
What ppm is allowed. Alcohol calculator and acceptable blood alcohol levels

All motorists must clearly understand that drinking alcohol and driving a vehicle are not compatible things. Any non-compliance with traffic rules is punishable at the legislative level. But the most severe punishment will be for driving while intoxicated.

Although some drivers still believe that there is an acceptable level of alcohol while driving in ppm. Is it so?

If a traffic police officer suspects that the driver may be drunk, he has the right to ask the detainee to be tested on a special device. Thus, it is possible to analyze the vapors of the air exhaled by a person in order to determine the content of alcohols in it. But the driver can legally refuse to undergo this procedure. Then a medical examination will be required, which is mandatory. And the rejection of it threatens the driver with serious problems.

A medical examination is carried out by taking blood from a person to identify the content of ethyl alcohol in it. This indicator, in turn, is a determinant of the level of alcohol in the blood.

And then a logical question arises, how much per mille is allowed for drivers behind the wheel in Russia? Since ppm is a basic indicator for determining the concentration of a dose of alcohol in the blood, the larger its value, the higher the driver's stage of intoxication.

Currently, legislative acts have established the permissible rate per mille. And it will be 0.16 mg / l. in air vapors, and in blood 0.35. When this indicator is exceeded, the motorist will have to bear responsibility, since the permissible dose of alcohol is exceeded.

Why are there permitted ppm?

If a few years ago the permissible alcohol content in exhaled air was equal to zero, then in recent years the situation has changed. And the authorities have amended the rules when there is a certain amount of ppm, which the car owner is not threatened with punishment. These changes are due to various reasons.

First of all, there are a number of products, using which, a person does not think about the content of small doses of alcohol in them. But the latter is contained in them not in its pure form, but as a result of fermentation.

These include:

  • non-alcoholic beer,
  • kefir and other dairy products
  • kvass,
  • black bread,
  • oranges and overripe bananas,
  • juices that have been at room temperature for some time,
  • cigarettes,
  • chocolate candy,
  • individual drugs (carvalol and others).

When using at least one product from the list before the direct driving process, when checking on a special tester, the device will show ppm in exhaled air. But after a while, everything disappears, and the values ​​\u200b\u200bmay again be zero. These products are allowed to be consumed, but it is better not to overdo it with their quantity, in order to avoid further troubles.

But in this case, do not forget about the possible errors of the device during measurement. Previously, detecting even a small number of ppm could lead the driver to trouble and deprive him of his driver's license. Therefore, this measure was cancelled.

What is the penalty for exceeding the allowed limit?

In the case when the traffic police inspector recorded on the spot the fact of violation of the permissible norm of alcohol, or this fact was the result of a medical examination, the motorist will have to suffer a well-deserved punishment.

What it will be depends on the situation:

  • If a motorist has violated traffic rules for the first time, and the dose of alcohol in his blood is exceeded, then he will be fined 30 thousand rubles, and he will also be deprived of the opportunity to drive a car for up to two years.
  • If during one year a repeated drunken driving is recorded, then they will be deprived of their rights in such a situation for three years, and the financial penalty will be 50 thousand rubles.
  • In case of subsequent violations, a motorist in the Russian Federation faces imprisonment.
  • If the citizen does not give his consent to the examination, then the penalties will be applied the same as in the first case.
  • In the case when the case falls under criminal liability, the fine can reach 300 thousand rubles. and in addition to this, participation in corrective labor, or imprisonment for up to two years.

A repeated violation in Russia is considered a violation that is committed no later than a year after the first one. When an offense is recorded after this period, the penalty will be applied as for the first.

A car enthusiast who has been deprived of his driver's license has no right to drive a car for a designated period. Violation of this condition threatens him with even greater trouble.

Also, it is worth noting that a car owner who transfers control of his vehicle to a person in a state of intoxication will also be fined. And the amount of recovery will be about 30 thousand rubles.

Therefore, you should be careful and remember that drunk drivers cannot be allowed to drive vehicles.

Necessary measures to eliminate problems with the traffic police

Nevertheless, there are cases when in the evening a citizen participates in an event with drinking alcohol, and in the morning he needs to drive. Hence, motorists have a question, how to make sure that the allowed norm is not exceeded?

You need to know and, if possible, follow the basic rules:

  • leave as much time as possible between drinking alcohol and the trip,
  • if possible, do not take medicines immediately before the road,
  • also avoid the consumption of alcohol-containing products,
  • do not use special mouthwashes or chewing gums,
  • when stopped by a traffic police officer, do not try to prove to him that you are right, going into conflict.

Alcohol intoxication of the driver is extremely dangerous for him and those around him. The traffic police reports are proof of this. A large number of people die due to drunken accidents. Ethanol in the human body goes through three phases: absorption (entering the blood), distribution and excretion. At the same time, the brain, tissues, organs undergo starvation.

However, anonymously, 2.7% of drivers reported that they regularly drive while intoxicated. Never drive a car while drunk, only about half of the respondents.

Most drivers have a question, how much alcohol is allowed in the blood. The permissible rate of alcohol in the blood, fixed by law, has changed over time in ppm:

  • 2007 - 0.54;
  • 2008 - 0.3;
  • 2010 - 0;
  • 2013 - 0.35.

Ppm is a unit of concentration of ethanol in the blood, one thousandth.

Data according to the law of 2013 is stored to this day. Why did they abandon the zero norm of 2010? Because it cannot be such because of the possible errors of the device, and also because of the minimum doses of alcohol in such products:

This is 3.5 grams of alcohol per 1 liter of blood, or 1.6 grams of vapor. Zero ppm - such indicators are practically never found.

The influence of different degrees of intoxication (number per mille) on health:

Number of ppm The degree of intoxication Changes in the body
0 almost never occurs
0,1-0, 13 state of sobriety behavior is the norm
0,2 – 0,5 initial signs of intoxication perception and degree of concentration decrease while maintaining mental functions
0,5 – 0,7 slight intoxication inhibited reaction, inability to judge distance, imbalance
0,7 – 1,3 pronounced intoxication inadequate assessment of the environment, impaired attention
1,3 – 2,4 drunkenness level is high speech disorders, inadequate response and assessment; lack of coordination of movements, self-control
3 - 5 critical level - lethal dose severe poisoning, heart attack, stroke, cardiac arrest

Many are interested in how to calculate the amount of possible alcohol intake. Let's look at a specific example. Man - 80 kg. Beer - 9% alcohol. Therefore, there are 9 grams of alcohol in 100 grams. So, after drinking 100 grams of such beer, a man will receive (9:80) about 0.11 grams per kilogram of weight or 0.11 ppm. And let's say 0.35. This means that immediately before the trip, he can safely drink 300 grams of the drink.

To determine after what time it is permissible to use the car, the blood alcohol content in the blood must be divided by the speed of weathering. For women, this is an average of 0.85 pr. per hour, for men - 0.1 pr. per hour. There is also an online calculator for these purposes.

It must be understood that the results obtained are approximate. Degrees on the package may not be written quite accurately, as well as with weight (the readings of the scales vary). Therefore, it is always better to use a lower dose for insurance. In addition, a larger amount of alcohol disappears more slowly. And in general, whether it is worth the risk, everyone decides for himself.

Checking system

The checking officer of the traffic police takes into account the characteristic smell, changes in speech and behavior. To confirm suspicions, it is recommended to go out for an examination. The degree of intoxication is measured in two ways: through a blood test (determines more accurately) or air components during exhalation (using a breathalyzer).

Breathalyzer - a device that determines the amount of alcoholic substances in the human body.

The simplest of these devices only ascertain the presence of alcohol, not determining the concentration. They are personal (pocket), professional. Breathalyzers of traffic police officers allow you to determine the allowable rate.

The amount of alcohol contained in the blood depends on the build of the person, the elapsed time, the strength of the drink. Health, emotional state, gender (for women, alcohol lasts longer), age, and the amount of food consumed also matter.

Is it possible to "deceive the breathalyzer"

Drivers try to resort to various tricks for this purpose: drink sunflower oil, chew garlic, sweets, bay leaves, coffee, etc. But after all, the device does not react to the smell, but to the alcohol content in the air. Breathing "past the device" is also unlikely. The breathalyzer has an error of ±0.05 pr. for small measurements.

The way out is to observe the norm of alcohol in your blood. Drivers generally better to give up alcohol. You need to decide what is more important to them. After all, the residual content of the product with a slow removal from the blood is difficult to calculate in time. At a minimum, after taking drinks, you need to sleep, eat and shower.

Penalties for exceeding the declared alcohol limit

In case of violation of the norm for the first time or in case of refusal to undergo a medical examination - a fine of 30,000 rubles and a driving ban for 1.5 -2 years. In case of violation for the second time - 50,000 rubles and a three-year deprivation of rights. For the third violation - imprisonment, trial. When transferring a car to a drunk driver - the same punishments for the owner of the car.

Unfortunately, cases of biased attitude of traffic police officers also occur. It is even possible that the device is defective. If the driver is 100% sure of his innocence, you must insist on a medical examination.

The laws of a number of countries do not allow the presence of alcohol in the blood, the norm there is zero, for example, in Japan, Armenia, Romania. Most countries have different rules. From 0.1 ppm in Albania to 0.8 in the USA and England. 1 ppm is allowed in the Cayman Islands. Some countries do not provide restrictions, for example, Ethiopia.

Alcohol during pregnancy

Previously, red wine was considered beneficial during pregnancy. And even calculated the norms of admission. In the modern version, alcohol during pregnancy is contraindicated. There can be no allowable dose here. Ethanol, regardless of dose, passes through the placenta. As a result - pathologies, congenital diseases.

Alcohol is unacceptable during pregnancy and lactation. Alcohol is poison for mother and child.

During analytical studies, pregnant women and other patients are interested in whether it is possible to donate blood after alcohol. Medical workers are unanimous in their answer: it is impossible. Ethanol reduces sugar content, changes hemoglobin, cholesterol, red blood cells. Therefore, the real picture will not work.

It is necessary to weigh everything several times before drinking alcohol, especially getting into a car without meeting the standards of sobriety. Is the game worth the candle? Is it really necessary to drink alcohol, even carefully calculating its rate? Isn't it better to keep sobriety, peace of mind, money and freedom? And most importantly - the life and health of yourself and those around you.

The harm of alcohol has long been proven, but people are not ready to completely abandon its consumption at the moment. Alcoholic drinks can be different, and they differ, first of all, in the number of "degrees" - the alcohol content. Depending on the degree of alcohol, its effect on the human brain varies. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, the reaction time to ongoing events increases. In order to reduce the number of traffic accidents, driving under the influence of alcohol is prohibited.

Table of contents:

Allowable ppm driving in 2019

In 2010, the government of the Russian Federation approved that drivers, when passing an examination for alcohol content, both in exhaled air and in blood, should have a zero value. This law was in force until 2013, when it was decided to revise it. This is due to the fact that the consumption of certain non-alcoholic foods and drinks can cause reactions, as a result of which, when checking the driver’s condition, the presence of ppm will be recorded on breathalyzers. For example, “intoxicating” products include:

  • Chocolate;
  • Kvass;
  • Kefir and other fermented milk products;
  • Oranges, apples, bananas;
  • Mouth fresheners, chewing gum;
  • A number of drugs.

The above is a far from complete list of products, after consumption of which the presence of alcohol in the form of ppm can be recorded in the exhaled air and blood.

Note: This list includes non-alcoholic beer. After it, the breathalyzer will show the presence of alcohol in the driver's blood, but no more than after kvass. Thus, drinking non-alcoholic beer before a trip is not prohibited in 2019.

In 2013, the "zero ppm" law was revised and amended. This is due to the fact that sober drivers were fined and deprived of their license for the minimum presence of alcohol in the blood, while they could not drink alcoholic beverages for several weeks, months or even years before the trip, and the appearance of ppm was caused by other products.

In 2019, the following permissible per mille behind the wheel are established in Russia:

  • In the blood: no more than 0.35 ppm;
  • In exhaled air: no more than 0.16 ppm.

If, during the test, the breathalyzer shows values ​​​​less than acceptable, the driver has the right to drive a car.

What threatens drivers for exceeding permissible norms per mille in 2019

A drunk driver driving a car is a potential threat to other people. The State Duma is actively discussing the idea of ​​toughening the responsibility for driving while intoxicated. In 2019, the following punishments for drunk drivers are provided:

  • If the driver is caught for the first time in a state of intoxication, he is punished with a fine of 30 thousand rubles. He is also deprived of a driver's license for a period of 1.5 to 2 years, for which he will need to pass a theoretical exam at the traffic police;
  • If the driver is caught for the second time in a state of intoxication while driving a car, he is punished with a fine of 50 thousand rubles. He is also deprived of his driver's license for 3 years, for the restoration of which he will need to pass an exam in the traffic police.

Important: Refusal of a medical examination for alcohol intoxication is actually a confirmation of the driver that he is in a state of intoxication while driving. In this case, the punishment is identical - a fine of 30 thousand rubles and deprivation of rights for 1.5-2 years.

It is necessary to note some important points that relate to the punishment of drivers in a state of intoxication while driving:

Note: If the driver got drunk in an accident, the insurance company has the right to refuse to pay insurance to him.

When can you drive after drinking alcohol?

There are various “legends” among drivers that tell how soon after drinking alcohol you can drive a car. Someone says that after drinking a bottle of beer you need to wait 4 hours before driving, others say that 2-3 hours is enough. In fact, the time is calculated for each person individually, depending on his body weight, degrees in alcohol consumed, metabolism, and some personal medical indicators.

The average values ​​when, after drinking alcohol, you can drive, so that the breathalyzer shows the permissible ppm, are shown in the following table:

Each driver must individually calculate the amount of ppm in the blood in order to avoid punishment for driving under the influence of alcohol. For example, if a man weighing 60 kg drank a liter of beer 5.8 degrees in the evening after work at 22:00 and went to bed, he received about 2.14 ppm. For an hour, about 0.1-0.15 ppm leaves the male body, and about 0.085-0.1 ppm from the female body. Accordingly, the driver can get behind the wheel and not be afraid of being deprived of his rights around 16:00 the next day.

Alcohol has a detrimental effect on a person's condition, significantly reducing visual acuity and the speed of reaction to what is happening, slowing down thought processes, and sometimes completely depriving a person of the opportunity to behave adequately. Not surprisingly, drunk driving is the cause of many accidents and is punishable by law.

The rate of alcohol in the driver's blood in 2016 in Russia in ppm

Since September 2013, this value has not changed and according to Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, up to 0.16 ppm in the air or 0.35 ppm in the driver's blood. Or in terms of grams - no more than 1.6 grams of vapor and 3.5 grams of ethyl alcohol per liter of blood.

According to the rules, when assessing the degree of alcohol intoxication, much attention is also paid to physiological factors in human behavior, such as speech coherence and movement coordination. Also, the norm takes into account possible errors of devices.

What is the peculiarity of the introduced norm?

In practice, this rule is much more flexible and correct than the previous one, which requires “zero” ppm.

Such global changes were introduced due to the fact that many products, such as:

  • Nonalcoholic beer;
  • Chocolate;
  • Bakery products and kvass;
  • Juices, especially orange;
  • Kefir and various yogurts;
  • overripe bananas,

And also some drugs and cigarettes contain a small amount of quickly eroding alcohol impurities that affect the readings of the breathalyzer and previously expose the driver to the risk of a fine.

To avoid such controversial issues, the norm was increased to a more loyal indicator.

How to drink wisely: what, how much and for how long?

It is definitely not so easy to answer the question posed, because many factors matter, ranging from the alcohol consumed and the speed of its weathering to the individual physiological characteristics of the person himself (for example: gender - in women, weathering is much slower and metabolism).

Special programs can come to the aid of the driver here, many of which can be used directly online, as well as tables. We will give only some examples and a general calculation mechanism.

How to independently calculate how much you can drink for you?

So, let's take an average man weighing 75 kg and a beer with 6% alcohol. 6% alcohol can be deciphered as the fact that 100 grams of the drink contains only 6 grams of alcohol. After drinking them, a person will receive only 0.08 grams per kg or 0.08 ppm, which is about 4 times less than the allowable norm! Thus, right before the trip, the hero invented by us can drink 400 grams of beer.

If you are faced with the task of determining the time after which you will be able to drive, calculate the approximate content of alcohol in your blood at the moment, its difference from the permissible one and divide it by the weathering speed. The rate at which alcohol wears off depends on your metabolism and averages around 0.1 ppm per hour for men and 0.85 for women.

It must be admitted that the results obtained will be quite approximate, and you can trust them only at your own peril and risk, since they do not allow you to take into account all factors (for example, the characteristics of the drink and the fact that the more alcohol in the body, the slower it disappears ). A special online calculator or telephone application will help to significantly simplify calculations and make them accurate. The latter is especially interesting, because even at the most fun party it will help you say “Stop” to yourself in time and stop drinking.

The most popular examples of general calculations:

  • Before the trip, you can drink 1.5 mugs of kvass or 4 cans of non-alcoholic beer without harm to others and your wallet, eat any food.
  • 0.1 liters of vodka will completely leave the body after 4 hours, and it is permissible to drive after 3 hours of waiting. If the amount consumed is 2 times less, you can drive in an hour - one and a half.
  • 200 grams of red wine will completely disappear after 3 hours, and an acceptable concentration of 0.3 ppm will occur after 90 minutes. The same amount of white wine will require 2 hours and an hour of time, respectively.
  • A couple of drunk bottles of beer will irrevocably leave your body after 4 hours from the time of consumption. One drunk bottle will disappear after 3 2.5 hours and will allow you to drive after 100 minutes.

These examples were designed for a physically healthy, middle-aged man weighing about 80 kg.

Finally, I would like to note that you should not trust only numbers. Be attentive to your body and do not drive if you feel not very good after a stormy night, you should not take risks.

What is the cost of "drunk driving"? Drunk driving penalty

Exceeding the cherished ppm is severely punished and usually not limited to a fine. The following measures are currently in place:

  • At the initial stop of the driver in a state of intoxication, a fine of 30 thousand rubles is presented, as well as a ban on driving vehicles from 1.5 to 2 years, depending on the court ruling. A similar penalty applies to those who refuse to undergo a medical examination.
  • Secondary excess will cost 50 thousand already and deprive you of the right to drive for 3 years.
  • In the event that an already fined person is again caught driving while drunk, he will face imprisonment for a period of 10-15 days and a trial.
  • Sanctions also apply to individuals who hand over transport to a drunk person. They expect a similar punishment in the form of a fine and the same period of deprivation of a driver's license.


As you can see, drunk driving leads to a loss of a driver's license and a hefty fine, and that's not counting the serious danger to yourself and others. So think twice before you get behind the wheel, even after drinking a little. Moreover, the modern norm is quite loyal, and it is not so difficult to calculate the amount of alcohol allowed for you. Attentiveness to yourself and others is a guarantee of safety on the road, and alcohol is certainly not a friend to a good driver.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Drunk driving is unacceptable. Hardly anyone would think to prove otherwise. After all, most accidents with human casualties occur due to the fault of insane drivers who are in a state of deep alcoholic intoxication. But life is life. It also happens that people who are not even aware at the time of the check that there was a dose of alcohol in their body that was incompatible with the driving process are subject to penalties for driving while intoxicated. Is there a legal limit for drinking while driving?

What is ppm and what is the term used for

If we take the latest period in the history of our country, then permission to drive a car with a certain minimum content of ethyl alcohol in the blood existed from 07/01/2008 to 08/10/2010. And again began to operate from 09/01/2013. So, there is no need to talk about any serious experience of safe trips with a background amount of alcohol in the body, given the negligible duration of liberal legislation. Many drivers still do not know that there is a permitted level of alcohol while driving at all, and they do not even know the meaning of the word “promille”. We will try to fill this gap in their driving education.

To understand this issue, you first need to understand what will be discussed in general. The fact is that the very concept of “per mille” (Latin per mille - per thousand) - one thousandth of a whole or 1⁄10 percent (denoted - ‰) entered the life of domestic drivers relatively recently. It is often used when talking about blood alcohol content.

If a person's blood contains ethyl alcohol, then ppm can indicate its exact amount. And it can be used to determine the stage of intoxication in which the test driver arrives at the time of the test. In other words, ppm shows how many mg of alcohol contains 0.1 liters of blood. The breathalyzer, which determines how much alcohol is allowed while driving, is made in increments of 0.1 ppm. This means that each of its divisions indicates 0.045 mg of alcohol in one liter of blood.

But in Law No. 62-FZ of April 3, 2018, which amended Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and establishes the permissible level of alcohol in the driver’s blood, this term (per mille) itself is not used. It says only about the permissible content in mg / l (16) in the exhaled air and in g / l - in the blood (0.3).

Products that may contain alcohol

The period when there was only a “zero option” in Russian legislation, that is, there could be no question of any permissible alcohol norm, revealed the existence of certain problems. They were connected with the fact that people who did not drink alcohol at all were subjected to penalties for drunk driving. How can this even be, you ask? Very simple. It turns out that a person's diet contains enough food that can bring him under an administrative article.

If he prefers:

  • non-alcoholic beer;
  • warm juices;
  • overripe fruits;
  • chocolates;
  • oranges;
  • kvass;
  • dairy products,

then ethyl alcohol is present in his body for a short time in negligible amounts

And since the matter of educating drivers was not brought to the proper level and such tables were not brought to the attention of motorists, they often found themselves in unpleasant situations. It was enough to drink a glass of kvass, get behind the wheel and be stopped by a traffic police inspector, and an alcohol test could give a positive result.

Apparently, the number of such cases grew into quality, and the deputies decided to soften the legislation. And this means that the permitted dose of alcohol while driving in 2019 will be valid, which is confirmed by the aforementioned law No. 62-FZ, which entered into force on July 3 last year.

Permissible norms

So, we already know that it has been several years since drivers were allowed to have negligible amounts of alcohol in their bodies while driving. After years of administrative terror, they are gradually coming to their senses. And a glass of yogurt or fermented baked milk, drunk while driving, does not cause them more panic if the car is stopped by a traffic police inspector.

Also, those who take tincture of valerian or motherwort for medicinal purposes and doses may not worry: the allowed amount of ppm is quite enough so that the cores do not have an attack during the sobriety test.

Let's clarify what is the minimum allowable level of alcohol in the blood of a driver in 2019 that will allow you to drive. As we already know, the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Rules of the Road currently allow the presence of alcohol in the driver's blood in microdoses.

Currently, in Russia, the allowable rate of ethyl alcohol in the blood is 0.3 g / l. And in the air that the driver exhales, the concentration of pure alcohol cannot be higher than 0.16 mg / l.

But you need to understand that the weight of a person greatly affects the results of tests taken to determine the degree of his intoxication. Therefore, it will take a different time for everyone to reach the standard legal blood alcohol level in 2019.

As you can see, in people of different sizes and weights, after drinking the same amount of alcohol and after the same time has elapsed, the indicators of the concentration of alcohol in the blood will be completely different.

This once again confirms the rule that says that drinking alcohol before getting behind the wheel, and even more so while driving, is unacceptable in principle. And it does not matter how much will be drunk - 10 or 100 g. Any amount of alcohol drunk can lead to an increased content of it in the driver's blood.

Measure of responsibility

Despite the easing of legislation in relation to the amount of alcohol in the body of drivers, the punishment for violating established standards remains the same severe.

Those drivers whose exhalation is found to exceed the permissible limit of 0.16 mg / l during the check will be guaranteed to be fined 30 thousand rubles and their driver's license will be withdrawn for a period of 18-24 months. The recurrence of the same violation entails a fine of 50 thousand rubles and deprivation of a permit to drive vehicles for 3 years.

In addition, the one who was fined for drunk driving and deprived of his license, but decided that even without documents he can go drunk on the road, will be arrested for up to 15 days and will pay a fine of 30,000 rubles: he will have time in a cell in a calm environment, think about whether it really matters how much per mille of alcohol is allowed while driving for drivers in 2019.

How to drink wisely

After taking into account the information on penalties for the identified excess of the permissible dose of alcohol in the body of a person driving a car, you need to think about how not to become their object yourself. The most effective way to avoid trouble can be a complete and final refusal to drink alcohol.

But, given the traditions of the people and the genes inherited by us from our ancestors, who formed these traditions in an unfavorable climate, we understand that not everyone will be lucky to stop drinking.

Therefore, we bring to your attention a summary table, with the help of which everyone can determine for themselves what to drink and how much, as well as to drink or not to drink, if they soon have to drive.

How to independently calculate how much you can drink

For those who do not feel the strength to give up alcohol on the day before driving, we suggest learning how to independently calculate the amount of alcohol that may not provoke a breathalyzer to critical readings.

So, as an example, we take a man whose weight is 75 kg. He drank 200 ml of vodka. The strength of vodka is 40%.

  • The body of a man contains 70 percent of water. This means that 75 * 0.7 \u003d 52.5 kg.
  • Pure alcohol in 200 ml of vodka 200 * 0.4 \u003d 80 ml.
  • We multiply the obtained 80 ml by the alcohol density of 0.79 and get 63.2 grams of ethanol, which the man introduced into his body after drinking 200 ml of vodka.
  • We make an adjustment for the fact that alcohol for calculation should be 100 percent. Therefore, we subtract 10% from the obtained 63.2 g. It remains 56.88 g.
  • As a result of calculations, we obtain the concentration of alcohol in the body 56.88 / 52.5 = 1.08 ppm.

We hope that the calculation method is clear to you. And now you have the opportunity to independently select the names and doses of alcoholic beverages in anticipation of driving trips. Or you can use where all these formulas are already included.

Although we still remain of our opinion and strongly recommend using the desire and ability to drive a car as a weighty argument for switching to a sober lifestyle.

Legal alcohol limit while driving: Video

Driver with over 20 years of driving experience. Higher technical education. An experienced copywriter, I specialize in topics in the banking sector, technical.
