
How to cook cupcakes on kefir in molds. Lush cake with vegetable oil and kefir

To prepare a delicious, original confectionery product, it is absolutely not necessary to spend all your time and effort on it. Soft, homemade cupcakes on kefir - perfect solution this task.

They are prepared extremely simply and quickly, and the taste is amazingly tender, juicy and sweet. Even if you are a novice hostess, you will definitely cope with this recipe.

Cupcakes are quite popular now, especially under overseas called "muffins". Shops and pastry shops provide huge selection so everyone will find something for themselves. However, nothing beats the taste of freshly baked, hot homemade muffins. Everything you need for this is probably in your kitchen drawers. So feel free to start cooking!

The traditional way of making cupcakes in molds


  • Kefir - a glass (200 grams)
  • Flour - 250 grams
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
  • Baking powder - 10 grams (can be replaced with slaked soda)
  • Sugar - 100 grams
  • Vanillin - a pinch
  • Butter - 80 grams
  • strawberry jam

Information: cuisine - Russian, type of dish - snack, for tea, for dessert, number of servings - 7, calorie content - 321 kcal, cooking time - 50 minutes (your 10-15).

cooking process:

Video recipe for delicious cupcakes in molds

How to bake delicious muffins on kefir with apples?

Great for autumn/winter apple desserts because they are very fragrant and spicy in taste. Just what you need in cold weather.

What you need:

  • Apples - one large apple
  • Flour - glass
  • Kefir - 200 grams
  • Sugar - 100 grams
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces
  • Soda - on the tip of a knife
  • Cinnamon - a pinch
  • Vegetable oil - a tablespoon

How to cook:

Cooking pastries on kefir with the addition of chocolate

Chocolate muffins are probably the most popular in the world. They are prepared in almost any coffee shop. And this is not in vain, because they are very fragrant and incredibly tasty.

To cook them, you need to take: 200 grams of flour, one egg, 200 milliliters of kefir, 100 grams of sugar, 5 tablespoons of cocoa, baking powder, vanillin and 100 grams of butter. Everything is prepared quickly and simply.

Mix flour with cocoa, sugar, baking powder and vanilla. Stir. Beat the egg with kefir and softened butter until light foam.

Combine both mixtures to get medium thick dough. Divide it into molds by about 2/3, set to bake. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake for about half an hour. When the cupcakes are ready, they crack a little on top. Cool down and serve.

Recipe for chocolate cupcakes in silicone molds

Curd cupcakes on kefir

Very quick cupcakes With the minimum amount ingredients. All you need is: a glass of flour, one egg, 150 milliliters of kefir, 100 grams of cottage cheese, baking powder, vanillin, salt, 100 grams of sugar.

Take soft curd , add an egg, baking powder, sugar, vanillin, salt to it. Rub everything with a fork. Pour in the kefir and mix everything again. Gradually add flour so that there are no large lumps.

Spread everything in silicone molds and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Regulator for 200 -220 degrees. Ready cupcakes remove from molds, cool and serve.

Cooking Tips:

  • Don't overdo the kneading. The dough for such cupcakes should be light and airy. You need to mix quickly and gently from top to bottom.
  • Oven needed preheat and not when the cupcakes are already there.
  • If you are cooking cottage cheese muffins- take cottage cheese in briquettes, granular will not work.

How to serve dessert to the table?

For original submission You can completely let your imagination run wild. You can decorate cupcakes with various berries, fruits, raisins or chocolate chips. You can also sprinkle powdered sugar or cinnamon and put a sprig of mint.

The cupcakes are great with coffee or tea.

Sauce options. The most popular sauce is chocolate. Preparing it is simple: melt dark chocolate in a water bath, add a little butter and milk. Pour them over the finished cupcakes.

You can also prepare the frosting by thoroughly mixing the powdered sugar with egg white. For one egg white you need less than 200 grams of powdered sugar (take a store-bought one, as it contains almost no sugar granules).

Charming cupcakes in kefir molds invite you to a frank conversation over a cup fragrant tea. snowy winter or rainy autumn - with cute cuties, any season will be good. The recipe is so simple that even a beginner can handle it.

Bright lush pastries with the aroma of chocolate it turns out very tasty and juicy.

Features of making cupcakes on kefir in silicone molds

The basis

  1. We take kefir room temperature, old. That is, the ideal product is the one whose expiration date is running out. With it, the dessert will come out especially magnificent.
  2. Instead of kefir, you can take yogurt or homemade sour milk.
  3. Flour is only needed premium. With it, pastries will rise well and will have a pleasant taste.
  4. Large eggs are needed, categories C1, Co. If only small ones are available, then we put them in three pieces.
  5. The amount of sugar in simple cupcakes on kefir in silicone molds, we adjust in accordance with our ideas about the sweetness of the dessert.
  6. Add salt for balance. We do not neglect this component.

We are curious, traveling through previous publications to get a complete picture of the possibilities of cupcake recipes.

We are convinced that the only obstacle on the way to culinary discovery there may be a lack of certain components in a given period in a particular kitchen. Then we replace with those products that are in stock.

What to add to the dough

Here we no longer restrain ourselves, we experiment to the fullest:

  • nuts; link
  • chocolate pieces or drops;
  • cinnamon, vanilla or citrus zest.

Mold preparation

Those Silicone forms, in which lush cupcakes on kefir will be baked, grease with vegetable or butter upon first use. If products have already been baked in them before, then lubrication is not necessary. The main thing is to make sure that the molds are clean and dry.

For convenience, it is better to immediately put them in a baking sheet. So during transportation, their contents are not deformed.

There is nothing tastier home baking, and there is nothing easier than preparing something for your family for tea, for example, kefir muffins in silicone molds. Recipes with photos can now be found everywhere, because that's enough popular dessert, V Lately cupcakes can be seen in all grocery stores and confectionery. And it's easy to make these cookies at home. And every day you can make cupcakes with different stuffing and new composition. From such experiments in the kitchen, the family will definitely be delighted.

The classic recipe for cupcakes on kefir

If you need to make ordinary cupcakes, then you can use this recipe. Here's what's required:

  • one glass of kefir
  • 250 grams of flour
  • two eggs
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 80 grams of butter
  • 10 grams of baking powder or slaked soda
  • a pinch of vanillin
  • strawberry jam or any other to taste

From this amount of ingredients, six or seven cupcakes are obtained - it depends on the size of the molds.

On a note! Experienced confectioners it is advised to get all the ingredients that are stored in the refrigerator, about half an hour before cooking. So all products will be the same temperature.

First you need to put the butter in a large bowl, then add the sugar and eggs. All products should be well rubbed, for this you can use a fork or a kitchen whisk.

Then you need to gradually pour in kefir, and at the same time the mixture must be constantly stirred.

Separately mix baking powder with flour. If soda is used, then it is first “quenched” with lemon juice or vinegar. Here it is better to add vanillin. Everything is mixed well, then the egg-sugar-kefir mixture is added here. The dough needs to be mixed, and if it looks like a biscuit, then everything is correct.

After that, we take the molds, grease them with oil, and lay the dough in them. To make neat cupcakes, the forms need to be filled out completely. If the dough reaches the very edge, then the cupcakes will turn out with caps and crack - everything is individual here, to whom and how you like it.

You can also add jam to cupcakes. Half a teaspoon will suffice. It is necessary to put the forms with the dough in an oven preheated to two hundred degrees. Cupcakes are baked for about thirty to thirty-five minutes.

chocolate cupcakes

Those who love coffee can be advised to prepare chocolate cupcakes. Recipes, simple, silicone molds with a photo, they are easy to bring to life. To make these cupcakes, you will need:

  • two hundred milliliters of kefir
  • one egg
  • two hundred grams of flour
  • one hundred grams of butter
  • five tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • baking powder - ten grams
  • one hundred grams of sugar
  • a pinch of vanillin

First, the flour must be combined with cocoa. Then add sugar, a pinch of vanilla and baking powder. Mix everything well and set aside.

In another container, break the egg, add butter (it should be softened) and kefir. Beat with a whisk until a small foam forms.

Then we combine this mixture with another, where flour and cocoa, mix everything well. Ideally, you should get a dough of medium density. Then carefully fill the silicone molds and put in the oven at two hundred degrees. After half an hour, we check - if the cupcakes are a little cracked on top, then you can take them out of oven. They should be served chilled for tea.

Cupcakes on kefir with cottage cheese

Cooking cupcakes with cottage cheese is also very simple, especially since the number of ingredients is minimal:

  • one egg
  • a glass of flour
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar
  • 150 milliliters of kefir
  • vanillin
  • baking powder
  • a pinch of salt

To prepare these cupcakes, you need soft cottage cheese. It must be transferred to a deep container, add an egg, pour sugar, baking powder, vanillin and mix. You can add a pinch of salt. The mixture must be thoroughly rubbed with a fork, then you can add kefir and mix everything again. Then gradually you need to pour the flour. It is necessary to try so that there are no too large lumps in the dough.

While the dough is being prepared, you need to heat the oven - up to 200 - 220 degrees. Then we lay out the dough in forms and bake for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. Cupcakes need to be taken out of the molds and cooled.

Cupcakes with apple and cinnamon

Apple and cinnamon are a great combination often used in desserts. This duet will make kefir cupcakes even more delicious, and the aroma and spice of the dessert will be unique. Here is the list of ingredients:

  • one big apple
  • one glass of flour
  • a glass of yogurt
  • two chicken eggs
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • one hundred grams of sugar
  • tablespoon sunflower oil
  • baking soda and lemon juice or vinegar

First, prepare the apple - you need to wash it, dry it a little and peel it. It is better to remove the peel, pull out the middle and bones. Then the fruit must be cut into small thin squares. Sprinkle apple slices with a spoonful of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon.

Then we take a container where we will knead the dough. Pour kefir, add an ode on the tip of a knife, previously slaked in lemon juice. As soon as small bubbles appear, add two eggs to the mixture and mix. All dry products must be mixed in another container and also mixed well. Only then can you combine both mixtures in one bowl.

Then pour a spoonful of sunflower oil into the dough and mix everything well again. At the very end, add apples, mix gently again.

These cupcakes are baked at 180 degrees. While the oven is preheating, fill the molds. The dessert takes about 30 minutes to bake. To find out if the cupcakes are baked, you can pierce one with a toothpick. If there are no pieces of dough left on it and it is dry, then you can remove the pastries from the oven.

serving cupcakes

This dessert is great option when there are many guests. Everyone will understand that they can only eat one cupcake, and no one will be deprived. It is also very convenient to bake cupcakes and take them with you - nothing will happen to them on the way.

It is worth remembering that you can serve cupcakes to the table only after they have cooled down. If you fill only half of the mold, then you can make “caps” for cupcakes. For this, berries, and fresh fruits, and candied fruits, and purchased marmalades or sweets are suitable.

Often, cupcakes are simply sprinkled with powdered sugar before serving. You can also add some cinnamon and a mint leaf.

Also you can cook special sauce, which is perfect for becoming both a cake decoration and a highlight. Can do chocolate sauce To regular cupcakes. It is enough to melt some dark chocolate in a water bath, add a couple of tablespoons of milk and a little butter.

Simple kefir cupcakes in silicone molds can be both a dessert for every day and festive dish. Any housewife can handle them, besides, the presence is required only for the first twenty minutes - the rest of the time the cupcakes are baked in the oven themselves, so there is time for other household chores.

Many believe that kefir makes pastries more fluffy, and they also stay fresh longer. Well, let's check? We suggest you try some delicious recipes, each of which contains kefir. These are large cupcakes, and tiny ones that look like muffins.

They can be eaten with tea, coffee, cocoa and just like that. If you keep them in an airtight container, they will be fresh on the third day. This means that it is practical to take them with you to work or give your child to school. You can take it to a picnic or on the road.

General principles of preparation

In such baking, it is very important that all the components are well mixed, and the dough in the end is as homogeneous as possible. That is, there should be no stains of butter, flour balls, baking powder or unmelted sugar on the surface. Such shortcomings can ruin your cupcake in no time.

As for flour, we highly recommend sifting it for each recipe. Do it twice or even thrice. And it is better to do it directly when adding to other products. Then everything will be perfect: magnificent, airy and light!

Simple kefir cake

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

Not only a beginner in cooking, but also a schoolboy will cope with such a recipe. available components, fast cooking and amazing results.

How to cook:

Tip: For a stronger vanilla flavor, use a fresh vanilla pod.

Lush cake with vegetable oil and kefir

If you prefer light and air baking keep this recipe for yourself. You will definitely not regret when you try and even see this cupcake for the first time.

How long is 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 328 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 Celsius.
  2. Place a large sieve on top of a deep bowl.
  3. Pour flour, powdered sugar, vanilla and baking powder into it.
  4. Put everything together in a bowl, then mix with a spatula or whisk.
  5. Break the egg to other components, add salt, oil and kefir.
  6. Knead until smooth.
  7. Grease the form or cover with parchment, pour the mass into it.
  8. Distribute and put in the oven for thirty minutes.

Tip: Any oil can be used. For example, poppy, hemp, coconut, pumpkin, corn and so on.

Chocolate cupcake based on kefir with icing

More suitable for holiday or sunday family dinner. Not just a cupcake, but a chocolate one, covered in drips of chocolate icing. For lovers of sweet will be perfect!

For cupcake

For glaze:

How much time is 1 hour and 15 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 308 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Mix the flour with half the cocoa, sugar and baking powder.
  2. In this case, it is advisable to first pass the flour through a sieve to get a really lush and airy cake.
  3. Break the eggs into an adjacent bowl, beat them with a whisk until smooth.
  4. Gradually add oil and kefir, mix again. A little oil should be left to lubricate the mold.
  5. Gently mix both masses, adding dry to liquid.
  6. It is better to use a whisk for this so that lumps of flour do not appear.
  7. Pour the smooth mass into the prepared, that is, slightly greased form, distribute.
  8. Put in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 40-45 minutes.
  9. While the cake is baking, prepare the frosting. To do this, mix cocoa and sugar.
  10. Pour milk (you can warm) and mix.
  11. Put on the stove and turn on the fire. Once it boils, add butter.
  12. Stir until all the sugar has dissolved.
  13. Take out the cake, let it cool and pour over the icing. If it's cold, just warm it up a bit.

Tip: you can cook white chocolate icing. To do this, you need to use not cocoa, but White chocolate or color the icing in the desired color with food coloring.

Portion baking recipe

The recipe is good for a party or a cozy evening in the company of friends, relatives. We are preparing portion cupcakes with raisins and rum on kefir.

How long is 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 348 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Place the raisins in a bowl, pour in the rum and let it swell for one hour (minimum).
  2. At this time, take out the butter so that it becomes soft.
  3. Preheat the oven immediately to 170 degrees.
  4. Place the butter in a bowl, beat it with a mixer until fluffy.
  5. Introduce eggs with sugar and beat everything into a lush, light, homogeneous mass.
  6. Place a large sieve on top of a bowl, pour flour into it.
  7. Pass in parts to the rest of the components, kneading each time until smooth. Here again, you can use a mixer or whisk.
  8. When all the flour is added, add the baking powder, do not forget to mix.
  9. Pour milk, mix, adding soaked raisins, the rest of the rum.
  10. Mix everything thoroughly so that the dough is homogeneous.
  11. Place paper capsules in a cupcake mold and fill with batter. You can do this with a tablespoon or pastry bag. In the second case, it is important to make a large hole so that the raisins also pass through.
  12. Put in the oven for thirty minutes.

Tip: If you use a silicone mold, paper capsules are not needed.

poppy seed dessert

For those who love special desserts. This time you will try kefir cupcakes with poppy seeds. It seems very simple, but at the same time very tasty.

How long - 55 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 205 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour kefir into a deep bowl. It is desirable that it be at room temperature.
  2. Add the egg, beat immediately until smooth.
  3. Sprinkle sugar, baking powder, vanilla sugar and mix again.
  4. Add poppy seeds and flour. It is better to pass the second component through a sieve so that the dough is light.
  5. Grease the mold if desired, but we did not use it.
  6. Fill the cells by two thirds and put the mold in the oven for 35-40 minutes, traditionally heated to 180 degrees.
  7. When the cupcakes become rosy, take them out, cool and only then remove them.

Tip: It is desirable that all ingredients are at the same temperature.

Special recipe with oatmeal

On the one hand, the recipe can be called dietary, because it does not contain flour. On the other hand, there is sugar, not honey. So just try delicious cupcakes on kefir with oatmeal.

How much time - 1 hour.

What is the calorie content - 156 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the oatmeal into a bowl and leave for a while.
  2. Warm the milk a little, pour it into the oatmeal, mix thoroughly.
  3. Add salt, sugar, beat in the egg and pour in the oil, mix well again.
  4. Let it brew for ten minutes.
  5. Rinse and dry the raisins at this time. After the time has elapsed, pour it into the rest of the ingredients.
  6. Pour in the baking powder, stir and spread the mass into molds.
  7. It is important to fill them only two-thirds.
  8. Put in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 35-40 minutes.

Tip: add nuts, they taste even better!

Of course, in a cupcake, like any other pastry, you can add different ingredients that make the taste even more special. We only added raisins in one recipe. You can experiment with nuts, dried fruits and fresh fruit or berries. Nuts can be pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews. From dried fruits - dried apricots, figs, prunes. You can also add citrus zest, spices.

Let's try another experiment. This food coloring. With the help of such an additive, you can paint your cupcake in absolutely any color or shade. Orange, red and green will look especially original. Now imagine black! Best of all, such an experiment, of course, is suitable for the holiday.

Cupcakes on kefir stay fresh, soft and moist inside for a long time. This is a big plus for those who like to eat a piece in the morning and the same amount in the evening. Cook this pastry and discover something new!

In your refrigerator, kefir got lost and lasted almost until the expiration date. What to do with him? Do not throw away, you can bake delicious homemade cupcakes from it, which both adults and children will eat with pleasure. A great amount options of this pastry open for every housewife the same wide field for creativity in the kitchen.

The easiest recipe

When you want something tasty for tea, there are two options for the development of events. The first is to go to the nearest candy store and buy something chock-full of trans fats and palm oil. The second option is to use a simple and quick recipe, which will allow you to treat yourself to soulful homemade pastries.

Baking method:

  1. You can knead the dough very easily and quickly with a mixer. To do this, at medium speed, you first need to beat soft butter with sugar, then add one at a time chicken eggs, followed by kefir;
  2. When all the liquid ingredients turn into a homogeneous mixture, you need to change the whisks on the mixer to the dough attachment and slowly introduce the flour mixed with the baking powder;
  3. Distribute the finished dough into molds, filling them no more than half. Suitable metal, silicone or paper molds;
  4. Bake products for approximately 30 minutes in an oven set to 200 degrees.

Lush cupcakes with raisins in silicone molds

Often, housewives use silicone molds for baking, because the dough in them does not burn and does not stick to the walls, even if the mold is not lubricated. In such forms, you can bake lush muffins with raisins. And they are lush due to the fact that instead of butter, a few tablespoons of vegetable oil are used.

For this baking with dried fruits, you need to take products in the following proportions:

  • 200 ml of kefir of any fat content;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 40 ml of odorless vegetable oil;
  • 7 g of soda;
  • 320 g flour;
  • 3 g vanillin powder.

All culinary processes related to baking will fit into a 50 minute time frame.

The calorie content of fragrant cupcakes with raisins, calculated per 100 g, will be 270.8 kcal.


Semolina muffins on kefir

As a basis for semolina cupcakes on kefir, you can take your favorite manna recipe, but do not bake it with a whole cake, which later will need to be cut and smeared with jam or cream, but distribute it among cupcake molds. Optionally, you can add raisins, dried apricots, dried cherries or candied fruit. Taste and appearance baking will only benefit from this.

For a test based on semolina and kefir, you need to take:

  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • 130 g of semolina;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 130 g flour;
  • 5 g baking powder.

Since the dough will need time for the semolina to swell in it, the duration of the cooking process can increase up to one and a half hours.

calories semolina cakes- 256.8 kcal / 100 g.

Action algorithm:

  1. Pour semolina with kefir and leave for at least 30 minutes. It can be longer, it will do ready-made pastries even more tender;
  2. Grind the egg with sugar until the grains are completely dissolved, then mix the sugar-egg mixture with the swollen semolina;
  3. Mix the baking powder with flour, it will turn out well when sifted through a fine sieve. Then add to the rest of the products to get a thick bulk dough;
  4. Prepare molds: grease metal molds with oil, place paper molds in silicone or iron ones so that the muffins do not spread to the sides. Fill them 2/3 with dough;
  5. Bake confectionery at 180 degrees from 40 to 50 minutes, I check the readiness with a wooden stick.

Delicious chocolate muffins on kefir with filling

Magical and enchanting aroma of cocoa, alluring and bite off a piece from a beautiful brown barrel, and then liquid chocolate filling, melting on the tongue and causing the release of a significant portion of the hormone of happiness into the blood.

That's what a tasting of homemade chocolate cupcakes with filling can give. For the sake of such sensations, you can stand at the oven, especially since it will not take much time to bake.

Ingredients to create this chocolate fairy tale:

  • 100 g soft butter creamy;
  • 100 ml of kefir;
  • 100 g of granulated sugar;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 60 g cocoa powder;
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • 240 g flour;
  • 120 g dark chocolate.

The cooking process will take 30-35 minutes.

The calorie content of a 100 gram chocolate cupcake will be 341.2 kilocalories.

The sequence of culinary processes:

  1. Grind half of the sugar with eggs, and beat the other with soft butter. Then combine both mixtures, pour in kefir and stir;
  2. Mix cocoa, baking powder and flour and sift through a sieve a couple of times. Then add to the dough. You should get a mass that will not pour, it will need to be applied with a spoon;
  3. Break the chocolate into small equal pieces. Depending on the volume of molds, 8-12 pieces of chocolate will be required;
  4. IN iron molds put paper capsules, put one tablespoon of dough into each of them, then, as if pressing into the dough, a piece of chocolate. From above, close the filling with another spoonful of dough;
  5. Bake cupcakes in a preheated oven for 20 minutes at 180-200 degrees. Serve this pastry hot so that the filling remains liquid.

Recipe for cupcakes with cheese and sausage in the microwave in a hurry

Such quick baking V microwave oven can become the perfect dish for breakfast and a good alternative to sandwiches. The texture of this cake is more like an omelet than a cake.

The amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe is more than enough to feed a family of four. Therefore, if a smaller number of eaters is expected, you need to take everything in smaller proportions.

Ingredients you will need:

  • 100 ml of kefir;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 80 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 15 g of soda;
  • 160 g flour;
  • 100 g sausage (servelat);
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 100 g red sweet bell pepper.

It will take up to 15 minutes to bake such unsweetened cupcakes in the microwave, along with the time to knead the dough.

The calorie content of a breakfast that includes this dish will be 272.0 kcal / 100 g.

Step by step baking instructions:

  1. Beat the eggs with kefir, vegetable (preferably olive) oil, then add flour and soda to make a bulk thick dough, like sour cream;
  2. Cheese, Bell pepper and cut the sausage into small equal cubes. Pour the resulting cubes into the dough and mix;
  3. Distribute the dough into molds (you can take not special molds for cupcakes, but a cup or mug) and bake in the microwave at maximum power for 3-5 minutes.

When baking cupcakes from kefir dough, you should remember that different ovens even with the same chosen temperature regime will bake in different ways, so the readiness of baking should always be checked with a wooden stick.

Do not rush to take out the finished baking from the molds, careless movements can deform it and deprive it of splendor. Better to wait a bit.

Much more elegant and appetizing any sweet pastries will look like if it is covered with icing or sprinkled with powdered sugar, cocoa.
