
Barley with carrots and mushrooms. Barley porridge with mushrooms

Fresh - 700 gr. or dried - 120 gr.,

  • onion onion - 1 pc. (big),
  • ghee oil- 2 tablespoons,
  • white pepper ground,
  • salt,
  • Cooking barley with mushrooms like this:

    1. My cereal is literally in 5 waters, at the last washing, the water should come out clean. Then we pour the barley into a large amount of boiling water and immediately drain the water through a metal sieve and throw the cereal on it, let the barley drain.
    2. The same boiling water in which we scalded the barley, bring it to a boil again and place a sieve with cereal over the pan, cover with a lid or foil and steam the barley for about 20 minutes.
    3. Bring to a boil in a wide saucepan 4 cups of water (preferably purified), add a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp. butter and steamed barley. Bring the contents of the pot to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes. Then again we throw the barley on a sieve and let the excess water drain, if any.
    4. If the mushrooms are fresh, then cut them coarsely and cook in a small amount of salted water for about 10 minutes. If the mushrooms are dried, then they must first be soaked for a couple of hours, and then boiled in the same water for about 40 minutes.
    5. We extract the boiled mushrooms with a slotted spoon, and filter the mushroom broth through a very fine sieve or gauze, since sand will be present in it.
    6. We clean the onion, chop it randomly and fry in 1 tbsp. the remaining oil according to the recipe (about 5 minutes over medium heat).
    7. Then add the boiled mushrooms to the onions, increase the heat to the maximum and continue to fry for another 5 minutes.
    8. Pour barley to the onion with mushrooms, mix well and immediately remove from heat.
    9. We boil the broth left over from the mushrooms, pour the contents into it pans(barley with mushrooms and onions), and cover with a tight lid, cook for 60 minutes (if the lid is not tight, then wrap the place where the lid fits with the pan with foil). We cook on the smallest fire, and even better if you use a flame divider on the burner and it is advisable to have a pan with a double bottom (so that the porridge does not burn).
    10. Barley porridge with mushrooms ready.

    It is advisable to use forest mushrooms with a pronounced mushroom smell in this recipe, from this barley with mushrooms will acquire an unforgettable taste :).

    Bon appetit!

    Barley porridge goes well with the taste of mushrooms, set off by the texture of milk sauce. It acquires additional notes when using green onions, dill, pepper.

    One kilogram of dry barley with various additives is enough for a family dinner for six to ten people, with the additional use of sauces.

    Barley with mushrooms and onions stewed in milk sauce with spices is a tasty, simple and inexpensive dish. The dish is suitable for lacto-vegetarians. It is very balanced in terms of the content of vegetable fats, proteins (in mushrooms), carbohydrates, saturates well, with a properly selected individual serving size of barley with mushrooms and onions.

    When you don’t have forest mushrooms in your stocks, use standard champignons, oyster mushrooms, or buy frozen mushrooms in the supermarket - porcini, mushrooms, chanterelles. You can use fresh ordinary champignons and oyster mushrooms.

    Taste Info Second: cereals


    • Pearl barley - 1 kg;
    • Forest mushrooms - 2 kg;
    • Onion with a feather - 800 g;
    • Dill - 1 bunch;
    • Goat's milk (can be cow's) - 800 ml;
    • Flour - 1/2 tbsp.;
    • Vegetable oil - 170 ml;
    • Long black pepper - 3 pcs.;
    • Salt - to taste.

    How to cook delicious barley with wild mushrooms in milk sauce

    If you want to cook pearl barley, you should take care of this cereal in advance by soaking it for several hours (or overnight). You can speed up the cooking time of this type of porridge using a pressure cooker - it will be ready in twenty minutes.

    In an ordinary pan, pearl barley is cooked to a ready state for about an hour, some types of barley cook faster, so it is noticed that barley from a bag is cooked faster.

    Start preparing white sauce by drying the sifted wheat flour in a dry deep frying pan.

    Color it with constant stirring.

    Such flour is called red by culinary specialists.

    Add fresh whole goat's milk to the tinted flour (easily replaced with full-fat cow's milk).

    Use a mortar and mortar to grind an unusual black long pepper with a slight smell of needles.

    Pepper the milk sauce.

    Coarsely chop the cleaned wild mushrooms.

    Finely chop the white part of the onion as well.

    Sauté the onion in hot vegetable oil using a large wok.

    Add chopped wild mushrooms to the onion.

    teaser network

    Chop the onion feathers.

    Add chopped green onions to the saute.

    Chop the dill.

    Add the prepared white milk sauce to the onion-mushroom sauce.

    Throw in chopped dill.

    Stir the sauce. Get it ready.

    Boil the soaked barley in a pressure cooker, pouring two liters of water. The process will take twenty minutes.

    Add delicious vegetable oil to barley porridge.

    Divide barley into deep serving soup bowls.

    Serve barley porridge with mushrooms and hot onions, sprinkled with fresh herbs, such as dill.

    Step 1: Properly prepare barley porridge.

    Barley must be sorted out, removing large debris and spoiled grains from cereals. Next, rinse it well under running water. This can be done using a fine sieve. Now you need to transfer the barley to a bowl and fill it with completely boiled water at room temperature or filtered. In the soaked form, the cereal should stay for about half an hour. Then drain the liquid through a sieve. Thus, the grains were again in the grid. Put some water back into the pot and put it on medium heat. We put the sieve with barley in the pan so that it does not touch the water, and cover with a lid. This is one of the ways to steam porridge. If you have a double boiler, then you can do this action with it. Porridge languishes in this way for 20 minutes. And only now we are starting to cook it. This is done in the following way: we collect 4 cups of water in a saucepan (based on a ratio of 1: 2). We put it on medium heat, salt a little and add one tablespoon of vegetable oil. When the water boils, add the steamed barley to it and reduce the heat to a minimum. After 20 minutes, rich and fragrant porridge will be ready. After that, remove it from the heat and add a few small pieces of butter that will flavor our pearl barley.

    Step 2: Prepare mushroom dressing.

    We clean the onions and carrots and rinse thoroughly in water. Cut the onion into half rings, and chop the carrots on a fine grater. Mushrooms should be thoroughly washed in water and cut into small slices or thin slices. Pour a little vegetable oil into a hot frying pan and heat it up. Add the onion and sauté for 2-3 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Next, spread the chopped carrots and fry for a few more minutes. We send champignons to the toasted vegetables, salt and pepper the dressing a little. Mushrooms are stewed in their own juice for about 7 minutes. When the liquid from the pan has completely evaporated, add the finished barley to the mushrooms with vegetables and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Cover with a lid and simmer over moderate heat for a few minutes.

    Step 3: Serve barley with mushrooms.

    Barley porridge with mushroom dressing can be consumed at any time of the day, whether it's breakfast, afternoon tea or dinner. As a side dish for meat and fish, or as a separate dish, with a variety of sauces or simply with a piece of butter. It all depends on your personal preferences and culinary affections. We decorate the plate with fresh sprigs of greens and enjoy the delicate taste and spicy aroma of pearl barley. Enjoy your meal!

    Mushrooms are the most tender mushrooms, although you can use any type of edible mushroom in this recipe. You can also use frozen mixtures of mushroom platter.

    In order to reduce the cooking time, you can soak and steam the porridge beforehand, and then, while the barley is cooking, prepare the mushroom dressing and mix everything at the end. In this case, the cooking time is reduced to 30 minutes.

    This dish can be used as a base dressing for soup. This is done as follows: several chopped potatoes are boiled in meat broth, barley with mushrooms and chopped meat are added. Add herbs and seasonings. Very quickly and simply soup from the remnants of porridge is ready.

    Barley porridge is the most brutal of all porridges, but cooked with mushrooms in homemade chicken broth, it acquires an unexpectedly soft and delicate creamy taste with a delicate, unobtrusive aroma of champignons, pleasant to smell.

    And this is how it is anywhere: for breakfast, and for dinner, and for lunch - add only a cup of clear broth with golden drops and green onion rings. And there is hardly anyone who will leave barley porridge with mushrooms indifferent.

    And what is she useful: gives strength and rejuvenates the body (promotes the production of collagen), and cleanses of toxins! Stimulates brain activity, improves metabolism, skin, hair, teeth, improves immunity, hemoglobin levels, protects blood vessels and the heart.

    So do not be lazy to cook barley porridge at least occasionally, get all the strength and power of nature from priceless barley grains.

    Compound :

    1.5 cups pearl barley - 300 g,

    1 onion - 137 g,

    champignons or forest mushrooms - 300 g,

    2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil - 20 g,

    chicken broth - 600 - 1000 ml,

    salt, pepper - to taste,

    greens for serving.

    Yield: 1500

    Energy and nutritional value of barley porridge

    How to cook barley porridge

    In order for the cereal to cook faster, it must be soaked in water for several hours before cooking: you can put the cereal filled with water overnight in the refrigerator (so as not to sour if the room is warm), you can put it for three hours - this will also reduce the cooking time. And there is also an express method: fill the cereal with water and cook in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, then drain the water, rinse the cereal, pour it over with cold water again and now cook until tender. But even with such manipulations, it is still not cooked quickly: it takes about an hour to get well-boiled cereals.

    Barley porridge with mushrooms can be prepared in a deep frying pan, in a cauldron or in pots in the oven.

    So, the soaked cereal should be washed well so that the water becomes clear.

    Peel the onion, wash it, cut into half rings and fry in oil until golden brown.

    Add chopped mushrooms to the onion and fry, stirring, until the mushrooms darken.

    Pour cereal into the pan, mix.

    Pour the broth with mushrooms and onions. I had a salty broth, so I salted the porridge at the end of cooking, and someone does not even need to add salt.

    I immediately poured a liter of broth, but it can be less, for example, 600 ml, and then add it as needed if all the liquid evaporates and the cereal is not ready. The amount of liquid will still depend on the intensity of boiling and evaporation. And, the less liquid remains in the porridge, the more high-calorie it will be.

    Cook over low heat without closing the lid and stirring from time to time.

    At the end of cooking, salt the porridge to taste.

    Do not evaporate all the liquid to the end, leave it a little. Remember how cooked barley swells in a cooled pickle. Already turned off, the porridge will absorb a little more moisture and after that it should not become completely dry. However, be guided by your taste and your ideas about what pearl barley porridge with mushrooms should be like: dry, crumbly or wet, slightly spreading on a plate.

    Congratulations, you also decided to keep the post. But do not know what recipes for lenten dishes exist? Even if you only have a few vegetables and some cereals in stock, you can cook a full balanced breakfast, a hearty side dish for lunch and a diet dinner. Today I offer a simple recipe for barley porridge with mushrooms.

    I will say right away that this is a win-win option in the post. Firstly, barley porridge is a storehouse of vitamins, other nutrients and minerals and vegetable protein. What can we say about mushrooms, an excellent source of protein, which successfully replaces meat in fasting. Secondly, porridge is very satisfying. Thirdly, if you adapt, it can be cooked quickly and easily.

    Since it is the second day of Lent in the yard, porridge can be cooked without oil. But not everyone can do it, so let's cook with vegetable oil. There is no particular difference in the preparation of both types of universal barley porridge.

    Cooking time: depends on the amount of food and the method of preparation, because in a pressure cooker it will cook instantly, and in other ways a little longer

    Complexity: minimum


      barley - 1 cup

      water - 3 glasses

      salt - to taste

      vegetable oil - 1 tsp

      spices - as desired and taste


    I want to immediately warn you that the proportions in the recipe are arbitrary - you can take more mushrooms or cereals. And we will sort it out first.

    And then we will wash the barley in several waters, there are a lot of all kinds of indecency in it.

    Then drain the dirty water. Put the cereal in a saucepan, and fill it with water. The proportion is approximately as follows: for a glass of cereal - 2.5 glasses of water, and we take half a glass of water for mushrooms.

    Bringing the water to a boil in a saucepan, let's take care of the other ingredients. First of all, rinse the mushrooms and let the water drain. By the way, about boiling - I bring it to a boil over low heat, so the porridge is better steamed.

    Then cut the mushrooms into small strips.

    Then there are two ways - fry them in oil or send the pieces directly into the saucepan, where barley is already located. I prefer the option where less frying is more useful.

    I immediately pour vegetable oil, that is, at the beginning of cooking. I decided not to put onions in porridge. And for flavor and greater benefit, I cut the garlic into strips, and also put it after boiling.

    That's all. Oh no, I forgot. Salt! Salt immediately to taste, add spices. If you decide to cook without oil, then just do not pour it. Porridge will still be just as tasty and healthy. Under the lid on a tiny fire, the porridge will be crumbly and tender!
