
The best loose leaf black tea. Black leaf tea

Having appeared at the beginning of the last century in America, tea bags quickly spread among consumers in almost all countries of the world. It is impossible to say unequivocally which bagged tea is better or worse, everyone has their own taste needs, but it is possible to systematize the basic rules of how to choose good quality tea.

Like any product, packaged tea has its .


  • Does not require a teapot. It can be filled with water directly in the cup.
  • Lack of tea leaves or leaves in a glass or sink.
  • Optimal dosage. One sachet is enough to make a drink rich color and taste.
  • Fast brewing due to the use of crushed leaves.
  • Convenience of transportation.
  • If the people gathered at the table prefer tea with different flavors, tea bags provide an opportunity to meet the individual needs of everyone.


  • Higher cost compared to an identical loose version of the same brand.
  • The bags are breathable. Because of this, over time, the raw material loses its original smell and taste.
  • Possible presence of artificial additives and admixture of plant debris. They can be toxic and cause various diseases, including cancer.
  • Crushed leaves tend to quickly oxidize.
  • Cheap products of unknown brands often have a high fluorine content. Its regular use can lead to darkening of tooth enamel and brittle bones.

Varieties of packaging

One of the indicators of the quality of tea is the container in which it is packaged. Let's take a closer look at its main distinguishing features.

Tea bags are made from various materials:

  • corn starch;
  • artificial silk;
  • nylon;
  • paper.

Paper packaging is considered unsuccessful, as it not only passes water poorly, but can also change the taste of the drink for the worse. In addition, the strength of the paper is given by a synthetic resin, which is dissolved in alcohol or acetone. As a rule, not the best quality tea is placed in such containers.

Meets and different shape sachets:

  • round;
  • rectangular;
  • pyramid.

The quality of brewing depends on the form of packaging. In pyramids with a large volume, the leaves move freely. At the same time, their aroma and taste are revealed to the maximum. I must say that only in the pyramids is sold tea of ​​selective varieties.

The bags also differ in the way the thread is attached.

  • The best taste can be obtained from packaging with a sewn thread.
  • If a metal bracket fastens the thread, then, by oxidizing, it will spoil the pleasure of the drink.
  • The adhesive mount, having dissolved in hot water, enters the body, which can not be the best way to affect health.

Packing content

The quality of the drink depends on what raw materials were put into the package. It can be of three types.

  1. whole leaves good quality- the best option. They are used by well-known brands.
  2. Specially crushed raw materials called "fannings".
  3. Tea dust. It has almost no taste and smell of its own. It is in this "tea" that various flavor enhancers and dyes are added, as well as chopped herbs and leaves of various plants.

Important indicators

When choosing tea, you should pay attention to a number of factors that clearly indicate its quality.

  1. See how the box is packed. It should have a tightly sealed transparent film on it.
  2. After opening the package, find out what material the bags are made of.
  3. Partially remove the bags from the box and inspect its bottom. If it is abundantly covered with tea dust, a delicious drink from such a product is unlikely to come out.
  4. tea bags expensive varieties should be placed in individual packaging food foil. It protects the contents from moisture, drying and sunlight.
  5. Pay attention to the way the thread is attached.
  6. Read the composition. If among the components there are flavors "identical to natural", it is better to refrain from buying.

How to determine the quality of tea

Tea lovers certainly want to enjoy a drink made from a natural and fresh product. But, unfortunately, a high price is not always a guarantee of quality. Often, even expensive tea bags contain artificial additives (flavors and dyes), and may also not be the first freshness.

To make sure that the purchased tea is natural, you need to conduct a simple experiment.

To test black tea:

Place the sachet in a glass and pour it over cold water. Let the tea brew for two hours. Assess the quality of the resulting infusion:

  • If the water remains clear or only slightly colored, then a good product has been bought.
  • If it turned out Reviver saturated color, in addition to tea, the bag contains dyes and additives that can adversely affect health.

To test green tea:

Put the bag in a cup with transparent walls and pour hot, but not boiling water. After 10 minutes, evaluate the resulting drink:

  • A transparent infusion of a beautiful shade is an indicator of natural raw materials.
  • Turbidity and a faded color indicate that a product of poor quality was purchased. Dip a slice of lemon into a glass and after a few minutes look at the color of the tea:
  • If the infusion has become lighter, it is made from natural leaves.
  • If the color has not changed, the packaging contains dyes.

An indicator of the freshness of tea, first of all, is foam. If it appeared on the surface after adding water to a cup, then the raw material was collected recently. The absence of foam indicates that at least 2 years have passed since the collection of leaves.

In addition, after drinking tea, you should pay attention to the walls of the cup. If a brown coating remains on them, then the selected product is not of the best quality or expired.

To make tea drinking as useful as possible, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Pregnant women and people suffering from serious illnesses should not brew more than three tea bags per day. Healthy people can increase this number to 5, but no more.
  • Never pour boiling water into a plastic cup. Under influence hot water it begins to melt, and a lot of harmful substances are released from it.
  • Use each pack only once. The re-brewed drink will not have any taste. In addition, toxic substances can be released from it.
  • The contents of the cup should be drunk within half an hour after preparation. After this time, most of the useful substances disappear.
  • After drinking tea, if possible, you should brush your teeth to avoid dark plaque on the enamel.
  • Do not drink tea bags on an empty stomach. This can lead to stomach problems.
  • Choose only trusted brands.

By following these recommendations, you can easily choose a high-quality, delicious, aromatic tea bag. The main thing is to buy tea in specialized stores or supermarkets, in places where quality control of products is carried out and correct storage conditions are ensured.

So what is the best tea? You can read more about brands and recommendations.

photo: depositphotos.com/johnkwan, svetas, amenic181

Black tea is one of the oldest drinks on earth and is very popular among different peoples, from USA to Japan. It is not inferior to the position, and in some countries exceeds the prevalence of grain and instant coffee, being considered less harmful. Given such a demand, it is not surprising that its choice on the market is simply huge. This rating of the best black teas, compiled according to customer reviews, will help you not get lost in it.

It so happened that the main collection of tea leaves is carried out in China, India and Africa, from where they are regularly imported to Europe and other continents and sold by weight. If there is no desire to buy products from an unknown manufacturer, you can choose an already packaged “brew” from the following companies:

  • Tazo Teas is a well-known company in the USA and actively promotes its products in European markets. As the name implies, it specializes in the production of teas. Among them there are green, black, herbal species, all of which are of organic origin.
  • Twinings– this tea brand is remembered first of all when it comes to the present English tea. She appeared in Great Britain in 1706 and is one of the oldest in the world in her business. Her fame, in particular, brought her close cooperation with the Royal Court, to which she regularly supplies her products.
  • Harney & Sons is another American tea company, very popular among the owners of hotels, coffee houses and book chains, to which it actively supplies its products. In the US, it has its own tasting rooms, but mainly the company produces goods for the purpose of mass sales, including in Europe.
  • Rishi Tea is one of the few companies offering huge variety drinks. She has both white and black and green and herbal products. She produces them both in loose form and in bags. In its line there are even options without caffeine, and the price of most of the manufacturer's offers is quite adequate.

Naturally, in England and the USA, tea bushes are not grown, in the latter there are only a few plantations that have not received large-scale distribution. Therefore, the manufacturers mentioned in the rating most often buy raw materials in Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Rating of the best black teas

As always, the basis for building this TOP was the feedback from real consumers, from which we started when selecting applicants. The benchmark for this was also the compliance of the declared characteristics with what buyers write. The following parameters were taken as a basis:

  • Package;
  • Volume or number of sachets;
  • Release form (packaged or loose);
  • Smell;
  • Taste properties;
  • Duration of brewing;
  • Saturation and proportions in relation to water;
  • Consumption economy.

The best black tea bags

This option is most often chosen for making a drink on hastily. It differs in convenience and lower price in comparison with loose analog.

Tazo Teas, Organic, 20 Filter Bags, 54 g

The word "organic" for this drink is chosen very correctly, because it is created from completely natural ingredients. In addition to the main component, it includes cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, cloves. Unlike store-bought counterparts, it does not acidify the body so much and does not leave a yellow coating on tooth enamel. Since this product is very strong, it can be filled with more water than usual. At the same time, you can safely drink it both in its pure form and in combination with milk, take it with you to work and on the road in a good thermos.


  • One sachet is enough for several cups;
  • Pleasant sharpness of taste;
  • Fast brewing;
  • Convenient form of packing;
  • Invigorating aroma.


  • Difficult to find in supermarkets;
  • The price is above average.

Twinings, Premium, Blackcurrant, 20 Tea Bags, 40 g

This option is universal, as the drink turns out to be equally tasty both cold and warm. It has a pleasant, not sharp aroma, does not give off bitterness, brews quickly enough and is also economically consumed. So, to prepare 950 ml, you need only 4 sachets. The manufacturer suggests serving it with ice, which only enhances the extravagant taste. Used to make this product the best varieties high quality black tea.


  • The naturalness of the composition;
  • Safety;
  • No side effects;
  • Convenient packing;
  • Balanced berry flavor.


  • The price is above average.

Teas from Twinings are in the TOP of the best in the world, the products of this company are quite popular in the USA.

Harney & Sons, Parisian, 20 Bags, 40 g

Large leafy Ceylon and African species are successfully combined here, and this gives the drink an unusual, discriminating taste. It has an invigorating effect on the body, so it will be just right for breakfast in the morning. True, the caffeine content here is relatively low, due to which the product is safer for health than store-bought alternatives. By the way, the leaves of the tea bush for its preparation are collected, selected and mixed exclusively by hand, which makes it possible to exclude marriage.


  • Convenient metal packaging;
  • Practical release form;
  • There are also other flavors;
  • A mixture of several types of leaf;
  • Ecological purity.


  • It is necessary to insist at least 5 minutes.

Good Harney & Sons black leaf tea is sold in the same package with many other flavors - "hot sunset cinnamon", "English breakfast", "African autumn", etc.

The Best Loose Black Teas

It is granular and leaf, among the latter there are small, medium and large leaves. Naturally, it is these options that are of the highest quality, healthy and tasty.

Twinings, Lady Gray Bulk, 100 g

First of all, this good quality black tea attracts attention with its metal packaging, which reliably protects against moisture and thus prevents it from spoiling. Traditionally, this company has several flavors available - Lady Grey, English Breakfast, Darjeeling and a number of others. It's not very convenient just that they have different prices. But it is this drink that has a pleasant and rich citrus taste and smell, which allows you to use the leaves in small quantities.


  • It goes well with both sugar and honey;
  • The leaves are small;
  • Practical packaging;
  • Large volume;
  • There is no "dust".


  • After infusion, the aroma weakens somewhat.

According to reviews, to fully reveal the taste of the Lady Gray drink, it is necessary to infuse it under the lid for 2 to 4 minutes.

Rishi Tea, Organic Loose Leaf, Earl Grey, Classic + Citrus, 65g

This drink is made with essential oil bergamot, which makes its taste spicy, but not for everyone. Since the product is very strong, the manufacturer allows the same leaves to be brewed in the second round. True, in this case, you should not count on the same strength of aroma and the same taste properties. To get a cool brew, you need to keep it under the lid in water for about 4 minutes, which, in principle, is not so much. This, one of the best black teas, may not be suitable except for hypertensive patients due to the high content of caffeine, and in the morning it will come in handy.


  • Good packing;
  • Organic composition;
  • Unusual aroma;
  • Opportunity reuse tea leaves;
  • Leaves are medium in size.


  • High content of caffeine;
  • Small volume, as for the set price.

Which black tea is better to buy

If you do not like to wait a long time for brewing a drink, then you should choose a packaged product. But real gourmets are advised to take a closer look at the best loose black teas, the taste of which is not muffled by anything. For those who prefer to drink it in the morning, in the absence of contraindications, you can choose the option with high content caffeine, which gives energy for the whole day.

Here's what to consider when choosing the best black tea from this ranking:

  • If you don't like the taste classic product, it is best to buy a good product with the addition of various spices, for example, filter bags from Tazo Teas.
  • For fans of the subtle berry flavor and truly strong tea special attention should be paid to products from Twinings with the smell of blackcurrant.
  • If you are a connoisseur of blends of different varieties, then you will be pleasantly surprised by Harney & Sons Parisian Tea.
  • For those who do not like either granules or large leaves, ideal option will be loose product Twinings Lady Grey.
  • Adherents of the classics can be advised to buy Rishi Tea.

Naturally, it is very difficult to choose one specific best black tea, because they can have completely different tastes and aromas. In this case, you can always purchase several different species and enjoy them in turn. This is even welcome, because in our rating each option is worth trying!

Hot refreshing and fragrant tea due to its healing, rejuvenating properties and delicious taste is the second most popular drink in the world (after water). It is estimated that three billion cups of tea are drunk every day in the world. It is usually prepared from a plant that is grown in China, India and Sri Lanka and is scientifically called Camellia Sinensis. But there are varieties that most people don't even know exist. Gourmets are ready to pay crazy money for the pleasure of enjoying a unique drink.

Tea has a very long history of distribution. For thousands of years, it has traveled from China to the farthest corners of the world, quenching thirst and giving energy to all who know how to enjoy it. Today, everyone is so accustomed to tea that no one even thinks about how the leaves got into the cup.

10. Tienchi flower tea: $170 per 1 kg

Tienchi is a type of ginseng that is native to southwest China. Both the root and the flowers of this plant are used medicinally. flower tea Tienchi is considered one of the healthiest in the world. Its scientific name is Panax notoginseng. The Latin word "Panax" means "I treat everything." It has been used for centuries to treat insomnia, dizziness and skin rashes. Tea has powerful detoxifying properties. Tienchi flowers resemble tiny broccoli florets and are highly prized throughout Asia. Harvested only in the province of Yunnan, the tea has a cool minty aroma and the smell of ginseng.

9. Silver Tips Imperial tea from Makaibari Tea Estate: $400 per 1 kg

Known for its original aroma and color, Darjeeling tea grows in the region of the same name at the foot of the Himalayas at an altitude of 1600 to 2600 meters. Makaibari is considered the oldest estate in India (in the Darjeeeling region) and the world's first tea factory that produces a large number of organic teas, but the most valuable of them is Silver Tips Imperial. Harvested on a full moon, this tea is a patented product of the Makaibari Tea Estate, bound with silver stripes. Its cost is $400 per 1000 grams.

8. Gyokuro tea: $650 per 1 kg

According to processing methods, the tea is classified as Sencha, a kind of unshaded Chinese tea, but in fact, Gyokuro tea is shaded. It is hidden from the sun for two weeks before harvest. This method increases the level of amino acids in the leaves. The name Gyokuro literally translates as "precious dew". Brewed tea has a characteristic rich taste and aroma, and the color of the drink is pale green. It is grown only in the Uji region of Japan. The price of tea is $650 per 1000 grams.

7. Poo Poo Pu-Erh tea: $1000 per 1 kg

Pu-Erh tea is a type of fermented tea with a rich flavor that only intensifies and becomes more valuable over time. It is produced in China's Yunnan region. The taste of Pu-Erh is not much different from ordinary tea, but it is perhaps the most unusual tea the world has ever seen. Visually, it looks like a handful of dry leaves, but in fact it is the droppings of several varieties of insects. These insects do not eat anything other than tea leaves all their lives. With tweezers and a magnifying glass, Taiwanese farmers collect their feces. The result is a tonic tea with healing properties. A real delicacy, invented by Chinese doctors in the 18th century and given to Emperor Qianlong as an expensive gift.

6. Golden tea heads: $3000 per 1 kg

Tea is harvested on only one single mountain in the world, only one day a year. To collect it, use golden scissors, which cut off the upper part tea tree. The tea heads are dried in the sun and then stored in closed containers where they release their polyphenols, turn yellow and release a mild floral aroma. After that, the tea leaves are dyed in 24-carat gold, so that the drink begins to shimmer. In Asia, it is believed that the precious metal has a very good effect on a person. This is a truly imperial tea, and it is not so easy to find it. The TWG Tea Company sells it only in Singapore. And you can only buy it online.

5. Tieguanyin tea: $3,000 per 1 kg

Named after the Iron Goddess of Mercy (Buddhist deity), Tieguanyin is an Oolong tea, a blend of semi-fermented black and green teas. It has a distinctive chestnut flavor and heavy, hard, crisp leaves. Tieguanyin tea began to be prepared in the 19th century in Fujian province. The technology of its preparation is very complex and includes several dozen stages. Once harvested, the leaves are dried in the sun, cooled, dried again with some oxidizing agents, then rolled, fixed, dried again, and then roasted and infused with aroma. The leaves can be infused seven times and the tea will not lose its flavor.

4. Wuyi Oolong vintage daffodil tea: $6,500 per 1kg

Huge attention at the auction in Hong Kong, which took place in November 2013, attracted a 20-kilogram box of rare tea Narcissus Wuyi Oolong Tea. It is over half a century old and has its own history. It was exported from China's Wuyi to Singapore in 1960. Traveling from hand to hand, the box returned to Hong Kong, where it was bought by a Malaysian-Chinese collector. Narcissus Oolong is considered one of the finest Chinese teas. The leaves are harvested from Mount Wuyi in Fujian Province. The tea was named after the Greek myth of Narcissus.

3. Panda Dung tea: $70,000 per 1 kg

Panda Dung literally means "panda feces". This is the secret of terribly expensive tea. Pandas feed exclusively on wild bamboo, but they absorb only 30% nutrients, and the remaining 70% are excreted with their excrement. However, do not think that tea is panda droppings. It is simply used to fertilize tea trees. It all started when a Chinese entrepreneur decided to grow tea on Mount Ya'an in Sichuan province, and used panda feces for fertilizer. He soon noticed that the taste of such tea is different, and people are willing to pay a lot of money for such a product.

2. PG Tips Diamond Tea Bag: $15,000 for one tea bag

In 2005, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary, the famous British tea company PG Tips released a series of tea bags decorated with diamonds. The price of such a tea bag is $15,000. Each is hand-set with 280 diamonds of the highest quality by Boodles jewelers and filled with Silver Tips Imperial tea from Makibari Estate. The proceeds went to a charity in Manchester.

1. Da-Hong Pao tea: $1.2 million per 1 kg

real king among the teas! The name literally means "great red robe". Da-Hong Pao is a type of Chinese Wuyi Oolong tea. It is believed to be one of the great secrets of the Ming Imperial Dynasty. Rumor has it that the sick mother of the emperor was cured by this mysterious tea. The emperor sent his people to find the healing tea. On Mount Wuyi, they found four bushes magic tea three of which have survived to this day. For real legendary tea. He has healing properties and is a valuable Chinese national treasure. It is offered as a gift to honored guests. Da-Hong Pao tea cannot be found commercially. Such a unique drink should be washed down only

How nice after a busy day to allow yourself to relax while watching your favorite movie with a cup of hot fragrant tea in your hands, or interrupt your work hours for a few minutes to enjoy a delicious, invigorating drink. Unfortunately, our frantic pace of life does not always allow us to enjoy fine drink to be infused in a teapot. In order not to drag out the “tea ceremony”, which we can have several times a day, it is a good idea to use tea bags. The problem is that good tea bags can be very difficult to find, and even the high price of a package is not a guarantee of a quality drink. Tea dust, in which there is practically the entire periodic table, but there is no tea leaf itself, can be bought at any price. To help you understand which tea bags are best to buy, we will talk about some of the "golden" rules for choosing. We will also introduce you to several ways to study quality invigorating drink at home.

Why do many people choose tea bags?

What's good about tea bags? This excellent tool for lazy people and workaholics: some do not have the desire to “mess around” with a crumbly drink, others do not have enough free time for this. It is much easier and faster to just throw the filter bag into a mug and get a fragrant liquid.

Tactile sensations from drinking tea bags are also more pleasant, because individual tea leaves, leaves and flowers do not fall into the cup and do not climb into the mouth without demand. In bagged tea, everything is calculated for us: the optimal dosage of ingredients in one bag allows you to prepare a delicious drink. Such a drink is brewed faster than loose tea leaves, this is due to the fact that the leaves in the bag are crushed.

Against the background of such advantages, many are ready to put up with some of the disadvantages of a packaged drink. Not everyone is embarrassed by its high cost, the presence of suspicious components and a less pronounced taste, compared to a composition that requires a brewer. However, there are people who consider it beneath their dignity to consume a certain amount of a drink brewed with a bag.

Tea bags contain caffeine, catechins, theophylline and other alkaloids. If there is more of a substance than necessary, it can cause negative consequences.

Packaging will help you understand which tea is better in bags

To choose the best tea bag, the first thing to consider is its packaging. Moreover, at this stage there is no need to buy a drink. Even the box that contains the tea bags must be made in a certain way. It must be intact, not wrinkled and tightly sealed with a transparent film. Due to this, moisture and various living creatures, which can sometimes live in a store, will not penetrate inside, where the treasured box can lie on the shelf for a long time until it is grabbed by the tenacious hands of the buyer.

The bag itself can be made from:

  • cornstarch
  • Synthetic silk
  • Nylon
  • food foil
  • papers

To determine the quality of a drink by a bag, you will have to buy a package and gut the contents. Unless, of course, the above rule for choosing good tea is observed and the film takes place. Otherwise, it is better to refuse the purchase at this stage.

The outsider of this list is the paper bag. This material does not pass water well and does not have the best effect on taste qualities drink. There is an opinion that tea of ​​mediocre quality gets into a paper bag.

Not only the material, but also the shape of the bag can be different: round, square and even pyramidal, which has become especially popular these days. The fact is that this form of packaging affects the quality of brewing. Pyramids have a larger volume than rectangular bags, which allows tea leaves to unfold in all their glory inside the sachet, freely “dance” inside, thereby giving the maximum of aroma and taste. It is generally accepted that selected varieties of tea can only be sold in pyramids, but not in rectangular bags. The advantage of the pyramids is that the composition of the sachet is clearly visible through the material, so it is impossible to put “tea dust” there, only beautiful leaves.

If the choice fell nevertheless on tea in rectangular bags, give preference to such a box, each bag of which will be enclosed in a foil bag. Food foil prevents the penetration of moisture, dampness, mold into the bag itself, and protects the product from drying out and sunlight.

Therefore, tea in individual foil packaging is not an unaffordable luxury or a competent move by marketers, but an important factor confirming the care of the manufacturer and the potential buyer.

This study of the box is not over yet: to choose a good tea bag, take them out of the package and inspect if there is any tea dust on the bottom. If there is a lot of dust, refuse to buy. Most likely, such a “tea” is made mainly from it.

However, nothing prevents an unscrupulous manufacturer from putting tea dust in the eyes of the buyer in a pyramid or foil packaging cheap, poor quality product.

How to choose tea bags

What is the best tea bag? One that is made from high-quality raw materials, where there is a minimum of flavors identical to natural, and where there are no dyes. The presence or absence of flavors and dyes can be judged by the packaging: the manufacturer is obliged to indicate this information.

Quality and benefits tea drink mainly depends on the type of raw material. There are three types:

  • Whole tea leaves can be placed in the bag, and this will be the best option. Such tea will have a rich, slightly tart taste, bright color alluring aroma.
  • Inside the sachet, crushed leaves can lie in a special way, and such raw materials are called “Fannings”. A very common method among Russian manufacturers.
  • The cheapest option is tea dust, which can be seen even at the bottom of the drink box. Such a liquid will not have the proper taste and smell. And if you are attracted by the aroma of this drink, most likely, the manufacturer did not spare taste enhancers, flavors and dyes. But these are clearly not the best varieties of tea in bags.

It is difficult to determine which bagged tea is the best, because you need to conduct a detailed analysis of the composition, to identify the taste of the drink from hundreds of brands. But you can determine for yourself how good the tea you have chosen is by experience.

Let's find out if the best black tea in bags is on your shelf:

Before you go to the "wet" business, you will have to stock up on cold water and patience. After all, you need to put tea bags in a cup with cold water. After that, mark two hours, and go see the result. The water has practically not changed color, is it practically the same transparent as before the experiment? Congratulations, you have managed to buy good tea bags.

And if the "tea leaves" managed to brew in cold water, the drink has acquired its usual dark brown hue, remember the package in your face, throw it away and never buy again. In such bags, in addition to the leaves of the tea bush, if they are there at all, of course, flavors and dyes are contained.

There is another way to determine the quality of black tea: you need to put a slice of lemon in a cup with a drink at normal temperature. If the drink has not changed color, it contains dyes. If tea has become very pale from exposure to citrus, there are no dyes in it. True, this does not mean that there are no low-quality flavors in it.

Green tea quality check:

Take a transparent cup or glass, drop a bag into it, fill it with hot water and wait 10 minutes. If the drink looks beautiful and has a transparent color, most likely you have chosen a good green tea bag.

If the infusion looks cloudy, whitish, the product is of poor quality.

You can again carry out the same experiment with a slice of lemon, which was carried out with black tea. The result is the same: the drink brightened, which means that the natural leaves of the plant were used. If the color remains the same, the product is full of dyes. The best green tea bags should not contain dyes.

To determine the quality of tea, it will not be superfluous to understand when it is approximately harvested. If foam appeared on the surface after brewing, the leaves were recently collected. If foam is not observed, the raw material was collected at least a year ago.

After the drink has migrated to the stomach, inspect the walls of the cup. A brown coating indicates not the best tea bags, or even expired raw materials.

As we have already said, good tea bags should not be brewed instantly. The drink should acquire the proper shade, taste and aroma approximately 5 minutes after adding water.

Therefore, choose product packaging that does not have such inscriptions:

  • Strong
  • Brewed in a minute
  • fast brew

Take tea bag, cut off a piece from it and pour the contents onto White list. You came across the best tea in bags, if the tea leaves are large, they are about the same color, smell and size.

Is there a ranking of the best tea bags?

So are there best brands tea bags, or you need to get rid of the habit of putting an equal sign between loose leaf tea and packaged? Various companies sometimes conduct research on this product and compile ratings.

The TOP best ones often include brands such as Greenfield, Ahmad Tea”, “Broke Bond”, “Dilmah”, “Maitre de The”. But do not lose sight of the fact that the best tea bags in this rating are chosen not by the quality of the drink itself, but by the company's sales volume. Based on the fact that a low-quality product will not sell well, and draw conclusions.

The Roskontrol organization also conducted a study of well-known tea brands. Most caffeine in tea "Ahmad" and "Greenfield". The more caffeine, the higher the quality of tea is considered. But at the same time, the excess content of this substance adversely affects human health. The least amount of caffeine was found in Beseda tea. This brand has lost in many respects:

  • faded shade
  • Mild taste
  • Lack of fragrance

Teas "Lipton" and "Brook Bond" lead in content beneficial catechin. In addition, crushed tea leaf, not suspicious granules. We can say that "Lipton" according to this study is selected as one of the best tea bags. However, this is not the ultimate truth. When choosing a product, be guided by your preferences, consumer reviews and always carefully study the composition.

For over 5,000 years, tea has been the favorite drink of millions. It invigorates in the morning and perfectly tones up during the day. To keep warm winter evenings it is drunk hot, and to quench thirst in the heat, ice is added to the drink. A huge number of companies around the world produce 1000 different varieties and types of tea. It is difficult to find the best drink in such a variety, so we have compiled a rating based on expert opinions and customer reviews.

The best loose black tea

Most of volumes of production are accounted for by black tea. For its manufacture, the leaves are subjected to fermentation, which can last from 2 to 4 weeks. Large-leaf black tea has a tart taste. Manufacturers are constantly experimenting with a variety of additives to give the drink versatility.

4 Basilur

The best premium black tea
Country: Sri Lanka
Rating (2018): 4.6

This tea is truly grown, harvested, produced and packaged in Ceylon, so it is of consistently high quality. The company was founded in Sri Lanka in 1982 and has been a major tea supplier to other countries ever since. The authenticity of the origin of the drink can be verified by the sign of the golden lion on the original packaging. This symbol is not allowed to be used by any other country. One of the secrets of the great taste of tea is the work of tea testers. This is a kind of tea sommeliers, tasters who are able to distinguish tens of thousands of shades of taste, aftertaste, bouquet of the drink. Therefore Basilur is really a premium product at a moderate cost - about 250 rubles. for 100 gr. Tea can be found in large supermarkets.

The range of teas is simply huge, and both classic and flavored lines are popular. harmony tea bouquet achieved by avoiding the use artificial flavors, adding pieces of fruit, inflorescences, flower petals and buds, aromatic herbs and oils. The company's assortment includes at least 200 types of tea, among which every connoisseur of this drink will find the best taste and aroma for himself. Many customers really like the oriental tea collection. One of bright tastes from this line - "Frosty Day" with a harmonious bouquet of petals of white and blue cornflower, passion fruit and orange. Find negative feedback about this brand is very difficult.

3 Birds of Paradise

The best loose leaf tea
A country: Sri Lanka (there is a representative office in Russia)
Rating (2018): 4.7

Sri Lanka is considered the country of origin of the brand, but the tea that is on the shelves of our stores is packaged by the Russian representative of Aromat Extra LLC. Despite the low cost (about 100 rubles per 100 gr.), the tea is of very good quality, has a rich, harmonious taste and aroma. It is also impossible to attribute it to the category of mass consumption products - tea is not supplied to all stores, it is not the most common. But it is one of the best in its price range.

Under the Birds of Paradise brand, mainly classic large-leaf and medium-leaf Ceylon and Indian teas are produced. Flavorings are rarely used and only natural. For example, a light, unobtrusive scent of bergamot. Large pieces of berries are visible in Strawberry Glade tea. There are a lot of varieties, you can find an option for every taste. Users respond very well to it. They like the absence of "dust" and broken tea leaves. When brewing, whole leaves become visible. The taste of tea without additives is very rich, slightly tart, the color is thick, beautiful.

2 Tess

Variety of flavors at an affordable price
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.7

The Tess brand is part of the large Orimi-Trade concern, which has been producing coffee and tea drinks since 1994. In the reviews, Tess tea buyers note the excellent taste of the drink and the variety of choices. All products are made from high-mountain varieties of tea bushes. The brand cannot be called the highest quality - it belongs to mass consumption products, has an affordable price. A pack of tea weighing 100 grams costs about 100 rubles. But at the same time, its palatability is quite high, and the variety of tastes, rich aromas and availability in most supermarkets and shops make it one of the most popular.

The range of black teas includes 6 different varieties. Tess Ceylon high-mountain Ceylon large-leaf tea is especially popular. Unusual taste possesses "Tess of Pleasure", as it harmoniously combines rosehip, apple, flower petals and tropical fruits. "Tess Orange" is a real source of energy - the orange that is part of it pleasantly invigorates and tones. Tess Earl Gray tea has a more refreshing effect, the energy of citrus fruits and the freshness of bergamot contribute to an easy awakening. A classic cheerful morning will give "Tess Sunrise", according to gourmets, he is the best drink in the brand line.

Everyone knows about useful properties tea and the absence of contraindications for use. However, it is worth noting that there are several limitations:

  • do not brew tea several times;
  • "yesterday's" tea does not contain useful substances and can even harm;
  • if you drink tea on an empty stomach, you can harm the digestive system;
  • because of increased concentration caffeine strong drink should not be consumed by hypertensive patients;
  • taste and nutritional qualities deteriorate due to improper brewing;
  • tea should not be taken with medicines.

1 Twinings

Real English tea
A country: Great Britain
Rating (2018): 4.9

For over 300 years, Twinings drinks have been popular with consumers. The manufacturer has found an approach to everyone, as it implements a wide range of varieties. For lovers of bergamot, the company produces Earl Gray tea. A rich taste of "English Breakfast" is given by a blend of large-leaved varieties. In the fruit collection, the leader of sales is Lady Gray Tea, which combines citrus notes of bergamot, lemon and orange.

Tea "Prince of Wales" is the pride of Twinings. It was created in 1921 personally for His Highness the Prince of Wales. Of course, only experienced specialists were involved in its production, who used the best varieties of large-leaf tea. Now the company's collection is represented by more than 150 varieties of tea sold in 100 countries. Russian users also appreciated its quality. In the reviews, they note the invariably rich taste, pronounced aroma. Unlike many other brands, the manufacturer produces the same quality tea in bulk and in bags. The peculiarity of the brand is that loose leaf tea is produced mainly in metal cans to preserve the unchanged taste and aroma. The cost compared to mass consumption brands is quite high - about 350 rubles per 100 grams.

The best black tea bags

American merchant Thomas Sullivan sent samples of tea to his customers in small silk bags. The customers decided that tea should be brewed directly into them. This is how tea bags were accidentally invented. It is convenient to brew black tea in them, because this does not require a kettle. Tea crumb or fine long leaf tea packaged in small triangles of fine polymer mesh or bags of filtered paper. The packaged drink has a wide range of flavors, which is why it is very popular with customers.

4 Newby

Selected high quality tea
A country: United Kingdom (country of origin India)
Rating (2018): 4.7

An expensive but very high quality international premium brand that produces a wide range of classic and flavored teas in bulk and in bags. There are several features in the production that make the products unique - the collection is carried out only in the most favorable period, the factory is located in the heart of the tea regions of India, so the raw materials are immediately delivered for processing, blending and packaging immediately after collection.

The company's assortment includes about 150 different varieties of tea - black, green, herbal, oolong, flavored varieties. Packed black tea is of high quality, gives a strong infusion with a noble color and rich taste. On sale you can find classic varieties (Assam, English Breakfast, Earl Grey), as well as teas with aromas of thyme, bergamot, cardamom, jasmine, ginger, mango, strawberry and bouquets different flavors. But in the case of expensive teas, users prefer classic tea without additives. The most popular of this brand is the English Breakfast blend with a balanced taste and aroma without pronounced bitterness. The cost of a box of 25 bags varies between 300-400 rubles.

3 "May tea"

Quality proven over the years
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.7

The trademark was registered in 1991 by the May concern, and is still the most recognizable on the market. Large-leaf varieties are subjected to special processing in order to preserve all the benefits and richness of taste. For the convenience of brewing, "May tea" is sold in bags and pyramids that retain all the advantages of a leaf drink. Most popular varieties the collection includes Ceylon and Kenyan teas. This is the well-known "Crown of the Russian Empire", as well as "Golden Petals", "Black Diamond".

Also bagged black tea has a wide flavored line. Lemon, wild berries, raspberries, strawberries and currants are used for a variety of tastes. Among packaged teas, buyers fell in love with a fairly new line of products packed in beautiful golden boxes - Currant with Mint, Fragrant Thyme, Fragrant Bergamot. These teas do have a rather pleasant aroma, but can only claim to be one of the best teas in the budget price range. The cost for a box of 25 bags rarely exceeds 85 rubles.

2 Dammann

Best quality tea bags
Country: France
Rating (2018): 4.8

One of the most expensive and high-quality teas on the Russian market. It is produced by the oldest tea company in France, founded in 1925. It can safely be called the most the best manufacturer packaged teas, as it tastes no different from a drink brewed from a loose product. When you open the bag, you will find in it not dust and sawdust, as happens with cheap brands, but a real large, properly rolled tea leaf. This company was one of the first to produce flavored teas, but they do not use cheap flavors, but exclusively natural ingredients.

Also in the range you can find classic flavors without additional additives. When brewing, the difference is immediately felt, it is seen even by those who cannot call themselves a connoisseur and connoisseur of tea. Very saturated dense color, slightly tart, strong taste and incomparable aroma. True, in Russia this tea is more often purchased as a gift - the cost of a box of 25 bags starts from 700 rubles. But true connoisseurs of the drink can treat themselves. Assorted bags are very popular, including teas with the taste of bergamot, strawberry, currant, honey, almond, lime, vanilla, hazelnut.

1 Althaus

Best for tea shops and restaurants
Country: Germany
Rating (2018): 4.9

Althaus is a German tea, harvested from the best plantations in different parts of the world. The collection was designed by lead teatester Ralf Janeki in Bremen. Due to its high quality, it is purchased for restaurants, cafes, as well as tea boutiques. The classification of black tea "Althouse" is conditional, since this category also includes puer, oolong and red varieties. The drink undergoes strict quality control, therefore it fully complies with EU and Russian standards. Interestingly, some varieties of tea bushes were bred specifically for the Althaus brand.

The brand's collection includes classic blends and aromatic teas with the addition of thyme and bergamot. Difficult to find in stock fruit teas– the company tries to keep the taste pure noble drink, only slightly shading it with the most harmonious additions. On sale there are tea bags made from leaves collected on plantations in India and Sri Lanka. This is really a worthy tea, which has earned high marks from the most fastidious gourmets.

The best loose leaf green tea

The leaves harvested for green tea are steamed. Therefore, the color of the drink remains green and preserves the natural supply of nutrients and vitamins. After steaming, the leaves are dried, rolled and packaged. Some varieties are fermented, but not for long - a maximum of 48 hours. The taste of green tea is slightly sweetish or tart with the aroma of herbs.

4 Nadin

Rich collection of flavored teas
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.7

The company, founded in Russia, has taken its rightful place in the market due to the abundance of different varieties of tea. Bagged tea is rarely found on sale, but there are a lot of varieties of large-leaf black and green tea. They usually do not use artificial flavors - in the mixture you can see pieces of fruits and berries, an admixture of petals and herbs, and others. natural supplements. Not in favor of the company is the fact that the tea leaf is grown in China, but the main processing is already in Russia - the quality of this, of course, suffers.

Most of the teas are designed for mass consumption, so they have a low cost - about 60 rubles per 50 grams. But there are also more expensive varieties. For example, green tea "Silver Strawberry" in the form of balls formed from whole tea leaves costs about 350 rubles per 100 grams. The flavors "Forest basket" with pieces of berries, "Chinese lemongrass" with lemongrass grass and citrus zest are very popular.

3 Ahmed

Strict quality control
A country: UK (manufactured in India, China, England, Iran, UAE, Russia and Ukraine)
Rating (2018): 4.7

Ahmad Tea Ltd was founded in 1946 by Ahmad Afshar in Hampshire. The company values ​​its reputation, so it uses tea leaves from the best plantations in China, India and Kenya. natural oils for flavored collections are produced under strict control in the UK. Tradition and strict quality control helped the tea house to receive several international awards, and even visit the International Space Station in 2005. Since 2011, the company has been producing " Royal Collection for Buckingham Palace.

In the assortment of the company you can find classic green teas with a very pleasant aroma of a well-made product. Fans of complex flavors will love the line of flavored varieties with the addition of jasmine flowers, lemon balm, mint, lemongrass. Among ordinary people, Ahmad tea has been associated with a top quality product for a couple of decades. According to real connoisseurs, it is very far from the category of premium brands, but in its price category it can be considered one of the best. The cost for a pack weighing 100 grams starts from 100 rubles.

2 Greenfield

The best tea according to Russians
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.8

In 2003, the Orimi Trade group of companies signed an agreement with the British company Greenfield Tea Ltd. According to numerous surveys and studies, Greenfield ranks first in the rating of "favorite teas" of Russians. The range of the brand includes more than 30 items. The line of green leaf tea is represented by three varieties.

Sheet Chinese tea Flying Dragon, grown in Hunan province, will delight tea lovers with rich color, floral aroma, invigorate, refresh and quench thirst. Jasmine Dream from Chinese plantations in Yunnan is special. In its preparation, jasmine flowers are dried along with tea leaves and then hand-picked. Japanese Sencha is grown in the Japanese province of Fukoka. But some users note that Lately The quality of the tea has gone down a bit. It is no longer as fragrant and rich as before. Many people buy it out of habit or because of its low cost - about 100 rubles per 100 grams.

1 Russian Tea Company

Large selection of varieties
A country: Russia (produced in Germany and Russia)
Rating (2018): 4.9

"Russian Tea Company" was established in 1998, and is constantly improving the quality and range of its products. The brand sells green, white, black teas and herbal preparations with a unique combination of berries and fruits. Tea production is carried out not only in Russia, but also at the German plant Wollenhaupt GmbH. For the manufacture of unique blends, the company is purchased at auctions in China and Sri Lanka.

The collection of the brand has more than 200 items, so everyone can choose tea to their liking. The company also boasts of packaging. In addition to branded packages for buying loose tea, the manufacturer offers gift tin and glass jars, as well as exclusive wooden boxes. In addition to boxed teas, which are sold in large supermarkets, many cities have specialized departments that sell various types of tea by weight. There are different reviews, but negative ones are usually left only for the cheapest varieties of tea. The price range is very wide - there are budget and elite varieties.

The best green tea bags

Sachets, sachets and pyramids are always strictly dosed and designed to receive 200 ml delicious drink. When brewing green tea bags, the infusion does not turn out strong, so the amount of caffeine consumed is reduced. This form of release is also popular due to its ease of use. Particles of tea leaves, various herbs and pieces of fruit do not get into the mug. Below are the brands that produce green tea bags.

4 Ronnefeldt

Tea from two top leaves and tips
Country: Germany
Rating (2018): 4.7

The famous brand of premium tea is known for its very high quality and variety of flavors. The brand is one of the oldest - it was founded in Germany in 1823. Now it is very popular, used by many the best restaurants and hotels in the world. The manufacturer uses only selected raw materials purchased from proven plantations in India, Sri Lanka and China. The basis of all products is the principle - to use only the top two leaves and a kidney. In total, the company's assortment includes more than 350 varieties of elite tea.

The line of green tea bags is based on selected raw materials from Chinese plantations. On sale you can see pure tastes without impurities and flavored varieties. Only natural flavors are used - berries, fruits, herbs. Some sachets are designed to be brewed in a teapot. Gourmets can choose from varieties with one taste - mint, jasmine or whole bouquets of aromas made up of citrus, cornflower petals, roses, sunflowers, mangoes. If negative reviews are found, then they are associated exclusively with the high cost of the drink. The cost of a box with 25 bags starts from 400 rubles.

3 Clippers

The best quality and naturalness
Country: UK
Rating (2018): 4.7

The Clipper tea company has been known since 1984. Its products have won the recognition of customers due to the high quality of tea made entirely from natural ingredients without the use of artificial flavors and dyes. Classic organic green tea without additives has a pleasant, very harmonious taste. Some customers who have tried real Chinese tea (purchased in China) claim that Clipper tastes very close to it.

All teas are packaged in ordinary paper bags without strings. If you break one of them, you can see a fairly small, but high-quality tea without "sticks" and any impurities. Most of the flavored line is based on citrus fruits - lemon and lime, sometimes with the addition of ginger and aloe vera. The cost of tea, depending on the store, is 200-300 rubles per box of 20 bags. The pleasure is quite expensive, but quite acceptable for a quality drink.

2 Heath&Heather

100% natural composition
Country: UK
Rating (2018): 4.7

The Heath&Heather company produces green teas consisting only of natural ingredients grown without the use of pesticides and fertilizers. The brand was founded in 1920 by brothers James and Samuel Reeder. To date, the best specialists of the company carefully select each ingredient, creating amazingly tasty and healthy drinks. All varieties of green tea produced by Heath&Heather are powerful natural antioxidants that help normalize metabolism.

The collection includes both classic varieties and rather interesting taste solutions. For example, with the addition of cucumber - the taste is not for everyone, but fresh and pleasant. Unusual, spiced tea with the aroma of basil, lovers of adding milk to the drink will like it - they are very harmoniously combined. There are also more standard solutions - orange peel, jasmine, mint, coconut, ginger. This tea can definitely be recommended to lovers of new tastes. The cost of a box of 20 bags starts from 300-350 rubles.


Excellent quality green tea bags
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.9

The brand company was founded in Russia in 2013, but tea is produced in Morocco. Raw materials for the manufacture of various blends are brought from the best plantations in the world - from China, Japan, Ceylon, India. The tea is tested in Europe and only after a strict selection does it reach the store shelves. For tea bags, high-quality, but broken tea leaves are often used to offer customers a lower cost, but retain a decent taste and aroma of the product. Another interesting feature is the packaging in cotton bags that do not spoil the taste of the drink.

The line of green tea bags includes both classic and flavored varieties with jasmine, rose petals, and mango. The cost of a package of 20 bags starts from 500 rubles. The brand is not the most common, but very popular in narrow circles. It is considered by many to be one of the best green tea bags on the Russian market. Its taste is balanced, soft and rich at the same time, the aroma is strong, but unobtrusive.
