
Useful properties of cocoa powder in medicine. Cocoa - varieties, benefits of products (butter, powder, cocoa beans), use in medicine, harm and contraindications, drink recipe

Such a drink as cocoa is undoubtedly familiar to every person since childhood. Many children drink it with pleasure, replacing packaged and trendy sodas. Such an alternative to the whole body.

Cocoa health benefits

The history of the drink dates back to the sixteenth century. Then one Spanish general, after traveling to England, brought a souvenir - unusual beans and a recipe for their preparation. A little later, namely after a couple of centuries, this drink began to be used in medicinal purposes, as the beneficial properties of cocoa have become known throughout the world. Since then about the properties this product nutritionists, cosmetologists and doctors repeat incessantly.

How useful is cocoa?

The whole benefit of cocoa lies in the substances that make up the beans. The fruits of the cocoa tree contain antioxidants, the benefit of which lies in the fact that they are able to minimize negative impact free radicals. And this is a big plus for the body. Even a small amount of drink can replace several glasses vitamin juice. Besides regular use This product helps to normalize blood pressure.

Surely many have heard that cocoa contains serotonin and dopamine. But few people know anything about these substances. In fact, they can be compared with antidepressants, only of natural origin. Therefore, it is recommended to eat chocolate or drink cocoa during times of severe stress or anxiety. The benefits for the body will be huge! In addition, eating cocoa can help lift your mood.

In addition, cocoa is directly related to the level of cholesterol in human blood. As you know, low-density lipoprotein does not have a very good effect on the body. Cocoa can significantly reduce its level. It also increases high-density lipoprotein content. As a result of such a complex effect, the level of cholesterol in the blood is normalized, which means that it improves general state organism. Due to the influence of the components that make up cocoa, the risk of certain dangerous diseases, such as cancer, is reduced.

good helper with colds, it also becomes cocoa. The benefit in this case is a general strengthening effect on the body. a cup of this warm drink increase immunity, facilitate the course of the disease, which will significantly speed up the healing process. In addition, such a drink will surely please the child much more than nasty potions. Therapeutic action Cocoa helps with colds thanks to the theobromine it contains. This substance helps with coughing, and in addition, improves heart function. Some argue that theobromine is a poison. So it is in fact. But to get poisoned, you need to drink great amount drink at a time, and no one can do it.

Do not be afraid to use cocoa for people who are overweight or on diets. Indeed, such products contain a large percentage of fat, but it is almost impossible to get better with cocoa. The fact is that when it is used, a feeling of fullness quickly sets in, so you won’t eat or drink a lot of it.

Cocoa benefits!

You can achieve the opposite effect only if you start to abuse cocoa. The benefits will be obvious if you drink more than two cups of the drink per day. Enough, of course, and one to recharge your batteries for a few hours. By treating a child with a product that includes cocoa, you can provide his body with the necessary elements for normal life. Yes, and an adult will benefit from eating a couple of pieces of dark chocolate.

Many people from childhood love an invigorating brown drink with a delicate foam. Its aroma and sweet taste bring back pleasant memories. Not only children, but also adults drink cocoa with pleasure. This drink appeared in Europe in the 16th century and already then became popular. After all invigorating properties Europeans liked cocoa beans, and by adding sugar and cream to the drink, they also made it tasty. And only in the 19th century did the harm of this product appear and are still being studied, and many doctors argue whether it can be given to children.

For many years, in all kindergartens and schools, cocoa was the main drink. Indeed, it not only has pleasant taste but also many other advantages. Cocoa powder is now used to make the drink. Its benefits and harms for children are still being studied. But this drink is still very popular.

The benefits of cocoa

Already with the appearance of cocoa beans in Europe, people noticed their invigorating effect. This product improves body tone, efficiency and accelerates recovery after illnesses and severe physical activity. Content in cocoa biologically active substances, stimulating the production of endorphins, leads to the fact that it improves mood and is a strong antidepressant. In addition, it not only helps fight stress, but also increases concentration and activates thinking.

The composition of cocoa powder can tell a lot about the benefits of this drink. Except

the content of proteins, fats, vitamins and trace elements in it, scientists have found many other useful substances. For example, tryptophan helps in the treatment of depression, theobromine reduces cough and relieves Caffeine improves tone, and antioxidants help rejuvenate the body. Polyphenols normalize blood pressure and reduce which helps in the treatment of hypertension.

And that's not all the benefits that cocoa powder brings. Its properties in wound healing, tissue regeneration and increasing skin elasticity contribute to the widespread use of this product in cosmetology. Especially important is the ability of this drink to protect the skin from harmful effects ultraviolet rays.

But not everyone can consume this product is seriously studied. And despite the many advantages, an invigorating aromatic drink can bring big problems.

Harm cocoa

Due to its caffeine content, you should not drink more than two cups of the drink a day, as this can cause overexcitation, anxiety, and even addiction. Cocoa powder contains a lot of purines, so it is undesirable to use it in case of kidney diseases. In addition, this product often causes allergic reactions. This is due to the fact that during its production, along with cocoa beans, insects are processed, which cause allergies in people.

The most harmful is instant cocoa powder, as it contains many emulsifiers, flavors and other artificial additives. Therefore, you only need to buy natural product from well-known manufacturers.

Cocoa powder is used in the preparation of many dishes. The benefits and harms of it are still known to a few, but almost every housewife has this product in the kitchen. It is added to pastries or cereals. In addition, it is so nice to drink a cup of fragrant hot cocoa in the morning.


diets and healthy eating 17.09.2017

cocoa is unforgettable taste our beautiful childhood, this sweet hot drink in the morning our mothers and grandmothers cooked for us, charging us with energy for the whole day. He is loved by adults for his unique taste and a feeling of cheerfulness and mild euphoria after its use. We often call this drink hot chocolate, and indeed, chocolate and cocoa powder are made from the fruit of the same trees.

These trees grow in tropical regions and belong to the genus Theobroma, we call them chocolate trees, and the word "cacao" refers to their fruits and is rooted in the distant past of the peoples of Central America. In the language of the Mayan peoples, it was mentioned for several millennia even before the present era. Today we, dear readers, will talk about the health benefits of cocoa, and also find out if this delicious drink harm us.

So what is cocoa good for? The drink is already useful because we feel a surge of positive emotions after drinking it. And if we consider its composition, then there is no doubt about useful properties ah cocoa will not remain the slightest. The benefits of cocoa with milk are increased by important properties dairy products, and we drink it most often with milk. Often occurs reasonable question Does cocoa have caffeine? Compared to coffee, cocoa drink contains a small amount of caffeine, but other equally significant alkaloids have been found in it.

Composition of cocoa

Cocoa powder contains theobromine, which has a similar effect to caffeine, helping to overcome stress and giving us a boost of energy, as well as theophylline, which has a wide therapeutic effect on the human body.

The beneficial properties of cocoa include the presence in the powder of theophylline, which has vasodilating properties, affects the function of the respiratory muscles and reduces spasm of large blood vessels.

Phenylethylamine acts on our body as a light antidepressant, and melanin is involved in thermoregulation and protection from solar radiation. In addition to these important elements, cocoa powder contains fats, carbohydrates, proteins, organic acids, the most important unsaturated fatty acid, flavonoids.

Among the vitamins, vitamins of groups B, A, E, PP, beta-carotene, folic acid can be distinguished. No less extensive mineral composition, these are calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, fluorine, manganese and other trace elements.

cocoa calories

Cocoa belongs to high-calorie foods, so we feel full literally after drinking one cup. How many calories are in cocoa? 100 grams of cocoa powder contains 290 kcal. But do not be afraid of these numbers, because 100 grams of cocoa powder is about 6 tablespoons. For a cup of drink, two teaspoons or one tablespoon is usually enough, it is not difficult to calculate that a cup of cocoa contains about 48 kcal.

The calorie content of cocoa with milk or cream increases depending on the fat content of dairy products and is approximately 168 kcal. If we add 2 teaspoons of sugar to a cup, then the calorie content of the drink will increase to 200 kcal. For people with weight problems, this is a lot, but for most of us high calorie content the drink will only benefit and help in the morning to get a charge of vivacity and efficiency.

Is it possible to drink cocoa at night

Whatever the beneficial properties of cocoa does not have, it is necessary to observe moderation when using it. Cocoa is a high calorie energy drinks, so it is not advisable to drink it at night, best time for its reception - morning or first half of the day, when we need to get a boost of energy.

Cocoa. Health benefits and harms

Any food product can be both beneficial and harmful to our health, it depends on the quality of the product itself, on its tolerance, on the characteristics of the organism, on the presence of certain diseases in a person. Therefore, we will consider both the health benefits and harms of this delicious drink.

The presence of antioxidants in cocoa powder indicates the benefits of the drink for the whole body, as these substances help fight the oxidative action of free radicals that destroy the cells of our body and lead to aging of all organs and systems. Let's look at what else is the use of cocoa.

The benefits of cocoa for the heart and blood vessels

The presence of flavonoids in cocoa and many others important substances makes cocoa useful for our blood vessels, as these substances improve the vital activity of all organs, reduce the fragility of blood vessels and improve their elasticity. The beneficial properties of cocoa are enhanced by the presence of nicotinic acid, which is involved in lipid metabolism and lowers bad cholesterol.

The macroelement potassium serves to prevent cardiac arrhythmias, as it takes part in the normalization of heart contractions. Magnesium is important for the heart and arteries, it is involved in the oxygen supply of the heart muscle, in the normalization of blood pressure.

For the skeletal and muscular system

Dear readers, you will find a lot of recipes for hair beauty masks with cocoa on the Internet, I offer you the simplest mask for dry weakened hair. Try it!

Cocoa hair mask

Mix a spoonful of cocoa powder with a small amount warm water in such a way that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add whipped egg yolk, mix and lastly add two tablespoons of kefir or yogurt. Apply the mask to the roots and distribute through the hair, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water after 25-30 minutes.

The benefits of cocoa for the skin

Cocoa powder face masks are very popular, because they contain many biologically active substances that nourish the skin and improve its condition. You can prepare a cocoa mask for any skin by adding various natural ingredients. Masks with the addition of cocoa moisturize and nourish dry skin, reduce inflammation in oily skin, improve complexion, smooth wrinkles. Must try, many various recipes masks you will find in my article

Cocoa during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, the main criterion for choosing certain products is safety for future mother and child and certain restrictions exist. Can pregnant women have cocoa? It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to this question, you must be guided by your well-being, the data from the results of clinical tests and the doctor's recommendations.

Despite the fact that cocoa is rich in iron, zinc, folic acid, which are necessary during pregnancy, this drink belongs to products that can cause allergic reactions, and in pregnant women, sensitivity to various allergens increases, this must be taken into account. Often increases in pregnant women arterial pressure blood, in this case, cocoa, like coffee, is not recommended. You will have to give up the drink for kidney diseases and increased uterine tone.

With good health, a small cup of cocoa 2 times a week for a pregnant woman will not hurt, but will only benefit, the main thing is to listen to your body and ask questions to your doctor to dispel any doubts.

Probably, each of us is very familiar with the taste of cocoa from childhood. But, the benefits of cocoa, as well as harm, are not known to everyone. Today, cocoa is found in many products: chocolate, sweets, pastries. It is not only consumed as a drink. Cocoa grains have come down to us from the territory of modern Mexico. Today, grains are also grown in other countries. We are used to meeting cocoa in the form of powder. And it's important to choose quality product to get really maximum benefit. And in order to understand the benefits and harms of the product, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of natural high-quality cocoa beans.

Useful composition of cocoa

As soon as you get acquainted with the composition of the product, its benefits will immediately become clear. Grains are saturated with many vitamins, minerals and trace elements. A lot of vegetable natural protein is contained in the product. Also, the composition contains useful fats and carbohydrates necessary for the human body. But, cocoa is of particular importance due to the high level dietary fiber, organic and saturated fatty acids. The latter are very difficult to find among our usual food.

Speaking about vitamins and minerals, it is important to note the following substances:

  • Vitamins B, A, E, PP;
  • beta carotene;
  • Magnesium;
  • Sodium;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Zinc;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron;
  • Copper;
  • Manganese.

Also, the product contains starch, sugar, sulfur, molybdenum, chlorine. It is important to remember that whole or chopped fruits are very high in calories. So, 100 grams of cocoa contains up to 300 kcal. And if you cook milk-based powder, then the calorie content automatically increases. But, such unique composition allows the body to quickly get enough, and feel full long time. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a cup of cocoa for an afternoon snack, but with less sugar. Otherwise, you can harm your figure.

There is much more zinc and iron in cocoa than in others. familiar products. Iron is required by the body for blood and vessels. And zinc is very important in the formation of the reproductive system of young men during puberty. Also, experts say that the drink boasts a sufficient level of melanin, which protects our skin from various kinds radiation. In general, looking at all the richness of microelements, we can confidently speak about undeniable benefits cocoa.

Useful properties of cocoa

The useful properties of the product should be understood in more detail. Moreover, there are quite a few of them. First of all, the benefits of cocoa are observed for people suffering from frequent colds. By consuming cocoa in the form of a drink, you can very quickly restore strength, and the whole body as a whole. The drink has an expectorant effect, which means it is useful for a strong cough. So, doctors recommend such a product for the following diseases:

  • Flu;
  • SARS;
  • Angina;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Pneumonia.

To really get healing effect in this case, you need to properly prepare the drink. A glass of milk should be warmed up no more, eat up to 40 degrees. A couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder is added and mixed thoroughly. It is very useful to use cocoa butter instead of powder. The taste will be unusual, oily, but positive effect it will be much faster.

Cocoa is very useful for functioning of cardio-vascular system. Due to the high level of potassium content, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. They become more elastic, which means their patency becomes better. So, people can get rid of hypertension. It is worth noting that cocoa has certain components that prevent platelets from sticking together. This greatly reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Thanks to iron, which is considered a natural antioxidant, blood is cleansed and restored. Special attention deserves the benefits of cocoa for the central nervous system. Surprisingly, such a delicious warm drink can quickly cheer you up by increasing the level of endorphins. Regular use of the product can improve brain function, increase memory, concentration.

Be sure to talk about the benefits for the gastrointestinal tact. The same potassium helps to remove bad cholesterol from the blood, which improves the general condition of a person. Together with cholesterol, toxins and slags are also removed. So, the work of the liver and intestines is completely restored. With cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis, the value of cocoa is especially evident. High-quality fruits help to normalize portal pressure. The composition of the product includes substances such as elicatechins. They significantly reduce the risk of such diseases:

  • Diabetes;
  • Stroke;
  • heart attack;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • Malignant and benign neoplasms.

The benefits of the drink for women

Speaking about the benefits of cocoa for women, first of all, beauty comes to mind. And cocoa beans have long been used to improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. By regularly using cocoa, the skin receives protection from the effects of ultraviolet and infrared radiation. With the full functioning of the skin, youth and beauty are preserved. Also, procyanidin is responsible for good skin elasticity. This element in the composition of cocoa is in sufficient quantities.

Drinking cocoa is also necessary to improve the quality of hair. Nicotinic acid is capable of stimulating active hair growth. Therefore, you can achieve an excellent volume of hair in a short period of time. At the same time, cocoa can be used both internally and externally in the form of an air conditioner or mask. In the case of external use, nicotinic acid will also improve the circulation of the scalp.

What is useful cocoa for men?

For male body very useful is high-quality dark chocolate. It is from cocoa beans that this product is made. Useful composition allows you to protect a man from strokes and heart attacks, while maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system. After all, the poor condition of the vessels leads to erectile dysfunction. Blood simply does not flow to the genitals, which makes it impossible to perform a full-fledged sexual intercourse.

And zinc, which is very abundant in cocoa, has a direct positive effect on potency. The fact is that zinc helps to increase sexual desire, libido. In addition, zinc is the main building material of testosterone. Also, the mineral favorably affects the condition of sperm. So, you can significantly increase the number of active motile spermatozoa. Therefore, cocoa can be called an excellent prevention of male infertility.

Is cocoa harmful?

Despite such a variety of useful properties, there is a group of people for whom cocoa in any form is categorically contraindicated for use. So, first of all, it is worth noting allergy sufferers. Cocoa is known to be an allergen product. And in many cases it is banned for life. Otherwise, the patient may experience such undesirable allergic reactions:

  • Allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis;
  • Attacks of coughing and choking;
  • Hives;
  • Itching and burning of the skin;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • Anaphylactic shock.

In this case, the harm of cocoa is obvious. It is very important to remember that in case of allergies, even cosmetic preparations for external use containing cocoa extract are prohibited. Under the wrong conditions of storage and cultivation, cocoa can provoke a strong food poisoning. It has been established that the most poor quality product comes to our supermarkets from China.

  • Sclerosis;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Obesity.

The grains contain a large number of purines. Excess acceptable level of these components provokes salt deposits on the surface of the joints. Also, under their influence, the accumulation of uric acid can occur. Subject to all the rules and norms of cocoa consumption, only the benefits, and not harm, of cocoa for the body will be observed.

Cocoa, the health benefits and harms after 50 years of which are now increasingly discussed on the Web and on TV, as well as right choice, preparation and description of the composition of this product - a topic for a "weighty" separate article. So decided Natalya Voytovetskaya, a nutritionist and constant author of the column on the action of the products of the site "I'm Healthy". Decided and got down to business. Photo, Interesting Facts, theories and tips! Remove the milk from the stove - time flies with us!

It is well known that the birthplace of cocoa is the impenetrable forests of the Amazon! Fruits grow on a chocolate tree (the name is like from a fairy tale about kissel banks!) And after harvesting they are widely used as in food industry, and in such areas as cosmetology and medicine. However, cocoa is best known throughout the world as the basis of chocolate, which literally means "food of the gods" in local languages.

From ancient sources it is known that in ancient times cocoa beans were no less valuable than gold and they were allowed to be consumed only " ruling nobility". The inhabitants of the European continent for the first time managed to taste fragrant grains only in the fifteenth century. At the same time, a special technology was developed for extracting oil from beans and processing them into powder. Its author is Konrad van Hoyten.

At the same time, some two hundred years ago, a cup of hot cocoa was a sign of luxury and wealth. Only respectable representatives of the upper class of society could enjoy a sip of this healthy drink.

Interesting: Did you know that the habit of putting a cup on a saucer is not a sign good manners, but the necessity caused by the high price of cocoa beans? So gourmets were reinsured from spilling drops of a precious drink!

To get a whole kilogram of cocoa powder, it was necessary to process at least forty fruits, which contained more than a thousand grains! But even today, the principles and technologies for preparing popular bean-based products are not too different. Cocoa beans are pressed to make powder. high temperature resulting in an oil. After that, the fat-free cake is dried and crushed. That's all. Next, the powder is packaged and sent to factories where they add to it granulated sugar, vanilla, butter and make everyone's favorite chocolate.

Fact: The Netherlands is considered the largest importer of cocoa. The inhabitants of this republic consume about 20% of the total world crop!

And also, do not miss the chance to learn a lot of interesting things about another popular product in the article about!

About the benefits of cocoa

The composition of cocoa beans contains the so-called theobromine, which is analogous in composition to caffeine. This substance can stimulate nervous system, expand the coronary vessels and expand the bronchi. Also, grains chocolate tree contain such useful substances for the body as:

  • essential and tannin oils;
  • minerals;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins.

One of the most known properties cocoa is considered to be its ability to provoke the production of endorphins, hormones that have a beneficial effect on the thought process, improve brain performance and general well-being and also enhance mood.

In addition, the product contains polyphenols, which effectively reduce blood pressure (blood pressure). That is why doctors strongly recommend including this drink in the menu for hypertensive patients.

Epicaketine, which is part of the composition of the grains, is a powerful preventive natural remedy against heart attacks and strokes. Today it is actively used for the prevention of cancer.

Interesting: Scientists believe that the main reason for the longevity of the indigenous people of America is the regular use of cocoa beans!

Drinking healthy cocoa after 50 years is good for reducing the chances of memory loss and the development of atherosclerosis! It is very useful for teenagers to drink a drink for depression. It should be noted that the antioxidants and flavonoids contained in the product will help women to keep their skin and hair young and beautiful for a long time! Also, a cup of warm drink can relieve the pain caused by problematic menstrual cycles.

In addition, the powder from the fruits of the chocolate tree is able to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays and heal wounds. This property of the product is very often used by women to prepare skin masks.

Nutritional and energy value

The nutritional qualities of the product are very high, because in its composition the drink contains most of the elements for the normal physiological and mental state of a person.

The calorie content of cocoa is 289 calories per hundred grams. Of them:

  • 9 grams of saturated fatty acids;
  • 6 grams of ash substances;
  • 8 grams of starch;
  • 2 grams of monosaccharides;
  • 5 grams of water;
  • 4 grams of organic acids;
  • more than 35 grams of dietary fiber;
  • 10 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 15 grams of fat;
  • 24 grams of proteins.

The vitamin complex of the drink is represented by such substances:

  • vitamin E;
  • B vitamins (B9, B6, B5, B2 and B1);
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin RR.

In addition to all of the above, cocoa beans contain most of we need macro and micronutrients.

IN percentage the calorie content of the product is 15% of daily allowance consumption. Of them:

  • 14% carbohydrates;
  • 47% fat;
  • 34% proteins.

Video about the properties of cocoa powder:

Contraindications and harm of cocoa for women

Remember that such a rich composition of delicious fragrant drink may be harmful to health. Of course, here it is worth mentioning the presence of caffeine in cocoa. It is with this indicator that you should familiarize yourself in more detail, brewing a cup of tasty treats for pregnant women and children. In addition, it is better to cross out this drink from the menu for people with ailments, the exacerbation of which can be affected by this substance.

Interesting: Since chocolate trees grow in regions with, to put it mildly, not the best sanitary conditions, various living creatures like to settle in them. Cockroaches especially like beans. Therefore, plantations of these plants are subjected to frequent pesticide treatments. In addition, the fruits pass through the factory additional processing using the radiological method. All these facts, despite the objections of manufacturers, do not bring anything good to our body.

The list of people who are better off eliminating cocoa from their diet includes:

  • allergy sufferers;
  • people with heart disease;
  • patients with chronic constipation;
  • children up to three years of age;
  • diabetics;
  • people with atherosclerosis and diseases of the nervous system;
  • patients with hyperacidity and obesity;
  • patients with gout and severe kidney disease, etc.

This is far from full list those who may experience the negative effects of the product. Therefore, it is not superfluous to consult a doctor on this issue.

Cocoa in folk medicine

As mentioned earlier, cocoa is widely used not only Food Industry but also in medicine/cosmetology. Most often it is used at home for prevention and treatment. colds. And just a cup of a fragrant drink on an autumn day can cheer you up and tone you up! At the same time, the product perfectly dilutes and removes sputum. Its use will quickly and tasty relieve you of influenza, tonsillitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia.

Take care of yourself or your loved ones by warming your parents a cup of cocoa! The health benefits and harms after fifty years of this drink are in your hands. Buy a quality product (for example, Chinese), avoiding flavors and dyes.
