
Arkhangelsk roe gingerbread men. Fragrant Roe Deer: Cookie Recipe from WomanOnly

And Christmas. These painted fragrant goodies will decorate any table and cheer up every member of the family. Their advantage lies not only in their unique taste, but also in the manifestation of creativity, because you can depict anything on them. The article presents several recipes for cooking, as well as a photo of "Arkhangelsk goats". No less interesting will be the history of the origin of these delicacies.

"Arkhangelsk roes": the history of occurrence

The origin of these goodies has several versions, each of which is amazing in its own way. According to one of them, "Arkhangelsk roes" were previously traditional pastries Pomors (inhabitants of the coast of the White Sea), since the very word "roe" in their language meant "snake" or "curl". Another version says that initially gingerbread was baked in the form of a goat, which in ancient times was considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

The history of gingerbread "Arkhangelsk roes" claims that their homeland is everything famous city Arkhangelsk, from which such a name came. In different settlements tied to a certain area, their own baking techniques and decorating gingerbread have been preserved. It is worth noting that even in the same area they could radically differ from each other. The most famous gingerbread are:

  • flat painted, which appeared in the northern part of Russia in the 18th century, when ordinary people ordinary spices and sugar became available;
  • Kargopol, which were created from a bread tow;
  • voluminous Kholmogory, which were prepared from black dough, occasionally colored with white.

In any case, northern roes are not just a national delicacy prepared according to a unique recipe, but a traditional ritual dish. The creation of such gingerbread is considered a difficult ancient ritual, where the deepest philosophical meaning was originally laid.

Magic force

In ancient times, people believed that the "Arkhangelsk roes" had magical powers. According to some modern historians, in those days people first invented them not as food, but as ritual images of animals.

This version is also confirmed by the fact that the figurines had to be cut in a specific way: they all had to look to the left. If a person was depicted on the gingerbread, then it had to be done facing forward. At the very bottom of the roe, people always left an empty strip, which was a symbol of the earth.

Gingerbread in the old days

Previously, roes were baked only once a year. These were the days of Christmas time, as well as the Christmas holidays. The peoples of the north believed that these goodies would bring them wealth, prosperity and good luck to their homes. They were considered a charm and were often given to families.

On the eve of the holidays, all family members took part in such a rare event. Men always kneaded the dough, and women cut out various figures. The children also worked with them. They performed the final stage - decorating the dish.

On Christmas Day, all relatives, friends, neighbors and, of course, caroling children received roes as a gift. Often dropped to pets, as northern peoples were completely sure that the cattle in this case would bring an excellent offspring.

Gingerbreads were hung in stables and barns as amulets. They protected houses from the penetration of evil spirits and were used as an indispensable attribute for divination by girls and boys on Epiphany evenings.

Roe deer never ate right away. It was customary to keep them for some time, and only then eat them. A figurine donated or made by yourself should never be thrown away, even if it was broken, as this was a direct path to failure.

The symbol of Pomorie in modern times

To date, "Arkhangelsk kozuly" are baked not only in their homeland, but also in other areas. Modern people have long departed from traditions, so they make them for any celebrations as a tasty and original dessert. They also actively decorate the Christmas tree, use them in carols and use them as children's toys.

Gingerbread at home

In the old days, Arkhangelsk Kozuli gingerbreads were baked by real gingerbread, which kept the secret of making dough, icing and decorative decorations. Unique Recipe, in which chefs put their zest, was passed down from generation to generation, but only through the female line.

In those days, figurines were made in a special way. The first step was to make dough from rye flour. There are suggestions that it was against such a background that the glaze pattern looked the most advantageous. The flour for this was taken the darkest. Salt was added to it, and then kneaded hard. After some time, the dough began to be prepared from wheat flour, so burnt sugar was used to darken it.

Hereditary Arkhangelsk gingerbread men note that it is necessary to bake delicacies without haste and only in good mood. At the same time, you need to think only about the good and protect yourself from strangers so that no one interferes.

Nowadays, gingerbread is prepared not only according to classic recipe which has come down since those times. Chefs have long come up with slightly modified methods of baking. In any case, the cooking process will be exciting and long. It consists of only three stages:

  1. Test preparation.
  2. Bakery.
  3. Decoration.

Some best recipes, which are suitable for all events, are listed below.

honey deer

The traditional recipe for "Arkhangelsk roes" must be used before you start considering its modifications. Classic option are precisely honey gingerbread.

For cooking you will need:

  • 450 g of flour (it is best to take wheat, but you can mix 300 g of rye and 150 g of wheat);
  • 60 ml of water;
  • 150 g of honey;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 3 tablespoons butter;
  • ground spices.

The recipe for "Arkhangelsk goats" with a photo is presented below. If you strictly follow the instructions, in the end you can get unique dish capable of surprising everyone.

Step by step cooking

In fact, the recipe for "Arkhangelsk goats" is simple. First you need to prepare the roast. First of all, sugar is melted, and then boiling water and honey are added to it. The result is thick and quite sweet syrup. When it cools down a bit, you can add butter and stir until smooth. Next, spices and soda are added to the resulting mixture. Immediately after this, pre-sifted flour is poured there, and all this is thoroughly mixed so that no lumps remain. final stage in the preparation of the dough, you need to knead it on the board, in small portions adding flour. In the end, it should come out soft, elastic and plasticine-like in consistency.

The finished dough should be cooled, then divided into several parts and rolled out with a layer. Next, the figures are carefully cut out along the contour with a knife or molds. Then, almost ready-made gingerbread cookies should be greased with yolk (1 pc.) With water (0.5 cups) and spread out on a baking sheet pre-lined with parchment.

Bake the figurines for about 10 minutes at 200 degrees. They should brown a little. The most important thing is to prevent them from drying out, as they will simply break.

Descendants of classical goats

Scientists suggest that there are not only classic northern roes, but also their descendants - Ural gingerbread. They came to the Urals along with their creators - immigrants from the north. The traditional recipe was slightly changed, as the new area had a completely different culture and traditions.

The ingredients for the Ural roe are taken as follows:

  • 500 g of honey;
  • 500 g flour;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • spices to taste;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1.5 cups of water.

Gingerbread "Arkhangelsk kozuly": recipe

First you need to boil water and honey in a separate container. When this mixture cools down a bit, you need to pour flour there, add eggs and other ingredients. All this is thoroughly mixed and kneaded by hand. Then, as in previous recipe, pieces of dough are rolled into layers, from which figures are subsequently cut out (this can be done both with a knife and molds).

After laying out future gingerbread cookies on a baking sheet, they must be greased with yolk. They are baked at a temperature of 200 degrees until a blush is formed. After the gingerbread cookies are ready, they need to cool and only then decorate with icing. If desired, they can be poured with syrup or sprinkled with coconut.

Gingerbread decoration

Both northern and Ural roes should be traditionally painted. They need to be painted with colored glaze. Most actively used White color, because it is a symbol of snow, and also pink, reflective northern lights. The brown color on the gingerbread represents earth or wood.

The process of coloring goats cannot be called simple. Here you will have to show not only imagination and taste, but also the skill of the artist. After all, in any case, the most important point in the decoration of the goat there will be a neat painting with thin lines of sweet syrup.

The pattern on the delicacy can be absolutely anything. In the process of drawing, a culinary syringe or an ordinary bag in the shape of a cone with a small hole will definitely come in handy. A good image can also be obtained with watercolor brushes or pencils with ready-made glaze.

It is worth remembering that in ancient times people drew patterns with a wooden stick. This method is used to this day, but only by hereditary goats.

If you want to be more creative, you can first fill the gingerbread with tinting liquid glaze any color, and then, when the base hardens well, begin to depict flowers, patterns and other elements on it. This method is quite good, but it requires a lot of time, since the glaze does not harden as quickly as we would like. But this makes it possible for modern chefs to create whole works of art on gingerbread.


By choosing suitable recipe"Arkhangelsk goats", do not forget about the glaze. There are many options for its preparation, but most often people use the classic. For him you will need to take:

  • a couple of egg whites;
  • 5 drops of lemon juice;
  • 5 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • dyes.

The first step is to beat the whites with powdered sugar until the mass thickens. Then it needs to be distributed among the cups (depending on the number of colors used). It is best to take, of course, natural dyes, but food is also suitable. Once the white mass has been mixed with dyes and takes on a new color, the glaze is ready for use.

Natural colors are obtained in the following ways:

  • white - milk, sour cream, powdered sugar;
  • yellow - spinach juice, lime or lemon zest;
  • red / pink - juice of raspberries, strawberries, beets, lingonberries, cranberries;
  • brown - coffee, cocoa;
  • orange - freshly squeezed orange or tangerine juice.

Holiday gingerbread cookies always look like fabulous toys. They look interesting on the tree. Just a little patience - and unique delicacy will become magnificent decoration for any table, as well as an unexpected present for relatives.

The most ancient pastries are ritual roe gingerbread. That is, initially they were not gingerbread, as they appeared much earlier than spices in Rus'. And there used to be roes figurines from unleavened dough, which were sculpted for the New Year, only Slavic, which coincided with the harvest festival and came in September. And only then the roes began to bake in the winter - and these cute gingerbread cookies became a symbol of ours, Orthodox Christmas. However, first things first.

Why goats?

“Roe deer are different,” tells us master class specialist and guide of the Museum of Russian Dessert, Svetlana Ustyugova. - "The first roes appeared on the Pomeranian land many centuries ago. They are considered the most ancient type of baked curly dough. There is chronicle evidence that as early as the 12th century, our ancestors sculpted figurines of bulls and cows from dough. Gingerbreads were strips of dough woven into bizarre twists. For the twisted, snake-like shape, the ancient Pomeranian cookies got their name - roes, from the Pomeranian word "roe" - a snake, a curl.

Photo: AiF / Alexey Vissarionov

The image of the roe-snake was associated with the autumn harvest, or rather with its completion - with the autumn New Year or New Year (in September). Later, this tradition was transferred to the winter Christmas and the January New Year. And in the Kargopol region, roes were made in the form of serpentine curls folded into circles called “teterki” and baked in mid-March, which also refers to a very ancient rite dedicated to the spring equinox.
Pomors believed that such roe-snakes would bring wealth and prosperity to the house.

There are three types of roe: Kholmogory voluminous (resembling clay figurines), Kargopol roe-grouse and painted flat roe-gingerbread. Recent, Arkhangelsk roes appeared in the Russian North when sugar and spices (cinnamon and cloves) came there, that is, they became available to ordinary people, and not just to the rich and noble. This happened not earlier than the 18th century.

In the old days, the manufacture and painting of roes were largely ritual in nature, our ancestors believed in protective power fragrant gingerbread. Roe deer are both a charm and a talisman.

Today, Arkhangelsk roes are a beautiful fragrant edible souvenir, a great gift for any holiday or anniversary.

Gingerbread shapes have become diverse. There are houses, and hearts, and even cartoon characters.

Northern gingerbread

In the old days, roes were baked from rye flour to get a characteristic dark color, on which the glaze design looks the most advantageous. Later they began to be made from wheat flour, adding burnt sugar. The dough was prepared in advance, it could lie in the cold for weeks, and it only got better. Different figurines were cut out - goat girls had their own molds, which they cherished and passed on by inheritance. Already baked and cooled roes were covered with glaze of two colors: white and pink, obtained with the help of lingonberry or cranberry juice.

Photo: AiF / Alexey Vissarionov

Almost unchanged Pomeranian roes have survived to our time; these traditional small gingerbreads have been baked by the inhabitants of Pomorie for many centuries. It is assumed that the settlement of the White and Barents Seas took place in the 9th-11th centuries, where Pomors as a people were formed for a long time. These “persistent tin soldiers” lived a special way of life and everyday life, retained the pagan faith for a long time, believed in spirits, intrigues of evil spirits .... On Christmas Eve, Pomeranian roe deer, funny little figurines of animals and birds, were baked from rye flour.

Pomeranian roes all year (until the next Christmas) served as a talisman against evil forces, because it was believed that they had positive influence on people's lives. They contribute to fishing, the well-being of the family, the health of people, livestock, poultry, keep happiness in the house .... Traditionally fresh rye dough for gingerbread, it was kneaded from coarse rye flour and water. Kneaded (rolled) the owner of the house, which had a certain ritual meaning. In addition, the kneading process is long and requires a lot of physical effort. The dough rolled up with a Poleshka had to stand without bending. Incorrect kneading led to cracking of the Pomeranian roe.

Men and women participated in the modeling of gingerbread, children learned the art of rolling roes. Entire herds of different animals: deer, cows, hard-horned sheep, seals, elks, birds, went to the Russian furnace. Pomeranian roes sculpted with prayers and sentences, people seemed to endow gingerbread animals with the ability to protect and protect. Each small figurine had a certain semantic meaning, for example, a deer with intertwined horns - a symbol of faith, hope, love, a cow brought prosperity, a bird with chicks on its back personified the happiness of motherhood.

Most often, Pomors sculpted deer, which, depending on the shape of the horns, had different semantic meanings. There were deer of friendship, health and longevity, spiritual protectors, deer of love and warmth. Ritual gingerbread cookies were given to relatives, loved ones, neighbors, children played Pomeranian goats, the owners gave gifts to carolers who went from house to house with good wishes. Girls guessed on Pomeranian roes, treated the guys. A few little protectors were left until next Christmas, in order to protect the home and family from misfortune. For a while, Pomeranian roe became members of the family and received names: Chernukha, Belyanka ...

There were bread figurines next to the icons, which proves the importance Pomors attached to ritual baking! Broken and old gingerbread cookies were never thrown away. Bread figurines were fed to cattle, in hungry years they could eat themselves. In each region, different roes were baked, differing in shape, there were Terek, Mezen, Kargopol, Kholmogory. Our Pomeranian roes from rye dough- peasant.

Pomeranian peasant roes

Rye flour

Step 1. Gradually adding flour to the water, you need to knead a stiff dough. And salt it.
Step 2. Knead the dough very carefully. Make a sausage out of it.
Step 3. Let the dough rest overnight, you can keep it in the refrigerator for longer.
Step 4. Before sculpting, the dough must be kneaded and cut into small pieces.
Step 5. Blind a roe-deer, gradually pulling out the head, legs, horns from the main piece.
Step 6. Bake in the oven or oven for an hour, then dip in boiling water, then bake for another 20-30 minutes. Repeat scalding and baking until the roes are firm and glossy. Cool down.

In the old days there were many types of figurines, and each had its own meaning: they sculpted symbols of the Sun, Abundance, Health, Kindness. To make the toys look more festive, they were bleached: almost ready-made bread figures were taken out of the oven and dipped in boiling water, and then placed in a hot oven, this procedure was repeated more than once. Then the roe becomes lighter and acquires shine.

The components of the dough also had their own meaning: water - life, strength, purification, rye flour - health, wealth, salt - a talisman against all evil spirits.

How to sculpt

Modeling techniques are the same for all figures. The movements have been honed over the centuries, there are no superfluous ones. Even incisions in the process of roe sculpting should be no more than 17. This requirement was met by all Pomeranian craftsmen and was associated with the ritual nature of the figurines.

A sausage was made from the dough and divided into small pieces. An “egg” was made from a piece, then the sharp part of it was pulled out more strongly and a “pear” was obtained. Pulling 1/3 from the "pear", received a "boot". With the help of the thumb and forefinger, the legs of the deer were pulled out. Then, incisions were made from the side of the abdomen, getting 4 legs. Their remaining top part was made by the head and horns.

Solombala roes

Photo: AiF / Alexey Vissarionov

600 g granulated sugar
500 g margarine
1/2 tsp salt
4 eggs
1 st. l. cinnamon
1 tbsp carnations
2.4 tsp soda (quench with vinegar)
2 kg flour

Burn a third of granulated sugar, pour 2 cups of boiling water into it gradually and add another 400 g of sand. Remove from heat, but stir in margarine and salt while still warm. Cool the resulting mass. Then add eggs, cinnamon and cloves, add soda, quenched with vinegar, lastly flour. Knead a stiff dough, cut it into pieces, roll out the pieces into cakes and you can cut out the figures.

Before baking, anoint products with yolk diluted with water (1/2 cup of water per yolk).

Ready-made roes are painted with colored glaze.


Boil syrup from 1 cup of granulated sugar and 1 cup of water (readiness to check with a ring - bubbles should be blown out of it);
- V hot syrup pour in 2 whipped proteins and beat this mixture until cool;
- add 2-3 drops citric acid or vinegar essence and add color with food coloring.

Murmansk roes

600 g granulated sugar
150 g butter or creamy margarine
3 eggs
Cloves, cinnamon, baking soda - 1 teaspoon each
1.2-1.3 kg of flour.

Burn a glass of granulated sugar in an enameled dish. When all the sugar has melted, add 1 cup hot boiled water(quietly). Mix. Then add 2 more cups of granulated sugar. When everything boils and the sugar melts, turn it off. Add 150 g butter or margarine. When everything cools down a little, add 2 yolks and 1 whole egg, also add spices with water. Add flour (not all). Then pour the flour on the table and knead the dough. Put the dough in a bag and put it in the cold: in the cold outside or in the freezer. Can be stored up to 1 month. Cut the dough from the refrigerator into small pieces and knead well - so that it begins to shine. Do not add flour to this.

Roll out the dough with a thickness of 5 mm, cut out any figures and bake them in the oven. Lubricate the baking sheet not greasy, but a little bit so that the gingerbread cookies do not burn.

To make the glaze, beat 2 egg whites, adding slowly powdered sugar until the frosting is thick. Put the icing in a bag (paper rolled up into a tube) and paint the gingerbread.

Arkhangelsk roes

Photo: AiF / Alexey Vissarionov

Burn 1 glass of granulated sugar, then dissolve it in a glass hot water. Then add 2 cups of granulated sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Turn off the heat and add 150 g of butter or margarine, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, cloves and soda, cool slightly, add 1 egg and 2 yolks. After that, add about 0.5 kg of flour, knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. Keep the dough in a saucepan and cellophane in cool place week. After that, add another 0.5 kg of granulated sugar to the dough and roll it out to a thickness of 0.5 cm. Cut the rolled out dough into shapes from tin or thick paper and put it on a baking sheet, once oiled.
Lubricate the gingerbread with an egg beaten with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and put in the oven. Bake 5 - 7 minutes. Let the finished gingerbread cookies dry, then remove them from the baking sheet and decorate with icing.

Arkhangelsk roes - aristocrats, painted with glaze, in the composition white flour, burnt sugar, cinnamon, cloves. For icing sugar different colors Pomors added juices northern berries. Men also participated in the preparation of the Arkhangelsk ritual gingerbread. They kneaded the dough, bent the contour forms of figures of animals, birds from iron ... Flat Pomeranian deer were cut out of the rolled dough with molds. Decorated fragrant beautiful gingerbread the whole family. Now Pomeranian roes have lost their ritual magical significance, although they are still a good gift.

Consumption ecology. There are a lot of recipes for making Arkhangelsk gingerbread - roe. I will share the one that our family uses and that my mother taught me. I participated in the manufacture of roes from early childhood - at first I painted the roes baked by my mother, and now, as an adult, I took over from my mother and bake them myself for each New Year.

There are a lot of recipes for making Arkhangelsk gingerbread - kozul. I will share the one that our family uses and that my mother taught me. I participated in the manufacture of roes from early childhood - at first I painted the roes baked by my mother, and now, as an adult, I took over from my mother and bake them myself for every new year. This is our kind northern family tradition, and I will be glad if it enters your families and fills the new year with the feeling of an unforgettable magical winter fairy tale!

Making New Year's Arkhangelsk gingerbread is a very long process that includes three stages:

1. Test preparation.

2. Baking.

3. Decorating baked gingerbread with icing.

Each of these stages cannot be done in a hurry or in the course of ordinary affairs - nothing will work out. Your mood will be reflected in the quality of the gingerbread. Before the start of each stage, you need to smile, get rid of unnecessary thoughts and worries, fully focus on this creative process, and during the creation of the gingerbread be in a peaceful state. For example, silently - to yourself - read prayers or pronounce good wishes those people to whom you give gingerbread. Then the roes will bring only joy, health and happiness. And your reward will be the smiles of those to whom you give them, as well as unique taste and the beauty of the resulting gingerbread, harmony and peace in your home.

Make the dough when no one will bother you or distract you - in our family it was always late in the evening when the children were sleeping. The dough is made by adults without the participation of children, as this process is very difficult and requires accuracy and precision. But cutting out roes with the help of molds and decorating them with icing is something that we can do together with the children as a family!

First stage. Making dough for goats

To make the test you will need:

3-3.5 cups of granulated sugar, a glass of chilled boiled water, about 2 kg of flour (it must be sifted through a sieve), a pack of 200-250 gr. butter or high-quality creamy margarine (better done in butter), 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. baking soda slaked vinegar, spices for gingerbread (ground cloves, cinnamon, ginger, coriander).

How to make dough:

Step 1. Pour 2-2.5 cups of granulated sugar with 1 cup of chilled boiled water and put on a small fire. Cooking syrup.

Cut butter into small pieces.

Step 2. At the same time, on another burner in a metal saucepan, burn 1 cup of granulated sugar until brown. Do this over low heat with constant stirring. It is best to stir either with the handle of a metal spoon or with a knife (so that the sugar does not stick). Sugar will first melt to a brown liquid, then foam will appear, it will boil and smoke. Let it boil a little, turn off the burner and immediately go to step 3.

Step 3. Pour the burnt sugar into the syrup in a thin stream while constantly stirring the resulting mixture with a spoon. We do this very slowly and carefully, without haste.

Step 4. Add the butter cut into pieces into the resulting mixture and mix until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. We put to cool on the balcony or outside the window.

While the mixture is cooling to warm state in the cold, soak the dishes, otherwise the sugar will harden and it will be difficult to wash it. And then we prepare the dough.

Step 5. Put in another pan big size spices to taste. We usually put two tablespoons of spices: 1 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon and 1 tbsp. ground cloves. We buy whole cloves and grind them ourselves immediately before preparing gingerbread - it turns out to be more fragrant than ready-made ground cloves sold in stores. You can use other spices - ginger, coriander or ready mix spices for gingerbread.

Step 6. Put 1 tablespoon of baking soda in the same pan (quench it with vinegar).

Step 7. Beat 2 eggs with a mixer or whisk. Add to the same pot.

And then pour the warm liquid into this pan, which in step 4 we put in the cold to cool. Mix everything thoroughly.

Step 8. Dough kneading. We start adding flour to the pan. We note the time on the timer, since it takes at least an hour to knead. Be sure to sift the flour through a sieve before kneading. Add flour in very small portions, mix with a spoon or mixer. It is difficult to predict how much flour will be needed, you need to feel it - but about 1.5-1.8 kg.

When the dough becomes tight enough, we begin to knead it not with a mixer, but by hand. We knead exactly one hour. If even after half an hour it seems to you that the dough is ready, continue to knead it anyway. Wrong done the dough will go baking cracks. When kneading, we invest in our live dough our positive thoughts, we speak to ourselves good wishes to those people who will eat these gingerbread, we read prayers - that is, we do everything that will help you bring yourself into a state of calmness, joy and gratitude to the world, nature, gratitude to your family and loved ones.

Kneading the dough requires great physical effort, so men have been involved in this business for a long time.

After an hour of thorough kneading of the dough, you will get a beautiful loaf of uniform dense consistency. It looks like wet clay with a silky glossy surface that is very pleasant to stroke with your hand. The dough should not stick to your hands. We wrap the dough in a bag, tie the bag and put the dough in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. The dough should lie in the cold for 2 weeks. If you did not have time to make the dough in advance, then let it lie in the cold for at least a day.

A small addition: my mother did not have and does not have a clear initially set proportion of products in goat dough - she “felt” it (like my grandmother) and did a lot “by instinct”. For example, sometimes I put not 2 eggs in the dough, but 3 eggs. And soda took 3/4 teaspoon. Flour sometimes took 1.5 kg, sometimes 1.8 kg - this was not measured by weights. and was determined by its consistency. But it's already aerobatics» which requires experience in baking roes. On initial stage it is better to make the dough according to the same recipe many times.

Second phase. Cut out roes from the dough and bake

For baking gingerbread, you will need: molds or cardboard templates for cutting out figures, a rolling pin.

You can download 65 ready-made templates for gingerbread for free in the article "Stencils for gingerbread" on my website "Native Path" - http://rodnaya-tropinka.ru/trafarety-dlya-pryanikov/. And also in this article you can visit the gingerbread ball and see the real northern roes of fabulous beauty.

Step 1. We take out the dough from the cold in advance and put it for 8-12 hours to warm up at room temperature.

Step 2. Cut off pieces from the dough and roll them out with a rolling pin into layers about 5 mm thick, no more.

Step 3. Using a cardboard template or using ready-made shapes, cut out the figures. We put large figures in the center of the layer, small ones on the sides. We try to arrange the figures so as to use the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dough layer.

Step 4. Bake the roes in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 5 minutes ( exact time depends on your oven.)

How do you know if the gingerbread is baked?

If the gingerbread has a color after 5 minutes of baking creamy toffee, then it is not ready yet, and you still need to keep it in the oven for another 2 minutes. If the gingerbread is brown after 5 minutes of baking milk chocolate This means that they are ready and can be removed from the oven.

It should be noted that the gingerbread cookies that you take out of the oven will be slightly soft, but ruddy at the same time. Gingerbread will still ripen - dried in the air during the day. And then they become more solid. Place the baked gingerbread cookies on a hard surface - let them lie down for a day.

In my modern oven it takes 7 minutes to bake at 180 degrees with ventilation, and not 5 minutes - as in my mother's oven. Here you need to try and notice the specific “Your” time and write it down for yourself in the future in the recipe for roes.

If the gingerbread cookies are overexposed in the oven, then in a day they will become hard as a stone. If they are underexposed in the oven, then the surface of the roes will wrinkle in the future and look ugly, uneven. Each oven has its own "character" - so be sure to note the time your goats were in the oven the first time you bake. And then for the future, either remember it (if everything works out well), or correct it.

Supplement as an option. In our family, it is customary to bake gingerbread with a matte surface, as I described above. If you want to get gingerbread with a glossy surface, then they must be greased before baking with yolk or yolk, diluted and well mixed with 1 tablespoon of water. My mother sometimes smeared the surface of the gingerbread with one protein. Try different variants and choose the one you like best.

Third stage. Decorate the goats with icing

For glaze you will need: 1 protein, 1 lemon, 1 raw beets, 1 glass of powdered sugar (pre-sift through a sieve). You can buy powdered sugar or make your own from granulated sugar.

Step 1. Beat one protein with a mixer or whisk. You need to beat very carefully, as poorly whipped protein will give bubbles when decorating the gingerbread.

Step 2. Gradually add powdered sugar to the protein in small portions and continue to beat. It turned out white glaze.

Step 3. We drip a few drops of lemon juice into the icing. Lemon juice is added to give the glaze a shine and a slightly sour taste. white icing ready.

Separate ¼ of the icing into a separate bowl and cook the pink icing in it.

Step 4. We prepare pink icing. To do this, three pieces of raw beets on fine grater, squeeze out the juice and add a few drops of this juice to the pink icing bowl. We stir. Add beetroot juice until desired pink color is obtained.

Now food colorings are also added to obtain a variety of glaze colors, but we never use them at home and decorate gingerbread cookies only with traditional colors - white and pink - and only with the use of natural products.

Step 5. Decorate the gingerbread.

Children are traditionally involved in decorating gingerbread - from the smallest to teenagers. This is a very exciting creative process!

In northern gingerbread, they usually do not fill the background with icing with spots, but draw patterns on it - straight lines, wavy lines, curls, dots, crosses, zigzags.

You can paint with icing on the surface of the gingerbread using:

A) sticks (since childhood I have drawn in reverse sharp end wooden brush), often dipping it into the glaze and wiping excess glaze from it with a linen napkin while working,

B) a regular brush for painting with natural bristles.

C) you can pour the icing into a small plastic bag, make a hole in the corner and draw with it like a culinary bag,

D) for thin lines, a wooden toothpick is used,

D) using a ready-made pastry bag for decorating cakes and pastries.

These are the methods we use. Even when I was very small, I never painted on goats with my fingers - this is not customary with us. Little roe children decorate with a stick, putting large dots and drawing large lines. If you draw with your finger, then the roe deer will come out clumsy, slovenly, not ours, not northern ones. If you need to correct something, then we moisten the brush for drawing in a glass of water, remove excess water from the brush with a linen napkin. And we correct the contours of the picture with a wet brush.

A little trick: if you want the icing to turn out snowy, then sprinkle the gingerbread with sugar immediately after painting, when the icing has not dried yet. When the icing has hardened, shake off the sugar. It will turn out a shaggy and fluffy pattern like snow on your goats.

Have fun and enjoy your creativity!

And at the end of the article - a little about the history of these gingerbreads from the article by Stepan Pisakhov "About goats"

About goats

“The departing old way of life takes with it the mystery of the origin of the Christmas goats. It has long been started to bake roes for Christmas. But why are they baked for Christmas only? And where does this name - goats come from? These are still questions to this day... Our ethnographers ignored them, apparently because they came to Arkhangelsk in the summer, when there is no roe deer. I will try to say a few words about goats. Maybe someone will respond and it will be possible to find out the beginning of the goats.

The most ancient roes - Kholmogory and Mezen - are made of black dough, sometimes colored with white dough. Kholmogory roes look like deer. A figure on four legs, a head, a bush of branched horns, apples on the horns, birds on the apples, or rather bird wings, made of white dough(an apple with wings resembles an image of a winged sun). And the whole roe seems to have been transferred from a very ancient pagan world. Some kind of occult record seems to be in this strange beautiful figure. The size of such a roe is 5-6 inches. Smaller roe deer are made without apples on their horns, but only with birds (birds resemble hands with spread fingers). Roe deer are also baked in a small size - about an inch, simplified according to the drawing, or they try to make them look like a cow, a horse (sometimes with a rider on a horse). Professor Zelinsky noticed in 1913 that these small roe deer are very similar in shape and size to the figures of the Stone Age.

In the Mezen district, in addition to small ones, similar to Kholmogory, flat roes are also baked: they roll out the dough with a long ribbon half a pencil thick and roll it different drawings, sometimes unexpectedly similar to a sacred lotus in an undulating environment resembling a radiance. There are also birds on the nest and others.

In the spring of 1914, at my request, the old woman undertook to cook roe deer. She rolled out the threads from the dough and began to fold the drawing, whispering something. I asked: “What, grandmother, are you whispering?” The old woman stopped and said sternly: “Don’t knock down if you need roes.” Whether the whispering of the old woman had anything to do with goats, I do not know. The old woman did not explain. Others responded with ignorance.

In Arkhangelsk, roes are baked from gingerbread dough, cut with iron molds (gingerbread silhouettes) and decorated (butchered) sugar icing, white and colored (usually pink), are abundantly covered with "gold" and "scatter". Forms made of iron, sometimes quite thick, persist for a long time, passing from generation to generation. Questioning managed to establish the age of the forms up to 200 years, but, undoubtedly, there are forms and much older. At El. Pet. P-howl from her mother, grandmother, etc. Also, other masters of kozul have the most ancient drawings that have come down to us. Goat and goat girls often do not know how to draw with a pencil at all, but they will take a stick or a tube with icing and, following the silhouette of a gingerbread, repeating what they have seen and adopted from their elders, they create drawings of amazing beauty.

In 1913 or 1914 I saw a goat deer imitating an eagle at the market of a roe trader. On his chest he has the letter "A" and one stick (Alexander 1). He asked her: “Why do you have the letter “A” and one stick on your eagle? You need "H" and two sticks. And he heard in response: “But because it is necessary. My mother and my grandmother made the letter "A" and one stick - that means it's necessary. And what kind of pointer were you looking for? Forms in confectionery are subject to changes. There, the masters come up with new forms and refine themselves in the intricacy of cutting, little regard for the established patterns.

Roe deer start baking in October. In early December, roe deer appear in bakeries and confectioneries. In mid-December, they fill all the windows and shelves of bakeries and pastry shops. The size of goats is from one and a half to 10-12 inches. Their cost is from a penny to a ruble, and more elaborate confectioners' products cost up to 10 rubles or more.

Roe deer fill the market before Christmas. Roe deer vendors line up and unfold their boxes - they offer buyers a wide choice. A huge number of parcels with goats were sent across Russia and abroad.

Much in the Arkhangelsk province has been preserved from a very deep antiquity. It seems to me that both Kholmogory and Mezen roe deer (and in a number of other counties) are the legacy of the local first settlers. It is possible that the Novgorodians and Muscovites who came here brought gingerbread with them. And from the ancient roe from black dough and from the gingerbread our roe could come to light. But, perhaps, the gingerbread was brought to the North by foreigners and adapted instead of pagan cookies for the Christian holiday.

Drawings of the most ancient forms - a star, an angel, a shepherd, a basket (with gifts), birds, animals close to humans, a Christmas tree, grapes, vases with flowers, a deer with a sleigh, a lion (the lion as the king of beasts, or maybe the influence of English or Norwegian). Later roe deer - Amazon, cab driver, dog with booth, cat. And appeared over the past decades - a steamer, a steam locomotive, a cyclist, an airplane. And after 1920 - a sickle and a hammer and a grandfather with the slogan "Proletarians of all countries, unite!". In 1925, I saw a goat with the image of a new eagle on the market: the shape of the gingerbread is the same as before, only on the chest of the eagle there is a hammer and sickle, the cross is cut off, and on the crown - "RSFSR".

Last year, in 1926, I met N. D. Vinogradov in Moscow, who collected a large and, it seems, the only collection of gingerbread in Russia as examples of folk art. Seeing how N. D. Vinogradov lovingly and attentively treats this type of folk art, I set myself the task of collecting for him as complete a collection of roes as possible. And, perhaps, with the help of N. D. Vinogradov and other efficient people, it will be possible to find out their origin.

From the collection of Pisakhov S.G. Tales, Essays, Letters. / Ser. Russian north. - Arkhangelsk, North-Western book publishing house, 1985. published

Roe deer: recipe New Year's gingerbread

Stages of making New Year's Arkhangelsk gingerbread.

There are a lot of recipes for making Arkhangelsk gingerbread - kozul. I will share the one that our family uses and that my mother taught me. I participated in the manufacture of roes from early childhood - at first I painted the roes baked by my mother, and now, as an adult, I took over from my mother and bake them myself for every new year. This is our kind northern family tradition, and I will be glad if it enters your families and fills the new year with the feeling of an unforgettable magical winter fairy tale!

Making New Year's Arkhangelsk gingerbread is a very lengthy process that includes three stages:

  1. Test preparation.
  2. Bakery.
  3. Decorating baked gingerbread with icing.

Each of these stages cannot be done in a hurry or in the course of ordinary affairs - nothing will work out. Your mood will be reflected in the quality of the gingerbread. Before the start of each stage, you need to smile, get rid of unnecessary thoughts and worries, fully concentrate on this creative process, and be in a peaceful state during the creation of the gingerbread. For example, silently - to yourself - read prayers or pronounce good wishes to those people to whom you will give gingerbread. Then the roes will bring only joy, health and happiness. And your reward will be the smiles of those to whom you give them, as well as the unique taste and beauty of the resulting gingerbread, harmony and peace in your home.

Make the dough when no one will bother you or distract you - in our family it was always late in the evening when the children were sleeping. The dough is made by adults without the participation of children, as this process is very difficult and requires accuracy and precision. But cutting out roes with the help of molds and decorating them with icing is something that we can do together with the children as a family!

First stage. We make dough for goats.

To make the test you will need:

- 3-3.5 cups of granulated sugar, a glass of chilled boiled water, about 2 kg of flour (it must be sifted through a sieve), a pack of 200-250 gr. butter or high-quality creamy margarine (better done in butter), 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. baking soda slaked with vinegar, spices for gingerbread (ground cloves, cinnamon, ginger, coriander).

How to make dough:

Step 1. Pour 2-2.5 cups of granulated sugar with 1 cup of chilled boiled water and put on a small fire. Cooking syrup.

Cut butter into small pieces.

Step 2 At the same time, on another burner in a metal saucepan, burn 1 cup of granulated sugar until brown. Do this over low heat with constant stirring. It is best to stir either with the handle of a metal spoon or with a knife (so that the sugar does not stick). Sugar will first melt to a brown liquid, then foam will appear, it will boil and smoke. Let it boil a little, turn off the burner and immediately go to step 3.

Step 3 Pour the burnt sugar into the syrup in a thin stream with constant stirring with a spoon of the resulting mixture. We do this very slowly and carefully, without haste.

Step 4 Add the chopped butter to the resulting mixture and mix until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. We put to cool on the balcony or outside the window.

While the mixture is cooling to a warm state in the cold, soak the dishes, otherwise the sugar will harden and it will be difficult to wash it. And then we prepare the dough.

Step 5 Put spices to taste in another large saucepan. We usually put two tablespoons of spices: 1 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon and 1 tbsp. ground cloves. We buy whole cloves and grind them ourselves immediately before preparing gingerbread - it turns out to be more fragrant than ready-made ground cloves sold in stores. You can use other spices - ginger, coriander or a ready-made mixture of spices for gingerbread.

Step 6 We put 1 tablespoon of baking soda in the same pan (extinguish it with vinegar).

Step 7 Beat 2 eggs with a mixer or whisk. Add to the same pot.

And then pour the warm liquid into this pan, which in step 4 we put in the cold to cool. Mix everything thoroughly.

Step 8 Test batch. We start adding flour to the pan. We note the time on the timer, since it takes at least an hour to knead. Be sure to sift the flour through a sieve before kneading. Add flour in very small portions, mix with a spoon or mixer. It is difficult to predict how much flour will be needed, you need to feel it - but about 1.5-1.8 kg.

When the dough becomes tight enough, we begin to knead it not with a mixer, but by hand. We knead exactly one hour. If even after half an hour it seems to you that the dough is ready, continue to knead it anyway. Incorrectly made dough will crack when baking. When kneading, we put our positive thoughts into our living dough, say good wishes to ourselves to those people who will eat these gingerbread cookies, read prayers - that is, we do everything that will help you bring yourself into a state of calm, joy and gratitude to the world, nature, gratitude to their family and loved ones.

Kneading the dough requires great physical effort, so men have been involved in this business for a long time.

After an hour of thorough kneading of the dough, you will get a beautiful loaf of uniform dense consistency. It looks like wet clay with a silky glossy surface that is very pleasant to stroke with your hand. The dough should not stick to your hands. We wrap the dough in a bag, tie the bag and put the dough in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. The dough should lie in the cold for 2 weeks. If you did not have time to make the dough in advance, then let it lie in the cold for at least a day.

Small addition: my mother did not have and does not have a clear initially set proportion of products in goat dough - she “felt” it (like my grandmother) and did a lot “by instinct”. For example, sometimes I put not 2 eggs in the dough, but 3 eggs. And soda took 3/4 teaspoon. Flour sometimes took 1.5 kg, sometimes 1.8 kg - this was not measured by weights. and was determined by its consistency. But this is already "aerobatics" for which experience in baking roes is needed. At the initial stage, it is better to make the dough according to the same recipe many times.

Second phase. We cut out the goats from the dough and bake.

For baking gingerbread you will need: molds or cardboard templates for cutting figures, rolling pin.

You can download 65 ready-made templates for gingerbread for free in the article "Stencils for gingerbread" on my website "Native Path" -. And also in this article you can visit the gingerbread ball and see the real northern roes of fabulous beauty.

Step 1. We take out the dough in advance from the cold and put it for 8-12 hours to warm up at room temperature.

Step 2 We cut pieces from the dough and roll them with a rolling pin into layers about 5 mm thick, no more.

Step 3 According to a cardboard template or using ready-made shapes, we cut out the figures. We put large figures in the center of the layer, small ones on the sides. We try to arrange the figures so as to use the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dough layer.

Step 4 We bake the roes in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 5 minutes (the exact time depends on the characteristics of your oven).

How do you know if the gingerbread is baked?

- If the gingerbread after 5 minutes of baking has the color of creamy toffee, then it is not ready yet, and you still need to keep it in the oven for another 2 minutes. If the gingerbread after 5 minutes of baking has a brown color of milk chocolate, then they are already ready and you can take out of the oven.

- It should be noted that the gingerbread cookies that you take out of the oven will be slightly soft, but at the same time ruddy. Gingerbread will still ripen - dried in the air during the day. And then they become more solid. Place the baked gingerbread cookies on a hard surface - let them lie down for a day.

- In my modern oven, it takes 7 minutes to bake at 180 degrees with ventilation, and not 5 minutes - like in my mother's oven. Here you need to try and notice the specific “Your” time and write it down for yourself in the future in the recipe for roes.

- If the gingerbread cookies are overexposed in the oven, then in a day they will become hard as a stone. If they are underexposed in the oven, then the surface of the roe will wrinkle in the future and will look ugly, uneven. Each oven has its own "character" - so be sure to note the time your goats were in the oven when you first baked them. And then for the future, either remember it (if everything works out well), or correct it.

Supplement as an option. In our family, it is customary to bake gingerbread with a matte surface, as I described above. If you want to get gingerbread with a glossy surface, then they must be greased before baking with yolk or yolk, diluted and well mixed with 1 tablespoon of water. My mother sometimes smeared the surface of the gingerbread with one protein. Try different options and choose the one you like best.

Third stage. Decorate the goats with icing.

For the frosting you will need: 1 protein, 1 lemon, 1 raw beetroot, 1 cup of powdered sugar (pre-sift through a sieve). You can buy powdered sugar or make your own from granulated sugar.

Step 1. Beat with a mixer or whisk one egg white. You need to beat very carefully, as poorly whipped protein will give bubbles when decorating the gingerbread.

Step 2 Gradually add powdered sugar to the protein in small portions and continue to beat. It turned out white glaze.

Step 3 Add a few drops of lemon juice to the frosting. Lemon juice is added to give the glaze a shine and a slightly sour taste. White frosting is ready.

Separate ¼ of the icing into a separate bowl and cook the pink icing in it.

Step 4 Preparing pink frosting. To do this, three pieces of raw beets on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice and add a few drops of this juice to the bowl for pink icing. We stir. Add beetroot juice until desired pink color is obtained.

Now food colorings are also added to obtain a variety of glaze colors, but we never use them at home and decorate gingerbread cookies only with traditional colors - white and pink - and only with the use of natural products.

Step 5 We decorate gingerbread.

Children are traditionally involved in decorating gingerbread - from the smallest to teenagers. This is a very exciting creative process!

In northern gingerbread, they usually do not fill the background with icing with spots, but draw patterns on it - straight lines, wavy lines, curls, dots, crosses, zigzags.

You can paint with icing on the surface of the gingerbread using:

A) sticks (from childhood I painted with the reverse sharp end of a wooden brush), often dipping it into the glaze and wiping excess glaze from it with a linen napkin while working,

B) a regular brush for painting with natural bristles.

C) you can pour the icing into a small plastic bag, make a hole in the corner and draw with it like a culinary bag,

D) for thin lines, a wooden toothpick is used,

D) using a ready-made pastry bag for decorating cakes and pastries.

These are the methods we use. Even when I was very small, I never painted on goats with my fingers - this is not customary with us. Little roe children decorate with a stick, putting large dots and drawing large lines. If you draw with your finger, then the roe deer will come out clumsy, slovenly, not ours, not northern ones. If you need to correct something, then we moisten the brush for drawing in a glass of water, remove excess water from the brush with a linen napkin. And we correct the contours of the picture with a wet brush.

Little trick: If you want the icing to turn out snowy, then sprinkle the gingerbread with sugar immediately after painting, when the icing has not yet dried. When the icing has hardened, shake off the sugar. It will turn out a shaggy and fluffy pattern like snow on your goats.

Have fun and enjoy your creativity! And at the end of the article - a little about the history of these gingerbreads from the article by Stepan Pisakhov "About goats"

About goats

“The departing old way of life takes with it the mystery of the origin of the Christmas goats. It has long been started to bake roes for Christmas. But why are they baked for Christmas only? And where does this name - goats come from? These are still questions to this day... Our ethnographers ignored them, apparently because they came to Arkhangelsk in the summer, when there is no roe deer. I will try to say a few words about goats. Maybe someone will respond and it will be possible to find out the beginning of the goats.

The most ancient roes - Kholmogory and Mezen - are made of black dough, sometimes colored with white dough. Kholmogory roes look like deer. A figure on four legs, a head, a bush of branched horns, apples on the horns, birds on the apples, or rather bird wings made of white dough (an apple with wings resembles the image of a winged sun) is molded from the dough. And the whole roe seems to have been transferred from a very ancient pagan world. There seems to be some kind of occult record in this strangely beautiful figure. The size of such a roe is 5-6 inches. Smaller roe deer are made without apples on their horns, but only with birds (birds resemble hands with spread fingers). Roe deer are also baked in a small size - about an inch, simplified according to the drawing, or they try to make them look like a cow, a horse (sometimes with a rider on a horse). Professor Zelinsky noticed in 1913 that these small roe deer are very similar in shape and size to the figures of the Stone Age.

In the Mezen district, in addition to small ones, similar to those of Kholmogory, flat roes are also baked: they roll out the dough into a long ribbon half a pencil thick and roll it with various patterns, sometimes unexpectedly similar to a sacred lotus in a wavy environment resembling radiance. There are also birds on the nest and others.

In the spring of 1914, at my request, the old woman undertook to cook roe deer. She rolled out the threads from the dough and began to fold the drawing, whispering something. I asked: “What, grandmother, are you whispering?” The old woman stopped and said sternly: “Don’t knock down if you need roes.” Whether the whispering of the old woman had anything to do with goats, I do not know. The old woman did not explain. Others responded with ignorance.

In Arkhangelsk, roes are baked from gingerbread dough, cut with iron molds (gingerbread silhouettes) and decorated (cut) with sugar icing, white and colored (usually pink), richly covered with "gold" and "scattering". Forms made of iron, sometimes quite thick, persist for a long time, passing from generation to generation. Questioning managed to establish the age of the forms up to 200 years, but, undoubtedly, there are forms and much older. At El. Pet. P-howl from her mother, grandmother, etc. Also, other masters of kozul have the most ancient drawings that have come down to us. Goat and goat girls often do not know how to draw with a pencil at all, but they will take a stick or a tube with icing and, following the silhouette of a gingerbread, repeating what they have seen and adopted from their elders, they create drawings of amazing beauty.

In 1913 or 1914 I saw a goat deer imitating an eagle at the market of a roe trader. On his chest he has the letter "A" and one stick (Alexander 1). He asked her: “Why do you have the letter “A” and one stick on your eagle? You need "H" and two sticks. And he heard in response: “But because it is necessary. My mother and my grandmother made the letter "A" and one stick - that means it's necessary. And what kind of pointer were you looking for? Forms in confectionery are subject to changes. There, the masters come up with new forms and refine themselves in the intricacy of cutting, little regard for the established patterns.

Roe deer start baking in October. In early December, roe deer appear in bakeries and confectioneries. In mid-December, they fill all the windows and shelves of bakeries and pastry shops. The size of goats is from one and a half to 10-12 inches. Their cost is from a penny to a ruble, and more elaborate confectioners' products cost up to 10 rubles or more.

Roe deer fill the market before Christmas. Roe deer vendors line up and unfold their boxes - they offer buyers a wide choice. A huge number of parcels with goats were sent across Russia and abroad.

Much in the Arkhangelsk province has been preserved from a very deep antiquity. It seems to me that both Kholmogory and Mezen roe deer (and in a number of other counties) are the legacy of the local first settlers. It is possible that the Novgorodians and Muscovites who came here brought gingerbread with them. And from the ancient roe from black dough and from the gingerbread our roe could come to light. But, perhaps, the gingerbread was brought to the North by foreigners and adapted instead of pagan cookies for the Christian holiday.

Drawings of the most ancient forms - a star, an angel, a shepherd, a basket (with gifts), birds, animals close to humans, a Christmas tree, grapes, vases with flowers, a deer with a sleigh, a lion (the lion as the king of beasts, or maybe the influence of English or Norwegian). Later roe deer - Amazon, cab driver, dog with booth, cat. And appeared over the past decades - a steamer, a steam locomotive, a cyclist, an airplane. And after 1920 - a sickle and a hammer and a grandfather with the slogan "Proletarians of all countries, unite!". In 1925, I saw a goat with the image of a new eagle on the market: the shape of the gingerbread is the same as before, only on the chest of the eagle there is a hammer and sickle, the cross is cut off, and on the crown - "RSFSR".

Last year, in 1926, I met N. D. Vinogradov in Moscow, who collected a large and, it seems, the only collection of gingerbread in Russia as examples of folk art. Seeing how N. D. Vinogradov lovingly and attentively treats this type of folk art, I set myself the task of collecting for him as complete a collection of roes as possible. And, perhaps, with the help of N. D. Vinogradov and other efficient people, it will be possible to find out their origin.

From the collection of Pisakhov S.G. Tales, Essays, Letters. / Ser. Russian north. - Arkhangelsk, North-Western book publishing house, 1985.

Another recipe for New Year's gingerbread and gingerbread for the Christmas tree that you can make with your children - you will find in the articles "Gingerbread for the Christmas tree."


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We burn the sugar over low heat until brown, stirring so as not to burn.

In a separate saucepan, bring 1 cup of water to a boil. Once the sugar has melted and turned brown, very careful(there will be a rapid boil of water and sugar), without bending over the pan!, Pour the prepared glass in small portions boiling water and dissolve the burnt sugar. It is strongly not recommended for children under 16 years of age to do this procedure on their own!Add 1 more glass of granulated sugar and dissolve it thoroughly. You can do the opposite: boil the syrup from water and sugar and pour melted sugar into it, do as you like, and if you don’t want to do this procedure, you can not burn the sugar, but add cocoa to the dough for color, but this will already turn out a different recipe.

Remove the pan from the heat, add 150 grams of butter (or 200 grams of margarine), mix until the butter or margarine dissolves. Pour the resulting mixture into a large bowl, cool to a warm state. 2 eggs and 2 egg yolks mix well with a fork and add to the cooled mixture, mix again. Then pour into the mixture 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of finely ground spices (a mixture of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger and cardamom (2:1:1:1:1)), as well as 1 teaspoon of baking soda with top (I extinguish with vinegar). Then, gradually adding flour, knead the dough that does not stick to your hands (800-900 grams of flour may be required).

The dough should stand in a cold place to ripen for about one day (if you are in a hurry, let it stand for 1-1.5 hours at room temperature, and then put it in the freezer for 20-30 minutes).

We divide the dough into several parts, roll it out to a thickness of 5-7 mm and cut out various figures with dough notches. You can cut a stencil out of cardboard.

Glaze for pouring is also being prepared.
We take our base for the glaze, transfer it to another cup and dilute cold water(Not lemon juice), adding 1 teaspoon each, until such a consistency, when after sharp knife through our glaze, the trace of it will completely disappear as soon as we slowly count to 10. The glaze is obtained as thick sour cream, and applied over the entire surface of the gingerbread.

To prepare colored glaze, first dissolved in a drop is placed in the outlet. table vinegar food coloring (or juice of beets, carrots), then the base is added and required amount water. For the lilac color, I used 1 teaspoon of blueberry juice, and for the green, I used a pinch of green food coloring, diluted in 0.5 teaspoon of 9% vinegar.
The base and water should be well mixed, by intensively rubbing the mixture with a spoon along the bottom of the outlet. If there are a lot of gingerbread cookies, then you can immediately prepare several bags of various colors for decoration. You can also use ready-made colored glaze and immediately decorate the Arkhangelsk roes at your discretion. This is how the gingerbread turned out.
