
Alcoholic energy drink: review, composition, harm. Energy drinks: benefits and harms

In order to do everything at the modern pace of life, you need to constantly be in good shape. For this, stimulants are often used, which have an effect better than a cup of strong coffee. However, the harm of energy drinks on the human body is very significant, although the manufacturers of such products and even some doctors consider them safe.

Energetic: what is it?

An energy drink is a drink that uses a variety of stimulants and other components: dyes, flavors, vitamins, and others. Using them, a person affects his central nervous system, thus suppressing fatigue in order to prolong the time of wakefulness, concentrate, and increase mental activity for a few more hours.

It would seem that these products are bad? After all, they improve performance. But this is only at first glance. The benefits and harms of energy drinks are unequal. Despite outwardly positive characteristics, do not forget that their components have a negative effect on people. Most of them adversely affect the central nervous system.


Currently, there are a lot of manufacturers and varieties of energy drinks in the world. Their number and range is constantly growing. And there are practically no differences between them. All of them have an identical composition, which includes:

  • caffeine - a substance that stimulates the brain and significantly increases the heart rate;
  • melatonin is an antioxidant that regulates the human circadian rhythm;
  • taurine is a powerful antioxidant that speeds up the metabolism in the body;
  • matein, which allows you to lose weight and dull the feeling of hunger;
  • ginseng, guarana - natural extracts that cleanse the liver and remove lactic acid from cells;
  • L-carnitine, which oxidizes fatty acids;
  • glucose, sucrose, fructose - carbohydrates that stimulate the brain, prevent a person from falling asleep;
  • phenylalanine - to give taste;
  • vitamins of group "B" - normalizing the work of the nervous system.

The effect of energy drinks on the body

The positive effect of energy drinks on the body occurs only at the beginning of their use, when people feel in themselves the replenishment of energy resources, an increase in physical and mental performance. But after euphoria, hyperactivity, the ability to work with an increased load, exhaustion comes. The body after stress, shaking is very worn out, tired.

In addition, such products negatively affect the duration and quality of sleep. It is difficult for a person to fall asleep, he suffers from insomnia, and having dozed off, he sees nightmares, easily wakes up from the slightest noise or irritant. Such rest does not bring joy, does not add strength, does not give a feeling of cheerfulness.

Regular use of such stimulants can cause depression, aggressiveness, suspiciousness, headaches, anger, often leads to loss of strength, depression, loss of orientation, irritability, and even death.

In addition, organic lesions may appear:

  1. An increase in blood sugar levels.
  2. Increased blood pressure.
  3. Prolonged sinus tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).
  4. Interruptions in the work of the heart.
  5. Decreased defenses of the immune system.


  • pain in the abdomen;
  • arrhythmia;
  • rise in temperature;
  • gastritis;
  • interruptions in the work of the heart;
  • exacerbation of the ulcer;
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting;
  • hallucinations, both auditory and visual;
  • frequent urination;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • fainting.

Harm and danger

A one-time use of energy drinks in a moderate amount by an adult, healthy person is unlikely to cause a negative reaction. However, regularly drinking it in large quantities or abusing it one day may not be safe for health. The action of the components of this product on the human body can cause the most negative reactions and diseases:

  1. Violation of the central nervous system.
  2. The development of diabetes.
  3. Various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Mental disorders.
  5. Thrombosis.
  6. Deterioration of the heart and cardiovascular system.
  7. Decreased libido.
  8. Epilepsy, anaphylaxis.
  9. Deterioration of attention, decreased ability to work, loss of interest in others and in life.
  10. Addictive.

And harm to teenagers can be even more serious, up to a lethal outcome.


If you regularly use such stimulants in your diet, the consequences of the body's reaction to them can be the most terrible and deplorable:

  • accidents due to sudden loss of consciousness;
  • hearing impairment, bleeding, convulsions;
  • miscarriages (in pregnant women);
  • suicidal behavior;
  • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of vomiting, diarrhea;
  • prolonged headaches;
  • arrhythmia;
  • the appearance of mental abnormalities, disorders;
  • development of various phobias;
  • loss of concentration, performance;
  • death from the constant use of energy drinks.

It is advisable not to use energy drinks by anyone and never. However, they are especially dangerous for the following categories of people:

  1. Children.
  2. Adolescents.
  3. Pregnant and lactating women.
  4. People with chronic diseases.
  5. Elderly age.
  6. With diseases of the heart, kidneys, circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system.
  7. Patients with diabetes mellitus, with glaucoma, with chronic high blood pressure and many others.

These products contain a lot of caffeine, taurine, melatonin, phenylalanine and other harmful substances.


It is undeniable that these kinds of stimulants are sometimes beneficial. But this is only in cases where they are used infrequently and in moderation. From time to time mental labor needs additional reserves to complete some work. But here you should be careful not to overdrink energy drinks.

Of course, they will charge a person for a while, give him strength, give a feeling of cheerfulness, drive, improve thought processes, and relieve fatigue. Vitamins and herbal ingredients add strength to muscles and internal organs.

This product works much better, faster than a cup of coffee, and the effect of its use lasts much longer. But this will pass after some time, even if you “reinforce” them constantly. And in the future, it will only harm the health of energy drinks.

Video: harm to power engineers.

Rules of use

Drinking energy drinks should be in small quantities and infrequently to avoid a negative impact on a person from their side. Never give to children and teenagers. A growing and developing organism, like no other, is exposed to harmful substances.

You can not use energy drinks with alcohol in order to avoid pressure surges and a hypertensive crisis.

They are also contraindicated in the heat, when the cardiovascular and autonomic systems are working at full strength. The drink will only warm the body even more. Even when cold, it is very harmful due to temperature changes.

After sports training, it is also advisable to refrain from this product, because it will increase blood pressure and lead to dehydration.

To protect yourself from addiction, it is recommended to drink energy drinks no more than twice a week and no more than two cans a day. At the same time, you should also stop drinking tea, coffee and other products containing caffeine, at least for 5-6 hours, so that there is no overdose.

Despite the fact that a person received a charge of vivacity and energy, he still needs a good rest in order to recover from an additional load. In no case should this be forgotten.

Energy drinks are stylish, cool, fun! This is how advertisers lure more and more people, and especially teenagers, to buy a jar of a completely expensive energy drink. Now you can see a lot of people with a jar of cold Burna, Red Bulla, Non Stopa and other less popular but cheaper drinks available. Young people drink energy drinks everywhere - at parties, clubs, after school, university, and some manage to use energy drinks before the gym. What are dangerous? What components are included in their composition? Why does a person become addicted to energy?

The advent of energy drinks

It is known that a person since ancient times used various natural stimulants that helped him recharge and work well:

  • In China, Southeast Asia they drank strong tea.
  • Coffee was brewed in the Middle East.
  • In Africa, kola nuts were used.
  • In Mongolia, the Far East, Siberia, ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine are still popular.
  • In Asia, ephedra was addicted, which was a stronger stimulant.
  • In South America, they used the coca plant (now it is used to make a well-known and dangerous drug - cocaine).

In the twentieth century, the first began to appear on the market. Interestingly, the idea came to the Austrian entrepreneur after a trip to Asia. The well-known Red Bull was the first to be released, in translation it means “inspiring”. This drink quickly found its fans, and became no less popular than Coca-Cola, Pepsi. Manufacturers of these famous drinks began to produce their energy drink Adrenaline Rush and Burn.

To date, there are a lot of different opinions, studies about the use of energy drinks. Some are sure that this is ordinary carbonated water that cannot harm. And others argue that the jar contains a "drug" that leads to the strongest addiction.

How affordable are energy drinks today?

After many deaths in some European countries - in Norway, Denmark and France, the energy drink is banned for sale, it is sold only in pharmacies. But in Russia it is allowed to sell energy drinks, which include one or two tonic substances.

Some manufacturers have already been sued. For example, an Irish athlete died while playing basketball because he drank 3 cans of energy drinks. In Sweden, three people died at a disco because energy drinks mixed with alcohol.

Composition of power engineers

The composition of drinks contains a large amount of glucose, sucrose. Additionally, various psychostimulants are added to energy drinks.


One of the well-known psychostimulants, which is found not only in strong tea, but also in kola nuts. With the help of caffeine, fatigue, drowsiness disappear, the pulse begins to accelerate. It is easier for a person to withstand mental and physical stress.

Please note that caffeine has a temporary effect, and when it leaves the body, even more fatigue appears. If, instead of rest, you drink more black tea, coffee, the allowable dose of caffeine will be exceeded, because it slowly leaves the body.

What causes an overdose of caffeine? A person becomes irritable, nervous, he is worried about insomnia, his heart rhythm is disturbed. If you do not stop in time, you may experience severe pain in the abdomen, cramps that damage muscles and destroy the central nervous system. Everything ends in death.

What is the lethal dose of caffeine? Each person has their own, it all depends on body weight. In general, this is 10 or 15 grams of caffeine - 100 cups of coffee.

Theobromine and taurine

In the energy sector, these substances are necessarily added. A less powerful stimulant is theobromine, found in chocolate. But taurine stimulates the nervous system, takes part in metabolic processes. It is worth noting that taurine is a derivative of cysteine ​​(an essential amino acid), which has an antioxidant effect, and is itself synthesized in the body.

Glucuronolactone and L-carnitine

These substances are found in foodstuffs. If a person fully eats, he receives them in full. But in energy drinks, the dose of these substances is increased. So far, scientists are only studying how these components act in large quantities on the human body.

Vitamins B and D-ribose

These substances are necessary for every person, they are not dangerous and do not have energy properties.

Guarana and ginseng

These components are natural stimulants. In a small amount, the substances are even useful. But if the dosage is exceeded, an anxious feeling appears, sharp jumps in blood pressure.

Different manufacturers add substances in certain proportions. In addition, some are addicted to dyes, preservatives, acidity regulators, stabilizers. If you use a decoction of guarana root, you will not harm the body, as after drinking an energy drink.

Review of famous energy drinks

  • Red Bull the first known energy drink. Its action is similar to a cup of strong black sweet coffee.
  • Burn compared to Red Bull, has more caffeine, guarana, theobromine.
  • Adrenaline Rush contains a small amount of caffeine. Its stimulating effect is explained by the natural component - ginseng and an increased dose of taurine, ribose.

Let's summarize! Energy drinks do not benefit our body. They contain all the same components as in coffee, cocoa, tea, but various dyes and harmful substances are added. Drinks can be safely replaced with tincture of Eleutherococcus, ginseng - these funds will further strengthen the immune system. You must understand that the miracle that advertising promises, in fact, is not. On the contrary, the energy drink squeezes out all the forces of the body. When the action of the drink ends, the body requires new stimulation. This is how addiction develops. Do not spoil your health, find more effective and useful ways to increase energy!

A person has always cheered himself up with various energy substances and drinks, not too burdening himself with thoughts about their benefits and harms. And if earlier it was natural products, such as coca leaves, then among today's youth, various synthesized energy drinks are wildly successful.

The harm of energy drinks does not bother them in the least, and the extension of the time for enjoyment at a party or disco takes precedence over the understanding that the consequences of such fun will sooner or later make themselves felt.

Older people, on the contrary, tend to exaggerate the danger, but their concern is really justified. A string of deaths caused by an overdose or combination of energy drinks with alcohol or soft drugs has forced the governments of some countries to decide to outright ban or allow the sale of energy drinks only in pharmacy chains.

What are energy drinks

Energy drinks are, as a rule, carbonated drinks, the components of which have a stimulating effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems and cause a feeling of a surge of strength and a feeling of cheerfulness from 1 to 2-3 hours.

Doctors say that taking even one allowable dose of energy drinks has such an invigorating effect on the adult body, but after the decline in euphoria, a mandatory 3-4 hour rest is necessary.

The era of modern energy drinks began with the strengthening of the famous Taiwanese tonic Krating Daeng by the Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz with modern chemical derivatives. As a result of this "adaptation" and aggressive advertising, the Red Bull energy drink conquered the youth on all continents.

But Red Bull did not long remain a monopoly in this sector of the market. Coca-Cola and Pepsi immediately joined the production of energy drinks. Each of the TMs has got its own energy drinks - Adrenaline Rush, Burn, AMP and NOS.

Other competing energy drinks are not as popular on the domestic market, but their effect on the body is no less dangerous. Among them are Red Devil, Non-Stop, B-52, Tiger, Jaguar, Revo, Hype, Rockstar, Monster, Frappuccino and Cocaine. The latter turned out to be so harmful that its release in the United States was banned twice. However, Reduz Beverages is not going to stop production, and the Cocaine energy drink can be freely bought in online stores.

Are energy drinks harmful? Yes, the negative impact of energy drinks on the body has been proven. However, manufacturers convince of their harmlessness, if you drink 1, maximum 2 cans per day. But even here, some companies resort to forbidden tricks that can have deadly consequences. For example, Mountain Dew Amp, an energy drink company, decided to give twice as much energy - this energy drink is sold only in 0.66 liter cans.

Components of energy drinks and isotonics

Purely technically, energy drinks are categorized as "Food Supplements". This is what allows manufacturers not to indicate the exact composition of the energy drink, and therefore intoxication and overdose of energy drinks has become a common problem.

In fact, all energy drinks consist of the same components - caffeine, taurine, glucose. To these “three whales”, each of the manufacturers adds components that enhance the stimulating effect of energy drinks on the body - ginseng or Chinese magnolia vine, extract from guarana seeds, melatonin, matein, as well as vitamins B, C and PP. It is this combination of active ingredients that causes the harm of energy drinks for teenagers.

For your information, in a jar of Red Bull (0.33 l) the daily norm of glucose is exceeded by 300 times, vitamin B6 by 2.5 times, vitamin B12 by 50%, and the caffeine content, as in 3 cups of strong coffee.

In addition, in the process of degradation of one of the components of the energy drink, the formation of cocaine is possible. What then can be said about how the Cocaine energy drink can act on a growing body, because its manufacturers claim a 350% superiority of all components over Red Bull.

For some reason, some teenagers are sure that when using energy drinks, some kind of energy cleansing of the body occurs. Although it is more appropriate to say here that the body will need to be cleansed of an excess of some of its components.

Some young athletes are sure that there is no difference between energy drinks and special "sports" drinks - isotonics. In fact, it is fundamental. Dry mixes or ready-made iso-osmotic drinks consist of fructose, vitamins and mineral salts, maltodextrin and an acidity regulator.

The iso-osmotic composition verified in medical laboratories helps during physical exertion - the body tolerates fluid deficiency more easily, the water-salt balance is maintained at a normal level, and the supply of glycogen, vitamins and minerals is replenished. The composition, dosage and method of using isotonics are detailed on the packages.

Why are energy drinks bad for the body?

The benefits and harms of energy drinks are incomparable, especially when you consider that now it is rare to meet a completely healthy person. The active ingredients of energy force the body to work in a stressful state, and 2-3 hour hyperactivity leads to wear and tear of the resources of internal organs. After the end of the euphoric action of the energy drink, most experience a breakdown, irritability and depression.

If a person drank energy drinks, the following symptoms and consequences may be observed:

  • caffeine and mateine ​​- tachycardia, boundary changes in blood pressure, anxiety, cardiac arrest;
  • taurine - gastritis, exacerbation of ulcers, arrhythmia, increased nervousness;
  • vitamin B group - redness of the skin, severe sweating, swelling of the face, dizziness, numbness and trembling in the limbs, convulsions, suffocation, increased acidity of gastric juice, blockage of the renal tubules, triggering the development of fatty degeneration of the liver, allergic reactions, urticaria, pain in the heart, edema lungs, anaphylactic shock;
  • glucose, fructose - caries, obesity, diabetes;
  • melatonin - nausea, vomiting, relapse of allergic diseases, exacerbation of kidney disease, epilepsy attack;
  • guarana - side effects are little studied, but the signs are similar to caffeine overdose, since the seeds of the plant contain the natural pacemakers theophylline and theobromine;
  • ginseng - headache, dizziness, insomnia, a sharp drop in blood pressure, edema, tachycardia, fever, women may have miscarriages.

Of particular danger in the composition of energy drinks is glucuronolactone. This substance was created in the American military laboratory DARPA as part of the Supersoldier program.

In small therapeutic doses, it helps cleanse the body of harmful substances and fights fatigue. But the amount of glucuronolactone contained in energy drinks exacerbates liver pathologies and can cause hyperglycemic coma.

In addition to the above, energy drinks can cause addiction, withdrawal symptoms, and suicidal thoughts. Long-term intake of energy drinks leads to a decrease in sexual function, psychopathization of the personality, accompanied by a sharp change in mood, incontinence of affects, and social decline.

Is it possible to get poisoned by an energy drink and is it possible to die

Any reasoning on the topic of harm or benefit of energy drinks ends with facts that, not in theory, but in practice, have proven that their intake leads to death. The sad statistics are led by 5-Hour Energy and Monster. The main cause of death is suffocation and cardiac arrest.

Death from energy drinks can occur as a result of their simultaneous use with alcoholic beverages or drugs. You can get poisoned with an energy drink when mixing it with coffee, strong tea or mate.

Undesirable consequences, up to death, have been recorded when taking energy drinks the day before, during or after sports training.

However, the dishonesty of energy drinks manufacturers can also cause death due to unintentional overdose (for example, you can drink 2 cans of energy drinks, but this does not apply to Cocaine, because its two standard cans contain a dose of 6 times the safe concentration). Many teenagers, remembering that you can drink 300-600 ml of drink, drink ten 60-ml bottles of Red Bull Shot without any fear, not realizing that they exceed the allowable dose by 20 times.

Who should not use energy drinks?

Despite the invented rules for the reasonable use of energy drinks, their intake is strictly prohibited to the following persons:

  • pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding;
  • children, adolescents under 18 and the elderly;
  • hypertensive patients and people with cardiovascular diseases and thrombophlebitis;
  • with renal and hepatic insufficiency, diseases of the pancreas;
  • with persistent sleep disorders;
  • ulcers, diabetics, epileptics;
  • people suffering from glaucoma.

Healthy people should remember that the harm or benefit of drinking energy drinks will depend solely on compliance with the dosage.

How to improve performance

If the body tolerates caffeine well, but a cup of coffee is not enough, then a mixture of instant coffee and Coca-Cola will invigorate well.

If you have a healthy stomach, then as a strong energy drink, you can try drinking 130-150 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice once. However, it is also not recommended to get involved in such homemade energy drinks.

As a means of stimulating brain activity, it is not necessary to drink caffeine-containing energy drinks. It is enough to buy a pharmacy drug Taurine. However, before taking it, you should familiarize yourself with contraindications, and also remember that in large doses this amino acid leads to the opposite “calming” effect and inhibition of nervous processes occurs.

For people who are actively involved in sports or experiencing heavy physical exertion, it is possible to recommend taking not energy drinks, but isotonics. These energy drinks have no contraindications and contribute to a fairly rapid recovery of the body.

The content of the article:

Energy drinks are a common product designed to increase the physical and mental activity of a person. The recently increased popularity of energy drinks is justified by their good taste and invigorating effect. However, upon closer examination of their impact, it became clear that there is a flip side to the coin. Read in this article about the benefits and dangers of ready-made tonic drinks and how to use them correctly so as not to harm your health.

Description and composition of energy drinks

In the current conditions of an accelerated pace of life, one often has to deal with fatigue, lethargy, and low performance. One of the simplest and most popular ways to cheer up is the use of tonic substances in the composition of finished products - energy drinks.

The great demand for this type of product justifies their diversity in the modern market. They differ in the effectiveness of the impact and the duration of this invigorating effect, which fully depend on which ingredients are used in the production.

Any energy drink has a rich chemical composition, which includes various tonic substances in different combinations and concentrations. We will describe the commonly used variants of tonic and stimulating elements and their action, on which the effect of energy drinks on the body depends:

  • Carbonic acid. With its help, the processes of assimilation of all the components of the product that have entered the body are activated. Not only the rate of absorption from the gastrointestinal tract increases, but also the distribution throughout the body. It is with its help that drinks become highly carbonated.
  • Caffeine. Everyone knows the invigorating component. When used in certain doses, it affects the cerebral cortex, stimulating the processes of excitation. It helps fight drowsiness, fatigue, because. increases both physical and mental activity. It is an antidepressant, increases stress resistance and adaptive abilities of the body. It also stimulates processes related to intimate life - it improves spermatogenesis and potency in men and helps to prolong sexual activity in women with age due to increased sensitivity. Pure caffeine is the most effective, but it is fraught with the danger of addiction.
  • Theine, mateine, guaranine. These are other names for caffeine. The difference is justified by the source of receipt. Tein - from tea, matein - from Paraguayan holly, guaranin - from guarana. Useful properties are generally similar, but may have some differences, because each of the listed plants, which are a source of caffeine, has a different chemical composition from coffee beans.
  • vitamins. They are commonly found in energy drinks. They are very valuable for the course of all vital processes. Most often it is ascorbic, nicotinic, folic acids, pyridoxine and calcium pantothenate.
  • Theobromine. Under the influence of certain chemicals can be converted into caffeine. It has a similar effect on the body. It is extracted from cocoa seeds by freeing them from fat. At acceptable doses, it prevents the formation of blood clots, neutralizes spasms of the vascular system. Able to accelerate the excretion of urine. Uplifts mood and significantly improves well-being. At high doses, it can cause intoxication.
  • Theophylline. Similar in structure to caffeine and theobromine. Relaxes smooth muscles, normalizes respiratory function, stimulates the activity of the heart and nervous system, reduces vascular tone. Dangerous in high concentrations. It is a drug, therefore, when taking tablets, the level of its concentration in the blood serum should always be monitored. The composition of energy drinks should be limited in concentration.
  • Glucose. It is the most important source of energy for the body. Stimulates the work of the nervous system and the restoration of muscle tissue. Increases stress resistance and improves mood. Regulates the work of blood vessels and the heart. Increases performance. Improves thought processes. Dangerous if consumed frequently in large quantities.
  • sucrose. When ingested, it serves as a source of glucose, the beneficial properties of which are described above.
  • Taurine. Transformed in the liver, it is part of the bile, promotes the emulsification of fats. Takes part in lipid metabolism. Significantly improves metabolic and energy processes. To some extent, it neutralizes convulsions by inhibiting the transmission of nerve impulses. For therapeutic purposes, its administration is indicated in the presence of cardiovascular insufficiency. It is a frequent biologically active additive in the food industry, therefore it is included in juices, energy drinks, powdered milk formulas for children under one year old, as well as in animal feed.
  • Ginseng. It is a medicinal plant. Due to the presence in its composition of vitamins, a variety of micro and macro elements, as well as other useful substances and compounds, ginseng is a general tonic that can increase the body's adaptive capabilities. Its functions include stimulation of the nervous system, increased blood pressure, improved mental and physical performance. It cleanses the blood of cholesterol and lowers glucose levels.
  • Alcohol. It is not present in all energy drinks. It enhances the effect of other ingredients. Uplifts mood, physical activity. But when used improperly, it is extremely detrimental to health.
The average level of caloric content of energy drinks, depending on the composition, ranges from 49-56 kcal. They do not contain proteins and fats. And the carbohydrate content reaches 95%.

In some countries, for example, France, Denmark, Norway, energy drinks cannot be seen in the public domain, because. This category of goods refers to dietary supplements that can only be purchased at pharmacies.

The situation in Russia is completely different - any, even the smallest grocery store in terms of assortment, offers energy drinks. Restrictions in our country are related to the composition and labeling of the product, as well as the rules for their implementation. So, it is forbidden to include more than 2 stimulating components in the composition. The text on the bank must contain information about the restrictions on the use. Territorially - you can not sell such drinks in educational institutions.

The effect of energy drinks on the body

The individual impact of each specific energy drink on the body depends on its composition. Although it differs slightly.

The main purpose of energy drinks is to overcome fatigue and drowsiness in a short time and for a while, improve physical and mental activity, i.e. improve performance and alertness. How and due to what this happens - we will tell, describing the mechanism of action.

After drinking energy drinks, the human body goes through several stages of exposure to active components:

  1. lifting stage. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, all the ingredients are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and begin a vigorous stimulating activity. A person feels a surge of strength, cheerfulness, becomes more active and proactive. Part of the energy for such activation is taken from the drink itself. In this case, the basis is glucose. However, its concentration is not so great as to cover all the required reserves. At this stage, the absorption of glucose is significantly increased, the processes associated with the breakdown of fats are normalized, and sometimes even accelerated. There is a stimulation of the heart muscle, due to which the pulse accelerates. The pressure rises. Some components irritate the epithelium of the kidneys, which causes an increase in the amount of urine produced. Along with this, cell nutrition improves with sufficient simultaneous consumption of healthy foods.
  2. Waking stage. During this several hour period, the stimulating effect is largely provided by internal reserves, i.e. reserves accumulated by the body. A person maintains a high degree of efficiency and activity, does not feel tired and does not want to fall asleep.
  3. Decay stage. Studies have shown that the consumption of internal energy is sometimes so great that it can lead to exhaustion of the body. So, after consuming 1-2 cans of the product, after 3-5 hours a person may feel increased weakness and fatigue. The use of an additional portion of the drink will not always lead to a second rise, because. The body's resources are not unlimited. This, on the contrary, leads to even greater exhaustion and an increased likelihood of developing severe side effects.
In the long term, such artificial stimulation of the nervous system induces increased production of endorphin - the hormone of joy. With the systematic use of energy drinks, the brain gets used to it and gradually reduces its synthesizing capabilities, hoping for the next intake of drink components. Regular intake of such energy cocktails leads to the fact that the adrenal glands reduce the rate of adrenaline production. Without a new dose of a complex stimulant product, its shortage appears. It is replaced by the stress hormone, which ultimately leads to the exhaustion of the nervous system.

Thus, the essence of taking energy drinks is the same - they do not replenish energy, but use the hidden resources of the body. And the more energy drinks you drink, the more your body becomes depleted.

It is noteworthy that drinks containing vitamins can be considered the most useful, and those containing alcohol can be considered the most dangerous. The mechanism of action of low-alcohol energy drinks is slightly different from non-alcoholic ones, because. the action of stimulating components and the action of alcohol have opposite sides. Therefore, when combined, the effect is not only invigorating.

Due to the high content of carbon dioxide, alcohol is absorbed more intensively, its effect is significantly enhanced. Along with this, the heady effect remains as hidden as possible. A person does not feel strong intoxication, but the desire to continue to use both the energy drink itself and alcohol increases. So it becomes possible to exceed the norms of consumption, which is fraught with the occurrence of intoxication and other disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Alcohol, which most often makes up 7% of the total volume, depresses the nervous system to a greater extent, therefore, when drinking such energy drinks, a person often becomes less reasonable, feels unreasonable fearlessness in the face of emerging dangers. This state is called "vigilant drunkenness". Therefore, energy drinks cause particular harm to health precisely in combination with alcohol.

Properties of energy drinks: harm or benefit?

Any energy drink that contains stimulants has both benefits and harms. Therefore, the use of such products cannot be called completely useful and safe. To protect yourself from a negative result, you should carefully study the nature of the impact, useful and dangerous properties, take into account contraindications, and also correctly correlate the possible benefits and potential risks.

Useful properties of energy drinks

When used carefully, energy drinks bring a lot of benefits to a person. They act quickly enough, and the beneficial effect lasts for several hours. Because of this, they are very popular.

The complex of useful action of power engineers can be represented as follows:

  • Stimulation of physical activity. As mentioned earlier, energy drinks tone up, restore strength, activating the hidden resources of the body.
  • . The speed of reaction, attentiveness increases. Cognitive abilities improve, the perception of information is facilitated, memory improves.
  • Stimulation of emotional processes. The drink improves mood, relieves feelings of anxiety.
  • Delivery of nutrients. With a high content of glucose and vitamins in the composition of energy drinks, they serve to some extent as a source of nutrients.
  • Acceleration of metabolism. Under the influence of some components of drinks, metabolic processes in cells, digestion, absorption of nutrients, and breakdown of fats are accelerated. It also stimulates blood circulation, improves cell oxygen supply.
  • Providing an analgesic effect. It can relieve headaches, muscle fatigue.

The dangers of energy drinks

Energy drinks can harm the body with frequent use, when combined with alcohol, if the daily dose is exceeded, if there are contraindications. Often, the effect opposite to the activation of all processes occurs after the expiration of the time of exposure to tonic components, when the body needs either a new dose of energy, or replenishment of expended forces through sleep and enhanced nutrition.

The harm of power engineers is manifested as follows:

  1. . The decline in the activity of the nervous system leads to a high degree of fatigue, drowsiness. Often there is irritability, instability of behavior and psycho-emotional state, the development of depression.
  2. Depletion of energy reserves. The lack of nutrients, which is formed after their increased use, leads to the depletion of body cells. In this case, replenishment of forces through healthy sleep and nutrition is required.
  3. Slowdown of metabolism. The process of activation of metabolism is also replaced by a decline. Digestion worsens, decay products are excreted worse at the cellular level. Possible impaired liver function and increased bile synthesis.
  4. Negative effect on the cardiovascular system. An increase in blood pressure is fraught with headache, dizziness. The vessels also suffer.
The harm of energy drinks for the body is also manifested in addiction, when the state of euphoria from stimulants becomes the norm, which leads to the daily need to replenish their reserves by drinking a new portion of energy drinks. So, the desire to use a tonic drink again is associated with increased irritability, psychomotor agitation.

Contraindications to the use of energy drinks

Energy drinks have a fairly wide list of contraindications, because. have a complex effect on the entire body. Under its action falls the work of the nervous system, cardiovascular, digestive, musculoskeletal system, etc.
  • In the presence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Before, during and immediately after physical activity;
  • In the presence of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • If you have problems with sleep;
  • During pregnancy;
  • During breastfeeding;
  • With individual intolerance to at least one of the components of the product.
Energy drinks and their impact on health is not the kind of information that teenagers look for when buying a tonic product. However, the harmful effect on a fragile body is many times greater than that on older people.

Side effects of energy drinks

Any stimulating energy drink can cause a lot of side effects, in the event of which it is worth abandoning their use. Consider completely eliminating energy drinks from your daily diet if any of the following adverse events occur:
  1. Disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels. Arrhythmia, ischemic stroke, tinnitus, abnormal blood pressure.
  2. Gastrointestinal disorders. Nausea, vomiting, bitterness in the mouth, increased gas formation, leading to pain in the abdomen and its distention. Increased acidity in the stomach may develop. Sometimes there is weight gain. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is increased.
  3. Problems in the functioning of the nervous system. Feelings of anxiety, dizziness, increased irritability, trembling of the limbs, aggressiveness, insomnia or increased drowsiness, depression and other abnormalities.
  4. Sensory dysfunction. Decreased vision, hearing loss.
  5. Negative changes in teeth. From carbonated energy drinks, tooth enamel deteriorates, teeth become more sensitive. Caries often develops.

Rules for drinking energy drinks

Is it possible to drink energy drinks without harm to health? The answer is extremely simple - yes, but not without restrictions. In order not to experience side effects, not to deplete your body and not to increase the likelihood of developing health complications, you should follow simple rules:
  • Follow the consumption guidelines indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, which usually limit the daily dose to 2 cans.
  • The best option is not to drink more than one can. A single dose of caffeine is only 100 mg. Read the information on the bank carefully.
  • Refuse to "replenish" energy with tonic substances after physical exertion. Give preference to taking a bath or a healthy sleep.
  • Do not use energy tonics in the morning, when natural energy reserves are still large.
  • If any side effect occurs, it is better to completely abandon this type of raising forces.
  • Do not combine energy drinks with drugs of similar or opposite effect.
  • Avoid joint intake of energy drinks with tea, coffee, alcohol.
  • Give up the systematic use, tk. this increases the risk of addiction.
  • Be sure to let your body rejuvenate with sleep and a nutritious diet.
  • Remember about the right diet - with frequent use of stimulant drinks, weight gain is possible.
What is the harm of energy drinks - look at the video:

Doctors say that energy drinks can do more harm to the body than good, so they insist on observing the correct work and rest regimen, proper balanced nutrition, sports, which naturally stimulate all important processes in the body and, in combination, serve as the best way to maintain vigor, clarity of perception and enhance human cognitive abilities.

Energy drinks are a relatively recent invention of mankind. Although their components have been used as invigorating since the centuries before the invention of aluminum cans. It seems that the invention of energy tonics is a panacea for students during the session, workers on the days of the deadline, fitness athletes going to the record, tired drivers and visitors to nightclubs and everyone who is very tired, but must continue to be in a cheerful state of mind and body. I drank a jar - and you no longer nod, but you can continue again and again ...

Manufacturers claim that their drinks only benefit and produce more and more new varieties. If everything is so rosy, why did legislators try to pass a law restricting the distribution of a miracle drink? Let's figure it out.

Caffeine. It contains all, without exception, "energy". Acts as a stimulant: 100 mg of caffeine stimulates mental activity, 238 mg increases cardiovascular endurance. To get this effect, you need to drink at least three cans, but manufacturers of "energy drinks" recommend consuming no more than 1-2 cans per day.

Taurine. One jar contains on average 400 to 1000 mg of taurine. It is an amino acid stored in muscle tissue. It is believed that it improves the functioning of the heart muscle. Recently, however, opinions have appeared among physicians that taurine does not have any effect on the human body at all.

Carnitine. It is a component of human cells that contributes to the rapid oxidation of fatty acids. Carnitine enhances metabolism and reduces muscle fatigue.

Guarana and ginseng. Medicinal plants with tonic properties. Guarana leaves are used in medicine: they remove lactic acid from muscle tissues, reducing pain during physical exertion, prevent atherosclerosis and cleanse the liver. Doctors, however, believe that the stimulating properties attributed to guarana and ginseng are not confirmed by research.

B group vitamins. Necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and the brain in particular. The body can feel the lack of them, but increasing the dose will not improve your performance, mental abilities or anything else, as the energy drink manufacturers are trying to convince.

Melatonin. Contained in the body and is responsible for the daily rhythm of a person.

Matein. The substance that is part of the South American green tea mate. Ilex Paraguarensis evergreen tree extract helps fight hunger and promotes weight loss.

Energy drinks: harm or benefit?

Facts "For"

    If you just need to cheer up or activate the brain, energy drinks are great for these purposes.

    You can find a drink according to your needs. Energy drinks are divided into groups for people with different needs: some have more caffeine, others have vitamins and carbohydrates. "Coffee" drinks are suitable for avid workaholics and students who work or study at night, and "vitamin-carbohydrate" drinks are for active people who prefer to spend their free time in the gym.

    In energy drinks there is a complex of vitamins and glucose. There is no need to talk about the benefits of vitamins. Glucose is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, involved in oxidative processes and delivers energy to the muscles, brain and other vital organs.

    The effect of taking coffee lasts 1-2 hours, from energy drinks - 3-4. In addition, almost all energy drinks are carbonated, which accelerates their effect - this is the third difference from coffee.

    The packaging allows you to use energy drinks in any situation (dance floor, car), which is not always possible with the same coffee or tea.

Facts against:

    Drinks can be consumed strictly dosed. Maximum - 2 cans per day. As a result of drinking in excess of the norm, a significant increase in blood pressure or blood sugar levels is possible.

    In France, Denmark and Norway until 2009, energy drinks were banned from sale in grocery stores, they could only be bought in pharmacies, as they were considered a medicine.

    People with blood pressure or heart problems should avoid these drinks.

    The opinion that the tonic saturates with energy is absolutely wrong. The contents of the jar, like a key, opens the door to the body's internal reserves. In other words, the bank does not give energy, it sucks it out of you. A person uses his own resources, or, more simply, borrows them from himself. Debt, of course, sooner or later has to be repaid, paying with fatigue, insomnia, irritability and depression.

    The caffeine contained in tonics, like any stimulant drug, depletes the nervous system. The effect of it lasts an average of three to five hours - after which the body needs a break. Plus, caffeine is addictive. However, it is worth noting that the EU food safety authority conducted studies on the basis of which it was concluded that the risk from drinking non-alcoholic tonic drinks does not exceed the risk from drinking coffee - again, only if you do not exceed the recommended dosage.

    An energy drink, like a drink containing sugar and caffeine, is not safe for a young body.

    Many energy drinks are high in vitamin B, which can cause heart palpitations and tremors in the arms and legs.

    Fitness lovers should remember that caffeine is a good diuretic. So, it is impossible to drink a drink after a workout, during which we lose water.

    In case of an overdose, side effects are possible: tachycardia, psychomotor agitation, nervousness, depression.

    Tonics contain taurine and glucuronolactone. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) issued an opinion in February 2009 on these ingredients as ingredients in non-alcoholic tonic energy drinks. It turned out that in the quantities in which they are contained in energy drinks, taurine and glucuronolactone are safe for human health. However, these supplements also have their own contraindications: in particular, age under 18, long-term use in diabetics (exacerbation of the disease is possible).

As you can see, there are more arguments "against" than arguments "for". And yet, it is quite possible that there will come a moment in your life (hopefully a one-time) when you feel the need to drink a jar of energy drinks. In this case, read the rules for the use of tonics, which help not to harm your beloved body.

Caffeine is excreted from the blood after 3-5 hours, and even then by half. Therefore, it is impossible to mix tonics and other caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea) during this time - you can greatly exceed the allowable dose.

    Many drinks are high in calories. If you use energy drinks at the gym, drink them only before your workout. If your plans include only restoring strength, and you are not going to lose weight, you can use such tonics both before and after classes.

    Do not mix tonics with alcohol (as is often done, for example, by visitors to nightclubs). Caffeine increases blood pressure, and when combined with alcohol, its effect is greatly enhanced. As a result, a person can easily experience a hypertensive crisis.

Experts in the field of health and medicine argue that tonics are no more than fortified coffee substitutes, only more hazardous to health. And fruit juices and glucose, found in many foods, can elevate our spirit to the same heights. So it's up to you to decide whether to use tonics or not. But now we have a reason to drink a cup of coffee with your favorite chocolate bar (instead of tonic) without remorse!

Tatiana POLYAK
