
Biscuit for Prague cake. Take care of the dough - the cakes cool for a long time

Cake Prague or Prague cake can be safely called one of the most popular desserts former USSR. After all, it is for this chocolate cake in times of scarcity, huge queues formed. And today this delicacy does not lose its fame and universal love thanks to excellent taste, subtle aroma and nice texture. And you can easily make a Prague cake even at home.

The Prague cake consists of three chocolate biscuit cakes, gentle butter cream with cocoa and chocolate fudge. My recipe is not quite according to GOST, but finished cake It turns out even tastier than the original, believe me. Firstly, we will definitely impregnate it (there is no impregnation in the original version), and secondly, we will use a simple chocolate icing based on high-quality dark chocolate and butter.

If you really want to water home cake Prague is chocolate fudge sugar, welcome to this recipe. Why didn't I make it for the Prague cake? Yes, everything is simple: not everyone succeeds in it, so I offer a lightweight version. Can everyone melt chocolate with butter?

Alyonochka ordered this dessert from me, for which many thanks to her! And today we have a real reason to treat ourselves to a cake - our site is exactly 2 years old. It was on October 9, 2014 that the first recipe was published on the site, and today's is already the 885th in a row.


Chocolate biscuit:


Oil cream:

Chocolate glaze:

Cooking step by step with photos:

The first step is to mix wheat flour and cocoa, then sift the mixture through a sieve (preferably twice). Thus, we will not only remove lumps, but also saturate the dry base with oxygen.

Then wash and wipe dry 6 chicken eggs. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. In the bowl in which we will make the dough for the chocolate biscuit, put the yolks and add half granulated sugar(75 grams).

Beat everything with a mixer (or a whisk) until the sugar crystals dissolve and a fluffy whitened mass forms - about 3-4 minutes (with a mixer). I have chicken eggs homemade, therefore the yolks orange color. Using shop eggs the yolks whipped with sugar will not have a yellow, but a light cream color.

Then, in another bowl (clean, dry and fat-free), beat the chilled proteins with a mixer until persistent peaks - about 5-7 minutes. First, start beating at medium speed so that the whites become cloudy and foam a little. In the process of whipping, pour the second half of sugar (75 grams) over a tablespoon. When all the sugar is in the proteins, increase the mixer speed to maximum and beat the meringue for a few more minutes. The check for readiness is this: just turn the bowl over, if nothing flows out and does not even move, everything is done correctly.

Now, alternately, in parts, beaten egg whites and a dry mixture will be added to the yolk base. Using the folding method (that is, scooping up from the bottom up, like a shovel), we introduce part of the proteins into the yolks.

Then part of the dry mixture. So we alternate until the proteins and flour with cocoa run out. It just needs to be done pretty quickly. biscuit dough doesn't like to wait.

When the dough becomes homogeneous, it remains to add 40 grams of butter. It must first be melted and cooled to room temperature. Gently fold the butter into the dough.

The dough for chocolate biscuit is very tender and airy. When transferred to a baking dish, it pours in a wide ribbon.

At first, I decided to bake a Prague cake biscuit in the oven. To do this, I took a round detachable form with a diameter of 21 centimeters, covered the bottom and sides with parchment paper.

I baked a biscuit at an average level in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Readiness is checked with a wooden toothpick, which should come out dry from the biscuit.

I cooled the biscuit, removing the sides of the form. And then with every minute I began to like him less and less. The fact is that I'm used to cooking biscuits in a slow cooker - there they always turn out lush and tall. And here is a very low (only 4 centimeters) biscuit, which, moreover, had to be cut into 3 layers. I don't know what the problem is, but this is how it came out. In vain I changed traditions and baked a biscuit in the oven. Correcting the situation: re-do the dough and bake chocolate biscuit in the multicooker! What to do with the second? Anything, just cut portioned pieces and freeze, grind into crumbs and make chocolate cake Potato or cake pops.

I cooked the second biscuit in the slow cooker on the Baking mode for 35 minutes, then left it for another 5 minutes on the Warming program. I took out the biscuit with the help of a steamer insert and let it cool completely. Well, it's a completely different matter - 6.5 cm in height, even and neat! Next, the biscuit must be kept so that it does not crumble when cut and does not get soaked during impregnation. Therefore, we wrap it in food foil or film and leave it at room temperature for at least 8-10 hours. It is best to prepare a biscuit in advance (for example, in the evening) so that the next morning you can collect the Prague cake.

After the allotted time (earlier as possible), we will prepare the impregnation. In general, impregnation is not included in the Prague cake according to GOST, but I strongly advise you to use it - it turns out much tastier and juicier. Soaking the chocolate biscuit we will be simple sugar syrup, which is prepared from water and sugar. You can also use a tablespoon if you like. aromatic alcohol(cognac, brandy, rum), but I didn’t add it, because the children ate the cake.

We bet on medium fire and bring everything to a boil. We cook for just a couple of minutes and the sugar syrup for impregnation is ready.

Now you have a set of products for making butter cream, which turns out to be very tasty, tender and silky. We take quality butter, at least 82% fat (I think you understand that no margarine or spread is suitable), sweetened condensed milk, high-quality unsweetened cocoa powder, one egg yolk, water and vanilla sugar(can be replaced with 2 teaspoons regular sugar by simply mixing them with a pinch of vanilla).

Mix everything and put on water bath. What it is? This is a method when the dish is cooked not on fire, but on steam, due to which the likelihood of food burning is minimized. To do this, take another saucepan, into which we pour water (about 3 fingers), and on top we place the dishes with the future base for the oil cream. You can immediately pour boiling water to make the process go faster. It is desirable that the bottom of the saucepan with the custard mass does not touch the water, but this is not critical. We put our building on the fire and wait for the water in the lower pan to boil. Then we make a not very strong fire and prepare the custard with constant (!) Stirring. It is necessary that the water does not seethe, but only gurgle. If you get distracted and stop stirring, the yolk can simply curl up and a homogeneous, smooth cream will not work. Cooking egg cream until it starts to thicken. This will turn out pretty quickly. Then remove from the stove and let cool to room temperature, stir a couple of times so that a crust does not form on the surface.

When custard base cool, go to the oil. Butter should certainly be soft, so it needs to be taken out of the refrigerator for several hours. The easiest and fastest way to soften butter is to cut it in small pieces. We put the butter in a bowl in which we will prepare the cream for the Prague cake.

Beat soft butter with a mixer at high speed for 5-6 minutes, until the mass brightens, becomes lush and airy. Then, without stopping beating, add the cooled custard base by a tablespoon.

Whisk for a few more minutes, then add the cocoa powder and gently fold it into the buttercream. You can use a spoon, spatula or whisk, but it is much faster and more convenient to do this with a mixer at the lowest speed. You can also add a tablespoon of cognac here if the cake is intended for adults.

Cream for Prague cake turns out to be very tender, airy, smooth, moderately sweet. In general, delicious! Let him wait on the table.

We collect our homemade cake. Unfold the cake and cut it into 3 identical cakes. Even though I have special device for cutting biscuits (string), I prefer to do this with a knife and a strong thread. We make a shallow incision around the entire circumference of the biscuit with a knife (there are two of them in total), after which we wrap the workpiece with a long thread, connecting the ends of the thread. And then it remains only, having crossed the ends of the thread, to stretch it through the entire biscuit. It turns out a perfectly even cut. So, our three Prague cake layers are ready.

It is most convenient for me personally to collect a cake on this one round grill, since then we will fill it with icing. We put the first cake with the outer side down and gently soak it with the cooled syrup. By the way, this amount of syrup is just enough for you to soak 3 cakes.

Divide the cream into two equal parts. We put one half on the first soaked cake.

Layer with the second half of the cream.


Round form

Enter your form data

Round Square Rectangular

For TWO biscuits!
  • Eggs - 12 pcs.
  • Sugar - 300 g
  • Flour - 230 g
  • Cocoa powder - 50 g
  • Butter - 80 g
For cream
  • Yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 40 g
  • Condensed milk - 240 g
  • Butter - 400 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 20 g
  • Cocoa powder - 20 g
For impregnation
  • Water - 150 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. l.
Optional but required
For alignment
  • Dark chocolate - 300 g
  • Cream 33% - 300 g
  • Black food coloring(optional)
For decor
  • White chocolate - 200 g
  • Dark chocolate - 30 g
  • Food colorings
  • Vodka
  • meringues
  • confectionery sprinkles

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- the legendary Soviet cake! Detailed step by step recipe with photo! Modern version decor, secrets and helpful tips cooks! Everything will work out!

Today I will tell and show you how to cook Prague cake- the legendary Soviet cake, still very much loved by many. I have a special relationship with him. I had doubts for a long time about how exactly to perform it. Options for a wagon and a small cart - to invent your own or not to reinvent the wheel and cook according to the old Gost recipe? After thinking and experimenting a lot, I decided to add only a couple of my own, very small, touches to the original. Still, I am a great conservative and do not support the view that any chocolate cakes With chocolate cream may be called a Prague cake.

The Prague cake in my performance is almost classic, the difference is in the assembly: on each cake I apply a thin layer of homemade apricot jam and only then cream. There are also a lot of cakes: I like high cakes, but this, of course, is not for everybody. And most importantly, I soak the cakes in sugar syrup with cognac, while in original recipe There is no impregnation, which is why this cake seems dry to many. Honestly, I like it even without impregnation: this has its own charm, it is no coincidence that one of the best Soviet confectioners made Prague just like that. However, according to my observations, our people still love wet cakes more, so intentional dryness can simply be attributed to the ineptness of the confectioner or hostess. But who wants such a reaction to their work? In general, I saturate Prague. And this seemingly insignificant detail greatly affects the perception of the cake. It's like he's different. But very, very tasty! All my tasters are delighted with this slightly wet, rainy Prague with thin, fragrant apricot layers.

In addition, I will share how to make amazing strokes on cream cake. Frankly speaking, I did not expect that they would arouse such interest among my Instagram friends, so I did not film the process, but, believe me, everything is so simple that there is nothing to illustrate, you will see for yourself. And be surprised :)

Let's get the form ready!

As I have repeatedly said, I use a transformer ring. Whatever it may seem from the outside, it is very convenient! The cakes are tall and even, better than in other types of baking dishes. Miracles, and more! In addition, the diameter can be adjusted, which saves money and space. I will do tall cake weighing at least 2.5 kg, so I will need two biscuits. But I have one form, and the oven is weak, which means I will bake in turn and knead the dough too. If you need a small cake, you can easily get by with one biscuit. We adjust the diameter (18 cm), line the bottom of an even baking sheet with foil, put a sheet of baking paper on it, and put a ring on it. Raise the edges of the paper and foil, as if “embracing” the ring, press it tightly at the base. Ready. Don't be afraid - the dough will not leak out! The main thing is that the surface of the baking sheet is even.

Making biscuit dough!

For each biscuit we need 6 fresh eggs 1st category. Separate the yolks from the whites. We make sure that the yolk or water does not get into the whites. Place 6 egg yolks in a mixing bowl.

Add 75 g of sugar to them.

Beat with a mixer at high speed ...

...until the mass becomes lush, light and creamy.

Now we take 6 proteins. We place them in another bowl - clean and dry. And beat with a mixer at high speed in lush foam. Do not overdo it: about a minute, maybe a little more, is usually enough.

Add 75 g of sugar to the proteins. And we beat again...

...exactly until the proteins become glossy and dense. They should sit firmly in the bowl and, when turned over, should not fall out of it. But here it is important not to interrupt, otherwise the biscuit will not rise, it will be dense and simply spoiled. That is, while whipping, periodically check readiness: tilt the bowl, and as soon as you see that the proteins have stopped draining and are seated tightly in the bowl, turn it off!

Gently, folding movements, from the bottom up, preferably silicone spatula, mix the proteins to the yolks.

Melt 40 g of good butter in a separate container. In the microwave or on the stove, whichever you prefer.

Gently, in parts, mix the flour with cocoa into the egg-sugar mixture.

We do this with the same folding movements as when we mixed the proteins to the yolks. From the bottom up, rather quickly, carefully, but at the same time carefully: it is important not to crush the proteins, then the dough will rise better, and the biscuit will be fluffy, airy and very tasty!

With such a ribbon, almost ready-made dough falls from the shoulder blade.

Now carefully, along the edge, pour in the butter. Again, stir from bottom to top. Without fanaticism!

Ready dough pour into our mold. As far as possible, level the surface. We put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Times may vary depending on your oven! The first 10 minutes, and preferably longer, do not open the oven, otherwise the biscuit may fall off. If your biscuits are burning on the bottom, I recommend placing a heat-resistant container of water a level lower. If they are burning on top, but raw inside, put the biscuit mold with foil with the shiny side up. If the built-in temperature controller is lying, buy a thermometer for oven, they are inexpensive, but very helpful!

We check the readiness of the biscuit with a dry splinter or just lightly press on the middle: if it springs and returns to its place, it's ready. It is best not to take it out of the oven right away. Turn it off, open the door, let it stand. So it will fall less. But if time is running out, get it right away.

Opening the form...

...and get a biscuit!

Turn it over onto a wire rack, if any. If not, just on baking paper. Let's cool down. Then we remove the paper on which it was baked ....

...and wrap in cling film. In this form, we remove the biscuit in the refrigerator or leave it on the kitchen table for 8 hours: it needs to lie down, so it will crumble less, it will be easier to cut into cakes and, in general, together with cream and impregnation will not turn into porridge! I strongly recommend standing up a biscuit! Well, I remind you that for my cake, on the example of which I describe this recipe, I baked two such biscuits. Now let's prepare...

... cream cake "Prague"!

To do this, put 2 yolks and 40 g of water in a saucepan. We mix everything.

Add 240 g of delicious condensed milk. The present should consist only of milk and sugar!

There - 20 g vanilla sugar(not vanilla!). Usually it is 2 sachets.

Put the saucepan on slow fire and cook with constant stirring until thickened.

If suddenly you overheat the mixture, causing the yolks to curl, or it will go lumpy - a sieve will save you! Rub the cream through it into a dry, clean bowl. Cover with cling film and cool to room temperature.

Then we need butter - also at room temperature. Again, I recommend using the most natural oil whatever you can find. It's difficult now, unfortunately. Especially in big cities. All the packs say “butter”, the composition contains pure cream, but ordinary buyers don’t know what it really is. Choose the most solid oil, not less than 82.5%, and delicious.

Beat 400 g butter at high speed until fluffy.

Gradually add the custard while continuing to beat.

And at the end, add 20 g of sifted cocoa powder.

And beat thoroughly again.

This is how we get the cream for the Prague cake! Delicious on its own!


From each biscuit, carefully cut the top thinly with a long bread knife-saw. This may not be done when right temperature in the oven, the biscuits come out quite even, but I still prefer to even out even more. Here a turntable will help us a lot, it's good if there is one. If not, however, you can also adapt.

Cut the biscuits into slices. I got three cakes from each.

And only six. Handsome! I love working with biscuit dough, it's magical!

Collecting the cake!

Here we again need a baking ring, as well as acetate film (or any thick film, thin plastic cutting boards and even stationery folders). I showed in detail about assembling a cake in a ring in the recipe. Here, briefly. A flat baking sheet or tray, on it is a sheet of baking paper, on it is a ring, and we insert our acetate film into it, increasing the height of the ring. I know that now masters make rings even 25 cm high, but this is still a rarity.

We cover the cake with cling film so that it does not absorb foreign odors, and put it in the refrigerator. Maybe overnight. Cakes and cream need to make friends. This is a good time to make a top coat cream. I have this whipped ganache on dark chocolate in a 1:1 ratio, that is, 300 g of chocolate and 300 g of cream 33%. I wrote about ganache in detail. I added a little black dye to the cream, so do not be surprised that I have such a dark one, but this is completely optional. We take out the cake, remove the ring and the film. We place our cake on a substrate or a plate on which we are going to serve it, but first we apply a little cream on the substrate so that the cake does not go anywhere, especially during transportation.

I didn’t take pictures of how I did them, there was no way, I’ll try to make up for it on occasion, and now I’ll describe it. It's very simple, actually! Very! The main thing is to temper the chocolate correctly! And then we apply the chocolate not very thinly, about 3 mm thick, with a palette knife (you can try a small spatula and even, it seems to me, with a spoon) on a guitar film (a film is suitable for packing flowers, for greenhouses, a stationery file, in the end, just paper for baking!) in the form of almost chaotic strokes. That is, in the form that we want to see later. And then let it harden. And carefully remove from the film. All! To insert them into the cake, you need to make cuts in it with a knife. Barbaric! It's a little scary, but it needs to be held tight. But before inserting the "feathers", I painted the cake. Here, too, everything is ingenious, comrades, that is, it is simple. We dilute the dye (ANY!) in a few drops of vodka, dip a wide brush with synthetic bristles (it’s easier to wash, which means it’s more hygienic, and doesn’t leave hairs!) Into this solution and smear! As you like! White color- titanium dioxide in vodka. Others - Squires Kitchen (but there may be other firms) - are also in C2H5OH. The casket just opened :) Recipe and MK for color chocolate smudges you too . Here is our cake!

Well, now you know how to cook Prague cake Or rather, how I cook it. I will be very glad if my notes are useful to you.

Have fun adventures in the kitchen and delicious results!

PS Thanks for the science to Irina Chadeeva and her book “Baking according to GOST”. I advise from the bottom of my heart!

  • 6 eggs
  • 150 g sugar
  • 110 g flour
  • 30 g cocoa
  • 30 g butter
Impregnation (optional):
  • 70 g sugar + 100 g water + 1-2 tbsp. l. cognac
  • 200 g butter
  • 120 g condensed milk
  • 10 g cocoa
  • 1 yolk
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar (10 g)
  • 70 g chocolate (I have 56%)
  • 50 g butter
  • 50 g apricot jam or jam (for glaze)

By numerous requests my dear readers, I present the recipe legendary cake"Prague". It was one of the most popular cakes in Soviet time, there were always long queues for it, and it was a great success to get it for the holiday. The Prague cake has a very rich chocolate taste of cakes and the same chocolate taste of cream, the cake is sweet, but in moderation, and also very satisfying. A piece of Prague cake is a real happiness for a chocoholic! I present to you classic recipe according to GOST. According to him, the impregnation of the cakes for the Prague cake was not supposed to, because if the cakes are fresh, then they are already quite wet. But I made an impregnation of sugar syrup with cognac, because I like pretty soaked cakes. And I advise you to also impregnate the cakes, especially if you, like me, love soaked cakes, or if you suspect that your biscuit did not come out very well (it turned out dry or dense). You can use peach jam instead of apricot jam. Of course, to make a cake, you need high-quality butter (better than 82%), good cocoa powder, as well as natural condensed milk for cream. I wish you good luck with your cooking!


Cooking biscuit.
Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.
Beat the whites well to strong peaks, gradually pouring half the sugar. Beat for at least 7-10 minutes, or longer, depending on the power of the mixer. I remind you that it is necessary to beat with clean, dry beaters in a perfectly clean and dry container.

In another container, beat the yolks, gradually adding the second half of the sugar. Beat also for a long time and thoroughly, the mass should lighten significantly and increase significantly in volume.

In parts, add whites to the yolks, gently mixing them with movements from the bottom up, as if wrapping them inward.

Sift flour and cocoa together.
Add the dry mixture to the whipped mass in parts, each time, gently mixing it from the bottom up. This must be done carefully so as not to precipitate air bubbles in the whipped mass.

Melt the butter beforehand and cool (I melt in the microwave).
Gently pour in the oil around the edge, and also gently fold in from the bottom up.

Prepare the form (my form is 22 cm in diameter), grease only the bottom with oil, do not grease the walls. When lifting, the biscuit will “hold” on the walls of the mold, this will allow it not to fall off ( butter biscuit pretty tricky).
Put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, bake for about 30 minutes or until a “dry match”.

Once removed from the oven, turn the cake tin upside down and place on a wire rack to cool completely. This method will also help the biscuit hold its shape well.
Then unzip the mold, put the biscuit upside down, and leave for about 8 hours. An aged biscuit improves its characteristics, becomes more elastic and cuts better. If you plan to collect the cake later than 8 hours later, wrap it tightly in a couple of layers of cling film, so it will wait for its finest hour for a day or two without any problems.

Cooking cream.
In a small saucepan with a thick bottom (!) Put the yolk, add a tablespoon of water, mix well.

Add condensed milk, vanilla sugar, mix, put on fire.
Cook over medium heat, stirring well all the time, especially at the bottom. Bring the mixture to a light consistency. If you run your finger along the shoulder blade wrapped in syrup and a clear mark remains, then it's ready. Be careful not to curdle the yolk.
Cool the resulting syrup completely.

Beat soft butter with a mixer until it becomes white.

Gradually add syrup, beating each time.

Then add cocoa, beat again.
The cream is ready.

Let's prepare the impregnation.
Pour sugar hot water, mix, cool completely. Then add cognac, you can add other alcohol to taste or add nothing.

Rub apricot jam through a fine colander to remove pieces of berries.

We collect the cake.
Cut the biscuit into three cakes.

Put the first cake on a plate (this is the one that was on top when baking).
Saturate it evenly with about a third of the impregnation.

Put half of the cream on top, smooth it thoroughly.

Then lay out the second cake, also soak and cover with the second half of the cream.

Lay out the last cake, soak with the last part of the impregnation.
cover the cake apricot jam top and sides as well. Place in the refrigerator for about 20-30 minutes to set the jam.

Break the chocolate into small pieces, add butter cubes and melt into a homogeneous mixture in a water bath or in a microwave.
Let the icing cool slightly and cover the cake on all sides.

Further, when the icing has completely hardened, if desired, you can make an inscription or pattern on the cake. I melted the remaining 30 g of chocolate, put it in a small tight bag, cut off a small corner and painted the cake. If desired, you can initially make a little more cream, and with the help pastry bag decorate the cake with cream to make it look like a store-bought one.
Put the cake in the refrigerator for soaking for several hours or overnight.

And here's a delicious piece!
A started cake is best stored by wrapping cling film so it stays fresh, soft and fragrant longer.
Cake "Prague" has a very rich chocolate taste with a slight bitterness of cocoa, as well as a pleasant vanilla-chocolate aroma! Treat yourself, your loved ones or guests to the legendary classics!

This recipe was made by our grandmother, and it is remembered as a miracle, because it was amazingly delicious! Much tastier than the store-bought counterpart. Meanwhile, the recipe is not at all complicated, cooking takes a little time, and the simplest ones are used. available products. The main thing is that they are of high quality.

You will need

  • For cream:
  • - butter - 200 g;
  • - condensed cocoa - ½ cans.
  • For cakes:
  • - flour - 1 cup;
  • - granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • - sour cream - 300 gr;
  • - condensed cocoa - ½ cans;
  • - eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • - soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • - vinegar - 1-2 drops;
  • - Cahors, liquor or cognac for impregnation.


Break 2 eggs into a bowl. Add a glass of granulated sugar and rub thoroughly.

Pour half a can of condensed cocoa and 300 g of sour cream into another bowl. Mix thoroughly until the mass is homogeneous in color and consistency. Pour this mass into a bowl with eggs and sugar and again mix everything very thoroughly.

We take a glass of flour. We extinguish half a teaspoon of soda with 1-2 drops of vinegar. Pour into flour, mix. Now pour the flour into the previously prepared mass, constantly mixing very carefully. The dough should be thin, homogeneous, without lumps. Some housewives interfere with the mixer, but because of this, the cakes may settle after baking. It's better to mix with your hands.

Preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees. We line the baking dish with confectionery oiled paper or grease with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Pour the dough into a mold and place in a preheated oven. Bake for 30 to 50 minutes, depending on your oven. It is easy to check the readiness of the cake - you need to pierce it with a toothpick (or a pointed splinter), pull it out and see if there is a viscous dough left on it, then the cake is not ready yet.

Finished cake Take it out of the oven and put it on a damp towel to make it easier to separate it from the paper. After 5 minutes, cut off the baked-on edges and carefully remove from the paper. Then we put it on the grill for several hours.

When the cake is no longer hot, but still a little warm, cut it lengthwise into three cakes of equal height. We take a brush and coat each of them with Cahors, liquor or cognac. Cover with a cloth and leave for a while so that the impregnation is absorbed.

Cooking cream. To do this, remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft. Mix 200 g of butter with half a can of condensed cocoa. Thoroughly knead and rub until a homogeneous soft mass is obtained.

Lubricate the cakes with cream and form a cake. We also apply cream on top and sides. Then leave it in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.


When choosing condensed cocoa, pay attention to its quality. Now the quality of condensed milk sometimes fails. Condensed cocoa should be thick in texture and color.

Helpful advice

If desired, the cake can be decorated with an inscription or a cream pattern, as well as chocolate chips.

Beloved by many since childhood cake Prague has unusual story. Despite popular belief that its name cake received in honor of the capital of the Czech Republic, in which he allegedly was invented, in fact, nothing in common, except for the name, with this city cake does not have. Recipe cake but was invented by the confectioner of the Moscow restaurant "Prague", and it was there that this wonderful dessert got its name. cook cake"Prague" at home is not difficult at all.

You will need

    • For the dough: 2 eggs
    • 1 cup of sugar
    • 200 g sour cream
    • ½ can of condensed milk
    • 4 tsp cocoa
    • 1.5 cups flour
    • 1 tsp baking powder
    • a pinch of salt.
    • For the cream: ½ can of condensed milk
    • 1 egg
    • 2 tbsp flour
    • 150 g butter
    • 3 tbsp powdered sugar.
    • For glaze: 100 g chocolate
    • 25 g butter
    • 50 ml cream
    • jam.
    • For impregnation: 1 tbsp. water
    • 1 tbsp cognac
    • 3 tbsp Sahara.


Mix eggs and sugar thoroughly. Add half of the condensed milk and sour cream to this mixture, mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. In a separate bowl, mix flour, baking powder, salt and cocoa. Stir and add to the mixture you prepared earlier. Mix thoroughly again.

Grease a round shape with oil. Pour the resulting dough into it. To spread the dough evenly over the mold, shake it a little.

3 Place the mold with the dough in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for about an hour. Check the readiness of the dough with a wooden stick - pierce the dough with it. If the stick remains dry, then the cake is baked. For this purpose, you can use a match or a toothpick. Remove the form from the oven, leave the cake to cool. After that, cut it into two or three more cakes.

Prepare sugar syrup. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. cognac and 3 tbsp. hot water. Soak the cakes with this syrup. Be careful with impregnation - it should not be too much, otherwise your cake it might just get wet.

Now get cooking custard. Pour the remaining half of the condensed milk into a glass, fill the remaining empty space in the glass with milk. Beat one egg, add to it a mixture of condensed and regular milk, stir. Continuing to stir, add flour to the mixture. After that, beat the resulting mixture with a mixer. Place the saucepan with the mixture on the stove over low heat. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil.

Whip softened butter with powdered sugar. While continuing to beat, pour in the thickened mixture. Bring it all up uniform consistency. Lubricate the cakes with the resulting cream, collect cake.

Upper cake cake and spread with jam. take away cake in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Prepare chocolate frosting. To do this, melt the chocolate in a water bath, add cream and butter. Mix thoroughly and cover with the resulting glaze. cake. take away again cake in the refrigerator for an hour. After that, it can be served on the table.

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Most easy recipe cake "Prague"

If you love chocolate, you will love this easy Prague Cake recipe. There is nothing superfluous in the ingredients. Cream is also the simplest and most delicious: condensed milk and cocoa.

You will need

  • Pie Ingredients:
  • - eggs (2 pcs.);
  • - sugar (1 glass);
  • - sour cream (1 glass);
  • - condensed milk (½ cans);
  • - cocoa (3-4 tablespoons);
  • - flour (1.5 cups);
  • - soda (1 teaspoon).
  • Cream Ingredients:
  • - condensed milk (½ cans);
  • - cocoa (2-4 tablespoons).


Cooking dough. Grind 2 eggs with sugar (1 cup). Add sour cream (1 cup). Pre-mix condensed milk (½ cans) and cocoa (3-4 tablespoons) - condensed cocoa is obtained; add it to the dough, mix thoroughly. We fall asleep flour (1.5 cups) and soda (1 teaspoon). Knead the dough, which by consistency turns out like sour cream.

We bake cakes. We divide the prepared dough into two parts. Pour each part into a mold silicone mold you can not lubricate, or grease with melted butter; grease a tin mold with vegetable oil) and bake at medium temperature in the oven until cooked. Approximate time Cooking one pie: 20-30 minutes. The result is two small pies. Next, let each pie cool slightly, after which we cut each pie into two parts along, as a result, four cakes are obtained.

Cooking cream. While the cakes are cooling, there is just time to prepare the cream. You can either buy the cream in the store (chocolate custard), or make it yourself according to the simplest recipe: mix condensed milk (½ jar) and a few tablespoons of cocoa (to taste).

We make a pie. When the cakes have cooled down a bit, grease them with cream on both sides and leave to soak for 5-10 minutes. The cakes are soaked - put them one on top of the other and grease the cake on top and sides with the remaining cream. Cake "Prague" is ready.


There is not much cream according to the recipe, therefore, in order to have enough, either take more condensed milk, or spend less cream on soaking the cakes.

Helpful advice

As an addition, you can sprinkle grated chocolate on top of the cake.

How to cook simple chocolate cake

Everyone with a sweet tooth loves chocolate cake. It turns out that you can make a simple chocolate cake with cocoa at home! This delicious sweetness which will not leave indifferent neither children nor adults. Besides, home version this dessert is different high quality and full of flavor!

You will need

  • - condensed milk 1 can;
  • - cocoa powder "Golden label";
  • - granulated sugar 1 cup;
  • - butter 1 pack;
  • - wheat flour top grade 1 glass;
  • - soda and vinegar;
  • vegetable oil;
  • - sour cream 25% 1 bank;
  • - eggs 2 pcs.


Stir and rub thoroughly raw eggs with sugar. You should get a homogeneous mass of light color.

In a separate bowl, mix condensed milk, sour cream and add cocoa there. Add cocoa gradually so that no lumps form.

Combine the mass with the product obtained in step one. Mix very thoroughly again.

Half a teaspoon of soda is extinguished with a few drops of vinegar. Mix with a glass of flour, trying to distribute the baking soda and vinegar as evenly as possible.

Add flour with soda to the mass obtained by mixing grated eggs and sour cream with cocoa. Prepare the dough.

The resulting mass is divided into two equal parts. Pour one of the parts into a mold lined with paper. Oil the paper first. Put the resulting workpiece to bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 170 degrees.

Now prepare the cream. Mix a pack of butter with half a can of condensed milk and add cocoa. Stir the mixture thoroughly until a uniform color is obtained. milk chocolate. Place in the refrigerator for several hours.

Then put the second cake in the oven, similarly to the first, and bake under the same conditions.

After cooling, soak the first cake in sugar syrup and leave to soak, covering with a clean towel. Repeat the same action with the second cake.

Chocolate Drunk Cherry Cake

To make this cake recipe you will need:
- 16 eggs;
- 500 g of sugar;
- 500 g flour.

For cream:
- 80 g of cocoa;
- 600 g of butter;
- 6 tbsp. l. milk;
- 600 g of sugar;
- 4 eggs;
- 600 g of cherries;
- 100 ml of cognac.

2-3 days before making the cake canned cherries(pitted) pour cognac or vodka and place in the refrigerator to infuse.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Cool the egg whites and beat in a strong foam, add sugar and continue to beat until it is completely dissolved. After that, carefully, stirring with a spoon from top to bottom, pour in the flour sifted through a sieve. Mix everything well until smooth and bake the cake from the prepared biscuit dough in a preheated oven with medium heat (180 ° C). Ready biscuit cool in shape.

To prepare the cream, mix cocoa powder with sugar, pour in milk and bring to a boil over low heat. Beat the eggs and, without stopping, pour in a thin stream of hot coffee syrup. Cool down. Whip the butter with the cooled syrup.

Cut the baked biscuit in half and remove the crumb from each half with a fork, leaving only the “boxes”. Grease them a small amount cream. Mix the crumb with squeezed cherries and cream. Fill the resulting mass of "boxes". Fold them one on top of the other, cut to each other. Decorate the cake as you wish. You can just pour it with melted chocolate. Put the finished cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Cake "Prague"

To make a Prague cake, you need to take:
- 2 eggs;
- 1 cup of sugar;
- 1 glass of sour cream;
- ½ cans of condensed cocoa;
- ½ tsp soda;
- 2 cups of flour.

For cream:
- ½ cans of condensed cocoa;
- 150 g of butter.

Rub the granulated sugar with eggs well. Then add sour cream, condensed cocoa, soda and mix everything very thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then add wheat flour and prepare the dough.

Lubricate the refractory form with margarine, put the dough into it (it should be the consistency of thick sour cream) and put in the oven on a fire slightly above average, about 200 ° C, bake. Cool the finished cake, then cut into 2-3 thinner.

To prepare the cream, beat the softened butter, adding a tablespoon of condensed cocoa to it. Cake "Prague" will turn out much tastier when there is a lot of cocoa in the cream. In this case, it acquires a pronounced chocolate flavor. To get this effect, put in half a can of condensed milk intended for cream, 1-2 tablespoons (with top) of cocoa powder.
Layer the cakes with the finished cream, lay them on top of each other, coat the surface and sides of the cake. You can decorate "Prague" with grated chocolate and crushed nuts.

Today we propose to cook classic cake"Prague", which has gained popularity since Soviet times. This legendary pastry consists of soft biscuit cakes with a pronounced chocolate flavor, delicate butter cream, a thin layer of marmalade and a simple chocolate-based glaze. Ready dessert it turns out moderately sweet, very tasty and satisfying, and the cooking process is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance!

The recipe presented by us is almost identical to GOST. The only difference is chocolate fudge, which relies on original recipe, we will replace the simpler chocolate icing. In all other respects, we will follow the established rules! So, we stock up on products and prepare the classic Prague cake according to the recipe with step by step photos!


For cakes:

  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • cocoa powder - 30 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 110 g.

For cream:

  • condensed milk - 120 g;
  • drinking water - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • cocoa powder - 10 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g.

For glaze:

  • dark chocolate - 70 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • apricot jam (for smearing the cake) - 50 g.

Cake "Prague" classic recipe with photo step by step (according to GOST)

How to make a biscuit for the classic Prague cake

  1. Proteins, separating from the yolks, beat with a mixer until a white foam is obtained. We remind you that the whisking bowl must be completely clean and dry, and it must also not be allowed to get into protein mass not a drop of yolk! Otherwise, beat the whites to the correct consistency will not work!
  2. We continue to work with the mixer, gradually pouring half the norm of sugar. Be sure to beat the mass until a strong compaction or, to put it culinary term, "up to stable peaks". This means that when tilting and turning the bowl, the squirrels must remain absolutely still.
  3. Whisk in a separate bowl egg yolks with the remaining portion of sugar until a homogeneous, thickened and significantly increased in volume mass of a light shade is obtained.
  4. We spread the whites to the beaten yolks in parts, each time mixing them very carefully light movements down up.
  5. In a separate bowl, mix flour with cocoa powder. Sift through a fine sieve, and then in small portions enter to egg mixture, continuing to move from bottom to top. IN this case it is not worth stirring the dough in a circle - this can cause it to settle and lose its “airiness”, as a result of which the biscuit will turn out to be very thin and it will no longer be possible to divide it into 3 cakes.
  6. Melt the butter until smooth, cool, and then pour along the wall to biscuit dough. Again, gently mix with movements from the bottom up, and then fill the resulting viscous composition with a detachable form with a diameter of 22 cm (if your form is more large size, the proportions of the products should be increased). It is advisable to cover the bottom of the container with oiled parchment (the sides can not be lubricated).
  7. We send the form to the oven heated to 200 degrees for about 20-30 minutes. We check readiness with a match / toothpick. To prevent possible settling of the biscuit, during the baking process we once again try not to open the oven and not to slam the door. We turn the form with a freshly baked biscuit upside down and put it on a wire rack until it cools completely - so the pastries do not settle and better retain their shape.
  8. Remove the detachable board from the already cooled biscuit (we first go through the walls of the mold with a knife blade moistened with water). We cut the biscuit blank into 3 cakes.

    How to make cream for a classic Prague cake

  9. In a small bucket or saucepan with a thick bottom, place raw yolk, pour a spoonful of ordinary drinking water and mix thoroughly. Next, add condensed milk, add vanilla sugar for flavor.
  10. Place over low heat and cook until the mixture thickens. Make sure the yolk doesn't curl! To do this, during the cooking process, we constantly maintain a low temperature and diligently mix the mass, especially at the bottom of the pan. To make sure it's ready, run a spoon or spatula along the bottom of the container. If the trace remains clear and the cream swims very slowly, remove the pan from the heat.
  11. Beat butter softened at room temperature with a mixer until fluffy and creamy.
  12. Gradually introduce the syrup removed from the stove and completely cooled, continuing to work with a mixer.
  13. Lastly, fold in the sifted cocoa powder. Beat until the oil mass is completely colored in a uniform light brown shade. If the cream is too light, you can add an additional portion of cocoa.

    How to make a classic Prague cake

  14. We place one biscuit cake on a large plate. Fans of "wet" baking can soak the biscuit with any liquid syrup or a mixture of water and cognac. In fact, according to the classic recipe (according to GOST), cakes for Prague are not saturated with anything at all, but this is only possible if the biscuit turned out to be perfect. If there is a suspicion that the cakes turned out to be too dense or dryish, it is better to soak them anyway. Alternatively, you can prepare the simplest syrup from water and granulated sugar (pour 70 g of sugar into 100 ml of hot water, cool completely and, if desired, pour 1-2 tablespoons of cognac).
  15. We apply half of the buttercream to the base of the cake, spread it over the cake.
  16. Lay the second cake on top and apply the rest of the cream.
  17. We place the last cake. We coat the top and sides of the cake with a thin layer apricot jam. We send the pastries to the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes so that the sweet berry layer is slightly frozen.
  18. In the meantime, prepare the glaze - mix the chocolate slices with butter, cut into arbitrary pieces. We place in a "water bath" and, stirring, we achieve the melting of all chocolate fragments and obtain a homogeneous mass. Let the chocolate icing cool slightly, and then cover the cake on all sides. If desired, we decorate the dessert by preparing an additional portion of cream or using any confectionery toppings and decorations.
  19. We send almost ready-made pastries overnight in the refrigerator for thorough soaking. We cut the classic Prague cake in portions and serve it with a cup of tea or coffee.

Bon appetit!
