
Yeast cold dough buns with cheese. Delicious cheese buns

Who among us does not love buns, especially hot ones, just out of the oven, with a charming aroma and an alluring golden brown! And they don’t have to be sweet at all, because there is nothing tastier than pastries with cheese served for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

To prepare such pastries is a simple matter, although a little laborious, but believe me, the result is worth it. So, today we are learning how to cook unsurpassed buns with cheese from yeast and custard dough!

Gougères, or French cheese buns

Kitchen tools: whisk; baking sheet; pot; baking parchment.


  • To make the buns really tasty, take the highest grade flour for their preparation.
  • You should not experiment and replace butter with margarine and, moreover, spread.
  • Choose your favorite type of cheese and you won't go wrong!

French cheese buns step by step: recipe with photo

That's it, delicious gougères are ready to eat!

Video cooking recipe

It is not at all difficult to prepare choux pastry, however, one cannot do without a clear understanding of the sequence of actions in this matter. Watch this video and you will have no doubts about the success of this French culinary adventure!

How to properly serve gougères

French cheese buns are valued around the world for their versatility. They are served as an appetizer with fine red wines or aperitifs, at lunch as an addition to soups, eaten with a salad for dinner or taken with you for a picnic.

Gougères can be served empty, or you can stuff them with cream cheese or any other filling of your choice - in this case, you will get not an appetizer, but a full breakfast.

Rolls with cheese sauce

Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes.
Servings: 12.
Kitchen tools: pan; a bowl for kneading dough; a bowl for proofing dough; sauce bowl; sieve; baking dish with removable sides; rolling pin; food film; cutting board; knife; cooking brush.


Flour300 g
warm water180 ml
Sugar1 st. l.
Salt1 tsp
Dry yeast5 g
Vegetable oil50 g
Champignon120 g
Onion1 PC.
Dill1 bunch
green onion1 bunch
processed cheese50 g
Cheese "Parmesan"50 g
Cheese "Cheddar"50 g
Mozzarella cheese"100 g
Sour cream (30%)70 g
Dry spice mixtaste
Egg yolk1 PC.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • You can replace the champignons with another type of mushroom, such as oyster mushrooms.
  • Instead of sour cream, you can take cream of the same fat content, this will give the dish a delicate creamy taste.
  • Cheese varieties do not really matter, choose the ones that you like or suit.

Step by step cooking recipe

  1. For starters, you need to prepare the dough. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 5 g of dry yeast to 180 ml of warm water, mix well and leave to stand for 10 minutes to make the dough rise.

  2. Sift 300 g of flour into a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of salt and mix.
  3. Pour the risen dough into the flour and begin to gently knead the dough with your hands, adding 20 g of vegetable oil during the kneading process. When the dough acquires a relative density and forms into a lump, transfer it to the work surface of the table and continue kneading for another 5-7 minutes. As a result, the dough will turn out soft, smooth, pleasant to the touch, and will not stick to your hands.

  4. Put the finished dough in a greased container, cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for 45 minutes.

  5. Now it's time to start forming the buns. Divide the dough, which has doubled in volume, into 12 equal parts and roll a bun out of each.

  6. Cover the formed balls with cling film and leave to proof for 10 minutes.
  7. Lubricate the baking dish and the work surface with vegetable oil. Using a rolling pin, roll the ball into an oblong layer and roll it into a tight roll.

  8. Put the resulting roll-roll into a mold and repeat the same with the remaining dough. Arrange the formed rolls in a circle shape, like a watch dial.

  9. When all the buns are formed, cover the form with cling film and leave them for 30 minutes for the final proofing.

  10. While the buns are rising, don't waste time and prepare the cheese sauce. To do this, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the chopped onion until appetizing golden.

  11. Cut the mushrooms into small cubes and add to the onion.

  12. When the mushrooms and onions are well fried, transfer them to a bowl so that they cool faster. Grate 50 g of processed cheese, 50 g of Cheddar and Parmesan cheese and 100 g of Mozzarella cheese on a grater, and put it all to the mushrooms, add sour cream and spices, salt and mix.

  13. Add chopped green onions with dill to the fragrant cheese-mushroom mass and mix well.

  14. Put the finished sauce in the middle of the form between the buns and tamp tightly.

  15. Beat the egg yolk and gently brush the buns with a pastry brush.

  16. Preheat the oven to 190°C and put the buns in there for 25-30 minutes. That's all, a great snack is ready!

Bon appetit!

Video cooking recipe

This recipe is quite simple, but it takes a lot of time, and every now and then there are various small questions. How to roll out the dough correctly? How to roll rolls neatly? How, after all, to arrange the buns and sauce in a baking dish? Watch this wonderful video and you will immediately understand everything!

How to properly serve rolls

This dish is ideal for an unpretentious friendly meeting, and for a hearty dinner in the family circle. Forget about the prim rules of decency, because the whole relish of rolls is to tear off a piece of the softest dough with your own hands, dip it in a fragrant mushroom sauce and enjoy the unique taste.

Of course, you need to savor such buns hot!

Bun secrets

  • Be careful with salt if you choose salty cheeses.
  • When kneading the dough, it is important to observe the correct amount of flour. If you overdo it with it, the pastries will turn out to be harsh, but if you put too little, the buns will not keep their shape well and stick to your hands.
  • Do not try to save money and replace cheese with a cheese product made from vegetable fats.

Bun options

Of course, it is very important to monitor the harmony of your figure, but how can you deny yourself a fragrant, freshly baked bun! Moreover, there are enough options for sweet and salty pastries for everyone to choose according to their taste.

  • If you are tired of eating your favorite borscht with plain bread, diversify the family table, and even the most fastidious eaters cannot be pulled back by the ears from such a dinner.
  • The sweet tooth will be pleased with the recipe that the most inexperienced hostess can cook.
  • But sophisticated chefs should turn their attention to and replenish their gastronomic collection with another recipe with an exquisite French name.
  • On long winter evenings, nothing will please your loved ones like a cup of aromatic tea and fresh.

Cook with love, enjoy the taste of every moment, and don't forget to share your culinary successes in the comments!

A step by step recipe for making delicious cheese buns at home with photo and video instructions. Cooking delicious, healthy and easy. Bon appetit!

1 hour

225 kcal

4.33/5 (3)

I, like some of my friends, have been a member of the cheese lovers club since early childhood. Where I just do not add this wonderful component - to soups, salads and even compote! All members of my family share such an almost unhealthy love for cheese, because without it, many homemade dishes would turn into boring and unremarkable sets of standard ingredients.
And what can we say about savory pastries! Cheese buns with ordinary suluguni or Adyghe cheese, seasoned with butter and herbs, cottage cheese, spinach - all this is just the tip of a huge iceberg of step-by-step recipes from the Internet, replete with photos of very appetizing and beautiful products.
But today we will not look for difficult and expensive ways - our task is to find out the best, inexpensive and popular how to make cheese buns which can be accessed even by beginners. So let's get started!

What you need to know before cooking

Kitchen appliances:

  • a baking sheet with a non-stick coating with a diagonal of 25 cm or a mold with cells for muffins or muffins with a diameter of 23 cm or more;
  • several deep bowls with a capacity of 550 to 850 ml;
  • a piece of polyethylene film with a length of 25 cm;
  • teaspoons;
  • measuring utensils or kitchen scales;
  • linen or cotton towels;
  • grater medium and large;
  • metal whisk;
  • blender or mixer.
  • cutting board;
  • rolling pin;
  • tablespoons


Important! If you decide to cook cheese buns from ready-made (store-bought) puff yeast or yeast-free dough according to this recipe, remove it from the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking so that it can completely melt. In extreme cases, put the pack of dough on a towel and place it on a hot radiator or use a microwave to defrost.


  • 100 - 150 g of hard cheese;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 2 - 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 7 g black ground pepper;
  • 6 g of table salt;
  • 30 g fresh herbs.


  • 25 g butter or margarine.

Cooking sequence


  1. Mix the flour with a whisk with salt.
  2. Sift through a sieve at least three times, if there is time, then more.
  3. Melt butter or margarine in the microwave or in a water bath.
  4. We rub the cheese on a coarse grater or use a special nozzle of a food processor.
  5. Boil water, then cool to get a slightly warm liquid.
  6. Finely chop the garlic and herbs or chop in a food processor.

Water should be used only boiled, even if you chose mineral water for the implementation of the recipe. In addition, try to cool it only to 40 - 50 degrees, otherwise the yeast will not “play”, and your buns will turn out to be slightly flattened and harsh.


  1. We leave the bowl with the dough in a warm place for about an hour or even more, until the workpiece rises well.

To properly knead the dough for cheese buns, you will need to spend at least ten minutes on it. Make it easy for yourself and knead the dough on the kitchen table, lightly sprinkled with sifted flour.

Assembly and baking:

Made! I'm sure your delicious creations have already attracted all your loved ones to the kitchen, demanding a bun to try. Do not languish them, brew tea faster and start a fun family tea party. You don't need to decorate these buns., unless sprinkled with a small amount of fresh herbs or smeared with sour cream or mayonnaise - as you like. I prefer to just enjoy the amazing taste of freshly baked buns.

We watch the video recipe

Pay attention to the video, which shows how to properly assemble and bake cheese buns from yeast dough according to our recipe.

So we coped with our today's task: we prepared super buns from one of the most famous and adored ingredients - cheese. But let's not rest on our benches - there are other, no less interesting tasks ahead!

In this article we want to tell you how cheese buns are prepared. The recipe for this dish is simple, and therefore even a novice cook can handle it. There are many ways to prepare such pastries, so you can choose the type that you like the most.

Cheese buns

This simple pastry will not leave you indifferent. Cook it for breakfast and please your loved ones with an unexpected treat. How to cook original cheese buns? Read the recipe below:

  • Grate 150 grams of hard cheese on a coarse grater.
  • Add one chicken egg, one cup of sifted flour, salt, pepper and garlic to taste in a bowl.
  • Knead the dough and leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • For the filling, grate 150 grams of processed cheese.
  • Roll out the dough thinly and use a cookie cutter to cut circles out of it.
  • Put a spoonful of filling in the center of each blank and fold the edges into a bag or in the form of a rose.
  • Spread the buns on a baking sheet, grease each with yolk and bake in a preheated oven until cooked.

When the buns are ready, let them cool a little, and then beautifully arrange on a dish and serve with hot tea.

Raw buns. Recipe without yeast

We suggest you try to cook which you can serve instead of regular bread or traditional garlic donuts. Read how to make cheese buns (recipe with photo):

  • In a deep bowl, combine two cups of flour, salt, a bag of baking powder and two tablespoons of sugar.
  • Add three tablespoons of melted cooking oil and 80 grams of diced butter to the products. Stir the products.
  • Put 200 grams in a bowl and pour in one glass of milk.
  • Quickly knead the dough, divide it into pieces and place on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Bake the balls until they are golden brown.
  • Melt three tablespoons of butter in a frying pan and fry the crushed garlic clove in it. Chop the parsley and mix with the resulting mixture, spread the balls until they have cooled.

Can be served with both first and second courses.

Brazilian cheese buns. Recipe

Classic buns are made from tapioca flour, but in our latitudes it can be safely replaced with a mixture of wheat flour and starch. How to cook cheese buns? The recipe for this cake is quite simple:

  • Grate 100 grams of hard cheese (you can take several varieties).
  • Pour half a glass of milk, half a glass of water, a quarter of a glass of sunflower oil into a saucepan and add a little salt. Put the resulting mixture on fire and cook until it boils.
  • Sift two cups of flour into a suitable bowl and pour it with the hot mixture. Stir the food and wait until it cools down a bit.
  • Add two eggs and grated cheese to the dough. Once again, mix everything thoroughly.
  • Roll the dough into balls the size of a walnut and place them on a baking sheet.

Bake the buns in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes. When they are ready, serve them with coffee or tea for breakfast.

Scones with onions and cheese

After reading this recipe, you can easily prepare a real English breakfast for your family. Scones can be baked with any filling, and in this case we chose onions and grated cheese. Cook English cheese buns with us. Scones Recipe:

Buns with ham and cheese

You can easily prepare this to serve it as an appetizer for a festive or quite everyday table. How to make cheese buns? The recipe is this:

  • Sift 250 grams of wheat flour into a deep bowl. Add baking powder, salt and 70 grams of cornmeal to it.
  • Finely chop 100 grams of ham, and grate 130 grams of hard cheese on a coarse grater. Add food to flour bowl.
  • Separately, mix 200 grams of milk, one egg and two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Combine the dry and liquid mixtures, and then mix them thoroughly.
  • Pour the batter into the silicone cupcake molds. Bake the buns for about 30 minutes in a preheated oven.

Hot pastries can be served immediately to the table, and if you are going for a picnic, then wrap it in wrapping paper and put it in your grocery bag.

In cooking, the term "delicious" is often used. But those buns! These rolls with grated Parmigiano Reggiano and garlic deserve more. They are not just delicious. They are amazing! Incredible and crazy. They are not difficult to prepare, and the taste definitely deserves some of your precious time.
Do not tell your loved ones that you are preparing a masterpiece. Just offer them parmigiano reggiano and garlic rolls and see how they react!
1 sachet dry yeast
1 glass of warm water
2 cups flour, divided (take half a cup for the dough, and the rest will go into the dough). Do not add all the flour to the dough at once. Use part of it, then keep adding until the dough looks like in the photo. Depending on the type of flour, you may need to use even a little more flour than indicated.
1 tsp Sahara
1 tsp salt
1 st. l. olive oil,
1 egg
Freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano
200 gr. melted butter
2-3 garlic cloves
Black pepper and cayenne, to taste

1. Let's prepare the dough. A bag of yeast, sugar, half a glass of flour and a glass of warm water

Let's mix it all up

Cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for 20 minutes.

2. Opara came to life and “bubbled” around the edges

3. Add salt and olive oil, break the egg

Mix thoroughly

4. Do not pour all the flour at once - add only part of it. The dough should be very, very sticky. As we know, the ability of flour to absorb water directly depends on its quality. Flour rich in proteins will take more water, there will be less proteins - accordingly, less water will be required. It all depends on the quality of your flour. Ideally, use Italian flour for pizza and focaccia. Now it is important for us that the dough turns out to be sticky to disgrace and prickly like a hedgehog. Like this:

5. Cover the bowl with the dough with a napkin and put it in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours.

6. An hour has passed ... our dough has grown

7. Scatter a handful of flour on the table. Clinging with thorns to the edges of the basin, the dough lazily slides onto the table. We will pull him by his chubby cheeks, sprinkle flour on his back, somersault on his tummy.

Spread carefully with your hands and begin to form a layer.

8. Rolling pin to give the final shape. The dough is tender, treat it with understanding - do not press hard

Carefully, with stroking and stretching, give it the shape of a rectangle 1-1.5 cm thick.

9. Melt the butter and squeeze the garlic into it. Lubricate the cake with the resulting sauce

10. Layer of grated parmesan

Salt, black pepper and cayenne pepper to taste


11. Press the long edge of the dough along the entire length with your finger ...

... and lubricate with water

On the opposite side, start rolling the roll

Glue the edges. Clap your hands on the sides - fluff-fluff-fluff. Stop! Not boo-boo-boo, but fluff-fluff-fluff. Like this. Yep, cuteness! Here we have such an udaffchik. From the cartoon about "38 parrots"!))

12. With a sharp knife on rolls 3-4 cm wide. Crap! Fuck!

13. Future buns on a baking sheet. Correct the tops, if necessary, pinch with scissors

On tops with a brush with the remaining oil.

Let's straighten the rump, Parmesan on the rump.

In a warm place for 20 minutes for proofing.

14. Bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 C in the central part of the oven. Ruddy and gold on the grill. Oh yeah! This is delicious! But take your time, let them cool for at least 5 minutes ... :)

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Prepare savory cheese buns for dinner, a recipe with a photo will help you step by step at all stages of cooking. Lots of people love these muffins. They can be easily baked at home. What’s more, it doesn’t take long at all. By the way, they are still very tasty.
If you want the buns to be more airy, then you will need more time to prepare the dough. If cheese buns should be hearty and nutritious, then in an hour you can serve them to the table. Cheese buns can be used in place of store-bought bread. For example, it turns out very tasty if such buns are smeared with butter and served in the morning with coffee or tea. They taste good.


- milk - 300 grams,
- dry instant yeast - 1 teaspoon,
- sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons,
- salt - 1/3 teaspoon,
- flour - 8-10 tbsp. spoons
- butter - 40-50 grams,
- chicken egg - 1 pc.,
- hard cheese - 150 grams,
- vegetable oil - grease the mold.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Pour warm milk into a bowl. There immediately, while the milk has the desired temperature, add yeast and sugar. Stir with a whisk and leave warm for 15 minutes.

Pour in half of the wheat flour. Stir well.

Melt the butter in any convenient way and pour into a bowl of dough.

Beat in the chicken egg.

Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. Any cheese that can be easily grated will work.

Add most of the cheese to the dough. Leave a little to sprinkle on the buns later.

Now gradually adding flour, knead the dough.

Divide the finished dough into 10 parts and roll out to make sticks.

Place the finished buns on a greased baking sheet.

Sprinkle cheese on top of each bun. Put the baking sheet in the oven and bake over low heat for 30-40 minutes.

Cheese buns in the oven are ready.

While they are warm, immediately after cooking, they have a special taste, so try to enjoy them.
For sweet tooth you can bake
