
How to distinguish real red wine from a fake. How to distinguish good wine from a fake powder

The hot season just pushes you to drink liquids in large quantities. For many, this is a great chance to drink something alcoholic.

Good natural wine will not only help quench thirst, but will also be useful in moderate amounts for the body.

Why is it on iPhones? Useful and up-to-date information is never superfluous.

So, despite the general enthusiasm for beer against the backdrop of a football holiday, it is more beneficial for a person to drink wine. A glass of red or white will not only cheer you up, but also improve your health.

For all its benefits, wine remains an alcoholic drink, which means that abuse will not lead to anything good.

Why is wine so beneficial?

Red wines useful for of cardio-vascular system organism. It has long been proven that daily use a glass of red wine with dinner reduces the risk of heart attack, minimizes the possibility of heart failure and related diseases.

Depending on the variety and production technology, red wines are rich in active substance- resveratol. It is able to lower cholesterol levels, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent the development diabetes and even slow down the progression of cancer cells.

The substance piceatannol prevents the formation of fat cells and protects the body from neurodegenerative diseases. The antioxidant capacity of red wines is many times higher than that of vitamin E. No other alcoholic drink can boast of this.

White wines appreciated for great content beneficial vitamins, trace elements and essential oils. Organic acids contained in white wine increase appetite and promote the digestion of food, allowing protein and iron to be efficiently absorbed.

White wine is fatal to many viruses and microbes. Drinking wine in moderation during epidemics reduces the risk of infection.

The substances tyrasol and hydroxytyrasol are able to activate the energy centers of human cells, and they, in turn, begin to actively use stored fats, giving the body energy.

The main thing to remember: wine should be natural, and the amount of drink drunk should be moderate.

How to check the wine for naturalness

Shelves of shops, supermarkets, wine cellars cafes and restaurants are simply full of a variety of bottles and etiquettes. There are several simple and proven ways to quickly distinguish good wine from a base fake.

1. Checking with iPhone

Any owner of a smartphone or tablet can quickly check alcohol for legality. This is the first stage of separation of counterfeit and legal goods.

All thanks Law 171-FZ. From July 1, 2016 sellers alcoholic products are required to record the sale in the state system EGAIS and issue a receipt to the buyer with a QR code and a link to the FSRAR verification site.

Require compliance with this rule and immediately check the purchased products. This requires one of the applications:

We point the camera at the check with the QR code and instantly get the result. Only then can other verification methods be applied.

2. Testing with water

For the simplest test of wine for naturalness, you need a small container of water and a test tube with a narrow neck.

Pour a little wine into the test tube, clamp it with your finger and hold it horizontally.

We lower the test tube to the water level and slowly remove the finger covering the neck of the test tube.

If the wine dissolves in water, coloring it, then this is a low-quality fake. Natural wine should not be mixed with water because it has a higher density.

3. Check with soda

Almost every home has baking soda, we only need a small pinch.

Pour soda on a saucer or bottom of a glass and pour a teaspoon of red wine on top.

Natural wine will darken upon contact with soda. may become gray or bluish. A fake with dyes will practically not change its shade.

4. Checking with glycerin

This viscous transparent liquid is sold in any pharmacy. To check, you need to mix wine with glycerin in a ratio of 5: 1. Glycerin pours into the wine and begins to settle.

After a few minutes in unnatural wine, glycerin turns red, yellow or even purple. This indicates the presence of non-natural dyes in the drink.

Natural wine practically does not stain glycerin, leaving the viscous liquid in its original form.

5. Foam and sediment

Two indicators of poor quality wine are excessive foam and the presence of a large amount of sediment.

The first check can be made even before the bottle is opened. If you sharply turn it upside down, then return it back and look through the lower part into the light, you can see the sediment that has accumulated in the bottle.

Natural wine should not have sediment at all., some varieties may have a slight sediment, this is the so-called cream of tartar. unnatural powdered wine will have a large number of sediment, which indicates the presence of impurities in the drink.

A second check can be made immediately upon spillage. As the glass fills foam in natural wine is practically absent and quickly disappears.

Unnatural wine foams in the glass, the bubbles remain at the edges of the container for a long time after spilling.

6. Plug test

Even good wine deteriorates if it is poorly bottled or stored. The cork in the bottle may indicate this.

A good cork practically does not allow air to pass through and opens with great effort. The inside of the cork should have light fragrance wine, but should not be musty or damp.

The cork in a bottle of good wine should not be dry., the lack of moisture on the inside will indicate the wrong composition of the drink.

7. Check in the glass

I want to say right away that powdered wines are a myth where it came from, it is not clear, but the vast masses of the population firmly believe in this that almost all the wine on our store shelves is made from some kind of powder. But you yourself think about how this is possible. You need to make wine then dry it, turn it into a powder, bring this powder to desired part planets diluted like "yuppies" and then bottled. Most of our population probably thinks so, but maybe this powder is made chemically? All this is nonsense, since making wine from a certain powder is very inexpedient from an economic point of view.

In 99.9% of cases, powdered wine does not exist! But there are fakes.

Here is a short list of the most common wine adulteration methods:

Dilution grape wine low-value products (cheap fruit and berry wine, etc.) to increase its volume. As a rule, such wines are "corrected" by the introduction of various chemical components(alcohol, sweeteners; artificial dyes and etc.).

Gallicization of wine. This method of falsification consists in the fact that water is added to the wine, followed by bringing the strength and acidity to certain limits, regulated by the current standard.

Chaptalization of wine. This technique primarily consists of adding sugar before or during fermentation.

Petiotization of wine. Wines are made by maceration and fermentation. sugar syrup on pomace (pulp) remaining after separation of grape juice. This is a very sophisticated method of falsification, as the bouquet and color of natural grape wine are preserved.

Scheelization or adding glycerin.

The use of preservatives for the conservation of cheap wines, as well as wines that have not passed the stage of aging and storage.

Wine coloring. As a rule, it is used to hide other fakes (for example, dilution). For coloring wines, natural (elderberries, blueberries, water beet infusion, etc.) and synthetic dyes are used.

Fake bouquet of wine. Just like coloring, bouquet fake is used in combination with other types of falsification.

Falsification of the production method. For high-quality wines, made in violation of technological scheme developed and approved for a given wine appellation. For example: blended wines are issued for varietal; the period of aging of wine is falsified, etc.

Making "artificial wines". For the production of such wines is not required grape juice, as they are a mixture of components, organoleptically perceived as grape wine.

As the test showedquality and safety of Russian canteens (dry and semi-sweet)winesin package Tetra Pak (Tetra Pak)cost up to 100 rubles per 1 liter .

Almost every day we hear statements about the benefits of wine. We are sure that you have often met with such judgments as: wine prolongs youth, positively affects circulatory system, namely on the heart, normalizes metabolism, and also removes toxins from the body. We are confident that all these positive properties present only in real wines. Therefore, be able to distinguish fake wine from the original is essential for your health.

A bit of theory: fake wine is just evaporated grape must diluted with water. As a rule, such wine contains a lot of flavors. It does not need special care, and from this we can conclude that this product can't be expensive.

There are two criteria to distinguish the original wine from the fake one:

Bottle content

Let's take a closer look at the first criterion.

Label. The first thing you need to pay attention to the label. The print quality should be high (without any fuzziness), because this business card wine, something that the buyer immediately pays attention to. It should contain information about the country of origin, the composition of the wine, as well as the date of production. The label should not have any streaks from the glue, everything should be done carefully.

Seal. Remember that on original wines, the date is printed separately, and not together with all the information.

Container form. In some cases, the shape of the container will help you in choosing the wine. Not all wines are produced in similar containers. Most manufacturers try to protect their product from mass cloning. And so they often use asymmetry or completely change the shape of the container. In order to find out the features of the appearance of a particular wine, you will need to visit the official website of the manufacturer.

Having dealt with appearance our container, let's move on to its contents.


Sediment. Before opening the bottle, shine a light on it and quickly turn it upside down. If you notice a large amount of precipitation, then this should alert you. In expensive and high-quality wines, sediment is allowed (after active shaking, it quickly sinks to the bottom), but it obviously should not cover the entire bottom of the bottle.

Cork. After uncorking the bottle, the cork should not smell bad and fall apart (crumble). If you observe this, then, as a rule, this is a sign of improper storage or spoiled wine.

Foam. All that is needed is to pour some wine into a glass. If you notice that the foam has collected in the middle of the glass and quickly disappeared, then everything is fine - you managed to choose a good wine. But if the foam collects on the edges of the glass, then you should think about the quality of the alcohol.

Glycerin test. Add a couple of drops of glycerin to wine. If the glycerin sinks to the bottom without changing color, the wine is natural. And if it has acquired a reddish or yellow color, then in your hands is nothing more than a fake.

Soda test. When you add a pinch of soda to natural wine, nothing will happen.

Just try. And the last way. If you notice the taste of alcohol, then in front of you is nothing but a fake.

Lifehack: it is advisable not to buy cheap wine in different "fancy" containers. The principle is this: the more beautiful and original the container, the more expensive it is. We conclude that most the manufacturer spent the budget on the production of containers, and not on its contents. It may not be fake, but talk about products High Quality not worth it.

Even the high price of wine does not guarantee quality: it can be fake. How not to get poisoned by "cheese" after a party with this drink, we decided to tell.

Powdered and artificial wine are not the same

To begin with, let's figure out what they can sell under the guise of wine. Powder is called wine drink, prepared as follows: grape must is evaporated to dryness and diluted with water, alcohol and flavorings. Artificial "wine" is a mixture of alcohol, water, flavorings, sugar and preservatives. So not all wine that smells like grapes.

Wine from the package

It is of poor quality - this is the rule. Good wine cannot be kept in a box.

sugar in wine

Sugar from wine comes out during natural fermentation. As a rule, it contains at least 45 g/l in sweet drinks, no more than 45 g/l in semi-sweet drinks, up to 18 g/l in semi-dry drinks, and no more than 4 g/l in dry drinks. If there is more sugar, and the label does not indicate what it is fortified wine, then the conclusion is obvious: sugar was added artificially.


Oddly enough, but the "terrible" ingredient E220, sulfur dioxide, is found in any wine, as it is a natural product of fermentation. You shouldn't be afraid of him. And here salicylic acid present only in those drinks whose manufacturing technology has been violated.

Date of manufacture and inscription

The date of manufacture is stamped on the label separately from the main information and duplicated on the cork. Check if the data must match. Another point is the absence of typos, blurs and other font defects.

bottle shape

As a rule, the wine of each brand is produced in bottles of the same shape. If you notice that a branded or non-standard bottle has become common, then this is probably a fake.

Baking soda

Soda will help to recognize the quality of wine. Add it to a glass and take a look. natural drink will change color due to the reaction with grape starch, but the artificial one will remain just as beautiful and unchanged.

You can also test wine with glycerin. Put a few drops into your drink. In natural wine, glycerin will not change color, it will simply sink down. In a fake, it will become red or yellow.

Shake the wine. In the present, the foam that appears will gather in the center, after which it will quickly subside. artificial product will please with almost beer foam: it settles very slowly and gathers around the edges.

Helps to understand wine and chalk. You need to drop the drink on a piece of chalk and wait for it to dry. A real drop will become light, but the dyes will retain their color.

Do your friends know how to distinguish artificial wine from natural? Repost and tell them!

Wine is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world. Many countries produce their own wines, but still France, Italy, Portugal and Spain are considered leaders in quality. There are good California wines, Chilean wines.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

Unfortunately, there are many dealers who are not engaged in the supply of real high-quality wine at all, but in the production of fakes that arrive on store shelves under the guise of a well-known product.

How to distinguish real wine from a fake?

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

1. Examine the bottle and pay attention to the following details:

Experts advise to be wary of wine in clay bottles. The thing is that in such a container it is very difficult to create guilt. the necessary conditions storage in a store or warehouse. Georgians do age wines in earthenware jugs, but this happens at a certain constant temperature in special places. For the subsequent implementation of wine, it is still preferable to bottle it exclusively from dark glass.

The information that is indicated on the label, cork and collar on the neck of the bottle must match. Also, the date of the spill must be indicated. Look at the composition of the wine - it should be written in plain text: “natural wine”. If another phrase is used, such as: wine product, special wine or something like that, then you have a fake.

Such attentiveness even before buying wine will help you choose a natural product.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

2. Pay attention to the color of the wine:

White wines have a pleasant straw, golden color. They should not be too transparent or rich yellow, should not have any shades, such as greenish.

Red wines should be intense, saturated color and differ in aroma depending on the variety. Just because a wine has sediment doesn't mean it's bad.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

3. Let's start tasting the taste and aroma of wine:

Natural wine cannot have a too specific taste or smell, it is usually soft and unobtrusive. If you immediately recognize strawberries or cherries in the taste in the smell, and in general there is some kind of overly candy shade, this is most likely a fake. If you have tried the real quality wine you can definitely feel the difference.

There are also small tricks with the help of which they check if the wine is fake:

4. Using plain water:

Take a bowl filled with water. In a test tube or a small container that is available with a thin neck, and pour the wine. Close the top of this container tightly with your palm and lower your hands under the water. Release your hand from the top of the container and watch the wine combine with the water.

The fact is that wine and water have different density, which means that natural wine will be difficult to mix with water. If the wine is a fake, then in a split second it will mix with water into a homogeneous mass.

Photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

5. Checking with soda:

Such a check is also incredibly simple and affordable, because soda is in every home. Pour some powder into a bowl. baking soda. Drizzle one tablespoon of red wine over the baking soda and watch for color changes.

If it has darkened, become more gray or more blue, somehow changed its shade - do not be alarmed, this is a high-quality natural wine. The color of the fake, most often will remain unchanged.

Home photo: pixabay.com (CC0 Creative Commons)

Victoria Demidyuk
