
When is beer day celebrated? How brewing came to us

Brewing has a long history and its own traditions. The number of people who prefer to quench their thirst with an intoxicating drink is growing every year. Such popularity can be explained by the fact that production technologies are constantly being improved, replenishing the already colossal range with new varieties. Until 2007 in different countries ah held its own festivals, celebrations and all kinds of entertainment events dedicated to beer, the dates of which, as a rule, did not coincide. However, today is International Beer Day, which has received an official status and is listed in the calendar. The holiday is celebrated on the first Friday of August.

history of the holiday

The date, which has become a red day of the calendar for all beer lovers, appeared spontaneously. The owner of a small American pub, whose name is Jess Avshalomov, decided to attract new customers by announcing the celebration of beer that did not exist at that time. He also chose the date by chance, appointing a drunken holiday for the coming Friday, which was the first in the last month of summer. Since the Americans are not against festivities in the summer, of which there are many during the hot season, and it was still far from the next holiday, no one thought to doubt the words of the enterprising Jess. Crowds of people rushed to the beer establishment to pay tribute favorite drink. This went on for several years, until a kind of festival has not received international status.

When did they start brewing beer?

At the moment, Beer Day is celebrated on five continents, and the number of countries that organize a hop festival on the first Friday of August has exceeded fifty. This is not at all surprising, because brewing was practiced in ancient Egypt. According to history, the Egyptians tried the intoxicating drink as early as the 3rd century BC. e. However, it was not possible to establish the identity of the genius who invented this drink.

Previously, beer was brewed exclusively from wheat and malt, only at the beginning of the 13th century hops were included in the recipe, which gave a special taste to the drink. Historical homeland contemporary classic beer Iceland is considered to be the place where the first breweries appeared. Following the northern neighbors, the production of foamy was established by Germany, and then by Great Britain. Soon, breweries began to appear throughout Europe, which led to the development of new brewing technologies and many recipe changes. In each country, the taste of the intoxicating drink was very different, and the brewing dynasties were kept in the strictest confidence. own technology cooking.

Holiday traditions

The Icelanders were the first to organize festivities in honor of the foamy drink. The holidays were a success, because everyone could afford to drink beer from the heart and start dancing, sometimes changing shoes that wore out to holes. Such noisy events could not fail to attract the attention of neighboring countries, which later adopted the traditions of the Icelanders, making beer festivals popular.

The modern Day of Beer is arranged not only to honor a refreshing intoxicating drink. In this way, they are trying to express their gratitude to all the masters who make tremendous efforts so that we can enjoy the fullness of the taste of foamy. Different countries celebrate this holiday according to their own, original scenario, taking into account local traditions. However, the following rules remain unchanged:

  • Collective visits to drinking establishments where you can enjoy cold beer with colleagues or friends.
  • The use of a huge amount of intoxicating drink, as a rule, different varieties.
  • Follow the motto - drink as much as you like.
  • Arrange various contests and quizzes, for example, beer pong.

Old traditions are being replaced by new ones. Young people prefer to walk all night long, then to meet the dawn in a pleasant company and with a glass of beer in hand. The British went further and came up with a real sports marathon, the purpose of which is a five-mile race. There are fourteen pubs along the entire length of the route, running past, you should definitely drop into the institution and drink a mug of beer.

How to note

Having learned the history of the holiday, many people begin to think about how to celebrate it in an original way. A banal trip to the "pub" or gatherings in the park can be left for other days. You need to come up with something original.

In order to get a lot of new emotions, you can organize a collective trip to the brewery, where you can also have a tasting of foamy drinks. Some breweries themselves offer similar excursions on Beer Day, the cost of which is quite reasonable. This is mostly done as a marketing ploy. You get a portion of unforgettable emotions, and the manufacturer - a good advertisement.

If you decide to still go to nature, then think carefully about your vacation. Perhaps it is worth writing a script for various competitions, the winners of which will receive original commemorative prizes. For example, you can organize a competition for the title of the best connoisseur of beer varieties. In order to win the competition, you must guess the largest number varieties with closed eyes.

When Beer Day is celebrated, even completely non-drinkers can have a great time. Today there is a huge range of non-alcoholic products, which, by their palatability slightly inferior to intoxicating drink.

Beer Day in Russia

Unfortunately, this holiday has not yet taken root in Russian cities, which so far refuse to organize large-scale celebrations. However, for ordinary citizens, Beer Day is an excellent opportunity to meet with old friends, former classmates or colleagues. As a rule, collective gatherings take place in bars or small cafes, where one mug of beer after another is emptied after a sincere conversation.

What to gift

On this day, they try to please friends who are somehow connected with the beer industry. If your friend works, for example, in a bar, then you can give him home brewery or pastry in the shape of a mug of beer. For the fair sex, a gift in the form of a bouquet of wheat, malt and hops is perfect.

International Beer Day is an annual unofficial holiday that takes place on the first Friday of August. The founder is the owner of the bar, Jesse Avshalomov, who chose the beginning of August due to the summer weather and remoteness from other beer holidays.

The first beer day took place in 2007 in Santa Cruz, California, USA. By 2011, it had evolved from a small-town festival into international holiday, celebrated in 138 cities of 23 countries, by 2012 the holiday was already celebrated in 207 cities of 50 countries on 5 continents.

But in our country it is still not very well known, although beer has always been popular in Rus'. As already mentioned, beer is very ancient drink. According to archaeological finds, beer was already brewed in ancient Egypt in the 3rd century BC, that is, it can trace its history back to more ancient times. A number of researchers associate its appearance with the beginning of human cultivation of crops - 9000 BC.

By the way, there is an opinion that wheat was originally cultivated not for baking bread, but for making beer. And, unfortunately, the name of the person who came up with the recipe for making this drink is not known. Although, of course, the composition of the "ancient" beer differed from the modern one, which includes malt and hops. Beer, roughly as we know it today, appeared around the 13th century. It was then that hops began to be added to it. Breweries began to appear in Iceland, Germany, England and other European countries, and each had its own secrets of making this drink. Beer was made in different ways. family recipes passed down from father to son and kept in the strictest confidence. It is believed that the tradition of having a riotous celebration in honor of beer came from Iceland, the homeland of the Vikings. And then these traditions were picked up in other countries.

Declared goals of International Beer Day:

Gather with friends and enjoy the taste of beer.

Congratulate those responsible for making and serving beer.

Unite the world under the banner of beer, celebrating this day with all nations on the same day.

On the day of the holiday, its participants treat each other with beer, and also, in connection with the “internationality” of the day, treat themselves to beer brewed according to recipes of foreign cultures. In addition, an integral part of this festival is often the tasting of new or rare varieties beer, happy hour» throughout the evening, various quizzes and games, especially beer pong.

From the moment of the first holiday in 2007 to 2012, the date of Beer Day was fixed - August 5, but after that it became "floating" - the first Friday of August.

Most popular view beer in the world - lager. It is estimated that there are about three thousand types of beer in the world. Naturally historically enjoyed classic lager, light beer bottom fermentation. Nothing can change this trend. Depending on the country, the volume of consumption reaches up to 95% of all varieties.

The expert advised drinking beer in bottles and cans, but not using plastic containers that do not meet the quality criteria.

If you suddenly want to know when it is worth celebrating Beer Day, then you risk getting a little confused about the dates. Beer is one of the most ancient drinks. The number of recipes for its preparation is in the thousands, and the number of fans is in the millions.

All this has led to the fact that more and more often people pay tribute to this product, arranging in honor of him, as well as in honor of the craftsmen who make foamy drink, various festivals and fairs. In the calendars of many countries, you will find dates marked as official holidays for beer drinkers. For example, in Iceland it will be the first day of the month of March, and in Russia it will be the second Saturday of the month of June. In this article, we will try to figure out what International Beer Day is, when and with whom it should be celebrated, and what is needed for this.

What is beer?

Beer refers to which are obtained by fermenting malt with the use of brewer's yeast and the addition of hops.

This drink is widely used in many countries. It has a special taste and aroma, which is achieved using great amount cooking recipes.

A bit of history

For the first time beer is mentioned in ancient times. In ancient Egypt, it was brewed using malt and spices. It did not contain hops, and this drink was considered everyday and mandatory in the diet. The Chinese brewed beer using rice, while the Indians brewed beer from corn. In Russia, the first factory for the production of a foamy drink was founded in St. Petersburg in 1975.

International beer day. When to celebrate?

This holiday came to us from Iceland. It was in the country of the Vikings on the first day of spring 1989 that a new law was adopted that officially allowed the use of strong beer. It was the end of an era of sobriety that had lasted seventy-five years. The Beer Day holiday in Iceland itself is celebrated especially recklessly.

The main characters of the celebration are usually students. In addition to fun in beer bars, as well as tasting festivals various cultural events are held.

These are, as a rule, sports competitions and all kinds of theatrical performances. In general, this is a holiday for the whole family.

International Beer Day in August

How did this holiday, which was celebrated on the first day of spring, suddenly turn out to be in August? These changes took place in 2007 in the USA, and Jess Avshalomov made them. This man owned a small bar and, thinking about how to attract as many customers as possible, decided to come up with a holiday. Choosing the most distant day from all the big holidays, and there are a lot of events in the states in the summer, Jess proclaimed it Beer Day. It was the first Friday in the last summer month. In 2007 it was number five. People flocked to the bar to pay homage to their favorite drink. And everyone was happy. Beer lovers got new holiday- Beer day, and bar owners - huge profit, even if they did discounts on products.

A few years later, this festival turned into another International Beer Day. At first, it was celebrated on the fifth of August, but soon, for convenience, in many countries (and there are more than fifty of them) they began to celebrate on the first Friday of August.

What is the purpose of International Beer Day?

The main objectives of such an event are primarily the following three. The first goal is to unite all peoples under one banner - the banner of beer. The second is a meeting of old friends over a glass of your favorite drink. And finally, the last goal is to honor the workers of the brewing industry. Also, one of the main goals of this celebration in many countries is considered to be trying as much as possible more varieties of this beloved drink.

Holiday traditions

The Beer Day holiday, when a foamy drink flowed like a river, and more than one pair of shoes was destroyed in dancing, it got its traditions back in ancient Iceland. These were grandiose feasts praising this drink, which could not go unnoticed by other countries. From now on, in many states not only beer itself is revered, but also praised by the masters who create and distribute it among the people. Each country and even individual cities bring their own special customs. Nevertheless, there are a number of traditions that remain unchanged from generation to generation.

The first tradition says that on this day you should definitely gather all your friends, colleagues or family members in those institutions where you can be provided a large number of beer.

From this follows the next tradition - the second. On this day, you need to drink as much beer as the body can accommodate. Moreover, the varieties must certainly amaze with a variety of tastes.

The third mandatory tradition involves the holding of various games and competitions. The game of beer pong is considered traditional. A special ball is thrown along the table, which must certainly fall into a container filled with beer and located on the opposite edge. And if you are lucky to get to England that day, then you will be offered to take a race, the length of which is five miles. But this run is not easy. There are fourteen pubs along the entire distance. Bypassing each of these drinking establishments, you simply have to drink a glass of beer everywhere.

How to celebrate a holiday?

Hiking with friends to various events that are organized on Beer Day every year is certainly good, but they run the risk of quickly getting bored. After all, everyone wants to celebrate the holiday in such a way that there are enough impressions about it for whole year. Therefore, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to considering the place and program of the holiday.

One of interesting options- excursion to the beer factory, including tasting different varieties this drink. Such a service for a fee can be available to you at almost any brewery. As a rule, the manufacturer himself is interested in such events. Because it gives him additional advertising and completely free of charge.

The second option for holding a holiday is a trip by the whole company to nature. What could be better than cooked on a fire? And since you are not constrained by walls, you can organize a huge number of games and competitions. For example, blindfolded guessing by taste.

Have a fun beer day. This foamy drink must be the king of the celebration. And even if you don't drink alcohol, that's no reason to miss out on the fun. There are a huge number of non-alcoholic varieties that allow you to have plenty of fun and, so to speak, save face.

What gifts to give?

When choosing a gift for a beer holiday, first determine what it has to do with beer. And of course, do not forget that the present should have a connection with beer or the beer industry.

If you plan to present a gift to a person who works in this industry, pay attention to funny ceramic brewers, beautifully designed thank-you verses. A home brewery will work too.

And for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, you can collect a wonderful bouquet of wheat, hop flowers and malt. A cake or pastries made in the appropriate style are also suitable. For example, in the form of a beer keg.

Dealt with the professionals. Now let's talk about amateurs. In this case, everything is much more diverse. It can be just a bottle, perhaps, author's execution, sets of different varieties with a bouquet of dried fish, T-shirts or baseball caps, decorated with beer inscriptions.

An original gift will be bills to keep a record of the bottles drunk during the year. The certificate for service in some beer establishment does not lose its relevance.

Brewer's Day

The second Saturday of June is the official professional holiday workers in the beer industry. In Russia, this day received the status of a holiday by presidential decree in 2003. On this day it is customary to use old recipes creating beer, as well as applying completely new methods. In general, the main goal of this event is to increase the authority Russian manufacturer as well as attracting the attention of new consumers. In the production facilities dedicated to the creation of everyone's favorite drink, various competitions, events and awards for certain merits are held.

In this article, we examined what kind of international holiday it is - Beer Day, when to celebrate it, how to spend time with maximum pleasure for yourself and others, what stories are associated with its origin, and also decided the most important question - when and why it is necessary to celebrate this festival.

When the hot summer comes, you just want to freshen up with something cold, strong and tasty. And here comes the beer! Someone calls this drink "the gift of the Gods", someone - "Devil's food", and someone does not think and takes 3 bottles of 0.5 at once. But beer is especially popular one day a year - international beer day celebrated in more than 50 countries. Today we will tell you about the history of the holiday itself, interesting facts about beer and snacks to it.

From the history of the holiday

Once, a Californian businessman was having trouble with a beer bar: sales were falling, there were few visitors, despite the hot summer weather. But Jess Avshalamov (that was the name of the owner of the establishment) came up with an incredible start-up and decided in 2007 to dedicate the day of August 5th entirely to beer. The small town of Santa Cruz, where everything happened, simply blossomed under liters of cold barrel and crowds of its lovers.

The holiday was met with such enthusiasm that it migrated to many other countries and Beer Day in Russia It is now celebrated not strictly on the 5th of August, but on the first Friday of the last summer month. We cannot fail to note such a good choice of date: the summer coolness is just beginning to appear, and the end of the working week is already waiting for it - perfect!

By the way, we also have an incredible beer bar that will surprise even those who “beer grows from beer, and I will never drink it”!

How brewing came to us

Beer certainly came to our country with ancient Rus'. But the princes were not the first to try this heady drink. History of brewing originates from the time of ancient Egypt. At least, archaeologists claim that they already knew how to brew beer then. Yes, and wheat, in their opinion, was not the basis of bread, but the raw material for a fermenting drink as early as the 9th millennium BC. History did not save the name of this ingenious grain experimenter, however, there are guesses that the drink of that time was slightly different from its modern counterpart.

As early as the 13th century AD, the Irish realized that delicious drink really too ancient in its recipe, and we decided to modify it a bit with the help of hops. This “alcoholic miracle” captivated the masters of Ancient Europe so much that the recipe migrated to Germany, Iceland, England and other countries, acquiring new components there. A special feature of brewing was the transformation of the process into a family business, surrounded by secrets around the composition of the product.

The first people to realize the inspiring power wheat drink were Vikings. It was they who began to arrange grandiose feasts, where intoxicating hops spilled in liters. In our time, beer festivals are calmer, although such Vikings, after a slight bust with a dose, will not be difficult to find.

When there is a lot of beer, it's good. But the taste can get a little lost after a few glasses. In such cases, help fragrant snacks to beer: pretzel, sausage, obatsda and other goodies, originally from Germany. After all, it is the Germans who are considered the most beer nation in the world, which means that their snacks are the perfect complement to any "barrel". Let's see who invented these delicacies and why they are so good.

From the history of Bavarian beer snacks

Pretzels and sausages are traditional companions of beer, which are full not only beer festival in Russia, but also the table of any German. Did you know that such a simple product as a pretzel in Germany has 3 legends of its origin? Here they are:

    simple: an inventive baker once failed to place the last loaf in the oven. So he decided to deform it a little. As a result, we got the well-known pretzels; fabulous: once there lived a too boastful baker who strove to convince everyone of his skill. But the tongue will bring you to Rome, and the baker to the king. The monarch ordered to bake him such bread so that the sun could be seen through it three times. The baker was not taken aback and thought, “What am I, was I praising myself so much in vain, or what?” and baked what we now call a pretzel; sacred: one monk decided that prayers and reverence would not be able to fully express his love for the Lord, and decided to show his confession in the most expensive thing - in bread. The shape of the product was supposed to resemble arms crossed on the chest, praying to the Almighty. It looks like he really did it!

Beloved white sausage does not have such an intriguing history, everything was much simpler: on February 22, 1857, several too hungry customers turned up in the tavern "To the Eternal Light", demanding to serve them sausages. But what they didn't know was that Chef Muller didn't have mutton guts at his disposal! The cook turned out to be very inventive, and in order not to spoil his reputation, he stuffed pig intestines minced veal, boiled them and served to the table. The success of the dish ensured its demand for many years to come. Ask why the name is “white sausage”? Yes, because at that time food coloring were not friends, but natural ingredients in the process of cooking they gave exactly a light shade.

And the last delicacy that deserves your attention is obacdu - a national Bavarian snack. In 1930, Katharina Eisernreich, the owner of the Weihenstephan beer hall, acted like a typical woman and brought a snack made from “what was” to the table. And she had: Camembert cheese, butter and spices. The dish turned out to be excellent and after many years it became almost a symbol of German feasts.

Medieval Non-GMO

We have already said that almost every brewery in old Europe liked to experiment with the composition of beer. But the concept of "a little bit of good" was by no means familiar to all manufacturers and distributors of the drink. In 1561, on April 23, the dissatisfaction of lovers of intoxicating drink reached its climax regarding its low quality and unreasonably high price. At that time, King Wilhelm IV ruled in Germany, who published " Bavarian Beer Purity Law”, who established the composition of the drink and its cost. From that time to our time, the law is a timeless model and quality regulation for all beer manufacturers.

From cellar delicacy to large gardens

Despite the fact that everyone loved the intoxicating drink, history of beer shows that its sale, even in the 19th century, was illegal. The owners of the breweries in every possible way sought to receive income from the product immediately and began to sell it in fresh in their basements. Although such operations were illegal, King Ludwig Brotzeit apparently also loved the intoxicating drink and allowed it. official sale. After a while, the points of sale acquired atmospheric content, comfortable furniture and hundreds of visitors shouting “Let's clink glasses for us!”.

By the way, about the tradition of chokanya. These are also echoes of the past. In the era of the Middle Ages, intrigues were woven everywhere, and your worst enemy with a calm face could sit next to you at the table and help yourself to your food. In order to expose the criminal in time, they introduced the tradition of choking - a blow with mugs of beer, during which the drink spilled over all the glasses. This action excluded the possibility of poisoning by drinking.

This is how we briefly covered the history of the intoxicating drink, traditional snacks, and the emergence of the well-known pubs or beer gardens - a favorite place in which the annual beer festival in any country. We bet the word “beer” is already salivating at you, and you started flipping through the calendar, trying to determine the exact date of the holiday? Why wait, organize your own Beer Day as a birthday surprise, and we will help you!

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Every year International Beer Day is celebrated on the first Friday of August. In 2018, Beer Day fell on August 3rd. This day is also celebrated in Russia. Therefore, many different fairs and beer festivals will be held throughout the country.

Beer Day August 3, 2018: the history of the holiday

International Beer Day is considered an unofficial holiday, but is nevertheless celebrated in many countries. The date of the holiday (the first Friday of August) was not chosen by chance. Jesse Avshalamov, the founder of Beer Day, chose the beginning of the last summer month as the date of celebration, since this date is as far as possible from other beer holidays, such as Oktoberfest, Brewer's Day, and so on. Jesse wanted this day not to be lost among other holidays dedicated to intoxicating drink.

The first International Beer Day took place 11 years ago - in 2007. The holiday was held in one of the US states, namely in California, in the town of Santa Cruz. Already in 2011, the holiday spread throughout the planet, and many other countries began to celebrate it, not just the United States of America. In 2012, the holiday was already celebrated on all 5 residential continents.

Purposes of creation international day beer:

  • gather with family and friends more often, relax, have fun and not deny such pleasure as drinking beer;
  • pay tribute and express our gratitude to those people who make one of the most beloved drinks around the world - brewers;
  • unite all countries together, create a friendly and peaceful atmosphere throughout the planet, because by celebrating universal holidays on the same day, the nation unites and becomes one.

On the day of the holiday, its participants treat each other with beer, and also, in connection with the “internationality” of the day, treat themselves to beer brewed according to recipes of foreign cultures. In addition, tasting of new or rare beers, happy hour throughout the evening, various quizzes and games, especially beer pong, are often an integral part of this festival.

From the beginning of the existence of the Beer Day until 2012, the holiday had a clearly set date - August 5, but then it was customary to celebrate the holiday on the last Friday of August, so that after the festivities you can calmly relax on the weekend, and not go to work with a drunken head if August 5 falls on a working day in the middle of the week.

Beer Day August 3, 2018: how the holiday is celebrated

The most popular International Beer Day is considered among countries such as the United States of America and European countries. It is here that this holiday is celebrated on a large scale. For example, every year in these countries there are various beer festivals where you can try beer from different countries, different types preparations and types and the like. Also at such festivals, you can play games and contests that are directly related to the popular intoxicating drink.

Local brewers present their own unique types of drink for the holiday. In pubs, guests are treated to beer, tastings of rare or completely new varieties are held.

On International Beer Day, it will not be difficult to find a working pub, because they work almost around the clock - from early morning until late twilight. It would seem, who in the morning will drink alcoholic drinks But today everything is possible. Moreover, it will remain unpunished.

On International Beer Day, the most popular entertainment was the game of beer pong, which has already become a tradition of this holiday. The rules of the game are very simple.

2 teams are required to participate. Each team member takes turns throwing a small ping-pong (or table tennis as it is also called) ball across their table, aiming at the beer glasses on the opponent's table. If the player gets into the mug, he immediately drinks all the contents poured into it. The winner is the team that first drinks all the opponents' beer.

Beer Day August 3, 2018: why beer is good for you

There is just an incredible amount of stereotypes about beer. But British scientists say that this is all false and just myths. Beer, on the contrary, has a lot useful properties, so drinking it is even recommended.

  1. Beer allows us to live longer. Researchers from the Virginia Tech company found that those who drink beer every day, but in small quantities has a greater chance of not dying from an early death. Scientists have estimated the chances of drinkers to live longer by 19% than those who are heavy.
  2. Beer helps you lose weight. More than 90% of people are sure that if they drink a lot of beer, they will grow a big beer belly. But these are all stupid stereotypes. A scientist from London conducted an experiment that proves that beer (but not only what, but only light) is an ideal source of nutrition for beneficial intestinal bacteria that do the work digestive system more efficient. But while drinking beer, you need to eat less. That is, you should not eat beer with other food, like fish, chips or crackers.
  3. Beer helps fight cancer. Beer contains elements that help the body fight against cancer. In hops, in particular, found Xanthohumol - a flavonoid that inhibits carcinogenic enzymes.
  4. Beer helps the brain to function normally. British scientists conducted a study that proved that women who drink one glass of beer a day are less likely to suffer from cognitive problems caused by aging.
  5. Beer contains a lot fewer calories than juice, sweet water or even skimmed milk. Not so long ago, Guinesss published the results of an analysis that shows that even in dark varieties beers, which are popularly considered the most caloric, are much lower in calories than any sweet drink, whether it be juice or coca-cola, or even skim milk.
