
Puff pastry cake. Store bought puff pastry cake recipe

Napoleon cake

You can easily make a Napoleon cake from ready-made puff pastry according to this recipe. Napoleon from puff pastry is obtained quickly and easily, each piece

1 h 15 min

380 kcal

4.75/5 (53)

Kitchen appliances and utensils: oven, mixer, knife, spoon, fork, saucepan, deep bowl, glass, whisk.

According to the traditions of my family, it is always baked for the holidays. So, on the eve of my birthday, I discovered this fast, delicious, delicate cake “Napoleon” from store-bought puff pastry according to a recipe from her godmother, whose baking is quick and easy, each piece just melts in your mouth, and the aftertaste remains light and tender.

I have always wondered why this cake is called "Napoleon". It turns out that there are many versions of the origin of the name and legends about the country in which this layer cake was invented.

For example, in Italy and France it is called millefeuille. And there is also a version that for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the expulsion of Napoleon from Russia, new dessert— puff pastry with cream, baked in the shape of a triangle? which was associated with the famous hat of Napoleon. Hungary has its own "Napoleon", pieces of which are served cut into squares of a fairly large size.

Required products

For cream:

Cake Ingredients:

How to choose the right ingredients

Cake "Napoleon" can be prepared from ready-made puff without yeast dough , as well as from the finished puff yeast dough- there is no significant difference, since each layer of the cake is smeared with cream. The difference between these types of dough is that yeast-free is drier, and yeast is more tender and rises better.

So, cooking the Napoleon cake with store-bought puff pastry: step by step recipe with photo.

Napoleon from ready-made puff pastry - step by step

1st stage test preparation

  • Packaging of ready-made puff pastry, rectangular shape(2 packs of 500 g or 1 pack of 1 kg).

2nd stage cream preparation

  • Milk - 1 l.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs. (or 2 large ones).
  • Flour - 3 tablespoons.
  • Butter - 40 g.
  • Sugar - 1 cup or to taste
  • Cream (fatty) - 300 ml.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

I draw your attention if you want to get more smooth cake, we do it like this:

  • We coat 6 cakes, put 7 cakes without cream on top.
  • We put a dry, clean cutting board on top of it and put a load (a jar of water) for 10 minutes. The cake will look more even.
  • After we grease the top cake with cream and sprinkle with crumbs.

Napoleon puff cake is ready! It can be eaten immediately - then it will be more crispy. And you can leave it to soak, it will become soft and will melt in your mouth!

The choice is yours. Bon appetit!!!

How to make a Napoleon cake from puff pastry truly festive and author's? We show imagination and decorate cakes chocolate chips, fresh berries, chopped fruits, nuts, almond petals, caramel decor, etc.

Napoleon cake video

Below is a video from Alexander Seleznev, the king of desserts, where he tells how to quickly prepare the dough for the Napoleon cake himself, and demonstrates a master class on caramel decor. Words cannot express - watch and enjoy!

As it turned out, this is not at all difficult, and the dough turns out much tastier and better than store-bought. Today we bring you some amazing recipes from puff pastry.

What can be made from puff pastry? So many different goodies! From simple puff "tongues" to gorgeous cake"Napoleon"; tube puffs, "envelopes", "corners", "roses"; stuffed with apples, cottage cheese, cheese, sausage, jam, chocolate, custard! This is the wealth of variations basic recipe homemade puff.

Depending on how you fold the dough and how you fill the formed products, each time you will get a new delicacy, to the delight and surprise of the household.

Bake everything puff products should be on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, or covered with baking parchment, at a temperature of 200-220ºС. Readiness is easy to find out: baking is stratified, acquiring a golden color.

Roll out puff pastry 1 cm thick, cut into strips about 10 cm long, 3-4 cm wide. Twist in the middle to make a “bow”. Bake, transfer to a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Probably, you often met delicious biscuits-ears in the store. It is easy to make it at home: roll out the dough 0.5 cm thick, sprinkle the cake with cinnamon sugar and fold the right edge first, then the left one with a roll to the middle of the cake. It turns out a double roll. We cut it into pieces 0.5 cm thick, lay out the “ears” on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and bake until cooked.

We cut the dough into squares, in the middle of each we lay out a non-liquid filling: pieces of apples, cherries, cottage cheese, or boiled eggs With green onion, or mushrooms fried with onions. We bend the squares of dough diagonally to make a triangle, and press along the perimeter with a finger, stepping back 1 cm from the edge: then the filling will not “run away” during baking, and the edges of the “corners” will delaminate nicely.

Can be made sweet or snack. Having rolled out the dough with a thickness of 0.5 cm, cut the cake into strips 15 cm long, 3 cm wide.

On the dough we lay thin semicircular slices of apples sprinkled with cinnamon sugar, or boiled sausage- so that the edges protrude slightly above the dough, - and roll the dough into a roll. We fasten the roses with toothpicks and bake until golden.

You can sprinkle strips of dough with grated cheese or poppy seeds, then roll up - you get puff "snails".

5. Cheese sticks

Cut the cake 1 cm thick into strips, grease with a beaten egg, sprinkle with grated cheese. You can sprinkle with cumin or sesame seeds.

Having rolled out the dough into a 0.5 cm cake, cut out circles with a glass or a glass. We impose the filling, for example, boiled chicken fillet chopped and mixed with fried onions. We pinch the pies, press them a little, put them on a baking sheet with the seam down and bake until light golden.

To cook them, you will need special metal baking cones. We wind strips of dough 1 cm wide on them, slightly overlapping, and bake. Remove the finished cooled tubes from the cones and fill with cream: creamy, custard or protein.

8. Puffs "Croissants"

Roll out the dough into a circle 0.5 cm thick and cut into triangular segments, as for bagels. We put a non-liquid filling on the wide edge: berries, a piece of jam, nuts with raisins and honey, a piece of chocolate - and turn from the wide end to the narrow one. Dip the top side of the croissant into the beaten egg, then into the sugar. Place on a baking sheet and bake until golden color.

As an alternative to small puffs, you can bake a large, spectacular layered cake! Roll out the dough 0.5 cm thick, cut long, narrow stripes(width 5 cm, length - the more the better).

In the middle of the strips put the filling: grated cheese, mushrooms, minced meat. We pinch the edges and lay the resulting "tubes" with the filling in a spiral shape. Can you make a pie with different fillings by alternating them. Brush the top of the pie with beaten egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds or caraway seeds. Bake at 180-200C until golden brown.

10. Napoleon

The most delicious and favorite puff pastry recipe! We roll out the dough into cakes 2-3 mm thick, according to the size of the baking sheet (and to thin cake not torn, it is more convenient to roll out immediately on floured parchment), pierce the cakes in several places with a fork and bake every 15-20 minutes. We coat the finished cakes custard, sprinkle the cake with crumbs and leave to soak for 3-4 hours.

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"Puff pastry cakes" 20 recipes
  • Strawberry puff cake

layer cake with condensed milk - my lifesaver for all occasions when you need to prepare something for tea for guests or just for home gatherings! Due to the fact that condensed milk and butter are always in the refrigerator, and ready-made puff pastry now you can easily buy it at the nearest supermarket, it is a pleasure to cook it, so I think that every housewife should have the recipe for this cake!

Let's prepare products for a puff cake with condensed milk. Take out puff pastry from freezer and let him unwind. Take the butter out of the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature. While we bake the cakes, the butter will soften.

Cut the puff pastry sheet into 4 pieces. Lay out the sliced ​​layers of dough on a baking sheet, make punctures with a fork on the surface of the dough so that it rises evenly. Send the baking sheet with the dough to the oven preheated to 180 degrees C for 20 minutes. Finished puff cakes Take out of the oven and let them cool completely.

We knead one cake well with our hands into crumbs. We need crumbs to sprinkle the finished cake.

The remaining cakes are cut lengthwise into two parts.

Prepare a cream of condensed milk (not boiled) and butter. Let's put them in a bowl.

Using a mixer, beat the cream ingredients into a smooth mass.

Well, now everything is simple. Lubricate the cakes with cream and lay them on top of each other.

Grease the finished cake on top and sides with the remaining cream.

This is how our final cake will look like.

And now sprinkle the top and sides of the cake with crumbs. After that, we send the cake for at least 20-30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Layer cake with condensed milk is ready!

Slicing the cake portioned pieces. The longer the cake sits in the fridge, the easier it will be to cut.

Happy tea!

In this article we will talk about how, I must say that not only excellent cakes come out of it. Baskets, vol-au-vents, croissants, co all kinds of fillings and not just sweet ones. Dessert or unusual sandwich for family breakfast gourmet snack To romantic dinner, a richly decorated puff pastry cake - all this requires a long preparatory work. These pancakes can be made on hastily. And puff pastry requires a lot of effort, several hours of time and ... a refrigerator. But the result is worth it! Soft, crunchy, thin, perfectly holding cream. And if you don't have time, you can buy already ready dough in the supermarket.

How to knead puff pastry (ingredients)

In confectionery products of this kind, the filling or cream is the lightest phase. culinary process. Let's leave it for later. Whatever you are preparing to bake - apple cake from puff pastry or flounces with tuna - you should first knead and roll out the base. For her, you need to choose flour with great content gluten (from soft varieties wheat). Salt and vinegar (or citric acid) are also needed, even for desserts. Butter (200 grams per kilogram of dough), which in no case can be replaced by margarine or cooking oil, should be used at a temperature of 14-17 ° C, when it is most plastic. You will need a couple more eggs, milk or water.

Kneading, oil preparation, layering

These are the three phases of making puff pastry. First, pour the flour in a slide. Shake the egg in a glass, add water, add citric acid or vinegar, salt. In the flour hill we make a recess like a crater. We pour into it egg mixture and knead until smooth. If the dough came out too liquid, add flour, and if it is too steep, add water. For elasticity, you can add one or two tablespoons of butter.

We cover the gingerbread man with a napkin so that it does not “wind out”, and put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. Soften the butter and mix with a small amount flour. It will become dry and sticky, it will be well distributed between layers. From this mass we form layers of about 2 cm thick. We cool them to 14 ° C. And finally, the last phase is layering. We roll the gingerbread man into a layer no more than a centimeter thick, and we are zealous at the edges. In the center, where the dough is wider, spread the butter. We close it with an “envelope”, pinching the edges. Roll out again into a thin layer. We connect the opposite ends of the square in the middle, again creating a single layer. Fold the dough in half and refrigerate for half an hour. If you carelessly treat this last phase, the puff pastry cake will not turn out lush, it will not rise.


This procedure does not require any special efforts however it is very important. If you do not give the dough a good "rest" in the refrigerator, it will simply tear during the last rolling. We cannot name exact time standing. It depends on the elasticity of the gluten, the thickness of the layers that will form your puff pastry cake. The procedure of rolling into a very thin layer, folding it in half, four times and then hiding in the refrigerator for thirty minutes should be repeated about four times. The rolling pin needs to be worked smoothly and slowly. After the last rolling, the dough should rest at room temperature for about twenty minutes.


If you bought store-bought sheet dough, then you do not need to read the previous text. But the final stage, baking, requires some culinary skill. If you want to make a "quick" cake (from ready-made puff pastry), then you must first defrost the bag at room temperature. After 20 minutes, carefully remove the cellophane film.

We heat the oven to 220 ° C. Dust a work surface lightly with flour and unfold a tight bundle on it. Very sharp knife With one sharp movement, cut the dough into several parts. We roll out thin layers of them. We spread the cake on a baking sheet moistened with water and often prick its surface with a fork to prevent the appearance of large bubbles. You can brush it with an egg. We bake for about a quarter of an hour. You need to apply the cream after the cakes have completely cooled.

Puff pastry cake: Dream recipe

There is another method for making a "fast" sheet base. Three hundred grams of butter should be quickly chopped with 4 cups of flour, add an egg, four cups granulated sugar, a little milk, a pinch of salt and soda quenched with vinegar. knead from this elastic dough and put it in the refrigerator. Bake three cakes (since they are thick, the cooking time increases to 20-25 minutes). The cream is prepared very simply: apple or plum jam mixed with the same amount of sour cream. We spread the filling on the still hot cakes.

Such different "Napoleons"

Actually, this cake everyone loves is made from and then soaked ready-made cakes wet oil cream. After a night in the fridge, the dessert just melts in your mouth. But you can make this puff cake No. 1 is like this. We divide a kilogram of dough into three or four pieces, leave one for rolling out, and hide the others until the time in the refrigerator. We lay the cake on a baking sheet moistened with water, pierce with a fork in several places. We do this with all the pieces of dough. Cooled cakes can be layered with custard, oil, sour cream or whipped cream with jam.

Another "Napoleon" (cake)

Cut the puff pastry into eight or ten pieces. We keep the buns in the freezer for two hours. Roll out the cakes very thinly, bake until golden brown. Cool down. We cook a jar of condensed milk for two to three hours. Milk mixed with a pack dessert cheese"Mascarpone". We smear the cakes with this cream, slightly compacting the cake with our hands. After a night in the refrigerator, it will soak enough. We decorate the top of the product with the remnants of the cream, candied fruit, nuts.

What else are cakes

As we noted above, confectionery doesn't have to be sweet. There is also puff pastry. They are different.

You can cook wonderful using pate, mushrooms and carrots with onions. Vegetables (300 grams) fry. Mix with pate. Fry finely chopped mushrooms (in the same amount as vegetables). We form three or four cakes from puff pastry, bake them for five to ten minutes. When they have cooled, we begin to make a cake. Bottom cake Lubricate with mayonnaise, spread the pate. On the second place mushrooms, vegetables. We alternate the fillings until we reach the top cake. We simply grease it with mayonnaise, decorate the top with chopped herbs and pitted olives.

If you are a fan of light salads, you can bake puff flounces- barrels of dough. You can put inside slightly salted salmon, cut into pieces and mixed with herbs and cheese, or boiled chicken breast with vegetables, or foie gras with olives. The main thing is that the salad filling should not be too liquid, otherwise the puff will spread.

You can bake apples with this dough. Cut the center of the fruit, fill the hole with sugar and cinnamon, wrap in a layer of dough. Bake until done. If there is no sheet, you can make a cake from puff pastry. It is also sold in stores. It is baked in a similar way, only we do not sprinkle the baking sheet with water, but cover it with parchment paper.

Layered dessert is rightfully one of the most popular cakes. IN classic version, Napoleon cake is prepared with custard, but this recipe is for those who save their time. Believe me, a quick-cooked Napoleon cake made from ready-made puff pastry with condensed milk will turn out to be a great treat. , whipped with butter, also perfectly copes with the impregnation of the cakes, and they turn out to be very soft and tender. To make cooking easier and minimize the time spent on it, take store-bought puff pastry. Let's not mix it up ourselves. Then it remains only to bake the cakes. Such a cake is prepared in a maximum of an hour, so you can afford it not only for a holiday, but also on a regular weekday.
Cake "Napoleon" from ready-made puff pastry with condensed milk, recipe with photo.

You will need:

- 200 g butter,
- 1 can of condensed milk,
- yeast-free puff pastry (1 kg),
- a little flour.

How to cook with a photo step by step

There are two types of dough on store shelves: already formed into sheets and simply frozen. If you bought the second option, then carefully cut the dough into equal squares.

Gently roll out each cake, not very thin.

Line a baking sheet with parchment. And carefully transfer raw cakes to it.
We make holes in them with a fork or a toothpick. This will prevent the formation of bubbles.
I didn’t fit all the cakes together, I baked one at a time. If your oven and baking sheet are large, then you can immediately bake cakes from ready dough for Napoleon.

Set the oven temperature to 200C.
Leave the dough to bake for 15-18 minutes.

To do delicious cream soften the butter to room temperature. Beat it until fluffy.
We add a little condensed milk. Leave in the refrigerator for half an hour.

We form a cake, thickly lubricating the already cooled cakes with cold cream. Upper layer you can sprinkle with crumbs - for this, simply cut the edges of each layer with a knife.

Tips: To make the Napoleon cake from ready-made puff pastry with condensed milk more tender, soak each cake in sweet syrup or milk. And only after that lubricate with cream.
Butter and condensed milk are more convenient and faster than whipping in a blender.
Instead of butter, you can combine condensed milk with fat sour cream. And you can leave both of these ingredients, mixing in equal proportions.

Another option to diversify the taste of the cake is to pre-cook condensed milk. Just put tin can into water and cook over low heat after boiling for at least two hours.
In the cream, you can add a little vanilla or a little orange peel- so the cake will acquire new fragrant notes.
Cakes are best rolled out to a thickness of two millimeters.
Bon appetit.
Old Lesya
But that is not all!
