
Wet meringue is a great idea for decorating a cake. Meringue on a stick: a recipe with secrets, subtleties (everything will work!)

Meringue is one of the easiest desserts to prepare, which, nevertheless, still raises a lot of questions and difficulties in the cooking process.

According to the method of preparation, there are three types of meringues:

French meringue - egg whites beaten with sugar and/or powdered sugar. The most popular method for further preparation of crispy puffed meringues.

Swiss meringue - it is made from proteins whipped with sugar in a water bath. It is used to obtain products such as meringues, meringues (dry crisp, and inside - a moist soufflé core), as well as creams.

Italian meringue - whites whipped into foam with hot sugar syrup. Most often used for decoration, creams and other meringues that do not require further heat treatment.

It is most stable over time and during baking, which explains its popularity in the preparation of pasta cakes.

Of the three types listed above, the simplest is the French version of cooking. Let's talk about how to whip the meringue in this way in order to bake meringue in the future.

1. Fresh eggs take longer to beat because contain more moisture.

2. It is easier to separate the yolks from cold eggs, because. their shells are stronger, and cold egg whites whip a little faster, but warm egg whites make a more airy, glossy and stable meringue.

You can separate the whites from the yolks of fresh cold eggs ahead of time and then let them "age" for a couple of days in the refrigerator and then warm to room temperature before whipping.

3. For one egg white of the first category, about 50 g of sugar is required.

4. Not a single micron of yolk should get into the protein, otherwise it will not whip.

5. Also, the dishes in which you beat must be absolutely dry and fat-free. Wipe with vinegar and dry the container with a dry, clean cloth if in doubt. It is better to use glass or metal containers.

6. For snow-white meringue, add a couple of drops of lemon juice, which is also a preservative and stabilizer for meringue. Salt is also a stabilizer for protein foam.

7. If you want to get caramel-colored meringue, increase the sugar rate by about 1/4 and dry the meringue a little longer than usual at a temperature of 105-110 degrees.

The taste of such meringues will also be different, they acquire a caramel note or resemble the taste of creme brulee to someone.

8. All sugar in the process of whipping should completely dissolve and bind with protein molecules. If you are still afraid that all the sugar will not dissolve, replace half with powdered sugar.

9. It is easy to beat the whites, then the mass will be too porous and will quickly fall off, but you should get a dense, smooth, shiny mass, so it is recommended to beat first at low speed.

10. If you want to color the meringue, it is better to use gel or dry dye, which is added at the very end. Remember that the raw meringue should be slightly brighter than the color you want to end up with. a small part of the dye still burns out during baking.

If you are still afraid that the meringue does not like moisture, and there is too much gel dye, then add a pinch of corn starch while whipping.

In the art of cooking, it is important not only to prepare food deliciously, but also to present it beautifully. The French say that people eat with their eyes. And if the food is appetizing, purely psychologically it seems tastier than it actually is. And if the dish looks sloppy, then the eater will turn his attention to it last, even if it is the most delicious dish on the table. Appearance is especially important for sweets: they are a solemn component of a festive feast and must correspond to the moment. Wet meringue will help to make the cake beautiful. This cream goes well with any dough and layers between the cakes, it is pliable during work, it does not spread, holding the given shape - just the perfect design material.

"Wet meringue" for cake decoration: recipe

The cream is made by housewives in several variations. But the base is always the same, except that the ratio of components is modified, and not so significant ingredients are added. The technology by which "wet meringue" is prepared is similar in basic steps to the method of creating

To begin with, whites are separated from four eggs and cooled as much as possible. They whip up to a light foam. It is not necessary to achieve its stability - if only the mass would become homogeneous. Pour into the proteins: a glass of granulated sugar, a bag of vanilla and a little citric acid (about a quarter of a large spoon). The workpiece is stirred, and the bowl with it is placed in a water bath. When it just starts to boil at the bottom, actively beat the future meringue. The process should not stop even for a second and last about a quarter of an hour. Then the cream is removed from the stove and whipped for another five minutes. The output should be a dense substance that does not settle and is easily held on a fork or whisk.

Subtleties and secrets

For those who have not yet prepared the “wet meringue” cream, the recipe may seem elementary. However, the result can be very upsetting if you do not know some tricks.

  1. Proteins should be cold, almost on the verge of freezing. Experienced cooks advise putting them in the refrigerator in the evening, on the eve of cooking.
  2. The utensils for squirrels must be clean and completely dry. The smallest drop of extraneous liquid will not allow you to beat them to the desired consistency. The same applies to yolk particles that have fallen into proteins. It is better to separate each egg over a personal cup, so as not to spoil the already obtained mass.
  3. How long to keep the cream in the bath depends on the temperature of the water in it. Readiness to remove from heat is determined by the consistency of the cream: if it sticks, becomes thick and comes off in whole chunks - it's time to move on to the final stage.
  4. In no case should you bring the "wet meringue" to a boil! To prevent it, you need to work with a mixer continuously.

If you do not immediately start decorating, the cream should be hidden in the refrigerator after cooling.

How to paint

Since "wet meringue" is used to decorate the cake, multi-colored versions may be needed. There are also a number of rules here.

  1. Neither syrups nor juices are suitable for coloring - they will break the consistency, make the cream too liquid and fluid. Food coloring only!
  2. It is impossible to fill the dye in dry form, it will not dissolve in meringue. If there are no liquid ones, a 5-gram bag of powder is diluted in a teaspoon of vodka and only after that is added to the cream.
  3. The dye is introduced at the very last moment, after removing the pan from the stove, drip, with intermediate whipping.

You can tint the "wet meringue" in beige and brown tones with instant coffee. It is diluted in half a spoonful of water and kneaded until completely dissolved. Softer shades are obtained with the introduction of cocoa, brewed in a minimum amount of milk. The main principle in both cases is as little liquid as possible.

Terms of use

In order for the "wet meringue" to fulfill its task with honor, it must be properly cooled before application. Firstly, when hot, it can melt the top layer if it is made from caramel or glaze. Secondly, the chilled "wet meringue" is easier to take and hold the shape you have conceived.

All design delights are created only with dry auxiliary objects, whether it be a knife or moisture will violate the planned density of the cream, and it will begin to spread.

If you want to make the cake more durable, after coating it with cream, you can keep the treat not in the refrigerator, but even dry it in a warm oven. "Wet meringue" will become ordinary, serve as an additional "shell", although it will be more fragile.

If you are thinking of building something monumental on your cake (like a magic castle), the classic "wet meringue" may not be able to withstand its own weight. To make the cream more durable, structural and embossed, you need to change the proportions. It is necessary to take sugar in double weight compared to proteins. Naturally, for this they will have to be weighed. It is pointless to change the dose of sugar further, it will not dissolve in excess.

A festively decorated cake almost always becomes the center of the table, and of the whole holiday. It is saved for last, serving guests at the end of the feast. And not in vain - it is in such pastries that the hostess puts all her imagination and love.

Decorating a cake can sometimes be difficult: there are not enough skills, imagination, a recipe, tools, or at the last moment it turns out that not all the necessary ingredients have been bought, and time is running out. Do not despair. You can decorate the cake with an easy-to-prepare and inexpensive cream, which is also called wet meringue. It is a protein mass with sugar and flavors, which can be tinted with various food colors. Unlike ordinary meringue, it does not need to be baked in the oven. After preparation, the cream is immediately applied to the cake according to the recipe.

The classic recipe for "wet meringue" is very simple to prepare. The technology is similar to the method of making protein cream.


  1. Sugar - 1 cup;
  2. Cold proteins - 4 pieces;
  3. Citric acid - 0.25 tablespoon;
  4. Vanilla (or sugar) - 1 packet.

Cooking process:

  1. Squirrels in advance, put in the cold. It is best to do this in the evening, so that in the morning they are properly cooled and well whipped.
  2. Separate them from the yolks into a clean container free of moisture and grease.
  3. Beat at first quite a bit, not achieving a stable foam. The main thing is to give them a uniform consistency. You can even use a regular whisk.
  4. Add all the sugar, vanilla and acid at once. Stir a little and set the dishes with the mass in a water bath.
  5. From the moment the water boils in the lower pan, it is necessary to whisk the mixture vigorously for at least 15 minutes.
  6. After that, remove the container from the fire. It is necessary to beat the cream for another 3-5 minutes so that it cools. The result should be a fairly dense mass, which is well kept on the whisk and does not settle.
  7. 1-2 minutes before the end of whipping, you can color the “wet meringue” cream. For this, only food coloring is used. Juices, syrups will not work, as they will dilute the consistency of the mass and make it very liquid. Dyes are added drop by drop, then beat the mass for a few seconds, then add more dye, if necessary.
  8. Cream according to the recipe should be stored in the refrigerator.

Subtleties of cooking

As in the technology of cooking any dish, there are nuances, and the “wet meringue” cream requires a special approach. This custard protein cream is not very whimsical and capricious, if you follow the basic rules of the recipe:

  1. Proteins are separated very carefully. If the yolk breaks and even a drop of it gets into the pan, whipping the cream to a stable foam will not be easy. They can also spoil the consistency of a drop of water, fat.
  2. Use only liquid dyes for coloring; dry ones do not dissolve in the cream. You can also tint the mass with instant coffee (add half a teaspoon of water to it and stir vigorously) or cocoa powder, which should be brewed in a minimum amount of milk.
  3. Choose a bowl for whipping of sufficient volume so that the mass does not splatter in the process.
  4. The time spent in the water bath may vary depending on the boiling point of the water in the lower container. Focus on the consistency of the cream. When it begins to thicken, stick to the whisk, be understood in large pieces, the cream can and should be removed from the heat.
  5. In addition to vanilla and dyes, you can add a little aromatic alcohol to the mass - rum, thick liquor or cognac. Do this at the very last stage, almost one minute before the end of whipping. Do not add alcohol to the cream when it is on fire and very hot.
  6. Also, make sure that the cream does not boil. Do not leave it, constantly beat. For these purposes, it is best to use a mixer or an immersion blender. It is very difficult to qualitatively beat the mass with a whisk. The temperature of the cream during steaming should not exceed 70 degrees - the protein can simply curl up.
  7. Before decorating the cake, the mass should be well cooled. Otherwise, it can melt the coating on which the cream will be applied - chocolate or caramel icing, jam or buttercream.
  8. Citric acid may not be used in the cream. Its main task according to the recipe is to make the mass not so cloying and give it more strength. So if you are not going to make too ornate decorations and like sweet creams, you can not put acid. Lemon juice can replace it - a few drops will be enough. Don't forget to strain it so you don't get any lemon pits.
  9. Cream decorations can be dried in the oven or simply in the air at room temperature. In this case, they will acquire a more crumbly consistency and become the usual, familiar meringue recipe. This option is also convenient if after decorating the cake you still have unused cream. You can’t store and freeze it for a long time, but making a few small meringue cakes according to a simple recipe is possible and very easy.

There is nothing difficult in the preparation of "wet meringue". It turns out almost always, it is difficult to spoil it while following the recipe. Therefore, for many housewives, protein cream has become a real lifesaver.


“Wet meringue” is a stable cream, in taste and consistency somewhat reminiscent of soft marshmallows. With a syringe or a bag with a nozzle, it can be given almost any shape.

A few ideas for decorating a homemade wet meringue cake:

  1. Flowers are the most common design option. Making them with protein custard is very simple. Fill the bag with cream, put on a nozzle of a suitable diameter and squeeze out in a circle in any color. Moreover, you can make it immediately on the cake, if you already have experience in decorations of this kind, or separately. You can form a flower on a special "nail" or using improvised means. Then the figure can be slightly frozen by putting it in the freezer for 15 minutes. After that, the flower is laid out on the cake.
  2. Zigzags, waves, stripes. Here, nozzles with cloves, with an asterisk-shaped hole, corrugated are used. You need to decorate immediately on the surface of the cake. For convenience, you can use a rotating cake stand.
  3. Small balls, flowers, stars. It is very easy to make such voluminous decorations from “wet meringue”. You will also need a syringe with a nozzle or a pastry bag. Fill it very tightly, as the mass is quite porous and voids and air bubbles may appear on the finished decor. It is optimal to fill the bag, set it in a vertical position, let it stand for a while and squeeze the bag a little before decorating.
  4. Sides. They are formed directly on the cake using a corrugated or smooth nozzle. The sides are voluminous.
  5. Wet meringue inscriptions are rarely done, since it is not easy to achieve a thin line. The cream is quite voluminous, keeps its shape well, does not spread, but it is also dense if made according to the recipe. Therefore, from a nozzle with a small diameter, it may be squeezed out poorly or unevenly.
  6. The cream is also used as a layer, mainly for biscuit cakes. It is light, but keeps its shape perfectly, and therefore can be applied in a fairly thick layer and not crush cakes baked according to various recipes.
  7. Leveling the surface of the cake. Apply the cream to the surface and sides only with a dry spoon. Level the surface with a wide dry knife.

Cream "wet meringue" is versatile for layering and decorating baked goods. It is malleable in work, does not spread, dries up in the air and becomes strong and stable in the refrigerator. This feature of the cream consistency gives the whole cake strength. After drying, the cream does not crack, retains its original shape, if everything is done according to the recipe. In addition, the cream is prepared very quickly and you can decorate the cake with it in just a few minutes.

Bon appetit!

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Good day to all! First, many thanks to everyone for the congratulations! I did not have the opportunity to say "thank you" to everyone personally, but believe me, your warm congratulations greatly cheered me up in this cold season! Secondly, I congratulate everyone on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ! Family warmth, comfort and health to you and your household! Take care of each other!
And thirdly, about the meringue recipe ...
Before the holidays, I baked a lot of meringue, which, after the photo shoot, I gave to my parents as a New Year's gift. I think that a lot of people know how to bake meringue. In that case, you won't find anything new in my post. But if you still have questions...

For whipping meringues, I always use a clean, dry wiped dish.

I preheat the oven to 120 C in advance. I usually bake meringues from three proteins (this is the amount of meringue that fits on my baking sheet). For 1 protein, I use 50 grams of fine crystalline sugar (I never use powdered sugar). Eggs are always large.

In a mixer, I beat the whites for about 5-10 minutes (the whipping time depends only on the power of the mixer). The protein mass should become dense, white, if the mixer bowl is turned over over your head, the proteins should remain at the bottom and in no case should they flow. It is very important not to over-beat the whites, otherwise the meringue will not work. As soon as I see that the protein mass has reached the desired consistency, I begin to add sugar in a thin stream and beat until the sugar dissolves (usually it takes a few more minutes). At this stage, I add food coloring.

The protein mass settles rather quickly, so I immediately transfer the mass into a confectionery bag and on a baking sheet covered with confectionery paper, using an asterisk nozzle, spread the mass in small portions at a distance of about 3-5 cm from each other.

Then I send the oven for 1-1.5 hours. A more accurate baking time depends on the power of the oven and on the size of the meringue. The larger the meringue, the longer it will take to bake, but with a couple of experiments you will find the optimal time.
Ready-made meringues are stored in the refrigerator in a plastic container.

Have a nice day, everyone!!!

Only two ingredients - and the result is amazing. Airy, crispy meringues that slowly melt in your mouth and turn into chewy chewing gum. This is a great decor for a torus (especially in winter, when berries and fruits are expensive), as well as an independent dessert for tea. Children enthusiastically crunch these cakes, and they strive to steal a couple of them while you are busy decorating the cake!

Both gel and powder dyes are great for coloring meringues, but they interact with them in different ways. If you use gel dyes - meringues are shiny, smooth and slightly sticky. If you use powdered meringues, they will turn out matte and will not stick. You just have to choose what you like best.
About what dyes I use, how I prepare colored meringues - and will be discussed today.

Ingredients (for two pans):

  • Egg whites - 3 pcs.
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Citric acid - 1 pinch
  • Food coloring of desired color.

How to make colored meringues for a cake

Before whipping the meringue, wipe the mixer bowl and beaters with lemon juice or a solution of citric acid, this will help eliminate traces of fat from the bottom and walls of the bowl. If there is at least a little fat on the beaters or bowl, the proteins will not whip.

For the same reason, we carefully monitor that the yolks do not get into the whites when we separate the eggs.

To be safe, we separate each protein into a separate bowl, and then add it to the total protein mass.

So, to prepare the meringue, place 3 egg whites at room temperature in a bowl (or in a mixer bowl), add a pinch of citric acid and beat at a low mixer speed for 30 seconds.

Then gradually increase the mixer speed and beat for about 1 minute more until soft peaks and fluffiness.
Without stopping the beating, add 1 tbsp to the protein mass. l. powdered sugar (total volume 150 g).

When all the powder is incorporated into the egg whites, increase the speed to high and beat for about 3 more minutes until shiny, stiff peaks.

In meringue, add 1 tsp. vanilla extract and beat until smooth.

We heat the oven to 90 C and cover the baking sheets with Teflon mats or good baking paper.

We divide the entire protein mass into as many parts as we plan to make different colors. I prepared meringues in two pastel colors: lavender and mint. So I divided the protein mass into 2 parts and gently tinted with Americolor gel color: mixed leaf green and navy blue for a mint shade, and a little regal purple dye for a lavender meringue.

We shift the colored mass into pastry bags with the necessary nozzles (I used the Open Star nozzle). Then we plant the meringues of the desired size on cold prepared baking sheets.

I have recorded for you a detailed video recipe for making meringues for a cake. Welcome to the channel in You Tube, I wish you a pleasant viewing! Subscribe to the channel so you don't miss new videos!

Each hostess has her own recipe. Try alternative methods if the main one described in the recipe does not work.

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