
Passion fruit: description, cultivation and useful properties of the passion fruit. Passion fruit: useful properties and contraindications, photo

Passion fruit is an exotic Brazilian fruit that is widely known throughout the world. The fruit of passion, edible passionflower, purple granadilla - the fruit has many names. The unique taste, alluring smell, sweet juice, and, of course, the benefits of passion fruit remain unchanged. Indeed, it will be very difficult to find a person who has not tried yogurt or aromatic tea with the addition of an exotic beauty.

Like everything unknown, passion fruit has its secrets, dressed in flowers of unique beauty.

How Passion Fruit Grows

Many centuries ago in sunny Brazil, where the monk Ferrari arrived from Italy. It was he who gave the name "fruit of passion", but not at all for the inciting properties of the fruit. The outlandish flower reminded the monk of the anguish and pain of Jesus. Thin flower petals symbolized a bloody crown of thorns, strong stamens were like the nails of a crucifix, and the most delicate white petals expressed innocence.

Over time, the religious legend was forgotten, passion fruit spread throughout the world and, thanks to its bright taste, attractive aroma and spectacular appearance, retained its passionate name. By the way, in many countries, passionflower is used as a powerful aphrodisiac.

Today, passion fruit is cultivated in tropical countries and pleases the inhabitants with beautiful flowers and delicious fruits. The tree itself is a cluster of vines that grow up to 10-12 meters per year. During the growth period, the plant acquires small tendrils and diligently wraps everything around. Over time, numerous fragrant flowers form on the branches, from which fruits appear after 3 months.

Passion fruit season in Thailand

One of the developed areas of passion fruit has become Thailand, where it is considered the most fragrant fruit. Immediately after the end of the rainy season, the growth period begins, which lasts from December to April. At this time, ripe passion fruit appears on the shelves of markets and supermarkets. For Thailand, this is a rare fruit, but tourists can enjoy it. The price of granadilla varies, depending on the season.

What does passion fruit look like

Outwardly, the passionfruit fruit looks like a large yellow or deep purple color and reaches 12 cm in length and 3 cm in width.

The dense peel of the passion fruit preserves the contents of the fruit from damage, and is also a kind of indicator of ripeness. An unripe fruit has a perfectly smooth skin, while a ripe one is completely covered with small wrinkles.

Depending on the variety, the weight of passion fruit ranges from 35-50 grams. Most of it is jelly-like orange pulp with small bones. Yellow large fruits contain more pulp, but purple ones are much sweeter and juicier.

Other members of the Passionflower family are very similar to passion fruit. For example, an oblong banana granadilla grows 12 cm long, 4 cm wide. The shape of the fruit may resemble an elongated light yellow or cucumber with a velvety dark green skin. Inside the peel contains bright orange pulp in the form of numerous small droplets with seeds.

And the giant granadilla, justifying its name, has a truly impressive size. The fruit grows up to 30 cm long and up to 12 cm wide and resembles a small melon. Unlike the passion fruit, the yellow or green skin of the giant granadilla is thinner. But, like most edible varieties of passionflower, the large fruit contains fragrant sweet and sour pulp with brown or purple seeds.

Composition and calories

Passiflora is distinguished not only by its bright appearance. Its rich composition itself answers the question of whether the fruit has beneficial properties.

The rich content of vitamins, mineral complexes, beta-carotene, antioxidants, flavonoids and fiber help to cope with many ailments and maintain health. 100 grams contains:

  • 2.4 g protein
  • 0.4 g fat,
  • 13.4 g of carbohydrates,
  • 78 g water
  • 1.5 g of dietary fiber.

At the same time, passion fruit has a low calorie content. Only 68 kcal per 100 grams of fresh pulp. This feature makes the fruit attractive for people who are losing weight or watching their figure.

Diabetics need to watch out for more than just what's in the foods. Due to the high carbohydrate content, it is necessary to limit the consumption of passionflower so as not to cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels.


Passion fruit contains numerous vitamins, some of which are up to 25% of the daily value.

  • Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens vision, improves skin condition and stimulates the immune system.
  • Vitamins B1 regulates the functioning of the nervous system, participates in fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Vitamin B2 is part of enzymes, an active participant in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, gives the skin firmness and elasticity.
  • Vitamin PP improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous activity, is part of the enzymes involved in cellular gas exchange.
  • Vitamin B5 regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the synthesis of enzymes involved in fat and amino acid metabolism.
  • Vitamin B6 is involved in hematopoiesis and protein metabolism, improves immunity, and activates mental activity.
  • Vitamin E - protects blood vessels from damage, strengthens the immune system, activates physical and mental activity
  • Biotin keeps skin and hair healthy.
  • Vitamin K synthesizes substances involved in blood clotting.
  • Folic acid helps to synthesize hemoglobin and strengthens blood vessels.
  • Ascorbic acid is the strongest antioxidant, stimulates the immune system, strengthens blood vessels and bone tissue, regulates cholesterol levels, and is involved in the synthesis of hormones.


Passion fruit contains mineral complexes, which, together with vitamins, guard health. When eating fruit, the body replenishes the reserves of macro- and microelements, which are not synthesized on their own.

  • Calcium is part of the bone and cartilage tissue, provides nerve conduction to the muscles.
  • Potassium strengthens the heart and promotes the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Magnesium regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism.
  • Sodium is involved in water metabolism, transports cellular substances.
  • Phosphorus is a part of ATP, bone and nervous tissue, promotes the contraction of muscle fibers.
  • Sulfur is a mineral of beauty, improves the tone of the body, nourishes the cells of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Chlorine activates the enzyme amylase and promotes digestion, is part of the blood plasma.
  • Iron - one of the most important components of hemoglobin, carries out gas exchange of cells.
  • Iodine is part of the thyroid hormones.
  • Manganese helps vitamins and minerals to be absorbed, participates in the synthesis of insulin, as well as in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Zinc contributes to the synthesis of most hormones and enzymes, ensures muscle function.
  • Fluorine is part of tooth enamel, protecting teeth from caries.
  • Copper, together with vitamin C, is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, strengthens eyesight, and promotes the beauty of skin and hair.

How to eat passion fruit

It is impossible to describe the taste of passion fruit in one word. It resembles a combination of favorite fruits and berries. The freshness of kiwi, the sourness of sea buckthorn, the airy sweetness and juiciness of gooseberries, the tartness of plums and the tenderness of strawberries give a rich sweet and sour taste. Such a bright composition explains why granadilla is a gourmet favorite.

Before eating, the fruit must be peeled. The peel is considered poisonous, but cooks have learned to use some varieties in the preparation of desserts. However, you should not take risks and experiment with exotic food on your own.

For safety during transportation, passionflower is treated with chemicals, so it must be thoroughly washed.

The peel is carefully cut in a circle so as not to split the fruit in half. This is done to preserve more fresh juice. From each half, eat the remaining core with a small spoon. Passion fruit seeds are eaten along with a jelly-like fragrant pulp.

How to choose passion fruit

To please yourself with exotic goodies, you need to understand how to choose it correctly. Ripe fruit is covered with a slightly wrinkled, rough shell without damage. The smooth passion fruit is sour in taste but becomes sweeter as it ripens.

Can You Eat Passion Fruit Seeds?

The Brazilian guest has a controversial effect. The pulp itself invigorates and tones, and the bones have a hypnotic effect. Soft miniature seeds are used in cooking to decorate confectionery, desserts and cocktails. In addition to beauty, they are a source of Omega acids and vitamins.

What is prepared from passion fruit

The fruit is often used in the preparation of a variety of dishes - desserts, salads, pastries, casseroles and sauces. Its unique flavor makes it a worthy addition to any kitchen. Passion fruit goes well with dairy products and seaweed, so it is often used in cocktails, smoothies and juices.

How to store passion fruit

In the homeland of the fruit, it is stored in a cool place to maximize the shelf life. Peeled passion fruit can be refrigerated for up to five days. And if you freeze the pulp along with sugar, all the important substances and benefits will remain for a long time.

What is useful passion fruit

The tropical fruit of passion deservedly can be called the fruit of health. Fresh passion fruit regulates nervous activity, strengthens the heart, normalizes blood pressure, activates the liver. The juice has a mild diuretic and laxative effect on the body. And dietary fiber stimulates the digestive system and helps to eliminate toxins and toxins.

An increased amount of antioxidants that protect not only from viruses and bacteria, but also from cancer, allow us to safely say that passion fruit and benefits are inextricably linked.

Also, passionflower has medicinal properties. The fruit reduces the development of inflammatory processes, reduces the risk of asthma attacks, helps to cope with severe headaches without drugs.

The benefits of passion fruit for women are invaluable. During menstruation, it relieves the condition and eliminates cramps. In adulthood, regular consumption of fruit will help to cope with the pronounced signs of menopause.

Passion fruit or Passionflower edible, or Passionflower food - a tropical evergreen liana, the genus Passionflower, the Passionflower family. Often, the fruits of this plant are given the name "pedestrian fruit" and are mistakenly considered to be the fruit of passion, miraculous properties for men's health and improving potency are attributed. This happened due to ignorance of the historical events preceding the name of passion fruit (in a general religious sense it means suffering). The name comes from the ancient Indian dialect of Tupi Guana. South America (Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil) is considered to be the native land. Successfully grown in Hawaii, the Galapagos Islands, Israel and New Zealand. This evergreen vine grows up to 10 meters in length. The leaves are medium in size, green, alternate, the edges are finely serrated.

The fruits are oval, the size of a chicken egg, come in different colors: yellow, purple, blue. Inside the pulp is sweet and sour with a tonic effect, soft, with small bones inside. The ripening period lasts approximately 60 to 80 days. Passionfruit fruits are actively used in cooking for preparing dressings for salads, meat, as a component of desserts, yogurts, preserves and jams. It is also widely used in cosmetology due to the presence of useful properties.

Calorie passion fruit (100 g)

vitamins Content mg ​​(mcg)
A 65 mcg
E 0.03 mg
TO 0.06 µg
WITH 31 mg
AT 2 0.14 mg
AT 6 0.2 mg
AT 9 15 mcg
RR 1.6 mg
AT 4 7.5 mg

The content of macro- and microelements in passion fruit (100 g)

Useful properties for the body

  • Passion fruit is an excellent dietary product;
  • Recommended for people with frequent or regular loads;
  • One of the main beneficial properties of passion fruit is the regulation of metabolism in the body;
  • Helps cleanse the blood of toxins;
  • Passion fruit normalizes the digestive tract, helps to avoid diarrhea and constipation;
  • It has a positive effect on the processes in the liver, it is especially useful when infections get into it;
  • Passion fruit also improves the state of the cardiovascular system, regulates blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle, vascular walls;
  • Useful for combating migraines;
  • Helps with asthma, relieves coughing fits;
  • Marauya is useful for strengthening the immune system, it is used as a prophylactic for colds;
  • Due to the presence of vitamin E, it has anti-aging properties;
  • Vitamin A in passion fruit is good for the eyes, improves vision;
  • Participates in biochemical processes;
  • Serotinin has a calming effect on the nervous system, restores restful sleep;
  • Due to its beneficial properties, passion fruit is widely used in cosmetology, it is added to creams, masks and lotions;
  • Passion fruit will strengthen hair, skin (masks can smooth out mimic wrinkles);
  • Helpful in fighting free radicals
  • is a prophylactic for neoplastic diseases, cancer;
  • eliminate diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • has healing properties for the skin and is used in ointments and lotions for psoriasis, eczema, peeling.

Contraindications to the use of passion fruit

  • with allergic reactions, individual intolerance;
  • can act as a sleeping pill, has a relaxing effect (if you plan to actively spend the day, use passion fruit in the evening);
  • it is not recommended to give to small children, the young stomach is not yet able to cope with a lot of bones and sour juice;
  • eat with caution to young mothers, can develop allergies in babies, bloating and colic.

And in all other respects, a wonderful tasty tropical fruit that shares its beneficial properties and strengthens human health.

Passiflora belongs to the Passionflower family and has more than 500 species, one of which is edible Passiflora - a long evergreen liana with very beautiful original flowers, nicknamed the “cavalier star” in Russia due to its external similarity with the order.

The history of the discovery of a flower

Most passionflower species are native to the tropical and unexplored forests of South America, and some flower species are also found in Asia and Madagascar. Europe got acquainted with this plant only after the conquest of the New World.

The passionflower flower has a complex and original structure - at the top of the petals is a "crown", consisting of long scales, behind which are large stamens. Even higher is the pistil and 3 stigmas (see photo of edible passionflower). Because of this appearance, the missionaries who came to America and the Catholic Church considered the flower to be the crown of thorns of Christ and forbade its study. The first description of passionflower was made only in the twentieth century.

Biological description

This perennial plant can grow up to 3-4 m in length, it gives very long shoots, clinging to supports with the help of tendrils. The leaves are large, consisting of 3-5 lobes. The fruit of passionflower is a juicy multi-seeded berry, there are up to 60 edible species in passionflower, many of them are even grown as

The most famous and popular edible varieties of passionflower:

  • Passion fruit.
  • Granadilla.
  • Maestro.
  • Galaxy and others.

Passiflora edible (or passion fruit) refers to fast-growing vines that can be planted both in open ground and at home. The main condition for successful growth is sufficient lighting, so it cannot be grown in the shade or under the dense crown of a tree.

Optimum temperature for growth: + 18 ... + 24 ˚С, at a higher temperature, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out, the number of buds decreases, the plant may die. In winter, during the dormant period, it is kept at + 12 ... + 18 ˚С.

The soil for passionflower is light, well breathable, for which sand or peat is added to it.

The flower requires frequent watering during the period of growth and flowering (from spring to the end of autumn), the soil should always be slightly moist, in the summer it is watered every other day.
During the dormant period in winter, watering is done once a week or even less often. Passionflower is demanding on air humidity, in the summer it should be sprayed often, while it is impossible for the sun's rays to burn the leaves through the drops.

Top dressing of the plant is done twice a month, using complex mineral mixtures. Can be used for flowers, but diluted in half.

Passiflora does not tolerate drafts, but loves frequent airing. When planting, one should take into account the presence of supports along which the vine will grow upwards. The plant must be pruned frequently, especially shoots after flowering, which are cut off completely. In the spring, pruning is done by 1/3 of the length, since flowers will be placed only on fresh shoots.

Propagation of passionflower by cuttings

Edible passionflower can be propagated in several ways, the easiest of which is by cuttings. Apical cuttings with buds are cut in summer to a length of up to 10 cm, and then rooted in the soil in a warm room (+20 ... + 25 ˚С). To prepare the soil mixture, when planting, take 3 parts of leafy soil, 2 - humus, 2 - turf, 1 - sand.

Immediately before planting, they are treated with root, then the pot with cuttings is covered with a film, and the cuttings take root within 1 month. You can put the cuttings in water by adding a piece of charcoal for 1.5-2 months. roots should appear, but the water cannot be changed.

Whiskers can also be propagated during the growing season.

Propagation of passionflower seeds

Propagation by seeds is a longer process than cuttings. In addition, very often the seeds germinate poorly due to long storage (sometimes several months). With this method, certain rules must be observed:

  • the cultivation of edible passionflower from seeds begins in February;
  • the soil mixture must be disinfected before planting: fry in the oven for 10 minutes. at 200 ˚С;
  • the seeds are sown in the soil to a depth of 1 cm. Then the container is covered with a film or glass, the temperature in the room should be + 22 ... + 24 ˚С. When the first leaves appear, they make a pick in separate pots with a diameter of more than 7 cm;
  • edible passionflower seeds have a hard shell, so scarification is done to soften it - they are lightly rubbed with sandpaper on both sides;
  • then the seeds are kept for a day in milk or in a solution of citrus juice (lemon or orange);
  • only then planted in a container or peat cups;
  • every day the container must be ventilated, for which the film is removed for 5 minutes;
  • the soil is moistened as it dries by spraying;
  • as soon as sprouts appear, the film is removed, and the container must be rearranged in a place with good lighting.

Planting and flowering passionflower

The plant is a perennial, it is transplanted once a year in spring. When planting a small plant in the first year, it should be covered for 2 weeks with a glass jar. In the first year, passionflower forms the basis of the future liana, growing the main shoots, usually up to 1.5 m long. At the same time, it definitely needs support to gain a foothold.

In autumn, when the temperature drops below +15 ˚С, the plant must be moved to a room where the temperature can be maintained at +13…+16 ˚С. If the room is hot, then the vine begins to go bald and loses leaves.

In the second year in the spring, last year's long shoots should be cut to a third of the length, given that the flowers will form precisely on fresh shoots. Passionflower blooms almost the entire summer season from June to October, but each flower lives only 1 day.

It is difficult to grow fruits in room conditions. To get them, you must have at least 2 plants of the same species, because they are cross-pollinated. Due to the mismatch, flowering on these may not happen. The fruits of various plant species usually ripen within 2-3.5 months.

Consider the various varieties of edible passionflower.

Passion flower types

Edible Passion Fruit or Granadilla(Passiflora edulis) - the most common species, its homeland is Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina. In culture, it grows up to 5-8 m, has matte three-lobed leaves. There are two varieties of it: with yellow fruits and purple. The flowers are very large (6-8 cm) light purple, and the fruits are round in shape up to 6 cm in size. Drinks and sweets are prepared from them, added to tea.

Passiflora banana or tender(Passiflora mollissima) - grows naturally in Bolivia, Venezuela and Colombia. The flowers are pink up to 12 cm in size, the fruits emit a pleasant aroma. Of all the species, banana passionflower is the most cold-resistant, bearing fruit in the first year.

Passiflora edible Galaxy- a perennial climbing plant, creepers grow up to 4.5 m long, flowers up to 12 cm in size are white and pink. The fruits are brown-red, have a pleasant aroma.

The largest in terms of fruit size and stem length - Passiflora tetrahedral(Passiflora quadrangularis) - grows up to 15 m in length, flowers are also large, up to 15 cm in diameter, large oval-shaped fruits up to 30 cm, have a thick peel, and inside - sweet juicy pulp. In the conditions of the middle zone, such a plant can be grown only in greenhouse conditions.

Passiflora edible Maestro- one of the most popular and widespread varieties in Russia, which is successfully used by gardeners for growing indoors and outdoors.

Passion flower apple-shaped(Passiflora maliformis) or Chulyupa is a vine with a tree-like stem up to 10 m long. Its fruits are up to 5 cm in size, contain sweet fragrant gray or pale orange pulp with black seeds. The pulp is used in the manufacture of drinks. Plantings of this species are grown in Brazil and Ecuador for edible fruits.

Diseases and pests of passionflower

Passiflora edible can suffer from the attack of spider mites, aphids, mealybugs and whiteflies. You can protect the plant with the help of "Fitoverma" or "Aktara", to destroy the worms, preparations containing cypermethrin ("Arrivo", "Inta-vir") are used.

Infectious diseases that can threaten the plant are root rot, late blight, ring and brown spot, scab, fusarium, very rarely yellow mosaic virus. It is very rare to cure a diseased plant, so it is destroyed along with the pot.

Medicinal properties of passionflower

Some types of passion flowers also have important medicinal value. Even the ancient Incas used passionflower as a soothing tea. The main healing effect of passionflower is a sedative that improves the quality and duration of sleep without any negative consequences. The plant is used to treat diseases of the nervous system, helps with insomnia, depression, epilepsy, etc.

Also, drugs prepared from this plant have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and analgesic effects, improve memory, increase efficiency and potency. Another unique effect of passionflower - compensation for the action of amphetamine - is used with great success to cure drug addiction and alcoholism.

The most valuable species from the point of view of medicine - Passiflora incarnate(Passiflora incarnata) or apricot, grows into a very long liana up to 10 m. The flowers are bright purple, and the fruits have a lemon hue the size of a plum, tasting sweet and sour. From the ground parts of it, the medicine "passiflora extract" is made, which has a calming effect, is prescribed for diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The fruits have a very interesting smell, similar to the aroma of lilacs.

The use of passion fruit in food

In our country, the fruits of edible passionflower (passion fruit and other species) can only be found in additives to yogurt, ice cream or juice. Very rarely, a piece of fruit can be found in tropical tea blends.

The pulp of this fruit is very tasty and sweet; at home it is consumed both raw, mixed with sugar and water, and for making jams, jellies and sherbets. Often pieces of this fruit are added to curd desserts and cakes.

Sweet juice and jam can be used in the preparation of meat and fish dishes, the best taste of the fruit is combined with nuts, apples, cinnamon and pears.

However, care should be taken, because some varieties (for example, Azure Passionflower) contain a small percentage of cyanide, while some others contain weaker toxic substances that are harmful to human health.

Passion fruit or passion fruit("peshen fruit" or passion fruit in English) is a delicious tropical fruit that is quite common on the shelves of markets and shops in Asia.

Nowadays passion fruit is grown in tropical and subtropical climates almost everywhere (in America, Asia, Australia, Oceania and even in the relatively cool climate of England). Homeland of the edible Stratoflower (the scientific name of the passionfruit from the Latin Passiflora edulis) - South America, from where the familiar name "passion fruit" came from. That is how this fruit is called in Brazil, Colombia, Peru.

Why "passion fruit"?

The name comes from mara kuya (may mean "food in a bowl") in the Tupi Indian language. The Tupi language was widely spoken in Brazil, but is now considered a dead language. The Tupi language did not have a written language and, in essence, it was a collection of dialects, so it is difficult to unequivocally state how the name of the fruit originally sounded: passion fruit or passion fruit, or passion fruit.

In English speaking countries passion fruit is called passion fruit(passion fruit), which has more to do with the flowers of these plants than with the fruit itself. In the 16th century, an outlandish flower that came to Europe became a clear religious symbol of the passions of Christ and the crucifixion itself. For which he received the scientific name Passiflora or Passionflower ("passionate flower").

What does a passion fruit look like:

The passion fruit plant is an evergreen vine (vine) that grows in much the same way as grapes. But we, of course, are more interested in the most delicious - passion fruit. It is round or oval in shape with juicy flesh and many seeds inside. The color of passion fruit can be from yellow to dark purple, depending on the variety and maturity. However, so does the taste of passion fruit, which varies from sour to sweet.

How to eat passion fruit:

Many varieties of passion fruit are sweet and do not need a sweetener. But, if you come across an acidic variety, then you can add sugar or honey to taste. In the Philippines, passion fruit pulp is sprinkled with chili peppers, and in Thailand, with salt or pepper and salt. Surprised? I highly recommend trying salted passion fruit with peppercorns - it's very tasty.

Peeling this exotic fruit is simple - cut it lengthwise and in half (as in the photo), and eat the pulp with a spoon.

In many countries, passion fruit is eaten fresh. Juices, jams, preserves are also made from this fruit of passion. Passion fruit is often added to yogurt, smoothies, ice cream.

If you want to try a delicious passion fruit, ask the locals how exactly they eat this fruit. There are varieties so sour that they are used in cocktails instead of lemon (for example, azedo passion fruit in Brazil). In Indonesia, there are two types of passion fruit: the white variety is eaten just like that, and the juice of the yellow fruit is used to make a thick syrup with a lot of sugar added.

Useful properties of passion fruit:

In addition to the fact that passion fruit is a truly delicious exotic fruit, it is also useful.

There are many tasty, healthy and inexpensive fruits growing in Thailand. Passion fruit is one of them. In Thai, passion fruit sounds like - Sauv-wa-root
What does passion fruit look like? When is her season in Thailand, how to choose the right passion fruit and what is the use?
Is it possible to give passion fruit to children? How to use passion fruit in cosmetology? Will passion fruit grow in Russia?
If you are not very familiar with this amazing fruit, then this article is for you!

Origin and season of passion fruit

In Thailand, the passion fruit season falls on autumn-winter, at which time passion fruit is sold in markets and supermarkets.
at the lowest prices and costs from 40 baht per kg.
However, no matter what time you come to Thailand, you won’t be left without passion fruit, it is sold here all year round, although of course
may cost more. Prices for passion fruit in Thailand reach up to 300 baht per kg.

In Thailand, purple passion fruit is common, like this:

Passion fruit comes in a different color on the outside, for example, orange-yellow, but this is rarely seen here.

What does passion fruit look like? - photo

Passion fruit looks rather nondescript. Very often in the market, a passion fruit tray is a pile of shriveled matte purple
fruits that look already very missing and it is not clear why such a price.
Appearances can be deceiving, and so it is in this case.
The fruit of the passion fruit is an oval about 7-13 cm with a smooth or wrinkled skin.
The most juicy, fragrant and ripe passionfruit fruits look the least presentable.
If you have any doubts about the ripeness and taste of a passion fruit when buying, ask the seller to open one fruit and let you try.

Passion fruit keeps well. Even ripe fruit will lie in the refrigerator for a week.

What is the right way to eat passion fruit?

You don't need a lot of imagination to eat passion fruit. The fruit is cut in half and the pulp is eaten out with a teaspoon.
In the same way, the pulp is taken out for other needs - cooking, cosmetology, passion fruit is used even for medicinal purposes.

There is also a more advanced way of eating passion fruit. Most often it is found on the islands. Large and ripe fruits
Passion fruit is pierced with a tube and drunk without opening.

The benefits of passion fruit

Passion fruit is a low-calorie and very vitamin-rich product.

Passion fruit can be consumed by absolutely everyone, except for those who are allergic to it. So
the first time you try the fruit with caution. This is especially true for small children.

Passion fruit pulp contains almost 50% juice, vitamins B, C, A, P, K, as well as iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.
Only a few fruits of passion fruit fully cover the daily human need for vitamin C, A, well digestible
group of vitamins B From passion fruit, which, as you know, is simply necessary in our stressful time. (The B group of vitamins helps fight drowsiness,
depression, irritability, normalizes sleep, gives tone and mood).

Passion fruit for various diseases:

The benefits of passion fruit are obvious for people suffering from a lack of concentration, tired, elderly people.
Passion fruit normalizes blood pressure, tones and gives energy.

It's a paradox, but passion fruit also has a mild sedative effect, since passion fruit seeds contain
a substance that is responsible for a restful and healthy sleep.

Passion fruit has long been taken by the natives as an antipyretic, as a remedy for "lazy" intestines,
helping with diseases of the urinary tract, cardiovascular system and liver.

Also, passion fruit has a proven antimicrobial effect.

Passion fruit in cosmetology

Of course, it will be difficult for girls living in Russia to find passion fruit in stores at a normal price, but for those who
who is found in Thailand, recipes for using passion fruit for cosmetic purposes are quite suitable.

Passion fruit hair mask:

2 tablespoons coconut oil (or any hair oil - olive, apricot kernel, sesame, etc.)
+ 2 tablespoons of cream + pulp and juice of 1-2 passion fruits.
Apply to hair roots and along the entire length, leave under a cap for 30 minutes, rinse.

Regular passion fruit hair masks help hair become strong, thick and radiantly strong.

Passion fruit face mask:

Passion fruit masks are indicated for girls with oily, acne-prone skin, as passion fruit improves skin hydration, improves elasticity, tone, and tightens pores.

Mix the pulp of 1-2 passion fruits in equal proportions with sour cream and oatmeal. Apply to face, let dry, rinse
wipe with a moisturizing lotion or apply a cream.

By the way, passion fruit juice makes an excellent tonic, although it is not stored for long.

The smell of passion fruit - the smell of passion fruit

For me, if I see creams in the store, soap, shower gels, cream, whatever! with passion fruit, then most often I get it.

There is no more pleasant, delicate, tasty and juicy aroma in the world. It cannot be described in words!
Cream with passion fruit I want to eat with spoons)

Boots sells a brilliant body cream from Champnews. They have now changed the packaging and the smell has changed a little,
but the old one is still there.

this is what my favorite body butter and shower foam looks like. The smell is delicious!!!

You won't find a more fragrant, gentle, softly absorbing and moisturizing-saturating body butter!
From the same series there is a shower foam, also a complete delight.

passion fruit in cooking

In Thailand, passion fruit is cooked everywhere. Most often, of course, these are refreshing smoothies that will be whipped right there into a wonderful shake.
My favorite flavor is mango-passion fruit.

Anything can be made from passion fruit, it will decorate any table.
Macro in Pattaya sells briquettes of freshly frozen passion fruit juice, completely natural. 1 kg only 100 baht.

And you no longer need to pick out the pulp from each skin or wait for the right passion fruit season.

Many dishes can be prepared from passion fruit. She is great for decorating and filling cakes,
I advise you to use passion fruit as a gelling top.

The aroma of passion fruit will add a wonderful taste and smell to any pastry - muffins, marshmallows, cakes, puddings, etc.

For children, the easiest way to prepare something from such a healthy fruit is to simply freeze passion fruit in molds.
for popsicles.

You can freeze pure juice or dilute it 1/1 with water, sugar if desired;
Still, passion fruit with sourness, I always add sugar.

Passion fruit makes an excellent sauce for meat, there are a lot of variations on the theme.
My opinion - I can’t even think of where the passion fruit won’t fit. She's pretty much everywhere.

How to grow passion fruit yourself?

I can imagine that after a holiday in Thailand, you will fall in love with passion fruit, its taste and smell so much that
don't want to leave.
No problem.
Just collect the pits from the fruit (small pits inside the fruit) in a cloth and dampen it with water.
After a few days, the seeds will germinate and they can be transplanted into a small pot, and then into a deeper one.

The passionflower family to which the passion fruit belongs is a liana. It grows well even in Russia on the windowsill.
It grows quickly and confidently, blooms with beautiful flowers, like these:

Of course, don’t expect fruits, there won’t be enough sun, but there are as many passion fruit flowers as you like.

I hope you find this article useful and interesting.

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