
Cutlets on an onion pillow. Chicken cutlets on a fragrant pillow

Homemade minced meat cutlets - quick, tasty and simple.

Enter your meatball products into the table and it will calculate your rates.

In our family, they don’t really like experiments with classic dishes, so meat cutlets I cook according to standard measurements.

IN cutlet recipe two types of meat are usually added from meat: pork and beef, but if you add more chicken meat, the dish will acquire interesting flavors. I once did exactly that, but my household members exposed me and asked me to still cook according to a standard recipe. Although I liked the chicken cutlets.

In this recipe, I use some clever, natural additives that enhance the taste of the product.

cutlets , it turns out tender, juicy and does not fall apart when frying.

Usually I cook them for the future, i.e. I cook part of it the same day, and freeze the other part in the freezer. Freezing semi-finished products is very convenient because if guests unexpectedly arrive, you take them out, slightly defrost and fry as usual - a very convenient help.

Of course my regular cutlet recipe, but if you are interested in them, then let's start cooking.

The original composition of the products.

Our dish consists of: meat, lard, raw potatoes, garlic, onions, eggs, bread, milk, black pepper, salt, semolina and spices.

Step-by-step cooking with a photo of minced pork and beef cutlets.

1. Preparation of minced meat with a photo.

First of all, let's deal with bread, because. it will take some time to swell. It is better to take a piece from yesterday's or the day before yesterday's roll, i.e. hard piece. This is due to the fact that if you take fresh bread, then there is a chance that it will not add porosity to the cutlet, but rather glue the minced meat into a dense piece and then the finished cutlets will not be airy.

At the selected piece of bread, you need to cut off the crust and set it aside. The crusts come in handy at the very end of the meat grinding.

Pour a glass of fresh milk into a bowl and soak the bread in it. The piece must be turned over every 10 minutes, for uniform impregnation.

While the bread absorbs the milk, let's take care of the meat ingredients.

You need to cut off the skin from the fat, then dissolve the pulp into strips, which are then cut into bars and cubes 2x2 cm in size.

Much easier with meat. We take a piece and cut it into arbitrary pieces 3x3 cm in size, just to enter the meat grinder and grind them.

Onions and raw potatoes are pre-washed with water, peeled and cut into bars. Enough of this size so that they can also pass into the neck of the meat grinder.

All the ingredients are prepared, we proceed to grind them. I usually put products in the following order:

Several pieces of meat

1 piece of lard

1 piece of onion

1 piece of potato

1 head of garlic.

We continue this sequence until the ingredients run out.

The process of grinding products is completed by dry crusts of bread, which we cut off from a piece earlier.

The skin has two functions:

  1. pushes the rest of the meat (from the meat grinder) out,
  2. 70% cleans the shaft and the inside of the meat grinder from greasy deposits. You will have to disassemble the unit, remove the remaining crust and rinse all parts in water.

Minced meat is ready, now let's proceed to the final stage - adding spices. Add salt and ground black pepper to the meat filling.

Pepper is followed by seasoning for cutlets, if there is none, then any seasoning for meat will do. Stir well.

As soon as the minced meat is mixed with spices and salt, add 5 yolks, which must be carefully separated from the proteins. Proteins can be placed in a mug and removed before cooking crushed potatoes, but no more than 2 days (in the refrigerator).

Why is it desirable to add some yolks to minced meat? This is due to the fact that when frying, the protein folds and pulls the mass into one strong structure. As a result, the cutlets will be tough. The yolk, on the contrary, gives the mass a loose structure, which at the same time does not fall apart during frying, but retains the cutlet in its original state.

On top of the yolks - crumble soaked bread, which must be squeezed out of milk before laying.

In conclusion, it remains for us to add dry semolina and mix everything. We fall asleep semolina in two doses. The first time they evenly distributed it over the surface - they mixed the mass, and the second stage is the same.

2. We form cutlets with a photo.

Minced meat is ready, it remains to form cutlets, fry them and bring them to readiness.

To form cutlets, we need an ordinary tablespoon, into which we scoop minced meat with a large slide, medium-sized cutlets are obtained - weighing 110 grams (each).

In the palm of our hand we form a bun, which we throw from hand to hand (with force) we beat off 20 times.

This technique allows me not to roll the cutlet in flour, but to fry immediately in heated sunflower oil.

Pour half a glass of sunflower oil into the pan, heat it and lay the beaten cutlets. You must certainly fry cutlets in hot oil, because. this gives the effect of instant blockage of the surface, which will not allow the cutlet to fall apart and the juice will not leak out.

Cover the pan with a divider or colander. This must be done so that the fat does not splatter on the sides.

After all the cutlets are placed in the pan, reduce the heat to medium and fry on each side for 8 minutes.

I turn the cutlets with an iron spatula, which I pry the cutlet under the very bottom of the pan, and a fork, which I support the cutlet on top.

3. We bring cutlets to readiness.

Frying the meatballs doesn't mean they're ready. They need to be brought to completion. I do this in several ways: in a slow cooker and in a saucepan.

In a slow cooker, cutlets can be brought to readiness in several ways: steamed and in a bowl.

Steam cutlets I cook in the event that the number of cooked cutlets will go into the steamer pan at a time. To do this, simply put the cutlets in a pan (you can sideways), pour 2 liters of water into the bowl, set the steamer function and cook for 40 minutes.

If there are a lot of cutlets, then I load them into a bowl and pour 2 cups of cooked broth. I prepare the broth in the following way. I put in a bowl: a cube of chicken broth, spices, ground black pepper and, if necessary, add salt to the desired taste.

You can, instead of the broth, prepare a liquid gravy: from onions, carrots, tomato paste and water.

You need just enough liquid so that it is enough not only to stew cutlets, but also to add to the side dish (on a plate). I usually go for one layer, 2 (500 ml) cups of broth.

If I cook this dish in a slow cooker, then I set the mode - cooking, cooking temperature 100 degrees, cooking time 25 minutes.

My slow cooker has a multi-turn function so I can experiment with temperature and cooking time. If you have a regular multicooker, then just set the Cooking function.

If you cook cutlets in a saucepan, then you need to pour the cutlets with broth or liquid gravy and bring to a boil, reduce the heat to the smallest burning, close the lid tightly and simmer for 20 minutes.

The time has passed delicious meatballs ready. Now they can be carefully removed from the container and laid out on plates.

Bon appetit!

What do I do with semi-finished products?

I freeze semi-finished products.

Prepared cutlets, spread on a flexible plastic board, tighten everything with a bag and put in the freezer. As soon as the cutlets harden, they can be easily separated from the surface of the plank and transferred to a bag.

When you want to cook frozen cutlets, you need to take them out of the freezer, put them on a flat plate and let them thaw. Put the defrosted meatballs in hot oil and fry as usual.

Why in very hot oil? The protein that is present in minced meat will immediately curl up and clog the pores, thereby preventing the juice from flowing out of the product and the cutlets will not stick to the bottom of the pan.

I will be glad if my principle of preparing semi-finished products helps someone.

Thank you!

  • Cooking classic meatballs

  • Any minced meat (1 kg.), Onion (1 pc.), Egg (1 pc.), Roll soaked in milk (3 pieces of white roll and 100 gr. Milk), salt (to taste), pepper (to taste).
  • Grind the onion and bun and add to the minced meat. Also add the egg, salt, pepper and beat everything well.
  • For this dish, I make cutlets a little larger than usual. Gram 150 each.
  • Dip in flour and fry in vegetable oil on each side for 2-3 minutes.
  • In a baking dish greased with vegetable oil, lay out a layer of eggplants cut into a width of 1.5 cm. Salt a little. You can salt them in advance, then squeeze them out so that the bitterness goes away, but I don’t use this technique in this dish.
  • The next layer lay out the bell pepper, cut into 4 parts and also lightly salt.
  • The last layer is sliced ​​tomatoes. Also lightly salted.
  • Lay the fried meatballs over the vegetables. Top each cutlet with a tomato slice. A little more salt.
  • Cover with foil and put in the oven for 30 minutes.
  • Then remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes.
  • Bon appetit and cook with pleasure!
  • Total cooking time: 1 hour 0 min.
  • Category:

Juicy and tender chicken cutlets are always a great second course; With any side dish, chicken cutlets will be a great hearty lunch! Cutlets according to this recipe are unusual! Due to the fact that they are stewed on a fragrant “pillow” of parsley and dill, garlic, lemon and leek, chicken cutlets become so fragrant that words cannot express! Such cutlets cannot be compared with those simply fried in a pan, because all those flavors that contain the components of the “cushion” soak each cutlet and fill it with additional flavor notes! Very, very tasty, I recommend!

Chicken fillet

Bulb onions


cow's milk

Chicken egg

Ground black pepper



dried bay leaf

Black peppercorns

Sunflower oil

    To prepare delicious chicken cutlets, we need the following ingredients: chicken fillet, onion, leek, lemon, chicken egg, breadcrumbs, milk, garlic, parsley, dill, refined sunflower oil, bay leaf, black peppercorns, salt, black ground pepper, water.

    Chicken fillet cut into small pieces. Peel onion and garlic. Finely chop the onion and garlic.

    We pass the ingredients prepared in the previous step through a meat grinder: chicken fillet, onion and garlic.

    Add the breadcrumbs soaked in milk to the minced chicken. Instead of crackers, you can add white or wheat bread soaked in milk.

    We drive the chicken egg into the minced meat.

    Add salt and ground black pepper and mix the minced meat until smooth.

    Put the minced meat for cutlets in the refrigerator for a while. Now let's start preparing a fragrant “pillow”. Cut the leeks into rings. Cut half a lemon into half rings. My parsley and dill and cut the greens large enough along with the sprigs. Peel the garlic and cut each clove in half lengthwise.

    We spread on the bottom of a wide saucepan or stewpan arbitrarily half rings of lemon, parsley and dill, leek rings, garlic, pieces of bay leaf, black peppercorns. Pour some water in here.

    We take the minced meat out of the refrigerator and form 14 round cutlets from it. Bread cutlets in breadcrumbs on all sides.

    Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan. Fry the cutlets on both sides over medium heat until golden brown. Do not try to fry the cutlets until cooked, we need a crust!

    We spread the fried cutlets in a saucepan on a fragrant “pillow” in two layers.

    We close the pan with a lid and put it first on medium heat, and after the appearance of signs of vaporization in the pan, reduce the fire to the very minimum and simmer the cutlets for about 20 minutes. Delicious chicken cutlets are ready!

    We serve juicy and fragrant meatballs for lunch hot with any side dish of your choice! It can be mashed potatoes, fresh vegetable salad, pasta or rice. Bon appetit!
