
How to cook fresh lard in onion skins. How to cook lard in onion skins

Salo in onion peel- most delicious recipe, thanks to which the popular product acquires a spicy smoked taste, extraordinary aroma and attractive amber color. The advantage of this preparation is that meat snack you can serve it to the table the next day, and not wait for several days, as with traditional salting.

Salo in onion skins - recipes, which are distinguished by a variety of techniques, allow you to cook the product in a hot and cold way, using various marinades and spices, as additional components to the main thing - onion peel. Thanks to the latter, the fat looks smoked, but does not lose its original taste.

  1. Salo in onion peel is the most delicious recipe for which it is important to choose high-quality lard. The color of the product should be white, with small layers of meat.
  2. Before cooking, the fat is thoroughly cleaned.
  3. Onion peel should be whole and not rotten. In addition to the husks, a lot of salt, black pepper, and bay leaves are added to the brine.
  4. The lard must cool in brine to gain color and aroma, then it is rubbed with garlic and spices, settled under oppression and sent to the freezer.
  5. Before baking, lard is also boiled in husks and spices. A few minutes before cooking, unfold the foil so that the piece is slightly browned.

How to cook bacon in onion skins?

Boiled lard in onion peel - affordable way get delicious snack, which in many respects will surpass the traditionally salted one. Salo, boiled in husks and spices, acquires original taste and the color becomes soft, melting. It is only necessary to boil the product in brine, cool it under oppression and, seasoning it, send it to the cold.


  • lard - 500 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • husk - 250 g;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • garlic clove - 3 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 4 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf- 2 pcs.


  1. Boil the husk for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove and add lard and spices.
  3. Boil 45 minutes. Cool under pressure.
  4. Rub with garlic, wrap in cling film.
  5. Salo in onion peel is the most delicious recipe, in which the product must be cooled for 12 hours.

Salted bacon in onion peel, cooked in a cold way, does not age, does not turn yellow and long time saves taste qualities. The recipe is as simple as possible: the fat is cut into small pieces, poured cooled onion pickle and dries up for a few days. The main thing is not to stack the pieces tightly so that the product does not “suffocate” and does not go rancid.


  • fat - 800 g;
  • salt - 120 g;
  • husk - 200 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • garlic clove - 5 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 4 pcs.


  1. Boil the husk for 10 minutes. Remove from brine.
  2. Put spices and pieces of lard in a container.
  3. Pour the contents with cooled brine.
  4. Salo, salted in the husk, rearrange in a day in the cold.

In onion peel in a hot way, it will help you enjoy a snack in a day. fast cooking and the ability of a taste-neutral product to absorb spicy aromas create fertile ground for culinary experiments. IN this recipe onion peel, adjika and paprika will add pungency, piquancy and amber color.


  • fat - 1 kg;
  • water - 1.2 l;
  • salt - 140 g;
  • adjika - 20 g;
  • husk - 120 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • paprika - 20 g;
  • garlic clove - 3 pcs.


  1. Boil adjika, husks, salt and laurel.
  2. Put the fat in the brine under oppression and simmer them for 15 minutes.
  3. Keep in brine for 12 hours.
  4. Dry, rub with garlic and paprika.
  5. Submit lard in onion peel for a couple of hours in the freezer.

Smoked bacon in the husk is appropriate to replace the product cooked in the smokehouse if liquid smoke is used. It will not only affect the taste of the snack, but also keep it fresh and appetizing for a long time. It should be noted that after such smoking, the product must be kept in the refrigerator all the time in order to preserve the aroma.


  • fat - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • ground black and red pepper - a pinch each;
  • "liquid smoke" - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • onion peel - 100 g.


  1. Boil salt and husk.
  2. Add "liquid smoke" and pour the brine over the lard.
  3. Close the container and set aside for 12 hours.
  4. Discuss and season.
  5. in onion peel the most delicious recipe, stored in the freezer.

The recipe for delicious lard in onion skins involves a marinade that will soak the product in a short time, give it an expressive taste and soft texture. Since the onion peel only provides color to the product, you need to take care of the spices. In this recipe, cloves, pepper and garlic will contribute to the aroma and spiciness.


  • fat - 1 kg;
  • husk - 200 g;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • water - 1.2 l;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • carnation - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic clove - 5 pcs.;
  • red ground pepper- pinch.


  1. Boil the husk for 20 minutes with salt, sugar and spices.
  2. Add lard and simmer for 10 minutes under oppression.
  3. Leave for 12 hours. Dry.
  4. Salo marinated in onion peel is the most delicious recipe served cold and thinly sliced.

Tasty lard in onion skins worthy alternative a traditional salted product if it is boiled and seasoned with spices. The appetizer will acquire an extraordinary taste and appearance, and will not be so high-calorie. When cooking, you should use not very thick pieces, they will quickly become colored and filled with aromas of spices.


  • fat - 800 g;
  • garlic clove - 5 pcs.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 80 g;
  • coriander - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • paprika - 10 g;
  • husk - 50 g.


  1. Boil the husk for 15 minutes, add lard and simmer for 45 minutes.
  2. Let it brew in brine.
  3. Remove, season, wrap in foil and place in the freezer.

Salo in onion peel "five minutes" - recipe

You can spend no more than 5 minutes on a recipe for delicious boiled bacon in onion peel, in the presence of brine, while getting an appetizer that is in no way inferior in quality to the previous ones. You need to slightly boil a piece, put it under pressure and, after cooling, make cuts and stuff it with spices and garlic. A few hours in the cold will bring the appetizer to readiness.


  • fat - 1.8 kg;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • garlic clove - 8 pcs.;
  • ground black pepper - 5 g;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • husk - 50 g.


  1. Make a decoction of the husk.
  2. Boil the fat for 5 minutes.
  3. Start with garlic, pepper and laurel.
  4. Wrap in foil and refrigerate.

Variety of preparation and form of serving. Can be rolled up thin pieces in a roll, thereby not only keeping the product as juicy as possible, but also increasing its shelf life up to 3 weeks. Given the high cost meat rolls, such a financial available product as lard is perfect for a hearty budget snack.


  • pork brisket -1.5 kg;
  • husk - 100 g;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 10 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 8 pcs.


  1. Rub the brisket with crushed pepper and laurel.
  2. Roll up, tie.
  3. Boil for 2 hours with husks, pepper and laurel.
  4. Place under oppression for 3 hours.

Differs in special tenderness, juiciness and aroma. This cooking technique will not take much time and will allow you to taste in an hour homemade delicacy. Even the toughest and thinnest pieces are suitable for languishing in the oven, and a few cloves of garlic will become worthy replacement variety of spices.

I tried to cook boiled lard in onion peel with garlic for the first time, and then only because I received a letter from a reader asking me: “Do you have such a recipe on your blog?”. As it turns out, he somehow escaped my notice in all the years that I lead culinary blog, so I decided to urgently fill this gap in my culinary biography.

for cooking today's dish we need following products: lard, water, salt, onion peel, pepper, bay leaf and garlic. I can say with confidence that bacon that is boiled in onion peel is cooking masterpiece of the most available ingredients, which fits perfectly into the list of Easter recipes! The main moment in its preparation comes at the stage when you walk around the market in search of this yummy. I do not recommend buying lard in a store, but the market, where you will be happy to be offered to taste lard before buying it, will be the best place where you can find fresh, high-quality and fragrant product. This simple wisdom was taught to me by my dad, and I always try to stick to it.

Now it is worth mentioning the onion peel. It is used in the recipe to give the finished bacon an appetizing taste. smoked look. The same taste qualities ready meal, will not leave indifferent any "saloed".

To the table boiled lard in onion peel can be served the next day after cooking, but the cooking time itself needs no more than similar meat dishes. The result that you will eventually get will please not only your household, but also your acquaintances and friends who have come to visit!


  • 800 g fat
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 glass of salt
  • Onion peel 6 onions
  • 10 black peppercorns
  • Allspice, coriander (to taste)
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 5 cloves of garlic for marinade
  • 4 cloves of garlic for the bacon itself

Cooking step by step with photos:

Bon appetit!

Salo boiled in onion peel will be able to cook for anyone who wishes, despite culinary experience what he has. The whole process of preparing this bacon snack is extremely simple, and every hostess and owner will cope with this task. Finally, I want to give a few tips so that your boiled bacon turns out delicious and will appeal to all tasters:
  • For cooking bacon, we need 1 cup of salt, and this is not a typo. Prepare the dish based on the number of products that are indicated in the list of ingredients;
  • Responsibly approach the choice of fat, as the final result of all your cooking will depend on this;
  • Try to use onion skins from fresh onions for cooking;
  • Before serving, be sure to let the finished bacon soak in the refrigerator before cutting it into portioned pieces.

Salo in onion peel, cooked at home is much tastier than just salted lard in spices. As a result of boiling bacon in onion peel, it turns out to be less high-calorie, softer and with a special taste given to it by onion peel, fragrant garlic and spices. If we compare all the recipes for lard in onion peel, then they differ little from each other. Most often, lard is boiled in onion broth on the stove, somewhat less often in a slow cooker or oven. Many housewives who do not know how to cook lard in onion skins are looking on the Internet for the most delicious recipe for making it.

If we talk about the history of the appearance of this snack, then lard in onion peel can be found in Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Polish, Russian and Belarusian cuisines. Together with homemade sausage and boiled pork, such lard was often a mandatory attribute holiday tables. Prepared it for weddings, Christmas and Easter. Regarding lard, for the preparation of lard in onion peel, you can use both simple lard and lard with a small meat layer. It can be both underscores and.

Delicious bacon in onion skins cooked according to this step-by-step recipe will definitely turn out delicious if the lard was of high quality. When choosing fat, pay attention to such indicators and characteristics as taste, color, appearance and smell. Fresh fat should not have a smell, it is moderately hard and elastic and has a white appearance.


  • Salo - 1 kg.,
  • Onion peel - 1 salad bowl,
  • Water - 1.5 liters,
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.,
  • Black peppercorns - 3-6 pcs.,
  • Garlic - 1 head,
  • Spices - 30-40 gr.,
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons

Salo in onion skins - recipe

Having prepared everything necessary ingredients, you can start cooking lard in onion skins. Onion peel must be washed in cold (warm) water before cooking, even if it seems clean.

Place the clean onion skins in a bowl. Pour hot water. Salt. To give a decoction of onion peels, add bay leaf and black peppercorns. You can put at will and cloves, barberries or allspice peas.

Over low heat, avoiding a strong boil, cook the onion peel for 15 minutes. During this time, the pigment substances of the onion peel will color the water in a dark orange color.

As for the fat, before lowering the fat into the onion broth, it must be thawed.

Put the lard in a decoction. At this stage of cooking, you can add a couple of prunes or a tablespoon to the broth. liquid smoke. Thus, the fat will acquire a smoked flavor. See that the fat is completely covered with liquid.

Cover the pot with a lid. Boil it for 30 minutes. The skin of the fat and the sides will turn bright orange during this time.

Take the salo out of the pan.

Let it cool down. Meanwhile, prepare the garlic and spices for marinating the lard. The cloves must be finely chopped with a knife or passed through a garlic press.

Prepare spices. For boiled bacon in onion peel, paprika, turmeric, curry, dry and a mixture of seasonings for meat and barbecue are well suited.

Combine spices in one bowl and mix.

Salo boiled in onion peel, carefully rub with chopped garlic on all sides.

Wrap the boiled lard marinated in garlic and spices in onion skins tightly in foil.

Put the salo in the refrigerator for several hours. The time for marinating the lard will depend on how much patience you have. Recommended marinating time is 10 hours. During this time, it will be saturated with the aroma of garlic and spices and become even more delicious. Such lard just blends perfectly with Borodino or, green onion, horseradish or mustard.

In the event that you cook lard in onion peel in in large numbers, it is recommended in this case to store it in freezer which is very convenient. Delicious boiled lard in onion skins at home will always be at hand.

Salo in onion skins. Photo


  • Salo - 1 kg.,
  • Onion peel - 50 gr., (3 handfuls),
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Water - 1 liter,
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Garlic - 1 head,
  • A set of spices for lard or meat - 30 gr.,
  • Peppercorns - a couple of peas,
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.,

Salo in onion peel in a slow cooker - recipe

Wash the onion peel. Defrost lard if required. Cut into two pieces.

Pour water into a saucepan. Once the water boils, add salt and sugar to it. Boil the brine for cooking lard in onion peel for about 5 minutes. Place half of the onion in the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Add black peppercorns and bay leaf.

On onion pillow lay out the lard, then cover the lard with the remaining onion peel. Fill with brine. Turn on the multicooker on the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour. After this time, leave the fat in the brine for 6-7 hours.

Salo in onion peel is an extremely easy-to-prepare product. Such fat, without further ado, is able to make any person who knows where the kitchen is located in the apartment. I took the fat, cut it, cooked it, stood it for an hour in a mixture of spices - and voila, you can serve the fat to the table. The aroma of bacon is such that you sway, and the red-golden color excites a serious appetite. I've been making this salad for over a year now. And now I will tell you how easy and, most importantly, how quickly to cook bacon in onion peel, I give a step-by-step recipe with a photo for those who are not ready to take my word for it that there is no need to spend several days on salting. You will see and simple process cooking and impressive results. One and a half hours of time - and you can serve a snack to the table. Not only does the fat turn out to be beautiful, it is also useful. Not an ounce of preservatives, no liquid smoke and other carcinogens that ours loves to use so much. food industry. To obtain saturated color, onion peel per kilogram of fat will need three full handfuls. If you don’t have so many onions in your house, then you can find the husks in any store in the vegetable department or in the market, where they never refuse my request to collect husks - even take a whole bag. Amber fat acquires if you dye it with the husk of an ordinary yellow onion. And if you take the husk of red onion Mars or add beetroot broth, then you will get a crimson hue that will create a complete imitation of the color of a smoked product. Salo choose pink (by no means yellow!) Color with a noticeable layer of meat.


  • lard with a meat layer - 1 kg;
  • onion peel - 3 handfuls;
  • boiled water - 3 l;
  • ground black pepper - 10 gr.;
  • red ground pepper - 10 gr.;
  • salt - 30 gr.;
  • curry - 10 gr.;
  • vegetable seasoning - 20 gr.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves.

The process of cooking lard in onion skins with step by step photos

Place the onion skins in a large saucepan and wash the husks thoroughly. (Keep in mind that enamel pan it will stain from the husk, so if this is not included in your plans, take a stainless steel or Teflon pan).

Pour out boiled water and put the pan on the stove. It is necessary to color the water at an average level of fire for 10 minutes.

While the onion peel is cooking, you should prepare the marinade from different spices, with which we will rub the fat after it is boiled in onion peel. Place black pepper in a small bowl.

Add hot red pepper.

Pour out the salt. If you prefer to cook lard with pronounced salty taste then increase the measure by one tablespoon.

Add to spices fragrant spice curry.

Place vegetable seasoning.

Grind the garlic on a grater or in a bowl with a pestle and add it to the rest of the marinade ingredients.

Mix spices thoroughly.

Cut a long piece of lard into several pieces so that they fit compactly in the pan.

Place in a saucepan with brightly colored onion broth and cook for 30 minutes over low heat.

When the pieces of lard have cooled, place them in turn in a container with fragrant marinade and rub vigorously with a mixture of various spices.

In 1 hour, they will be absorbed into the fat, so you don’t have to languish in anticipation for a long time.

My household is calm about simple serving, so I barely have time to cut the bacon into slices, as it is snatched up by those who want to taste the product as soon as possible. If you need to cut the fat into the thinnest transparent slices, put it in the freezer for a couple of hours.

Bon appetit!

slices fragrant lard are a great snack, loved by many. This dish is suitable for festive feast and for everyday meals. And the husk onion gives fat not only pleasant aroma, but also an appetizing smoky color.

Suitable ingredients for making lard in onion skins

Firstly, pieces of fat should be no thinner than five centimeters. It is best if they are pierced with meat veins.

Cooked lard with layers of meat between the greasy layers has an excellent taste

Secondly, if you buy lard for salting in the market, then you will certainly ask for a piece taken from a ham or from a shoulder blade pork carcass. The fact is that fat from the sternum has mammary gland fibers, which are hard and poorly chewed.

When buying, ask the seller to cut good piece fat from the ham or shoulder blade of the carcass, otherwise the cooked dish may not turn out to be entirely successful

Thirdly, the fat should not be yellowish. This suggests that it is old, stale. From such a product it will not be possible to prepare a tender and fragrant dish.

The best lard for salting has a slightly pinkish tint.

And fourthly, you should choose the right onion peel. Onions should be fresh, firm, without noticeable softness to the touch, and the husk should be golden or dark red.

In addition, onion peel for salting lard should be dry, without a hint of rotting.

If possible, be sure to ask the seller about the gender of the pork carcass. Boar meat and lard have an unpleasant specific aroma, which reduces the taste of the dish prepared from them.

Video: how to buy tasty and safe fat

Salo recipes in onion skins

Represented step by step recipes are simple and the minimum amount ingredients. To make it fragrant and tasty dish, it is necessary to observe the recommended amount of salt and spices.

Salo in onion peel with spices and garlic

Salo according to this recipe is spicy, slightly spicy and very fragrant.

For this dish you need to prepare:

  • 1.5 kg of fat with layers of meat;
  • 1.5 l of water;
  • 150 g of salt;
  • 200 g of onion peel;
  • 10 bay leaves;
  • 10 g coriander peas;
  • 20–30 g of dry adjika;
  • 30 g different peppers peas (green, red, white and black);
  • 10 cloves of garlic.

Salo preparation time - 2 days.

Recipe for lard in onion skins with spices:

  1. Rinse the fat properly warm water and cut into pieces of 300-400 g.

    It will be easier for small pieces of bacon to absorb all the flavors of spices.

  2. Rinse the onion peel, and then add salt, bay leaves and water to it. Boil the brine for fifteen minutes.

    Boiling on small fire will allow the onion peel to transfer its coloring properties to the brine, which is why the fat will acquire a golden appetizing color

  3. Pound the pepper mixture in a mortar.

    Grind the pepper to a coarse powder

  4. Grind the coriander in a coffee grinder.

    Coriander seeds must be ground in a coffee grinder until a fine powder is obtained.

  5. Peel the garlic cloves.

    Garlic for salting fat should be taken of the highest quality, without dark spots and rotted areas

  6. Then finely chop them with a sharp knife.

    This recipe calls for minced garlic, not minced garlic.

  7. Mix dry adjika, chopped coriander powder, a mixture of peppers and chopped garlic.

    A mixture of dry adjika, coriander, garlic and pepper can be prepared for the future, then salting the fat will take much less time

  8. Roll each piece of lard in the resulting spice mixture and place tightly in the pan.

    Spices should completely cover the pieces of fat

  9. Then fill the pieces of lard with brine with onion peel and press down with oppression. Refrigerate for two days.

    For oppression, you should take two-liter jar and a flat plate, pieces of fat should be completely in brine

  10. After two days, you need to remove the fat from the brine, drain paper towel and cut into thin slices.

    It is very tasty to serve such lard, salted with onion peel, to borscht with sour cream

You can store lard cooked in brine with onion peel and spices for up to two weeks in the refrigerator or up to four months in the freezer.

Boiled lard in onion peel with ginger, cooked on the stove

For this dish you will need:

  • 1.5 kg of fat with meat streaks;
  • 200-250 g of onion peel;
  • 150 g of ordinary salt;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 20-30 g of ginger root;
  • 70 g of black and red peppercorns in equal proportions;
  • 20-30 garlic cloves;
  • 6-8 dry bay leaves.

Prepare all the ingredients for cooking in advance, this will save you time spent in the kitchen

Cooking time - 2 days.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Place the onion peel in a saucepan and rinse with warm water.

    Rinse the onion skins thoroughly, changing the water at least two or three times.

  2. Then drain the water, squeeze the husk properly and put pieces of fat on it. Pour all the salt indicated in the recipe into a container with bacon and husks.

    Salt for salting fat is suitable for the most common, cooking

  3. Slightly crush the peppercorns in a mortar.

    Grinding the pepper in a mortar will allow it to better saturate the pieces of fat with its aroma.

  4. Peel a small ginger root and cut into thin slices.

    Ginger in this dish is extremely appropriate, it makes the fat more tender and gives it a subtle unobtrusive flavor.

  5. Now add pepper, bay leaf, cloves, ginger and three whole cloves of garlic to the lard. Pour boiling water into a saucepan with lard and spices. Bring to a boil over medium heat and simmer for fifteen minutes covered.
  6. After the specified time, turn off the stove and leave the pan under the lid until it cools completely.
