
Chocolate massage, about massage. Chocolate relaxation massage

Almost everyone loves chocolate. And what if you combine such pleasant things as massage and chocolate? This is not just a harmony of a pleasant smell and calmness, but also a lot of useful properties!

Chocolate massage is a real remedy for stress and bad mood. Anyone can get rid of endless stress and treat themselves to warm, pleasantly melting chocolate.

Chocolate massage activates cellular metabolism and burns fat, stimulates blood microcirculation, saturates the skin with active elements, acts on the nervous system as an antidepressant, having an exciting effect, promotes the production of joy hormones - endorphins, enriches the skin with calcium, potassium and magnesium, restores, moisturizes and nourishes the skin , making it soft and smooth, fights aging.

What components are necessary for the composition of chocolate used in massage?

  1. These are creamy and powdery products for chocolate wraps and massages. They contain cocoa fruit extract.
  2. You can buy good natural chocolate and melt it in a water bath. Then dilute with liquid milk to increase volume, and then add ground coffee or cocoa to obtain the desired consistency.
  3. Ordinary chocolate in a wrapper will not work for this purpose. Chocolate, which is used in cosmetology, is a special product. There are no additives in it, it is bitter, not very pleasant in taste.

It is necessary to purchase cocoa butter and cocoa powder without the addition of milk, sugar and aromatic additives. Inexpensive but pure cocoa powder, without any additional ingredients, works well. Pour hot but not boiling water over cocoa. Cool the resulting mass to a comfortable temperature for the body, and then apply.

Having dealt with the composition of chocolate, you can move on to the most pleasant. This is a chocolate procedure. The massage itself.

Chocolate massage session consists of three stages: peeling with coffee scrub, massage, rinsing and applying cream. The duration of each stage is approximately 20-30 minutes.

Coffee peeling is used to cleanse the skin, removing all its irregularities, making it smooth. After peeling, the skin becomes more receptive to beneficial substances.

Any composition used for chocolate massage is very gentle to the touch. Applying chocolate to the skin, it feels like you are being slowly wrapped in a silk, delicious-smelling fabric, and then they begin to massage with this fabric.

Massage is usually relaxing, the main movements that are used in the process of the most common classical massage are stroking, kneading, circular movements, patting, lymphatic drainage elements.

Under the influence of movements, the chocolate mass seems to melt and saturate the cells with nutrients, moisturize the skin, and slow down the aging process.

At the end of the procedure, it is enough to take a shower and apply a cream, milk or other cosmetic product.

There are some contraindications for the chocolate massage procedure.

  • Allergic reactions to the drugs used;
  • skin lesions and skin diseases, such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;
  • infectious and fungal diseases;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • purulent processes;
  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • feverish conditions;
  • high body temperature;
  • circulatory diseases, such as varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and lymphatic vessels;
  • mental illness;

Chocolate massage

Who among us does not dream of being beautiful and healthy? Of course, everyone wants this. And massage can help achieve this goal. If we talk about the types of massage, there are a lot of them. But among all types of massage, there is one massage that can bring a person, in addition to healing, unprecedented sensual pleasure. The main element of this massage is extremely useful, as it contains a lot of macronutrients, vitamins and, moreover, is very loved by most people, especially children. As you probably already guessed, we are talking about chocolate.

Chocolate massage is a technique, the main purpose of which is to relieve a person of stress and improve the overall health of the body with the help of chocolate. Chocolate massage is a combination of massage techniques, psychotherapy, lymphatic drainage, aromatherapy, masks and other cosmetic procedures aimed at stimulating metabolic processes in the human body. Chocolate massage, according to many masseurs, is the most pleasant massage of all massages created by mankind today.

A chocolate massage is performed based on natural chocolate, or a mixture of cocoa bean powder in combination with coconut oil or cocoa butter. Chocolate massage helps to get rid of cellulite, get rid of negative thoughts and improve mood, normalize blood circulation, makes the skin soft and smooth, rejuvenates the body and returns a person to the world of carefree childhood, helps the body produce endorphins.

Indications and contraindications.

The main indications for the use of chocolate massage are:

The need to adjust the figure and normalize weight;
- The presence of fat deposits in the thighs and abdomen;
- Decreased skin elasticity and firmness;
- Cellulite;
- General depressed state of a person;
- Violation of metabolism in cells;
- The appearance of signs of skin aging.

The main contraindications to the use of chocolate massage are:

Increased nervous excitability of a person;
- Viral infectious diseases occurring in the acute stage;
- Pregnancy;
- Allergic reactions caused by chocolate intolerance;
- Menstrual period in women;
- Excessively high body temperature (a state of fever);
- Increased level of hair growth in the area of ​​chocolate massage;
- Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema);
- Diseases of blood vessels and blood (varicose veins, blood clots);
- The presence of human tumors (malignant and benign);
- Inflammatory and purulent processes in the places of chocolate massage.

Where can I get chocolate massage mix? The answer to this question is very simple - you can either buy a special spa-chocolate sold in massage and spa-salons, or use ordinary dark chocolate purchased in a store for a chocolate massage. In this case, you should pay special attention to the fact that chocolate should be exactly bitter, since dark chocolate mostly consists of cocoa beans - the main source of nutrients for the skin. In milk chocolate, on the contrary, there are much fewer cocoa beans, and more sugar, which is useless for the skin and the body as a whole. In addition, the mixture for chocolate massage can be prepared independently. The main ingredients in the preparation will be factory-made cocoa powder and coconut oil (walnut, sesame or almond, depending on the preferences of the patient and the desired healing effect).

The chocolate massage procedure consists of two parts. The first part of the procedure is directly a chocolate massage with the application of chocolate paste on the patient's body, and the second part of the procedure is wrapping and relaxation.

Massage of the back of the body. Chocolate massage always begins with the application of a pre-prepared (or purchased) mixture to the area of ​​​​the human body that is supposed to be affected.

The patient lies on his stomach. The mixture is applied, if possible, immediately to the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, and not separately. Movements during the massage should be long and smooth, directed along the blood lymph flow. It is recommended to increase the comfort of the patient before applying the massage mixture to preheat it in a water bath. In the process of applying the mixture to the body, it is possible to carry out wave-like massage movements along the spine in order to knead the muscles, which will not only relieve accumulated fatigue, but also prepare the patient's body for massage.

It is wrong to carry out a chocolate massage at a fast pace, because this procedure is performed slowly, the masseur's movements should be slow and measured. In the process of massage, unlike classical massage, the massage therapist makes movements not only through the hands, but also involves the legs and body. The smooth movements of the massage therapist will allow the patient to feel all the benefits of the procedure, which is not available with a sharp chocolate massage. Chocolate massage can be performed by a massage therapist using both hands at the same time, or with each hand separately. Movements are performed from the middle of the back towards the edges of the back, covering the entire back area, or on each side of the back separately. The main goal is to cover the maximum possible area of ​​​​the back during the massage. It is also recommended that the massage therapist carry out the weight-bearing massage by placing one hand on top of the other, which will achieve a closer contact and increase the effectiveness of the massage. Indispensable massage with weights when exposed to the area of ​​the buttocks to effectively combat the problem of cellulite.

It is very important that long smooth movements during the massage are performed by the massage therapist with the help of the legs, without excessive back tension, since any tension of the massage therapist will immediately be transferred to the patient, and the relaxing effect of the massage will be lost. The hands should be extremely relaxed.

After massaging the back area, the masseur proceeds to massage the legs. At the same time, it is recommended to tear off the hands from the patient's body only in exceptional cases, even when moving from massage of one part of the body to another, because breaking contact with the patient's body will negatively affect the overall effect of chocolate massage. Foot massage should also be done smoothly and slowly. This massage is performed at the expense of the massage therapist's legs, in its process, the weight from one leg is transferred to the other. Tilts of the body, accompanying tension in the back area, are not recommended. When massaging the legs, it is recommended to make smooth movements covering the entire body of the patient, and not just the legs themselves. During the massage, stroking movements, which form the basis of chocolate massage, are recommended to be combined with kneading. The wonderful thing is that the direction of movement of the massage therapist's hands is not strictly defined, which gives freedom of action and the ability to concentrate attention during the massage on the areas that need the most impact. The only rule is to perform the most powerful movements in the direction from bottom to top. Particular emphasis is placed on force pressure in places of lymph stagnation in order to carry out lymphatic drainage.

Chocolate massage performed not only with the help of the palms. Often a tangible effect has a massage with the help of the forearm. One of the techniques used by the massage therapist during the massage of the leg area is the “girth ring”, when the masseur, grabbing the lower part of the patient’s leg with his hands connected in the form of a ring, makes a smooth movement towards the upper leg. The hands must be connected, and contact with the patient's body must be maintained. The coverage area should be maximum, up to the transition of exposure to the front of the patient's body. Finger massage, which is widely used in classical massage, is practically not performed in chocolate massage, which is due to the large thickness of the chocolate mixture applied to the patient's body, as a result of which finger massage is not felt and is not effective.

In the process of performing a chocolate massage, slow stroking is often combined with very slow stroking, during which the hands smoothly “float” over the body. It is with very slow smooth movements that it is best to end the massage.

The duration of the massage of the back of the patient's body is from 20 to 30 minutes, after which the massage therapist proceeds to massage the front of the patient's body.

Massage of the front surface of the body, body wrap. The patient is rolled onto his back. The massage begins with the fact that the massage therapist applies the massage mixture to the patient's leg area with wide wrapping movements. The coverage area also includes the patient's feet. It should be remembered that at least one hand should touch the patient's body during the entire massage. Next, the massage mixture is applied with light smooth movements to the abdomen and chest area of ​​the patient. Movements should pass through the entire body of the patient, there should not be areas of the body not covered by the influence.

Massage of the abdomen should be carried out as carefully as possible, without the use of pressure, because the purpose of chocolate massage is not to stimulate the internal organs of a person, but to give a person pleasant sensations from the massage. Circular wrapping movements are most effective. Massage of the lymph node zone is also performed with light stroking movements without excessive pressure. The coverage during the massage of the part of the body closest to the table contributes to the patient's feeling of lightness and security. In the future, it is effective to apply the technique of stroking the patient's legs by wrapping the legs in a ring from the masseur's hands. The girth of the hands should not be hard, but soft (the masseur's fingers should not dig into the patient's skin, the masseur only gently touches the foot with the fingertips). It is also recommended to carry out prolonged kneading of the patient's feet, in combination with light stroking of the feet. Also, circular bilateral stroking of the patient's ankle is considered an excellent technique, performed alternately on each leg. It should be noted that the area around the toes is denser, therefore, in order to effectively influence this area, slightly more rigid circular movements are carried out by means of the massage therapist's fingers.

An excellent technique for massaging the patient's feet is the "entry into the fingers" technique, when the masseur's fingers are inserted between the patient's toes. The movements, as always, are performed smoothly and accurately. After that, stroking is performed on the entire area of ​​the patient's body. Particular attention is again paid to the patient's abdomen: the massage therapist strokes the abdomen from the bottom up, as well as circular stroking, carried out with gentle movements in a clockwise direction. Massage of the sides of the abdomen is performed in the direction from the bottom - up. When performing a chocolate massage, it is recommended not to forget about connecting transitions, i.e. smooth transitions from one part of the body to another. The meaning of this type of transition is that the massage therapist moves from one part of the body to the part of the body next to it, which is very important. So, while working on the leg, the massage therapist can smoothly move on to the impact on the abdomen, from the abdomen he can begin to work out the hand. But you can not make the transition, for example, from the leg immediately to the massage of the hand. This is important because the patient during the entire massage should feel a continuous contact, the massage should not turn into “jumps”. It will not be superfluous to make long smooth passages with your hands over the entire torso of the patient.

Massage of the back and front sides is approximately the same in duration - from 20 to 30 minutes, but for the patient this time flies incredibly quickly, since the chocolate massage pleasantly relaxes the patient, bringing peace of mind and harmony with it. After the patient is completely relaxed and plunged into a light pleasant sleep, the masseur performs a slight rocking of the patient's body from side to side, reminiscent of lulling. The purpose of this technique is to catch the rhythm of the patient's breathing and get into it with lulling movements. And, finally, the last method of chocolate massage is a long stroking with both hands in the direction from bottom to top at a very slow pace.

After the chocolate massage, the patient should rest for a while, feeling all the joy of the massage, after which the entire body of the patient is wrapped in a transparent film and covered with a towel. Then the patient rests, it is also recommended to turn on light relaxing music. To get the complete delight of the patient, he can be treated with a cup of hot chocolate.

In conclusion, it should be summarized that the chocolate massage procedure is truly an excellent means of combating depression and getting a person positive emotions, and is also recommended for all people who take care of their body and the condition of their skin and those who in life so lack warmth, serenity and inner peace.

This procedure is rightfully considered not only health-improving, but also capable of bringing great sensual pleasure. The main element of massage, chocolate, can be not only a delicious treat, but also a product that will improve the condition of the skin and saturate the body with various useful substances.

Features of the procedure

To better understand the differences between chocolate massage and other similar procedures, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its features in more detail.

  • The main goal is to relieve a person of stress and improve the body with microelements contained in the product.
  • The technique of execution combines the rhythmic movements of a massage therapist with some elements of psychotherapy and cosmetic procedures.
  • Chocolate massage stimulates the metabolism while relaxing the patient.
  • It eliminates cellulite, improves blood circulation, rejuvenates the body and makes the skin more tender and supple.

Who can and can not do such a massage?

Like any other procedure that directly affects the human body, chocolate massage has certain indications and contraindications for use.

  • Excess weight and the need to correct the figure
  • Fat deposits on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen
  • Metabolic disease
  • The first signs of skin aging and loss of elasticity
  • Stress and depression


  • Pregnancy
  • Menstruation
  • Infectious disease in the acute stage
  • Allergy to chocolate
  • High body temperature
  • Presence of skin diseases
  • Any tumors
  • Inflammatory processes in the areas of the skin where the massage will be done
  • Increased hair growth in the treatment area.


If you are interested in how the procedure will be carried out, we recommend that you watch the video and familiarize yourself with the theoretical information on this issue.

  1. Massage is carried out in two stages. The first is the process of kneading the body itself using a chocolate mixture. And the second - special wraps and relaxation.
  2. The mixture is applied immediately to the entire surface of the body, which will be massaged. Before applying, it is slightly heated in a water bath.
  3. Movements should be smooth and repeat the flow of blood and lymph.
  4. Usually the procedure starts from the back, smoothly moving to the legs. Then the specialist begins to massage the stomach and front of the thighs.

Can this massage be done at home?

Of course you can. The only thing you will need to take care of is the purchase of a special mixture for the procedure. You can buy it in the salon itself, or cook it yourself.

To do this, you need to melt a bar of dark chocolate and add a little coconut oil or milk to it.

  • Before the procedure, be sure to clean the skin and lightly lubricate it with lotion.
  • All the chocolate is applied to the skin at once, and then distributed over the entire surface of the body with smooth movements.
  • Try not to take your hands off the skin during the massage and gradually move from the back to the legs
  • Typically, the procedure lasts thirty minutes for one area (for example, legs, buttocks and back). Then the selected part of the body must be wrapped with a film and let the patient lie down for a while.
  • After such a relaxation, the remnants of chocolate are washed off and a cream or lotion is applied to the skin again, since various irritations and redness can occur from intense rubbing.

Of course, everyone wants to be strong, beautiful, vigorous and healthy for many years. To achieve this, it is worth paying special attention to massage. Currently, there are many varieties of these procedures, in addition to medical and wellness, you can talk about one that will help achieve incredible pleasure, enjoyment. That is why, the procedure with the help of chocolate deserves special attention. As it is already clear, chocolate, consisting of useful substances and vitamins, will act as the main component of cosmetic manipulation. Thanks to the unique technology of chocolate massage, you can get rid of a stressful situation, tension, improve your well-being and mood. That is why it is important to know how to properly massage, as it can be useful to everyone.

Effect and results

It is important to note that chocolate massage is considered the most luxurious manipulation, this can be seen in the video. Interestingly, chocolate massage involves the use of high-quality chocolate. However, it can be easily replaced with an appropriate composition made from cocoa and butter. For example, you can use peach, almond.

With the help of chocolate, you can even make an erotic massage, which is suitable for lovers and couples. Detailed instructions for performing such an intimate massage in chocolate can be viewed on the video. It is important to note that erotic massage is very useful not only for health and beauty, but also for intimate life. Such a chocolate massage is unusually gentle, sensual, will help add passion, new colors to your personal life, so you should not neglect such a chic idea.

Chocolate massage has the following effect:

  • mood improvement;
  • excellent fight against cellulite;
  • elimination of stretch marks;
  • normalization, improvement of blood circulation;
  • the skin becomes smoother, more elastic, softer, more elastic;
  • general rejuvenation of the whole organism.

It is very important to do the chocolate massage correctly, so it is worth studying the step-by-step instructions and watching some instructional videos. Before proceeding with the procedure, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main indications and contraindications.


  • overweight;
  • the presence of cellulite;
  • fat deposits;
  • stress;
  • aging;
  • wrong metabolism.


  • menstruation;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • Availability ;
  • time of pregnancy;
  • skin diseases;
  • blood pathology;
  • the presence of varicose veins;
  • inflammation on the skin;
  • oncology.

manipulation technology

If possible, you should apply chocolate to the entire body at once, and not just to one area. To make it comfortable to use the mixture, it is heated on a steam bath.


  1. You should start from the back. To begin with, smooth and very undulating movements are made, which are carried out along the lymph flow. In this process, it is important to properly stretch the muscles, relieve fatigue, tension.
  2. If you are massaging the buttocks, it is important to use weights to fight cellulite. Legs perform long, smooth movements.
  3. Next, you need to massage the legs without taking your hands off the body. Movements should be stroking, smooth. You need to perform power movements from top to bottom.
  4. A special technique is considered to be the girth ring. For this purpose, it is necessary to clasp the lower part of the leg using the hands. Then move up, spread your fingers as wide as possible.
  5. It is important that the movements are smooth, as the hands must swim along the body. The duration of the back surface of the body is about twenty minutes. Don't forget to massage your feet.
  6. After that, you should go to the chest, abdomen. As for the stomach, everything is done smoothly and easily, you can not press. Actions go from top to bottom, and also only clockwise. Relaxing, you can make a shaking movement of the client.
  7. As for the final stage, this is a slow stroking of the body with both hands, namely from the bottom up.

Massage with chocolate is used in many famous spas and beauty parlors. Chocolate massage has a great effect on the skin and makes it younger and healthier.

Chocolate massage is used as an anti-stress and relaxing agent. It combines massage, psychotherapy, aromatherapy, masks and other beauty treatments.

Chocolate massage is performed using real chocolate or a mixture is made using cocoa bean powder and coconut oil, which is sometimes replaced with cocoa butter. It is applied to the body with smooth movements, with the help of hands or a special brush. This is followed by stroking, kneading, patting and circular movements. The procedure brings hydration, relaxation and rejuvenation.

Chocolate massage is used if necessary to correct the figure, eliminate excess fat cells on the hips and abdomen, tone the skin, resume metabolism, rejuvenate the skin, eliminate cellulite and relax.

Chocolate massage should never be used in cases of increased nervous excitability, viral or infectious diseases, pregnancy, allergies to chocolate, during menstruation, at elevated temperature, excessive hairline at the site of the procedure. It is also not desirable for diseases of the skin, blood or blood vessels, the presence of tumors, both benign and malignant, and inflammation and purulent formations in the place where the massage is to be performed.

Chocolate, which is one of the main components of the massage, moisturizes and tones the skin, nourishes with useful minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and many others, restores and nourishes it, acts as an antidepressant and as an auxiliary substance for the production of happiness hormones.

The chocolate massage session ends with a polyethylene wrap, which lasts for a relatively long time, which gives the patient the opportunity to fully experience the beauty of the massage and relax. Some salons even offer a cup of hot chocolate to complete the experience.

Chocolate massage at home

Chocolate massage is a relatively uncomplicated procedure, so those who cannot afford a trip to the salon can enjoy all its delights at home. Finding a massage blend shouldn't be too much of a hassle, as there are several options available to everyone. The first option is to purchase SPA chocolate in specialized salons. The second is making the mixture yourself. The composition of the first recipe includes bitter, in no case milk or white, but always dark chocolate, which includes the largest amount of cocoa beans. The second recipe consists of a mixture of factory-made cocoa blemish and your choice of coconut, nut, sesame, or almond butter.

Massage at home is divided into two parts, the first is the application of paste on the body, the second is wrapping and relaxation. Before applying the paste to the skin, it is necessary to clean it and apply a protective layer of a special cream or lotion. Chocolate melted in a steam bath should be applied gradually to the entire surface of the body, and not partially. During the massage, all movements are smooth and long, repeating the trajectory of blood flow, giving some wave-like forms. Movements along the spine relieve fatigue and stretch the muscles.

Chocolate massage is performed primarily in the back area, then smoothly moves to the legs. It is advisable not to take your hands off the skin for no particular reason, as this may affect the effect. Also, in the process, not only the palms can be used, but also the forearm, by using which you can reach the highest limits. The whole process is smooth and calm, with soft warm-up notes, it lasts from 20 to 30 minutes on each side. After the end of the massage, the areas on which the chocolate mass was applied must be wrapped in polyethylene and left for a while. This will significantly enhance the effect. Then the chocolate must be washed off and a protective layer of lotion applied on top, no matter what the skin is irritated.

Chocolate massage brings blissful feelings and good results, it is very simple and can be done at home, it is hard to resist not to use it.

Chocolate massage video
