
Cabbage in oil for the winter is a simple recipe. How to make a delicious marinade for cabbage for the winter

It is impossible to imagine a festive table without sauerkraut or pickled cabbage. Since ancient times, it has been harvested for the winter, and to this day, vegetable rolls in winter time years are very popular. There is a whole sea of ​​​​recipes for pickled cabbage.

Pickled cabbage - the most favorite snack

No one can resist crispy juicy pickled cabbage. This is a great addition to any meat or fish dish And great snack on the holiday table.

You can marinate any kind. For this, both red and white cabbage are suitable. Note! Red forks are stiffer, so they need to be cooked differently than white ones.

Unlike fermentation, pickling allows you to achieve faster results. Moreover, it is very useful product, which retains its beneficial properties during the cooking process.

In order to quickly and tasty cook crispy cabbage, you will need:

  • head of 2 kg.
  • one carrot.
  • 3 garlic cloves.
  • water - liter.
  • sunflower oil 200 ml.
  • 200 ml table vinegar.
  • three st. l. heaping salt.
  • 8 art. l. Sahara.
  • bay leaves - 5 pieces.

Cooking method:

  1. Cabbage is cut into large pieces, carrots are grated.
  2. Add peeled and finely chopped garlic to the chopped carrots.
  3. All vegetables are placed in liter jar layers. Cabbage is laid out in the first layer, then carrots with garlic.
  4. The next step is to make the marinade. To do this, salt the water, add sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil. All this must be boiled, putting Bay leaf.
  5. Salad cabbage is poured with marinade, after which it is left under oppression for three hours. After three hours, a delicious and crispy snack is ready.

Important advice! To make the cabbage crispy, you need to choose tight heads of cabbage.

Pickled Instant Cabbage (video)

In jars with bell pepper

Cabbage marinades are very convenient. They can be stored in the cold for almost a whole month, and they will not lose their taste. Marinated salad with bell pepper you can eat the next day.

Pickled cabbage for the winter- it's crispy spicy snack which almost everyone loves to eat. Approximately 1 kg this dish contains approximately 361 kcal. Finer additions than this pickled vegetable, to boiled potatoes, to fried fish and other second courses, do not pick up! And, which is very convenient, there is no need to harvest it in large batches for the whole cold period. Cabbage is available throughout the year; and it can be done in 1-2 days. The number of cabbage pickling recipes is endless. And during the winter you can try some of them!

Recipe #1

To pickle cabbage for the future, which can later be used as a snack, garnish, or included in the composition delicious vinaigrette or cabbage soup, you will need following products and spices: white forks weighing 2 kg, 2 carrots, 2 tbsp. salt, 1 glass of granulated sugar, 5 cloves of garlic, 7 cloves, 7 black peppercorns, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1.5 tsp vinegar essence 70%. As you can see from the list of proposed ingredients, it turns out unusually light and spicy.

The fork is washed, sluggish, dried and dirty leaves are removed from it, and it is cut into square sticks or chopped. Carrots are peeled, grated or chopped in a food processor or blender. Chopped vegetables are mixed without rubbing them against each other. Garlic without husk is cut in two. For workpiece for indicated weight products are taken one can of 3 liters and one liter. Glass container sterilized, and garlic is first laid at the bottom, and prepared vegetables are already on it, without tamping heavily, since there will still be a filling. If it is supposed spicy pickled cabbage for the winter, then a pod-piece of hot pepper is put with garlic.

Enough is poured into filled containers hot water, while measuring how much liquid it will take to prepare the filling, plus a little more with an error in evaporation. Banks of water are left for 15-20 minutes, and you can cook marinade filling. To do this, the required volume of water is poured, where salt, granulated sugar, peas, peppers, cloves are also added, and the solution is brought to a boil over high heat. After the moment of boiling, the strength of the fire decreases, and the filling is boiled for 1-2 minutes. In the meantime, the water from the cans of vegetables is drained into the sink.

The dishes with filling are removed from the stove, vegetable oil is added to it and vinegar essence. After stirring, the mixture is poured into the jars to the top, and delicious pickled cabbage for the winter it is rolled up, placed on the floor upside down and left for a day to check if the seaming is leaking. You can treat yourself to the workpiece after 7 days, but it is better to keep it until the cold weather. Before use, it would be good to “anoint” the cabbage with fragrant unrefined oil and season it with onion rings.

Recipe #2

The second method is great for cabbage preparation pieces, and is appreciated by the housewives who have tried it for its versatility and accessibility. You will need for this: 2 kg forks, 1 large carrot, 3 cloves of garlic. For marinade for 1 liter of water is taken: 2 tbsp. vinegar 6%, 200 g oil, 2 tbsp. salt, 100 g sugar. Bay leaves are individually added to the recipe (5 pieces per liter of filling) and spices to taste.

The washed fork is cut large pieces. In this form, it is more convenient to add cabbage to salads in the future, and it will be pleasantly crunchy in the mouth and not fall apart. But, in principle, a head of cabbage can be chopped in any way. Carrots must be cut into small chips. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. The ingredients are mixed and placed more tightly in prepared jars.

Water is boiled, and sugar and salt are dissolved in it, table vinegar And sunflower oil. The marinade is boiled a second time, and pre-filled jars are poured into it. In the container in advance, you can put cloves, bay leaves, hot pepper. Pickled cabbage slices for the winter must infuse and cool down room temperature. Well, then it is removed for storage in the refrigerator.

Recipe #3

The next method suggests preparing cabbage in a sweet marinade. It will especially appeal to those who respect original dishes. After all, cabbage is exactly the vegetable that goes perfectly with sweet additive. You can prepare a crispy sweet snack from the following ingredients: a kilogram white fork, 2 carrots, 100 g of table vinegar, 200 ml of sunflower oil, 500 ml of water, 1 tbsp. salt, 3 tbsp. sugar (or a little more).

A small fork is freed from sluggish leaves and chopped finely. Carrots, on the contrary, are rubbed coarsely. Vegetables are mixed. At their own discretion, they include onion rings or garlic. But in an unusual filling, these components will not fit into the sweet delicacy, but can only spoil it. But this is a matter of taste! The components are sprinkled with salt, and mixed again. For a while, oppression is placed on top of them so that the cabbage juice stands out and dissolves the grains of the spice.

A marinade is prepared from water, sugar, salt, vinegar and oil, which is boiled and then seasoned with black peppercorns and parsley. Jars are filled with real cabbage and poured with a very hot marinade. Banks are loosely covered nylon lids and left to cool. Only after that you can close tightly and put in a cool room for safety.

From sweet snack prepared according to the method described above, prepare unusual salad. To do this, eggs are boiled hard-boiled and rubbed on a grater. The ham is chopped finely and lightly fried. From rye bread make croutons; bread is toasted golden brown in a mixture of butter and sunflower oils, slightly salted. Then ham, sweet pickled cabbage and mayonnaise are mixed in one bowl, sprinkled rye croutons, chopped fresh herbs, and served on the table.

Marinating cauliflower

The taste of cooked cauliflower inflorescences resembles the taste of tender pickled mushrooms. It is harvested, like ordinary white cabbage, in jars, which allows you to save it. original way throughout the winter. So, from the components for the method " Cauliflower pickled for the winter»you will need: 1 head of cauliflower, 1 lettuce pepper, 5-8 pieces of black and allspice pepper-peas, 1-2 parsley, 2 cloves, a couple of sprigs of dry dill, 1 bitter pod, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. sugar, 2 tsp salt, 2 tsp vinegar 9%.

The container for the preparation "" is prepared first: the glass jars are thoroughly washed, doused with boiling water and they are given the opportunity to dry. Then dry dill, peppercorns and lavrushka are placed in dry containers. Garlic cloves are peeled and cut in half. The bitter pod is also washed out, dried and sent to jars in such quantity, depending on the desired sharpness of the final result. The cauliflower head is selected fresh, beautiful, without spoilage and damage; in the presence of dark spots they are cut out. Before pickling, the cabbage is washed, drained of excess moisture, and the inflorescences are cut off from the main stem. Salad pepper is cut into half rings. And the named vegetables fill the jars in layers.

Then the container is poured with boiling water and left for 10 minutes to warm the vegetables. After the liquid is drained into a saucepan, boiled and poured into containers again, where it is left for a quarter of an hour. Water is drained from the cans a second time, and 2 tsp are added to them, left without water. vinegar. Now you can cook the marinade. For him, 1 tbsp is required for 1 liter of drained water. sugar and 2 tsp. (20g) salt. Spices are poured into water that has had time to boil, dissolve, and hot fill jars filled with cauliflower. The next step in the process Marinating cauliflower for the winter» there is a capping of the container and subsequent wrapping with a blanket for slow cooling (which prevents the possibility of the possibility of exploding cans). Stored in a dark, fairly cool place. And, if during the storage period the lids on the jars are still inflated, then they should be put in the refrigerator or uncorked, drain the marinade, boil and pour back, rolling up the container with sterilized lids.

Pickled broccoli

List " We pickle cabbage for the winter. Recipes» will not be complete if you do not add the harvesting method to it in spicy filling broccoli. Using the proposed recipe, you get an interesting, spicy and unusual snack perfect for both everyday eating and holiday table. preferably in combination with other vegetables, as it taste qualities revealed in the best possible way. The ingredients for the dish are: 400 g of broccoli, 1 small fork of cauliflower, 1 large carrot, a bunch of dill, 5 cloves of garlic, 1.5 liters of filtered water, 4 tbsp. salt, 8 tbsp. granulated sugar, 1 cup 9% vinegar, 1 cup sunflower oil, 15 black peppercorns, 4 bay leaves.

1.5 liters of water is measured into a large saucepan, which is boiled, and salt, granulated sugar are dissolved in it and bay leaves, peppercorns are added, vinegar and oil are poured. The resulting solution is brought to a boil, boiled for 5-8 minutes under the lid, stirring to make it saturated. In the meantime, it is cooked, carrots are peeled and cut into circles. Broccoli is sorted by inflorescences; if it is frozen, then it must be thawed in advance and washed under cold water. Do the same with cauliflower. Garlic is peeled and pressed on the press. Wash all vegetables again. Dill greens are first rinsed in cold, and then doused with hot water, dried paper towel and finely chopped.

Vegetable ingredients are mixed and placed in a large bowl. All this is literally poured with boiling marinade and left to soak and reach readiness for 36 hours in a dry, dark place. “Ripened” broccoli before serving is removed from the marinade and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours. It is good for various side dishes, supplemented with greens and soy sauce. This template can be turned into pickled cabbage recipe for the winter preserved by canning. For this vegetable mix put in sterilized jars along with the marinade and roll up.

Winter pickled cabbage salad

Bright, juicy, soft and at the same time tender salad easy to prepare and keeps for a remarkably long period. From the ingredients for the dish you need to take: 5 kg of cabbage, 1 kg of onion and carrot, 100 g of granulated sugar, 50 g of salt, 500 ml of 9% vinegar and sunflower oil each. Some prefer to include meaty bell peppers as well, as in others; but you can do without it.

So, the cabbage is thinly chopped. Do the same with carrots. If desired, the number of orange root crops is doubled, resulting in more carrot salad than cabbage salad. Who likes it better. Bulbs are cut in half rings; By the way, the dish will look colorful if you take purple or red onions for it. Vegetable ingredients are combined and seasoned granulated sugar and salt. The mixture is stirred. In order for the cabbage to absorb the marinade more quickly, you need to “force” it to release the juice. Therefore, it must be slightly squeezed out by hand.

Mixed vegetable components are poured with oil, vinegar, mixed, and the salad is once again thoroughly mixed with hands, squeezing it along the way. Then the dish is removed for a day in a dark, not too cold place, and then it is laid out in sterilized jars and covered with nylon lids. Stored salad perfectly in a fairly cold place long term. But pickle cabbage for the winter the proposed method is possible at any time of the year. You can improve the taste with herbs, garlic, lavrushka and allspice; add colors for variety beetroot juice. Curry seasoning will give the dish a nice golden hue.

Cabbage is also very popular Korean marinade, with beets ... At the same time, the marinades themselves can be spicy, sour, sweet, etc. Closed more often cabbage pickled peppers for the winter. All these recipes are time-tested and satisfied eaters!

The history of cabbage preparations for future use has centuries-old roots. And now many housewives salt, ferment, marinate this round-sided beauty. Usually, first, shredded cabbage, carrots, garlic are put into a jar or other container, and then they are poured with prepared brine. The marinade is easy to make. How to do this will be discussed right now.

Preparation of cabbage filling

If the hostess decided to cook traditional cabbage, then the brine includes the following ingredients:

1.5 liters of water;

1.5 cups of sugar;

3 tablespoons of salt;

180 grams of vegetable oil;

2 tablespoons 70% vinegar.

Marinade for cabbage for the winter is prepared from these products. It is enough to fill five liter jars. As mentioned above, cabbage is chopped (one head is enough), while carrots (3-4 pieces) are chopped with a coarse grater. Peeled and chopped head of garlic is added to these vegetables, everything is mixed. Now you need to fill sterilized jars well with prepared vegetables. Unlike sauerkraut, you do not need to knead with salt with your hands, so it will turn out more crispy. Vinegar, which is added to cabbage marinade for the winter, will also help her stay like this. But it must be poured in at the very end, since with a long boil most of vinegar evaporates.

Vinegar - the basis of the marinade

So, all the products for the marinade are laid and poured into the pan, mixed and brought to a boil. Now you can pour required amount vinegar, which is necessarily added to the cabbage marinade for the winter. It will help the workpiece to be crispy and stored for a long time.

Cabbage is poured with this hot brine, covered with cellophane lids and left for 12 hours. Convenient to cook tasty dish in the evening, and then in the morning you can taste vitamin salad. Banks are put away for storage in a refrigerator, cellar or other cool place. In this form, they are perfectly stored for a month. Then you can prepare the next serving of vitamin salad. Cabbage in a sweet marinade is tasty and healthy. IN winter period it nourishes the body important trace elements. Vitamin C is especially necessary in the cold season.

Lettuce last longer

In order for the "sunsets" to be stored all winter, they first prepare the marinade, then fill it with a quarter liter jars, and only then lay out the cabbage. Now the jars must be sterilized for 25 minutes in water at 90 ° C. To prevent the glass from bursting, a rag is placed at the bottom of the container in which the jars are placed.

Modifying the recipe

The article gave a classic recipe for marinated cabbage. You can supplement it by putting cumin, dill, apples or beets in pickles. Very tasty salad with lingonberries or cranberries. For 1 kg of cabbage, 20 grams of cranberries (or lingonberries), carrots and 5 grams of cumin are taken. Here's how to prepare a marinade for cabbage with berries: 25 g of salt, 100 g of sugar, 200 g of 9% vinegar and 6-7 peas are taken for 1 liter of water allspice. Then everything is done as in previous recipe. And delicious vitamin cabbage ready. Unlike sauerkraut, it can be consumed after 12 hours, and it turns out to be more crispy. Those who are contraindicated in vinegar can replace it with citric acid.

Cabbage is a very popular, healthy vegetable from which variety of dishes. They especially love to use it in salted and pickled form. It contains few calories, but many vitamins and minerals, so it often becomes part of the weight loss menu. There are many options for salting white, red, cauliflower.

How to salt cabbage at home quickly and tasty

Many people think that there is no difference between fermentation and salting. Yes, these cooking methods are similar, but there is a slight difference. The salting process involves the use more salt, as opposed to fermentation. In addition to this, brine for cabbage allows you to get a delicious lightly salted or well-salted salad much faster in glass jar(3-5 days). A large number of salt inhibits fermentation, so this method produces less lactic acid than sourdough.

A few rules for salting cabbage:

  1. During fermentation, the brine white cabbage or other varieties should cover the vegetable completely. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to increase the mass of the press.
  2. Salting cabbage in jars in brine is carried out exclusively through rock salt coarse grind.

How to pickle cabbage so that it is crispy

There are many options for salting. Food lovers from this healthy vegetable are often interested in how to properly salt it to make a crispy salad. The recipe for pickling cabbage is very simple, but the result will surpass all expectations. Products for a 3 liter jar:

  • cabbage - 2 kilograms;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • lavrushka - 4 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns to taste.

Brine Ingredients:

  • coarse salt- 2 tablespoons;
  • water - one and a half liters;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons.

How to pickle cabbage in a jar so that the pieces turn out crispy? The cooking technology looks like this:

  1. Cut the white-headed vegetable into pieces, and then into strips. Grate carrots on coarse grater. Mix all.
  2. We take a jar of 3 liters, lay the vegetable salad inside, slightly pressing down. Between the layers you need to put bay leaves and pepper.
  3. We are preparing the marinade. In boiled warm water salt and sugar are diluted. Salad is poured to the top with this liquid.
  4. Cover the container with a lid or gauze. It is better to place the jar in a deep plate or bowl, as the marinade sometimes overflows over the edges of the container.
  5. We leave the salting for 3 days. It is worth observing that the upper cabbage-carrot layer is constantly covered with marinade. Readiness is determined by taste.

How to quickly pickle

Quick salting cabbage is useful to many housewives. This type of pickle is ideal for family dinner or an unplanned visit of guests, because a delicious vegetable salad will be ready in just 60 minutes. Salting ingredients:

  • cabbage - 2-2.5 kg;
  • carrots - 3 pieces;
  • garlic - 6 cloves.

For a "quick" brine, you need to prepare:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • salt (coarse, stone grade, non-iodized) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • vinegar - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 200 grams.

salted cabbage fast food made according to this recipe:

  1. The main ingredient must be finely chopped, grated carrots, cut garlic into slices.
  2. Boil water, add salt and sugar to it.
  3. After the marinade boils for a short time, vinegar is poured into it. Remove from heat, pour oil into it, mix well.
  4. Vegetable salad, which is pre-packed in a jar, is poured with hot marinade.
  5. We leave the future pickle to cool completely, and then place it in the refrigerator.

Salting cabbage for the winter

Today, there is a wide range of ways to pickle vegetables for the winter. Nevertheless, many lovers of pickles continue to prefer the method proven over the years. Classic recipe sauerkraut white vegetable popular for a very long time and passed down from generation to generation. So, to prepare a delicious, beautiful cabbage, as in the photo, you need:

  • carrots - 5 pieces;
  • cabbage - 4-5 kilograms (several large heads);
  • rock salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • spices, spices.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut vegetables: chop cabbage into thin strips, grate carrots with a grater. Everything is mixed with salt. You need to press the vegetables a little with your hands so that they start up the juice.
  2. Put the future pickle in a large deep container (bucket, bowl). Add lavrushka, spices.
  3. We put a wide plate or a wooden board on top, press it with oppression (for example, a jar of water).
  4. Let the lettuce ferment at room temperature.
  5. After a daily period of time, we remove the oppression, put half of the contents into another container and mix thoroughly. This is necessary for the release of gases. Leave the vegetables for an hour and a half and return to their original place under the load. We do this procedure every day until the ingredients are completely salted.
  6. After three or four days, the marinade becomes lighter and settles, the foam disappears. This may indicate the readiness of pickles, which is determined by taste.
  7. It remains to shift ready meal in jars and put in a cold place.

Features of the preparation of cabbage brine

Brine for sauerkraut or its pickled analogue is a solution of salt and water, to which spices and spices are sometimes added. Another marinade is obtained in the process of pickling vegetables. The basis of the liquid for salting is a solution different concentration(depending on the amount of salt). Here are some tips on how to make pickle and sourdough brine vegetable salad.

For sauerkraut

The classic, "grandmother's" method of cooking cabbage is sourdough with brine. First you need to prepare the vegetables, clean from dirt, chop. How to prepare sauerkraut in brine? The marinade is very quick and easy to make. It is necessary to dilute in water (1.5 liters) one tablespoon of rock salt and two tablespoons of sugar. Then you need to put the liquid on the fire and boil for several minutes. Pour cabbage with carrots with cold brine. Withstand up to fully prepared.

For pickled cabbage

Pickled cabbage is no less tasty and healthy than sauerkraut or salted cabbage. The brine in this matter plays an important role, rather the opposite. Its preparation is different from the creation of a marinade for sourdough vegetables. You will need the following ingredients:

  • sunflower oil - half a glass;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - one glass;
  • vinegar - 1 cup;
  • water - 1 liter.

You need to put the vegetables in a jar in layers and add a couple of cloves of garlic to them. Fans of spicy "hot" dishes can put a little red in the salad hot pepper. Mix the ingredients for the marinade by dissolving the oil, salt, sugar and vinegar in the water. Boil the liquid, pour the vegetables with hot brine. After 24 hours, the appetizer dish will be ready to eat.

salted cabbage video recipes

To make the salad crispy and tasty, you need to properly prepare the ingredients and brine. Using the videos below, you can learn the technology of salting and pickling cabbage by interesting recipes. With the help of the video, you will understand in detail all the nuances of the process and learn how to prepare juicy, fragrant pickles.

Georgian pickled cabbage with beets

Quick pickling with marinade for cabbage
