
Four components of a successful career as a chef. International Chef's Day: Stories from the World's Most Famous Chefs

This name is a symbol of honor for French chefs. The master committed suicide, unable to survive the spoiled dinner.

Best Chef of his time (mid-17th century) was the son of ordinary peasants and began his journey by selling waffles. He was born in 1631, and when he grew up, his father sent him to Paris, to the godfather, who served as a confectioner. In the mid-1660s, Vatel entered the service of the disgraced Prince Conde - and this position eventually ruined the great boss.

To regain the favor of King Louis XIV, the Prince of Condé planned a grand reception at the Château de Chantilly. Everything - from receiving guests to purchasing provisions - was in charge of Vatel. The reception was great: performances, music, fireworks and of course the food. Four meals a day for two thousand people.

When it turned out that the owner of the fish shop did not have time to bring fresh fish to the castle - on Lent Friday it was unthinkable to offer the king something else - the chef rose to his room and fell on his sword with his chest.

2. Auguste Escoffier

The famous culinary specialist was distinguished by a penchant for poetic comparisons. For example, frog legs he called "nymph legs". As a child, Auguste showed the talents of an artist, but the family traditions turned out to be stronger, and at the age of 13 the boy got a job as a cook in Nice, in his uncle's restaurant.

Auguste Escoffier

Escoffier first introduced new way serving meals - a la carte menu, which is still popular in all restaurants in the world. In 1902, Escoffier published The Culinary Guide, a book of over 5,000 recipes that has become a classic for culinary experts all over the world.

Of the great culinary experts, Escoffier was the first to work for a wide variety of audiences, happily agreeing to cook even for sailors in the port.

3. Lucien Olivier

This culinary and restaurateur became famous thanks to a single dish - Olivier salad, which originally consisted of diced grouse, partridge, cancer necks and other delicacies, elegantly laid out on a dish, in the middle of which stood a hill of potatoes, filled with Provence sauce.

To replace the Russian nobles, who knew a lot about delicacies, merchants began to come to his Hermitage restaurant, for whom the abundance of food was more important than sophistication. They stirred the delicacies on a platter and ate them with a spoon like porridge. Enraged, Lucien ordered the dish to be served in the form of a mixture - and sales increased tenfold.

Out of frustration, Olivier resold the restaurant to a Russian owner. He died in Moscow, never knowing that he would later replace grouse in a dish boiled sausage, A cancer necks- green pea.

First, together with her friends, she opened the School of Three Gourmets, later described her experience in a book, and then won the love of moviegoers on her own culinary show. Having dropped a chicken or a piece of dough, the laughing Julia immediately picked it up, saying to the camera: “We are alone in the kitchen!”.

This Englishman wanted to connect his life with football. However, the injury prevented the implementation of these plans. Exam scores were not enough to enter the police or navy, as a result, the man decided to try cooking.

In 1998, the chef opened his own restaurant, Gordon Ramsay at Royal Hospital Road, starting his growing empire. Today he is the author and host of famous culinary programs " Hell's Kitchen”, “Master Chef”, “Boiling Point”, “Nightmares in Ramsay's Kitchen”. In addition to his television career, Ramsay is the owner of 10 restaurants and 3 bars in England, 12 restaurants in other countries.

Ramsay is a rather eccentric person, he is distinguished by constant perfectionism. He wins the audience thanks to his rudeness, pressure and use, including profanity.

This British restaurateur, chef, showman is also known as the "naked chef". It was under this name that his first television program and one of his first books on healthy and tasty nutrition came out.

The chef himself did not promote exhibitionism at all, he simply managed to convince people that high-quality and delicious food are good on their own and do not need additional "clothing" from the cooks.

Jamie is a well-known fighter for the health of the nation, who believes that it begins with the culinary preferences of the British. He managed to remake an outdated system school meals in England. That is why the youngest of the British super-chefs is already a knight of the Order of the British Kingdom.

Jamie has a contract with the Manchester City sports club, according to which he is responsible for all the food at the Etihad Stadium.

Heston Blumenthal became famous for his passion for molecular cuisine. Among his most famous dishes are pigeon breast with pancetta, bacon and egg ice cream, lavender, oyster and passion fruit jelly, snail porridge.

Heston is the owner and chief of the British The restaurant Fat Duck. This place was named 10 years ago best restaurant in the world and continues to hold its own, and 3 Michelin stars are the most the best of that proof.

Blumenthal directed a series of programs for the Discovery Channel about science and cooking, wrote the bestseller The Science of Cooking, and continues to amaze everyone as a chef.

He became a cook, one might say, by accident. Adria was a military man, during his next vacation, he decided not only to relax on the beach, but also to earn extra money.

So Ferran ended up in the kitchen, where the owners liked him so much that they invited him to return. Starting to work, three years later Adria unexpectedly received the post of chef. Having become the real owner of his kitchen, he began to create new tastes and develop fundamentally new cooking technologies.

Today Adria is the real guru in the avant-garde genre - molecular cuisine. He himself says that he is preparing food for a new, next generation. In Spain, cooks are adored, considering his talent comparable to Dali, Gaudi or Picasso. The chef managed to move away from the classic cuisine formula "product-garnish-sauce", Adria destroyed the barrier between sweet and savory.

The profession of a cook is for all time. People will always need food. Although everyone can cook something on their own, sometimes you want to visit a cafe or restaurant, order a delicious and beautifully decorated dish, and just enjoy it while sitting in a pleasant company.

This profession is in high demand. Every person can master it. Of course, because any of us can cook something delicious. But only a few will succeed.

Every restaurant needs a chef Catering. And in Lately there was a trend to hire cooks in offices to prepare meals for their employees.

Salary, depending on qualifications and region of residence, on average from 20,000 rubles. Chefs from 50,000 rubles.

So, cooks are needed in:

  • restaurants,
  • cafes, canteens,
  • sushi bars,
  • pizzerias,
  • kindergartens,
  • schools,
  • And etc.

In fast foods, the chef can also find a place for himself. However, most often people are recruited there without education at all, and the training is carried out independently according to their own standards.

The history of the chef profession

The relevance and relevance of the culinary business has been proven thousand years of history this art. The first cooks appeared as soon as a person learned not only to get food, but also to cook it. And this did not happen immediately, because at first the only source food was gathering and hunting (). And ancient people used raw food.

Notable people in Ancient Rome and in Ancient Greece especially appreciated delicious food. Of course, the huge demand for variety and abundance of different dishes led to the formation of the first culinary schools. After all, there were simply not enough qualified chefs. By the way, before that, in rich houses, mostly slaves were preparing, who did not always cope.

In the 19th century, cooking schools began to appear everywhere. Europe, England and Russia prepared their specialists for interruption. Contrary to the opinion that the first chefs appeared in Rus' only in the 17th century, the traditions of Russian cuisine originate long before that. So, for example, one of the first cooks were the Magi.

And to this day, cooking profession appreciated all over the world. A professional in his field will be able to find work not only at home, but also abroad.

Famous and famous chefs

  • Wolfgang Pack. Austrian chef, author of books, owner of a chain of restaurants around the world. Studied in France. Then he left for the USA. Organizes banquet events, ceremonial receptions. Income is about 16 million dollars a year.
  • Gordon Ramsay. Scottish chef, opened his own chain of restaurants. He became famous after filming in several talk shows, for example, Hell's Kitchen, Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares and others. Income about 7 million dollars a year.
  • Alain Ducasse. Renowned French chef. Not only limited restaurant business and also owns consulting firms, hotels, eateries, etc. Operates over 50 restaurants worldwide. He earns about $5 million a year.

Description of the profession chef

Keep in mind that this is a creative profession. In addition, it requires maximum precision and attention.

It is necessary to be able to accurately measure the amount of food, correctly observe all the processes of preparing certain foods, and then also beautifully decorate the cooked dish. All over the world it is believed that the best chefs are men. This is not surprising. Men in this business are more diligent and self-critical.

The slightest flaw in the dish - and it immediately "flies" into the trash can and is cooked again. Only they can regular dish time after time to create masterpieces. Therefore, most often, in expensive elite restaurants, the chef is always a man. By the way, it is believed that male waiters do their job best. They are less visible, faster and more restrained to criticism.

The profession of a cook obliges to know all the intricacies of cooking and storing food, while being able to distinguish high-quality from spoiled ones. In memory, many recipes for the most variety of dishes, sometimes backed up by their invented and modified recipes.

Cooks must be able to use and quickly understand the technical innovations that help to increase the speed and comfort of work. And the profession of pastry chef, in general, requires the ability to perfectly design the manufactured products - they must “lure” a potential buyer with their appearance.

Therefore, a person who wants to master not only the skill of cooking, but also constantly pamper adults and children with sweet products, then the profession of a pastry chef is just for him.

Where to get a chef job

Get a job as a chef? Basically, cooks are trained in specialized secondary schools. educational institutions. Now it is mostly colleges and technical schools. For example, the federal state educational standard (fgos) by profession 260807.01 Cook, confectioner.

Be prepared for the fact that the core subjects will be chemistry and biology. In addition, you will have to study such subjects as:

  • cooking,
  • technology confectionery,
  • hygiene,
  • sanitation when working with products.

Teachers will teach you how to cook all kinds of dishes, understand the products ( appearance color, smell, taste).

During the training, future chefs will have to perform a variety of work, including professional modules. An integral part of education will be the so-called KOS or control and evaluation tools.

After training, students are expected to practice in various cafes and canteens. It is there that students will receive not only practical skills, but also reinforce their knowledge with new theoretical information.

Every specialist in this profession dreams of "growing up" to the title of chef. When this happens, all doors open for them.

The material in this article may be useful in working on an essay, preparing for a report, presentation or class hour.

TO international day chefs, we have prepared inspiring stories of the most famous chefs peace. It is they who decide what we will eat and in which direction culinary development will develop. They know how to make a person feel emotions through taste, and their culinary masterpieces worthy top awards. Who are these people in white hats? Meet the wizards of cooking - the best chefs in the world in our material.

Gordon Ramsay

Few people know, but Gordon Ramsay dreamed of becoming a football player. And who knows what would have happened to the culinary world if not for the injury he received during training. Later, he thought about joining the Navy or becoming a policeman. But, only after failing the exams, Gordon decided to go in for cooking.

He studied cooking in France, and his teachers were such well-known personalities in the culinary world as Marc Pierre Wyre, Guy Savoy and Albert Ruy Joel Robuchon. Your first restaurantGordon Ramsay at Royal Hospital Roadthe chef opened in 1998 and after three years he received three.

Today he has 10 restaurants and 3 bars in England and 12 more restaurants in other countries. He has also written more than one cookbook and is the author and host of several television shows, the most famous being Master Chef, Nightmares in Ramsay's Kitchen and Hell's Kitchen.

Nobuyuki Nobu Matsuhisa

He became famous for his fusion cuisine. In his dishes, Nobuyuki perfectly combines classic dishes and motives Japanese cuisine and ingredients from South American cuisine.

As a young man, he worked in Japanese sushi bars when he was suddenly invited to work in Peru. Then he worked in Argentina and only after that he moved to Los Angeles. It was there, in 1987, that he opened his first restaurant.Mutsuhisa and literally immediately hit the top ten best chefs peace.

He is now the owner of the Nobu restaurant chain, which he opened in 1994 with Robert De Niro. The regulars of his establishments are Hollywood stars. And the critics say thatNobuyuki Nobu Matsuhisa creates dishes that have no equal in style.

Wolfgang Puck

It is he who prepares gala dinners for guests of the Governor's Ball - the gala dinner that ends each Oscar ceremony.

He learned to cook from his mother and became so interested in cooking that he achieved an internship in everything. famous restaurant Hotel de Paris in Monaco. In addition to owning more than 80 restaurants, Wolfgang Puck is also the author of 30 cooking columns in US and Canadian newspapers. Also, he has his own production of semi-finished products.

Jamie Oliver

This chef spent his childhood in the kitchen - his parents had their own pub. At the age of 16, Jamie dropped out of school and went to study cooking.

It was not the restaurants that brought fame to this cook, but the TV show - the cycle of his programs “The Naked Chef” was crazy popular. Later, he managed to change the system of school meals in English schools, for which he was awarded the title of Knight of the Order of the British Kingdom.

Now Jamie is a famous wrestler for healthy eating nation. All his books, programs and speeches are based on bringing people the philosophy of healthy food.

Mario Batali

Mario Batali began his career from the bottom - he worked as a dishwasher in a restaurant, despite the fact that he had higher education. Through a short time he was already a sous chef.

Thanks to his perseverance and diligence, he soon began to be invited to prestigious restaurants in the United States and offered large fees. When Mario Batali was at the peak of popularity, he suddenly left for a small Italian town to comprehend all the intricacies of Italian cuisine.

Now he owns several restaurants, has written 9 cookery books and is considered an unsurpassed specialist in Italian cuisine.

Alain Ducasse

Alain Ducasse began his journey in a hotel restaurant. Already at the age of 16 he was lucky enough to work with Roger Verger and Michel Guerard.

He became famous in the culinary world after becoming the chef of the famous Le Louis XV at the Hotel de Paris in Monaco, he created a new menu in which he elegantly beat the classic Provencal recipes. For this, the restaurant received three Michelin stars at once. To date, Alain Dukas has three restaurants and each of them has three Michelin stars. The cook specializes in old and forgotten recipes, which beats in a new way and creates masterpieces from them.

Evgeny Nikiforov, chef and owner of the Kaizen cafe and the Ideal Furshet catering restaurant in St. Petersburg

Most people who enter the profession of a cook want to become chefs, and some dream of own restaurant. To achieve this goal requires more effort than just working in the kitchen from dawn to dusk, faced with steam, difficulties in relationships with the team, low wages and unfair, and sometimes despicable attitudes of employers. Unfortunately, some of these dreamers give up at the first difficulties in their careers and give up their dreams, not wanting to work on themselves. This is the answer to the question why not all chefs become chefs. And in a career, as in business, you need to make more efforts, constantly increasing your level of knowledge and experience.

Step One: Read Cooking Books

Out of work when you have free time, be sure to read cookery books - recipe by recipe, indiscriminately. This knowledge will not be remembered the way we used to remember what we read, but you can easily understand different cuisines, you will come across recipes that you want to apply. And even if you think that you will never need a cookbook with Australian Bushmen recipes in Murmansk restaurants, you will have knowledge that no one but you has. The theoretical base creates your competitive advantage among chefs, regardless of the need to apply this knowledge.

I remember the book very much. Caucasian kitchen". I read recipe after recipe and found a large number of recipes of the same dish, which changed depending on the regions of the Caucasus: in some one ingredient changed, in others several, in some one recipe was the same, but they differed in name. The knowledge in this book helped me to diversify the menu when necessary, but the biggest plus I felt when interacting with chefs from the Caucasus.

When I found out where the chef was from, I talked to him about the dishes of his region, because I was sincerely interested in it, it was easier to establish contact. When you show interest in people and their culture, you not only become closer to them, but also receive respect.

Step Two: Read Books on Managing People

Read books on managing people. This is more difficult to do, since some of these books are written in a specific and even rather boring way. But successful people are different from everyone else in that they are ready to do boring things for good result. And in this step, the most important thing is to apply and practice all the methods recommended in the books.

Many chefs are initial stage careers think that they first need to learn how to cook, that this is their goal, and management is completely useless. That's right: you have to learn how to cook, but this is today and this is what you do at work and during work. But already now in your arsenal of the best chef you need to lay an understanding of management.

At work, you get tired, and the desire to relax with friends in a club can counter the need to read books, especially since you will not get the result from reading soon. Believe me: the result will be soon! Even if you don't become a chef because of a small culinary experience you will be able to apply knowledge on your colleagues. A successful result of management can be summed up in one phrase: people want to do for you what you want them to do.

For starters, I can recommend Dale Carnegie's books: they are fun to read and easy to apply. Most importantly, they are 100% applicable in life, and the results can be obtained in short term. Seeing the result will push you to further study.

“At work, you get tired, and the desire to relax with friends can counter the need to read books, especially since you will not get the result from reading soon. Believe me: the result will be soon!

“A theoretical foundation will create your competitive advantage among chefs, regardless of the need to apply this knowledge.”

Step Three: Train Yourself

Train right now, and be sure to put all the new knowledge from books into practice! If you study recipes, then look for an opportunity to apply them in the kitchen.

In many restaurants, your chefs will sabotage your suggestions to work out any recipes, and this is normal, because the chef may have already tried this recipe before and is not interested. And if you offer something interesting that he himself has not done yet, then the study can take place only because of his personal interests - but it doesn’t happen otherwise. The main thing is not to give up after the tenth or even three hundredth failure. Perhaps the economy in the restaurant does not allow the use of products for development, then spare your money for the sake of experience: buy products and cook. Think of this process as learning, and you have to pay for good learning. You can use the new staff food recipes.

Read in the evening interesting way influence and control - practice it at work. This is both useful and very interesting. Those unfamiliar with the practice of management usually loudly resent such advice, considering it, to put it mildly, unethical. Therefore, you should not tell your colleagues about your practices. Without occupying a leadership position, you can manage people only if others like you and they are ready for you to do what you want them to do. In fact, management is a science and an art, how to become a good man. Become a good colleague!

“Management is the science and art of becoming a good person. Become a good colleague!”

Step Four: Sacrifice Your Salary Today to Get More Tomorrow

Some chefs, having embarked on a career path, work in the same company, in the same restaurant, with the same kitchen. Most often, chefs of authentic cuisine, such as Japanese, fall into the trap of a narrow focus. I have friends who worked in Japanese restaurants for eight years, grew to the level of chefs, and eventually decided to change jobs. Only Japanese cuisine no longer suits them, but getting into a restaurant European cuisine they can only cook, and even - for starters - trainees. They are offered the salaries of trainees and ordinary chefs because their knowledge of Japanese cuisine is not applicable in a European woman. As a result, they do not quit their old job, because they feel sorry for losing two-thirds of today's salary, but they no longer get any pleasure from work.

No need to delay expanding your horizons and gaining experience in various cuisines! If you have already worked in one kitchen for a couple of years - for example, in Italian, then quit and go to study another, even if you are now a sous chef, and in a new restaurant you will receive a cook's salary. The loss in money now can reach up to 50%, but this is nothing compared to the experience that you will receive and thanks to which you will stand out from the competition among other chefs when applying for your next job or when your management will be faced with the task of choosing a sous chef or chef from the team . Who knows more and can, he wins.

In my practice, there was such a case: I worked as a sous-chef in Italian restaurant, received a good salary, but at one point he went to work in a Japanese restaurant in order to study Japanese cuisine. My salary as a chef Japanese restaurant was half that of a sous chef in Italian. I made up for the losses in two months and again received my former sous-chef salary, and when I quit from there too, then in next restaurant passed without competition as an all-rounder of Italian and Japanese cuisine with sous-chef experience. Many laughed at me behind my back when I went into the red in salary for the sake of experience, but I knew that these losses are my investment in myself, in my knowledge, this is tuition fees. So I did it repeatedly and even left the position of chef to work simple cook to learn from a good boss.

I know a few chefs who have done the same, leaving good jobs for lower pay to get the work experience they thought they needed. One of these chefs is now the brand chef of four restaurants in St. Petersburg, and this unique restaurants raw food cuisine.

All the methods of successful career growth that I recommend have been worked out in practice by me personally, my colleagues and my students. The results are different for everyone depending on the goals. Someone is already a sous chef, others work as chefs and brand chefs, I have my own cafe and offsite restaurant. All this is due to hard work and constant self-education. To write these educational articles, I specifically read books on writing texts and articles, took trainings on keeping the attention of the text and engaging the reader in the plot. But he could say, like many others: “I am a cook, I just love to cook, why do I need all this?”

In Russia, the education of cooks is at a very low level, and there is no understanding of who we are and why we are in the kitchen. Many people work as cooks to provide themselves with a steady income - to receive a salary. But a cook is a life that must be lived with pleasure and achieve results that you can be proud of!

I believe that Russian chefs will be recognized as the best in the world!

Every self-respecting gourmet should know these people. 10 the greatest chefs of all times, who turned the ordinary process of cooking into a real art.

Without them, the history of the kitchen would be much more meager, and we would be less spoiled.

Shot from the film "Taste of Life"

François Vatel: a life for lunch

This name is a symbol of honor for French chefs. The master committed suicide, unable to survive the spoiled dinner. The best chef of his time was the son of simple peasants and began his career as an "oubliera" - the so-called waffle sellers. He was born in 1631, and when he grew up, his father sent him to Paris, to the godfather, who served as a confectioner. The future Master took a lot from his mentor - among Vatel's recipes are fruits in caramel and air pies with soft pulp.

In the mid-1660s, Vatel entered the service of the disgraced Prince Conde - and this position eventually killed the great boss. To regain the favor of King Louis XIV, the Prince of Condé planned a grand reception at the Château de Chantilly. Everything - from receiving guests to purchasing provisions - was in charge of Vatel. The reception was great - performances, music, fireworks - and of course the food. Four meals a day for two thousand people, and God forbid serving a burnt piece.

Vatel was excited to the limit, and when it turned out that the owner of the fish shop did not have time to bring fresh fish to the castle - and on Lent Friday it was unthinkable to offer the king something else - the chef rose to himself and fell on his sword with his chest.

Alexandre Dumas father

Alexandre Dumas: Literary Chef

Many writers love to eat delicious food. But it was with Dumas Père that the tradition of "culinary writers" began. Not only did the great novelist describe the meals of his characters with feeling, sense and understanding, but in his travel notes in different countries he brought national recipes, - Alexandre Dumas wrote the world's first "Great culinary dictionary”, containing information about 800 products and until the 20th century remained the largest work on cooking. But this book, unfortunately, came out after the death of the great Dumas.

Auguste Escoffier and the "legs of the nymphs"

The famous culinary specialist was distinguished by a penchant for poetic comparisons and called “nymph legs” the very ones that the French eat with such appetite. As a child, Auguste showed the talents of an artist, but the family traditions turned out to be stronger, and at the age of 13 the boy got a job as a cook in Nice, in his uncle's restaurant.

Escoffier pioneered a new way of serving food - the a la carte menu, which is still popular in all restaurants in the world. In 1902, Escoffier published The Culinary Guide, a book of over 5,000 recipes that has become a classic for

Ferran Adria

culinary experts all over the world. Of the great culinary experts, Escoffier was the first to work for a wide variety of audiences, happily agreeing to cook even for sailors in the port.

Ferran Adrià: Poet of Whipped Molecules

The chef of the restaurant, recognized four times as the best of the "Top 50 in the World", Ferran Adria has learned how to create truly magical elixirs from the simplest products.

“Every vegetable, every piece of meat, every fish is the greatest value given to us by God. So let's treat a simple carrot in our kitchen with the same trepidation as a spiny lobster! he says. And people agree with him.

Adria has an unusual reputation: he turns meat into foam, apricots into paper that can be eaten.

Ferran is sure: culinary genius differs from the usual topics that knows how not only to perfectly feed the guest, but also to surprise him.

Ferrand proposed many new technologies, arguing that the taste of food depends on temperature, humidity, and even color.

Initially, Olivier consisted of diced partridges, crayfish necks and other delicacies, elegantly laid out on a dish, in the middle of which a hill of potatoes drenched in Provencal sauce towered.

To replace the Russian nobles, who knew a lot about delicacies, merchants began to come to his Hermitage restaurant, for whom the “badness” of food consisted solely in its abundance. New customers would stir the delicacies on a platter and eat them with a spoon like porridge. Enraged, Lucien ordered the dish to be served in the form of a mixture - and sales increased tenfold.

Out of frustration, Olivier resold the restaurant to a Russian owner. He died in Moscow, never knowing that later the grouse in the dish would be replaced by boiled sausage, and the crayfish necks by green peas.

William Pokhlebkin: culinary Mendeleev

William Pokhlebkin is a world-famous scientist with many regalia.

William Pokhlebkin

In the environment professional chefs he is called "culinary Mendeleev", but cooking became his hobby only after forty years. But from the first published book “Tea, its history, properties and use”, Pokhlebkin gained such popularity in Russia, which is comparable only with the books of Elena Molokhovets or with the well-known “Stalinist” “Book of Tasty and Healthy Food”.

He led the strange life of a recluse and ascetic. Rarely did he cook something, but if he did, he aroused constant admiration. In his small apartment in the fourth microdistrict of Podolsk there was no TV, telephone, washing machine.

There were only books, about fifty thousand unique publications on Russian history, the history of Russian diplomacy and culinary secrets almost all countries of the world. Collection cookbooks is estimated by connoisseurs at almost one hundred thousand dollars.

Elena Molokhovets: the standard of the hostess

She was born in Arkhangelsk, in a family of Russified Germans, she lost her parents early, she was raised by a wise and economic grandmother. The girl graduated from the Smolny Institute with a gold medal, and then, returning to Arkhangelsk, she married a young architect. She was an exemplary hostess - troublesome, cheerful, keeping the house in perfect order, caring for her beloved husband and numerous children.

Her husband, who also loved her without memory, somehow presented her with his own copy of a collection of her recipes in a beautiful leather cover. This gave the practical wife an idea. The manuscript was given to the publishing house, and the book on housekeeping caught up in popularity with collections of Pushkin's poems and Dostoevsky's novels.

From 1861 to 1917, the book went through 19 reprints, with a total circulation of 300,000 copies, becoming perfect gift for marriage and coming of age for girls. Young ladies could not read Nekrasov and not know Gogol, but the volumes of Molokhovets studied regularly.

Sophie Pick: Lady Chef

The Peaks culinary dynasty is over 100 years old. Anne-Sophie Peak is a lady chef, the only lady cook who has earned three Michelin stars (the highest score in the culinary rating, or Red Guide, produced since 1900 by the Michelin company).

Ann-Sophie was not originally going to become a chef - the girl was not interested in pots and pans, but in management and business management. She studied in Paris, New York and Tokyo ... but you can’t escape fate. And 23 years old Ann-Sophie returned home to study culinary skills. Her father was happy that

Ann-Sophie Pick

the only child will continue the tradition of the family in family restaurant, - but Jacques Peak died before he could teach his beloved daughter something.

It was time to despair, but Ann-Sophie decided to start with the basics. The young owner of the restaurant went to work as a cook in her own kitchen. For more than ten years she worked, learning how to cook crayfish necks, avocados with colza and perch fillet baked with black caviar. And in 2007, the Peak restaurant received the third Michelin star.

Now, in addition to the restaurant, Ann-Sophie has opened a cooking school, where she shares her recipes with everyone who wants to learn the craft of cooking. "Anyone can cook!" - said the little rat Remy from the cartoon "Ratatouille". And he was undoubtedly right.

Paul Bocuse

35-year-old Bocuse returned to his father's restaurant to continue the family business. That same year, his restaurant received its first Michelin star - and that was just the beginning. A year later there was already the second, and in 1965 the third - along with the title best chef France.

Paul Bocuse is a supporter of "natural cuisine" - a school of cooking that brings out the original tastes of products, instead of drowning them in fat and spices.

“We live in an age where many children believe that milk comes from those rectangular bags that are sold in the supermarket. per century high technology we almost forgot about the real taste of products, replacing them with artificial additives - and this real tragedy”, Bocuse said in an interview.

His students and staff conduct special “taste lessons” in schools, teaching children not only to distinguish between all kinds of tastes and their combinations, but also to enjoy them.

Photo: DPA/Photas, Newscom/Photas, PA/Photas, WireImage/Photas
