
Herring under a fur coat - the best recipes. How to cook herring under a fur coat

Top 10 things to keep in mind while cooking. What most don't think about...

1. Choice of dishes and portions.
Yes, imagine, it is very important to choose the right dishes. Some people like to put a huge dish for everyone, where everyone can take the right amount for themselves on a plate.

Others prefer the salad to be prepared immediately in individual rosettes or in the form of cakes, so that the layers do not fall apart during transfer, so that they can pick up this plate of their own and savor it in a way that suits them.

When a salad is taken from a common dish, either part of the lower layers may be lost or fall apart and there will no longer be its original appearance.

2. Will the salad be in a bowl or look like a cake, or maybe a roll?
It's easier to do in a dish. the main thing is to be suitable, the roll is easy to make using cling film, a cake using a mold or a detachable ring.
Personal preference plays a role here, but for cake-like salads, you often have to add gelatin and be careful with mayonnaise, otherwise everything will blur.

3. Mayonnaise and salt.
Some smear with mayonnaise literally every layer, some smear only on top, and someone only some certain layers ...

If you like fatter and mayonnaise - feel free to smear each layer, if you want to emphasize the taste of mayonnaise on some products - smear those layers on which mayonnaise will "play" with the desired taste.
For example, if you smear beets, it will be the same an unspeakably wonderful combination of flavors, and if onions or potatoes ... then you are a big fan of mayonnaise.

And some use sour cream instead of mayonnaise, because not everyone can eat it for health reasons.

It is not necessary to salt the lettuce layers, some are salted, it is believed that if the herring is very lightly salted. then you can tweak it a bit. But you might as well get by, especially if you have to limit your salt intake for health reasons.

4. What products will be used.
Classic: herring, beets, onions, eggs, potatoes, carrots and mayonnaise.
But someone likes to add pickled mushrooms, cucumbers, apples and something else.

Stripped down variant. It happens that some of the products do not like, so it can be excluded from the salad. You can even exclude the herring itself! But usually eggs and / or potatoes are removed in order to reduce the calorie content, carrots (which some cannot eat in boiled), onions, if they do not like it.

There is also a sea of ​​various "lazy" options for herring under a fur coat. And if you have no time, but you really want a salad, you can look at a simplified version in advance.

5. Speaking of bows...
Someone likes spicy onions, and someone pickled, someone pours boiling water, or you can choose onion varieties that are not so evil.
Recipes often say that onions should be pickled. So this is not for everyone, but only for those who do not like onions in their natural form.

6. Method of grinding.
You can cut into cubes or straws, you can rub on a coarse or fine grater, you can even twist in a blender or in a meat grinder. If you like to chew, gnaw - your option is pieces or straws, but you need to cut it, and not everyone likes to cut, not everyone knows how and not everyone has time for this.

Beets and carrots twisted in puree are very convenient to spread.

You can rub. The smaller the grater, the more tender salad. You can grind different layers in different ways.
So it is better to cut the herring into cubes, potatoes can be, for example, on a coarse grater, onions in cubes, carrots, beets, eggs - on a fine grater. Whoever likes it. But if the product gave juice during grinding, then it is better to drain it, and sometimes grated beets should be squeezed directly by hand from excess juice.

7. The herring itself.
It is better to take a whole fish - it is much tastier than fillets in jars. Especially if you know how to clean and you have a little time for it. For speed, look on the Internet for ways to quickly and effective cleaning herring.

In jars, herring gives off vinegar, but if there is no desire and time to clean or you respect pickled herring, this is your option.

8. Order and number of layers.
Oddly enough, it affects the taste of the finished dish and the convenience of eating it. If the salad is served in a large common dish, then you should put potatoes on the bottom so that it holds the bottom of the salad well (then the pieces of herring will not fall off when placed on plates). The potato at the bottom is also good because it absorbs the herring fat that drains from the fish.
If the salad is served in individual salad bowls, then the order of the layers is a matter of taste, you can make a salad for each family member according to his personal preferences, because they can be very different in one family.

In order not to confuse, you can either submit to different utensils or do various decorations, you can even make a different relief pattern on mayonnaise or even the initials of the person to whom it is intended.

Layers can be duplicated at least all, at least some individual ones. So maybe 2 layers of eggs or beets, or for a tall salad, you can simply repeat all the layers 2 or 3 times.

9. Top layer It is generally accepted that upper layer better decorate grated egg or only egg yolk so that the mayonnaise does not "weather". But (!) the very "weathered" mayonnaise is quite tasty and pleasant to the eye. Herring under a fur coat for completeness of taste should be infused for at least 2-3 hours in the refrigerator or even just on the table.
Then the top layer of mayonnaise on the beets will become pinkish and a little amber-transparent, and its taste will change slightly, it will turn out to be a certain "trick".

Therefore, if you like this option - do not cover the salad with anything, neither with an egg, nor with a lid and insist room temperature, and if, on the contrary, you don’t like the “windy”, then you can sprinkle with an egg, although, probably, not everyone likes the windy egg either. It's a matter of taste here. You can simply cover with a lid or cling film and put in the refrigerator.

10. Jewelry.
Decorations of course give a very beautiful and holiday look, but they are not always convenient, pleasant and tasty to eat, so it is better to remember that a salad is not only a product culinary arts but also food. And not always the taste of greens, or pieces of jewelry will please the taste. If we talk about greens, then it is most safe to decorate with green onions, it will spoil the salad bouquet less than dill or parsley.

Bon appetit and good luck in finding your personal taste of your favorite salad!

The well-known herring under a fur coat can be cooked different ways. Someone is sticking classic version, where only vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions and beets) and herring are used, other housewives add eggs to the salad. In more "exotic" herring recipes under a fur coat, apples, pomegranates, avocados and even pineapples are used. Each salad is tasty and spicy in its own way. If you want more easy option herring under a fur coat, you can refuse to add onions - this recipe will appeal to those who do not like onion in salads. You can also add garlic or pickled cucumbers for spiciness and piquancy.

Grated cheese complements the salad perfectly. Regardless of which ingredients are used, the cooking principle is the same for all options: prepared foods (cooked and chopped vegetables, herring, eggs, etc.) are distributed in turn in the form of layers. Each layer must be covered with mayonnaise. In the classic recipe, herring is laid out first, then potatoes, after which all other products, beets are always last. Often the first layer is potatoes, after which the herring is already laid out. Ready meal must be allowed to soak. It is best to leave the dish in the cold overnight. You can decorate the salad with chopped yolks, boiled vegetables or herbs.

Herring under a fur coat - preparing food and dishes

To prepare herring under a fur coat, you need to prepare: bowls for ingredients, a cutting board, a grater, pots for cooking food. Salad can be laid out in a wide, slightly in-depth dish or in a large deep salad bowl.

The preparation of products consists mainly in the processing of fish: the herring must be cleaned, the bones removed and the fillets separated. The fish is cut small pieces. Vegetables must be thoroughly washed and boiled in their skins. So that beets do not stain potatoes and carrots, you need to cook food in different saucepans. The cooled vegetables are peeled and grated (or cut into small pieces). Chopped onions can be boiled or marinated in vinegar to neutralize the bitterness.

Herring recipes under a fur coat:

Recipe 1: Classic herring under a fur coat

The classic recipe for herring under a fur coat uses potatoes, beets and onions with carrots. All layers are covered with mayonnaise, and for decoration, you can take green onions or green leaves.

Required Ingredients:

  • Herring;
  • Carrot;
  • Two potatoes;
  • Beets of medium size;
  • Bulb;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • green onion;
  • Greenery.

Cooking method:

We wash all vegetables properly, cook beets, carrots and potatoes separately from each other. We clean the cooled products. We process the herring, cut the fillet into small squares. We chop the onion (you can pour over boiling water or marinate for a couple of minutes in a mixture of vinegar and water). We cut the potatoes into small cubes, three carrots with beets on a grater. We prepare a large in-depth salad bowl or dish and proceed to lay out the layers: first we distribute the herring, coat with mayonnaise, followed by onions and mayonnaise, then potatoes, mayonnaise, carrots, mayonnaise again and at the very end beets and the final layer of mayonnaise. Smooth the top of the salad with a spoon. We send the dish to the cold soak. Before serving, decorate with herbs or green onion rings.

Recipe 2: Herring under a fur coat with garlic

Garlic makes the well-known herring under a fur coat piquant and “more interesting”. This method is suitable for those who are "bored" classic recipe lettuce.

Required Ingredients:

  • Half a kilo of herring;
  • Bulb;
  • Two carrots;
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • Large beets;
  • garlic clove;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

We cook vegetables separately from each other, cool, clean. We process the herring and cut it into small cubes. We chop the onion and scald it with boiling water. We rub the beets with carrots, cut the potatoes into small cubes. Finely chop the garlic with a knife. We take a salad bowl, first lay out the herring. We cover it with mayonnaise. Next comes onions and mayonnaise again. Then distribute the carrots. Then spread the garlic evenly. We cover the garlic with mayonnaise, spread the potatoes. We apply mayonnaise and at the end lay out the beets. Lubricate the beets with a layer of mayonnaise and carefully distribute it with a spoon. If desired, the dish can be decorated with figurines from boiled vegetables or greenery.

Recipe 3: Herring under a fur coat with eggs

Herring under a fur coat with eggs is one of the most popular options for preparing such a salad. Vegetables are taken all the same - potatoes, carrots and beets with onions. Proteins and yolks can be laid out in separate layers or made in the form of one common layer. Some housewives also use yolks for decoration.

Required Ingredients:

  • Herring fillet;
  • Several potatoes;
  • Two carrots;
  • Beet;
  • Three eggs;
  • Bulb;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Wash vegetables and set to boil, then cool and clean. Three on a grater in different containers. Finely chop the onion. Eggs are boiled, cooled and cleaned. We rub the protein, chop the yolk into crumbs with a knife. Cut the herring fillet into small pieces. We take a wide in-depth dish and proceed to the formation of a salad: we distribute herring, onions, apply a layer of mayonnaise. We spread the potatoes, grease it with mayonnaise. Next, distribute the proteins and cover with mayonnaise. Now we make a layer of carrots, coat with mayonnaise and distribute the yolks. The final layer is beets, smeared with mayonnaise. We send the salad in the cold for several hours. If the yolks are used for decoration, sprinkle them on the salad just before serving, otherwise they will wind up. Herring under a fur coat can also be decorated with parsley leaves.

Recipe 4: Herring under a fur coat without onions

"Lightweight" version of herring under a fur coat. This recipe will appeal to everyone who does not like onions in salads. Here, along with herring, potatoes, beets and eggs are used. The dish is very tender and "soft" in taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Herring - fillet;
  • Beet;
  • Three eggs;
  • Three potatoes;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Cut the fillet into small pieces. Boil beets with potatoes, cool and clean. We cut the potatoes into slices, the beets into three graters. Boil the eggs, cool and cut with a knife. We spread the salad: the first layer will be herring, grease it with mayonnaise. Next, we distribute the potatoes (for spice, you can lightly pepper them), then lay out the eggs and also coat them with mayonnaise. We distribute the beets with the final layer, cover it with mayonnaise. Let the salad soak.

Recipe 5: Herring under a fur coat with apples

At first glance, it may seem that herring and apples are absolutely incompatible with each other. This recipe for herring under a fur coat proves that this is far from the case. Apples are brought to lettuce light sourness and make the appetizer more juicy.

Required Ingredients:

  • Three potatoes;
  • Two eggs;
  • Two carrots;
  • 2 small beets;
  • 2 salted herrings;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Bulb;
  • 2 apples.

Cooking method:

We process the herring, cut the fillet into small cubes. We wash potatoes, beets and carrots from dirt and set to boil. We clean the cooled boiled vegetables. Wash apples, peel, remove cores with seeds. Rub apples on coarse grater(so that they do not darken, lightly sprinkle lemon juice). We also rub potatoes, beets and carrots separately from each other. We chop the onion. Boil the eggs, cool and rub. We form a salad: first lay out a part of the potato, followed by herring and onions. We put on mayonnaise. We distribute carrots, part of beets and eggs. We apply mayonnaise again. Vegetable layers can be slightly salted to taste. The next layer lay out the remaining potatoes and apples. The last layer is the remaining beets. We apply mayonnaise, remove the dish for the night in the cold.

Recipe 6: Herring under a fur coat with cheese

Another cooking method popular dish. Herring under a fur coat with cheese turns out to be tender, satisfying and more saturated in taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Herring fillet;
  • Three eggs;
  • onion head;
  • A couple of potatoes;
  • Two carrots;
  • Large beets;
  • 125 g of cheese;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Washed vegetables set to boil. We clean the cooled vegetables and rub them separately from each other. We chop the onion, pour over with boiling water. Boil eggs, cool. Three whites on a grater, chop the yolks with a knife. Cut the herring fillet into small pieces, lay out the first layer. Next, distribute the onion and apply mayonnaise. Next, distribute the potatoes, salt, pepper, apply mayonnaise. Next comes the carrots smeared with mayonnaise. Now distribute the proteins and apply mayonnaise. We spread the grated cheese, again coat with mayonnaise. Lay out the beets with the final layer and gently grease with mayonnaise. We decorate the salad with yolks. We remove the dish for the whole night in the cold.

Recipe 7: Herring under a fur coat with salmon

This salad is a great decoration for the holiday table. In fact, it turns out not a herring under a fur coat, but a salmon under a fur coat, since red fish is taken instead of herring. The rest of the ingredients remain the same. The salad turns out to be very appetizing, with a pronounced, rich taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 small onions;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • Two eggs;
  • Black ground pepper;
  • Beet;
  • A little red caviar;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Salt;
  • Salmon - 200 g;
  • Carrot;
  • Several sprigs of dill.

Cooking method:

Boil beets, potatoes and carrots, cool and clean. Hard boil the eggs, leave to cool. We rub the potatoes, put them on the dish in the first layer. Salt and pepper the potatoes to taste, apply mayonnaise. Chop the onion, scald with boiling water, dry and lay out the next layer. Cut the salmon into pieces and distribute on a layer of onions. We put on mayonnaise. We rub the eggs, lay them out. Again we make a mesh of mayonnaise and distribute the grated carrots. Lubricate the carrots with mayonnaise, lay out the grated beets. Spread the last layer of beets evenly with mayonnaise. We decorate the salad with red caviar, salmon roses and dill sprigs. We leave the dish for several hours in the cold.

Recipe 8: Herring under a fur coat with cucumbers

Very original recipe herring under a fur coat, which uses pickled cucumbers. This ingredient makes the salad more spicy and adds a special "zest". Cucumbers are better to take spicy, not too "watery".

Required Ingredients:

  1. Potato - 3 tubers;
  2. Three carrots;
  3. Two small beets;
  4. Herring fillet;
  5. Pickled cucumbers - 120 g;
  6. Two eggs;
  7. Bulb;
  8. Mayonnaise;
  9. Greenery;
  10. Salt;
  11. Pepper.

Cooking method:

Boil the vegetables until cooked, cool and clean, rub on a grater. Chop the onion, cut the cucumber into small pieces. Boil the eggs, cool and chop with a knife. Cut the herring into small pieces. We lay out the ingredients: first we lay out part of the potatoes, salt a little and cover with mayonnaise, then distribute the herring and onions, grease again with mayonnaise. Then we distribute the carrots, salt a little and grease with mayonnaise. Next, we distribute part of the beets, grease with mayonnaise. Then comes a layer of eggs and mayonnaise. After the eggs, lay out the second half of the potatoes, pickles and the second part of the beets. Lubricate the final layer with mayonnaise. We remove the herring for several hours in the refrigerator, before serving we decorate with herbs.

Recipe 9: Herring under a fur coat with avocado

Herring under a fur coat with avocado - another option popular salad. This dish can be prepared New Year's table.

Required Ingredients:

  • 400 g potatoes;
  • 2 medium beets;
  • Salted herring- 280 g;
  • 250 g avocado;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • Medium bulb;
  • 3 eggs;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Parsley.

Cooking method:

We process the herring, cut the fillet into small pieces. Boil potatoes, carrots and beets until tender, cool and peel. We rub the boiled vegetables on a coarse grater. We clean the avocado and also rub it on a grater. Hard boil eggs, chop two eggs with a knife, leave one to decorate the salad. Chop the onion and pour over with boiling water. Put the potatoes in the first layer, coat with mayonnaise. Put herring on potatoes, also grease with mayonnaise. After the herring, lay out layers of onions and eggs. We put on mayonnaise. Next, lay out the avocado, coat with mayonnaise, then carrots and again grease with mayonnaise. Last layer distribute the beets and apply an even layer of mayonnaise. Rub the egg on fine grater and decorate the salad with them. We remove the herring under a fur coat for the whole night in the refrigerator. Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs.

Recipe 10: Herring under a fur coat with pomegranate

Festive option herrings under a fur coat. This salad will wonderful decoration New Year's feast. Pomegranate seeds go well with all the ingredients used.

Required Ingredients:

  • 3 small beets;
  • 2 medium potatoes;
  • Medium carrot;
  • Medium bulb;
  • Apple;
  • Three tablespoons of pomegranate seeds;
  • Herring;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Cook carrots, potatoes and beets until tender, cool and peel. We clean the apple, cut out the seeds. We rub the apple on a grater and sprinkle lightly with lemon juice so that it does not darken. We chop the onion. Mix in equal proportions a small amount of vinegar and water, add a little sugar. Marinate the onion in this mixture for about half an hour. We process the herring, cut the fillet into pieces. Drain the marinade, mix the herring and onion. Three boiled vegetables on a grater. We form a salad: first we lay out the potatoes, apply mayonnaise, then distribute the carrots, cover again with mayonnaise. The next layer will be herring and onions, apply mayonnaise. Next, spread the apple, cover with mayonnaise. The final layer is beets. Lubricate it with mayonnaise. We decorate the salad with pomegranate seeds, put the dish in the refrigerator to infuse.

- If there is very little time left before the festival, and there is no time to infuse the salad, it is better to immediately mix each component with mayonnaise and lay out in layers;

- Too salty herring can be pre-soaked in tea or milk;

- Herring must be fresh, fatty and large;

- To make the salad less high-calorie, some layers of mayonnaise can be skipped. Everyone will add additional dressings if necessary.

Herring under a fur coat according to the classic recipe - this is probably the most delicious option lettuce. However, sometimes the soul requires variety and different versions of the most familiar dishes come to the rescue. Today we are preparing Herring under a fur coat in jelly (with gelatin) in portions. Very beautiful and convenient way surprise guests.

It seems that all the products in the recipe for this simple and delicious salad you should be familiar with. I will stop only on the choice of gelatin. I used instant - it must be immediately dissolved in hot water. If you have gelatin that needs to be soaked, fill it in advance cold water and leave for 30 minutes. When the gelatin swells, heat until completely dissolved, without boiling.

From the indicated amount of ingredients used, 9 servings of Herring under a fur coat are obtained if the salad is prepared in muffin molds. Alternatively, you can make it in one form (rectangular for cupcakes, for example) and cut it into portioned pieces.

By the way, lovers of the combination of beets and herring will certainly appreciate:


Main products:

Onion marinade:

Cooking step by step with photos:

To prepare the salad Herring under a fur coat in jelly, we need the following ingredients: salted herring, potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, chicken eggs, gelatin, water and mayonnaise. In addition, if you wish, you can make a marinade for onions (water, sugar, salt, vinegar) - this makes it even tastier.

First you need to boil beets, potatoes, carrots and chicken eggs. To do this, wash the root crops and put them separately in pots with water (I boil potatoes together with carrots, and beets separately so that they do not stain the rest of the vegetables). We put on a strong fire, bring to a boil, reduce the temperature to below medium. Cook the vegetables in their skins until tender. Cooking time depends on the size and degree of maturity (one might say, old age) of root crops. Hard-boiled chicken eggs - 9-10 minutes after boiling over medium heat. By the way, do you know how to make sure that the eggs do not crack when cooked? First, they must be at room temperature (that is, remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance), as well as water. Secondly, when cooking, add a little vinegar or salt to the water. In the meantime, we will make a marinade for onions: in a separate bowl, mix 100 milliliters cold water with a tablespoon of vinegar (you can take apple, wine, lemon juice or citric acid), a teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt.

Mix everything thoroughly so that the salt and sugar are completely dissolved. We clean and finely chop the medium onion (50-60 grams per pure form. We put the onion in the marinade - let it wait for its time.

Let's deal with salted herring: we need fillets, that is, flesh without bones and skin. Most of all, I like this salad with barrel herring - it is tastier and, I'm sure, healthier than, for example, the one that is sold already cleaned in oil in a vacuum.

We cut the fish flesh into small cubes, while taking out small, but very nasty (if they get on the tooth) bones. A medium-sized fish is about 200-230 grams of fillet.

When the chicken eggs are ready, put them directly in a saucepan under a cold running water for 5 minutes. During this time, they will cool down and the shell will be easier to remove. We clean boiled eggs and grind them on a medium (can be large) grater.

Transfer the herring fillet and eggs to a bowl. We also add pickled onions to them, which we either throw back on a sieve or simply squeeze with our hands. One component of the future Herring under a fur coat is ready.

Vegetables were also cooked (although at different times). I always put the finished beets right in the pan under cold running water - this way the root crops cool faster. We simply take out the carrots and potatoes from the dishes in which they were cooked and let them cool.

We grind each type of vegetable on a coarse grater, not forgetting to rinse it so that, for example, beets do not stain potatoes. Thus, I get about 200 grams of beets, 150 grams of carrots and 200 grams of beets. We put them in separate bowls.

It remains to do gelatin (10 grams). I used instant - it must be immediately dissolved in hot water (50 milliliters), and you carefully read the instructions.

Mix thoroughly to dissolve all grains. How to work with regular gelatin I wrote above.

Publication date: 11/21/2017

Salad "Herring under a fur coat" is a traditional dish without which it is difficult to imagine any holiday. Without him, even with Olivier, it's like the table is empty. I also like to eat this salad very much, but somehow I didn’t really like to cook it. Due to the presence of many thin bones in herring.

We always make the classic eggless salad recipe at home. And while visiting a friend, I tried this salad in a roll and with ingredients unusual for me. Before the holidays, I want to make a few delicious recipes this salad in your culinary piggy bank.

Delicious salad with herring

  • "Herring under a fur coat" with cheese
  • An unusual royal recipe "Herring under a fur coat" with gelatin (in the form of a cake)

"Herring under a fur coat": a classic recipe and all layers

By the way, in winter and summer, even by cooking according to one recipe, you can get different tastes this salad. It depends on what summer herring saline solution make it richer so that it does not deteriorate during transportation to elevated temperatures. In winter, it is less salty and it is very felt.

If you buy preserves for salad, then remember that herring is stored only in oil, in vinegar filling it shouldn't be. If this is on the shelves of the store, perhaps they are trying to hide something from you. It is better to choose in oil with herbs.


  • 2 herrings
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 beets
  • 2 potatoes
  • Mayonnaise

We clean and chop the herring.

Boil vegetables in advance until tender.

We will cook without onions, because the salad can stand in the refrigerator for a while, and the onions will quickly begin to deteriorate.

It is better to grate the vegetables, rather than cut them, so the salad will turn out more uniform and tender.

Now we start laying out the layers in order, they may vary a little, but usually they do as it is written below.

1 row (layer): Herring.

2 row: potatoes and mayonnaise.

3rd row: eggs.

4th row: carrots.

5 row: beets and mayonnaise.

By the way, you can not pickle the onion, but simply scald it with boiling water. But in classic recipe, according to which our family cooks, there is no place for onions in this salad.

"Herring under a fur coat": a classic recipe with an egg

But various modernizations of this salad have already gone, for example, with the addition of eggs. We take five of them, but only three go to the salad, the remaining two are used as decoration.

Take small vegetables, it's easier to adjust to the proportions. By the way, you may be lucky and know where herring fillets are sold near you! Then you will reduce the cooking time of the salad.


  • Boiled beets - 2 pcs.
  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • Boiled potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 heads
  • Herring - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise

We clean the herring and cut it. Try to remove all bones.

All other boiled products must be grated and put in different containers.

Lubricate the plate on which you plan to spread the salad with mayonnaise.

The first row or layer is pickled onions. It was cut in advance and poured with 1 tbsp of vinegar and 1 tbsp. Sahara. After half an hour, the onion is ready, drain the liquid.

In the second layer we will lay herring pieces.

The third layer is potatoes and mayonnaise.

Fourth row: eggs.

Fifth row: carrots and mayonnaise.

Immediately mix the beetroot with mayonnaise to make it more convenient to apply it to the salad, because it goes with the finishing layer.

You can decorate with eggs or pieces of greens.

Beets after boiled in water, you need to cool with cold water. It has the ability to cook in cold water.

Step-by-step recipe for "Herring under a fur coat" roll with a photo of the sequence of layers

Now the housewives compete in the unusual serving of dishes. For example, a salad in the form of a roll will look like a king on the table and will cause a lot of curious looks, and it will disperse much faster than other dishes, you will see.

You will need cling film to help fold the edges of the layers. To feel the taste well, take 2-3 herring fillets.


  • 3 boiled carrots
  • 4 beets
  • 3 boiled potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 3 eggs
  • Parsley
  • 2 herring
  • Mayonnaise

All ingredients are rubbed and chopped.

To form a roll, we need cling film. We spread it and lay out layers on it.

After beets, each subsequent layer goes a centimeter less than the previous one, so that the products do not fall out of their roll later.

1 row or layer: grated boiled beets and mayonnaise.

2nd row: salty boiled carrots with mayonnaise.

3 layer: grated potatoes, salt and mayonnaise.

4th row: grated chicken eggs.

5th row: Herring.

The photo shows that all the layers are of different sizes.

First, wrap one edge of the lettuce.

Then right next to it - the second edge.

Lay the roll seam side down on a plate. We release it from the film and decorate.

You can see more about how to wrap the edges in the video.

"Herring under a fur coat": a classic recipe with an apple and all the layers in order

An apple makes the taste of the salad more varied. You need to choose a hard juicy green variety. Some of the apples still squeeze the juice a little more, but I think that this is superfluous. So just peel it off and dribble.


  • 1 carrot
  • 1 herring
  • 1 sour apple
  • 1 potato
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 beets
  • Mayonnaise
  • Lemon juice

Boil vegetables or bake in the oven in foil.

Potatoes come first.

To make the salad not very greasy, we will lubricate it through the layer.

Second layer: Herring pieces and mayonnaise.

Third layer: grated apple with lemon juice. Peel the apple first.

Fourth layer: eggs with mayonnaise.

Lay out the fifth row carrots with mayonnaise.

Finishing layer: grated beets.

Decorate with parsley green onion, eggs.

"Herring under a fur coat" in pita bread, I give a recipe with a photo

I often see this salad as an appetizer. Then a piece of herring is laid out on top. But you need to cook it before serving so that the pita bread does not get wet from juices and mayonnaise. You need to cut the pita bread with the filling thicker, 3-4 centimeters, then it will be more stable and the filling will not fall out of the layers.


  • 1 large boiled beetroot
  • 1 herring
  • 1 thin lavash
  • 1 boiled carrot
  • 3 medium potatoes
  • Mayonnaise

In order not to paint the entire kitchen in beetroot color, we will use cling film. Lavash cut into 2 parts. If you have a large one, then you can divide it into four.

Let's spread pita bread on it. It is very dry, so we will grease it with a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Put the grated beets on the pita bread and be sure to press down a little with your hands.

Another layer of pita bread on top.

Remember that we grease its surface with mayonnaise, on top of which we put grated carrots.

Again a layer of pita bread and mayonnaise, over which we lay out the grated potatoes.

Now we roll up our entire “cake” and tie it in cling film and put in the refrigerator.

We did not put herring in it, because we will cut it in portions for each piece of pita bread with salad.

But you can put it between carrots and potatoes in the middle layer.

"Herring under a fur coat" with cheese

Here we have no carrots, no onions, no eggs. Doing more a simple variation lettuce. But it still turns out very nutritious and tender.
Each product can be mixed separately in bowls with mayonnaise or sour cream to make it easier to lay out and spread over the surface.


  • 1-2 small boiled beets
  • 2 middle boiled potatoes
  • 1 herring
  • Mayonnaise
  • 150 gr cheese

First, mix the grated beets with mayonnaise.

Second row: grated cheese and mayonnaise.

Third row: herring cubes with mayonnaise.

Fourth row: potatoes with mayonnaise sauce.

Very carefully invert the salad onto a plate.

Decorate with herbs and mayonnaise mesh.

The recipe for "Herring under a fur coat" with pickles: lay out the layers correctly so that it is very tasty

More interesting option use pickles. The spiciness and sweetness of the salad depends on them.


  • 2 pickled or pickled cucumbers
  • 1 herring
  • 1 beetroot
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 potato
  • Mayonnaise

As they did before: everything that can be boiled - boil and chop.

It is tastier to lay out potatoes with mayonnaise first. To make it tastier, salt and pepper this layer.

We evenly lay out slices of pickled or pickled cucumber on it. Definitely, let's drink.

Soak the top with mayonnaise sauce.

Salad "Herring under a fur coat" with pickled onions

Sourness in similar formulations nutritious salads never interfered. Often it is added using a pickled cucumber, but you can add a pickled onion instead. It is placed either immediately on the herring, or separately mixed with the herring and then laid out.

It is better to lay out the potatoes first so that the onion juice and mayonnaise miss it and it is not dryish in the salad.


  • 1 onion
  • 1 herring
  • 1 large boiled beetroot
  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 2 boiled chicken eggs
  • 1 carrot
  • Mayonnaise

Onion pieces pour boiling water to completely cover them and add a spoonful of vinegar 9% and a spoonful of sugar.

The first row is laid with potatoes.

Mix pickled onions without liquid with herring cubes and mayonnaise. It is laid out in the second layer.

Third row: egg whites and grated carrots.

Fourth row: beets with mayonnaise.

Finishing row: chopped yolks as a decoration.

Unusual royal recipe "Herring under a fur coat" with gelatin (in the form of a cake)

And just one ingredient allows you to make a masterpiece out of a salad, for example, form it in the shape of a cake or a regular circle. And all this without fear that the salad will fall apart. The whole point is in the addition of gelatin. The downside is that ready salad should stand in the refrigerator for half a day so that the gelatin freezes. Not everyone wants to wait.

No matter how outlandish and exotic salads did not appear on our festive table, in a place of honor there will still be a herring under a fur coat and Olivier salad. I already wrote a little earlier, and now my hands have reached the herring under a fur coat, which so successfully combines juicy taste different vegetables, apples and herring, with a layered design, turning a herring under a fur coat into a bright festive dish.

During the time that I am preparing this salad, I have some understanding of how to prepare a delicious and beautiful herring under a coat:

  • I found a balanced composition and a sequence of layers of herring under a fur coat: salted herring - spicy sharp onion - sour apple - sweet carrot - neutral potato - bright beetroot.
  • I cook all vegetables separately, in separate saucepans. Because they all have different cooking times and so the color and taste of vegetables is better preserved.
  • I buy a whole slightly salted herring and cut it myself, with my hands. The fish turns out dense and elastic.
  • I mix mayonnaise for a fur coat with sour cream. One to one. And the fat is smaller and the taste is softer.
  • I mix each layer with mayonnaise-sour cream mixture separately and in a separate bowl. And depending on the juiciness of the layer, I add as much mayonnaise as it needs. So the apple layer requires less mayonnaise than the potato layer. And all layers are evenly smeared. There is neither too saturated nor too dry mass.

After spending an extra 10-15 minutes on these little tricks, you will get a very tasty, beautiful, not even a salad, but a birthday cake - Herring under a Fur Coat. At the same time, it will keep its shape and be easy to cut.

Time: Boiling vegetables -1 hour, cooking salad - 1 hour.

Difficulty: Medium

Ingredients: for 10-12 servings

  • Herring -1pc
  • Large potatoes - 2 pieces or 4 small ones
  • Large carrots - 1 pc.
  • Medium beets - 1 pc.
  • Sour apple large - 1pc or 2 medium
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 75-120g
  • Sour cream - 75-120 gr.

How to cook herring under a fur coat:

First day:

  • Separately boil potatoes, carrots and beets without salt.
  • Let cool at room temperature and put in the refrigerator. Beets separately, carrots and potatoes can be stored together.
  • Cut the herring and put it in the refrigerator in a closed glassware.

Second day:

  • Prepare 5 vegetable bowls.
  • Peel boiled vegetables and onions.
  • Coarsely grate the beets, transfer to a separate bowl.
  • Finely chop the onion. Transfer to a separate bowl.
  • Grate carrots on a coarse grater. Transfer to a separate bowl.
  • Coarsely grate the potatoes and transfer to a separate bowl.
  • Lastly, peel and grate the apple on a coarse grater, removing the core first. Send to bowl.
  • Mix in equal proportions mayonnaise and sour cream.
  • Grease alternately in separate bowls all vegetables with mayonnaise-sour cream mixture. Do not salt.
  • Add the mixture in tablespoons and mix, bringing to the desired density.
  • We begin to collect salad Herring under a fur coat.
  • Cut the herring with scissors small pieces in a prepared salad bowl. Align the layer.
  • Put a layer of onion on the herring. Smooth out.
  • Put a layer of apples on the onion. Smooth out.
  • Put a layer of carrots on the apples. Smooth out.
  • Spread a layer of potatoes over the carrots. Smooth out.
  • Very evenly apply the top, front layer of beets to the potatoes.
  • Apply a thin layer of mayonnaise with sour cream on the beets and decorate with herbs.
  • Send herring salad under a fur coat for ripening in the refrigerator.
  • After 30 minutes, the herring under a fur coat is ready for the holiday.

All the charm of a herring under a fur coat is in the combination and contrast of tastes. There is salty, and sour, and spicy, and sweet notes. Harmony of taste, in a word.

How I cook Herring under a fur coat:

  • On the eve of cooking, I separately boil potatoes, carrots and beets in small saucepans without adding salt. Let cool at room temperature. Then I put it in the fridge until tomorrow.
  • I have beets separately, and I put potatoes and carrots together.
  • On the same day, I cut the herring and store it in the refrigerator in a closed glass container until the next day.

  • I start preparing the salad by peeling boiled vegetables and onions.

  • Next to the cutting board I put 5 bowls for vegetables. Finely chop the onion, send it to a bowl. I grate carrots and potatoes on a coarse grater, transfer them to bowls. I do the same with beets. After the beets, carefully wash the grater and board.
  • The last thing I do is an apple, as it quickly darkens in the air. I clean it, cut out the middle and immediately rub it on a grater. If the skin is tough, cut off the skin. For a herring under a fur coat, I use Antonovka. This is important for giving the salad a sour note.
  • I mix mayonnaise and sour cream.

  • In bowls, alternately grease the vegetables with mayonnaise-sour cream mixture. Vegetables do not salt. Add a tablespoon and mix, bringing to the desired density. If you shift the mayonnaise, the salad will float and will not hold its shape. Potatoes take the most mayonnaise.
  • Lettuce layers are ready.

  • I take out the herring chopped the day before and cut it into small pieces with scissors into the prepared salad bowl and level the layer. Herring is cut with scissors quickly and evenly.
  • I wash my hands carefully.

  • On a layer of herring, I spread the onion in an even layer.

  • The third layer is apples

  • Orange carrots go to apples

  • Next potatoes

  • I carefully and evenly apply the top, front layer of beets.

  • I carefully apply a thin layer of mayonnaise on top of the beets and decorate with herbs.
  • I send the salad to ripen in the refrigerator.
  • Half an hour later, the herring under a fur coat is already on the table.
  • And an hour later she's gone.

Bon appetit! If you have any questions, please ask, I will definitely help.
