
Carp baked in the oven. Carp in the oven - river fish with a crispy crust

Fish dishes very popular due to their obvious benefit and saturation with substances important for the body. But not every housewife can choose and cook fish correctly, each dish has its own characteristics and subtleties that affect taste qualities fish.

It is important to choose the right crucian for cooking in the oven in order not to spoil the dish and not be disappointed in its taste, and, moreover, not arrange food poisoning to all family members.

How to choose a fish?

This type of fish has a huge number of small bones, so the small size is not suitable for cooking in the oven - the bones are simply inconvenient to separate from the pulp. For baking, it is better to choose medium-sized or large sizes.

A fresh individual may have an unpleasant, specific odor. In order to get rid of this problem, many housewives soak the fish in salt water and milk - if the fillet is of high quality, the smell disappears. If the smell remains and it is quite sharp, then such a product is not recommended to be eaten.

When buying, it is important to pay attention to appearance every fish. There should be no mechanical disturbances on the body, the scales should not be covered with unusual fresh product spots.

Important: When choosing a fish, pay attention to the eyes. If they are cloudy in color, then such a fish is not suitable for eating. Fresh fish should not be re-frozen, it changes its taste advantages and acquires a characteristic smell.

The period of adequate storage of such fish in the refrigerator is a day from the date of purchase. Of course, you can send crucian to freezer, and then it can be stored for a long time up to a whole month, but in this case, a dish prepared from this fish will have a characteristic unpleasant taste.

Carp in foil

A simple step by step recipe:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to rid the fish of scales, gills and entrails. Rinse the fish thoroughly with water. In order for the fish to be completely baked inside, several cross-shaped cuts are made on it. It also contributes to the dissolution of small bones that interfere with the normal perception of the dish;
  2. Carp must be treated with spices and salt, let it brew for about 20 minutes;
  3. While the fillet is saturated with spices, it is necessary to prepare the filling. Wash the rice and cook until fully prepared. Clean and cut in small pieces onion, fry it over low heat. Rinse and chop the mushrooms, mix with onions and fry the resulting mixture. Mix mushrooms, onion with rice, add chopped dill and season with a medium amount of mayonnaise for softness;
  4. The resulting mixture must be filled into the belly of each crucian in moderate amount;
  5. Wipe the foil with vegetable oil, wrap each crucian in a separate piece and put on a baking sheet;
  6. The blank wrapped in foil is sent to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes;
  7. Remove the finished crucian from the oven, cool, put on a dish of suitable size and decorate to taste.

Carp in sour cream with vegetables in the oven

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • medium crucian;
  • one medium bulb;
  • mushrooms - 100 g;
  • half a medium tomato;
  • a third of zucchini;
  • half sweet pepper;
  • 3 tbsp sour cream;
  • lemon juice;
  • seasonings to taste.

The dish takes 60 minutes to prepare.

200 kcal per 1 kg crucian.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Carp are cleaned of scales, completely gutted. The head and fins must be left. Thoroughly washed with water, rubbed with salt and spices on all sides and infused for about 20 minutes;
  2. While the fillet is infused, the filling is being prepared. Onion and tomato are cut into rings, and pepper and zucchini are cut into small cubes. Mushrooms are crushed;
  3. Sprinkle crucian carp with lemon juice on all sides, put a few onion rings inside for taste. The outer part is cut in several places up to the ridge so that the fish is completely baked;
  4. The product is laid out on foil and smeared with sour cream on all sides. Vegetables are laid out on top in an arbitrary proportion, sprinkled with spices and salt to taste;
  5. The fish wrapped in foil must be sent to an oven preheated to 200 'for about 30 minutes until fully cooked;
  6. Cool the finished fish and put it on a dish that is suitable in size.

Fish and potatoes

  • three fresh crucians;
  • 700 g potatoes;
  • 100 g of mayonnaise;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • seasonings, salt and pepper.

How long to prepare the dish: 60 minutes.

200 kcal per 1 kg crucian.

Cooking order:

  1. Carp completely get rid of the scales, cut out the gills and carefully gutted. We wash the carp inside and out until completely clean. We rub each fish separately with salt and seasonings and leave to infuse for 20 minutes;
  2. We make sauce. To do this, mix mayonnaise with finely chopped or grated garlic and spices and pepper, mix and let it brew so that the garlic soaks the mayonnaise with its juice;
  3. half ready sauce we rub carp from all sides. We use the other half to prepare the filling;
  4. Cut potatoes into cubes, mix with sauce and mix so that each piece is coated with sauce;
  5. We spread the carp smeared with sauce on a baking sheet in the very center, distribute the potatoes on the remaining area. We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake until golden brown;
  6. We check the readiness of the dish with a toothpick after about half an hour. Put the finished fish with potatoes on a dish and serve warm.

Carp with rice

List of products for cooking dishes and side dishes:

  • medium crucian - 4 pcs;
  • rice - 4 tbsp;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp;
  • parsley;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

200 kcal per 1 kg crucian.

The order of cooking step by step:

  1. To begin with, the fish must be gutted, get rid of the insides and cut off the gills. If the fish is especially large, you can remove the head as well, for a medium-sized fish, the head can be left. We wash the fish, sprinkle with salt, seasonings and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes;
  2. Boil rice in salted water - it is not necessary to bring it to full readiness, do not allow boiling, excess water it is better to drain;
  3. Chop parsley and add to cooked rice. We also add mayonnaise here - it will add softness and juiciness to the dish;
  4. Carp fill with filling in moderation. We spread the crucian carp in a baking dish and send it to the oven for 30 minutes at t 200 degrees;
  5. Sprinkle the finished fish with herbs and seasonings to taste, serve warm.

Carp royally

List of products for cooking dishes and side dishes:

  • 1 kg crucian;
  • lemon juice;
  • flour - 3 tbsp;
  • dill seeds - 3 tbsp;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp;
  • salt and seasonings to taste.

How long to prepare the dish: 80 minutes.

The calorie content of the dish is 200 kcal per 1 kg of crucian carp.

Cooking order:

  1. It is recommended to buy large-sized crucian carp - it has much fewer small bones;
  2. Make cuts on the fish so that it is baked whole;
  3. Lubricate the fish with salt and seasonings both outside and inside - so the taste will be more saturated;
  4. Let the fish brew with spices to enhance the taste;
  5. Buy only fresh fish without characteristic features unsuitability;
  6. Do not store fish in the refrigerator for more than a day, it is advisable to start cooking immediately;
  7. Don't be sorry lemon juice- it gives the fish a special pleasant taste.

Carp dishes are not only incredibly tasty, but also very diverse. This fish can be cooked every day, it will never get boring thanks to the large number of products with which it is combined.

Carp has always been very popular in Rus'. This fish lives almost everywhere, is easily caught with an ordinary fishing rod, is very tasty, satisfying and healthy. There are many ways to prepare it. It is boiled and stewed, fried and baked, smoked and dried. And every time it turns out great dish which pleases the family. Today we will consider what a fried crucian is. Calorie content, harmful and beneficial properties - read about all this in our article.

Carp family

It is to this big class river inhabitants and our favorite crucian belongs. It is a fish with a long dorsal fin and single-row teeth. She has a thick back and compressed sides. The scales are large and can be easily removed. Average weight- 0.7 kg, but there are specimens much larger and smaller. Often on sale you can find fish weighing three or more kilograms. It is from such specimens that the most delicious fried crucian is obtained. In this case, the calorie content will increase, especially when compared with boiled fish. And small crucian carp, which crunch pleasantly after frying, most often become prey for amateur fishing. Best of all, this dish goes on the banks of the river.

Beneficial features

Inexpensive and affordable fish is valuable product nutrition. The content of easily digestible protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids makes it best product for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Doctors recommend eating at least 300 g of crucian carp per week, and more can be. The low percentage of fat allows this fish to be used in diet food. Compared to other river inhabitants, even fried crucian carp is quite light. Calorie content per 100 g of product - about 187 kcal.

Composition and calories

Fried crucian carp is very tasty, despite the abundance of small bones. However, if the fish is small, then after cooking small bones won't be as noticeable. And in large specimens and bones big enough, it will be easy to clean their pulp. In the body of a crucian, up to 60% of the total mass can be eaten. The fat content is 7% and the protein content is very high - about 18%.

This unique product, which contains great amount fat soluble vitamins. Like the other River fish, humble crucian is a source of vitamins A, C, D, E. In addition, it is a source of iodine and manganese, copper and zinc. 100 g of the product contains only 87 kcal. This is very low calorie. Fried crucian becomes "weightier", now let's try to calculate how much.

Cooking method

Quite rarely, fish is cooked in pure form. Therefore, when calculating calories ready meal all the nuances must be taken into account. Most often, housewives do not rack their brains for too long, pour in vegetable oil and fry the fish until golden brown. It turns out delicious fried crucian carp. Calorie content per 100 grams is calculated by adding energy composition oils for the fish. That is, if we take into account only oil and fish, then it turns out about 120 kcal per hundred grams.

Dietary diet

If you're on a diet, it's wiser to choose other ways to cook fish. But everyone knows how hard it is to replace a crisp with something. Therefore, nutritionists suggest frying fish in the oven. To do this, it is necessary to preheat the oven well, grease portioned pieces sunflower oil with a brush and place a baking sheet for 20 minutes in the oven, at 200 degrees. Considering comparatively a small amount of oils, we can say that it is very useful way cooking.

Carp fried in a pan

The calorie content of this dish has already been touched upon above, but let's dwell on this in more detail. So frying when using a large number oils are far from the most healthy way cooking. But you can use non-stick pans. In this case, the bottom can only be lightly oiled, the fish will not burn. However, crucian carp is a tender fish, and many housewives are afraid to fry it in a dry frying pan. If the fish sticks, it will have to be torn off for a long and dreary time. Yes, and the appearance will suffer greatly.

Batters and breading

To avoid sticking of fish to the pan during cooking, various culinary tricks are used. The simplest method is to prepare fried crucian in flour. In this case, the calorie content increases a little more, because the flour itself has nutritional value, and saturated with oil, it becomes even harder. Crackers work in a similar way. But it cannot be said that the product becomes excessively oily. 100 g of fish fried in flour contains no more than 150 kcal. That is, the only question is whether you can stop after this portion.

Delicious Supplements

These include egg and mayonnaise, sour cream and cheese. These ingredients are often used to give crucian carp an appetizing look and feel. nice crust. And of course, the calorie content from this grows by about half. If the fish itself contains 87 kcal, then with mayonnaise it can already be 200 kcal per 100 g of product. Accordingly, using flour and an egg at the same time and sprinkling cheese on crucian carp, you will further increase the fat content of the finished product.

Harm to health

You should not include fried crucian carp in your diet for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. And it's not just about extra calories. Lost when fried most of useful substances, that is, the product becomes almost neutral, if not harmful. The load on the body increases greatly, the pancreas and liver are under attack. So if you stick to the principles healthy eating, it is recommended to use crucian carp in boiled or stewed form. Can be baked in foil or fried in a Teflon pan, with the minimum amount butter, without flour and other additives.

Carp in sour cream

It is healthy, tasty and not too high-calorie dish you can eat every day. You will need fresh fish, cleaned and washed, chopped portioned pieces. Lightly salt and pepper each piece, then spread on a baking sheet in a single layer. Top with sour cream. You can take homemade or store-bought low-fat for this, it all depends on taste. It remains to bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Serve with greens boiled potatoes or vegetable stew. The perfect dish for those on a diet.

Universal dish - crucian carp baked in the oven. Cooking does not require special skills, it takes little time. The result will please even critics. In appearance, a baked fish is not inferior to those prepared for photos in glossy magazines. A beginner will figure out how to cook crucian carp in foil. This recipe will make it easy and fast!

How to cook carp in the oven?

There are many recipes for cooking, but the fried or oven-baked version is the most popular. Both methods contribute to the preservation useful properties and flavor rarely found in freshwater fish. For these purposes, fresh and fresh-frozen crucian carp is perfect, which must first be allowed to stand in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. Best for stuffing seasonal vegetables. The dish will not only gain refined taste, but also enriched with vitamins.

Carp in sour cream in the oven

Carp baked in sour cream turns out to be extremely tender diet dish which can be served hot or cold. The fish cools down very slowly. Tightly closed foil helps to retain heat for several hours. During this time, all cooked fish will acquire additional richness of taste, soaked in the rest of the ingredients.


  • crucian carp - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • bell pepper- 1 PC.;
  • potatoes / other favorite vegetable - up to 400 g;
  • black pepper;
  • lemon.

Cooking method:

  1. Pre-prepared fish is placed on the foil. It can be cooked whole stuffed or cut into pieces.
  2. The product laid on the foil is plentifully poured or smeared with sour cream, wrapped.
  3. To make the taste of the dish more interesting, the filling is made from preliminarily mixed sour cream and flour (in a ratio of 1:0.5), richly seasoned with Provence herbs.
  4. The best garnish But this dish will be potatoes.

Carp in the oven in foil

Cooked crucian carp in the oven in foil - simplest way which allows the fish to acquire excellent taste qualities. Worthy replacement this material can be a sleeve, wrapping fish in which is no less convenient. Foil also helps to significantly reduce cooking time, and working with it is extremely simple. However, what to cook according to the recipe, each housewife chooses for herself.


  • fish - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 5 - 7 pcs.;
  • red onion - 1 pc.;
  • fresh carrot- 1 PC.;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oils- 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon slices - 2 - 3 slices;
  • seasoning - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. The first thing to do is clean the fish. After that, crucian carp should be thoroughly rinsed with water. If there is time, the fish can be left to dry or quickly blotted with napkins.
  2. During this time you need to prepare delicious stuffing for stuffing. For these purposes, onions must be cut into half rings, carrots into strips and fried until tender.
  3. The resulting mixture must be put inside the fish, tamping a little. For breading, mix mayonnaise and finely chopped garlic. This will not affect the calorie content of the dish.
  4. The final stage is laying out the fish on the foil. It can be decorated with lemon slices, sprinkled with seasoning, supplemented with potato slices.
  5. It remains to tightly wrap the foil, put in a preheated oven. You need to bake no more than a quarter of an hour.
  6. You can serve directly on the foil, previously transferred to a serving plate.

Carp in the oven with potatoes and mayonnaise

Potatoes are a versatile side dish. Those in search win-win cooking, it is worth taking this product as a basis so that the baked crucian carp in the oven with potatoes will surprise the guests. It can be cooked exquisitely by placing it next to pre-prepared fish. It is also popular fried potatoes, which no less adequately sets off the main part. It turns out very tasty!


  • potatoes (small or medium) - 5-7 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil- 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • red / black pepper;
  • Provencal herbs;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut potatoes into thin slices.
  2. Add seasonings.
  3. Let the semi-finished product brew for 20 minutes.
  4. Send potatoes for baking (foil is best for this purpose).
  5. Next to the potatoes, you can bake the fish part of the dish.

Stuffed carp baked in the oven

spicy stuffed dish can acquire multifaceted shades, depending on what products will be located inside. It should be noted right away that these products must be pre-cooked, at least until half cooked. Best of all, stuffed crucian carp in the oven is in harmony with minced vegetables. It can be prepared in minutes at no significant cost.


  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • oil;
  • sour cream - 1 tsp;
  • zucchini / eggplant - 1 pc. (according to the season);
  • greens - a few branches;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. All ingredients must be finely chopped.
  2. Gradually fry in a frying pan with pre-heated oil on it.
  3. Cool the vegetable "mince".
  4. Stuff the fish belly.
  5. Cook no more than 25 minutes.

Video: how to bake crucian carp in the oven

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Baked carp is a traditional dish of our country, which is sung in classical literature. Amazingly juicy and tender crucians occupy one of the first places in the fish row, despite the fact that they are considered the most common freshwater fish. Besides the fact that crucians are very tasty, they are also useful, in particular, they enrich the body with essential vitamins and proteins.
Crucians are prepared in such a way that in most cases they do not even remove their heads, but only the gills. If you want to feed your family with delicious, fragrant, but at the same time a simple dish, then bake crucian carp in the oven. This perfect solution, To obtain juicy fish, while you don’t even need to fiddle with it for a long time and make sure that it doesn’t burn in the pan. In addition, this method of cooking is much healthier, as any nutritionist will tell you.
Carp baked in the oven will definitely diversify your daily table.

The number of spices for 4 pcs. carp. But you can choose the number of fish yourself, depending on the number of eaters:

- 4 tablespoons mayonnaise,
- 4 tablespoons soy sauce,
- 1.5 tablespoons tartar sauce,
- 1 tsp spices for fish
- a mixture of freshly ground peppers to taste,
- salt to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

So let's get started. Use a paperclip to clean the fish scales. Open the stomach and remove all the insides, also remove the gills under the fins. Then well under running water wash each fish. Dry paper towel and make longitudinal cuts on both sides, which will help the marinade better soak the meat.

When the fish is ready to cook, start the marinade. Pour the mayonnaise into a deep bowl.

Add tartare sauce and a mixture of freshly ground peppers there.

Pour soy sauce, put salt and fish seasoning.

Mix the marinade well.

Line a baking sheet with baking parchment. Although this is not required. I do this solely to make it easier to wash the baking sheet later. And someone prefers to bake, but this, as they say: "to taste and color."

Coat each fish on both sides with the prepared marinade. Especially try to miss in the places of the incision. Place the fish on a baking sheet and let it rest for about 15 minutes. Thus, crucians will be marinated, and their meat will be especially tender.

Heat the oven to 180 degrees and send the crucians to bake for 25-30 minutes. Carp baked in the oven is ready. Serve immediately after preparation. It does not hurt to cook for this dish or rice. Bon Appetit everyone!
