
Compote of dark grapes and apples. Compote of apples and grapes

  • Grapes - a few branches,
  • apples 1-2 pcs.,
  • granulated sugar - 7 tablespoons,
  • citric acid - at the tip of a tablespoon or 2 rings of lemon.

Cooking process:

In addition, we will need:

  • Seaming key, if the lids are seamed,
  • circle or teapot for sterilizing jars,
  • saucepan with a capacity of at least 3 liters.

First of all, let's deal with grapes for harvesting.

Branches with it should be folded into a deep container, such as a saucepan or basin, pour water to the top and leave for at least half an hour. This will wash off the dust from small berries and remove small midges.

While the grapes are in the water, you can do the jars and lids for preservation.

It is best to prepare compote from grapes and apples in jars of maximum capacity, so that there is enough for the whole family. After all delicious compote doesn't happen much.

You also need to dial into the pan clean water, with a volume of at least 3 liters and put on fire so that it boils and boils for a couple of minutes.

Place the tin lids in a bowl so that they do not fit tightly together. Fill with water and cover the surface of the lids with it. Boil and soak in boiling water for 4-5 minutes. Turn off the fire, leave them in the water until we need them.

Banks can be sterilized in any way convenient for you. You can set each jar on a circle and hold it over hot steam for 10 minutes. You can install the jars on the kettle, having previously closed the spout with a cork made of cloth. You can sterilize jars in a slow cooker. Keep also over the steam for 8-10 minutes. Sterile jars are removed from the circle or teapot and placed on the table upside down.

IN clean jar put washed.

Apples in my compote and cut into slices without removing the peel. We send apple slices after the branches of grapes to jars.

We put it directly in the bank citric acid.

That's where the sugar is.

Pour boiling water over grapes with apples. You can pour boiling water into a jar from a saucepan using a small ladle, ladle or cup. It is not necessary to pour boiling water from the pan into the jar, it is traumatic.

We see that the apples immediately rose up from the hot. We cover the jar with apple-grape compote with an already boiled lid and immediately roll it up with the help of a key.

But that is not all. There is one more tip on how to make compote for the winter from grapes and apples without citric acid, using lemon.

Cut a clean lemon into slices.

Pour sugar into a bowl and add 2 slices of lemon. Pour boiling water in a volume of about 500 ml, stir the sugar until dissolved.

Pour the lemon - sugar mixture into the pan, add 2 - 2.3 liters. water and boil for 2-3 minutes. Take out the lemon and pour this liquid over the grapes with apples in a jar. Cover with a lid and roll up immediately.

Spread a warm blanket on the floor and place the jars on it with the lids down. Cover, wrap and leave to cool overnight. Upon opening, you will see that the color of the compote has become more attractive and saturated.

It remains to check the corked cans of compote for tightness and put them in the dark cool place before the cold winter days set in.

Having rolled up such homemade compotes, in winter you will never regret the time spent.

For a step-by-step photo recipe for harvesting apples and grapes, we thank Svetlana.

You may be interested in the recipe for cherry plum compote:

The site wishes you delicious preparations Notebook recipes!

Ingredients for one or three liter jar:

  • dark grapes (Isabella variety) - 300 g;
  • apples hard varieties- 300 g;
  • sugar - 300 g (half-liter jar);
  • water - 3 l.

Cooking time - 60 minutes, of which 20 minutes - preparation of ingredients.

Output - 3 liters.

With the onset of autumn, many housewives have a question about how to preserve the harvest. The fastest thing you can do is cook apple-grape compote for the winter. In addition, this is the easiest recipe, with a minimum of ingredients. But this will not affect the taste in any way, the drink will be simply incomparable. Compote from grapes and apples in a saucepan is the easiest to make, just take a container for this purpose with a thick bottom, then the sugar will not stick to the bottom. So, let's begin.

How to make compote from apples and grapes for the winter

Prepare everything you need for cooking: ingredients and a jar.

The most important thing in the preparation of compote is the cleanliness and sterility of the jar. It is best to wash the jar in cold water using baking soda. Then there will be no streaks on the glass, and cleanliness will be felt even visually. Next, the jar must be sterilized in any way convenient for you. I do this on gas using a special device with a hole that is put on a ladle or a small pan.

Place the lids in boiling water, and insert a clean jar upside down into the hole. Approximately 5-7 minutes for sterilization will be enough.

Wash apples and grapes running water. Cut the apples into quarters and cut out the middle. Pick the grapes from the brushes.

Pour the grapes and apples into a jar and cover with a lid.

Now you need to start cooking sugar syrup. Pour water into a saucepan (preferably bottled or spring, then the compote will be tastier), add sugar and put on fire. Stirring occasionally, wait for the sugar to dissolve completely. When the syrup boils, remove it from the heat and pour into a jar. Pour in small portions so the glass doesn't break.

Then take the seamer and seal the lid.

Wrap the jar in a warm blanket until it cools completely. That's all, a compote of grapes and apples for the winter for a 3 liter jar is ready! At first, the color of the compote will be lightish, but then a saturated shade will appear. How to cook compote from grapes and apples, you now know. It is done in an elementary way, even a schoolgirl can handle cooking. Compote from apples and grapes (a recipe for the winter) can be consumed without waiting for the cold weather. Let it brew a little, about 2-3 weeks, and you can drink. Such compote is stored for no more than one year.

We have prepared a compote of apples and grapes without sterilization, you can cook with sterilization. To do this, you need to pour grapes and apples with boiling syrup, cover with lids, put the jars in heated water in a large pot, on the bottom of which you need to put a towel. It takes 15-20 minutes to sterilize jars. Seal immediately when finished. This method is more reliable, but loses in speed. Choose which one you like! Prepare yourself a compote of apples with grapes for the winter, a recipe with a photo step by step will help you navigate the process.

Bon appetit!

We continue the topic of preservation of compotes. In autumn, gardeners do not want to leave small unripe apples and bunches of berries on tree branches. As a final chord, I propose to cook a compote of apples and grapes for the winter.

American variety seeded isabella, green and black sultanas, pink, blue and white varieties are suitable for harvesting.

It remains to solve the question - how to cook and close a delicious, concentrated, homemade compote for long term storage.

Compote of apples and Isabella grapes: calculation for a 3-liter jar without sterilization

With black berries, especially Isabella, the drink is more aromatic and rich. I propose a calculation for a 3-liter container.

You can reduce the amount of fruits and berries by calculating the ingredients for two or 1 liter containers.

This preparation is stored in room temperature. Add a preservative - 0.5 teaspoon of lemon. Now the banks will definitely not explode.


  • isabella - 400 g;
  • dense apples autumn varieties- 400 g;
  • sugar - 150;
  • citric acid - 1 coffee spoon.
  1. Let's take fruit. They need to be washed and cut into quarters, cut the core from each piece and discard. You don’t need to cut it smaller, you get porridge.
  2. We sterilize glass containers, boil the lids.
  3. We send apples to a 3-liter jar.
  4. My grapes. We carefully look at the berries, discard the spoiled ones. We cut the berries with tails (3-4 pieces on one branch).
  5. Add berries to antonovka. Carefully pour the contents with boiling water (without adding sand and lemon), put the lids that we prepared for the blanks on top. We withstand 15-25 minutes.
  6. Drain the colored water into a saucepan. Immediately after boiling, pour granulated sugar, citric acid. Boil 3-5 min.
  7. Pour the syrup into a jar up to the neck, screw on the lids. We check for tightness.

How to cook compote from apples and grapes kishmish for the winter

We will cook compote from sour fruit and berries. In this case, adding citric acid is optional.

Calculation for a 2-liter jar:

  • sour apples or ranetki - 300 g;
  • green grapes - 250 g;
  • black - 50 g;
  • sand - 200 g.
  1. My sour, cut into slices, remove the axial cavity with seeds.
  2. In the prepared container, lay out alternately a layer of fruits, a layer of berries.
  3. We fill boiling water for 15 minutes, cover with lids.
  4. Drain the water, boil, add sugar. And after complete dissolution, pour the syrup into a jar of fruit and green grapes. We twist with a metal lid.

Compote from fresh apples, pears and homemade grapes - a recipe for winter harvesting

It's nice to doubly make blanks from homemade vegetables and fruits. For 3 liters of drink, take the following ingredients.

Recipe compote of apples and grapes:

To begin, fill the pan with three liters of clean drinking water. It is advisable to use filtered or bottled water. Put a pot of water on the fire and move on to the rest of the ingredients.

Late grapes are often very small, with many seeds. But at the same time, it is moderately watery and contains a high concentration of beneficial fruit acids. The color of such grapes varies from light purple to dark blue or even black. Compote from such grapes turns out very beautiful color and incredibly delicious.

Place the grapes in a colander and rinse in large numbers water. Then send it to boiling water.

Wash apples and wipe dry. Cut them into thin slices along with the core and seeds.

Send apple slices in compote.

Then put rose hips in boiling water. They should be washed thoroughly. It is not necessary to grind the wild rose, otherwise the compote will be filled with its small seeds.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook the compote of apples and grapes for 30 minutes, and then add sugar to it. It is optimal to add a tablespoon of sugar for each liter of liquid, but these proportions are arbitrary. You can choose not to add sugar at all or add more than the specified amount, focus solely on your taste.

Ready compote should be filtered with a colander or a large sieve. The fruits are no longer needed, they can be thrown away.

And pour the strained compote into a decanter. It is convenient to store this drink in it. It should be remembered that compote is not stored for more than three days. Moreover, the temperature of its storage should not exceed 10-12 degrees. Compote of apples and grapes is ready!

For lovers of delicious healthy drinks, I propose to prepare a compote of grapes and apples. When all the markets are crowded fresh fruit and berries, it's a sin not to take advantage of the situation. Fruit-based drinks are tasty, healthy and bright.

They are enjoyed not only by adults, but also by children. This compote can be prepared not only for every day, but also for the winter. To do this, it is enough to pour the finished boiling drink into sterile jars, seal tightly, turn over and wrap. The blanks are perfectly stored in the apartment and cellar. The recipe is very simple and affordable, step by step photos will help you understand the cooking process.


  • water - 4 l;
  • grapes 1 kg;
  • apples 700 g;
  • sugar 6-8 tbsp. l.

How to make compote from grapes and apples

Start by preparing all the ingredients. Grapes will suit any variety and color. The main thing is that the berries are ripe. Transfer the grapes to a colander and rinse well. Pluck the berries from the bunches. Sort them out and remove the defective fruits.

Remember the berry mass with a crush. If you are going to preserve compote for the winter, you do not need to crush it with a pusher.

Now prepare the apples. They can be of any kind. Special knife remove the core. Remove the skin with a vegetable peeler. Cut the pulp into small pieces.

Pour cold water into a saucepan. Add apple skins. Send to fire. From the moment of boiling, boil for 5-8 minutes so that the skin is well boiled.

After, remove the skins with a slotted spoon. Add the grape mass and chopped apples to the boiling broth. Stir and let boil. Simmer for about 10 minutes to let the fruit release its juice and flavor. At the same time, make the fire a little lower than average so that the water does not boil much.

When all the fruits and berries give up their juice and the broth acquires a taste and color, it's time to bring it to the desired result. As a sweetener, add sugar to taste. Stir and boil for 3-5 minutes. If original products were quite sweet, it is desirable to add a little citric acid.

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Compote of grapes and apples is ready.
