
Recipes for grape wines at home. Homemade grape wine

Home wine from grapes everyone can succeed, the main thing is to follow the basic rules for its preparation. And we will be happy to tell you about them.

Homemade grape wine.

Choosing a grape variety.

Not every grape variety is suitable for winemaking. If you use table varieties, you are unlikely to get the desired taste and aftertaste. For getting good drink take Pinot Blanc, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Merlot, Isabella. You need to pick berries at the end of September, before the onset of frost. If the weather is warm outside, then leave the berries on the vine as long as possible. But if it rains all day, it is better to hurry with the collection. The fruits can simply rot, and you will not be able to start the winemaking process. One of the most important conditions for the collection are dry bunches. For cooking lung table wine pick slightly unripe berries. Withered grapes make excellent dessert wine.

Sort the collected berries, throw away the rotten, dry, spoiled, diseased ones. Be sure to remove the twigs so that the wine does not acquire an unpleasant tart and bitter taste due to the presence of tannins. Let the whole sorting process take you a lot of time, but you will get a delicious drink. As a result, grape berries should become clean. You don't need to wash them. The whitish coating on the grapes is real wine yeast, which is necessary for fermentation.

Homemade wine from grapes preparation.

Preparation of equipment and containers.

Best packaging considered for making wine Oak barrel. However, you can also take an enameled container, a glass bottle. The barrel needs to be soaked, steamed. If the container is new, it must be leached. Before storage, it is fumigated with sulfur. For crushing fruits and berries, meat grinders with special nozzles and crushers are used. Juice from the pulp can be obtained using juicers or a special press. Make sure that the metal parts of the press are made of of stainless steel. A small amount of the pulp can also be squeezed out without special devices. To do this, simply place it in a tissue bag. To prepare the drink, take only ripe berries and fruits. Rinse soft berries on a sieve or sieve, immersing them in water, and then crush them with a pusher to make a pulp.

Recipe for homemade wine from grapes.

Berries preparation.

As a raw material, we advise you to use blue grapes varieties such as "Gurzuf pink", "Livadian black", "dove". At the beginning of autumn, you can easily find them on the market for quite reasonable price. Buy only fully ripe bunches that contain maximum amount Sahara. Do not wash it under any circumstances. Just separate the berries from the twigs and put them in a suitable container. after the crush you will get the pulp, pour it into a dish with a wide mouth, leave for 8-10 days at a temperature of 10-15 degrees.

Fermentation control.

After a few hours, the fermentation process will begin in the pulp. Several times a day, the wort must be stirred, removing the skins from the surface. If you skip this moment, then the cake will sink to the bottom and the drink will go bad even before you bottle it. After about 7-9 days, the skins will no longer be able to stay on the surface, so you can start filtering. Pre-prepare the container, strain the mass through several layers of thick cloth or gauze, slowly pouring the juice.

Addendum granulated sugar.

Be sure to add sugar to the drink, otherwise it will be sour. The amount of granulated sugar will depend on what kind of wine you want to make - dry or sweet. Unfortunately, it's impossible to do without it. Pour three or four liters of wort into a separate pan, pour three cups of granulated sugar, put on low heat. As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, pour it into the main container, stir, try. This procedure can be repeated several times to achieve the desired result.

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This The final stage winemaking. Vinzo should be infused in three-liter jar. Leave 3 cm to the throat, put a water seal on top. On the second day, as a rule, the gas begins to escape through the water seal tube. On the third day, sediment can be found at the bottom. Pour wine into new jars, put a water seal on them. After a month, you can take a sample.

Homemade wine from Isabella grapes.

First of all, you need to collect grape fruits, carefully sort them out, remove spoiled and unripe berries, leaves, twigs, throw out the garbage. Before making wine, it is not necessary to wash the fruit, but it must be clean. This is what sorting is for. Then squeeze the juice from the fruit. You can do this with your feet or with a wooden pusher. Transfer the pulp to an enameled pan or food plastic container. Add 30% water (from the total pulp volume). You will need 40 g of sugar per liter. Leave the container for 3 days. After that, the pulp will begin to ferment, a "cap" will form. You will need to stir the drink in order to "destroy" this cap. After a while, the "cap" will begin to form very quickly. In this case, it must be removed, squeezed through 2 layers of gauze. Pour 40% into the resulting liquid boiled water, again leave for fermentation. Pour the wort into glass bottles, filling them to ?. Close the necks with cotton swabs so that the foam does not come out. As soon as the fermentation becomes calm, put on a medical glove on the necks, fasten it and pierce a hole in one of the fingers. As soon as the glove falls off, add 200 g of sugar for every liter of water. Pour the wort from the bottle, dissolve the sugar in it, heat it, stir it, pour it back. As soon as all the sugar has fermented, leave the bottle for a month, and then use a vinyl tube to pour the wine for long-term storage. You can add a little more sugar if you wish. It does not need to be mixed.

How make homemade wine from grapes.

10 kg bunches of grapes sort through (no need to wash), crush them with your hands over an enameled bucket. If you have a hand press available, use it. Place the cake and the resulting juice in a balloon, cover with gauze, put in a warm place, hold for a couple of days. Strain the juice into an enameled bucket, squeeze the pulp thoroughly with your hands so that the juice settles to the bottom. After about 5 days, strain the juice into an enameled bucket, and squeeze the cake well over the bucket. Drain the juice into a clean bottle, install a water seal, leave for fermentation. Fermentation in this case will last from 12 to 20 days. Signs of the end of the process can be considered: the absence of gas bubbles, the drink will gradually become light, and the yeast will settle to the bottom. Using a siphon, pour the wine into a clean bolon, reinstall the water seal, take the bolon into the cellar, leave it at a temperature of 8 degrees, leave it for 2 months. Bottle clean wine, cork.

It turns out very tasty and

We hope that our recipes have been to your liking, and the recommendations have become useful for you. If you take them into account, then you will get the best alcoholic drink.

Well, dear readers, here we have grown to the topic of winemaking. Anyone who has learned how to make moonshine can already ask themselves the question - how to make wine at home?


To begin with, let's decide what we want to do - wine or mash for distillation. By "braga" I mean an unsuccessful wine, and there are a lot of chances to get such a wine.

That's why I started a conversation with those who have learned to drive moonshine. All bad experience in winemaking can be turned into a great result in moonshine, so any result in winemaking should be positive, with very rare exceptions.

Well, then - let's start. The main rule of the winemaker is good, or better, excellent raw materials, we will leave other options for moonshiners. The second thing we need to know is WHAT we want to get, not from what, but WHAT.

I think many imagine that there are a great many varieties of wine, so we need to slightly decide what we want to get. I explain - wine dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, sweet, dessert, fortified, flavored, sparkling, fizzy, champagne, red, white, rose, etc. This is where winemaking begins - what will I do?!

In a nutshell: to make wine is to ferment the juice of berries or fruits (occasionally vegetables) to the desired state. “All you need to do” is to separate the juice and start its fermentation. But here is not experienced winemakers waiting for a bunch of all sorts of surprises and incomprehensibility, and then difficulties.

Let's figure it out. Do we know how to collect fruit berries for wine, when, which are more suitable, which are less, and which ones should not be made into wine at all? If the berries are fruits bought, is it possible to make wine from them or not, how to prepare them for squeezing juice (it turns out that this should also be done), how to squeeze the juice, where to drain it, how much it can be stored, how to start wine, what is it will wander, how to pour wine, again into what, how wine can get sick, how to “cure”, what kind of wine you need to get (dry or semi-dry, dry ice is needed for this or not :)), how to measure sugar in wine, juice, acidity, alcohol content, wine storage methods, etc. and so on?

Scared? But not everything is so scary.

Required minimum knowledge

Let's start with the basics. The first wine can be prepared "on the knee". To do this, it is enough to know from what raw materials you want to make wine, what kind of wine you want to get ... and, in principle, everything!

Cooking sourdough - "yeast starter" or buy cultural yeast(which we will talk about later), then we look for the desired berries-fruits (or collect those that grow on the site). We get juice in any way (a juicer, a pusher, then gauze and hands, a small press), you can ask your wife - she will come up with something (well, she asks for wine, not us).

Then we add sourdough and sugar to the juice (or without sugar, if the juice is very sweet), pour it into a large jar, put on a rubber glove and wait. When the glove falls (before that, it should stand for a week or two), we drain the young wine from the sediment, pour it back into clean jar and clean up in cool place We are waiting for another month or two. That's all - the wine is ready.

This technology for making homemade wine is universal for industrial production, naturally with the complication of each process, and the addition of many related operations.

But it is enough for a beginner winemaker to know the minimum necessary information and several main stages of wine production.

  1. The concept of varieties of wines.
  2. Selection of raw materials.
  3. Determination of its sugar content and acidity (the second is less significant for beginners).
  4. The ability to make starter or the ability to find a store selling wine yeast.
  5. Knowledge of the basics of extracting juice from berries and fruits.
  6. Preparation of dishes for fermentation and storage of wine, as well as a place where it should be fermented and stored.
  7. Knowledge of the basics of wine fermentation.
  8. Strict hygiene (moreover, this is in all seriousness).
  9. Knowledge of arithmetic and algebra (initial), entering information on long-term storage media (notebook and pen).
  10. Desire to get an amazing drink.

Well, now you are starting to understand a little how to make homemade wine, and what needs to be done for this.

Let's go through the points.

Let's take a look at the wines

  • The first thing that comes to everyone's mind is red and white wines, everything is clear here, however, there are also pink ones.
  • The second - seasoned (vintage, collection) and unseasoned (ordinary). That is, almost all home winemaking is ordinary wines.
  • Grape, raisin, fruit (a separate category - stone fruit), vegetable (from watermelons, melons and all sorts of vegetables and plants indecent for wine).
  • Dry - wines containing almost no sugar (completely fermented), a strength of up to 11%. For example, dry champagne is called brut, everyone knows this champagne. Dry wine is the most capricious wine in terms of taste, as the taste of wine is felt very bright, without masking with sugar.
  • Semi-dry - wines with a sugar content of not more than 3%, alcohol also up to 11%. Excellent wines for most winemakers. With a good deal, they great taste with a little sweetness.
  • Semi-sweet - sugar contains up to 8%, alcohol up to 13%. Sugar on the palate is quite strong and can hide some of the faults of the wine, very often produced by most winemakers.
  • Dessert (semi-sweet and sweet) - there is already a lot of sugar in them - up to 20%, alcohol - up to 15-17%. This is already "heavy artillery", such wines are drunk little by little, made for an amateur.
  • Liqueur - very sweet wines contain sugar up to 35%, alcohol up to 17%. Almost everyone knows about them.
  • Fortified wines - sugar varies from 1 to 14%, but alcohol reaches 20%. Wine for an amateur.
  • Flavored (dessert and strong) - sugar contains from 6 to 18%, contains alcohol up to 18%. These are wines with the addition of various flavoring herbal additives. A good example is vermouth.
  • There are also categories - varietal and blended. These are wines either from one type of raw material or from a mixture different varieties berries or fruits.
  • Wines are also divided into fresh, medium and sour (tart) categories according to acid content. It tastes good.

I will no longer torment you and load you with tastes and aromas, this is already for the pros. Lots of information to get you started.

Selection of raw materials

By and large, wine can be made from almost all types of berries and fruits. Only some of the juice is very easy to squeeze, while others are very difficult, some wines are very tasty, and others not so much.

The most common raw materials in the central region of Russia are various berries (cherries, gooseberries, raspberries, grapes, currants, mountain ash, strawberries, and others) and fruits - of course, apples, pears, plums, and peaches and apricots, which are quite exotic for us , cherry plum, etc. Some people make wine from watermelons, melons, persimmons and other fruits that are doubtful for wine, but this is definitely exotic.

All fruits and berries for winemaking must be clean, dry and undamaged. Fruits and berries are not washed before juice separation, so as not to remove the necessary microflora and yeast cultures from their surface. Most winemakers immediately separate the branches and get rid of the stones as quickly as possible, but there are recipes where they are necessary for future wine.

The best raw material for wine is not just grapes, but the “correct” grapes, that is, the most suitable for winemaking, and this rule applies to all types of berries and fruits.

For example, from very sweet varieties such as "Kish-mish", " Lady fingers”, black sweet grapes and other good wines cannot be obtained. From some varieties of apples and other fruits, it is also difficult to obtain excellent wine. Therefore, if you are going to buy berries and fruits, be sure to find out the variety and its applicability to winemaking.

Berries collected on their own plot (in the central regions), almost all are suitable for winemaking, with minor drawbacks - low sugar content, hyperacidity, well, there are difficulties with plum wines and the like.

Sugar content, it is clear what can be increased, acid can be reduced by diluting the juice with water, and other problems can all be solved. The exception is the pear, strange as it may seem at first glance, but the wine comes out of it very, very mediocre, and goes only for blending or distillation.

As I said earlier, berries and fruits must be of very high quality (if you want to get a good or excellent wine), picked in dry, warm weather and stored in suitable conditions.

Purchased moldy grapes, rotten berries and fruits processed into wine are the privilege of moonshiners, not winemakers.


Freshly picked berries and fruits should be “aged” a little - a week or two (except for perishable ones), something will ripen, something will pick up extra sugar, in some places unnecessary processes will end or the necessary ones will start, just take note of this.

Then you need to determine the sugar content in your raw materials. There are many ways to do this - the easiest is to use finished table sugar content in berries and fruits.

Table - The content of sugar and acids in berries and fruits

Another way is to buy various devices for determining the sugar content of juice or must (must is a wine material or a mixture of juice (juices), water and sugar), the simplest and most affordable of them is a sugar meter. I immediately bring to your attention that the sugar content of must for good wine should be 20-25%, that is, 1 liter of must should contain 200-250 grams of sugar.

You can find devices for determining acidity, but this is an expensive pleasure and not everyone will figure out how to use such a device. Therefore, we follow the proven path - we use the table. The average required value of the acidity of the wort is 0.7-0.9%, this also just needs to be remembered.

The next item is our smoke break. Kidding.

Starter preparation (wild yeast) or CKD breeding (pure yeast cultures)

Before squeezing juice for wine, we need to take care of how we will “launch” the wine material.

Wine can “start up” on its own - on wild yeast in the berries themselves, but while this wine “starts up”, irreparable things can happen - vinegar yeast or “wrong” yeast will start up first, which will lead to very sad consequences.

One of the common phrases on the Internet, "Homemade wine without yeast" is a myth. Without yeast, you can only make juice diluted with alcohol (there is such pseudo-wine - ratafia). Wine is obtained only by fermentation, but on what yeast is the question.

If the juice is simply left warm, then there will be two options - either (good) it will ferment itself, or (bad) it will turn sour (go into vinegar) or deteriorate.

But now we only need the first result, which means we are looking for yeast. Most Active wild yeast are found on grapes and raspberries, and we will start from them.

  • Option one - sourdough (wild yeast)

For sourdough, only ripe, clean, but UNWASHED BERRIES are needed. All wild yeasts are found on their surface. After a heavy rain, the yeast can literally wash off, so we are waiting for dry weather.

The recipe is simple - 4:2:1. Four parts crushed berries, such as 4 cups crushed grapes or raspberries, two parts water for 2 cups, and one part sugar for 1 cup. The main thing is to keep the proportions.

Mix everything, pour into a jar and cover with gauze or a loose lid, place in a warm place (20-25g). After 3-4 days, the sourdough will be ready (all the pulp (crumpled berries) will float up, there will be sediment below, and in the middle there will be an almost transparent must with a wine-yeast smell).

Now the sourdough (yeast starter) must be filtered, squeezed through cheesecloth, poured into a separate bottle (loosely plugged) and used as needed. The shelf life of such a starter is a maximum of 10-14 days.


Ammunition consumption is this - 200-300 ml per 10 liters of must (future wine).

  • Option two - CKD (pure yeast cultures)

Everything is simpler here, you need to find a wine shop, a good consultant and buy the right yeast(usually in packages).

There are a lot of types of yeast, so read the literature, listen to the experts. Yeast starts quite simply - a glass warm water, a tablespoon of sugar, pour the yeast into the water, mix - after 15-20 minutes the yeast is usually ready (foaming) and can be poured into the wort. There are disadvantages - this is not 100% availability of wineries and the price.

From experience, I can say that CKDs are much better than "savages", due to the predictability and stability of the result, the uniformity of fermentation, the programming of taste, etc. But more on that later.

What do we have next? And then we squeeze the juice

We won't go too deep here. The juicer is our everything. Then there are meat grinders (for fruits) and squeezing juice manually through gauze or cloth, chopping berries in other ways, squeezing with presses, hydraulic presses, legs and other parts of the body and machine parts.

The best juice extraction is achieved by preliminary fermentation. That is, berries or fruits are crushed, then sourdough or CKD (pure yeast cultures) are added, and after 2-5 days the juice is squeezed out. We will talk about this in more detail in future posts.

I want to add that the purer the juice after pressing, the better wine will lighten (become transparent) after fermentation, i.e. the taste of the future wine directly depends on the quality of the juice.

Any novice winemaker needs to be introduced to the basics of wine fermentation.

What is fermentation? To begin with, it is enough to know that it is the work of yeast cultures to “eat” sugar (and some organic substances) and turn it into alcohol, carbon dioxide and waste products. This, in short, is the process of wine formation. Fermentation occurs in two stages - stormy and quiet. We will talk about this below.

After starting the wine with yeast, you need to follow a few rules:

Now let's talk about dishes and other necessary things.

If you don’t think about it, then in the process of making homemade wine there will be many unnecessary stops, searches suitable container, cups, spoons, measures, pipes, funnels and other junk, which will take a lot of time and nerves.

Here is the minimum necessary set winemaker (for about 20 liters of wine):

  • Containers for fruits and berries (volume 30l).
  • Juicer (either a press, or a wife with a pusher, meat grinder and gauze).
  • Measuring utensils and instruments (measurement for 1 liter, scales, thermometer, sugar meter).
  • A couple of pots of a liter of 3-4 enamel or stainless steel (for water, juice, cake (squeezed berries) and other things).
  • Enamelled basin or large saucepan for manual juice extraction.
  • Funnels for pouring wort into bottles and bottles, preferably different (large and medium).
  • A plastic (preferably silicone) transparent tube-hose for pouring wine material, 2-3 m long, 10 mm in diameter.
  • 1-2 glass bottles 20 liters (or 2-4 - 10 liters) for fermentation. In extreme cases, 3-liter cans in the amount of 8-10 pieces, caps for all containers, rubber gloves or water seals.
  • Wine bottles 0.7l 28-30 pcs. with new wine corks. Cork stopper. This is already for the storage and maturation of wine.
  • Detergents and disinfectants.
  • Calculator, notebook, pen.

Here we finally come to the culture of production and hygiene of winemaking

The biggest problem for a winemaker is spoiled wine. How insulting it is to collect a lot of fruits and berries or spend money on buying them, processing them, squeezing juice, taking measurements, adding sugar, adding yeast. Pour into bottles and after a week or two see how the wine is moldy, blooming or turned into vinegar. Therefore, the problem of cleanliness and sterility among winemakers is very relevant.

How is it solved?

  • First: It is necessary to prepare raw materials for juice well. From apples (or other fruits), cut out all rotten spots, cracks, wormholes, and preferably remove seeds. Sort all the berries, remove rotten and dry berries, remove twigs and debris. It is better to put the sorted berries and fruits into processing immediately.
  • Secondly: All utensils for winemaking must be very clean, and preferably sterile. When pouring the wine material (wort), this is done several times - to remove the wine from the sediment, for aeration (saturation of the wine with oxygen) and for bottling - the tubes and containers must be thoroughly washed with soda or special means (they will be discussed in detail later) . It is better to take new bottles for storing wine (sold in specialized stores) or very well-washed used ones. Cork stoppers should be used exclusively new, before capping it is necessary to steam them with boiling water.

Well, do not forget about yourself (about clean hands and unkempt hair).

All these measures will practically exclude the bad result of the winemaker.

Diseases of wine, spoilage, treatment of only "sick" wine, prevention - this is a very difficult topic and deserves a separate publication, so wait.

Now I will focus on the notes. It is better to write down all the steps of a winemaker, even a beginner, in a notebook

First, there should be records of the recipes of the proposed wine, after the choice, it is necessary to sequentially record the technology of making wine.

Example (briefly):

Cherry wine (picture date) (date of homemade wine).

Berries - 14 l

Pulp (crushed berries) - 12 l (after the combine)

Water - 4.0 l (0.53 l / 1 l of juice) (according to the recipe 0.46-0.78 l / 1 l of juice)

Juice - 7.5 l

Wort (water + juice) - 11.5 l

Sugar - 1.9 kg (0.25 kg / 1 l of juice) (according to the recipe 0.2-0.25 kg / 1 l of juice)

Sourdough (raspberry) - 0.7 l

(date of preparation)

Wine material (young wine) - 13-14 l

Added sugar:

4th day (date) - 0.45 kg (0.060 kg / 1 l of juice) (water lock installation)

7th day (date) - 0.45 kg (0.060 kg / 1 liter of juice)

10th day (date) - 0.25 kg (0.030 kg / 1 liter of juice)

1st transfer (desludge, aeration) (date)

2nd transfer (desludge, aeration) (date)

3rd pouring (cleaning in the basement for quiet fermentation) (date)

Bottling (quantity) (date)

The quality of the wine sample is tasty, but with a slight yeasty aftertaste, moderately tart, with a strong cherry aroma, semi-dry, strong 14-16%.

Final sample of aged wine - (date) (characteristics)

It is better to put labels on the bottles. It is aesthetically pleasing and there will be no confusion.

If you prepared wine, bottled it, tried it and didn't write anything down, then after 3-5 days you will forget everything - dates and steps. In the future, it will be impossible to repeat any masterpiece.

But we always want to pleasantly surprise our loved ones, friends with fine wine. own production and more than once.

Well, well, the beginning of acquaintance with winemaking is necessary, in the following publications we will dwell in more detail on all stages of winemaking and about interesting recipes let's not forget.

Wine from grapes at home, the recipes of which you will find below, is not difficult to prepare. Enough to choose suitable way and strictly adhere to all recommendations. A home-made drink made from juicy ripe grapes will turn out to be unusually tasty. It will take center stage on any holiday table.

Which grape variety is suitable for making wine?

All grape varieties can be divided into two large groups: table and technical. The former are more suitable for use in fresh or making desserts. delicious drink can only be obtained from technical varieties. Their clusters are quite large, and the berries themselves are small, tightly adjacent to each other.

Aromatic and refined wine is obtained from Merlot, Chardonnay, Riesling, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir. The resulting drink will have a slightly tart taste with irresistible sweetness. If you want to get very sweet rich wine, then you will need nutmeg varieties. They grow only in the southern regions of our country.

simple recipe

Making wine from grape juice at home is not difficult. First of all, for this you need to stock up necessary quantity grapes. Suitable for drinks only ripe berries. They should not show signs of rot.

Grapes intended for wine should not be washed. Its skin contains substances that contribute to the fermentation process.

The whole cooking process can be divided into several main stages:

If the grapes were harvested rainy weather, it may ferment too weakly. In this case, some high quality raisins should be added.

The finished wine is poured into small bottles, which must be tightly sealed. It must be stored in a cool place.

Video recipe wine from Moldova grapes

Isabella grape wine recipe video

grape liqueur recipe

At home, you can also prepare dessert grape wine, a kind of liquor. This drink is rich and strong. Such a drink can be prepared not only from fresh, but also from frozen berries. To prepare it, you will need the following components:

  • half a liter of vodka;
  • half a kilo of grapes dark varieties;
  • liter of water;
  • 400 grams of sugar.

The easiest way to make homemade grape wine liquor is as follows:

  1. Remove stems from berries. Pour them into a glass container and fill with vodka. Alcohol should cover the berries by three centimeters.
  2. Seal the container tightly and leave it for two weeks in a room where the air temperature is maintained at 25 degrees.
  3. Pour sugar into a bowl of water. Wait for the mixture to boil. Cook over a low flame for about five minutes. Do not forget to constantly remove the resulting foam. Leave the syrup to cool.
  4. Filter the finished grape infusion and mix with the cooled sugar syrup.

Pour the resulting liquor into small bottles and seal with lids. Refrigerate for a few days before drinking.

Wine from grapes at home, the recipes of which are considered, will delight you with its refined taste and aroma.

Semi-sweet wine at home - video

No water seal?

Well, okay!

An ordinary medical glove will help to make homemade wine.

She will sensibly tell and show at what stage the drink is, will not let it go sour and will greatly facilitate the process.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove - general principles of preparation

Good wine obtained only from a dry crop harvested in sunny weather. It is desirable that at least three days pass after the rain. You can not use berries sprinkled on the ground, otherwise the drink will have an earthy taste.

Basic Rules:

1. Choose ripe grapes. Unripe berries contain a lot of acid. In heavily overripe grapes, vinegar fermentation could already begin, which will ruin everything and the wine will not turn out.

2. Berries are not washed, as they contain natural yeast. But you need to sort out the grapes carefully, remove rot, rubbish, leaves, cobwebs.

3. You need to crush the grapes with your hands, pestles, well, or with your feet, as they did before. It is not recommended to use a technique for grinding berries that can damage the bones and spoil the taste of the drink.

4. For homemade grape wine with a glove, it is convenient to use big banks 10-20 liters with a standard neck. In this case, the container is filled no more than ¾. There should be room for the foam that rises during fermentation.

5. Do not use metal objects for winemaking. You need to stir the future drink with wooden, glass spoons, spatulas.

The glove acts as a water seal. It does not allow oxygen to enter the drink, but through a small hole on the finger it gradually releases the accumulated gas. The degree of puffiness determines the activity of fermentation. If the wine plays briskly, then the glove is additionally fixed with an elastic band.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove (universal technology)

A simple recipe for homemade wine from grapes with a glove, which can be made from absolutely any variety: white, pink, black. You can mix several species if you need to determine the remains of the crop.


10 kg of grapes;

50-100 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice.


1. Dry grapes must be picked from debris, handed over, leaving none whole berry.

2. Put the pulp in a large enameled pan or barrel, cover with a clean cloth, leave in a warm place for four days. During this time, the mass will begin to ferment, it is important that there is room for foam, at least a quarter of the pan should be free.

3. Every morning and evening, stir the mass with a spatula.

4. After 3-4 days, active fermentation will begin, the mass will foam well and rise. It's time to remove the pulp. A thick, upper cap is collected by hand, squeezed well, and thrown away.

5. The juice is filtered through 2 layers of gauze, immediately poured into jars, filling no more than 70% of the total volume.

6. It's time to put on the glove. Do not forget to make a hole in one of the fingers for the release of gases.

7. Now the container must be placed in heat (from 16 to 25 degrees) for fermentation. If everything goes right, the glove will inflate completely.

8. Adding sugar. After 3 days, you need to taste the drink. If it becomes sour, add 50 grams of sugar per liter of product. To do this, a small part of the drink is poured, mixed with sugar, heated on the stove until dissolved. Warm syrup is mixed with the rest of the mass.

9. After another 3-4 days, you need to try the drink again. If acid appears, sugar is added again. During the active phase of fermentation (14-28 days), you can add up to 4 times, depending on your taste.

10. After about 3 weeks, the glove will fall off, which means that the active phase of fermentation has ended. A layer of sediment will appear at the bottom of the bottle. From it you need to drain a translucent drink. To do this, use a straw, pour the drink into a clean jar. The glove is no longer useful, the jar is closed nylon cover.

11. Now comes the stage quiet fermentation or maturation. Its duration is from 40 days to a year. It is not recommended to store homemade wine anymore. During this time, the drink will be clarified, a precipitate may appear again, which must be removed. As soon as the wine becomes transparent, it can be poured into bottles.

Homemade grape wine with glove and water

Cooking technology more light home wine grapes with a glove. Adding water dilutes sugary taste, the drink is pleasant, thin. Yeast helps to play this drink.


2 kg of grapes;

400 g of sugar;

10 g of wine yeast;

3 liters of water;

1 tsp almond essence.


1. We sort out the grapes, knead, dilute with filtered water.

2. We leave it warm for 4 days, wait until the wort is ready, filter, squeeze out the liquid.

3. Add 200 g of sugar, yeast and almond essence, stir.

4. Put on a glove, leave for 4 days.

5. Add another 100 g of sugar, stir and leave for further fermentation. Periodically we try the drink, if necessary, add more sugar to your liking.

6. As soon as the glove falls off, you need to remove the wine from the sediment with a thin hose.

7. Remove the glove, cover the jar with a nylon lid, leave for another week. Remove the drink from the sediment again.

8. Now it can be left to ripen for a period of 1 to 12 months.

Homemade grape wine with a glove (fortified)

Correctly, wine gains degrees by adding the right amount Sahara. But at home, it is difficult to achieve a fortress of more than 10 degrees. In this case, alcohol is used for fixing.


5 kg of Isabella grapes;

600 g of sugar;

1 liter of alcohol;

100 g of sugar for every liter of juice.


1. Mash the berries, cover, leave for three days.

2. Strain the juice, squeeze out all the pulp, add granulated sugar, immediately pour out all 600 grams. Stir until all grains are dissolved.

3. Now the future wine needs to be poured into a jar, put on a glove, leave for 10 days.

4. Now you need to add more sugar at the rate of 100 g per liter, while adding 200 ml of water. If you have 5 liters of drink, you need 500 g of sugar and a liter of water. Heat the mixture on the stove.

5. Add warm syrup to the wine, put on the glove again, leave to ferment for another 5 days.

6. Now you need to add alcohol at the rate of 200 ml per liter of drink. Pour immediately into the wine, stir, pull on the glove. Wait for fermentation to complete.

7. As soon as the glove falls off, you need to drain the wine from the sediment, remove it for ripening.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove (from juice)

Wine can be made from grape juice. But in this case, it should be fresh and freshly cooked. Extract juice with any convenient way.


10 kg of grapes;

5 g concentrated wine yeast;

3 kg of sugar.


1. Squeeze out the juice from the grapes, mix with half of the granulated sugar and wine yeast until dissolved, pour into a jar.

2. Install a glove with a small hole, leave for 20 to 28 days.

3. Every 5 days, taste the wine, if you feel acidity, add more sugar at the rate of 50 g per liter.

4. As soon as the drink stops playing, remove it from the sediment for the first time.

5. Close the nylon cover, lower it into the basement. The air temperature should not exceed 15 degrees.

6. After a month, you can re-remove the drink from the sediment. Leave the wine to mature for 3-4 months.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove "Muscat"

The recipe for muscat, blended wine, for which you need two grape varieties: "Isabella" and "Lydia". But a mixture of sage will give a special flavor to the drink, oak bark and elderberries.


1.2 liters of juice from Lydia grapes;

0.8 liters of Isabella juice;

320 g of sugar;

Oak bark, sage, elder flowers.


1. Cooking clean grape juice. To do this, knead the berries well, leave for several hours. Then we squeeze the pulp well with our hands, filter the drink through two layers of gauze. You don't need to filter the juice.

2. We measure the amount of juice of each type, following the recipe.

3. 200 g of granulated sugar is added, everything is thoroughly dissolved, a glove is installed.

4. The wine is left until the end of the active fermentation phase. Every 3-4 days, a spoonful of granulated sugar is added to it to maintain the process.

5. As soon as the glove falls off, you need to remove the drink from the sediment.

6. Pour the wine into a clean jar. It's time to add a gauze bag with a piece of oak bark, sage, elder flower. You don't need much.

7. Close, leave for a month.

8. Now the wine must be re-removed from the sediment. This bag with aromatic additives need to be removed.

9. If the aroma of the wine is not rich enough, you can add a new bag of oak bark and sage, leave the drink to ripen for another 2 months.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove - tips and tricks

Optimum temperature fermentation for wine from light berries from 18 to 22 degrees. If the drink is made from dark grape varieties, then it will play better at 20-28 degrees.

Homemade wine is difficult to store. It stands wonderfully in the basement for one year at temperatures up to 10 degrees, then the taste deteriorates.

In winemaking, it is very important not to miss the stages so that the wine does not peroxide, does not turn into vinegar. Usually, a special calendar is created for this, it marks the dates and the number of additives, the fermentation period, and the temperature in the room. Find yours through trial and error perfect recipe.

If the summer was rainy, the grapes were sour or did not have time to ripen in the sun, feel free to increase the amount of sugar.

Grapes turn into vinegar very quickly. Therefore, the harvested grapes must be processed immediately on the same day.

Step-by-step recipes for making table, dry, semi-sweet homemade wine from grapes: how to make wine from white and red grapes at home

2018-08-01 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams ready meal

0 gr.

0 gr.


20 gr.

80 kcal.

Option 1: Classic homemade grape wine recipe

The description of the process is universal and with minor changes suitable for berries different varieties, as for wines different sweetness and fortresses. Experienced winemakers have many proven tricks and they are reluctant to share them, often not out of greed, but for a more banal reason - it is extremely difficult to describe the process of making wine in words. Let's be content simple recipes, and we will gain experience on a hike.


  • bunches of grapes - ten and a half kilograms;
  • sugar - calculation formula in the description.

Step-by-step recipe for homemade wine from grapes

It is important, along with other requirements, to observe the special cleanliness of the container at all stages of the preparation of the drink. Starting from the fermentation of the pulp in large pots and up to the bottles in which the wine will begin to gain strength, I carefully wash all the containers. We use baking soda, no less diligently rinse. Even a barely perceptible smell left from the previous products is a signal that the dishes will have to be washed again.

We cut off the grapes from the branches, removing spoiled ones, covered with mold or cobwebs. Unripe, shriveled and all that differ from the exemplary ones, also remove the grapes, you should not sacrifice the quality of the drink for the sake of meager amount. We do not wash selected grapes, we collect them in a voluminous pot or bath: plastic, wooden, enameled, in a word, not allowing grapes to come into contact with metal. We carefully knead the berries with our hands or with a wooden pulper, cover the container with gauze or other natural, loose cloth, and old bed linen will do, always clean and not torn.

The temperature in the room should be from 18 to 25 degrees, do not allow sudden changes! In less than a day, fermentation will begin in the pulp and a hat of grape skin and foam will rise to the surface. We must stir it with a wooden spatula, at least twice a day. It is important not to miss the moment when the pulp becomes noticeably lighter and begins to emit a sour smell, which means that it is time to squeeze the juices. As a rule, this happens on the third day of fermentation.

We collect the peel from the surface with a wooden sieve or slotted spoon in a press, squeeze the juice out of it. We do the same with the pulp, the juice from all the extractions can be immediately drained into one container, then we carefully filter it. Do not spare an old but not tattered sheet or pillowcase made of thick, non-synthetic fabric for this. After each stage of filtering, we clean the pulp from the cloth with a spoon, and if possible, replace it with a clean one. Do not throw away the fabric, wash with laundry soap and rinse, it will serve you well in the next season.

The collected juice is poured into large bottles, not allowing filling more than three-quarters of their volume. The liquid must be protected from oxygen until the end of fermentation, this is done with a banal rubber glove with one small puncture in any of the fingers or more in a complicated way- using a water seal. We maintain the room temperature for white wine in the range from sixteen to twenty degrees, red needs a little more - 20-26 degrees.

On the third day, try the young wort, if it has become sour enough, drain about a liter (from a ten-liter bottle) and dissolve sugar in it. Quantity - at your discretion, from 35 to 50 grams per liter, dissolving the crystals without residue, pour the syrup back in and shake the bottle, stir. Taste the wort again after the same time and repeat the sweetening. When at the next sample the wine is not as sour as before, stop sweetening.

Keep an eye on the glove or the shutter, when within a couple of days the bubbles stop appearing at all or appear for a short time after gently shaking the container, drain the wine from the sediment. Set the bottle with young wine on a raised platform, wait for the turbidity to settle. Use a thin rubber tube, lowering one end a few centimeters into the wine, and through the second, forcefully draw in air and lower it into a clean bottle below the first. The wine will flow pretty quickly, keep an eye on the top end of the hose and lower it little by little, but don't get closer than a couple of centimeters to the sediment layer.

The wine should be sweetened if desired, pour about a liter again and stir sugar in it, up to one hundred grams per liter of wine. Please note that this time the bottles should be filled to the very neck, and the temperature in the room should be in the range of 8-15 and not exceed 20 degrees. Install the water seal again, the wine will mature from six to ten weeks. As soon as a sediment with a layer of 2-3 centimeters falls at the bottom of the bottle, we drain the wine again using the technology described just above. As soon as the fallout completely stops, the wine is bottled.

Option 2: A quick recipe for homemade grape wine

The use of raisins can be excluded if the pulp is already very actively rising and foaming. Another way to speed up the fermentation is to use wine yeast, buy it from a specialty store and use it exactly according to the instructions.


  • selected grape berries - two kilograms;
  • up to a kilogram of sugar;
  • one hundred grams of dark raisins.

How to quickly make homemade wine from grapes

We do not wash the grapes during the bulkhead, saving the yeast on their surface. We collect in any non-metallic or enameled container, leaving a good supply of volume. We add raw water, just below the top level of the berries, we stand for two days, covering it with a cloth or gauze.

On the third day, mash the grapes with a wooden spatula, keep the resulting pulp warm for another day, then drain the juice, and carefully squeeze the pulp. Filter the resulting wort with a cloth from coarse particles, drain into a bottle, leaving about 20% of the volume empty in it.

Pour 450 grams of sugar and unwashed raisins into the wort, mix and fix a pierced glove or water seal on the neck. The temperature regime is about 20 degrees, it is desirable to observe shading at the place of wine fermentation. As soon as the active phase ends, and the glove falls off, or bubbles stop popping up frequently in the shutter, carefully pour the wine from the sediment into a clean bottle.

After tasting and adding sugar to taste, we send the wine for the second fermentation, again under a water seal. As for the first time, after stopping the fermentation, we drain the drink, but this time into the pan. Slowly bring to a boil and immediately turn off the burner. After cooling, pour into bottles, cork and keep for a week in a cool place, excluding sunlight.

Option 3: Semi-sweet homemade wine from Isabella grapes

Masters of winemaking will find a supply and have fun with the classification of homemade wines. We are enough simple description drink - it does not sour and is moderately strong, which means that the wine is semi-sweet. Pay attention to the aroma of the drink, it comes out of Isabella amazingly odorous.


  • 15 kilograms of grapes;
  • sugar - 150 grams per liter of must.

How to cook

Grape berries, selected and sorted, are collected in a large saucepan or plastic basin, it is important that they do not come into contact with metal. We simply knead with our hands or use a stainless steel pusher, leave it under a cloth for three days. Stir three times or more daily.

On the fourth day, we drain the juice, carefully squeeze the pulp with a press. Filter the juice through a thick linen cloth, add an incomplete glass for each liter raw water and 50 grams of sugar.

We pour the wort into a large glass bottle, install a water seal, it is important that the container is not filled more than two-thirds of the volume. The optimum temperature for fermentation is 20 degrees.

Exactly five days later, we pour the wine into another bottle through a flexible tube, leaving the sediment in the first container. We select up to a liter of wort and dissolve in it again fifty grams of sugar for each liter of raw materials. We return to the bottle and mix, put the water seal again.

Sweetening and pumping, exactly as described in the previous step, repeat again. The total duration of the active phase of fermentation is about two months. Then the wine last time sweeten, this time to taste. After letting the wine “play out” for a couple more weeks under a water seal, it is especially carefully decanted and filtered. If desired, fix with five tablespoons of alcohol per liter and keep in a cool place for up to three months.

Option 4: Homemade table wine from white grapes

Preferred varieties are Riesling, Rkatsiteli, Aligote, but in principle any white will do. For wines from dark grapes somewhat different temperature conditions and maturation time, although the technology is quite similar.


  • refined sugar - one and a half kilos;
  • ten kilograms white grapes, sweet table variety.

Step by step recipe

Such wines are called table wines by home winemakers and are often prepared in large quantities based on the availability of raw materials and the simplicity of technology. Grapes, unwashed, but carefully sorted, immediately knead and leave in a tightly covered cloth enamel saucepan. Stir twice a day.

On the fifth day, squeeze the pulp, filter the juice, mix and dissolve sugar in the wort. We lock it in bottles with a water seal, filling the containers no more than three-quarters. We wait until the end of fermentation, about three weeks, then very carefully decanted from the sediment and for a couple of days we make sure that there really is no fermentation.

Bring the wine to a boil and stir in the sugar to taste. After cooling to normal temperature, pour in a tablespoon of alcohol for every 0.5 liters of wine and pack it into bottles. After a month of aging in a cool place, the wine can be served.

Option 5: Dry homemade grape wine

simple and light drink, contains no added alcohol or sugars. Depending on the sweetness of the berries, its strength changes, but still remains weak. Sometimes such wines are jokingly called "compotes", do not be upset if they play you like that, good dry wine sometimes harder to cook than strong.


  • white grapes Sauvignon or Riesling.

How to cook

The purest and lightest drink is prepared extremely simply. After sorting, we crush the grapes and leave them in a saucepan covered with a layer of gauze. Stir the pulp several times daily until a dense cap of peel and pulp floats to the surface.

Filter the juice through a layer of burlap, and then through a denser fabric. Squeeze the pulp and do the same manipulations with the juice. Pour the wort into bottles of at least five liters, do not fill to the top, leave a layer of air ten centimeters to the water seal.

Fermentation rarely lasts longer than three weeks. Next, drain the wine especially carefully, without disturbing the sediment at the bottom of the bottle, if you have special wine filters, carefully filter it and send it to a cool place for a month to ripen.
