
Why do you crave chocolate during pregnancy? The negative effects of chocolate

This favorite treat many women, a useful product, an aphrodisiac. Before the onset of an interesting situation, many women often consumed chocolate. But how should they be now? What do doctors say about the use of the product? Will it harm the health of the mother and her unborn baby? In fact, eating treats during pregnancy has its pros and cons.

About the benefits of a sweet product

The opinion about the usefulness of chocolate during pregnancy is based on several of its advantages:

  1. It contains flavonoids. These are substances that have natural antioxidant properties. They slow down the aging of the body and its cells.
  2. There are endorphins in chocolate the so-called "hormones of happiness." Not in vain after drinking a small amount Product mood improves, warmth appears in the body. A good mood is also important for expectant mothers.
  3. The components of the product are vitamins, useful for pregnant women. We are talking about vitamins of group B. It also contains calcium, potassium, fatty polyunsaturated acids.
  4. Not a large number of caffeine in chocolate helps a woman keep her body in good shape. It does not harm the baby with moderate use of the product.
  5. According to studies, the reasonable use of chocolate during the period of bearing a baby contributes to the healthy intrauterine development of the child, the formation of a stable emotional state in him.

Harm of chocolate during pregnancy

The main argument against eating a popular delicacy is that it belongs to the category of allergenic foods. That is, its use during the period of bearing a baby can provoke the development of allergies in him in the future. After all, it has been scientifically proven that the components of chocolate are released from cells female body histamine. It is this substance that suppresses allergic reactions.

The product itself strong allergen. Therefore, the unborn child, whose immune system is weak, and his mother also fall into the risk group. This risk should not be discounted, especially in cases where family members have a tendency to. Then the use of chocolate by mom can give impetus to its development in crumbs.

As for the caffeine in chocolate, if a woman consumes a treat often and in large quantities, she will thus excite her nervous system- and the baby in the womb will be restless.

And it is also worth considering that this product is high in calories. If we are talking about women who are inclined to be overweight, who have gained excess weight during the gestation period, then they certainly do not need such a dessert.

There is one more negative property chocolate, which can worsen the general condition of a pregnant woman: it provokes constipation. Many pregnant women and without it suffer from such a problem, especially in the last stages. Therefore, it is not worth aggravating the situation with a delicious treat.

Can you or can't you eat chocolate during pregnancy?

As you can see, the product does have its pros and cons. And this should be taken into account by pregnant women. Therefore, it is not worth making categorical conclusions that it is not worth forgetting about the product for the period of bearing a child. If we are talking about the first trimester of the term, then a small piece of dark chocolate will help to cope with, which expectant mothers are often exposed to.

Nutritionists recommend giving preference to black rather than milk chocolate, and good quality, with a cocoa content of at least 78%. Do not eat a product with additives. Opportunities today confectionery industry allow you to combine chocolate with many other ingredients. But often the tiles contain simply flavor additives and fragrances. And these ingredients are of unnatural origin, they are certainly not needed by expectant mothers.

As for other chocolate treats, pregnant women should also avoid them. Sweets, cakes, pastries, waffles, others chocolate sweets should not be used by expectant mothers. Desserts are an exception. home cooking using natural cocoa.

So, sometimes a pregnant woman can treat herself small piece dark chocolate for dessert. Compliance with the measure and a reasonable approach to use delicious treats help avoid negative impact on the well-being of the baby and his mother.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up chocolate. So think many women expecting a baby. Are they right? Some experts are inclined to think that it is not. They explain this primarily by the fact that this delicacy is a strong allergen, therefore it can harm the fetus.

Others believe that if a woman needs to use this product, then it can be eaten. Is there a middle ground and is it really possible to eat chocolate during pregnancy?

Benefit and harm

There is an opinion that this sweetness is just a delicacy that does not bring any benefit to the body. This is a mistake because positive action she provides:

  • First of all, the product is known as the “hormone of happiness”. At a meal, a woman enjoys, therefore, her mood improves, stress is relieved. This is useful for the nervous system and the body as a whole, which means it is good for the child;
  • The composition of the delicacy includes flavonoids in large quantities, due to which there is a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • In moderation, the product stabilizes blood pressure. In addition, the treat helps to relax the muscles, and blood vessels expand from his influence;
  • " Hormone of happiness"Contains iron, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. Another important component is magnesium, which has a positive effect on the brain of the unborn baby;
  • Theobromine, which is also rich in this product, strengthens blood vessels, is good for the kidneys and the nervous system. Experts say that this substance avoids complications during childbirth.

The product is rich in vitamins E, group B, as well as elements such as sodium, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. All these substances are very useful. So why, then, do many experts believe that when Can't eat chocolate during pregnancy?

This is due to the fact that the product can harm the body:

  • cocoa butter is considered dietary substance, but the sweetness also contains milk, sugar. Therefore, weight is added from it;
  • caffeine, which large quantities contained in a delicacy, is capable of excitingly affecting the nervous system, which is not useful when carrying a child. It cannot be said that caffeine only brings harm, but if we are talking about at least the slightest threat to the baby, you should be wary;
  • If you eat a lot of this product while carrying a baby, blood flow to the uterus may worsen, causing oxygen starvation in the fetus;
  • The expectant mother is often annoyed by heartburn, which this delicacy can increase;
  • In addition to useful containing, the product contains many substances, the effect on the body of which has been little studied. This should raise a logical question in a woman about whether it is still possible to eat chocolate while pregnant. In addition, the composition of the delicacy contains dyes, nutritional supplements of dubious quality.

There is a controversial notion that an "antidepressant" can be addictive. It's all about the very useful theobromine, which really has such properties. But the amount of substance in the composition of the treat is not enough for this. To become addictive, you need to eat ½ kg of the product daily for several months.

Why do you want chocolate

Sometimes a woman who is expecting a baby has an irresistible desire to eat this delicacy, and sometimes she herself does not understand why this is happening. Some expectant mothers note that before " interesting position» They were generally indifferent to sweets. At such moments, it seems to them that there is no difference what kind of chocolate is - black, white, bitter, hot.

There is a belief that if, then a girl will be born. In fact, medicine denies that the gender of the baby somehow affects the gastronomic preferences of the expectant mother. Most likely, popular belief is due to the fact that girls usually like sweets more than boys.

Doctors say that a woman during pregnancy wants those foods that contain vitamins and substances that the body lacks, which means that chocolate has what she needs.

The body quickly gets tired during gestation, it often lacks useful and nutrients. It is with this that the desire to eat a treat is often associated. It is indeed nutritious, especially dark chocolate, but it should not be used as a substitute for a full meal.

Moreover, analyze whether you are really hungry at the moment when you were "pulled" for sweets. If so, this is a reason to reconsider your diet and regimen - perhaps you are depriving your child of the necessary substances and vitamins.

Often, expectant mothers experience a feeling of sadness associated with hormonal changes and a new state of the body. Out of habit, the hand may reach for your favorite sweet, which always helps relieve stress.

You don’t need to do this - a sweet “antidepressant” can be replaced with aromatic baths, walks, chatting with relatives and friends, reading your favorite book, watching a good positive movie.

This does not mean that chocolate should be avoided altogether. Sometimes you can afford to eat, but watch the portions. It is recommended to eat no more than 30 g of sweets per day.

Do not forget that different types products have different effects on the body.


It is believed that White chocolate least useful during pregnancy. It does not contain cocoa powder, which has beneficial properties. gourmet has pleasant taste and color, but to achieve them, substances such as thickeners, dyes, and various additives are used.

They put a large amount of sugar in it, which, combined with milk fat, makes it very high in calories. Thus, the white "antidepressant" causes more harm than good, so if you want sweets when carrying a baby, it is better to consider other options.


This type of treat usually contains a lot of useful substances. It contains cocoa, which is useful. Dark chocolate can be eaten during pregnancy, observing the norm, of course. The concentration of cocoa in it is quite high, so there is a lot of caffeine in the product.

In this regard, they should not get involved. Remember that there is usually a lot of sugar in the treat, and this contributes to weight gain.


Sometimes you really want to warm up with hot chocolate, especially during pregnancy, when the mood changes at lightning speed, and you want sour, then sweet, then cold, then hot. You can pamper yourself with them.

It is currently sold in powder form. You will not find anything useful in these bags, and the taste is rarely able to really give pleasure.

Chocolate is a favorite delicacy of all sweet tooth. But what about future mothers, is it possible for them to get involved in this delicacy? Chocolate during pregnancy - is it good or bad?

Let's go back to the origins. The birthplace of chocolate is Central and South America. Chocolate is made from cocoa butter, which, in turn, is a seed processing product. chocolate tree- cocoa beans.

But 100% natural chocolate does not exist in nature. It is very bitter in itself, so confectioners add various kinds of additives to it - food (raisins, nuts, candied fruit), aromatic (cognac, vanillin, coffee), or various fillings. The list can be continued indefinitely, but the essence is clear. Obviously, the fewer additives and impurities in chocolate, the more natural it is, and, therefore, more useful (at least not more harmful). Hence the conclusion - when choosing chocolate, preference should be given to bitter, dark.

Since chocolate plant origin, it contains a number of useful substances for pregnant women. However, there are also unwanted ones, such as caffeine, for example. It is because of him that you should not lean heavily on chocolate. As well as due to the risk of recruiting overweight. Again, dark chocolate during pregnancy without filling with a minimum of nutritional supplements is much less calorie milk with nuts and raisins.

Useful properties of chocolate during pregnancy

  1. Good mood. Chocolate affects certain parts of the brain responsible for joy. But even that is not the only thing. When a person (and a pregnant woman in particular) really wants something and suddenly gets it, a feeling of calmness and satisfaction sets in, and the children in the tummy feel everything. It is clear that in this case it may not necessarily be about chocolate - about pineapples, about pickles- then someone will be as lucky.
  2. Chocolate contains flavanoids, which have a beneficial effect on immune system. It is known that immunity is somewhat reduced during pregnancy, which is why it is so important to take care of it throughout the entire period.
  3. In moderation, chocolate regulates blood pressure. High blood pressure can be complicated by preeclampsia of pregnant women, because this is an important property of chocolate. In addition, it dilates blood vessels, relaxes muscles and stimulates the heart due to a substance such as theobromine.

It turns out that sweet can be useful! But if so, is it possible to consume chocolate without any restrictions?

Consequences of excessive consumption of chocolate during pregnancy

There must always be a measure in everything, otherwise beneficial features can turn negative. So, what is the danger of thoughtless consumption of chocolate?

  1. Do not forget that all chocolate contains caffeine. In large quantities, it is harmful both to the health of the mother (first of all, the heart suffers) and to the development of the baby. That's why you should not lean on coffee and eat chocolate in large quantities.
  2. On later dates quite a frequent companion of pregnant women is heartburn. Chocolate can enhance it or even provoke it once again.
  3. Deterioration of uterine blood flow and, as a result, a decrease in the incoming oxygen to the fetus, which will adversely affect its development.
  4. Last, but by no means least, is excessive overweight! No, you can’t eat everything just because “I’m pregnant”! Pregnancy is a temporary state. The baby will be born, the uterus will shrink, and all the accumulated fats will immediately come out.

craving chocolate during pregnancy

Chocolate is a source of energy that instantly replenishes its reserves. Here you need to carefully listen to yourself and understand, maybe you just want to eat or are tired? Do not indulge the deceptive needs of the body, replacing a full meal with a sweet snack. You can replenish energy reserves, but the baby will not receive its share of useful and nutritious substances.

For some, the desire to eat chocolate may mean a way to improve mood. It’s not worth eating stress or a quarrel all the more with sweets! There are other equally effective and at the same time harmless methods: aromatherapy, outdoor walks, meditation, meeting with family and friends…

So the desire to eat chocolate does not always mean that you need to do it! It's just that the body is trying to deceive you, so try to deceive it too.

Chocolate during early pregnancy

Early pregnancy is known for the fact that this is the period of the birth of a new life in the womb, their acquaintance and getting used to each other. During this period, minimal interference in the mysterious course of things is desirable. You need to carefully listen to your body, relax and walk more, be less nervous. But in terms of food, it's time to start making some exceptions, in particular, it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods that can cause allergies. After all, allergies can develop not only in the mother, but also in the crumbs in her tummy. These products include all kinds of citrus fruits, strawberries and, of course, chocolate.

Chocolate during late pregnancy

In late pregnancy, you should limit your consumption of chocolate due to its caffeine content, which can change your baby's sleep patterns.
In addition, in the later stages, the maximum weight gain occurs in expectant mothers, and the child is maximally stored with subcutaneous fat. That is, with the beginning of the third trimester, the growth rate of the baby in length slows down, compared with the second, now it will grow mainly in breadth. Obviously, sweets are fraught with a set of excess weight both for the mother and for her child, which will complicate childbirth and contribute to the birth of a large fetus.

Summing up

Dear sweet tooth, for you good news- eat chocolate during pregnancy, it will not cause any harm to you and your baby! Of course, you need to eat it in moderation, give preference to dark chocolate, and at the slightest sign of an allergy, it is better to postpone its consumption until better times. In order to avoid gaining excess weight, sweets should be eaten in the morning, exercise physical activity(as far as the doctor allows), and you should not eat such sweets every day and from the belly. That's when chocolate will bring nothing but good!

Video "The whole truth about chocolate"

Many women simply cannot live without chocolate. In moderation, chocolate has a positive effect on the body. However, with the onset of pregnancy, women think about potential harm chocolate. First of all, it should be noted that the product must be of high quality. Bad chocolate during pregnancy can harm the expectant mother and her baby. You should also take into account the allergenic properties of chocolate, so you should reduce the amount of its consumption.

What to do: Eat a lot of chocolate during pregnancy

During pregnancy taste preferences may escalate significantly. Some women discover a passion for a particular product and can't help but increase the volume of their favorite product significantly. Many pregnant women develop an addiction to chocolate.

Women, loving chocolate, should first of all take into account that chocolate is a very allergenic product.

Scientists have proven that chocolate promotes the release of histamine, which affects the suppression of allergic reactions. It turns out that while carrying a baby and eating chocolate, a woman can provoke an allergy to this product in a child. You should be especially careful for those women who have a family tendency to allergic reactions.

What is the use of the product:

  • Chocolate is rich in flavonoids, which have antioxidant action. Their effect helps to slow down the aging of the body.
  • Eating chocolate affects the production of endorphins - "happiness hormones".
  • The product is rich in B vitamins, as well as calcium, potassium and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Moderate consumption helps maintain body tone due to a small amount of caffeine.

Studies have shown that chocolate has a positive effect on the intrauterine development of the child. However, it is important not to overdo it, as too frequent use caffeine can make a baby restless. Also, a woman should be aware of the high-calorie content of the product, especially if she gained excess weight during pregnancy.

Can pregnant women eat dark chocolate?

New research has shown that if a pregnant woman consumes chocolate, especially bitter black, she is less likely to get a serious complication called preeclampsia. Theobromine, a chemical present in chocolate, promotes the smooth functioning of the heart muscles. Women who actively consume dark chocolate can forget about late toxicosis.

It is also worth considering that dark chocolate contains tryptophan, which results in the formation of phenylethylamine and serotonin.

Substances that are produced by eating chocolate affect good mood and deal with stress. Chocolate has a positive effect on the level blood pressure. Iron, which is part of chocolate, contributes to the proper development of the child, and magnesium has a positive effect on his brain.

Harm of chocolate:

  • A large amount of caffeine can provoke a miscarriage and cause premature birth.
  • Excessive caffeine intake can lead to anemia.

If a woman consumes chocolate in excess, the child may suffer from a lack of oxygen, since blood does not flow to the uterus well enough. If a woman has an abnormal metabolism, chocolate should be discarded. In late pregnancy, chocolate can adversely affect the baby's sleep quality.

Milk chocolate during pregnancy

To find out the effect of chocolate on the body of a pregnant woman and her fetus. Scientists have done a lot of research. Most of them showed that chocolate is an excellent way to cope with stress. This sweetness has a positive effect on the course of the entire pregnancy.

When talking about positive influence chocolate on the body, meaning its moderate use.

Chocolate can be both good and bad. In the early months of pregnancy, excessive consumption of chocolate can lead to anemia or even miscarriage. I would like to note that moderate amount chocolate has a positive effect on the development of the child: he is born active and stress-resistant.

When to eat chocolate:

  • Overwork;
  • Prostration;
  • stress.

It is important to note that chocolate and sweets cannot replace good nutrition. You can't eat as much chocolate as you like. Medium daily allowance product - up to 30 g.

Why You Shouldn't Eat Chocolate

Many experts oppose the use of chocolate by a pregnant woman. chocolate products can cause allergies in the mother and harm the baby. Dark chocolate is not as harmful as, for example, white. It does not contain milk, which increases the calorie content of the product.

caffeine in dark chocolate negatively affects the nervous system of a woman and her child.

It is important not to eat a lot of chocolate, as it impairs the blood flow that oxygenates the baby. Chocolate - nutritional product, which quickly restores strength. But the whole point is how much it can be eaten so as not to harm the body and the baby.

Negative impact chocolate:

  • The possibility of anemia in the fetus;
  • Increased nervous excitability;
  • weight gain;
  • Allergic reactions.

The bitter variety of chocolate is the least dangerous during pregnancy. Eating 30 g of chocolate a day will not harm mom and her baby, but even improve them emotional condition. A pregnant woman can afford a snickers or hot chocolate which will cheer her up and lift her spirits. Many women complain that after eating chocolate they suffer from heartburn: in this case, it is better to abstain from chocolate.

Is chocolate good for pregnancy (video)

Many women go through the natural hormonal changes of pregnancy prior to giving birth. Many often change their mood, some experience depression. To avoid this, you can use folk method relieve stress - eat delicious and healthy chocolate. But don't overuse it. How much to eat sweets, each woman determines for herself. But it must be borne in mind that the abuse of the product can adversely affect general condition pregnant woman and her child. If after taking chocolate you suffer from heartburn or diarrhea, the product should be excluded from the diet.

What is your favorite sweet tooth treat? Well, of course, chocolate! Many future mothers deny themselves this gourmet dessert, convinced that it is categorically contraindicated when carrying a child. But is chocolate really that bad during pregnancy? Or, on the contrary, is it very useful?

Benefits and harms during pregnancy

Chocolate has long become a familiar product for us, and for some it is indispensable. It is miraculously able to improve well-being and cheer up.

For more than 500 years, from its very appearance in Europe, it dominates among the whole variety of works confectionery art. What is his secret?

Chocolate invigorates and improves mood

The positive effect of chocolate on the human body is due to the content of several rather interesting components in it.

  • Theobromine. Stimulates cardiac activity and the central nervous system, relaxes smooth muscles. Strengthens arteries and dilates blood vessels. Irritates the nerve endings of the renal epithelium, which helps to reduce swelling.
  • Caffeine. IN allowable doses(120-150 mg per day) is harmless. In the first trimester when future mom often experiencing weakness, feeling drowsy, complaining of a breakdown and mood swings, chocolate may well help her cope with all this.
  • Flavonoids. Act as antioxidants. Strengthen the immune system, slow down cell aging, prevent the development of tumor processes.
  • Tryptophan. Forms in the human body the so-called hormones of happiness - phenethylamine and serotonin. They are responsible for a good mood. Reduce anxiety and anxiety. They soften the manifestations of emotional instability caused by hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother.
  • Macro- and microelements. Calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, B vitamins, etc. Calcium is needed to form the baby's skeleton. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the activity of fetal brain cells, and iron contributes to the proper development of the child.

Expectant mothers should consume chocolate with caution

But expectant mothers should not forget about the risks associated with the use of this popular delicacy.

  • The same caffeine large doses may significantly increase the risk of premature termination of pregnancy.
  • Not only is chocolate itself a product that can cause allergic reactions. Its side effect is also considered to be the removal of histamine from the body, which is so necessary to combat them.
  • Expectant mothers suffering from heartburn, using it, will only provoke an increase in discomfort.
  • Excess consumption of chocolate reduces blood flow to the uterus. Which negatively affects the development of the fetus.
  • Like any sweet, it contains sugar and fats of various origins. Which only contribute to an increase in body weight.
  • And be very careful when choosing chocolate. It includes, in addition to classic ingredients, may include trans fats, flavorings, dyes and other food additives that cannot be called beneficial to the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

What conclusion can be drawn from the above? Can you eat chocolate during pregnancy?

Eat your favorite treat, to your health. Only, Firstly , make sure that you have no contraindications to its use. Secondly choose the "right" chocolate. AND, Thirdly , know the measure. Then you will enjoy. And you will not harm yourself or your little one.

There are conditions in which the use of chocolate is contraindicated

Indications and contraindications

When is eating chocolate bad for an expectant mother?

  1. Women with a history of chronic kidney disease (especially urolithiasis) should not eat chocolate due to its high content of oxalates.
  2. overweight and diabetes are contraindications to the use of chocolate because it contains a large amount of sugar.
  3. If a pregnant woman has digestive problems (flatulence, heartburn), she should also refuse this delicacy for a while.
  4. If the expectant mother is prone to allergic reactions, it is better to pamper yourself with less allergenic products.
  5. And at the late stage of pregnancy, doctors do not recommend eating chocolate due to the fact that it contains caffeine, which can change the structure of a child’s sleep.

There are times when expectant mothers simply need chocolate - with increased fatigue, drowsiness, depressive states in the first half of the term

And when will chocolate benefit a pregnant woman?

  1. When you "really want". Changes in a woman's body (hormonal, physiological, psychological). This is how you can explain her, sometimes, strange taste preferences. If a pregnant woman asks for something like that, she must be given it. This means that it is the substances contained in the requested product that the expectant mother now lacks.
  2. Loss of strength, fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness.
  3. Bad mood, fears, depression.
  4. Jumps in blood pressure (arterial hypertension).

With indications-contraindications, it seems, everything is clear. But what does it mean - right chocolate»?

Chocolate comes in black, white and milk

What kind of chocolate do you prefer?

Recipe for milk and white chocolate high content it contains fats and carbohydrates. On the background high calorie, the benefits that can be obtained from it seem to be not so significant.

There are many low-calorie foods(which will be discussed below), no less tasty, but more meaningful in terms of providing the body of a pregnant woman with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

If you can’t live without chocolate, during pregnancy, give preference to black (bitter)

Dark chocolate contains 50-60% cocoa powder and least amount cocoa butter. Its taste is determined by the amount of cocoa and sugar in it. And it is he who is recommended for use during the period of bearing a child. Since dark chocolate usually contains the least various additives. In addition, it has a relatively low calorie content.

Can you still drink hot chocolate . In which it is better to take high-quality black tiled as a basis. And add water, milk, cream, sugar, spices to it.

Hot chocolate is less caloric and not as rich. And that means side effects less from using it.

IN milk chocolate more cocoa butter than black. Which means more calories.

Norm of use for expectant mothers

Each expectant mother must clearly understand for herself that any product that she consumes in large quantities is capable, one way or another, of harming her health and, accordingly, the health of her baby.

That is why it is appropriate to talk about a sense of proportion here. Especially when it comes to chocolate, which contains components that can affect blood circulation and the nervous system, as well as sugar and carbohydrates, which are far from healthy calories.

You can enjoy chocolate early dates pregnancy. The average daily allowance for an adult is 20-30 grams per day. Those. a week you can, without risking anything, eat, in portions, a 100-gram bar of dark chocolate.

In later pregnancy, it is better to reduce its consumption. Not without, of course, to occasionally feast on a small piece, but no more.

Good quality white chocolate is hard to come by. Since unscrupulous manufacturers of cocoa butter in it are often replaced with other fats

Precautionary measures

It is very important to choose a quality natural chocolate. Carefully study the composition of the product, which must be indicated on the packaging. Dyes, flavors and preservatives, denoted by all kinds of "E", should not be listed there.

Signs of natural chocolate:

  • A quality product breaks with a characteristic click. It shouldn't crumble.
  • The chocolate melts very quickly in your hands. This is an indicator that it really contains cocoa butter, and not some kind of substitute.

One more thing. In order to gain weight within the normal range, a pregnant woman should receive no more than 40-50 g of sugar per day.

And this is not so much, considering that sugar is contained not only in chocolate, but also in tea or compote, in vegetables, fruits or milk porridge, for example.

Chocolate can be replaced with fruit and vegetable salads. It's tasty and healthy. And few calories. And no side effects

To meet the norm, you will have to give up other, more valuable and healthy products in favor of chocolate. And this, in your position, is unacceptable.

What can be replaced?

But do not rush to get upset. Even if you are a convinced and incorrigible sweet tooth. Replacing your favorite dessert is not difficult for you. From much more useful for health, you can indulge yourself with no less delicious and sweet foods.

  1. Honey. Can be combined with nuts.
  2. Preserves and jams.
  3. Dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, dates, etc.)
  4. Natural marshmallows and marmalade.
  5. Creamy ice cream (preferably homemade).
  6. Fresh fruits and vegetables from which you can cook the most variety of salads with the addition of the same honey and yogurt.

As you can see, the world did not converge on one chocolate. Turn on your imagination, experiment, create! Won appetit you! And good mood!

Video “Food without harm. Chocolate"
