
How useful is green tea. Catechins - what is it

Even in ancient China, they knew about the miraculous benefits of green tea and often used it for medical reasons. This type of tea was the first tool, for example, against headaches and depression. Green tea has an important place in Chinese history.

It is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Unlike black, green contains a minimal amount of caffeine, which, if overdosed, leads to insomnia, nausea, and frequent urination. Green tea is useful because it contains a significant amount of vitamins C and P. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and is necessary for the normal functioning of bone tissue. Vitamin P strengthens the walls of capillaries, reduces their fragility and prevents destruction, especially in the bodies of the elderly.

In order to prevent diseases, it is enough to drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily. The usual daily dose is 250-300 mg.

Dietary supplements containing green tea, which are sold in pharmacies and specialty stores, also have a beneficial therapeutic effect.

If you prefer to drink green tea with milk, then you deprive your body of incredible benefits. Milk proteins combine with the polyphenol and inhibit its healing properties.

Green tea contains healthy catechins. These are potential antioxidants - 100 times more powerful than vitamin C.

It has been scientifically proven that catechin protects cellular DNA from changes, prevents the development of cancer.

Black tea also contains catechins, but in much smaller amounts.

Benefits of green tea: reasons to drink it every day

1/ Provides the body with antioxidants.

Experts believe that antioxidants slow down the aging process and protect against heart disease, stroke and cancer cells. Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants and catechins in particular.

In fact, some fruits, such as pomegranate, for example, contain as much or even more antioxidants. But if you compare prices and consumer tastes, green tea is definitely the best choice.

2/ Burns fat.

With the use of green tea, we get two benefits in one.

  • First, it promotes natural fat burning.
  • Secondly, it helps to generate energy.

In Taiwan, scientists conducted a study in which more than 10,000 people consumed green tea for 10 years. According to the results, it became clear that green tea and its variety - oolong, help burn fat. And the longer you drink tea, the more significant the result will be.

Green tea improves endurance during exercise by using catechins, which burn fat and limit the immediate absorption of carbohydrates, and instead the body uses stored fat for energy.

3/ Extends life.

One of the largest trials (more than 40,000 participants) with green tea was conducted in Japan. Its results were collected and processed for 11 years.

The researchers found that people who consumed about 5 cups of green tea a day had an average lifespan of 16% longer than participants who drank less than one cup.

4/ Protects against cancer.

The extraordinary anti-cancer properties of green tea are not limited to the action of antioxidants. It is known that the drink limits the nutrition of cancer cells, and gradually they may die altogether. This effect does not apply to healthy cells.

According to scientific theory, green tea blocks the production of harmful enzymes that act as catalysts for the development of cancer cells. Brain tumor and leukemia, lung and stomach cancer, colon and esophagus disease, bladder and breast cancer, ovarian and prostate cancer - all studies on the effect of green tea on the development of these diseases show positive results.

5/ Relieves stress and stimulates the brain.

All types of tea contain a specific ingredient, theanine, known for its calming effect and stimulation of alpha brain waves.

In 2007, it became known that 4 cups of tea a day increase the efficiency of the brain and the body as a whole. Therefore, people who regularly drink green tea are more difficult to succumb to stress, and they are 44% less likely to experience symptoms of depression.

The list of benefits from theanine is getting longer every day. It is known to have a healing effect on both the psyche and physiology of a person. Two studies in 2007 made a real breakthrough in proving that green tea repairs damaged brain cells and is a successful alternative in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

6/ Rejuvenates and protects the heart.

Drinking this type of tea helps patients recover from a heart attack. Doctors suggest that one of the active ingredients, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), speeds up the recovery process. It also reduces the risk of developing heart failure, although experts still cannot explain the mechanism of action.

7/ Strengthens blood vessels.

With age, the arteries tend to thicken and their elasticity decreases. The process is enhanced by the accumulation of lime deposits on their walls. When the inner layer of the artery becomes denser, the distance between the vessels narrows, and blood circulation worsens. This is the cause of heart failure and stroke.

A 2009 study indicates that green tea prevents atherosclerosis, the hardening and clogging of blood vessels. The dose that is recommended as a preventive measure is 3-4 cups of tea per day. In this case, the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced by 26-46%.

This drink helps in keeping the arterial ducts clean by lowering cholesterol levels and the number of platelets in the blood.

8/ Reduces pressure.

Scientists have proven that this tea lowers blood pressure. During one of the ongoing tests in 2004, it was found that people who regularly consume green tea had 65% less signs of hypertension. The recommended dose is 2 cups per day.

9/ Protects against diabetes.

The ingredient epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) regulates blood sugar levels, increases insulin activity and glucose metabolism. In 2007, it was reported that tea increased insulin activity by more than 15 times, but the addition of milk reduced the activity by 90%.

It is important to know that 6 cups of tea a day for 8 weeks can lower blood sugar levels from 15% to 20%. This effect is enhanced by the Japanese diet.

10/ Heals from diseases.

You will be surprised to know that green tea's anti-inflammatory properties make it an ideal alternative for ailments.

For example, rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease that occurs in three out of 100 women (in men, this disease is 3 times less common). There are currently no treatment options for this disease. But among the effective remedies for reducing pain and overcoming rheumatoid inflammation, it is green tea that takes the first place.

If you have skin problems like acne, green tea cream will help. It also helps with dry skin, with the appearance of itching and allergic reactions. This type of tea also reduces inflammation of the inner lining of the intestine.

11/ Reduces lung damage from smoking.

Green tea reduces the risk of lung cancer, limits cell damage from cigarette smoke. It doesn't matter if it's active or passive smoking. Even with the ingress of toxins from the air, poisoning with harmful substances does not occur.

With regular tea consumption, the risk of disease is reduced by up to 25%.

12/ Protects the liver from alcohol.

Two studies over the past five years show that green tea protects the liver from damage from alcohol abuse or toxic chemicals.

The results of the experiments were so categorical that scientists plan to create a drug based on green tea for the treatment of liver diseases.

13/ Protects tooth enamel from caries

Protects tooth enamel from the development of caries and helps treat bad breath. Unlike carbonated drinks (which always contain sugar), green tea does not contain sweetness.

In addition, it fights viruses in the mouth and prevents bad breath.

14/ Provides bone density.

Drinking just two or more cups of green tea a day helps maintain bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. The longer you drink tea, the stronger the integrity of bone tissue.

15/ Strengthens the immune system and repels cold and flu viruses.

Tea contains antigens that are also present in some beneficial bacteria. With the help of these antibodies, the body builds immune defenses and neutralizes harmful bacteria and viruses. 4-5 cups of green tea a day is enough.

16/ Moisturizes body cells.

UK experts have found that the benefits of green tea are even greater than pure water. They refute the claim that tea dehydrates the human body.

Experiments conducted by scientists show that this amazing tea has a moisturizing effect.

A lot is said and written about the benefits of green tea, and people are wondering: is it really so useful? Like any plant, green tea is a medicine, in reasonable doses it brings benefits, and if used excessively, it is harmful. Therefore, you should not drink green tea in liters. Many even refuse black tea in favor of green. But is green tea really as good as it says in weight loss magazines? Today we will figure out what is the benefit and what is the harm of this popular drink and how to brew it correctly.

Green tea is one of the best sources of antioxidants - substances that remove old toxins and prevent the formation of new ones. Thanks to them, green tea is useful to drink in almost all infectious diseases and for the prevention of atherosclerosis and oncology.

Amazing healing properties of green tea have long attracted the attention of people who are not indifferent to their health. The ancient Chinese used it to treat many diseases. And today no one doubts that green tea is a miracle doctor that heals ulcers, lowers blood pressure, removes salts of heavy metals from the body, etc. But green tea, like any other medicinal plant, has side effects. Let's talk about the pros and cons of green tea, when green tea is a medicine, and when it is a poison. Green tea is most commonly used as an effective weight loss aid.

Benefits of green tea. Composition of green tea

15-30% of the composition of green tea is occupied by tannins, which are a mixture of more than three dozen polyphenolic compounds - tannin and various catechins, polyphenols and their derivatives. The tannin content of green tea is almost double that of black tea. High-grade teas have more tannin than low-grade teas.

Essential oils. The quality of tea depends on essential oils. They seem to be very few (about 0.02%), but their role is huge - essential oils give tea its unique aroma. When processing tea leaves, the loss of essential oils reaches 70-80%.

alkaloids. Among them, the most famous is caffeine. Acting in tea along with tannin, caffeine forms the compound caffeine tannate, which has a milder effect on the cardiovascular and central nervous systems than the caffeine present in coffee. In addition to caffeine, tea contains small amounts of other alkaloids - water-soluble theobromine and theophylline, which are good vasodilators and diuretics.

Amino acids. Glutamic acid was found in tea, which is important for the human body: it normalizes metabolic processes, helps to restore the depleted nervous system.

Protein substances together with free amino acids make up from 16 to 25% of tea. All enzymes are proteins. In terms of protein content and their quality, the tea leaf is not inferior to legumes.

Mineral and other inorganic substances in tea contains from 4 to 7% . Tea contains magnesium, manganese, sodium, potassium, calcium, fluorine, iodine, copper, gold.

vitamins. Tea contains provitamin A - carotene, which ensures the normal condition of the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, larynx, lungs, bronchi, urinary organs and is especially important for maintaining good vision. Green tea is rich in vitamins K, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B9 (folic acid), B12, PP (nicotinic acid).

Tea also contains vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Green and yellow teas contain 10 times more vitamin C than black teas. Vitamin P in green tea is 4 times more than in oranges or lemons. In combination with vitamin C, it significantly enhances the effectiveness of ascorbic acid, promotes its accumulation and retention in the body.

Thus, green tea is a treasure trove of substances useful for humans.

How to brew green tea

To brew green tea for its greater benefit, you should:

  • Green tea should only be brewed in clean drinking water. In many homes, bad, hard water with a lot of impurities flows in the faucet. Green tea requires pure, soft, natural water. You can buy it in the store or filter tap water using home filters.
  • Pour water into the kettle and let it boil. As soon as the water boils, pour a small amount of it into the green tea infuser and shake, letting the water warm all the walls of the teapot. This is necessary so that the cold walls do not take away all the heat of the water, which is intended for brewing.
  • now with a clean and dry spoon we collect the right amount of green tea. Usually the calculation is one teaspoon without a slide per 150 ml of water. You can read the recommendations on the tea package. Many manufacturers print methods for proper brewing. Especially important is the brewing time for green tea, which must be indicated on the box. The time depends on the variety and harvest of tea.
  • pour the tea leaves into the teapot and pour the required amount of water. While we were counting the amount of tea leaves and rinsing the kettle with boiling water, the water cooled down a little, which was what we needed. It is recommended to brew this sort of tea with water no more than 80 degrees.
  • poured, covered with a lid and allowed to brew for the right amount of time. If the time is not indicated on the package, then you can stop at the average value for green tea - 3-4 minutes.
  • pour tea into mugs, but not immediately filling each container to the brim, but doing it in a circle, evenly and in small portions. This is necessary in order to maintain the correct concentration of tea and get the same taste and astringency in all cups.

Green tea - useful properties

Green tea has long been revered as a drink of vivacity and good mood. It is thanks to the caffeine contained in it that tea acts as a biological stimulant. If you have a headache, drink a cup of green tea. One glass of tea contains as much caffeine as one headache pill. But remember that headaches can have different causes. If the pain does not go away for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor. It is not necessary to insist green tea for a long time, otherwise, instead of benefit, you can get harm.

Recovery of an exhausted nervous system- one of the medicinal properties of green tea. It acts as an excellent prophylactic that increases resistance to stressful situations. Green tea is a good antidepressant. Only in this case it should be brewed loosely. Green tea harmonizes the nervous system as a whole, normalizes its activity.

It is known that in people with age, the fragility and fragility of blood vessels, including the smallest vessels - capillaries, increases. Green tea will come to the rescue here too. If you drink it regularly, of course. It will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity, and reduce the risk of internal hemorrhages.

Green tea infusion helps lower blood pressure in the initial stages of hypertension, leads to lower blood cholesterol levels, improves the condition of patients with atherosclerosis. Japanese scientists claim that long-term use of green tea can reduce blood pressure by 10-20 units. To do this, tea should be brewed as follows: before brewing dry green tea, rinse with warm boiled water to reduce the content of caffeine in it, which has an exciting effect on the cardiovascular system. Then pour tea with boiling water at the rate of 3 g of tea per half a glass of water and leave for 10 minutes. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day after meals. At the same time, the total amount of liquid drunk is reduced, taking into account tea, to 1.2 liters (so as not to overload the cardiovascular system).

If you regularly drink green tea, then you will never know what sclerosis is. On the one hand, it prevents the deposition of fats and fat-like substances - lipids on the walls of blood vessels, on the other hand - destroys already deposited fatty layers.

Dutch scientists claim that if you drink 4 glasses of green tea during the day and eat one apple or onion head, then the risk of myocardial infarction will be halved. This conclusion they made after studying the food habits of a large number of people who lived to old age.

Green tea has long been used as a cure for dysentery.. Catechins, which are part of tea, have a direct antimicrobial effect on dysentery, typhoid and coccal bacteria. Dysentery sticks die from green tea on the 2nd-3rd day of treatment.

The “tea medicine” is prepared as follows: pour 50 g of crushed green tea into 1 liter of water, leave for 30 minutes. Then boil over low heat for 1 hour, then filter. The resulting infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Take an infusion of 2 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Green tea is also indicated for food poisoning.

And if you are poisoned by drugs, drugs, alcohol or nicotine - green tea will also help you. Just drink it with milk and sugar.

If you have digestive problems, then breakfast, lunch and dinner should be with tea. Tea tannin contributes to normal digestion. Tea is also useful in cases where a lot of toxins accumulate in the intestines due to diseases of other organs.

If your stomach is upset, drink strong green tea for 2-3 days. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, green tea destroys pathogens in the stomach and intestines. In addition, medium-strength tea enhances the motor function of the digestive tract and is a good tool for strengthening intestinal tone.

For those who often watch TV, Professor Cheng Qikong, deputy director of the Tea Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, advises to drink green tea instead of coffee and lemonade, as it neutralizes the harmful effects of radiation from the screen. This also applies to people who sit in front of computer screens for a long time. Professor of Kyoto University Tenji Ugai, summarizing the data obtained after the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, said that green tea is an excellent antidote for poisoning the body with strontium-90, the most destructive isotope that pollutes the air during nuclear explosions. Green tea also helps to eliminate lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc and other heavy metals from the body, which we get with food, air and water. If you have colitis, then green tea will come to the rescue. Take it inside for 2 tbsp. spoons 4 times a day. Can be used as an enema.

For conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids, rinse your eyes with strong, quickly chilled green tea.

Medium-brewed green tea with lemon, pepper and honey is a diuretic for colds and respiratory diseases. But at high temperatures, green tea should not be abused, as there is an additional burden on the heart and kidneys.

Fresh tea leaf juice or powdered tea leaf helps with burns. If you get sunburned, then brew green tea, cool it quickly and dampen the burnt skin with a cotton swab. Strong tea can wash fresh wounds. Thanks to tannins, tea coagulates proteins, i.e. has a hemostatic effect.

For rhinitis, rinse your nose with green tea infusion. For this, 1 tsp. crushed green tea, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Use a disposable syringe without a needle for flushing. Do this procedure 6-8 times a day.

Green tea infusion will help with sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, as well as in inflammatory processes in the tongue or gums. Pour 2 tsp of dry tea with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Gargle with warm tea. Repeat this procedure several times a day.

Green tea improves blood composition by improving the number of blood cells. In addition, it activates the activity of the liver and spleen, reduces the risk of kidney stones.

For those who regularly drink green tea, diseases associated with metabolic disorders, as a rule, do not threaten.

When motion sickness in a car and seasickness, it is good to chew dry green tea.

With vitamin deficiency, prepare yourself such an infusion. Pour 3 g of crushed tea with half a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. Add 1 tsp. rosehip syrup. Drink warm one glass 3 times a day after meals.

Green tea has anti-cancer properties. It is assumed that the mechanism of this action is reduced to the blood-purifying properties of tea, i.e. the ability of tea polyphenols to remove carcinogens from the body. Tea strengthens the immune system, which reduces the risk of cancer cells.

Weak green tea (no more than 2 cups per day) is good for pregnant women to drink. The drink contains many useful vitamins and minerals. Japanese scientists have found that women who regularly drink green tea before pregnancy give birth to stronger children.

Green tea is a source of youth and longevity. Among the centenarians who have crossed the 90-year threshold, there are many admirers of green tea.

It is also an excellent cosmetic product. For example, rinse oily hair after washing with a strong infusion of green tea. With a vascular network on the face, a mask is made from chilled tea leaves (tea grounds are applied to a cleansed face for 15-20 minutes). The same mask is useful for fading dry facial skin. Only after removing the tea leaves, you need to lubricate the skin with a greasy cream. Oily, aging facial skin is useful to wipe with ice cubes made from green tea. To enhance the effect, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (1 tbsp per 1 tbsp of tea) can be added to the tea infusion. There are many other useful cosmetic recipes that do not fit into the scope of this article.

It turns out that green tea kills alcohol cravings. That is why in China and Japan - countries that have a special preference for green tea - there are far fewer heavy drinkers than in Western countries. To prepare an anti-alcoholic drink, use the following recipe: 1 teaspoon of green tea in 1 glass of water. Drink without sugar. The remaining leaves are not thrown away - they are eaten. The effect is not immediate. Months will pass and the effect will come.

There are many different teas for weight loss, but the best among them, no doubt, is green tea. This is an ideal drink for those who want to lose weight without harm to their body.

Green tea is useful for those who want to lose weight, as it reduces appetite. In addition, it regulates the level of norenaline, a chemical neurotransmitter that plays an important role in fat formation. Therefore, when you drink green tea, you reduce the fat layer in the hips, waist, buttocks.

There is a ten-day diet with green tea. Tea in this scheme for weight loss is used as a substance to speed up metabolism, suppress appetite and improve the quality of life.

Green tea for weight loss with and without milk will help us in the fight against extra pounds and pressure. Green tea can be used as a weight loss aid. It accelerates the excretion of fats from the body and accelerates metabolic processes.

Green tea with milk- a good prophylactic for diseases of the kidneys and heart. It is also a tonic for central nervous system exhaustion and polyneuritis. The drink is prepared like this. 5 g of brick tea, 200 ml of water, 200 ml of baked milk, 10 g of butter, salt. Slightly dry the brick tea in the oven and place in boiling water. Then strain, add milk, butter and salt to taste.

Contraindications for green tea:

As we said earlier, green tea promotes weight loss, and also improves mental activity, reaction and vision. Now let's talk about the dangers of green tea. Despite all the positive properties of green tea, you should not abuse it. Since green tea lowers blood pressure, hypotensive patients should not drink it. You can not get involved in green tea with:

acute form of hypertension;

any diseases in the acute phase;

diseases accompanied by high fever.

It should be remembered that green tea increases the acidity of gastric juice, which is undesirable for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis should also avoid this drink.

Exciting substances included in green tea - caffeine, theobromine and theophylline - actively affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Therefore, you should not get carried away with green tea, especially strong, for people suffering from tachycardia, increased excitability, and insomnia.

Remember that tea left for later increases the amount of purine compounds and caffeine. Such tea is especially dangerous for patients with hypertension, glaucoma and gout. Green tea is not recommended to drink on an empty stomach, as well as while drinking alcohol. Tea with alcohol forms aldehydes, which are bad for the kidneys.

Green tea cannot be stored in paper bags: they do not close tightly and allow moisture to pass through; with such storage, tea will deteriorate very soon.

Four simple rules for brewing fragrant green tea.

Rule one. Brew green tea in a warm teapot

A cold teapot will lower the temperature of the water by about 20 degrees. Therefore, the first green tea brew will be spoiled by the cooled water. Such tea will not bring any harm or benefit, and you will not get pleasure from drinking tea. Essential oils and trace elements will not have time to leave the tea leaf in full. Therefore, before brewing tea, warm the teapot by pouring boiling water over it.

Rule two. Do not boil green tea

Hot water destroys the beneficial components of tea and spoils its taste and aroma, and also reduces its beneficial properties. The optimum brewing temperature is 60-80 degrees Celsius. Certain types of tea need to be brewed with hotter water. The brewing temperature is usually indicated on tea packages (if you buy it from a reliable manufacturer). It is better to use spring water, and if not possible, then soft and light (no smell, taste or taste in the mouth).

If you want to drink a real healing drink - do not let the water boil! It is enough to heat it up to 95 degrees (water bubbles begin to appear at the bottom of the kettle), and then cool it. In boiling water, all salts precipitate, and oxygen leaves the water - so the tea will no longer be so tasty and fragrant.

Rule three. The first water must be drained

The Chinese at tea ceremonies always drain the first water poured into the teapot. This is done in order to rinse the tea. After that, the tea leaves are immediately filled with fresh water.

Rule four. Control your green tea brewing time

Do not steep green tea for too long. If you overexpose it in a teapot, it will be bitter, as a lot of tannins will be pulled out of the leaf. In addition, such tea cannot be brewed several times, because all the flavor has already been used. Please note that each type of tea has its own brewing time. It can vary from 30 seconds to 1 minute.

And yet, you should not focus on the color of green tea. Each variety of green tea has its own color. Some varieties are almost transparent, others are light green, or honey, amber.

Advice: Never drink cold green tea.

Cooled tea loses many of its beneficial properties: vitamins are lost, essential oils evaporate, antioxidants are destroyed. Always make only as much tea as you can drink.

The aroma and taste of tea depends not only on the correct brewing, but also on the conditions of its storage. Equally important is the utensil in which you brew the drink.

Brew tea in pottery

Clay is ideal for a teapot. It has excellent heat capacity, is chemically neutral and allows the tea leaves to "breathe" - i.e. perfect conditions for brewing tea.

In addition to clay, you can use glass and porcelain, they are also chemically neutral. But tea leaves do not breathe in them. In addition, tea cools down very quickly in them.

Never brew green tea in metal or plastic teapots. In the first case, your tea will acquire a persistent taste of metal, and in the second, it will be saturated with toxic elements. Plastic is strictly contraindicated for hot products.

Store green tea properly

Delicate green tea leaves absorb odors and moisture well. If you store tea incorrectly, it will quickly lose its beneficial properties and aroma. Your tea will smell like anything but real green tea. Light can also ruin tea leaves. Therefore, use airtight and opaque dishes for storage. Tin cans with a tight-fitting lid or wooden boxes are suitable.

You can not store tea in paper bags either: they allow moisture to pass through and do not close tightly - the aroma of tea will disappear over time.

Numerous treatises by Chinese philosophers and Indian healers are devoted to green tea; this drink has many unique properties and is used as a medicine for certain diseases. It perfectly tones, breaks down animal fats, promotes digestion. After all, it's just delicious.

But is it as useful as we used to think? And can a cup of green tea hide not only the elixir of youth and health, but also poison?

Harmful properties of green tea

To begin with, green tea is considered a powerful antioxidant these days, but the actual benefit of oxidation inhibitors is questionable. Numerous studies prove that excessive consumption of antioxidants does nothing but harm - various diseases begin to develop, the body ceases to resist certain types of bacteria.

Therefore, green tea should not be abused. If you drink 5-6 small cups a day, then you won’t harm yourself, but those who drink more than 1.5 liters of strong brewed tea automatically fall into the risk group.

Green tea also adversely affects the nervous system. We, again, are talking about a very rich drink. In concentrated form, it provokes nervous overexcitation, because it contains much more caffeine (theine) than coffee itself.

So strong green tea is not recommended for those who suffer from any diseases of the nervous system, and those who are prone to frequent mood swings. You should not drink it at night, even for healthy people - often it is he who causes insomnia.

With caution, green tea should be consumed by those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, in particular, people suffering from tachycardia and arrhythmia. The substances contained in this drink provoke a rapid heartbeat, which can not only exacerbate diseases, but also cause heart rhythm failure.

What is harmful green tea

In addition, green tea irritates the stomach lining, so you should not drink it on an empty stomach. The fact is that it promotes digestion, which means it enhances the production of gastric juice, and if the stomach is empty, it begins to digest itself, respectively, erosion occurs that can turn into ulcers.

Especially do not drink green tea on an empty stomach for those who already have gastritis or an ulcer. Many sources write that this wonderful drink prevents these diseases, but here, as with poison, it all depends on the dosage and time of administration.

Therefore, at times of exacerbation of chronic gastric diseases, it is recommended either to completely abandon the use of green tea, or to drink it in a not very concentrated form after meals. Then it will really be a medicine and will not provoke a relapse.

Green tea and alcohol

Many believe that a cup of green tea, drunk in the morning, helps to cope with a hangover, because it allegedly removes toxins. However, it is not. The external and momentary effect of relief is incomparable with the harm that is done to the body. First of all, the cardiovascular and nervous systems suffer, and then the kidneys “join” them.

The stimulating effect of green tea, multiplied by a hangover syndrome, can even lead to a heart attack, not to mention neurosis, and renal colic is also not a very pleasant thing. By the way, it is impossible to mix green tea with alcohol not only in the morning - during "libations" this mixture also has a bad effect on the body. Yes, and toxins are not excreted, but, on the contrary, are formed.

In addition, both alcohol and green tea have a diuretic effect, so their combination leads to a sharp dehydration of the body, and this, in turn, leads to nervous excitement, aggression, and then to a decrease in vitality. In addition, the frequent use of alcohol in combination with green tea accelerates skin aging.

Green tea and blood pressure

We often hear that green tea actively affects blood pressure. Surprisingly, both hypertensive patients and hypotensive patients write and talk about it. Someone complains that low blood pressure is getting even lower, someone - that high blood pressure jumps sharply to terrifying levels. But there are also those who speak with gratitude about this drink - in some it increases the low, in others it reduces the high. Which of them is right?

As it turns out, the truth is somewhere in between. For those on whom green tea has a positive effect, it simply regulates the pressure, that is, it raises or lowers it to an acceptable norm by the body. Those who, after drinking, suffer from too low or from excessively high blood pressure, belong to people with a personal intolerance to this drink.

So if after a cup of green tea you feel a breakdown or the back of your head starts to hurt, then this drink is not for you. Do not experiment, but abandon it in favor of teas and infusions, after which you do not experience discomfort. Or at least reduce the dosage or make a weak tea solution.

Green tea quality

What is harmful green tea

Absolutely healthy people should also pay attention to their well-being after drinking green tea. If you do not have high acidity, but at the same time even a small cup of this drink causes heartburn, then you have purchased low-quality raw materials.

Remember that in regions where there are no tea plantations, tea, by definition, cannot be very cheap, because not only processing and packaging costs, but also transportation costs are required. Unscrupulous manufacturers often purchase tea dust, garbage and small crumbs left after the packaging of high-quality tea, "hide" it in bags and attract buyers at a low price.

It is best to buy tea from trusted brands, and not in bags, but in bulk. It should not contain foreign impurities, unless it is provided for by the type of tea, that is, if it is not flavored with flower petals, zest or berries.

If you still prefer tea bags, then get the packaging, in which each of the bags is sealed in foil. This packaging method is not a manufacturer's attempt to increase the price, but the best storage method. It allows you to save all the flavors of tea and its beneficial properties.

Proper brewing of green tea

Incorrectly brewed green tea can also cause harm. Everyone knows perfectly well that a tea leaf that has not undergone fermentation can be poured with water 3-4 times. After the second brew, it only begins to truly open up and give off its taste and aroma. However, at the same time, few people think that the "life" of green tea is short-lived.

Every day millions of inhabitants of the planet Earth drink tea. But for some reason, we, immigrants from the Soviet Union, have nostalgic memories of that same black tea “with an elephant”, about samovars and bagels, about a tart, bitter brown drink. And now, most Russians prefer black (aka red) tea, and refuse green.

But in vain. After all, good green tea is a real treasure. In China, Japan and India, it is valued much more than other varieties. All thanks to the amazing benefits and more subtle effect that low-fermented varieties give.


Green tea from China

The Celestial Empire is considered to be the birthplace of tea camellia: people began to drink tea here more than 4 thousand years ago. When the Chinese say "tea", they mean green tea. China is the world's main supplier of elite and rare green varieties. Four green teas are included in the famous top ten Chinese varieties.

We will talk about the types and features of Chinese green tea a little later. In the meantime - the most valuable representatives of other countries.

In Japan

And in Japan, only green varieties are produced. And the technology is very unusual: the tea leaf is exposed to hot steam, which gives the tea an unusual, specific taste and a darker color of the infusion. And here is a list of varieties worthy of special attention of connoisseurs:

  • Senya. The volume of production is about 2/3 in Japan. Classic tea, outwardly it is a thin needles of rich green color. Its aroma is woody, the taste is sweet with a slight bitterness.
  • Gekuro. It translates as "pearl drop". This is a rarer and more expensive tea. Raw materials for it are collected strictly in early spring. 20 days before picking, tea bushes are shaded, which reduces the concentration of tannin in the leaf. Thanks to this, a more delicate and sweet taste, devoid of bitterness, is achieved.
  • Mattya. Exotic powdered tea, which is not only brewed, but also added to desserts. Steamed leaves are cleaned of stems and veins, and then ground into powder. Despite the strange appearance, there is nothing chemical in it. A small pinch is enough to brew: the concentration of this tea is very high.
  • Genmaicha. It is a mixture of sencha and fried rice. Previously, only poor Japanese drank it: rice increased the satiety of the drink, and when salt was added, such tea was something like a first course. Everyone drinks genmaicha these days.

In Georgia

Georgian tea plantations are among the northernmost in the world. Here, green tea began to be produced in the 16th century. Now there are several dozen varieties, which are classified by numbers: from No. 10 to 125. The larger the number, the better the tea. The best of the numbered ones is No. 125, but there are varieties that are valued even more, for example, "Extra" and "Georgian Bouquet".

In the country of mountains, green tea is often produced in the form of bricks, just like Chinese pu-erh. So it is stored longer, retaining its beneficial properties.

In India

But in India, light varieties have not taken root among the locals. Small volumes are produced in the north of the country: mainly for sale to neighboring states.

In Sri Lanka

Ceylon tea… How much quality lies in this combination of words. In Ceylon (the old name of Sri Lanka), large-leaf, elite varieties of green tea are produced. The product with the romantic name "Pearl of the Ocean" stands out among them. It has a tart, floral taste, rich and very intense. Ceylon tea with an extract of soursep, an exotic fruit, is also interesting, illuminating and bright.

HOW IS GREEN TEA PRODUCED? From collection to packaging

The purpose of green tea production is to prevent leaf oxidation during the first stage of processing. Whereas black is fermented immediately after harvest.

As many varieties of green tea exist, so many unique recipes for their production. With all this diversity, there are several main stages underlying it.

Collection of raw materials

The raw materials for green tea are young flushes (from English - shoots), shamrocks. Most often, the collection begins in early spring, but the exact time depends on the particular variety. There are strict rules for collecting tea. For example, some varieties require leaves collected at a strictly defined time of day, when there is no precipitation and the established temperature regime is observed.

Steaming: 2-3 minutes

The goal is to prevent the sheet from oxidizing and to make it elastic to shape. Tea is steamed in special devices that produce hot steam (about 95-100 degrees). The leaf is placed in the equipment: just 2-3 minutes are enough for the tea to acquire new properties necessary for subsequent drying.

Drying: 10-15 minutes

After steam treatment, the leaves are dried at a humidity of 60-62%, a temperature of 90-95 degrees. Purpose: to reduce the moisture content for the next stage - twisting. Drying of the sheet is carried out in special devices.

Stranding: 60-80 minutes

In the process of twisting, the surface of the leaf is damaged and juice is released from it. If black tea is rolled intensively and for a long time, then for green tea one or two times drying is used. To do this, it is placed in special roller devices.

Drying in an oven

The final drying takes place in special ovens. Purpose: final dehydration of the leaf. As a result, the moisture content drops to 2-5%, the raw material acquires a darker, olive color.


It all depends on the standards in force at a particular plant or private sector. Often one batch is sorted into several categories according to the quality of raw materials: for example, large sheets of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd categories, small sheets of the 2nd and 3rd categories. The lowest quality is tea in the form of crumbs. It is the large leaf that is highly valued by lovers of green varieties: it gives a more fragrant, bright, rich infusion.


Green tea is the Chinese national drink, the record holder for popularity among residents. China - is the birthplace of tea in general, and green - in particular. The first mention of it in historical sources falls on the 1st century AD, during the reign of the Han Dynasty. It was at this time that the hieroglyph "cha" appeared, which originally looked like this - "荼".

For centuries, Chinese green tea was only available to the imperial family and courtiers. China remains its main producer to this day. But red varieties are less popular here.

In China, tea drinking is a ritual, a ceremony that has come down to us from Buddhist monks and has much in common with meditative and other spiritual practices. There is no doubt that green tea was the first drink for ceremonies and first appeared in China.

Historians have established that the heyday of tea culture falls on the 7th-10th centuries. Initially, green tea was used as a medicine. Many literary sources speak of the high value of tea in China: poems and treatises were written and written about it, the aphorisms of Confucius have survived to this day, who considered it the best drink "to relieve fatigue and pacify the spirit."

Taste and aroma

The most delicious thing about green tea without sugar is the feeling of superiority. I don’t know exactly whose words these are, but I’m sure this person has never tried real Chinese green tea. It is pleasant to drink it not only because of the awareness of high benefits, but also because of the delicious, exciting taste that can take you to another dimension.

“Tea bouquet is like expensive wine. It cannot be repeated, the secrets of its preparation are available only to the author.

Caitlin Turner

With all the variety of varieties of Chinese green tea, each of them has similar notes: floral, herbal, refreshing and gentle.

Early harvest tea (spring) often has a lighter aroma and sweet taste, while summer and autumn varieties have a peculiar bitterness and astringency. The infusion has a green tint: from light green to emerald green.

The best varieties of Chinese green tea: TOP 5

Is it realistic to list and try all the varieties of this limitless variety of tea? Unlikely, but why not aim for it? And you should start with the charming five of the brightest and most popular.

  1. Mao Feng. This is a real jewel of the mountainous regions of Anhui Province. This tea is one of the ten most popular varieties in the world. It is harvested in early spring, when the first leaves are just beginning to bloom on the bushes. Tea processing begins on the day of collection: thanks to this, the infusion does not lose its aroma and freshness. The final stage of production is drying the leaves in ovens. The aroma of Mao Feng is pure, pronounced, its taste is transparent and light.

  1. Ku ding. From Chinese, the name of tea is translated as "bitter tear". But such a sad name has nothing to do with its energy and aroma. The piercing taste is tart, even slightly bitter, but fragrant notes favorably emphasize this bitterness. Ku Ding is a real healing spring. It removes toxins from the body, normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, helps to get rid of excess weight. It is noticed that freshly brewed infusion helps to quickly eliminate a hangover.
  2. longjin. This representative wins the hearts of men and women, lovers, connoisseurs and beginners who are taking their first steps in getting acquainted with Chinese tea culture. Harmonious, refined taste is saturated with floral, grassy shades, but notes of roasted pumpkin seeds come to the fore. Longjin is great as a refreshing, invigorating, everyday drink. It improves mood and sets you on a creative wave.

  1. Zhu Yeqing. " The freshness of bamboo leaves "- this is how its name is translated from Chinese. This invigorating green tea has a sunny, delicate, sophisticated taste with nutty and meadow notes. Labor-intensive production and careful selection of raw materials (perfectly even young leaves are used) make Zhu Ye Qing one of the elite green varieties. This tea is for connoisseurs, lovers of elegant and sophisticated notes.
  2. Bi Lo Chun. Tea with a poetic name, which translates as "emerald spirals of spring", knocks you out of the usual rhythm with its unique aroma. The raw material for it are tender young buds and leaves. Tea bushes grow among fruit trees: coincidence or not, but the taste of Bi Lo Chun is filled with fruity and floral notes, light honey shades.


Are there any foods in the world that have been studied as thoroughly as tea? I doubt. It would seem that its chemical composition has been studied from and to, but until now, scientists from different countries do not calm down and find more and more new properties characteristic of certain varieties.

An analysis of the results of tea research showed that Chinese green tea contains 5 main components that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

5 health benefits of green tea

  • Vitamins. We will not go into lengthy enumerations: it is enough to compare the concentration of vitamins in tea and other products. For example, vitamin P in one cup is 4 times more than in an orange, A is 6 times more than in carrots, and vitamin E is almost the same as in walnuts.


  • Microelements. Drink 1-2 cups of fresh green tea daily, and say no to dietary supplements and mineral complexes. Even in the process of processing and fermentation, all useful substances are preserved in the leaf: fluorine, iodine, potassium and calcium, magnesium and even gold (though very little). Such a rich composition more than compensates for the lack of these substances in the body, and this is an excellent prevention of many diseases and loss of strength.
  • Tannins. These are polyphenols, which are preserved in green varieties twice as much as in dark ones. They have a beneficial effect on the skin and digestion, which in themselves are interconnected.
  • Amino acids. Green tea contains 17 amino acids, mainly glutelins, but there are also water-soluble albumins. During processing, the content of the latter increases by 10%. By the way, green tea contains more proteins than black tea. Among tea amino acids there is glutamine, which actively restores the emotional background, reduces nervous tension.
  • Alkaloids. Theine, caffeine, theobromine, theophylline - we owe them for a soft but steady vigor and a restorative effect after drinking a cup of fragrant infusion.

Invigorating green tea: about tea caffeine

For some reason, many people think that black (red in Chinese) tea invigorates more than green. And this is a mistake: try drinking it at night, and you will see for yourself. The reason is the higher content of alkaloids in it, including caffeine.

“So caffeine is bad!” Many will say. Let's make some adjustment: only "coffee caffeine" (sorry for the tautology), which causes tachycardia, can cause harm, and if you overdo it with a dose, then temporary clouding of the mind and nausea. The high content of theine in green is a type of caffeine. It acts much softer, giving a steady, but not sharp vivacity, which does not entail a breakdown.

Thus, by replacing coffee with tea, you get the right vigor, avoiding bad side effects. However, we still do not recommend drinking green varieties at night.

Benefit and harm

The benefits of green tea far outweigh the potential harm. To feel it, it is enough to drink 1-2 mugs of a quality and properly brewed drink daily.

  • Beauty and youth. Antioxidants not only prevent the development of cancer, but also slow down aging. Fans of green varieties have healthy skin, shiny hair, a great mood and a slender body.
  • Healthy heart and blood vessels. Green varieties contain a lot of potassium and flavanoids, which normalize the work of the heart and improve the condition of blood vessels. Daily tea drinking - prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension. As for the effect on pressure: the belief that green varieties lower it is not always true. More often, good tea normalizes this indicator: high lowers, low increases. But not always. We must not forget about the individual characteristics of each variety and organism. If there are problems with pressure, it is worth observing the effect that a particular type of tea has.
  • Digestion. A weak infusion can be drunk even with a stomach ulcer. A quality drink normalizes the production of pancreatic enzymes and speeds up the digestion of food.
  • Strong bones and healthy joints. If the consumption rate is observed, green tea has a beneficial effect on the state of the articular-ligamentous and musculoskeletal system. It removes toxins from the body, which are the cause of metabolic arthrosis, and even young people face them due to poor-quality food.
  • Nervous system. Green tea invigorates - it's a fact. Falling asleep after a hearty meal, it is difficult to concentrate on work or study. A mug of fresh green tea will invigorate and set you on a new wave. Drinking tea soothes, relieves nervous tension, gives strength.
  • The fight against excess weight. Chinese tea is good without snacks and sweets. Its taste is bright and deep: enjoying a variety of notes, you cleanse your body of excess, which means you lose weight. A hot drink eliminates a false sense of hunger, due to which the total calorie content of the diet decreases. The main thing is to get into the habit of drinking tea separately from food.

All of these benefits can be obtained with moderate consumption of a high quality product. Forget about bags and long-term storage of tea leaves: always drink fresh tea and feel its benefits.

Any product can cause harm: if you do not follow the measure. Green varieties should be drunk in the morning to avoid sleep problems. They should not be washed down with medicines, and if you have problems with pressure, you need to monitor your condition.

ALL ABOUT brewing

In order for a cup of fragrant tea to bring pleasure and benefit, you need to brew it correctly. Here are three pillars on which proper cooking is based:

  • water: its temperature and composition;
  • the ratio of tea and water;
  • duration of brewing.

The balance between these three criteria determines the taste and properties of the drink. And now in more detail.

About water. If you live outside the city, and even not far from a spring with clean water, every connoisseur of Chinese tea will envy you. There is nothing better than living spring water as the basis for its brewing. But urban residents should take care of filtering or buying bottled water from trusted companies.

Water for tea should not boil more than once. Especially when it comes to brewing green varieties. The optimum temperature is 80-85 degrees. The secret of how to determine it without a thermometer: open the lid of the kettle, bring your palm to it. If the steam does not burn, you can safely make the first strait. Too hot water kills the beneficial properties of green tea and impairs its taste!

The ratio of water and tea. The proportion depends on the variety, size and shape of the tea leaves. Average ratio: a small spoonful of dry product to 200 ml of water.

About the duration of brewing. It all depends on the desired effect and intensity of the infusion. By the way, theine (analogous to caffeine) saturates the water in the first 40-60 seconds after the spill, then only tannins are released from the leaves, which, if brewed for a long time, can add bitterness to the drink. Therefore, if you want to get maximum vigor, the leaves should not be kept in water for more than one minute. It is optimal to keep each infusion for one minute.

The optimal number of straits. Again, a lot depends on the variety and its quality. Good tea can withstand 5-10 infusions. We don’t drink the first brew, we keep each subsequent one a few seconds longer than the previous one. In fact, everything comes with experience. Over time, you will learn to intuitively determine the duration of the brew and the number of straits.

Drip brewing procedure

In China, there are no bags, here they do not insist on vigorous tea leaves, to which boiling water is then poured. pouring method - The best way brewing green tea. It allows you to reveal all its benefits, to observe the change in flavors.

In China, green varieties are not brewed in clay. Let's not break the rules and take a glass teapot or porcelain gaiwan. It would be good to heat the dishes over an open fire before falling asleep tea or rinse with hot water. Under the influence of heat, the leaves begin to release essential oils: inhaling the aroma is the best anticipation of tea drinking.

Pour water into the kettle, drain after 30-60 seconds. Don't forget to enjoy the aroma. We hold the first strait for 1 minute, the next 5-10 seconds longer. Before filling bowls or cups, rinse them with hot water.

Why don't they drink the first brew? Firstly, it serves to better reveal the aroma of subsequent infusions. Secondly, it cleans the leaves of dust.

Astounding prospects open up before anyone who embarks on the path of studying tea culture. With the next tasting, with each new variety, the world of green tea opens up your perception, fills you with awareness and health.

Drinking tea is always appropriate, it warms well in the cold season and perfectly quenches thirst in the heat. Properly prepared drink can fight ailments. You should know what effect green tea has on the body - the benefits and harms of the substances that make up the product, when it is necessary to use a fragrant drink, and under what circumstances it is desirable to refuse it, and how to brew tea leaves correctly.

What is green tea

The product is dried leaves of an evergreen shrub, which is grown for industrial needs in China, Japan, India, on the island of Java. Fresh leaves are oval in shape. To obtain green and black tea, the same raw materials are used, but there are differences in the technology of their manufacture. Dried black leaves are obtained after deep fermentation (oxidation).

The green tea production process is distinguished by the use of gentle technology. Steam helps to stop oxidative processes, which are treated with fresh leaves for 2-3 minutes. Then moisture is removed - crumpled and twisted into scales, balls (pearls) or spirals, and then dried until cooked to stabilize the aroma, taste and useful properties of the product. For elite varieties, the first harvest is used.


The use of special technology makes it possible to obtain a high-quality tea product, which is distinguished by a wide variety of chemical composition:

  1. Among the organic compounds, tannins are released, which affect the taste of the drink. The bouquet of aroma is provided by a combination of essential oils. Alkaloids (theine), catechins (tannin), amino acids have a beneficial effect on health.
  2. The useful microelements included in the composition have a positive effect on life processes: calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, fluorine, phosphorus, iodine, copper.
  3. Tea leaves are rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, P, which improve metabolic processes.

Benefits of green tea

What properties does green tea have - the benefits and harms of the chemical composition of the product for the body? Due to the content of useful components, the unique drink is characterized by the ability to:

  1. Stimulate the process of digestion.
  2. Play the role of a prophylactic in the fight against the formation of dental caries due to the content of fluoride.
  3. To have the effect of a drug - to fight cancer, as it is an excellent antioxidant due to the presence of tannins, catechins and tannins. They bind third-party proteins, heavy metals, free radicals and remove them from the body without damaging healthy cells. Vitamin C and zinc reduce the risk of cancer.
  4. Improve the condition of nails, hair, accelerate the healing process of wounds due to the presence of zinc.
  5. Stimulate the work of the nervous system. Vitamin P, calcium, phosphorus are necessary for normal brain activity, theine plays the role of a stimulant.
  6. Increase human performance - the product contains caffeine (theine). The caffeine alkaloid is in a bound state with tea tannin, therefore it has a stimulating effect on the body, but milder than caffeine.
  7. Reduce the risk of thyroid disease due to the presence of iodine.
  8. Provide antimicrobial effect. This property is provided by the contained catechins. Tannin promotes healing of ulcers, but tea leaves should be weak.
  9. Remove toxins. Thanks to its cleansing properties, the product increases the body's immunity, reduces the risk of any diseases.
  10. Have a diuretic effect, reduce tissue swelling.
  11. Reduce the risk of developing eye disease due to the content of vitamin A and C.
  12. Maintain normal smooth muscle. This property provides the presence of zinc.
  13. Facilitate the treatment of inflammatory processes due to the content of copper.
  14. Help with toxicosis and seasickness. In these cases, it is recommended to chew dry leaves.
  15. Increase the acidity of the stomach, stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

For women

The product is considered a longevity drink. The benefits of green tea for women are as follows:

  1. Prepared masks based on tea leaves or frozen green tea extract perfectly tone the skin of the face, increase its elasticity, tighten and even out the contour well.
  2. As a means of stimulating metabolic processes and cleansing the body, improving the activity of the digestive tract, the aromatic drink promotes weight loss.
  3. The drink is able to improve the general condition of a woman in menopause, it is recommended to use it as a prophylactic in the fight against breast cancer.

For men

What are the benefits of green tea for men? The drink contains manganese, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system and the musculoskeletal system, with its participation the hormone testosterone is produced. The stimulating effect of caffeine when drinking strong tea helps to increase the efficiency and resistance of the body to stress. The presence of antioxidants make green tea a valuable tool for normalizing blood pressure and preventing prostate cancer.

For the liver

The cleansing properties of the drink with its moderate consumption have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, vitamins P and C contribute to the improvement of their activity. It should be borne in mind that the product includes polyphenols. With excessive consumption of the drink, significant amounts of these substances can have a destructive effect on the liver.

For the kidneys

The benefits of green tea for the body are achieved by properly brewing the leaves and drinking the drink. It acts as an adsorbent of toxins - removes them from the body and helps cleanse the kidneys. At the same time, the polyphenols contained in tea leaves can harm the kidneys. They promote the formation of purines. This leads to the formation of kidney stones if green tea is abused.

For vessels

Proper use of the drink can improve the condition of the cardiovascular system. These beneficial properties of green tea are provided through the following processes:

  1. Vitamin C thins the blood, facilitates its movement through the vessels and reduces pressure.
  2. Potassium strengthens the heart muscle.
  3. Vitamin P increases vascular tone, and tannins strengthen them. Antioxidants stimulate metabolic processes, prevent the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in the capillaries. All these processes normalize blood pressure, so a cup of tea is useful for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, coronary disease, hypertension.

Is green tea with milk healthy?

Opinions about the usefulness of tea with milk are contradictory. It is believed that with this combination, tea helps the body absorb the beneficial substances of milk. It is recommended to drink a drink: with depletion of the central nervous system, lactating women to increase lactation. There is an opposite opinion that milk neutralizes the beneficial effect of tea antioxidants (catechins).

How often can you drink green tea

The benefits and harms of green tea for the body depend on the quality of the product, the method of brewing and the frequency of use. To get the effect of drinking the drink, the following conditions must be observed:

  • buy a fresh and high-quality product;
  • you need to brew tea leaves with clean water, heated to 60-90 degrees;
  • do not drink a cup of tea on an empty stomach and in the evening;
  • do not combine the use of drink and alcohol;
  • do not take medication;
  • do not drink too strong or hot drink.

Harm of green tea

Do I need to drink green tea often - what benefits and harms will regular use of a strong drink bring? The product becomes useful only with moderate use. It should be remembered:

