
Passion fruit peel is edible. What does it taste like

Of the approximately 500 species of plants in the Passiflora family, only passion fruit has become widespread and famous. There are two distinct forms of passion fruit within the species, the common purple (violet) and yellow varieties. Not only the color of their fruits differ, but also how and where these passion fruit subspecies grow.

Passion fruit is a woody perennial with a shallow root system and long willow branches, fixed with tendrils and weaving on the surrounding vegetation. The three-lobed leaves have small teeth along the edges and grow up to 20 centimeters in length, have a dark green color on top and paler on the reverse side. Young stems and tendrils have a reddish or purple hue, which is especially characteristic of the yellow form of passion fruit.

In the axil of each leaf on a growing young vine, one passion fruit flower is formed, growing up to 7.5 centimeters in diameter. The flower consists of 5 greenish-white sepals, 5 white petals and many thin rays forming a crown of the same color. The whole flower has a rich purple color at the base, in the center there are 5 stamens with large anthers and a pistil divided into three. The yellow passion fruit flower grows more showy with rich color.

Passionfruit fruits are almost round or ovoid fruits growing from 4 to 7.5 centimeters in diameter, have a tough rind with a smooth waxy surface. The shades of the passionfruit fruits can be dark purple with small white speckles, or light yellow, reminiscent of the colors of a pumpkin. Under the peel, a cavity is found filled with about 250 sacs filled with fragrant juice orange color and seeds.

Countries where passion fruit grows.

The purple passion fruit is native to southern Brazil and Argentina, but the origin of its yellow variety is not exactly known. In Brazil, passion fruit grows everywhere and there is a long-established industry for the production of juice and preserves from it. Purple passionfruit is considered to be the preferred fresh, yellow is grown for industrial processing.

At the beginning of the last century, passionfruit plantations were common in Australia and New Zealand, however, after the appearance of the disease, almost all large-scale plantings died. After the emergence of hybrids of yellow and purple passion fruit that can resist serious diseases, these fruits have begun to gain popularity again in this region over the past few decades.

firmly entrenched industrial production passion fruit juice in Hawaii, where plantings of its yellow form reach 500 hectares. Commercial cultivation of purple passion fruit previously flourished in Kenya and Uganda, but after the onset of disease, farmers switched to less mass cultivation. In South Africa, India and Sri Lanka, purple and yellow passion fruit are actively grown for domestic consumption.

Today, passion fruit has spread and grows in Taiwan, in private gardens in Israel, it can be found on the islands of Java, Sumatra, Malaya, the Philippines, and Zimbabwe. In many places in Southeast Asia, you can find wild passion fruit, but it has cultural background. In the 1950s, interest in the cultivation and processing of yellow passion fruit intensified in Colombia and Venezuela, where the production of juices, ice cream, passion fruit cocktails reached industrial status with extensive national support.

Purple passion fruit is a subtropical plant. It grows well at altitudes from 650 to 1300 meters above sea level, can survive negative temperatures, but frost usually takes a toll on the passionfruit vine, so during the colder months, it's a good idea to organize shelters and wrap the passionfruit vine in heat-retaining materials. Yellow passion fruit is more thermophilic - a tropical plant.

Both varieties need protection from the wind, and the minimum annual rainfall should be about 90 centimeters. Passion fruit thrives in many types of soil, from light to heavy loam, but soils of medium texture and medium acidity are preferred. known different periods fruiting of passion fruit in various places of its growth. There are areas, for example in India, where passion fruit grows and bears fruit all year round, with peak periods in spring and from August to December, but the quality of the fruit varies from month to month.

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One, called the fruit of passion - Passion flower. But this name does not express anything erotic - we are talking about the passion of Christ. Brazil is considered the birthplace of the passion flower. When the Italian Jesuit monk F. Ferrari arrived on the shores of this mysterious country in the 17th century, he was shown an amazing flower. The shocked Ferrari described its beauty to his compatriots, using the well-known biblical story of the suffering of Christ: “The elongated outer part of the fruit looks like a crown of thorns; petals white color emphasize the innocence of the Savior; many nectaries resemble torn clothes; the column rising from the center of the flower resembles the pillar to which the Lord was tied; the ovary on this column symbolizes a sponge soaked in vinegar; five marginal threads - five wounds, and three stigmas - three nails; the stems of the creeper are like hostages ... There is only a cross, because soft natures are unable to imagine the depth of Christ's pain ... "After such a description, the name " passionflower».

scientific name for this exotic plant- Passiflora (Passiflora incarnata L.). Having spread widely throughout the tropical belt of the planet, it received many other names: the fruit of passion, passionfruit, edible passionflower, granadilla. To our compatriots exotic fruit better known as passion fruit.

passion fruit - Spanish name Passiflora family, which has more than a hundred species. The most common species that we buy is the yellow granadilla passionflower.

Botanical description of passion fruit

Passion fruit represents evergreen liana growing up to ten meters in length. The dark green, deeply three-lobed leaves of the plant are alternate. Their length reaches twenty centimeters. Leaf margins are finely serrated.

Passion fruit blooms with single flowers, the diameter of which is about three centimeters. Each flower has five petals, five stamens and five sepals.

Passion fruits can be oblong or spherical in shape. Their skin color varies from dark purple to yellow. Fruit ripening after pollination lasts about 80 days. Ripe passion fruit has a sweet and sour aromatic taste.

Useful properties of passion fruit

Passion fruit contains many useful substances. The pulp is 40% juice. The proportion of carbohydrates is 20%, protein - 3%, minerals- 4.2%, organic acids - 4%, fats - 0.7%. Passion fruit contains a lot of phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, sulfur, copper, manganese, iodine, fluorine and zinc. The exotic fruit is also rich in vitamins C, B1-3, 5-6, 9, H, K, A.

Passion fruit improves the functioning of the digestive system, serves as a mild laxative. Its fruits remove uric acid from the body, serve as a good antipyretic, a medicine that copes well with liver diseases and urinary tract. Passion fruit juice, acting relaxing, helps to improve sleep.

Passion fruit contains alpha hydroxy acids that improve skin elasticity, hydration and tone. Therefore, passion fruit can be seen among the list of components of many cosmetics. In addition to these properties, the fruit also has antioxidant properties.

Thai doctors recommend regularly eating passion fruit for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system, overweight, liver and urinary tract. It is noticed that passion fruit has a laxative, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Fruit seeds are prescribed as a sleeping pill.

Passion fruit serves as the basis for production medical preparations sedative action.

Is it bad to eat passion fruit?

The use of passion fruit in large quantities can cause allergies. Do not get carried away with the bones - this is a strong natural sleeping pill.

How to eat passion fruit

In Thailand, passion fruit pulp is mainly eat raw spoonful. In order to get to the pulp, you need to carefully cut the peel of the fruit in a circle (make a deep cut, not cut in half). Then quickly (to prevent the juice from spilling) separate the halves. The pulp is eaten along with the bones.

In cooking, the pulp of passion fruit is used. It is great for making fillings in pies, salads and cocktails.

How to store passion fruit

Passion fruit is a short-lived product. When stored in the refrigerator, an exotic fruit does not deteriorate for five days. Frozen passion fruit will keep its taste properties for several months. However, after defrosting, the pulp will look miserable ...

Other Uses for Passion Fruit

By cold pressing, a special oil is obtained from passion fruit, which is used in cosmetology:

  • in therapeutic creams for psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis;
  • in sunscreen formulations;
  • in anti-inflammatory recipes;
  • in moisturizers;
  • as a soothing massage oil;
  • in care products for "problem" skin (dry, flaky, with an altered lipid barrier).

Passion fruit is the fruit of a plant that belongs to the perennial family of passion flowers. This fruit is native to subtropical wild areas. South America, Paraguay. Passion fruit is also called Passiflora edible or Granadilla purpurea. This fruit has pleasant taste and aroma.

In nature, there are more than 400 varieties of passionflower, differing in size, color, shape and taste. Most of them are edible.

The passion fruit plant itself is very beautiful, climbing, which, like grapes, produces tendrils during growth and wraps around everything that comes in its path. Blooms with white-green flowers bright aroma. The average lifespan of a plant is 5 to 7 years.

The fruits have a smooth waxy surface and oval shape, their diameter is usually 4-8 cm, approximately like that of a lemon, and their weight is 35-50 g.

Now the most popular are passion fruit with yellow and purple flowers fruit. yellow fruits, most often, more purple and can reach the size of a grapefruit in the process of growth. But the pulp of purple fruits is more juicy and sweet, and also has a pronounced taste and aroma. Inside the fruit there are membrane sacs that contain the juice and seedless seeds.

Passion fruit: photo

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Passion fruit: useful properties

  • Useful passion fruit properties are in her chemical composition. The fruits of this plant are rich in vitamins, mainly ascorbic acid and vitamin PP, it contains a little less vitamins A, B1, B6, B5, B2, E, H, K. There is a lot of potassium in passion fruit, which plays an important role in the work of the cardiovascular vascular system. This fruit also contains macronutrients such as sodium, sulfur, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus and magnesium. Most of all in the fruits of zinc and iron, and less manganese, iodine, fluorine, copper, etc. 100 g of the product contains approximately 68 kcal.
  • Through a balanced mineral composition and a high content of potassium, experts in the field of nutrition advise eating passion fruit for violations of the liver, urinary tract and cardiovascular system. Also due to the high nutritional value and low in calories, this fruit can be consumed for weight loss.
  • Passion fruit has antimicrobial, antipyretic and laxative effects, and improves performance digestive system, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, helps to cleanse the body of toxins, uric acid, and other products of metabolic processes.
  • The pulp of this fruit contains a lot of dietary fiber. Fiber helps to remove cholesterol from the body, and also protects the lining of the large intestine. There is also a lot of vitamin C in this fruit, and it strengthens the immune system in the fight against influenza and other colds and infectious diseases. Flavonoids and vitamin A are needed to maintain good vision and proper nutrition of the mucous membranes.

Passion fruit: taste

To choose the fruits of this plant you need mature and heavy weight. Most often, fruits with wrinkled skin are tastier and sweeter. Store them in a cool, dark place for no more than 1 week. For long-term storage fruit, it must be sprinkled big amount sugar and freeze.

Fruit juice is also valuable product. It is added to desserts dairy products, juices, creams and cocktails. If it is not possible to buy this fruit, then you can search finished products with his addition.

Eating passion fruit is very simple - you need to take a small knife, stick it 0.5 cm into the widest part of the fruit and start cutting it in a circle, and then very quickly open it into 2 parts. Then scoop out the yellow flesh with a spoon. The bones of the fruit are also quite edible, but you should not get too carried away with them, this can cause drowsiness.

It is contraindicated to eat passion fruit for people who are prone to allergies and with individual intolerance to this fruit.

Passion fruit - delicious and very useful fruit Plus, it's fairly affordable these days. Another advantage of it is low calorie. Fruits can be included in the diet during the diet.

Passion fruit is a tropical crop from the Passionflower family, the genus Passionflower. It grows in the form of a vine, has rounded fruits of yellow or maroon color. It has a number of other names: passion fruit, passionfruit, passionflower, granadilla. The fruits and juice of the plant have healing properties and are used to treat many diseases. It is used in the field of cosmetology and as dietary product in order to reduce weight. However, the use of passion fruit is contraindicated in some cases.

What does passion fruit look like and where does it grow?

Passion fruit is an exotic fruit that looks like a plum. It grows on long vines that can reach up to 10 m in height. The leaves of the plant have a regular distribution along the stem, rich green in color. The leaf plate is three-lobed, with jagged edges, about 20 cm long. It blooms with single flowers, 3–5 cm in diameter.

The fruits are round and oblong, 5–13 cm in size. The color varies from yellow to brown-purple, depending on the degree of ripening. Unripe fruits have smooth peel, and ripe - wrinkled. It has a rigid structure, protecting the pulp from damage. Inside the fruit there are yellow-green sweet grains. The taste of the ripe fruit is sweet and sour. After pollination, the fruit fully ripens in 80 days.

Depending on the species, the skin of the fruit is smooth or wrinkled. When choosing, pay attention to this indicator. The softness and bumpiness of the surface is a sign of ripeness.

In the natural environment, passion fruit grows exclusively in tropical climates. The birthplace of the fruit is Australia. Under the rays of the scorching sun, the tree quickly gains twenty meters in height. The culture has the form of branched vines growing in groups. The period of fruit set coincides with flowering, which gives the plant an attractive appearance.

In nature, there are up to 100 varieties of passion fruit. For industrial purposes, it is cultivated in America, South Africa, Thailand, and the Hawaiian Islands. The growing season in Thailand starts in January and lasts until the end of April. In this country, passion fruit is rare, so it is difficult to find it on free sale. Prices vary depending on the season.

Beneficial features

The fruit of passionfruit has beneficial properties. The pulp is juicy, thanks to great content juice - about 40% of total weight. The percentage distribution of the remaining components is as follows: proteins - 3–4%; carbohydrates - 20–21%; minerals - 0.9–4.2%; organic acids - 0.3–4%; fats - 0.5–0.7%. There are macro- and microelements: phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, fluorine, iodine, sulfur, copper. Fruits are rich in vitamins of groups B, C, A, E, K.

As part of this exotic fruit, the fat content is minimal, the main components are carbohydrates and proteins. Therefore, passion fruit is included in the diet for weight loss. Caloric content of 100 g of the product is 65–70 kcal.

Passion fruit has healing properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • sedative;
  • regenerating;
  • laxative;
  • tonic;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunostimulating.

Vitamins and antioxidants in fruits contribute to the destruction of free radicals in the body, kill viruses. As a result, the body's resistance increases. various diseases. Flavonoids, phenols and ascorbic acid act as anti-carcinogens, activate the work of white blood cells. This is cancer prevention.

Daily intake of passion fruit, even in small quantities, reduces the risk of developing eye diseases. Improves vision, protects against cataracts, night blindness. A large amount of fiber in the fruit has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, eliminates constipation, and normalizes metabolism. Toxins are removed naturally stabilizes the blood sugar index.

People suffering high blood pressure, will benefit from regular intake of passion fruit. This is due to the long-acting vasodilating effect. Potassium, iron and copper in the composition of the fruit are indispensable for strengthening the heart muscle and improving blood circulation. Reception of passion fruit is an excellent prevention of any cardiac pathologies. It is useful to eat fruits for people of advanced age. It's unique natural remedy from joint degradation. It relieves inflammation, reduces pain.

The seeds and juice are used as sleeping pills. They have a relaxing effect. Thai doctors recommend exotic fruits for people with malfunctions of cardio-vascular system, obesity, diseases of the liver and urinary tract. The passionfruit fruit is part of the sedative drugs.

The use and storage of passion fruit

It is difficult for people who see a fruit for the first time to understand how to eat it. With a sharp knife you need to cut the skin in a circle, deepening by 1 cm. Quickly separate the shares to avoid loss of juice.

Passion fruit pulp is eaten dessert spoon along with the seeds. The skin is not edible and is discarded.

Ripe passion fruit is endowed with a range of flavors. When used, associations arise with kiwi, sea buckthorn, strawberries, peaches, gooseberries.

Passion fruit pulp is used in cooking. Her sweet and sour taste harmonizes well with sweet pastries, giving unique aroma. Passion fruit is added to fruit salads, mousse, sauces. Her juice is perfect ingredient for making cocktails. By mixing passion fruit and kiwi juices with absinthe, you get an exquisite alcoholic cocktail. Juice in pure form drink as a tonic drink. In Brazil, confectionery is decorated with seeds.

The shelf life of the fruit is short. It is stored in the refrigerator without changing its properties for up to 5 days. If an unripe fruit is purchased, you should hold it for one day with room temperature. When frozen, the shelf life is extended to several months. After that, the appearance of the fetus loses its attractiveness.

All about the passionfruit fruit - what kind of exotic fruit is it and how to eat it. Also where it grows, how you can grow it at home, where to buy passion fruit and how to store it. Useful and harmful properties of the fruit

Fetus passion passion fruit appeared in our countries not so long ago. His homeland is Brazil. This fruit has more than a hundred species. However, it is possible to grow it only under certain conditions. The main condition is the presence of a large amount of heat and sun. Passion fruit fruits, depending on the species, may have wrinkled or smooth skin. Such differences do not greatly affect the taste of the fruit, however, it is generally accepted that fruits with a smooth skin are less ripe and less sweet, more mature fruits are even slightly soft. Therefore, for those who prefer fragrant fruits, when choosing this exotic fruit, you should pay attention to its skin, it should also be dark in color (although there is also a kind of light green fruit). Color and appearance will be the main clue.

Cultivation of passion fruit

This fruit can be grown at home, but this will require, firstly, careful care for it, and secondly, a large space, since the fruits of this exotic fruit appear on the vine. It all depends on the desire and ability of the person. However, the main thing to remember is the intolerance of cold by southern plants. If the owner nevertheless decided to cultivate the wild species of passion fruit, then this must be done patiently, without waiting for the fruits in the first year. But the absence of fruits even after 4 years of careful care for such a plant may indicate an incorrectly chosen temperature or light regime.

Therefore, more often the fruits of passion fruit are grown in countries such as India, Brazil. It is also not uncommon to find the growing fruits of this exotic fruit in the Philippines, Australia or Hawaii. Common to these places is abundant sun, necessary for the proper growth of such a plant.

How to eat passion fruit: use in culinary recipes

Those who see this fruit for the first time are wondering - "How to eat it?". Everything is very simple, you need to carefully cut the skin in a circle with a knife (not like a tomato in half, but in a circle), the knife blade should enter half a centimeter. Then quickly separate the two halves so that the passion fruit juice does not flow out. It is advisable to eat yellow flesh with seeds with a teaspoon. Seeds pleasantly click on the teeth, and the aroma of the fruit makes you eat more and more.

The pulp of the passion fruit is commonly used in food. She can help create unique taste in a pie or cake. It can also be applied to fruit salads, but then put it last before mixing. Passion fruit is also an excellent component for creating cocktails. In this case, its juice is used. Great combination will be the mixing of passion fruit juice, absinthe and mango juice. Such a cocktail will not leave indifferent any gourmet. And the harmony of passion fruit with kiwi will be a real find for culinary specialists who create fruit sauce. Seeds in the pulp of passion fruit, as well as in kiwi, are a spicy "highlight" of this sauce, giving it a delicate acidity and a pleasant aftertaste with crackling seeds.

Appearance this exotic fruit often pushed to use it as an aphrodisiac. Combining it with mussels will be a real mystery for a man, which he can solve together with his beloved woman.

Where to buy and store passion fruit

You can buy this "fruit of love" in a large supermarket that imports exotic fruits. If the passion fruit is not eaten immediately, then its storage in the refrigerator is regulated for five days. In case of purchase unripe fetus, it is recommended to store it for a day at room temperature until fully ripe, and only then put it in the refrigerator.

If you are going to visit, for example, Thailand, then this fruit can be bought there for 80-100 baht for 5-6 pieces. (this is about 160-190 rubles).

Useful and harmful properties of passion fruit

A huge amount of vitamins contained in this exotic fruit, makes passion fruit a win-win remedy for strengthening immunity. And the content of antioxidants in the fruit allows it to be used in cancer, as well as to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Passion fruit is used by many traditional healers as a means of regulating the work gastrointestinal tract, as well as adjust genitourinary system. The seeds of this fruit are used to relieve nervous tension, and the leaves serve excellent tool for headache and joint pain. That is, this fruit can be used in medical purposes as a whole, since each component of it is valued in the treatment of various diseases.

Oh oh harmful properties there’s nothing to say, the only thing is that it can just be an allergy to this fruit and that’s it, as well as when using it in in large numbers(seed), it can pull on sleep, it has drowsiness.

Video about the fruit, its benefits and how to eat:
