
The benefits of dried and dried cherries. Dried cherries - cooking features, useful properties and reviews

Dried cherries calories

Cherry is a representative of the Rosaceae family, a subgenus of plants of the Plum genus.

Like fresh cherries, which were not subjected to heat treatment, dried cherries contain a lot of trace elements and vitamins. It contains vitamins E, C, PP, B-group. Moreover, cherries contain phosphorus, sodium, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium and organic acids.

Since dried cherries contain iron and copper, it increases hemoglobin. Also, the composition includes glucose and fructose, as a result of which you can quickly stock up on energy for the whole day. It perfectly quenches thirst.

Dried cherry calorie content - 290 kcal. The composition included proteins - 1.5 g, carbohydrates - 73.0 g.

Dried cherries can also have a beneficial effect on digestion, this is due to the pectin substances contained in it. Like many other berries, you will not find cholesterol and fat in cherries, so it is an excellent dietary product enriched with antioxidants.

Interestingly, scientists advise people who want to quit smoking to use dried cherries. It reduces nicotine addiction. It can also help in concentration, which can be useful for absent-minded people on working days.

If we talk about the beneficial properties of dried cherries, then, along with all of the above, it improves sputum production, provides a slight laxative effect. Useful for the nervous system and heart, because. contains amygdalin.

Along with all its benefits, dried cherries are also delicious. For example, you can make wonderful fragrant cakes from chocolate and dried cherries, compotes, black forest pie and a lot of other dishes at any time of the year.

Dried cherries calories

Industrial options for harvesting dried cherries in the lion's share of cases involve separating the juice and replacing it with a natural preservative, sugar syrup, which provides a pleasant sweet taste. As for the process of drying berries in a similar way, it is rather long and difficult, it takes place mainly when exposed to high temperatures, and as a result, a fragrant and tasty product comes out, with a high calorie content and without many useful qualities and properties.

However, traditional drying is a way of processing fresh vegetables and fruits, which allows you not to lose most of the nutrients. At the same time, you can implement it yourself, and even save significantly.

Dried cherry calorie - 290 kcal. Also in the composition there are proteins - 1.5 g, carbohydrates - 73.0 g.

Cherries can be dried like in the old days - outdoors in the shade, in an electric or gas oven, drying cabinet, Russian oven (it is necessary to control the temperature - no more than 42 degrees), or using the latest technology - using a dehydrator. Cherries that have not been exposed to high temperatures during the drying process will not yield to fresh ones in terms of their own biochemical properties.

The unique combination of minerals (sodium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, calcium, fluorine) and vitamins (E, C, B1, B2, B9, PP) in the composition of cherries allows us to call its prophylactic against blood diseases and cardiovascular diseases, maintaining female beauty, youth and health. Anthocyanins and vitamin C, present in cherries, are able to prevent premature cell aging, are characterized by antioxidant activity, and reduce the risk of cancer. Cherries are advised to use as a prevention of strokes and heart attacks, the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots, with low hemoglobin levels, anemia, the beautiful half of humanity with regular heavy bleeding and during pregnancy to saturate with folic acid.

However, cherries can also have a detrimental effect on diabetes, high acidity, stomach ulcers, and obesity. You also need to be careful with cherry pits - they contain amygdalin glycoside, which turns into a poison in the intestine - hydrocyanic acid.

Popular for their sweet and juicy characteristics, but a growing body of research shows that cherries are extremely beneficial to human health. Nutrients and bioactive components have a preventive effect on human health. Eating cherries can protect you from inflammatory, cancerous, cardiovascular and diabetic diseases.

The benefits of this fruit are high levels of antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals. Recent studies show that cherries help shed extra pounds and stimulate melatonin production, supporting healthy sleep.

Cherry is useful both fresh and dried, and dried, and in the form of tinctures, compotes, jam, jam. Let us consider in more detail the benefits and harms of dried cherries. Dried cherries are very useful for the body, as it retains all the nutritious, medicinal and beneficial substances that are in fresh berries.

Dried cherries at home

For cooking, you need to take two and a half kilograms of fresh berries, 1 kilogram 330 grams, 525 milligrams. The berries need to be washed, the pulp is separated from the seeds (try to keep the berries intact). Drain the resulting juice and cover the berries with sugar. Leave until the sugar is completely dissolved - about eight hours (you can stir the berries).

Drain the resulting juice with a colander - leave it in it for five hours. After all the procedures, one and a half kilograms of cherries are formed. Prepare sugar syrup. Pour the syrup over the berries and simmer for ten minutes. Cool to fifty degrees, drain the syrup. Turn on the dryer and dry the berries in it for at least four hours.

The chemical composition of dried cherries and useful properties

Dried cherries are a good source of this important mineral. The body needs copper to stimulate the production of collagen, which is essential for maintaining the elasticity and firmness of muscle tissue and skin. Copper also supports tissue health by protecting against the effects of free radicals, compounds that otherwise contribute to tissue damage, and help cells produce energy.

Add sun-dried cherries to your diet and increase your consumption substantially. Each 1/4 cup of berries contains 8 milligrams of vitamin C—11 and 9 percent of the recommended daily intake for women and men. Like copper, vitamin C stimulates collagen production. Getting enough vitamin C in your diet promotes tissue repair and helps wounds heal after injury.

Dried cherries enrich the body with the most useful. It supports the growth of new cells, and plays a role in wound healing and the functioning of the immune system. Vitamin A also supports eyesight and perfectly nourishes the skin.

Dried cherries can be dried in the old and traditional way - washed and pitted berries are laid out on a clean baking sheet and left outdoors in the shade. You can also dry in the oven (drying temperature should not exceed forty-two degrees), in an electric dryer, in a gas oven, in a dryer. It is only important to control the temperature so that drying occurs, and not baking. Of the modern technologies for making cherry jam at home, a dehydrator is used. After completing the procedure, the resulting product in terms of its biochemical characteristics will not differ in any way from fresh berries.

The product contains a large number of:

  • vitamins -, C,;
  • minerals -,, copper,;

Calorie content and BJU

The product has a medium calorie content, and a high carbohydrate content, ideal for a carbohydrate diet.

Harm of dried cherries

Berries can be harmful to the body. It is not recommended to use dried cherries for people with stomach ulcers, obesity, diabetes and high acidity of the stomach. It is also worth paying attention to the product with cherry pits, since they contain amygdalin glycoside, which, when it enters the intestine, turns into hydrocyanic acid (poison).

Application in cooking

Dried cherries are often used in cooking. From berries you can cook: snacks, desserts, pastries, sauces, main dishes, marinades. The product has an incredible aroma, which in turn is appreciated, especially during the preparation of drinks. Pies with berry filling, as well as muffins and Easter cakes are in the highest demand.

Storage method

It is necessary to store dried berries in a well-ventilated area, in a plastic dark container or a cloth bag, you can put it in a glass jar. What is the best temperature to store dried cherries? Dried cherries are recommended to be stored in the refrigerator or in the basement. The temperature should be maximum +10 degrees.

Whole grain cake with chocolate and dried cherries

For cooking, you need to prepare the following ingredients: two hundred and ninety grams of whole grain flour, one hundred and twenty grams of sugar, two hundred and fifty milliliters, a pinch, one hundred milliliters of refined, two, sixty grams of dried berries, thirty grams of chocolate drops, one teaspoon of soda, one teaspoon of ground.

The recipe for a step-by-step pie preparation is to grind eggs with salt and sugar in a bowl, pour in kefir, add soda, mix thoroughly, add sunflower oil. Sift flour, combine with cinnamon and kefir-egg mixture. The consistency should be like a thick dough. Add dried cherries and drops to the dough, mix thoroughly so that both berries and chocolate are evenly distributed.

In a form with a high side (18 x 28 centimeters), you need to put parchment, grease it with oil. Pour the dough into the mold. Put in a preheated oven and bake at one hundred and eighty degrees for forty minutes. The finished cake must be immediately separated from the mold and left to cool on a wire rack. You can cook sour cream, custard or ganache for the pie. Bon appetit.

Cherry is a very valuable product that helps to increase appetite. This is a very popular berry, not only fresh, but also dried. dried cherry very popular in the confectionery industry, it is used to make delicious cakes, pastries, jellies, marshmallows, marmalade, pastries. Of particular value to these berries is the content of coumarins in them with a predominance of oxycoumarins, which normalize the process of blood clotting. Therefore, many doctors recommend eating cherries for the prevention of heart disease, as well as for the prevention of blood clots. It is also very important that in dried cherries contains pectin substances, due to which all harmful substances in the human intestine are excreted from the body.

dried cherries- This is a healthy and fragrant delicacy. You can just eat them, or you can add them to pastries, muffins, cookies. Doctors say that eating a handful a day dried cherries, a person receives a daily intake of magnesium and colbat. Thanks to this, scientists call the cherry berry the “female berry”, since magnesium is one of the most important minerals in bone tissue. This mineral normalizes metabolism, improves mood, reduces menstrual pain, improves blood circulation, and also helps prevent anemia. Also, this berry has a slight laxative effect, which helps to keep the figure in shape. Also use dried cherries favorably affects the condition of the skin, normalizes pressure and increases the resistance of the body.

Berries of dried cherries are very useful to add to cereals, teas, compotes. This healthy treat is very easy to make at home. There are several ways to do this. The simplest is natural drying in the sun. To do this, you need to collect large dark berries, wash them well, sort them out (carefully make sure that there are no spoiled berries), and then lay them out in a thin layer on a tray covered with white paper. In the morning take out to the sun, and in the evening bring into the house. When the cherry dries, it is necessary to remove the seeds and dry it in the sun. Then collect them in a cloth bag and store in a dry, cool place. If it is not possible to dry the cherries in the sun, then you can use the technical invention -. The principle of drying is the same. We only lay out the cherries on pallets and dry them for about ten hours, while not forgetting to periodically change the pallets in places. Remember dry cherries Available with or without bones. Dried berries with a stone are widely used in folk medicine. They make decoctions, medicinal and fragrant teas. Basically, decoctions are drunk in the treatment of chronic bronchitis, arthritis and are widely used as an antipyretic for young children. But pitted cherries are mainly eaten, used in desserts and sweet muffins. And if the dried pulp is passed through a meat grinder, you get a fragrant cherry powder that can be used to decorate sweet dishes.

Cherry contains a lot of useful substances, vitamins, fructose and glucose, folic acid. All these substances are preserved during the drying of valuable berries. Therefore, it is so useful and tasty to drink tea from it, enjoy a delicious dessert with pieces of dried fruits. In addition to all of the above, cherries have an amazing hypnotic effect, and vitamin B6 contained in it will support and calm your nervous system. The only drawback of this healthy goodies is that it cannot be consumed on an empty stomach. Whatever you say, cherries should be consumed only for dessert.

Drying is one of the best harvesting methods, cherries lend themselves well to drying and easily, then soak, acquiring almost their original shape. Fully retains taste and vitamins.

Compote and cooked dried cherries acquire a characteristic aroma and color.

Dried cherries are used to make compotes, and hot drinks with tea and mint are an excellent vitamin drink.

Dried sweet cherries are stored in hermetically sealed jars, and we recommend storing dried cherries with pits in linen bags and paper bags so that they do not start up.

Dried cherries with pits.

For drying, it is necessary to select a dark, ripe cherry, remove the stalks from it. Prepare a 1% solution of baking soda, boil it and dip the cherry in it for 3 seconds. Then immediately cool it under running cold water. When the water drains, dry the cherries on paper towels. Then spread on a baking sheet and dry in the oven with the door ajar at a temperature of 60 degrees. When the fruits are withered, raise the temperature to 90 degrees and continue drying until tender. Can be dried in an electric dryer that cooks cherries without the hassle.

Dried pitted cherries.

For seedless drying, prepare the berries as usual. Then put it on a sieve or baking sheet and dry in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees. When the cherry is a little wrinkled, take it out, cool it and with your fingers, carefully remove the seeds from it. Place back on the baking sheet and dry until done.

Dried cherries soaked in syrup.

Why are dried cherries sweet when they are sweet and sour or sour when fresh? And the secret is that before drying it is kept in sugar syrup. Prepare sugar syrup based on 800 g of sugar per liter of water. Dip prepared cherries into boiling syrup, let boil for 7-8 minutes. Catch the cherry and put in a colander, the syrup should drain completely. After that, put the berries on a baking sheet and dry in the sun or in the oven at a temperature of 50 degrees. Turn the berries periodically. Ready-dried sweet cherries are elastic and not too wrinkled.

Sweet dried cherries.

Prepare the cherries, put them in a bowl for cooking jam in one or two layers. Prepare a syrup from 150 g of granulated sugar and 0.5 cups of water per kilogram of cherries. Pour the berries in a bowl with boiling syrup and let it brew for a day. Then bring to a boil over high heat. Remove from heat, fold in a colander, when the syrup drains, arrange on a baking sheet in one row and dry in the oven with the door ajar. The temperature at the beginning is 40 degrees, then you can gradually add up to 80 degrees.

Cherry is one of the most delicious berries. It is popular all over the world with cooks and confectioners. Thousands of dishes are prepared with the addition of such a fragrant berry. For the first time, a cherry tree was planted in the Turkish city of Kerasund, which is now called the “Cherry City”. It was there that the Romans tried cherry berries, who called them "Kerasun fruits." In 680 BC, the Roman general Lucullus brought a cherry tree from the city of Kerasund as a symbol of triumph after the victory over King Mithridates. Fortunately, Lucullus was not only a great commander, but also a gourmet. He appreciated the taste of cherry berries and demanded that they always be served at feasts in his honor. From Rome, cherry began to spread throughout the world, it also came to the ancient Slavs, becoming for them one of their favorite berries, which has found its application in cooking, cosmetology and pharmacology.

Benefits of dried cherries

Cherry berries are not only tasty, but also a very useful product. They are popular both fresh and dried. Of particular value are coumarins, which can improve blood clotting. Doctors recommend eating cherries to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, as a prevention of blood clots. Dried cherries contain a lot of pectin substances that help remove harmful toxic substances from the human intestine. If dried cherries are included in the diet, the benefits from it, according to doctors, will be incredible. After all, eating a handful of dried cherries a day, a person receives the daily norm of cobalt and magnesium.

We greased the pallets of the electric dryer with oil and evenly distributed the cherries on 7 trays.
. worked for 49 hours at a temperature of +60 degrees.
. As a result, from 6 kg of fresh cherries, we got a kilogram of high-quality dried berries.
. We placed it for storage in glass jars under vacuum lids.

How to store the finished product?

Usually dried cherries are stored in paper bags. You can use ceramic containers with resealable lids. If the berries are not planned to be used in the near future, then it is best to transfer them to glass jars. You can store dried cherries in jars under nylon lids for no more than a year. But under vacuum covers, the fruits will not deteriorate even after a couple of years. But most likely there will be no trace of such a delicacy during this time, since the dried cherries will be eaten by the household.

The use of dried cherries

You can use homemade dried cherries without limits, you just need to connect your culinary imagination and all your family and friends will be delighted with the delicacy. Dried cherry berries can simply be used as sweets (only more useful than store-bought ones) with tea, coffee, and milk. Dried cherries are extremely in demand in the confectionery business. She goes to the preparation of marmalade, a wide variety of pastries, marshmallows, cakes, marmalade. You can cook compote from dried cherries, add to muffins. Use it to prepare various meat sauces, gravies and fruit salads.

Cherries are dried with or without pits. Dried cherries with a stone are used for brewing as a medicine for chronic bronchitis, arthritis and as an antipyretic for treating babies. Pitted cherries are used in sweet muffins. If dried cherries are passed through a meat grinder, you get an excellent filling for pies, dumplings and other desserts.

Some delicious recipes using dried cherries

. Drunk cherry.
Dried cherries are used to make Drunk Cherry sweets. They can also be prepared at home. Dried cherries should be soaked for a couple of hours in cherry liqueur or cognac. During this time, a bar of chocolate (or several, depending on the amount of product needed) should be melted in a water bath. Put each berry in a mold (you can use cookie cutters or even styrofoam egg containers), pour over melted chocolate and put in the refrigerator until the chocolate has completely set. Dessert "Drunken Cherry" is ready.

. Ice cream with dried cherries.
Cherries are soaked for a while. Ice cream is laid out in a vase, poured over with cherry juice, decorated with dried cherry berries, lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar.

. Milk drink.
For one serving, you should take 100 grams of ice cream, half a glass of milk, a couple of teaspoons of cherry juice, a teaspoon of sugar and dried cherries. Mix all the ingredients in a mixer, pour into bowls and garnish with dried cherries.

. Northern beauty.
Boil a liter of water, add one and a half cups of granulated sugar. After it is completely dissolved, add one and a half glasses of dried cherries, a gram of cinnamon. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then add potato starch (0.5 tablespoon) previously diluted in cold water. Boil everything again. Cool the drink and can be served at the table, after filling it with sour cream. Biscuit croutons are perfect for this dish.

. Delicious curds with cherries.
For cooking you will need: one egg, a pound of cottage cheese, sugar to taste, flour - 100 grams, 70 grams of raisins and dried cherries, vanillin, salt, jam (any), breadcrumbs.

Cherry dried fruits are poured with boiling water for half an hour and allowed to swell. During this time, the dough should be made. Cottage cheese, sugar, vanillin, egg and salt are beaten until smooth. Add flour, mix everything until a thick dough. Cherries are combined with jam and raisins. Small cakes are formed from the curd dough, the filling is put on them and covered with the second same cake. Pinch the edges so that the filling does not leak out, and roll in breadcrumbs or semolina. Vegetable oil is poured into the pan, cheesecakes are laid out and fried on both sides until a beautiful crispy crust is formed. Ready curds are placed on a plate and sprinkled with powdered sugar. You can pour sour cream and decorate with cherries. Adults and kids will be delighted with such a dessert.

With the help of dried cherries, ordinary and familiar dishes can be diversified and made into a delicacy. So just by adding a handful of cherries to oatmeal, you can make it a real treat for children and adults. Cherry is suitable for a wide variety of dishes. And confectioners around the world enjoy its unique taste. So in Ukraine, dumplings with cherries are very popular, the French prefer a pie made from a large number of eggs and cherries. Cherry strudel is very popular among the Germans.

Cherry is an amazing berry that delights us with its wonderful delicate taste and incredible aroma of summer. But sometimes you want to enjoy its aroma at other times of the year. How nice it is to feel the taste of summer in a dreary and rainy autumn or snowy winter, saturated with the sweetness and cherry aroma that comes from cooked dishes, with the addition of dried cherries. A wide variety of desserts with fragrant dried berries are obtained due to the fact that there is. These dishes will help you tune in to a new day or pleasantly relax after a hard day.
