
Cabbage day. Unloading day on sauerkraut

Sauerkraut promotes weight loss and for this reason is one of the most popular foods. diet menu. Many stars and supermodels "sit" on cabbage and arrange fasting days or a complete diet.

It is known that the beneficial properties of sauerkraut are many times superior to those of fresh cabbage. white cabbage. It contains vitamins K and C, strengthens nervous system and has a positive effect on the digestive tract.

lactic acid bacteria in sauerkraut enrich the intestinal microflora, promote the rapid digestion of food and speed up the metabolism.

Unloading day on sauerkraut

With the help of a fasting day, you can lose about 1.5 kg of weight:

  • It is necessary to eat 1.5 kg of sauerkraut in 4-5 meals.
  • You can include unsweetened tea or kefir in the diet.
  • You can combine sauerkraut with seaweed.

4 day sauerkraut diet

The diet allows you to lose only 3 kg per week, but it is varied and complete.

First day

  • Breakfast: a serving of cottage cheese + bread + greens.
  • Lunch: fruit + 100 g meat + 200 g sauerkraut.
  • Dinner: vegetables + 150 g sauerkraut.

Second day

  • Breakfast: portion of yogurt + cereals+ banana.
  • Lunch: 200 g cabbage soup + 50 ml apple juice+ 100 ml of broth + 2 sweet peppers.
  • Dinner: 150 g fish + 200 g sauerkraut.

The third day

  • Breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese + seeds + orange.
  • Lunch: 150 g fried fish+ 150 g of sauerkraut.
  • Dinner: potato pancakes (from 3 potatoes) + 100 g of sauerkraut and grape salad.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast: bran bun + 30 g cheese + apple slices.
  • Lunch: 200 g roast beef+ 150 g stewed sauerkraut with pineapple.
  • Dinner: 120 g salad cold cuts+ 3 tomatoes + 100 g sauerkraut.

It is unlikely to add beauty and health to someone. In order to avoid a whole bunch of diseases, you need to lose weight correctly. For example, with the help of unloading days on cabbage.

Cabbage is a popular vegetable with an optimal set of vitamins and minerals. proven by nutritionists. It is famous for its mild laxative effect, reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, helps to remove toxins from the body and promotes quick loss excess weight.

Fasting day on cabbage will be useful as healthy people and people suffering from certain ailments: diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Features of cabbage fasting days

Fasting day on cabbage is sometimes simply called "painless weight loss." That is, one in which overweight leave, but no one is hungry. The benefits of cabbage for weight loss are also confirmed by the personal example of pop stars. For example, it is based on the use of cabbage, with the help of which the singer lost 20 kg! A radical way to get rid of extra pounds will become strict, calculated for a month. If you strictly follow the rules, during this time you can lose 10 kg without harm to health. Well, if willpower is not enough for a whole month, a fasting day on cabbage will help you start losing weight.

How to lose weight on cabbage: menu options

Option number 1

All day - only cabbage. Stewed, boiled or chopped into thin slices. Without dressing or flavored with a few drops of sour juice:

Option number 2

Which is no less than fresh cabbage. Freshly squeezed cabbage juice occupies an intermediate position between food and drink. He is different good taste, refreshes and saturates the body with useful elements.

Juice during a fasting day on cabbage can act as the main or additional ingredient. It can be drunk 15-20 minutes before taking a solid mass or just before a meal.

Option number 3

This is a menu that, in addition to cabbage (900 g per 24 hours), includes fish and still mineral water. boiled fish can be eaten in the amount of 400g. Water can be drunk without restrictions.

Option number 4

These are cabbage (up to 900 g), lean boiled meat (400 g), rosehip broth (500 ml) and pure mineral water no limits.

Option number 5

Cabbage also goes well with all sorts of herbal teas: brewed from currant leaves, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, lemon balm or any combination thereof. It is also good to add to the collection which are distinguished by the fact that they block the feeling of hunger, providing a comfortable state of health during a fasting day.

The collection of herbs is brewed in the same way as ordinary tea, but insist longer - up to 20 minutes.

Contraindications to fasting day on cabbage

Cabbage is, in fact, a mild laxative, which is categorically contraindicated in case of a tendency to diarrhea, acute enterocolitis, and work disorders. endocrine system, bleeding and other gastrointestinal problems.

For a long time, cabbage has been recognized as a powerful medicine, restoring the functions of the liver, lungs and organs gastric tract. Even the ancient Greeks treated gastritis and ulcers with cabbage juice.

Today, this is grown even by a novice summer resident on the land. Breeders have created many types of cabbage, which eaten raw, as well as excellently subjected to the procedure pickling, stewing and baking. It is important that cabbage after such cooking retains all original life-giving properties.

What is the use of cabbage?

Cabbage is a natural concentrate ascorbic acid. It turns out that sauerkraut contains percentage more vitamin C than fresh. In addition to vitamin C, the composition of cabbage is rich vitamins K, U, B, A, PP as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and sulfur. The vegetable also contains a lot of carbohydrates, so cabbage is recommended for sick people. Cabbage saturated Also fiber, pectins and organic acids.

Thus, unloading days on cabbage promote correct work heart, active hair growth, counteract the occurrence of blood clots, reduce the concentration of cholesterol, as well as stimulate bowel activity.

It has been proven that cabbage contains tartronic acid, which prevents the development of obesity. Therefore, cabbage discharges are recommended for normalizing body weight.

If you have made the final decision carry out unloading on cabbage, That please note that:

  • daily rate stewed cabbage, which is shown to be divided into equal portions, should not be more than 1.5 kg;
  • don't break drinking regimen;
  • it is recommended, in addition to water, to drink another infusion of wild rose or weak tea;
  • divide the raw cabbage for unloading into equal parts and prepare a salad dressed on its basis a small amount oils plant origin;
  • you can supplement the cabbage unloading menu with seafood.

Consider some types of cabbage unloading

Cabbage-kefir fasting day

Prepare in advance kefir, liter volume, and salad with fresh vegetables and cabbage filled with any vegetable oil. This type unloading is carried out no more than twice a week.

Cabbage-fish unloading day

Very useful the unloading day for people suffering from atherosclerosis, obese and diabetes.

You will need to unload raw cabbage , mass 900 g, and 400 g baked or stewed fish, low-fat varieties. All products are shown to distribute into five identical servings. In addition, do not violate drinking regimen, limited only water. Can be included in the menu different kinds tea.

Unloading day on cabbage and apples

Especially relevant such unloading for patients obese, increased and disorders of the heart. Need to use apples per day, mass 900 g, and cabbage, mass 600 g.

Unloading day on cabbage and meat

Prepare boiled beef and fresh cabbage. Distribute all components equally, and eat throughout the day.

Remember that cabbage has some contraindications

Her quantity necessary regulate with exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, intestinal spasms. Not recommended on cabbage to people with kidney disease and after surgery.

When we are going to have a one-day fast, there is always a problem with the choice of the main product. One is very high in calories, the other has a lot of sugar, the third one does not like the taste.

If doubts of this kind prevail, it is best to heed the advice of nutritionists, and they have long been saying that a fasting day on cabbage is ideal for such purposes. The main thing is to be able to organize everything correctly.

Slimming mechanism

During the day, you have to eat on average up to 1.5-2 kg of this green vegetable. Such large quantities it produces a small revolution in the body, which ultimately leads to weight loss:

  • due to the low calorie content of the vegetable, the body begins to waste its own fat reserves;
  • the blood is cleansed;
  • metabolism is accelerated;
  • digestion is normalized.

These changes in the body are enough to lose weight even in one day. How much does a kilogram take? According to reviews, after a cabbage fasting day, you can lose 0.5-2 kg. This variation is explained by the fact that the final result depends on the initial weight, the state of health of the person losing weight, and the chosen diet option.

Origin of name. Even in ancient times, the word "cabbage" was borrowed by Russian from Latin, where "caput" was translated as "head".

Advantages and disadvantages

A well-conducted cabbage fasting day shows all its positive aspects in all its glory. After all, in addition to losing weight, you get a general recovery and cleansing of the body as a bonus. But at the same time, the disadvantages of such a hunger strike must also be taken into account.


  • relieves diseases of the joints, spine, helps with constipation, tumors, tuberculosis, etc.;
  • improves the condition of nails, hair and skin, thanks to vitamin A;
  • organs are freed from slagging and begin to function in full;
  • improves digestion;
  • free radicals are blocked and can no longer cause harm (and they are considered to be the culprits of tumor growth).


  • this vegetable is not a fat burning product, so there is always a risk that due to low calorie diet the body will begin to waste muscle mass, not body fat;
  • lost kilograms come back very quickly;
  • if you do not maintain a thinner body in the following days proper nutrition, the metabolism will slow down again - and fats will still begin to break off in the most unnecessary places;
  • efficiency decreases, drowsiness and apathy appear - these are the most common side effects of such a low-calorie fasting day;
  • migraine, flatulence, colic, indigestion, seething and fermentation in the stomach can also be observed;
  • there is a risk of dehydration;
  • some cabbage dishes can give laxative effect(for example, soup or juice);
  • the feeling of hunger is a constant companion of such diets;
  • meals get boring very quickly.

Different fasting days always have their own nuances, which are better to learn about in advance in order to prepare for such tests mentally and physically.


You can not use cabbage fasting days for weight loss if you have the following contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • gastrointestinal problems, including hyperacidity stomach and inflammatory bowel processes;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver;
  • heart pathology;
  • lactation;
  • obesity;
  • flatulence;
  • age after 55 years.

Since you will have to eat a lot of cabbage during the day, it can exacerbate these diseases and lead to serious complications in the future.

With the world - on a string. Scientists are still arguing where for the first time a vegetable was grown as garden plant fit for food. Among the most reliable options are Georgia, Greece and Italy.

Despite the list of contraindications and numerous side effects, the hunger strike for this product worth it to experience its cleansing and dietary properties. But at the same time, try to organize everything correctly, in accordance with the recommendations of experts.

  1. The maximum weight loss results can be achieved by a mono-diet, when you have to eat one cabbage during the entire fasting day (you can combine its different varieties). You can lose up to 1.5 kg.
  2. If the neutral, almost bland taste of a vegetable constantly provokes you to break a hunger strike, there will be nothing to worry about if you supplement the diet with other products - the same low-calorie, but more delicious.
  3. In this case, when compiling the menu, be sure to consider the compatibility of the head with other products. It pairs well with lean meat (chicken breast), fats ( olive oil), bread, herbs and fruits. But he is not friendly with dairy products.
  4. Despite such recommendations, you need to be very careful with oil. When adding it to a salad, do not forget to calculate the calorie content of the resulting dish. If it fits into daily allowance 1,200 kcal, once a day you can enjoy this delight.
  5. Keep in mind that sauerkraut is high in acids and can irritate the stomach lining. Stew often causes nausea. Therefore, experts still recommend to arrange fasting days on fresh vegetables.
  6. Exhausting workouts here will not accelerate the desired process of losing weight, but will only harm, exhausting the body even more.
  7. Such a power system could be excellent preparation to enter any other, longer-term diet.

And do not forget about the correct, gradual way out of such a hunger strike. Try to eat smaller meals afterwards.


Depending on the type

  • Maritime

The ideal fasting day is on, in which 49 kcal. It removes excess fluid from the body and harmful substances, accelerates metabolic processes, improves digestion. It is recommended to use fresh kelp, not canned or dried. It is forbidden to arrange such a hunger strike with hyperthyroidism.

  • color

Someone prefers to lose weight on, in which there are only 30 kcal. But this fasting day is not very popular because of the insipid taste. of this variety. In fact, it is very useful both for health in general and for weight loss in particular. It normalizes the work of the stomach and speeds up metabolism.

  • Beijing

For a change, you can arrange hunger strikes on Chinese cabbage(16 kcal). She has a lot of advantages over other varieties. It is the lowest calorie of all. It makes very delicious salads. It contains a lot of water, and therefore it has a noticeable diuretic effect. And this is the only cabbage that is not contraindicated for ulcers. In China, it is even used to treat this disease. During the day, it is recommended to eat about 1.5 kg of vegetables.

  • Brussels

Slimming on Brussels sprouts(35 kcal) not everyone chooses because of its specific taste, which you have to get used to. She is best at stews and combined with other vegetables.

Depending on the cooking method

  • Fresh

It is best to fast on fresh cabbage (25 kcal), as it retains the entire volume of vitamins and other vitamins contained in it. active substances beneficial to the body. Absence heat treatment has a number of advantages. For example, during outbreaks of hunger, you can walk and crunch cabbage leaf, deceiving his own stomach, filling it vegetable fiber giving a feeling of satiety. And in the main meals to cook all kinds of salads that diversify the diet.

  • Pickled

In winter, it is good to lose weight by (19 kcal), because fresh vegetables are always in short supply at this time of the year. The fasting day scheme is simple and produces a good effect in the end. 1 kg of the product should be divided into 5 meals (it turns out that 1 serving = 200 g). For achievement best result give up sugar. You can not eat it with vegetable oil, energy weight which is 900 kcal. However, other vegetables and protein products include in the diet sauerkraut allowed.

  • stew

For those who are very difficult to bear low calorie diets, you can advise a hunger strike for - it contains as many as 100 kcal. It is a real lifesaver when fresh vegetable causes severe stomach upset. Contains a lot of ascorbic acid and B vitamins.

  • in a salad

E. V. Malysheva, the host of the “Live Healthy!” program, suggests arranging fasting days three times a month on a coleslaw called “Brush”. For its preparation are mixed in equal proportions(500 gr each) chopped or grated, and the main product. All this is eaten fractionally in 8-10 meals without salt and additional dressings. Its main function is a thorough cleansing of the body (hence the name of the dish).

  • boiled

If you have stomach problems, you can lose weight on boiled cabbage(30 kcal), which is not as aggressive on the mucous membrane as fresh. The minus is insipid taste, especially if you cook it without salt.

Depending on additional products

  • With kefir

Despite the fact that our vegetable does not go well with dairy products, nutritionists still offer the most daring to try the option on cabbage and kefir (30 kcal). Such a neighborhood is undoubtedly effective for losing weight, but you need to keep in mind a couple of nuances. Firstly, you should not combine them within the same dish. Eat vegetables - after an hour or two, drink a glass fermented milk drink- and further in the same way.

Secondly, in this case, you will have to pass the test of flatulence and gurgling in the stomach. Few people avoid such side effects by combining these products.

  • with carrots

An excellent solution is to lose weight on cabbage and carrots (32 kcal). Both vegetables are low-calorie, well-combined, they can be cooked and stew, and a casserole, and the same brush salad. All meals will be different. excellent taste, useful properties and good results.

  • with apples

A good option is to arrange a fasting day on cabbage and green apples(47 kcal) to be chopped into one salad and eaten throughout the day in small portions. The volume is not limited, because the calorie content of such a dish is negligible and it is unlikely that everything you can eat will pull on 1,200 kcal.

  • With zucchini

If you often go on such hunger strikes, try including zucchini (24 kcal) in your system. If you put them out together with the main product, adding a few more vegetables, you get an excellent diet stew with which no hunger strike will be terrible.

Just as an option, you can arrange fasting days for cabbage soup or juice. Their taste qualities leave much to be desired, but at the same time, the results inspire to keep on such mono-hunger strikes to the end.

Sample Menus

Menu for a fasting day on kelp

This is the vegetable that each of us is familiar with since childhood. So, it is not a curiosity for the stomach, which should normally respond to it. He has proven himself in nutrition, being the main product for many weight loss systems. It can be found on store shelves at any time of the year. Yes, and the cost is not so fabulous

All these factors prove once again that cabbage fasting days - great option for regular cleansing of the body and maintaining a stable weight within the norm.
