
Delicious cream for decorating cupcakes. Different types of cupcake creams

Delicate cream cheese for cupcakes can be prepared on the basis of curd cheese, on kefir, with powdered sugar and cream - choose!

Cream cheese is prepared on the basis of cream cheese (it can be different), but with one of two ingredients, a choice of butter or cream.

This cheese cream is suitable for filling a cake (), for leveling (but not for mastic), for filling cakes or decorating cupcakes (attractive hats).

  • cold cream cheese(in my version "Philadelphia") - 250 gr. ,
  • cold cream, high fat- 100 ml.,
  • sifted powdered sugar - 90 gr.

I put the Philadelphia cheese into the bowl of the mixer.

And sifting on it powdered sugar.

I beat at first at low speeds of the mixer, then gradually increase them. You can beat the cream cheese first and then add the powder. I didn't notice the difference. Cheese and powdered sugar are whipped for a few minutes.

Then I pour in cold cream.

After whipping, the cheese cream is light and tender. I repeat once again: the density of the cream can be controlled by cream. The less cream, the denser the cream.

Cream cheese is white.

It's perfect for decorating cupcakes! You can not argue about the taste, because it is excellent! By the way, mastic on such a cream feels great. Nothing flows!

Recipe 2, step by step: cream cheese on kefir for cupcakes

This version of Cheese cream is adapted to recipes for cupcakes, however, you can use such a filler in other baked goods: for example, for puff cakes or eclairs.

  • 500 ml of fatty kefir;
  • 500 ml of fatty yogurt;
  • 250 ml of sour cream from 20%;
  • 10 ml lemon juice;
  • 7 g salt.

Mix kefir, sour cream and lemon juice with a whisk.

Add yogurt and salt, actively mix the components into each other.

Then put a colander on another bowl and cover it with cheesecloth. Pour the milk mass onto cheesecloth and strain well.

To make your cream tender and at the same time quite strong and not leak out later, squeeze out the water, but not all of it - enough liquid should remain in the filler so that it freezes evenly.

Then we collect the mass in cheesecloth, transfer to another bowl.

We put in a cold place for about 3 hours. Then we remove the gauze and use the cream for its intended purpose.

Such a delicate filling is perfect for classic cupcakes without raisins or other similar components. Try to keep pastries stuffed with such a cream in the refrigerator properly, and it will definitely please you later. You can also add a little crushed nut to the state of flour in the cream. Focus on your taste preferences.

Recipe 3: Cream Cheese Cream Cheese for Cupcakes

  • Butter (Room temperature) - 100 g
  • Powdered Sugar (Adjust to your preference) - 100g
  • Curd cheese (I take Hochland or Almette) - 350 g

Beat room temperature butter until fluffy, add powdered sugar and cheese. We beat everything well. And decorate the already completely cooled cupcakes. And decorate as you wish.

Recipe 4: cream cheese curd for cupcakes (with photo)

So, I present to your attention cream cheese cream or, as it is commonly called, cream cheese. It is very tender, tasty, unusually pleasant texture. A special touch is given by the fact that it is slightly salty due to the cheese.

Cream cheese is Almette curd cheese, Hochland, namely curd cream cheese, of course. You can do it with mascarpone, but it will not be quite the same. This cream is universal - you can add it to cakes, cupcakes, decorate cupcakes, apply on the surface of cakes.

  • 200 gr butter
  • 2 jars of cheese 140 gr.
  • 150 gr sugar. powder.
  • vanilla

Mix oil + powder with a mixer at high speed until dissolved.

Beat the cream cheese a little at low speed, just so that it mixes and loses the shape that was in the jar.

Now in cream number 1 put 1 tbsp. spoon of cream number 2, mixing with a mixer.

You can add vanilla and even a little cinnamon.

That's all. Refrigerate for an hour and go!

Recipe 5: cream cheese for cupcakes with berry puree

Very simple and quick to prepare, you just need to mix all the ingredients in a bowl and that's it. But because of the curd cheese, the cream can have a slightly salty aftertaste, which not everyone likes. But the cream has a wonderful texture and behaves wonderfully, so it can be easily used for cakes. You can add various berry and fruit purees to it, this will give it extra flavor and color, no dyes are needed.

  • 340 g of curd cheese (it will be better if the cheese is kept in the refrigerator for at least a day before use and added cold)
  • 115 gr butter room temperature, very soft
  • 100 gr powdered sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract or 1 tsp. vanilla sugar

Place all ingredients in a bowl.

And beat with a mixer until smooth.

You can add berry or fruit puree. But it is better to do it a little bit, i.e. adding 1 tablespoon puree to get good taste and color. Here I used blueberry puree and added 3 tablespoons of it.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 6, simple: snow-white cream cheese for cupcakes

You can also make cream cheese at home. And it's quite easy to make from kefir. A little preparation - and voila, you get a worthy analogue of expensive store-bought cream cheese. It tastes slightly sour, the texture is delicate, without grains, homogeneous. And then you can fantasize, supplement the recipe at your discretion. I suggest making a classic sweet cream cheese for cake and cupcakes.

  • Kefir - 900 ml;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

The most important thing in this recipe is to freeze the kefir. So put it in the evening freezer and forget about it until the morning.

Frozen kefir carefully release from the package. It is not easy to do, the main thing is not to injure your hands! I cut the film gradually into small pieces. And it should be said that it is more difficult to clean kefir in a box. Now that you have dealt with the package, put the ice in several layers of cheesecloth and put it in a colander inserted into a bowl or pan. Let's separate the whey.

When the kefir is a little thawed and limp, it is better, of course, to hang the gauze bag somewhere above the bowl. I hang it on the faucet in the sink. Serum separates better this way. And don't worry, this process will take approximately 12 hours. You have to be a little patient! Mind your own business!

After a while, when no more liquid drips, unfold the gauze bag. Everything worked out!

Transfer the resulting cheesecloth cream to a bowl. Fluff it up with a fork and add the powdered sugar. Just stir. Such a cream does not even require whipping, such a delicate texture. With the help of a pastry syringe, you can decorate a cake or cupcakes, or simply coat the cakes.

One package of kefir yields 600 ml of whey (it can be used in other recipes) and approximately 300 g of cream cheese.

Be sure to try making cream cheese for cake and cupcakes, you won't regret it! And if you wish, instead of powdered sugar, you can add salt and spices and get a very tasty and fragrant mix for sandwiches!

I hope the photos helped you step by step, and the recipe turned out.

Recipe 7: Cheese Cream for Cupcakes (Step by Step Photos)

IN Lately Cupcakes have replaced the usual muffins for us. For their preparation, housewives often use biscuit base. But how to cook cream cheese for them? The recipe for cupcakes is very simple. By the way, it can also be used to impregnate the cake. Traditionally, cream cheese is made from soft cream varieties cheese, such as Mascarpone or Almette. If you have the opportunity to purchase Mascarpone cheese, then prepare the described cream based on it.

  • 250 g of Mascarpone cheese;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar;
  • 0.3 l cream with a fat concentration of at least 32%.

Put the Mascarpone cheese into a deep bowl. Add powdered sugar and beat everything well with a mixer or blender. Please note that the speed of movement of the whisks should be minimal.

, https://prokefir.ru , http://lucky-girl.ru
  • cream cheese fatty - 150 g
  • cream from 20% fat - 50 ml
  • butter - 120 g
  • powdered sugar - 150 g
  • vanilla essence

To make the mass tender and have rich taste, use ingredients at room temperature.

Cooking method

  1. To prepare the curd cream for cupcakes, the first step is to beat the creamy cottage cheese with half the cream.

    Butter cream for cupcakes

    While whipping, watch the mass - it must certainly be lush and have homogeneous consistency. This means that you have added enough cream. Add vanilla essence to curd mass.

  2. We prepare the second part of the cream: for convenience, cut the butter into pieces, beat with powdered sugar to make a lush mass. Time - 5-6 minutes. It is better to add sugar in several doses.

    < Что нужно сделать, чтобы крем для капкеек загустел, фото

  3. Without turning off the mixer, to the butter with sugar in small portions add curd. You should get a homogeneous and lush mass.

  4. We send in the refrigerator for 20 minutes the finished mass. Decorate cupcakes with a piping bag.

    Butter cream for cupcakes

    Required Ingredients:

    • chilled fat cream at least 30% - 1 tbsp.
    • vanilla sugar - 10 g
    • powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method

    Decorating cupcakes is best just before serving. After decorating, you can immediately send the cupcakes to the refrigerator so that the cream does not float.

    Colored cream for cupcakes

    Required Ingredients:

    Cooking method

    For the preparation of colored creams, you can use natural ingredients, for example, cocoa - for brown, lemon zest - for yellow, spinach - green tint, juice of red and purple berries, and so on. The process of preparing several colors in this case is very long, so today we will prepare a colored cream for cupcakes using ordinary food coloring. Dyes can also be substituted thick jam in a small amount that will not disturb the consistency of the finished cream.

It’s hard to believe, but I finally did it: I collected all my favorite cupcake cream recipes in one place. Cupcakes turn out neat and beautiful if the cream keeps its shape well. Another condition for beautiful caps on cakes is a good skill in working with a pastry bag. It takes practice, a lot of practice.

You can fill the bag with cream, put a free bowl next to it and start exercising. Squeeze on a cupcake a small amount of cream, then remove the cream with a spatula into a bowl and squeeze a new portion onto the same cake. And so on until the result suits you. The deposited cream can be transferred back to the pastry bag and the decoration experiment repeated.

Let neat hats not turn out right away, this is a matter of practice, do not worry. Despite the clumsy hats, the cakes are delicious, homemade, from the ingredients you know.

1. Curd with butter

  • Mascarpone cheese - 500 g
  • Butter - 150-200 g
  • Powdered sugar - 100 -150 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp (optional)

How to cook:

Very easy to prepare cream, even a beginner can handle it. Allow the butter to warm up and the mascarpone to cool (it is best to keep the cheese in the refrigerator until it is added to the cream).

Using a mixer, beat the butter with the powder until fluffy and light. cold cheese add to the cream only after the powder and oil are well whipped, so that later there is no feeling that the powder squeaks on the teeth. Using a hand mixer, it will take 8-10 minutes to beat, if you have a planetary (stationary mixer) - 5-6 minutes, no more.

The warm oil will dissolve the powder quickly, then gently fold the mascarpone into the cream mass and whisk some more until smooth.

In a pastry bag, such a cream can be stored for 5 days, while maintaining all its properties and structure. Too much gentle cream you can’t name it either - after all, curd cheese and powder in union keep their shape very well. Even with room temperature(about 17-20 degrees) cake or cupcakes can stand for a couple of days without losing shape.

Such a cream can be made chocolate by adding 2 tbsp. spoons quality cocoa. To get a colored cream, such as pink, you can mix in a little raspberry puree.

To make puree, defrost the berries (you can use fresh ones), chop in a blender. Two tablespoons berry puree add to cream and stir.

2. From curd cheese and cream

A variation of the previous cream, only whipped cream is used instead of butter.

  • Fat cream (no more than 33%) - 100 g
  • Powdered sugar - 70 g
  • Cream cheese - 500 g

First, whip the chilled cream (100 g). Cream with a fat content of less than 33% will not work for this recipe.

Before whipping the cream, cool not only the cream itself, but also the bowl in which you will whip, as well as the whisks of the mixer. I put the beaters of the mixer and a pack of cream in a bowl and put everything in the freezer for 10 minutes.

So, whip the cream at maximum speed, even if it seems that nothing is happening and it remains liquid, still whip. Starting in the fifth minute, stop more and more often to lift the cream on the whisk and check if it holds its shape. Otherwise, the cream will turn into butter.

If you accidentally over-whipped the cream, this is not a universal tragedy. Just add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cold cream and mix again. The cream will return to its original structure.

3. Chocolate cream made from butter and condensed milk

The site has step by step recipe butter cream with condensed milk, you can see a detailed description.

This cream is made in a similar way, but cocoa powder is added at the end of the process. In the photo, the cream after cooling in the refrigerator.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • Condensed milk - 200 g
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. l.

How we cook:

  1. Whisk first soft butter to brilliance and lightness.
  2. Pour in the condensed milk with a spoon, whisking each time until smooth.
  3. When the condensed milk is spent, add cocoa powder a tablespoon at a time, beating thoroughly each time.
  4. We use the finished cream to decorate cupcakes.
  5. If the cream does not hold its shape well, refrigerate.

4. Butter cream with boiled condensed milk

  • Softened butter - 200 g
  • Boiled condensed milk - 320 g

How to cook:

Beat the butter with a mixer until light and creamy (it will take about 5 minutes).

Add condensed milk one tablespoon at a time, whisking each time until smooth.

The finished cream needs to be cooled and then you can decorate cupcakes or a cake.

5. Curd soufflé

  • Unsweetened curd mass or cottage cheese - 500 g
  • Sugar sand - 1 tbsp
  • Eggs -2 pcs
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Butter - 125 g

Cooking method

  1. Beat the yolks (2 pcs) with 0.5 tbsp. sugar and vanilla extract.
  2. Add softened butter. Beat thoroughly with a mixer.
  3. Pour gelatin hot water(almost boiling water), soak for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Beat egg whites with sugar until stiff peaks. If you are using in a recipe cottage cheese, wipe it through a metal sieve so that there are no grains. Add the yolk-butter mixture to the curd mass, beat well.

After that, pour warm gelatin into the cottage cheese, without stopping whisking with a mixer.

Then add the beaten egg whites in small portions and mix gently. If you want to get a colored cream, add a small amount of berry or cherry puree.

Since the cream thickens very quickly, spread it on the cake without slowing down.

6.Cheese cream with white chocolate

Wonderful combination of flavors white chocolate and cream cheese.

  • White chocolate - 200 g
  • Softened butter - 200 g
  • Powdered sugar -150 g
  • Curd cream cheese - 250 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp

Cooking process

Melt the chocolate in the usual way for you. I do it in a water bath, I describe it in detail here:

Beat the soft butter for 5 minutes with a mixer until fluffy, then add the remaining ingredients (after cooling the chocolate to room temperature), beat until smooth.

In order for the cream to keep its shape better on cupcakes, it is recommended to cool it.

7. Chocolate ganache

The silky texture of the cream is perfect for delicate cupcakes. The cream needs to be cooled well and let it brew, so prepare it in advance. I usually cook in the evening, leave it overnight at room temperature, and decorate the cupcakes in the morning.

  • Cream with fat content from 33% -250 ml
  • Liquid honey - 50 g (if you have thick or candied honey, melt it in microwave oven or water bath).
  • Instant coffee - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dark chocolate (cacao content not less than 60%) - 200 g
  • Butter - 75 g

Step by step cooking process

Bring the honey to a boil over low heat. instant coffee and cream (no need to boil).

Chop the chocolate into a bowl, cut the butter into cubes, pour hot cream in two approaches: first pour half, mix with a whisk, then pour the second half - mix again until smooth.

We tighten the bowl cling film, leave to infuse overnight (no need to put in the refrigerator).

The next day, ganache can be used to decorate cupcakes and cakes.

8. Protein cream (on Swiss meringue)

Many people are afraid to use protein cream because of the risk of catching salmonella. In this recipe, proteins are brewed in a water bath, so the risk of infection is practically eliminated.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Egg whites - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Food coloring - optional

How to make protein cream for cupcakes:

In a bowl of heat-resistant material, combine proteins, sugar, vanilla extract. Install on water bath so that the bottom of the cup does not touch the boiling water.

Whisking constantly, bring the proteins to such a state that the sugar is completely dissolved. You can take a small amount of protein mass and rub it between your fingers - the grains should not be felt.

After the sugar is completely dissolved, remove protein mix from a water bath and pick up an electric mixer. Beat into a firm meringue until the bowl has cooled to room temperature.

Ready cream can be used immediately to decorate cupcakes and cakes.

9. Fruit cream mousse

This cream can be used not only to decorate cupcakes, but also as an independent dessert. Choose the berries you like - and get to work!

  • Fruit puree - 250 g (can be made from fresh or frozen berries)
  • Leaf gelatin - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Egg whites - 3 pcs.
  • Cream - 33% and above - 250 g

What do we have to do:

  1. Soak gelatin leaves cold water and let it swell. If you don’t have gelatin in plates on hand, you can use powdered gelatin, but choose a quality one, for example, from Dr. Oetker, it dissolves very well, you don’t have to wait two hours.
  2. Using a mixer, beat egg whites lush foam gradually adding granulated sugar.
  3. Whip the cream in lush mass.
  4. Heat the swollen gelatin in a water bath until the grains are completely dissolved.
  5. Carefully fold in the beaten protein mass, cream and fruit puree.
  6. IN general mix add gelatin, pouring in a thin stream, without stopping stirring.

Recipes for cream and other confectionery decorations

cream for cupcakes

24 hours

350 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Cupcakes are American cupcakes that are topped with thick multi-colored cream. These desserts are baked and served in paper molds for the cake. Literally, a cupcake is a cake in a cup.

There are many varieties of creams for cupcakes, but their main feature is the density, they must keep their shape well. I have selected the best of the best proven recipes that you can safely prepare for parties, children's parties or a picnic. Some decorate the kitchen with fruits, and now it has become fashionable and original way emphasize the mood of the interior with colorful cupcakes.

cream cheese recipe for cupcakes

Cream cheese for cupcakes is made from cream cheeses (not cottage cheese), such as Mascarpone or Philadelphia. However, such cheeses are not cheap, so I offer a recipe for making the most delicious cupcake cream from simple inexpensive products. cook butter cream for cupcakes according to a recipe I personally tested and surprise your loved ones with a delicious and inexpensive dessert.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: two bowls, colander, gauze, mixer.


Making Cream Cheese with Simple Ingredients

Ready cream cheese should be a little less than half a kilogram (450 g).

Preparation of cream cheese

To make your cream thick, beat it in a dry and clean bowl.

On the baked and chilled cupcakes, gently apply the cream with pastry bag or a syringe and decorate as desired with nuts, berries, or confectionery powder.

See also, which describes the types of dough and its baking modes.

video recipe

If you have any questions about cooking, then watch the detailed video:

CREAM! CREAM CHEESE! BUTTER CREAM! Cream for cake and cupcakes. Cream cheese for decoration.



Curd cream for cupcakes

I would like to recommend a simple and air cream from cottage cheese to decorate cupcakes.
And in order to make each cake individual, use different powders, cream dyes and nozzles of a pastry syringe to create original wavy cream curls.

  • Cooking time: 3 minutes.
  • Servings: 10.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: bowl, mixer, cream injector(or bag).


Making cream cheese cupcakes

For the perfect thick and fluffy texture cheese cream for cupcakes, you need to remove the oil overnight and store at room temperature, and put the cottage cheese in the refrigerator, at least for the same period.

If you want to make your cupcakes colorful, you can add natural dyes(2 drops of beet juice, carrot or spinach juice, etc.) or add ½ tsp. cocoa powder.
Decorate with multi-colored powder on top or put a dessert cherry in the center.

Mascarpone cream for cupcakes

This cupcake cream is made with Mascarpone cream cheese. The difference in preparation from other types of cheeses is the use of wine vinegar or lemon juice instead of lactic acid cultures. For its preparation, only cream with a fat content of 25% is used.
This cheese is not cheap, but has a soft original creamy taste. Cupcakes with Mascarpone cream will be simply amazing.

  • Cooking time: 3 minutes.
  • Servings: 10.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: mixer, deep bowl, whisk, confectionery syringe (or a bag with nozzles), food coloring (optional).


Cream preparation

If desired, you can divide the cream into several parts and add dyes of different colors to each of them. Beautifully decorated colorful cupcakes will cheer up you and your guests.

Butter cream for cupcakes

It's classic oil cream with a familiar taste from childhood. We offer a recipe for butter cream for cupcakes that holds its shape.

  • Cooking time: 2 minutes.
  • Servings: 10.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: a mixer, a deep bowl, a whisk, 3 bowls, a syringe or a pastry bag with nozzles.


Cream preparation

video recipe

If you want to visually see all the stages of preparing the cream, watch the video:

butter cream for cupcakes - needlework formula

buttercream for cupcakes - handicraft formula. Bon Appetit everyone



Butter Vanilla Cream for Cupcakes and Cakes Recipes NK cooking

This Butter Vanilla Cream is suitable for decorating a cake, for decorating a cupcake hat. The cream keeps its shape perfectly, it is easy to paint it in any color. Butter vanilla cream is stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, in the freezer for up to 1 month.

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Chocolate cream for cupcakes

Even a schoolboy can prepare such a cream. This cream will be fluffy and thick. Just such we need to give nice shape our cupcakes.

  • Cooking time: 5 minutes.
  • Servings: 10.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: mixer, pastry syringe, deep bowl, saucepan with a thick bottom, whisk.


Cream preparation

This delicious cream for cupcakes it turns out the color of dark chocolate. After decorating the cupcakes with cream, you can add a few large peas of light or silver confectionery powder, or put a raspberry (cherry) on top.

video recipe

Watch a detailed video on how to prepare this delicious chocolate cream for cupcakes:

Chocolate Cream Cheese 🍰 Ideal For Cupcake Cakes Eclairs 🍰 Recipes NK cooking

Dark chocolate - 180 gr.
Cream 33% - 150 gr.
Butter - 250 gr.
Powdered sugar - 120 gr.
Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.
Cream cheese - 500 gr.

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Cream for cupcakes simultaneously serves as tasty ingredient dishes, and its decoration. These little cupcakes must be beautifully decorated as they are an important part of any tea party. This means that the cream must keep its shape well and not spread, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the desired effect.

There are a lot of recipes for how to make cream for cupcakes. They can radically differ in the set of ingredients, their cost and taste. To choose your favorite option, you will have to try at least a few different creams. In addition, it is better to pick them up under the cupcake dough to get a whole dessert.

The most popular among confectioners is cream for cupcakes based on cream cheese or mascarpone. Also, this ingredient is often replaced with cottage cheese. As a result, a dense air mass is obtained, which perfectly complements the cupcakes and allows you to create beautiful “hats” for them.

Also modern housewives use cream for cupcakes with the addition of butter, cream, milk, eggs, etc. For taste and aroma, they put melted chocolate, cocoa, fruits and berries, syrups, juices, citric acid, vanilla, wines and cognacs. Of course, the cream for cupcakes should be sweet. However, sugar is rarely used for its preparation. More often it is replaced with powdered sugar, which allows you to achieve a more delicate texture of the cream.

Cupcakes are decorated with cream immediately after cooking, and then the dessert is left for a while in the refrigerator so that the decoration freezes and retains its shape longer.

Many cupcake creams require some kind of exquisite ingredients, which are expensive and at the same time not sold in every store. This recipe will make tasty decoration for cupcakes available products that you can find right in your fridge. Perhaps the taste of the cream will be rustic, but with it you can easily make beautiful tops for cupcakes, which definitely will not crumble and will not flow.


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1/3 cup of water;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1/3 tsp citric acid.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar to it.
  2. Put syrup on big fire and wait for large bubbles on the surface.
  3. Add citric acid to the saucepan, stir quickly for 40 seconds.
  4. Stir less intensively for another 5 minutes, then remove the syrup from the heat.
  5. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat them until a fluffy white foam.
  6. Pour into egg whites in a thin stream sugar syrup while constantly stirring the cream.
  7. Beat the cream at medium speed for another 10 minutes.

Interesting from the network

Cream for mascarpone cupcakes is considered traditional and most often used. experienced confectioners. In his favor speaks and delicate texture, and density, and taste. If you consider yourself a real fan of cupcakes, you should at least once try to make just such a cream, without drawing attention to the high cost of products. Cream must be taken fatty (required!).


  • 250 g mascarpone;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar;
  • 300 ml cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix millet powder through a sieve with mascarpone cheese.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the cream well with a whisk.
  3. Gradually (in a small spoon) add mascarpone with powder to the cream.
  4. Constantly mix the mass with a mixer at the slowest speed.
  5. When all the cheese is mixed with cream, you can start decorating the cupcakes.

curd cream makes cupcakes very interesting aftertaste, makes them more "fresh" and fragrant. Especially if you add a little wine to the composition and vanilla sugar. Wine can be replaced with the same amount of cognac. Depending on what is at hand, and which flavor you prefer.


  • 300 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • 1 st. l. dessert wine;
  • 60 g of condensed milk;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • 150 g butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Soften the butter, add vanilla sugar and powdered sugar to it.
  2. Beat butter with sugar until white.
  3. Continuing to beat the cream at maximum speed, gradually add condensed milk to it.
  4. Pour cognac into the resulting mass, mix until smooth.
  5. Rub the cottage cheese well through a sieve or chop in a blender.
  6. Add cottage cheese to the rest of the ingredients and beat everything again with a mixer.

Many consider oil cream to be too fat and unnecessarily high in calories, but according to palatability Few things compare to this delicacy. It is easy to prepare, but in order to keep its shape, you need to beat the mass for a long time with a blender. Be sure to melt the chocolate in advance and let it cool a little, otherwise the butter will start to melt and you will not be able to reach desired consistency cream.


  • 120 g of powdered sugar;
  • 80 g dark chocolate;
  • 100 g butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt chocolate, heat butter to room temperature.
  2. Put the butter in a deep bowl and beat until it turns into a fluffy mass.
  3. Sift the powdered sugar and add to the butter, mix and beat for another 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the melted chocolate into the resulting mass and beat the cream at a low mixer speed.
  5. As soon as the cream becomes homogeneous, transfer it to a pastry bag and apply to cupcakes.

Butter cream is considered to be one of the best options for decorating cupcakes. It turns out to be very tender and light, while it does not flow down and does not fall off after being applied to the cake. Approximately the same cream is prepared on the basis of mascarpone, but regular cream cheese is perfect for this. At the same time, such a replacement will be a pleasant financial savings. Cream must be taken with fat - at least 33%.


  • 100 g cream;
  • 500 g cream cheese;
  • 70 g of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the cream into a bowl and beat until sharp peaks form.
  2. Pour the sifted powdered sugar into the cream, mix.
  3. Add the cream cheese to the rest of the ingredients and beat well again.
  4. Place the cream in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

This recipe custard for cupcakes is relatively simple and suitable for beginner cooks. It will turn out tender and fragrant, and it will not take much time. If desired, sugar can be replaced with powdered sugar. vanilla essence used as desired. You can replace it with other flavors, such as liquor or cognac.


  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 6 art. l. milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 drops vanilla essence.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil milk and dissolve sugar in it, add vanilla.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs (a little), pour hot milk into them in a thin stream.
  3. Return the cream to the stove and, stirring constantly, heat it well (do not boil).
  4. Beat the butter with a mixer in a lush foam, add a slightly cooled mixture of milk and eggs to it.
  5. Beat the resulting mass again, decorate cupcakes with it.

Now you know how to make cream for cupcakes according to the recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Cream for cupcakes is an integral part of delicious and beautiful cupcakes, which will ideally complement any tea party, coffee break, buffet table, etc. With its help, a dessert is given a finished look, turning ordinary cakes into real works of art. If you want to surprise your guests or family with an interesting sweet treat, you definitely need to learn how to make cream for cupcakes. The following recommendations will help with this:
  • If you have chosen butter cream for cupcakes, do not be lazy to beat it well. You will be able to achieve perfect consistency in about 5-7 minutes of work with a mixer;
  • For the cream, be sure to sift the powdered sugar. This will make it even more tender and airy;
  • If you add cream to the cream, you need to beat them into a fluffy mass, and stop. If you continue to whip this product for too long, the oil will separate from it and the cream will no longer work;
  • For the cream, you need to use cold cream, and it is also recommended to cool the bowl in which you will beat them;
  • For a cream based on proteins, it is very important to properly separate them from the yolks. It is necessary to make sure that even a small drop of yolk does not get into the protein mass, otherwise you will have to start cooking again.
