval, Florentville, Villers-devant-Orval, Belgium

Alcohol: 6.2%

An orange-copper beer with a giant white head and aromas of yeast, lemons and a light, non-dominant odor. A floral, citrusy and complex dry beer with a medium body. In addition, it is the only beer produced for the general public by the Trappist brewery Orval.

No. 34 Double Barrel Jesus

Evil Twin Brewing, Westbrook Brewing Co., Brooklyn

Alcohol: 12%

Included in the top 100 best varieties in the world according to RateBeer. This is a matte black stout with bourbon and vanilla notes and a toffee-like body.

Ian Mewhinney@Flickr

No. 33 Duck Duck Gooze

The Lost Abbey, San Marcos, California

Alcohol: 7%

With a slightly sour taste and aroma, notes of citrus, an invigorating acid finish and a touch of sweetness to balance it, this ale has been one of the brewery's best-selling beers since its 2009 release. It is very difficult to find, as it is brewed only once every three years, and in limited quantities.


No. 32 Oude Geuze

Brouwerij Oud Beersel, Beersel, Belgium

Alcohol: 6%

A classic Belgian ale, cloudy, honey-colored, vinous with citric acidity, a hint of spice, tiny bubbles and strong carbonation. It is considered the sparkling wine of the beer world and won the title of best sour beer at the 2016 World Beer Awards.

The Perfectly Happy Man

No. 31 Kormoran Imperium Prunum

Browar Kormoran, Olsztyn, Poland

Alcohol: 11 percent

One of the top 100 according to RateBeer and the best Baltic porter in the world. Explosive notes of prunes, smoked fruits, chocolate and malt.

No. 30 Zombie Dust

Alcohol: 6.2%

This powerful pale ale is worth buying if only for the label. But those who are attracted by the unusual pattern are fascinated by the beer itself. Powerful aroma of pine and citrus fruits, notes of grapefruit and honey on the palate. Ranked in the top 50 by Men's Fitness and thefiftybest.com.

Cocktail Enthusiast

No. 29 Peche Mortel

Brasserie Dieu du Ciel!, Quebec, Canada

Alcohol: 6.5%

Coffee is added during the brewing process, resulting in an intense, dense imperial stout with the aroma of roasted coffee beans and a slightly tart finish. Named one of the best imperial stouts by Craft Beer & Brewing magazine.

No. 28 Two Hearted Ale

Bell's Brewery, Galesburg, Michigan

Alcohol: 7%

Named after the Two Harted River in Michigan. This is an uplifting IPA with explosive pine and citrus notes. According to the authors of Beer Advocate, this is one of those beers that will outlive its time.

No. 27 Darkness

Surly Brewing Company, Minneapolis

Alcohol: 9.6%

This is a complex, heavy Russian imperial stout with dark chocolate, fruit and toffee aromas, moderate carbonation and unconventional aromatic hops. He has about 10 thousand near-perfect reviews on Untappd.

#26 Oude Geuze Vintage

Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen, Bersel, Belgium

Alcohol: 6%

This gueuze from the vintage series is sold only in Belgium. It is released for sale after several years of storage in the cellars of Drie Fonteinen - unlike the usual Oude Geuze, which matures for six months. Which gueuze becomes vintage depends on the decision of the brewer - he evaluates its taste and aging potential. Oude Geuze Vintage is listed at number 18 on Beer Advocate's list of 250 glorious beers, based on over 10 years of reviews.


No. 25 Dinner

Maine Beer Company, Freeport, Maine

Alcohol: 8.2%

Double dry-hopped with over 6 pounds of hops per barrel (230 grams per decalitre), this hazy golden double IPA has a dry, refreshing character. Craft Beer & Brewing magazine rates it 100 points.

beer chatter

No. 24 Hopslam

Bell's Brewery, Galesburg, Michigan

Alcohol: 10%

Maybe this double IPA with Northwest hops isn't something you'll be postcarding home about. However, fans of this beer call all the beer shops in the city, barely hearing the rumor that they have a couple of packages. Every sip is filled with honey notes, and a complex hopping pattern creates an aromatic, citrusy, bitter yet refreshing beer.

No. 23 Supplication

Alcohol: 7%

This brown ale is aged for 12 months with the addition of sour cherries in Pinot Noir casks from Sonoma Valley vintners. The result is a bright, sour, fruity and slightly aromatic beer with a palpable wine barrel character.

The Perfectly Happy Man

No. 22 Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier

Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan, Freising, Germany

Alcohol: 5.4%

Hefeweizen in the traditional style - with an earthy-forest aroma, well balanced, fruity and dry. Winner of the World Beer Cup Gold Medal in the South German Style Hefeweizen category.

No. 21 The Abyss

Deschutes Brewery, Bend, Oregon

Alcohol: 11.1%

Notes of licorice in the aroma gives the addition of cherry bark and vanilla and aging in oak barrels. This is the winner of the World Beer Awards 2016 in the category "Best Imperial Stout".

No. 20 Speedway Stout - Bourbon Barrel Aged

AleSmith Brewing Company, San Diego, California

Alcohol: 12%

Matte black with brownish foam. Aromas of chocolate and licorice combined with the smoky taste of roasted coffee. Creamy and sweet, this beer is great for aging. It earned 100 points from Craft Beer & Brewing magazine.

No. 19 La Fin du Monde

Unibroue, Quebec, Canada

Alcohol: 9%

A hazy, yeasty, floral triple golden ale with a medium body and rich flavor. Unibroue brewers say that this beer was brewed in honor of the brave European explorers who believed they had reached the end of the world by discovering North America - the New World. World's End has won more awards than any other Canadian beer.

No. 18 Dark Lord Russian Imperial Stout

Three Floyds Brewing Company, Munster, Indiana

Alcohol: 15%

Dense and caramel, with notes of chocolate and coffee in the aroma, dried fruit and brown sugar on the palate. You can buy it only at the brewery one day a year - Dark Lord Day (in 2017 it took place on May 13).


No. 17 Parabola

Firestone Walker Brewing Company, Paso Robles, California

Alcohol: 13.1%

This is an imperial stout, which is referred to as a fine wine. Don't be surprised when you hear someone mention notes of tobacco and oak or black coffee and vanilla. This is a truly complex Russian imperial stout, sweet and bitter at the same time, and incredibly hard to come by. It is aged in bourbon barrels (Pappy Van Winkle, Woodford Reserve, Elijah Craig and others) and then blended.

No. 16 Schneider Aventinus Weizen-Eisbock

Schneider Weisse G. Schneider & Sohn GmbH, Kelheim, Germany

Alcohol: 12%

Legend has it that one winter the barrels of Aventinus froze over while being transported. The brewers tasted the remaining unfrozen liquid and were amazed. And you can understand why. This is a legendary beer with a banana aroma and dried fruit, cocoa and cloves flavors.

No. 15 Mornin' Delight

Alcohol: 12%

With a strong espresso aroma and a dense, rich body, this imperial stout is ranked third in RateBeer's top 50 best beers in the world. Beer Advocate founder Jason Elström thinks Toppling Goliath will remain a favorite for years to come.

No. 14 Hunahpu's Imperial Stout - Double Barrel Aged

Cigar City Brewing, Tampa, Florida

Alcohol: 11%

Hunahpu's Day tickets ($200-$400) go on sale every December. This festival takes place in March and fans can be the first to try the new incarnation of their longtime favorite. Tickets include 4-12 bottles of this spicy, full-bodied imperial stout, which is half-aged in rum and apple brandy barrels.

No. 13 Pliny the Elder

Russian River Brewing Company, Santa Rosa, California

Alcohol: 8%

The ancient Roman erudite writer and philosopher Pliny the Elder called hops Lupus salictarius - "wolf in willows" - although it is not known for certain whether he meant hops. In any case, the double IPA named after him is hazy, coppery golden, with a pine aroma. It is fresh, with perfectly balanced hops and fresh grapefruit flavor. The beer has won gold in the World Beer Cup and the Great American Beer Festival, and is considered one of the best West Coast IPAs in history.

No. 12 Westvleteren Extra 8

Alcohol: 8%

Only six Belgian brands can claim to be produced in Trappist abbeys, and the monks of Saint Sixtus Abbey in Westvleteren produce the least beer, so their dark ales are in dire short supply. This dubbel with notes of tea, raisins and black bread is characterized by high carbonation and a large head of foam.

No. 11 Kentucky Breakfast Stout

Founders Brewing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Alcohol: 11.2%

Launching the incredibly popular Breakfast Stout might have seemed like a daunting task for Founders, but they did it. This imperial stout, cellar aged in bourbon oak barrels, is second to none. KBS brewed with chocolate and coffee is for lovers who like a hint of bourbon in their breakfast beer.

No. 10 Ann

Hill Farmstead Brewery, Greensboro Bend, Vermont

Alcohol: 6.5%

Hill Farmstead has been named the best brewery in the world by RateBeer. Anna honey saison is aged for many months in French oak wine barrels and only then becomes Ann. Naturally carbonated beers exhibit complex citric acidity with hints of green apple.


No. 9 Lou Pepe Criek

Brasserie Cantillon, Brussels, Belgium

Alcohol: 5%

Every year Cantillon manages to get a ton or two of delicate and rare sour cherries from Schaerbeek, the harvest of which is unpredictable. Used exclusively for blending, these cherries are aged in beer for two to three months to produce that acidic and juicy scream. Production is limited to a couple of thousand bottles per year due to the limited number of berries. Lou Pepe Kriek is one of Thrillist's Top Breeds of 2016.

No. 8 Celebrator

Brauerei Aying, Aying, Germany

Alcohol: 6.7%

Doppelbock stands apart from other German styles. This strong, but not overpowering beer with lush foam is aged for six months. Great beer to celebrate with friends and family.

No. 7 St. Bernardus Abt 12

St. Bernardus Brouwerij, Watau, Belgium

Alcohol: 10%

Powerful, full-bodied, spicy, malty, strong - like drinking an alcoholic fruit cake with chocolate and caramel. This is an abbey ale, brewed in the classic Belgian quadrupel style according to an old Trappist recipe. St. Bernardus is considered by the beer community to be one of the best beer brands in the world.

No. 6 Bourbon County Brand Stout

Goose Island Beer Company, Chicago

Alcohol: 13.8%

This limited edition stout is no joke. It has a pronounced black hue with a slight caramel-colored foam, strong aromas of bourbon, vanilla and figs, followed by notes of chocolate and molasses.

No. 5 Heady Topper

The Alchemist, Waterbury, Vermont

Alcohol: 8%

This Vermont double IPA is incredibly hard to come by - unless you live 30 miles from the brewery - but it's loved by beer enthusiasts the world over. This award-winning, elusive beer sells out as soon as it hits the market.

No. 4 Rochefort Trappistes 10

Brasserie Rochefort, Rochefort, Belgium

Alcohol: 11.3%

The traditional Belgian quadrupel Rochefort "with a blue cap" is one of the few true Trappist varieties. This malty strong beer, when cold, gives notes of plum and apricot, and when heated, the real character of the beer is revealed. It is suitable for slow sipping, like a good scotch or wine. Last October, the beer was the winner of a quadrupole blind tasting conducted by the Belgian Beer Journal.

#3 Pliny the Younger

Russian River Brewing Company, Santa Rosa, California

Alcohol: 10.25%

Named after the nephew and adopted son of the aforementioned Pliny the Elder. Pliny the Younger documented the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79, during which his uncle died. This is a true triple IPA (three times the usual hops) and is very difficult, time consuming and expensive to make. It has moderate bitterness and a beautiful copper color. Available only on taps and available for sale for only two weeks at the beginning of February.

No. 2 Westvleteren 12 (XII)

Westvleteren Abdij St. Sixtus, Westvleteren, Belgium

Alcohol: 10.2%

This beer is definitely among the best of the best, and some experts believe that it deserves the first place. This is a real Trappist beer, which is brewed by the monks in the abbey of St. Sixtus. A dark chestnut brown beer with dark fruit and brown sugar aromas. It is a complex and spicy quadrupel with lively carbonation. Ranked #1 in the Abbey/Quadrupel category by RateBeer and 100 points from Craft Beer & Brewing magazine.

No. 1 Kentucky Brunch Brand Stout

Toppling Goliath Brewing Company, Decorah, Iowa

Alcohol: 12%

This barrel-aged coffee imperial stout is extremely hard to come by. It has a powerful maple aroma with notes of chocolate and hazelnut. In 2015, Esquire magazine named it one of the "10 Great Beers You'll Never Taste," and it was #1 in the global top 250 on Beer Advocate.


The famous Guinness beer
Guinness beer. It is said that the Irish never say "Guinness". After all, "Guinness" for them is a special drink that does not need to be clarified. When ordering a drink at a bar, they simply ask for Guinness. And sometimes a barely noticeable nod to a familiar bartender is enough for a mug with the coveted liquid to appear on the table.

And it's not that all Irish people are drunkards who go to the pub as if they were at home. No, just beer "Guinness" - an integral part of the Irish reality. Her main trend. Like Saint Patrick or a red beard. By the way, even the religion of the Irish is closely tied to beer. The aforementioned apostle had a personal brewer, and Saint Brigid was famous for the fact that she alone could make Easter ale for 17 churches. So it is not surprising that the Irish traditionally celebrate their national holiday, St. Patrick's Day, with a glass of Guinness in hand.

A book could be written about the history of this beer. In 1752, a relative died of Arthur Guinness. This event, of course, is sad, but it was it that marked the beginning of the great Guinness beer tradition. The fact is that the deceased left Arthur a legacy of 100 pounds. The amount is not astronomical, but with this money he and his brother rented a small brewery in the provincial Leixlip. Produce steel ale. It took three years for the brothers to get on their feet. Yes, so strong that they were able to move to Dublin and rent a brewery there no less ... for nine thousand years! However, the building was half destroyed. Guinness took over. The main product of production was dark beer. When Arthur Guinness died in 1803, he was worth a quarter of a million pounds. The business went to his son, Arthur Jr. He multiplied his father's successes. In the middle of the 19th century, the Guinness company produced about four million gallons of beer a year.

For a long time, Arthur Guinness' Son & Co., Ltd was the undisputed leader among brewing companies. Since 1997, the Guinness brand has been owned by London-based Diageo. This giant of the alcohol industry arose as a result of the merger of Guinness and Grand Metropolitan. Now Diageo owns perhaps the most famous alcohol brands: Captain Morgan rum and Smirnoff vodka, Tanqueray gin and Jose Cuervo tequila, Johnnie Walker whiskey and Bailey’s liqueurs. And this is not a complete list.

It is difficult to imagine the amount of "Guinness" drunk annually by mankind. In 2002, for example, the figure was approximately 2 billion pints. And every year the demand for Guinness is getting higher. And the proposal is trying to catch up with him. And of course, the production capacity is no longer limited to the plant in Dublin. Guinness beer is now made in fifty countries of the world, and you can buy it in one hundred and fifty! Russia is no exception. For example, the St. Petersburg brewery Heineken Brewery, in addition to Heineken, Lowenbrau, Buckler, Bochkareva and Okhota, also produces the famous Guinness Foreign Extra Stout.

In general, Guinness comes in sixteen varieties. Fourteen of these are in continuous production. Two varieties - were produced in a limited "circulation". In different countries, the taste of "Guinness" may vary slightly - both in taste and in "degree". So, for example, the most authentic Guinness variety - Guinness Original / Extra Stout - at home, in Ireland, is produced with 4.2-4.3% alcohol, in Canada and Europe - with 5%, and in the United States of America, Australia, as well as Japan is the strongest (6%).
But it's still the same Guinness.

Guinness Foreign Extra Stout, as the name suggests, is practically non-existent in Ireland. It is sold in Russia, Asia, the Caribbean and West Africa. Chinese Guinness Foreign Extra Stout contains 5% alcohol.
2008 - Diageo begins a plan to renovate its brewery in Ireland.

On September 11, the leadership of Diageo, the manufacturer of alcoholic beverages that owns the Guinness brand, announced that the town of Leixlip, 14 km from Dublin, the capital of Ireland, was chosen for the construction of a new brewery for the production of the world famous brand, the place where in 1755 the founder of the company, Arthur Guinness brewed the first liters of the dark drink that made him famous.

According to connoisseurs, it takes exactly 119.5 seconds to pour the perfect pint of Guinness. And it took 253 years for world-famous dark beer maker Guinness to return to its birthplace.

The construction of the Arthur Guinness Brewery is part of the Diageo group's project to restructure its Irish brewery. In total, Diageo is going to spend 600 million euros (about $900 million) on the reorganization of brewing in Ireland. The company's goal is to increase production efficiency and reduce production costs. The management of Diageo believes that this will help the company successfully withstand the growing competition from Eastern European and Asian beer producers.

A piece of Ireland in a bottle
Manufacturers of Guinness beer diligently emphasize their commitment to tradition. On occasion, they always mention that this beer has been brewed for almost 250 years in one place - in the historical center of Dublin, at the St James's Gate brewery. In addition to the actual beer, St James's Gate produces a special Guinness essence. It forms the basis of the beer brewing process at each plant of the company, regardless of its geographical location. This gives the company's marketers the right to claim that there is a piece of Ireland in every mug, in every bottle, in every can of beer. Today, only 30% of the world production of Guinness beer falls directly on the territory of the republic.

With the opening of a new brewery in the town of Leixlip, which will produce about 5 million hectoliters of beer per year, these pieces will become much more authentic: 20 hectares of the 30 needed for the brewery are purchased from the descendants of Arthur Guinness. Construction of the Arthur Guinness Brewery plant will be completed in 2013. It will become the largest brewery in Ireland and the largest Guinness brewery in the world. Construction will cost Diageo 500-550 million euros. This is the company's largest financial investment in the beer segment of its business since its formation in 1997.

Beer, produced by 170 employees of the plant, will be supplied exclusively outside of Ireland and the UK. The production process and ingredients (down to the water) are absolutely identical to those used at St James's Gate, Diageo management assures. In addition to Guinness, Diageo will produce local brands Harp, Smithwicks, Kilkenny, as well as foreign brands Budweiser and Carlsberg.

Budweiser is a bottom-fermented lager, one of the most popular beers on the US market. Now - a global trademark owned by the world's largest beer manufacturer, Anheuser-Busch InBev Corporation. Budweiser is produced by a number of breweries in the US and other countries and is sold in every major beer market in the world.

Linguistically, the trademark Budweiser has its origins in the German name of the Bohemian city of Budějovice - Budweis, dating back to the 14th century (in 1918 the city was named České Budějovice). This city in the south of the Czech Republic has long been known for brewing, beer brewed by local artisans was called Budweiser, that is, beer from Budweiss. Now let's figure out how a copy of the Czech beer Budweiser appeared in the USA.

In 1857 American entrepreneur Edehard Anheuser (soap manufacturer) became the owner of a bankrupt brewery in St. Louis. Knowing nothing about the brewing business, he decided to entrust the management of the brewery to his son-in-law, Adolf Busch, a German immigrant who, although not a brewer, knew the products of Czech and German breweries well. Also, during these years, the popular Czech beer Pilsner Urquell (Pilsen), Budweiser Bier (Budejovice), Michelob (Mecholupy), Liebotschaner (Libochany) were imported to the USA. One of Adolf Bush's friends, a certain C. Conrad, proposed to actively develop the brewing business, and in order to not bother looking for names for his beer, use already existing strangers.

Coors is a golden beer with a thin white foam that disappears too quickly and

An alcohol content of at least 5 percent. The presented beer is made from low
hop varieties, roasted malt, yeast and water. Coors does not apply to natural beer, although it positions itself as such. Aromas of malt, sweet corn, fried dough, wet hay and freshly cut grass. The taste is soft, sweet malt, corn with fruit additives, but with a really too bitter aftertaste.

Stella Artois - you need to start with the most probably famous variety, because it is in this brewery in Leuven that the head office of the largest beer producer in the world Belgian-Brazilian-American company Anheuser-Busch InBev is located.

Delirium Tremens - from the Latin white tremens. The name speaks for itself, but do not be afraid to drink it, beer with a very amazing taste and aroma, as well as unique packaging: a bottle wrapped in foil and labeled with pink elephants.

Orval is French for golden valley. A unique bottle in the form of skittles, on the label: a fish with a golden ring in its mouth and the legend of the origin of the abbey. A sage-flavoured beer with a hint of hops, served chilled in a goblet glass, but must be cellar-aged for several years.

Westvleteren is the most mysterious beer in Belgium for the uninitiated and the most desirable for true gourmets and beer connoisseurs. Everyone knows about it, but not everyone has the opportunity to drink it. Beer is brewed by 26 monks of the most serious monastic order La Trappe. In order not to cause a stir, the monks banned the sale of this beer in all bars and restaurants. And the only place where you can try this drink: at the monastery, in the tavern. With the exception of a few places in Belgium, where you will get this drink from under the floor - smuggled ... But this is only for the insiders ...


Pilsener beer, also called Pilsner or Pils, was first brewed in 1842 in the Bohemian city of Pilsen by Bavarian guest brewer Josef Groll, who used lightly roasted malt. This beer belongs to the class of lagers, but is drier and has a noticeable hop flavor.

Gambrinus is a beer notable for its rich golden color and abundant foam. Its unique feature is the inimitable slightly bitter taste, which was obtained through a combination of high-quality ingredients, the famous Pilsen water and old recipes of sophisticated brewers. Gambrinus beer is also produced at the Plzenský Prazdroi brewery. Perhaps the most popular is Gambrinus Světlý, a light beer with 10% wort ("desitka" in Czech) and an alcohol content of 4.1%. Gambrinus Premium is also produced - a classic Czech "lounger" with a rich history, because the Gambrinus brewer was founded in Pilsen back in 1869. Gambrinus Premium contains 12% must and 5% alcohol. You can find Gambrinus Excelent - 11% wort and 4.7% alcohol, and even Gambrinus light beer with a reduced sugar content, which can only be found in bottles. Well, Gambrinus light, Gambrinus Premium and Gambrinus Excelent can be found in bottles, cans, and most importantly - for bottling!

Pilsner Urquell (Pilsensky Prazdroj, also known as Pilsner Urquell, Czech Plzensky Prazdroj) is a light bottom-fermented beer produced in the city of Pilsen since 1842. The city of Pilsen is the fourth largest city in the Czech Republic and is considered to be the beer capital of Western Bohemia. Pilsner Urquell beer is currently one of the leading brands of the SABMiller brewing company. Pilsner Urquell is also brewed in Poland and since 2004 in Russia. Growing only in Bohemia, a special variety of Saaz hops (Saaz) give the beer a special taste, as well as soft water and triple digestion over an open fire.
Staropramen in the Czech Republic is deservedly considered the third most popular. Produced at the Staropramensky brewery (Pivovar Staropramen) in Prague. More than ten types of Staropramen beer are produced, and each is interesting in its own way to lovers. Dark varieties have a subtle aroma of roasted malt; lighter ones have a sweetish malt flavor. Many Praguers drink Staropramen daily. The non-alcoholic Staropramen Nealko is considered the best Czech beer in its category.

The key to the excellent taste of Krušovice beer is soft water, which is delivered from wells located in the Křivoklát forests. The drink is brewed at the "Royal" brewery, founded in the town of Krusovice in 1583. Today, Heineken Ceska repeublika produces several brands of beer. The most popular variety is Krušovice Černé, a dark lager with a caramel flavor and noticeable bitterness.

The factory also brews: light, dark, light light, light special Mušketýr, wheat Krušovice Pšeničné, semi-dark Malvaz.

Velvet and Celt
Brands Velvet (Velvet) and Kelt (Kelt) releases Pivovar Staropramen. This beer is famous not only for its taste, but also for its bottling features. The drink is poured into glasses of 400 ml with an "avalanche" effect. Foam first rushes down. The liquid is poured from the top and then flows to the bottom of the glass. The glass seems to be almost completely filled with foam, but when the bubbles settle, it remains full of beer.

Velvet - golden brown, with a clear bitterness and thick foam. Kelt - dark, almost black, with a bitter coffee flavor and a strong aroma of roasted barley

... Once, when the mother once again scolded the servant who was overly pumped up with a genie, a brilliant idea came to young Gerard Adrien Heiniken. “What is the problem with Dutch drinkers? he must have thought. “The fact that they use only rubbish - either a strong low-grade genie, or local beer, which you can’t even call beer, it tastes so disgusting ...” And Gerard decided to create a new Dutch beer, and no worse than German. The mother supported her son's business idea. On December 16, 1863, the Heinicken family acquired the largest Amsterdam brewery, De Hooiberg, which means "Haystack". Gerard, the "founding father" of the beer dynasty, was then only twenty-two years old.
But, despite his youth, he wisely got down to business. Realizing that new beer requires new technology, he decided to create another brewery. But what does additional production capacity mean without special knowledge? For beer wisdom, Gerard went, of course, to Bavaria. It was from here that he brought the method of bottom fermentation. In Holland in those days, fermentation was only top. The result exceeded all expectations. The beer is clear and light. Apparently for the noble taste of the new variety was named "Gentleman's Beer". The popularity of the drink grew every day. "Haystack" has long been unable to cope with increased demand. And Gerard was finally able to put his expansion plan into action: the new Buitensingel brewery was built in Amsterdam.
The Franco-Prussian war that broke out in 1870 played into the hands of the Dutch brewers. Imported Bavarian beer was no longer imported into the country, and Heinicken practically lost its competitors. Sales grew, the business expanded, and three years later, Heineken’s Bierbrouwerij Maatschappij N.V. was founded. It included the De Hooiberg, Buitensingel factories, and a year later, a huge new factory built in Rotterdam. It absorbed all the most advanced and modern that was in brewing at that time. For example, here the quality of beer was checked in a special laboratory. A common thing for our days, and an unheard-of innovation for Holland in the second half of the 19th century!
The new brand of beer was not long in coming. The drink was named after the creator: "Heineken". This beer quickly gained popularity not only in Holland, but throughout Europe. As a result - three gold medals at the International Exhibition in Paris - in 1875, 1889, 1990. In addition - the Grand Prix at the exhibition in Amsterdam. And all these prizes went to a glass of simply delicious beer. The French especially liked this drink. Looking ahead, since 1889 the famous Eiffel Tower restaurant has been ordering beer from Heineken.

Sometimes this happens: a proper name (in modern realities, most often a trademark or brand) suddenly turns into a common noun. This happened, for example, with disposable diapers, which, due to a combination of certain circumstances, began to be called diapers by consumers, regardless of the brand and manufacturer. This happened with the popularly and reverently favorite drink of the Soviet era - Zhigulevskoye beer. They said beer - they meant "Zhigulevskoye", they said "Zhigulevskoye" - they meant beer. And how could it be otherwise, since 80% of all beer produced in 15 fraternal republics was of this particular brand?

Zhigulevskoe beer Although, in fairness, it is worth recognizing: its taste was quite and quite worthy, so it was not a sin to replicate it so massively. And all - thanks to the noble gourmet of that era, the godfather of many legendary food products (both Doctor's sausage, and Vologda oil, and Rossiysky cheese, etc., etc.) Anastas Mikoyan, People's Commissar of Food industry of our "indestructible". It was he who found this pearl of brewing in the Volga expanses of our vast homeland, changed the unpatriotic (according to the concepts of those times) name “Viennese” to a more digestible one, elevated the recipe to GOST and blessed “be fruitful and multiply”. If it weren’t for this powerful support of the statesman, millions of Soviet people would hardly have enjoyed the taste of a true Vienna lager for a quarter (twenty-five kopecks) b / n (without “dishes”).

Beer Zhigulevskoe But how the wind brought this Viennese lager to the Mother Volga - that's a completely different story. And it began when the son of the nee Baroness von Steding and the Austrian nobleman Philip Vakano, Alfred Vakano, entered Samara-town “at half past eleven from the north-west”. Having barely passed the age of Christ (Alfred was only 34 years old at the time of his appearance in Samara), the Austrian, however, had a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to honestly earn a million. But, in contrast to the mass craze of the 80s of the 19th century for the development of super-profitable flour-grinding production in those parts, he thought of grandiose successes in the region for Russia as a whole and for the Volga region in particular, completely unconventional and not very popular - brewing.

Zhigulevskoe beer In 1880, Alfred von Vakano promised the city authorities of Samara large investments in a beer factory breathing its last breath, which is owned by the city and does not bring any profit to the city treasury, and therefore was graciously awarded the right to rent it for a hundred years without a year. It must be said that Wakano kept his word: significant funds were indeed invested in the reconstruction of the plant. Not entirely, of course, his own, but mostly "shareholders" (to confirm the sincerity of his intentions, he organized a "partnership on shares"), but - the winners are not judged! Just two years later, the imagination of Samara residents and non-resident guests was already amazed by the brewery equipped with the latest technology, designed both outside and inside in the German style (excellent architectural forms, order and cleanliness), as well as honey and beer scattered all over the district with a bang . Already in the first year of the plant's operation, more than 60,000 buckets of products were sold, and a year later - about 150,000 buckets.

Beer ZhigulevskoeFurther - more, the rumor about the plant went "throughout all of Great Rus'", and beer brands "Zhiguli", "Pilzenskoye", "Bavaria", "Martovskoye", "Vienna", "Export" and "Table" with their own ice wagons, barges and towing boats began to carry more and more: to the Caucasus and Siberia, beyond the Caspian Sea and to the East. They would have reached Europe (already at the international brewing exhibition in Paris (1900), the beer of the Zhiguli plant was awarded the highest award, and at the exhibition in London (1902 and 1903), and Rome was conquered in 1903, but – Russia entered World War I, and all the efforts of Alfred von Vacano were brought to naught.On the crest of anti-German sentiments in the state and society, both excellent beer and Vacano’s numerous works on the improvement of the city (sewage, arrangement of squares, parks and playgrounds), and a lease agreement for 99 years - he and his family were simply expelled from the city on October 12, 1915. The premises of the Zhiguli plant were occupied for various military needs (for hospitals, military offices, a grenade factory, a cannery), leaving only 10% of the areas, and even on those (by virtue of the “dry law” in force in wartime) it was allowed to produce a drink no stronger than 1.5 °. Samara" by nationalization, confiscation of property, and there, before the banal taking away by the proletariat of "everything that lies badly" was within easy reach.

Beer ZhigulevskoeFrom such a blow, the old man Vakano did not recover - after the February Revolution, he moved to his native Austria, where he died in 1929, eighty-two years old. But the sons - Erich, Lothar, and Leo - decided to still fight for the honor of the family. And in 1922, the Wakano filed another application for a lease, this time to the Samara Gubernia Council of National Economy. The Soviet government in the light of the New Economic Policy (NEP) gave the go-ahead, the brothers revived brewing at the Zhiguli plant, only slightly falling short of the pre-war level, but on this their mission was considered completed - the brewery again became the property of the state. True, this time no one thought to stop production, despite the expulsion of the Vakano brothers in Samara, they continued to brew the famous "Viennese", "Munich", "Pilsenskoe", and brewed until the epoch-making visit of Mikoyan. They brewed after the visit too, only Pilzenskoye turned into Rizhskoye, Munich into Ukrainian, and Vienna into Zhigulevskoye. It was him - the former "Vienna" - that was produced in the USSR according to a single recipe and technology by 735 breweries.

Beer Zhigulevskoye is still brewing Zhigulevskoye, however, it’s already something much, because the attempts of Zhigulevskoye Pivo OJSC to register the rights to the Zhigulevskoye trademark in 1992 and thereby protect the legendary drink from the very ruthless and merciless “pirated copies ” were not crowned with success: in 2000, the Rospatent Chamber of Appeal decided to cancel the registration of the Zhiguli beer trademark.

The old miller brand has been produced since 1999 at the Moscow Brewery - Efes brewery. Beer "Old Melnik" has a clean taste and aroma of a classic lager with mild bitterness and hop aroma.
Recently known to all beer has changed its appearance. Now it is available in "pot-bellied" bottles with finger holes and a new label, which is printed on a transparent film, due to which the beer becomes visually closer to the consumer.
During its existence, Stary Melnik beer has received many prizes at prestigious Russian and international competitions. In the spring of 2007 "Old Melnik - From the barrel" received the Big Gold Medal of the Monde Selection competition. Trademark "Old Melnik" is the general sponsor of the Russian football team.
Stary Melnik is one of the most dynamically developing brands on the Russian beer market. This beer is for socially active residents of big cities, modern patriots who keep up with the times and develop together with their country. Innovation is in the nature of this brand. In 2000 and 2007, the brands of the Stary Melnik family became laureates of the prestigious EFFIE brand building award. Beer "Old Melnik" has received prestigious awards in the field of quality, including medals of the international tasting competition Monde Selection. Stary Melnik beer is successfully exported to the USA, Canada, Latvia, Estonia and other countries of the world.
The EFES group of companies in Russia is one of the leading beer producers in the country. The group includes five breweries - in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Kazan and Novosibirsk. The group's trademark portfolio includes Efes Pilsener, Stary Melnik, Bely Medved, Sokol, Warsteiner, Bavaria, Gold mine Beer, Green Beer, Dolce Iris and others.
Varieties of beer "Old Melnik"
Beer "Old Melnik" from Keg Soft
This is the lightest variety from the Stary Melnik collection. It was developed specifically for leisurely drinking in the company of lovers of amber foamy drink. This beer is drunk very easily, as the pleasant refreshing taste of the drink has practically no hop bitterness.
The production of Stary Melnik iz Bochonok Myagkoe beer is carried out according to the innovative technology of making draft beer in a bottle. The reduced level of pasteurization contributes to the preservation of the properties and taste of real draft beer. Aging of the product is prevented by a special variety of hops, the unchanged quality of the beer is maintained throughout the entire shelf life. The alcohol content is 4.2%.
Beer "Old Melnik" from the Barrel
This beer is brewed specifically for connoisseurs of the rich taste of live beer, for those who want the feeling of a cozy bar not to leave them even at home. The beer "Old Melnik from the Barrel" was produced using a technology identical to the draft beer production technology. Pasteurization of foamy drink is reduced to the level of pasteurization of beer in kegs. That's what makes this beer taste as fresh as a draft beer. The alcohol content is 5.2%.
Beer "Old Melnik" from the Keg Special
Beer for a special occasion. This brand of beer retains the best qualities of draft beer and is very easy to drink. The relatively low alcohol content of 4.6% allows consumers to enjoy the taste and extend the enjoyment much longer than usual. This variety is aimed at demanding and discerning consumers who often visit pubs where draft beer is served. Especially for such "beer gourmets" a unique technology for the production of this beer has been developed.
Beer "Old Melnik" Strong
Light beer with a high alcohol content (6.5%). The composition of such beer includes water, malt, maltose syrup and hops. Pasteurized, does not contain preservatives and food additives. It is easy to drink, has a slight taste of hop bitterness.
Beer "Old Melnik" Light
This brand of Stary Melnik beer has the aroma of a fermented malt drink without other foreign odors and has a clean taste with mild hop bitterness. It is the best choice for those who value excellent quality at an affordable price. The alcohol content is 4.6%.
Beer "Old Melnik" Golden
Light beer produced since February 2003. This brand of beer is the most premium product of the Stary Melnik line. It has a golden color and a richer taste. In the manufacture of this foamy drink, aromatic hops, maltose syrup, malt, and water are used. Does not contain preservatives and food additives. The alcohol content is 5.2%.
Beer "Old Melnik" Non-alcoholic
This brand of beer has been produced since November 2005. The alcohol component, thanks to a special manufacturing technology, is removed from the ready-made, fermented and filtered 12% beer. It is bottled in green glass bottles, which distinguishes it from the main assortment of Stary Melnik. The alcohol content is 0.5%.

In Germany, elite beers are produced at the Hacker-Pschorr Brauerei brewery. This is one of the most famous Bavarian brands, founded in 1417.
All about beer and breweries

The most famous varieties are Hacker-Pschorr Weisse Kristall (white wheat beer with a slight fruity smell) and Hacker-Pschorr Weisse Dark (dark wheat beer with a classic taste). Also known is the BARENBRAU Herborn brewery. it produces such elite German beers as Beren-Weizen, an unfiltered wheat beer with a slight banana flavor, Beren-Radler, a refreshing light drink consisting of 50 percent Pilsner and 50 percent lemonade.

In Australia, these are varieties such as Burragorang Bock Beer - Bock beer, which has a mild aroma with notes of sweet toffee. Of the stouts, this is Coopers Best Extra Food Stout - strong, viscous, oily.

Estonia. Saku Original. This elite beer has been produced since 1993. This is a classic light beer with an amber color and mild flavor.

Russia. The oldest producer of elite beer is the Chuvash Republic. On the fields of Chuvashia, the highest quality hop grows, which is exported both to other cities of Russia and to Europe. Beer "Bouquet of Chuvashia" is the visiting card of the local brewery of the same name. This is a clear beer with a unique bouquet of aromas.

If we talk about the technique of making the most beloved low-alcohol aperitif, then dark beer is easier to make than light beer. As the main ingredients that give a dark shade, use roasted malt (the highest color intensity comes out), caramel or dark malt.

A special ritual is performed by the brewer before starting to make dark beer - he grows barley grains. Then the grains are carefully selected, after which they go to the calcination. After all the mandatory stages of making the drink have passed: steaming and crushing the malt, mashing, filtering, the initial wort for fermentation is obtained. However, filtration in the production process is used only by those breweries that aim to further bottle the beer for the purpose of widespread sale. The fact is that the technology of this process allows you to kill the microflora of live beer and extend its shelf life. If unfiltered beer is stored for several days (up to a week), and then it can deteriorate, then filtered beer is stored for a couple of months, and sometimes even longer due to the addition of preservatives.

Distinctive characteristics of dark beer

The main criterion by which you can distinguish dark beer from light beer is a peculiar taste, with sweetish notes. The color palette can be modified to black and brown shades. Another characteristic feature of this foamy drink is the obligatory aftertaste of malt in the mouth. By the way, dark beer helps to quench not only thirst, but also hunger.

A lot has been said about the benefits of beer for human health, but it is surprising that dark beer is considered more beneficial than light beer. This is due to the presence of free iron in the first in a much larger amount than in the second. In unfiltered beer, the amount of this element is much higher than in bottled beer, and this increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Another important property of dark beer is its ability to improve the quality of the skin, helping to get rid of acne.

Why draft dark beer is better than bottled beer

Connoisseurs and connoisseurs of this drink declare with confidence that beer is a living drink, and if it is corked into bottles, then it could not have done without chemical additives. Due to natural fermentation, this aperitif quickly deteriorates, so if the goal is to experience the original taste, you need to take dark beer on tap. In addition, draft beer is never pasteurized and contains no preservatives (or in very small doses).

Of course, if you visit a pub that has its own brewery, buying draft beer is easy. But what if there is an important event on the nose, where you simply cannot do without friendly gatherings with a refreshing and sweetening dark aperitif? Now this is not a problem. Live beer is poured into special kegs, which are used to store and transport beer. They are equipped with a special suction head for manual filling, as well as a valve to prevent air from entering. This is a very convenient system that allows you to drink an invigorating drink at any time and place, which is in the third position in the popularity rating after water and tea.

When choosing a beer to your taste, you need to remember that not a single bottled beer can be compared with live beer in terms of its taste characteristics. Unfiltered dark beer in moderation not only has a beneficial effect on the body, but also excites the sense of smell with its cascade of smells.

Today I want to tell you about the TOP 20 best beers in the world, which were carefully selected from a huge number of contenders. Yes, friends, you should at least once in your life try these varieties of the favorite drink of millions of people;) Read on.

20. Russian Imperial Stout from Stone Brewing

Another beer from a brewery in Kalamazoo. It has been rated 4,229 stars by RateBeer.
El Hopslam is brewed with six different hop varieties and has floral and grapefruit notes.

17. Kriek

This traditionally brewed beer (a fruity lambic fermented with sour cherries) comes from Bercel (Belgium). It consists only of malt, wheat, hops, water and a rare Sharbek cherry.
Kriek beer received 4,236 stars from the experts.

16. Samichlaus

Dark beer from the Hürlimann brewery (Zurich, Switzerland). This is one of the strongest varieties - 14% alcohol. It is brewed only once a year on December 6th and only in one of the Upper Austrian castles. The beer is then aged for ten months and bottled.
Experts rated Samichlaus 4,239 stars.

15. Fred from the Wood

Another Russian Imperial Stout, this time from the Surly Brewery (Minnesota) - a dark drink with a chocolate flavor and an ABV of 9.8%. It is brewed once a year in October.
4,254 stars.

12.Extra 8

Extra 8 beer is sold in dark brown bottles without a label and a blue cap. This Belgian strong ale is brewed by Cistercian monks from the monastery of Saint Sixtus (Westvleteren, Belgium). It can be bought in limited quantities and only in this monastery.
4,267 stars.

11. Application

Supplication beer is brewed at the Russian River Brewery (California). This sour ale ferments for 12 months in Pinot Noir casks with sour cherries. The result is a tart, complex taste.
4,275 stars.

10. Adam

Another brainchild of the Hair of the Dog brewery (Portland, Oregon). This beer is a recreated historical variety that was once brewed in Dortmund (Germany).
4,277 stars.

9 Bourbon County Stout

Bourbon County Stout is brewed in Chicago at the Goose Island Brewery and aged for two years in 18-year-old bourbon barrels. It has a muffled chocolate flavor and a strength of 13%.
4.283 stars.

8. Temptation

Sour Pale Ale from Russian River Brewery (California). To get a characteristic tart aftertaste, ale is aged from 9 to 15 months in Chardonnay barrels.
4,284 stars.

7. Pliny the Elder

Another ale from the Russian River brewery has become legendary thanks to its amazingly balanced taste. In its aroma, notes of citrus and pine are felt.
4.289 stars.

6. Kentucky Breakfast Stout

The brainchild of Founders Brewing (Michigan) received 4.29 stars from RateBeer.
Kentucky Breakfast Stout is brewed with coffee and chocolate and then aged in bourbon barrels to achieve a very rich, thick taste.

5. Dreadnaught Imperial IPA
