
The use of chocolate for cosmetic purposes.

Chocolate is universal product. Thanks to his unique composition it provides a comprehensive positive influence per person, both inside and out. What are the properties of chocolate cosmetics and what can be expected after its regular use?

At the mention of cosmetics with a chocolate base, associations immediately arise with the usual delicacy in the form dark tiles. However cosmetic chocolate has nothing to do with traditional sweets. Cosmetic chocolate product created exclusively on the basis of the fruits of the cocoa tree.

What is the secret of chocolate-based cosmetics?

Main active ingredients

The secret of the beneficial effect of cosmetics with cocoa on our body lies in unique components contained in cocoa beans.

  • Cocoa butter, very viscous in its structure, is rich in vitamin F and various fatty acids(linoleic, stearic, palmitic and oleic). It has a pronounced rejuvenating and moisturizing effect.
  • Polyphenols, which are considered the strongest natural antioxidants.
  • Caffeine is a naturally occurring energy drink. It has a stimulating effect on the upper layers of the skin, accelerating the metabolic processes in it.
  • Alkaloids of natural origin - theophylline and theobromine - have a clear lifting effect, giving the skin fresh look and making it elastic.
  • Kit important trace elements- iron, magnesium, copper enhance the effect of caffeine and cocoa butter.

Expected effect from the use of chocolate-based cosmetics

Cosmetics manufacturers produce products with chocolate for a variety of applications - for the face and body, hair and nails. Whole chocolate complexes are aimed at toning and protecting the skin, tightening and activating metabolism at the cellular level.

Hair after chocolate shampoos, which strengthen the structure of the hair, acquire a healthy shine. But it is important to know that chocolate-based cosmetics do not have to have chocolate color. Cocoa butter, caffeine and beneficial trace elements are colorless. Therefore saturated chocolate shade should cause caution when buying such cosmetics.

Only scrubs with addition ground coffee as an exfoliating agent, they can have a justified pronounced chocolate tint. In other cases, the dark color of cosmetics indicates the presence of dyes in it.

Homemade chocolate cosmetics

Don't feel like spending money on finished products? You can create your own chocolate homemade cosmetics. Few can doubt its naturalness. Only it should be prepared immediately before use and used immediately and without residue. home cosmetics due to the absence of preservatives in it is not subject to long storage and is a perishable product.

chocolate bath recipe

cocoa powder in pure form- without sugar and other additives - in the amount of 100-200 grams it is diluted with a liter of hot, but not boiling water. It cools to the temperature of the human body and pours into a filled bath. Fifteen to twenty minutes - and you are again refreshed and rejuvenated.

How to organize a chocolate wrap yourself?

An effective remedy against excess fat and "orange peel" - chocolate wrap. Cocoa powder, as in the first recipe, is diluted hot water. Only the proportions are slightly different, so that the consistency is more viscous - 100-200 g per 0.5 l. The resulting composition is applied to problem areas and wrapped for half an hour with cling film. Upon completion of the procedure chocolate mass rinses off in the shower.

Ways to use pure cocoa butter

Having diluted cocoa butter with others at least healthy oils(jojoba or wheat germ oil), obtained excellent tool for massage, for example, anti-cellulite.

IN small quantities cocoa butter can be added to the usual day cream, enhancing its effectiveness. For dry and brittle hair By the way, a mask containing two tablespoons of cocoa butter and one tablespoon of cognac will come in handy.

Whatever chocolate cosmetics you choose - ready-made or own cooking, no matter what goals you pursue, in addition to the expected effect, you are always guaranteed a great mood.

The range of cosmetic procedures using chocolate is very wide. In the salons you will be offered massages, wraps, baths, and masks, the main component of which will be a delicacy dangerous for the figure. Know: in these interpretations, it will only benefit your body.

Please note: Favored by most girls is never used for beauty treatments milk chocolate. For positive effect products saturated with both extracts of cocoa beans and oils are used this plant. The former are the main component and should be at least 80-90% total mass. The second refers to auxiliary components that enhance beneficial features products.

In addition to beans and butter, cosmetic chocolate contains high content caffeine, beneficial trace elements and antioxidants. Each component has a unique beneficial effect on the skin.

The main healing effect on the skin is provided by cocoa beans. They contain great amount minerals, iron, calcium, proteins and phosphorus salts. These elements have a positive effect on blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Due to the latter, beans are recognized as one of the most effective means from cellulite.

Cocoa butter due to fatty acids and vitamin F cleanses, tightens and moisturizes the skin. Also, these components help in the fight for youth, tone and give radiance.

Due to the high amount of antioxidants, cocoa butter detoxifies and neutralizes the effects of stress factors.

Everything in chocolate: eat, get smarter, get healthier

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Caffeine, on average, makes up to 40% of cosmetic dark chocolate. It is thanks to him fat cells disintegrate in the body and disappear Orange peel". Also, caffeine is a wonderful tool for getting rid of and preventing the appearance of edema.

Thus, the elements that make up chocolate make the product a true helper for women. Cosmetic procedures will provide you with a real complex therapy "for body and soul". Chocolate will help tighten the skin, enrich it with minerals, vitamins and moisture, get rid of several extra pounds and hateful cellulite. Nice smell cheer up, activates the production of endorphins in the body (the so-called "hormones of joy"). You will completely relax, forget about stress and gain a sense of peace.

Cosmetic chocolate treatments

Eaten chocolate helps girls survive stress, get rid of depression and fatigue. The product also has these effects when used outside. A significant advantage of "delicious" procedures is also a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and visible improvements in appearance.

In cosmetology, chocolate is widely used. Finding the right procedure is not difficult. For example, you can choose chocolate masks for the décolleté, neck and face, baths or massages with cocoa butter.

However, one of the most popular procedures is body wrap.

Chocolate wraps are carried out in several stages. First, the master exfoliates the entire body. Most often, for this manipulation, a special mixture with coconut flakes: it provides gentle and effective cleansing.

Further, the entire surface of the body is covered with melted, delicious-smelling chocolate. The layer should be thin, but without gaps. So that the chocolate does not harden, is well absorbed and activates necessary processes, you are wrapped in foil. IN fragrant bliss you need to stay for about half an hour.

To enhance the effect, some salons include aroma lamps, adding to them essential oil cocoa mixed with orange, vanilla or cinnamon. Such a "double" effect is incredibly useful and perfectly relieves nervous tension.

Chocolate prolongs youth

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Washing off the mask takes place in the shower. The main thing - do not rub aggressively hardened islands, so as not to injure the skin. You will immediately notice the effect of the procedure: the surface will become radiant, soft and acquire a slightly golden hue.

Chocolate heaven at home

If you are not ready to spend money on unknown procedures in the salon, try the beneficial effects of chocolate at home. For example, do universal mask suitable for all skin types.

You will need:

  • 50 g dark chocolate (cocoa content of at least 80%)
  • one egg yolk - shaving brush / cosmetic brush

Melt the main product in a water bath or in a double boiler. When there is not a single piece left, add the yolk and mix until smooth. Apply the prepared mixture to the previously cleansed skin of the face and neck. Keep it until the mask completely hardens.

Chocolate in our view is, first of all, a sweet treat. But today chocolate is actively used in cosmetology.

Fragrant, delicate, exciting, relieving stress and uplifting - chocolate cosmetics has all the advantages of a favorite treat, but its use is safe for the figure.

Do not think that chocolate cosmetics are good only because of their aroma. Modern scientists have proven that its use in cosmetic procedures allows you to combine aromatherapy with great benefit for the body. Chocolate has many benefits for the skin.

Chocolate cosmetics - useful and tasteless

Of course, cosmetic chocolate and confectionery are very different. For the manufacture of cosmetics, “pure” bitter chocolate is used, without the addition of artificial flavor enhancers and sugar. For a more noticeable and lasting result in the composition chocolate cosmetics add various substances that are useful for solving certain skin problems. So it’s not worth trying chocolate cosmetics, no matter how fragrant it may be.

The composition of chocolate cosmetics

cocoa beans

Cocoa beans form the basis of chocolate and, accordingly, cosmetics from it. They are very rich in minerals and salts of phosphorus, calcium, iron, proteins. Thanks to them, chocolate cosmetics helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation. In addition, cocoa beans are a very powerful anti-cellulite remedy.

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is the most valuable component of chocolate cosmetics. Cocoa butter is especially rich in vitamin F and fatty acids - stearic, palmitic, oleic, linolenic, antioxidants.

beneficial effect chocolate butter on the skin:

  • gentle cleans;
  • moisturizes;
  • tightens, rejuvenates the skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles;
  • gives the skin radiance and smoothness;
  • tones;
  • helps fight stress.


Dark chocolate is about 40% caffeine.

  • activates the breakdown of fat cells - lipolysis;
  • fights cellulite;
  • provides a lifting effect;
  • prevents the appearance of edema;

Theobromine and theophylline

These substances in the composition of chocolate cosmetics provide a lifting effect.


Chocolate contains substances that are very important for the body - antioxidants. They protect cells from free radicals, slow down the aging process, tone, tighten the skin.

trace elements

The composition of chocolate includes iron, copper, magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium. They are necessary for the normal functioning of the body in general and the health of the skin in particular.

The cosmetics industry also uses cocoa nectar and cocoa extract, which also have beneficial properties for the skin, moisturizing and protecting it.

chocolate properties

With the help of Chocolate cosmetics you can:

  • get rid of cellulite and lose weight;
  • provide lifting of the face, neck, décolleté;
  • increase skin elasticity by activating the process of collagen formation;
  • get rid of stretch marks, age spots, acne;
  • provide intensive skin hydration;
  • enrich the skin with vitamins and minerals;
  • relax, cheer up, overcome stress;
  • awaken erotic desires.

It has been proven that not only the taste, but also the smell of chocolate contributes to the production of the hormone of joy - endorphin. Therefore, chocolate cosmetics helps to cope with fatigue, restores harmony, gives a feeling of calmness, serenity and inner warmth.

Chocolate cosmetics

Given all these features of chocolate, luxurious chocolate cosmetics are a godsend for women. All kinds of creams, masks, scrubs, oils are produced on chocolate base. Chocolate cosmetics are very popular today.

The Roskosmetika online store presents to your attention a whole line of professional chocolate cosmetics.

Recipe with cocoa! But it's better to buy ready-made cosmetics! This guarantees excellent result and a minimum of fuss.

Chocolate cosmetics allows you to carry out a whole range of different procedures: body wraps, masks, chocolate baths, chocolate massage and others. More about the use of chocolate cosmetics Chmtate in the sections "Chocolate procedures" and "Chocolate wrap".

Contraindications to the use of chocolate cosmetics:

  • allergy to chocolate;
  • skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin.

Chocolate has long ceased to be simply delicious and healthy treat, it has long and effectively been used in cosmetic purposes like chocolate cosmetics. It contains substances that provide a complex cosmetic effect.

There are several types of chocolate-based cosmetics: masks, body wraps, baths. Chocolate cosmetics is made from cocoa beans, contains a large number of vitamins and others nutrients that nourish the skin. It is important to remember that chocolate cosmetics are not suitable for eating, they contain too much cocoa, and other cosmetic substances are often added to them. Chocolate wraps are used both to combat the manifestations of cellulite and to prevent its appearance.

Useful ingredients of chocolate cosmetics

Caffeine, which is part of chocolate cosmetics, improves blood circulation and lymph outflow, relieves and prevents swelling. Caffeine also promotes the active breakdown of fats and the removal of excess fluid from the body. Thanks to this, chocolate cosmetics are used to combat cellulite. Chocolate wrap also perfectly relieves stress and gives a good mood.

The aroma and color of chocolate comes from cocoa butter. It contains a large amount of vitamin F, stearic, oleic, palmitic, linolenic acids. These substances restore the skin and moisturize it. The polyphenols contained in cocoa butter are antioxidants, thanks to which chocolate cosmetics prevent the appearance of wrinkles and fight stress.

Theophylline and theobromine activate biochemical reactions in the skin, improving its elasticity and tightening it. In addition, chocolate contains a large number of trace elements that are important for the health of the skin and the body as a whole:

  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Calcium

Due to the large amount of nutrients, chocolate is an indispensable cosmetic product. The effect of its use is noticeable after the first procedure: wrinkles are smoothed out. Edema is reduced. It acts not only on individual parts of the body, but also on the whole organism as a whole.

Application of chocolate cosmetics

Chocolate removes toxins from the body, gives the skin elasticity. Using chocolate cosmetics, the procedure can be carried out without leaving home. One of the most popular procedures is the chocolate body wrap. It's not only great way fight excesses, but also a good means for relaxation.

Before wrapping it is necessary to clean the skin. For this you can use chocolate scrub. Exfoliating the skin is essential to open up the pores. Cleansed skin absorbs beneficial substances from the wrap much more efficiently. Chocolate composition applied completely to the body or to problem areas. After that, it is recommended to wrap yourself in a special film, you can use cling film. After 30-40 minutes, the wrapping can be washed off. After that, it is recommended to massage with cocoa butter or anti-cellulite cream to enhance the effect of the procedure.

As a result of the procedure, the skin acquires a golden hue, smoothness and elasticity. For a full effect, it is necessary to conduct a course of several wraps, two to three times a week.

Chocolate scrubs not only effectively cleanse the skin and give it delicate fragrance, but also actively fight against subcutaneous fat deposits, which in turn helps in the fight against cellulite. Chocolate cosmetics is considered one of the most effective natural remedies in the fight against cellulite. Chocolate masks for the face contribute to skin rejuvenation, give it a healthy look, improve blood flow. Chocolate itself, having pleasant aroma, improves mood.

Chocolate can now not only bring excess weight but also remove it. One of the most luxurious beauty treatments is becoming more and more popular and widely used. Now you can use chocolate cosmetics not only in salons, but also at home. This procedure differs primarily in that it has a complex effect on the entire body as a whole.

Chocolate cosmetics attracts modern fashionistas not only with their unique effect, but also with a pleasant seductive aroma that involuntarily cheers up and sets you up for relaxation. You can only dream of such cosmetics, and it is not at all necessary to buy it in expensive boutiques or salons - you are quite capable of creating and using it yourself at home.

The benefits of chocolate for the skin

Natural chocolate is a source of a huge number of useful substances: vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. All of them, to one degree or another, affect the condition of the skin, having the following effect:

  • skin toning and nutrition;
  • smoothing wrinkles due to the activation of collagen production, increasing skin elasticity;
  • strengthening problem areas (buttocks, inner side of the arms, abdomen, chest, hips);
  • reduction of body fat due to the activation and normalization of metabolic processes inside the skin;
  • increased blood circulation and blood saturation with useful substances;
  • removal of toxins from the skin layers, activation of lymph movement - elimination of excess fluid from the body;
  • fight against problematic manifestations in the form of acne, inflammation and age spots;
  • tightening effect for mature and aged skin;
  • anti-cellulite action, especially in combination with massage;
  • giving a light tanned skin tone;
  • strengthening and strengthening of an existing tan;
  • strengthening the protective functions of the skin and the fight against free radicals before and during tanning in the open sun and solariums;
  • softening of the skin, their hydration for a long time;
  • prevention of skin peeling;
  • strengthening hair and nails.

To this list, you can add the excellent anti-stress effect of chocolate due to the aroma, as well as due to the vitaminization of the blood flow, and, consequently, the whole body. Regular chocolate treatments can be an excellent prevention of seasonal depression and unpleasant manifestations on the surface of the skin, both on the face and throughout the body.

Chocolate for beauty treatments: features

Before you try it for yourself unique properties chocolate cosmetics, it is worth noting that for the procedures you need not ordinary chocolate, which is littered with counters at the checkout, but pure, that is, bitter natural with a cocoa bean content of at least 60%. The best option for mixing the cosmetic composition would be natural cocoa powder. one more important condition is the absence, in both cases, of sugar, milk and other additives.

Cosmetic chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants that preserve the youthfulness of our skin, making it more resistant to negative environmental factors, including city dust and direct sunlight. In addition, antioxidants play an important role in the prevention of skin cancers.

Caffeine is a miracle substance that is involved in the process of breaking down excess body fat, helping to get rid of cellulite and unwanted volumes in the most problematic substances. In combination with the substances theobromine and theophylline, caffeine also fights sagging skin, wrinkles, strengthening the skin structure and providing a lifting effect.

Chocolate SPA at home: masks, body wraps, baths

Before using cosmetics with chocolate, you should prepare your skin for these procedures. To do this, it should be well cleaned with a soft scrub and washed in the shower to remove the remnants of dirt, sebum, old skin. Before directly applying the product, the skin should be blotted dry with a clean towel.

Next, you need to prepare a fresh chocolate mixture for application. To do this, you can use cocoa powder: 200-300 grams of the product should be well mixed in 500 grams hot water before thick consistency and then let it cool down to a temperature acceptable for your skin.

Using dark chocolate to create a mixture, take two tiles, melt them in a water bath and add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Before direct application, also cool to a comfortable temperature.

Of course, if you like professional products, then you can purchase special salon cosmetics that are convenient to use at home.

Chocolate masks

Having chosen the right mixture, chocolate can be used as a mask on the face, neck and décolleté, hands or feet, as well as on the hair. For this, apart from olive oil any other vegetable oil, as well as herbal extracts, can be added to the composition to enhance the effect. In the case of hair, for shine and softness, you can add a spoonful of cognac.

Chocolate wraps

Spending them at home is more difficult than just putting on a mask. For a full wrap, you may need cling film, a regular sheet and a warm blanket. You can apply the mixture in two ways, or combine them.

The first chocolate wrap method is to simply spread the chocolate mixture all over your body and wrap yourself in a sheet, then lie under the covers and relax for about 15-45 minutes, depending on the desired result and skin sensitivity.

The second way is to apply the product thickly on a thick sheet, then wrap yourself in it and also get under the covers.

Local wraps can be carried out using cling film. On problem area evenly apply the chocolate mixture, then cover this place with a film and wrap it with a cloth. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

Chocolate baths

This procedure is both one of the simplest and one of the most expensive. Of course, you do not need to completely fill the bath with melted chocolate, but you will need more chocolate or cocoa powder than for a wrap.

Having made the mixture according to the above methods, it must be added to a hot bath and immersed in it for 20-30 minutes.


Chocolate is a product with a high degree of allergenicity, therefore, choosing chocolate cosmetic procedures, some care must be taken. Be sure to make sure that your skin does not have a negative reaction to chocolate, even if you have not noticed anything like this before. Also, do not use chocolate cosmetics too often, as this product contains a large amount of nutrients that can provoke a glut of certain substances in the skin, causing irritation, redness and pigmentation on its surface.

Used in combination with chocolate vegetable oils, including essential, herbal extracts and other additives, also be sure to make sure they suit you. In combination with chocolate, they can provoke a stronger allergic reaction.
