
How to use cocoa against cellulite - do a massage, scrub, body wrap and mask, share your feedback! Chocolate peeling body.

It is believed that chocolate beautiful figure incompatible. However, if cocoa bean derivatives are used not as food, but as a body scrub, then both the skin and the body will only benefit. Such a cosmetic procedure helps to renew the skin and improve blood circulation in it. It is also useful in the fight against cellulite.

Indications for the use of chocolate scrub

Chocolate scrub will help solve problems such as:

  • dry and flaky skin;
  • loose skin;
  • cellulite.

Contraindications include the following problems:

  • the presence of multiple purulent inflammations on the body;
  • allergic to cocoa or other scrub ingredients;
  • serious skin diseases.

Chocolate scrub treatments are now used by many salons and spas, and this service is in great demand. However, prepare chocolate scrub you can do it at home, using affordable and inexpensive ingredients.

Preparation for the procedure

To achieve the maximum effect from the use of chocolate scrub, the skin must be prepared in advance for the procedure. First of all, it must be cleaned and steamed. To do this, just lie down for a few minutes in a hot bath. It is also very effective to carry out such a procedure in a bath or sauna.

Chocolate scrub recipes

There are several types of chocolate scrubs. Some use grated or melted chocolate or chocolate butter, and some use cocoa powder. Although in many chocolate scrub recipes, these ingredients are interchangeable. The main thing is that if you take chocolate, then it should not be dairy, it is best to take bars with a cocoa content of 70% or more.

Classic chocolate scrub

For cooking classic version For this scrub, you need to mix one part sugar with two parts chocolate butter or melted dark chocolate. The volume depends on whether this mixture will be applied to the entire body, or only to certain areas. For example, half a glass of such a scrub is enough for the face and décolleté.

Scrub must be rubbed with light circular motions for 4-7 minutes, then rinse with warm, but not hot water.

Chocolate scrub with olive oil

To prepare such a scrub, you need to mix a glass granulated sugar with three tablespoons of cocoa powder, add a little olive oil and mix well. Then the mixture is applied to the body with massaging movements.

You can leave the scrub on the body for a while, and even wrap it in plastic wrap for a quarter of an hour. After that, the chocolate scrub is washed off. warm water.

All the ingredients in this scrub have a variety of complementary properties. Cocoa and sugar exfoliate dead skin cells, and in addition, cocoa is rich in antioxidants, which are simply necessary for the skin. Olive oil softens the dermis and nourishes it with vitamins A and E.

Chocolate scrub with bran

For this scrub equal proportions bran, cocoa powder and Brown sugar. The mixture is diluted with olive or coconut oil, after which it is also applied to the entire body. This scrub makes the skin silky.

Chocolate scrub with essential oils

Suitable for this scrub essential oils eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary or pine, you can also take a mixture of oils. They must be mixed with cocoa so that the resulting mixture can be conveniently rubbed into the skin.

This scrub is effective against cellulite, so it is especially useful to apply on the buttocks, thighs and other problem areas. It should be noted that during the procedure the skin will tingle slightly due to exposure to essential oils.

The scrub should be intensively rubbed into the skin for 3-5 minutes, after which you can cover it with a cellophane film and leave it on the body for a few more minutes. It is important not to overexpose such a scrub, especially on thin and sensitive skin otherwise irritation will occur.

Chocolate scrub with honey and oatmeal

Mix one glass of finely ground oatmeal with two tablespoons of cocoa powder and three tablespoons of honey. If the mixture is too dry, you can add a little water or olive oil. Scrub must be applied to the body and gently but intensively rub the skin with it for about 10 minutes.

Honey helps the cocoa powder particles to penetrate deeper, as a result of which the entire surface layer, consisting of dead epithelial cells, is removed. This version of the scrub is great for areas of the body with rougher skin, so it is often used on the legs. Honey also moisturizes and softens the skin, and cereals also contribute to the exfoliation of dead cells of the epidermis.

This scrub can also be used on the skin of the face, however, in this case, it is better to grind the oatmeal with a blender beforehand.

The use of chocolate scrub is not only effective, but also a pleasant procedure. Such a scrub not only removes dead cells, renews and nourishes the epidermis useful substances and fight cellulite. It also leaves on the skin nice smell chocolate, emphasizing its velvety and radiant appearance.

In vain they say that a beautiful figure and chocolate are incompatible. The secret is how to use this treat. Scrubs with chocolate for the body only benefit the skin. She will be updated faster, and blood circulation will improve. And chocolate is good against cellulite.

Before the beach season, a chocolate scrub will help bring the body back to normal. It also exfoliates dead cells, and nourishes the skin, and moisturizes it. As a result, the dermis becomes soft and smooth, natural oils as part of cocoa, skin elasticity will be restored, and caffeine will break up fat capsules and reduce the appearance of cellulite. And chocolate scrub is a good way to relax. If you add essential oils, then the effect of aromatherapy will be added.

Immediately after using chocolate in a body scrub, a decrease in puffiness is noticeable: the product removes excess water perfectly, reducing volumes by a centimeter or two. And the body will look more toned, because the production of elastin and metabolic processes are activated.

Regular use of chocolate belongings will restore skin tone, age spots will disappear.

However, the remedy is not universal and there are a number of contraindications. One of them is heart disease. At high blood pressure chocolate for the body is contraindicated. Cocoa stimulates the outflow of blood. As a result, the pressure rises, and this is dangerous.

Gynecological ailments, psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema - these diseases make it impossible to carry out a chocolate scrub. If the integrity of the skin is violated, you will have to abandon the procedure: in inflamed areas, it is possible allergic reaction. Chocolate scrubs are categorically contraindicated if you are allergic to cocoa beans.

Chocolate scrubs are a popular service in spas and salons. But even at home, such a remedy as chocolate for the body is easy to prepare: the ingredients are available and inexpensive. And the effect will not be less.

Let's start with preparation. Cleanse and exfoliate the skin. To do this, lie down for a few minutes in a hot bath. Excellent to carry out the procedure in the sauna or bath. There are several varieties of chocolate scrubs. Among them are recipes with melted chocolate and cocoa powder.

If you take chocolate for the body, then not milk. The content of cocoa in it should be at least 70 percent. To prepare, heat the chocolate in a water bath. It is better to use the chocolate used to make the glaze: it has more cocoa beans.

To prepare a scrub with grated chocolate, freeze the bar. Refrigerate the rest of the ingredients before adding them to the recipe. Body chocolate acts as an exfoliator, so it shouldn't melt. For oily skin olive oil is better not to take. Ideally, replace it with oil grape seed or rice.

We use chocolate scrub every other day. It is better to carry out the procedure at night. In summer, it is undesirable to go outside immediately after the scrub: the skin is too susceptible to wind and sun. We scrub the body for five to ten minutes. In cold weather, before going out, apply a cream on the body from hard frost and wind.

If the purpose of the procedure is to reduce volumes, the body is intensively massaged, covered with a film and wrapped in a blanket. So the healing components penetrate deeper into the skin better. Be sure to apply an anti-cellulite cream after the scrub.

Chocolate Scrub Recipes

For a classic scrub, mix one part sugar and two parts dark melted chocolate. Massage the mixture into the body with light circular movements for five minutes, rinse with warm, not hot, water.

To the thick of the sleeping coffee, add a bar of dark chocolate melted in a water bath and milliliters of orange oil. Mix the mixture and spread on the skin for five minutes. We massage problem areas while washing off the composition.

Freeze one hundred grams of dark chocolate. We rub the delicacy on a grater or grind it in a blender. Add forty grams to the chips sea ​​salt and thirty grams of liquid honey. Knead the mass well and add a few drops of almond oil to it. Apply the product to problem areas, leave for two to five minutes, massage into the skin and wash off the composition.

You can mix a glass of sugar with three large spoons of cocoa powder and add a little olive oil to the mixture. Mix everything well and massage into the skin. It’s not bad to leave the scrub on the body, you can even wrap it with a film for a quarter of an hour. Then the product is washed off with warm water. Sugar and cocoa will restore smoothness to the skin, and olive oil will soften the skin, nourish it with retinol and tocopherol.

For the bran scrub, mix the cocoa powder, brown sugar and bran equally. The mixture is diluted with olive or coconut oil and applied to the skin. For a scrub with ethers, take tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary, pine or a mixture of oils. We mix them with cocoa so that the resulting composition can be massaged into the skin.

It turns out a remedy with an anti-cellulite effect. Especially the results are noticeable after application to the thighs, buttocks and other problem areas. During the procedure, tingling is possible due to the action of esters. We massage the scrub vigorously for three minutes, cover with a film and hold for a few more minutes. It is important not to overdo it: overexposure causes irritation on sensitive skin.

To a glass of small oatmeal, add a couple of large spoons of cocoa powder and three large spoons of honey. Too dry mixture is diluted with water or olive oil. We apply the scrub on the body, gently massaging for about ten minutes. Honey will enhance the penetration of cocoa particles. As a result, the entire surface layer will be updated. The recipe will do for legs where the skin is rougher. You can use a scrub for the face, but be sure to turn the oatmeal into flour.

We take more aggressive components for scrubs on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. In addition to chocolate, it uses components for toning and moisturizing. We mix thirty-five grams of cocoa powder and one hundred grams brown sugar. Add olive oil to the state of gruel. Apply generously to the body and massage for a couple of minutes. Leave for five minutes and rinse well under hot water.

Three grated orange peel. We mix thirty grams of cocoa powder with it and add twenty milliliters of sea buckthorn, almond, or grape seed oil. Apply the scrub to the steamed skin and massage in. Leave for eight minutes and rinse. You can apply anti-cellulite cream on the body.

For a tightening scrub, prepare the eggshell, dry it, grind it in a coffee grinder. Mix cream and three large spoons of cocoa powder until a paste thickens, add big spoon chopped shells and mix again. We spread the mass on problem areas and massage. Keep for five minutes and rinse with warm water.

Chocolate hand scrub works great. To prepare thirty grams of cocoa powder, mix with big spoon crushed apricot pits. Add fifteen grams of avocado oil and cocoa butter to the mixture. Throw in a handful of oatmeal. Apply the mixture to the brushes and massage.

Chocolate scrub is both pleasant and healthy. It nourishes and renews the skin, and saturates the body with the aroma of chocolate, emphasizing the velvety and radiance of the dermis.

Healthy lifestyle, regular rest and moderate physical exercise work wonders, people look great even at a respectable age.

If we add to this the constant care of the skin of the body and face, then it remains young and fresh for many years.

For many women, chocolate scrubs for the face and body, prepared at home, help with this. This is the most effective, common and pleasant method for fast cleaning skin from dead, keratinized cells.

Scrub is applied to problem areas of the skin with gentle massage movements. Any scrub contains solid small particles that remove dead skin cells, improve oxygen exchange and blood circulation.

By systematically applying scrubs, you can improve the structure and even out the surface of the skin.

You can visit the spa, you can buy a ready-made remedy in the store, but the most useful scrub is homemade. It just needs to be taken seriously. And today we will tell you how to cook at home.

Chocolate scrub recipes for face and body

  • Classic chocolate recipe for face and body

Winter time is the most fertile for the use of chocolate scrubs, as the skin is experiencing a clear deficiency of vitamins.

To prepare such a scrub is very simple: mix a glass of chocolate butter with 1/2 cup of sugar. Stir it thoroughly and the scrub is ready.

Apply the finished mass on the face and body, covering with circular massage movements. Within 7 - 12 minutes, problem areas are easily massaged.

As time elapses, wash off with water at 36°C. For a long time you will feel the chocolate smell from your body.

  • Cellulite Chocolate Scrub

Combine together (1 dessert spoon), cocoa powder (2 dessert spoons), vanilla sugar(1 teaspoon), olive oil(3 dessert spoons), honey (3 dessert spoons).

Mix everything and apply on the body circular, light movements(without pressing or pressing with force). Within 15 minutes, lightly massage the places covered with scrub, and rinse with water at a temperature of 36 - 37 ° C. This procedure is good for cellulite.

  • Scrub based on chocolate and grape seed oil

The next option for making chocolate homemade scrub. We mix 50 grams of honey, 50 grams of sea salt, 3 tablespoons of grated dark chocolate and 20 grams. Stirring, bring to the state of a paste-like mixture.

Apply to problem areas and keep on the body and on the face as in previous recipe. This scrub is used to nourish and improve skin elasticity, to improve metabolic processes, to increase the speed of lymph and blood circulation.

  • Chocolate Facial Scrub

A product prepared on the basis of coffee grounds is excellent. To do this, combine 2 bars of bitter chocolate, which is melted in a water bath, 2 - 3 dessert spoons of cream and coffee grounds(4 - 5 tablespoons). Everything is mixed with a whisk, until the consistency of thick sour cream.

Apply to problem areas of the skin and gently massage for 12-17 minutes. Wash off with water at a temperature of 36 -37 ° C (human temperature). After this procedure, the skin becomes fragrant and smooth.

As a result, the use of this scrub removes excess fluid and toxins from the body. At the same time, a healthy type of skin is formed, it acquires a well-groomed appearance. Treatments using chocolate scrub obtained at home have an effect on nervous system, soothing effect.

Contraindications only for those who have chocolate causes allergic reactions.

Since chocolate tones, strengthens, nourishes and tightens the skin, we take it as an axiom that all procedures with chocolate are useful and effective.

Weathered, flaky hands look unattractive. Moisturizers only temporarily soften the skin. In order for the skin to become really soft and supple, it is necessary to remove dead epidermal cells. Scrub is effective tool to eliminate the problem of dryness and peeling of the skin of the hands. And chocolate is also a kind of spa therapy that improves mood!

Let's make chocolate hand scrub at home! We need 5 g grated cocoa or chocolate, 5 g cocoa butter, 5 g castor oil, 5 g sugar, 10 g oatmeal.

Grated cocoa can be purchased in stores healthy eating. It is obtained from roasted cocoa beans and contains maximum amount useful ingredients. As you know, cocoa butter is then obtained from grated cocoa, and the cake remaining after pressing is dried, crushed and sold as cocoa powder.

Weigh castor and cocoa butter, add grated cocoa, put the mixture on water bath. Castor oil has amazing properties: it nourishes and softens the skin, eliminating dry, flaky, rough areas of the skin of the hands. Cocoa butter effectively eliminates cracks in the skin, restoring softness and elasticity. When the oil mixture becomes liquid, mix everything and remove from the water bath.

Add crushed oatmeal to the chocolate butter mixture. Since oats contain amino acids, trace elements and vitamins valuable for the skin, we can talk about complex nutrition, moisturizing, cleansing and regeneration of the skin.

Sugar granules, which are part of the scrub, perfectly cleanse the skin of the hands. To prepare the scrub, use any sugar - white, brown or cane. You can adjust the hardness of the scrub by adjusting the amount of sugar. Mix the ingredients and transfer to a jar with a wide neck, tightly closing it. Store the scrub in the bathroom or in the refrigerator. In the cold, the scrub hardens and becomes hard, and when applied to warm, moist skin, it immediately melts.

Chocolate scrub can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 months, in the bathroom - 2 weeks. Chocolate scrub should be applied to steamed warm water hands. Massage your hands in circular motions and rinse with warm water. After using it, there is no need to apply a moisturizer, as the skin becomes soft and tender.

Article source http://expertoza.com/2013/06/chocolate-srub/. Be always unique and charming!

It doesn't take much to be beautiful.: proper nutrition, physical activity, constant face and body care and, of course, good mood. If only you can cope with the first two conditions, then here's how to take care of the body and at the same time give yourself good mood and joy, gladly tell you. Today we will share recipes for face and body scrubs based on chocolate.. Moreover, what, besides chocolate, can simultaneously benefit and relieve stress and worries?

Chocolate scrub will help get rid of cellulite and body fat, smooth wrinkles and give the skin a healthy golden look, improve blood and lymph microcirculation, normalize metabolic processes, which will remove toxins and toxins, moisturize and soothe the skin. In addition, chocolate scrub will cheer you up, relieve stress and irritability.

Chocolate scrub can be bought V specialized stores or pharmacies, or use the services of spas, but it's easy to make at home.

recalls that the scrub is applied to clean skin. Before this cosmetic procedure It is best to take a relaxing bath to steam out the skin and open up the pores. The scrub is applied with gentle massage movements in a circle so that the fine solid particles contained in the scrub gently remove dead skin cells. Leave the scrub on the skin for no more than 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Be careful using chocolate scrubs for those who have chocolate causes allergic reactions.

Recipe number 1. Classic chocolate scrub for all skin types.


  • dark chocolate 40 grams;
  • 1 teaspoon fine sea salt.
  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and add salt to it.
  2. Mix well and cool to room temperature.
  3. Then apply the finished scrub to clean skin with soft circular movements.
  4. Wash off with warm water.

This scrub will soften and smooth your skin. It can be used for both body and face.

Recipe number 2 Chocolate scrub with salt.


  • 50 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon fine sea salt;
  • 1 tablespoon grape seed oil.
  1. Grate the chocolate or melt it in a water bath so that the salt melts better.
  2. Then add the rest of the ingredients and stir until smooth. To soften dry skin, you can add another tablespoon of grape seed oil to the scrub.
  3. Apply the scrub to the steamed body, gently rubbing it in a circular motion for 10 minutes.
  4. Then wash off with warm water.

The skin will become soft, smooth and velvety and will exude a unique aroma.

Recipe number 3. Chocolate facial scrub.


  • 50 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 3 teaspoons of cream;
  • 1 tablespoon coffee grounds.
  1. Melt chocolate in a water bath, adding cream.
  2. Then cool to a temperature of 36 degrees and add coffee grounds.
  3. Mix everything until smooth.
  4. Apply the scrub to clean face skin with gentle, gentle circular motions, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth.
  5. Keep the scrub for no more than 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Recipe number 4. Chocolate scrub for cellulite.
