
Drying crackers at home are simple ways to use stale bread.

Easter is behind us memorial days, and many families did not finish the Easter cakes. Throw away - a sin, eat - no more strength. What to do with dried cakes and rolls? You can, of course, give it to the birds Or take it to work. They definitely won't disappear there.

How to give Easter cakes a second life? We asked the chef of the Chernihiv restaurant "Kolyba" Elena Shunko. She shared homemade recipes, tested on her own experience.

1. Dry the crackers

- My employees and I brought Easter cakes, krashenki. We didn't have time to eat everything. Therefore dried crackers.

Kulich cut into slices. We spread on a baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 150 degrees. Hold for five minutes on one side. And the same on the other. The dough is rich, so they bake quickly.

2. Breading

- You can make a sweet breading for baking from crackers. If you know in advance that the croutons will go for breading, cut the cake more thin slices for better and faster frying. Then grate or chop in a blender.

This breading can be used to decorate cakes, for example, "Honey cake".

3. Cake "Potato"

- From the resulting breading, you can cook the Potato cake. For a glass of crumbs, take half a tablespoon of butter. Remove the butter from the refrigerator first so that it becomes softer, but does not melt.

Mix butter and crumbs. If it seems to you that there is not enough oil, add another half a spoon. In general, you need enough oil so that you can easily form balls. Then pour half a tablespoon of cocoa into the resulting mass. For those who like very chocolate, you can use a whole spoonful.

You can also put crushed nuts there: walnuts, pine nuts, almonds - any will do.

We roll the balls. Dip them in cocoa. And put in the fridge for at least half an hour.

Or let's cook chocolate sausage. Add softened crumbs butter, cocoa, sugar, you can nuts. Butter, cocoa and sugar can be melted together. Form a roll-sausage, wrap in polyethylene - and in the refrigerator until it hardens.

4. Sweet croutons

- cut cookies in small pieces how we cut bread. Dip in milk on both sides. Then in a beaten egg. And in a frying pan, in butter. Very tasty croutons will come out.

Some give Easter cakes to animals, birds. But, as far as I know, people should eat Easter cakes. I have been noticing for years that Easter cakes do not bloom, do not deteriorate. They dry up and everything. Now, if they are poured with whipped protein, then the top may deteriorate. At home with my mother, we only smear with sugar water to make it glossy, and sprinkle it with powder. Then it keeps for a long time.

5. Pie

- Cut the cake, take a baking dish. We spread the bottom layer with pieces of Easter cake, pour sour cream whipped with sugar on top. Sour cream is better to take at home. You can add some gelatin. Then it will gel. And it turns out something like pudding. Then we alternate - Easter cake - whipped sour cream. Place in the refrigerator to chill the cake.

6. " lazy charlotte»

- Beat 5 eggs with half a liter of sour cream and a glass of sugar. In this mass, dip the pieces of Easter cake. We lay out a layer of slices in a tall form, greased with butter. You can even take a duck.

Peel apples, thinly slice. Spread a layer on top of the cake. And so we alternate, pour the remaining mixture of sour cream and eggs. Add a little butter between layers. Last layer should be from the cake.

Put in the oven for 20 minutes. Let cool.

Several Yet delicious recipes from the Internet

"Fairy tale"

300 g cream ice cream without fillers, hold for 30 minutes in the kitchen, it will become more pliable.

Cut the cookies into small cubes. Mix with softened ice cream, adding pieces canned pineapple, cherries, currants - any sour berries.

Line a suitable bowl with cellophane, tamp the ice cream, put in the freezer until it hardens. Carefully turn the ice cream out onto a serving platter and pour over any juice or syrup. Fairy tale!

berry pudding

We will need: 1 cup of crushed berries, 1 cup of crushed sweet crackers, 4 eggs, half a glass of sugar, 50 g of butter.

We heat the oven to 130-150 degrees.

Whisk in white foam yolks with sugar, add softened butter, crackers and berry mass to the mixture. Mix until smooth, then carefully fold in the beaten egg whites.

We grease the form with oil, put the dough into it and put it in the oven for small fire for about an hour. Do not open the oven during the baking process, at least in the first 30-40 minutes.

We take out the finished pudding from the oven, put it on a wet napkin and cover it with a napkin on top. Let cool slightly and put on a plate.

Serve pudding with any milk sauce, condensed milk, syrup.

Marina Zabian, Alina Sirenko, weekly "Vest" No. 20 (550) dated May 16, 2013

We dry crackers correctly: recipes, cooking secrets, cutting options.

There are many tasty snacks and snacks, but there is nothing tastier than crispy crackers. Store options with additives are most often harmful to health, and they are deposited at the waist in hated extra centimeters. This article is about how to cook delicious croutons on one's own.

How to properly and how much to dry crackers in an electric and gas oven, in what mode, at what temperature?

It seems that it could be easier - cut the bread, put it in the oven, turn it on, wait - take out the crackers. But some crunch and crumble, melt in your mouth, and some need to be dipped several times in tea or milk so that you can bite off at least a piece. What is the reason, you say? In cooking technology, it is simple, but do not dismiss it.

So, first comes the cutting of bread. You can cut into croutons:

  • Slices
  • straws
  • Large and small cubes
  • Using punches, squeeze out figures from thin pieces

The thicker the piece, the lower the temperature and the longer the drying time. It is drying, not a casserole.

If you dream of high-quality crackers, then you need to start with bread. How to bake delicious homebaked bread gluten and yeast free you will find at.

Now we need to cut the bread so that the pieces are beautiful and there are no crumbs left. To do this, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video tutorial below.

Video: Life hack: how to cut bread without crumbs

We spread the future croutons on a dry baking sheet in a thin even layer and send it to the oven. For white bread we turn on 170 ° C, and for black (rye) - 180 ° C. If you dry slices of bread, choose a temperature setting around 150-160°C. Note that rich crackers cook faster, loaves and bread a little longer. Spicy croutons with all kinds of seasonings, it is worth drying in the oven at a temperature of 200 ° C.

Depending on the type of bread, seasonings, slice thickness and temperature regime dry crackers from 10 to 15 minutes. After they begin to blush, do not open the oven door, turn it off and leave the croutons for another 10 minutes. But here it is important to turn off the oven when they become gently golden, but if you have lost this time and the croutons are richly golden, feel free to take them out. oven so they don't burn or dry out.

How to dry bread crumbs with and without spices in a slow cooker?

If you need some crackers, but you don’t want to turn on the oven at all, an indispensable multicooker will come to the rescue. Unlike an oven, it will not create unbearable heat in the summer and will allow you to enjoy crackers to the fullest.

  • Cut the bread and lightly sprinkle with vegetable oil;
  • Sprinkle with salt and spices to taste, you can also sprinkle with sugar or pour over syrup;
  • We spread the pieces in one layer on the bottom and bottom of the walls of the multicooker so that they do not fall one on top of the other;
  • We turn on the "Baking" mode in the multicooker for 20 minutes, in pressure cookers - for 10 minutes.
  • Open the lid of the multicooker, turn the slices of bread over to the other side and set for the same time;
  • We take out the finished crackers on a plate and let cool until room temperature. Bon appetit!

Is it possible and how to dry crackers in the microwave: a recipe

Delicious croutons are obtained in microwave oven. As in the previous case, cut the bread into pieces, season with oil and spices if desired, and arrange on a dish in the microwave. If there is a stand for the second dish, you can lay out the croutons in two layers.

We select the drying (baking) mode and set the timer at high power for 1.5-2 minutes. Then we stop, check the condition of the crackers and, if necessary, set for a few more minutes.

Important: it is quite easy to burn crackers in the microwave, so do not bet on long time. But it’s not so easy to clean the equipment and weather the poisonous escaping smoke in the kitchen.

How to dry crackers in the oven from white bread, loaf?

In order to get tasty and neatly cut croutons from white bread, we recommend taking yesterday's loaves and cooking directly from them.

There is probably no person who does not like croutons with cheese. We love them too, and we cook them with enviable regularity. And it's very easy to do it!

We will need:

  • Baton (about 400 gr)
  • 3 art. tablespoons of olive or sunflower oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 gr of Russian or other well melting cheese;
  • Salt to taste.

We rub the cheese, pass the garlic cloves through the garlic, mix with oil and salt. Let it brew, and in the meantime cut the loaf into small pieces.

We fall asleep slices of bread in a deep bowl and pour our cheese sauce. Mix and spread on a baking sheet. We put in the oven at 200 ° C for about 10 minutes, but be sure to watch and turn off the oven at a soft golden hue and let it rise for another 10 minutes.

How to dry rye crackers from rye and black bread in the oven?

And now we offer delicious alternative white crackers - spicy rye crackers for beer, and just for an interesting film.

We will need:

Cut the rye bread into strips and place on a baking sheet. Spray with vegetable oil and a little water from a spray bottle. Sprinkle provencal herbs and send it to the oven at 160 ° C for no more than 10 minutes. Remove immediately and let cool on a baking sheet. Pour into a dish and serve!

How to dry delicious sweet, vanilla crackers in the oven from Easter cake: a recipe

In order for crackers for tea to be soft inside, crispy on the outside and melt in your mouth, you need to know just a few tricks.

Lay on a baking sheet parchment paper. Spread the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin thin slices on top sweet rolls, Easter cakes and other pastries.

Pour 4 tbsp into a glass of boiling water. spoons of sugar and a packet of vanillin. Stir thoroughly and send the liquid to the spray bottle. We sprinkle future croutons and send them to the oven, preheated to a temperature of 200 ° C for 5 minutes, turn off the oven and let stand for another 10 minutes. Take out and serve on the table, or put in a cloth bag for storage.

Secrets of chefs: after sprinkling the muffin, you can sprinkle it on your choice ground cinnamon, linen or sesame seed for the spice of croutons.

Recipes for delicious breadcrumbs with garlic in the oven

fragrant recipes garlic croutons so many that we have created a separate article. You can get acquainted with these recipes at.

Recipes for delicious crackers with salt

For this recipe, we recommend buying a sliced ​​loaf, let it lie down for one or two days. With a sharp knife cut into slices of 0.5 cm and then cut into cubes of 0.5 * 0.5 cm. Put on a baking sheet and sprinkle with a spray solution: 100 gr. water, 100 gr. vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon salt.

Send to the oven at 150 ° C to dry until fully prepared. Serve immediately - so they are more fragrant and crispy.

Crackers for Caesar salad: recipe

We offer to prepare a real kitchen masterpiece. Caesar salad just the way it was made celebrity chef. You can find the recipe at.

Caesar salad

But crackers are prepared very interestingly. We will need:

  • Yesterday's loaf;
  • 5 st. tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 4 cloves of hot garlic.

IN olive oil squeeze the garlic, close the container and let the oil brew for a day. We take out the garlic.

Cut the loaf into small cubes 0.5 * 0.5 or 1 * 1 cm, spread on a baking sheet. With a pastry brush, grease the bread with olive sauce and send it to the oven at 150 ° C.

Dry for 15 minutes, let cool and put in a salad. Please note that Caesar salad croutons are not stored, but are prepared each time for the dish in order to preserve the flavor.

Crackers for kvass: recipe

In most recipes, you will find this sequence: cut rye bread, put it in the oven, dry it, chop it. And here comes the difficulty. How can these huge chunks be crushed?

If you need crackers for kvass, we suggest taking the minimally difficult path:

  • We take fresh bread and cut it into two parts;
  • We tear the bread into crumbs with our hands, leaving only the crust;
  • The humpback mode is in as small pieces as possible;
  • We spread everything on a baking sheet and send it to the oven, heated to 150-160 ° C;
  • After 5 minutes, we take out the crumbs of crackers and cook delicious kvass without difficulty.

Recipe for drying crackers without an oven

It’s summer outside, the sun, the heat and you don’t feel like turning on the oven at all? We cut the bread into the desired slices for crackers and lay it on a baking sheet or any other flat dish in one layer.

We cover with gauze in several layers so that midges and flies do not fly in, and put it outside in the sun or on a sunny windowsill. Literally the next day enjoy crackers!

Calorie crackers from a loaf, white and black bread in the oven

Of course, for everyone who cares about the figure, it is important to know the calorie content of the dishes they eat. Below is a table of the calorie content of the most common crackers.

We hope our article will help young housewives quickly learn the secrets of making crackers and delight their family with delicious and at the same time healthy treat! Do you know any recipes not found in this article? Share in the comments!

Video: Delicious crispy white bread croutons

Stale remains of bread and buns are a common problem for every housewife. Many simply send missing pieces to the bin, not knowing what delicious and healthy snacks you can cook from them. They can be used as an accompaniment to salads, pastas or soups, as snacks for beer or a treat for children.

You can dry crackers at home from any type of bakery products. It can be black or white bread that begins to stale, a loaf, the remains of Easter cakes after the Easter holiday, not eaten on time. wind pies or sweet buns. The main thing is that the bread has not yet begun to mold, if this happens, it will have to be thrown away.

For different dishes bakery products are cut into different portioned pieces:

  • To complement soups or salads, it is best to use crackers cut into 1 * 1 cm cubes.
  • As snacks, thin sticks 1 * 2.5 cm in size are suitable for beer.
  • Sweet croutons for tea or milk for children are recommended to be cut into slices for the entire width of the roll or loaf.

It is very important that all the pieces in one batch are the same size, otherwise, with the same cooking time, some will burn, while others will remain damp.

Drying crackers at home in the oven

The easiest and most common way is drying crackers in the oven. Portion-cut pieces should be laid out on a baking sheet in one row and placed in the oven, preheated to 130 degrees. To avoid burning, after 10 minutes we begin to check the readiness. When the crackers are browned on the bottom side, you need to turn them over and hold them in the oven for another 7-10 minutes. Total time drying takes 30-40 minutes, but may vary depending on the size of the pieces.

Preparation of crackers with spices and additives

If you want to get a more unusual and interesting taste, you can dry crackers with the addition of spices and seasonings.

A simple option is to crush the chopped pieces with dry spices and mix them thoroughly before sending them to the oven.

More difficult option using liquid dressings will take a little more time and effort, but the result will not leave anyone indifferent.

  1. First, let's prepare the liquid sauce. It can be vegetable oil with garlic and spices, tomato juice or sweet milk.
  2. Gently and quickly dip each piece in the liquid. Do not soak the bread for a long time, otherwise it will turn sour and crackers will not work.
  3. Lay out the pieces on a baking sheet in one row and dry as described above.

Drying crackers in a pan

If, due to circumstances, there is no oven in the house, this does not mean that you have to do without homemade crackers. With no less success, you can dry the remnants of bread and rolls in a pan. To do this, pre-prepared pieces must be laid out in a dry, heated frying pan and dried over low heat, stirring every 3-5 minutes, otherwise they will burn and be bitter. Before each next batch crumbs and residues from previous crackers should be removed from the pan.

Cooking homemade crackers in the microwave

The fastest and dangerous way cooking homemade crackers - microwave. One extra minute can lead to the fact that the whole house reeks of acrid smoke, and the stove itself will have to be washed and ventilated for a long time.

Prepared pieces of future crackers should be laid out in one layer on a flat plate and sent to the microwave. Every minute, the oven should be opened, the croutons should be turned over, checking their readiness along the way. The total cooking time is 5-7 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces.

An important point - when drying crackers in the microwave, do not cover the plate with a special lid. It contributes to the retention of moisture in the products and cooking will take much longer.

How to properly cook croutons in the microwave will help the video

Storage of crackers

Properly prepared crackers are practically non-perishable; they can be stored in a dry, dark room for several years. To do this, completely cooled pieces must be folded into a cloth bag, tied and folded into a storage cabinet. Unfortunately, the option with plastic and glass containers is not suitable for long-term storage of crackers, because. without access to air, they begin to moisten and “suffocate”.

You can store only completely dried pieces, if at least one turns out to be damp inside, it will start to mold and ruin everything. In preparation for long-term storage it is better to overdo it a little and even set it on fire than vice versa.

Video tutorial on cooking salted croutons

In the oven bake crackers "3 crusts" at a temperature of 180 degrees.

In the oven bake crackers for "Caesar" at a temperature of 200 degrees.

In the oven Kirieshki crackers bake at a temperature of 180 degrees.

in the microwave mustard croutons bake.

Croutons "3 crusts"

Bread "Darnitsky" - half a loaf
Bouillon cube - 1 piece
Suneli hops - 1 teaspoon
Salt - 1.5 teaspoons
Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons

How to bake croutons "3 crusts"
1. Cut half a loaf of bread into small cubes (each side no more than 1.5 centimeters).
2. Lightly sprinkle the cubes with water from a spray bottle (the seasoning will stick well to the bread cubes).
3. Pour the bread cubes into a plastic bag.
4. Crumble 1 bouillon cube.
5. Pour 1 teaspoon of suneli hops, 1.5 teaspoons of salt and bouillon seasoning into the bag.
6. Inflate the bag, twist from the other end and shake well so that the spices stick to the bread cubes.
7. Open the bag and pour in 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil and shake well again so that each cube of bread is in oil.
8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
9. Put the bread on a baking sheet so that it is evenly distributed.
10. Keep the crackers in the oven for 15 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes so that they do not burn.
11. When ready, take the crackers out of the oven, put them on a plate and wait until they cool down.

Croutons for Caesar

White bread (soft and fresh) - half a loaf
Salt - a third of a teaspoon
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

How to bake croutons for Caesar
1. Carefully cut off the crust from the bread.
2. Cut half a loaf of bread into small slices 1 centimeter wide.
3. Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil onto a flat plate.
4. Dip each slice in oil on one side and the other.
5. Cut the slices of bread into cubes.
6. Evenly spread the bread cubes on a baking sheet, lightly salt.
7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
8. Send a baking sheet with bread to the oven for 5 minutes, then remove and mix the croutons, send for another 5 minutes.
9. Remove crackers from the oven, put in a bowl, cool.

Croutons Kirieshki

Stale black bread - half a loaf
Garlic - 1 clove
Ground pepper - to taste
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons

How to bake croutons Kirieshki
1. Cut half a loaf of bread into slices no more than 12 millimeters wide.
2. Peel a clove of garlic and pass through a garlic press.
3. Pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into a bowl, add pepper, salt, chopped garlic. Mix all.
4. Pour the resulting dressing onto a flat plate and dip each slice of bread on both sides.
5. Cut slices of bread into small cubes.
6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
7. Spread bread cubes evenly on a baking sheet.
8. Send the bread to the oven for 5 minutes. After that, take out the crackers and mix well. Send back to the oven.
9. After 5 minutes, do the same.
10. Keep croutons in the oven for 15 minutes.
11. After this time, take out the crackers, put them in a bowl and let them cool.

Mustard croutons

White bread - half a loaf
Spicy mustard - 4 tablespoons
Bouillon cube - 2 pieces

How to bake mustard croutons
1. Cut half a loaf of white bread into squares with a side of 1 centimeter.
2. Put the bread cubes on a plate and put in the microwave to dry for 1 minute.
3. Remove the plate of crackers from the microwave and wait until they cool down.
4. At this time, crumble 2 bouillon cubes and add 4 tablespoons of mustard.
5. Pour the dried cubes of bread into a bowl with mustard, mix everything thoroughly.
6. Put the croutons on a plate again and put in the microwave to dry for 3 minutes.
7. Then take the croutons out of the microwave and let them cool.

Where Nadia and I sometimes post reviews. Mine came out the other day new selection about what can be cooked from half-eaten Easter cakes. I collected all the ideas on the open spaces of LiveJournal, so I just want to say thank you to my virtual culinary friends. I hope you find it useful.
As usual, before Easter everyone is looking for recipes for Easter cakes, and after the holiday - ways to dispose of the surplus of these rich products. Unfortunately, the peculiarity of the test for Easter cakes is such that it becomes stale very quickly, even if stored in the refrigerator, so after a day or two it’s not very appetizing to eat them just like a bun.
We have tried to pick universal ways: from trifle for breakfast, pudding for afternoon tea, biscuit for lazybones, cake "Potato" to toast for dinner. Immediately, I note that I took all the photos from an excellent photo social network - http://www.pinterest.com/
Just a treasure trove of ideas and inspiration! And my favorite photo friend is still out of order. It's time to start saving for a new one, apparently.

So, the easiest way to save Easter cake is to simply freeze it. In the freezer (-18--20 degrees), it can be stored for up to six months, “you can bring it back to life” by defrosting it in the microwave or just holding it for 15 minutes in a preheated oven. It is better to eat a warmed cake right away, as it will become stale very quickly.

The second easiest way to dispose of Easter cake is to cook from it


To do this, take the remaining Easter cake, cut it into segments, lay it out on a towel and dry it for a day or two. After that, grind the crackers in a blender or coffee grinder. Bingo, we have an excellent base for cheesecake, potato cake and just sprinkling molds before baking.


Don't want to grind? Let's make sweet croutons for breakfast! Just cut the cake into pieces, in a separate bowl, beat one egg with two tablespoons of milk with a fork, dip the pieces of cake into this mixture and fry on both sides in vegetable oil.

Now let's complicate the process a little, if the rest of the cake is cut into squares of the same size (1x1 cm), then you can make excellent fruit and berry trifles for breakfast, replacement of biscuit in the cult cake "Pancho", Michel bread pudding or lazy biscuit.

Now in order:


Fruit and berry trifles are excellent healthy breakfast or dessert. What could be better than a slide fresh berries or fruit on cake squares soaked in 200 grams natural yogurt? It is best to let the cake absorb the yogurt by removing the cups / jars for 30 minutes or overnight in the refrigerator. And in the morning, cut strawberries / banana / pear / blueberries / raspberries on top, garnishing with whipped cream / condensed milk / cocoa powder or just jam.

bread pudding

With German pudding Michel from stale bread or Easter cake you will need a little patience, eggs, cream, vanillin, sugar and fruits / berries (optional and taste). In fact, there are bread puddings in both English and German cuisine, the recipes are almost identical, but the German one has its own name - Michel, to which it is customary to add the name of the fruit that is included in the composition through a hyphen.
Approximate proportions: for 200 grams of Easter cake or stale bread (not cut into small cubes), you will need 2 eggs, 300 grams of milk (50 grams can be replaced with cream), 50 grams of sugar, half a teaspoon of vanilla extract and your favorite fruits. For the first time, you can try a banana or a peach, depending on the season. Can fresh fruits replace with raisins citrus peel or dried fruits.

Mix milk, eggs, sugar and vanilla. Lay the cut cake tightly on the bottom, pour some of the egg-milk mixture, then you can repeat the layer of the cake, put the chopped fruit on it and pour the mixture again. Let the cake soak for a few minutes and put it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for an average of 40-50 minutes. It is ideal to bake this pudding casserole in a water bath. To do this, you need to take a larger form, put a form with pudding in it and fill the lower form with water.

lazy biscuit

Well, the last one for today, but perhaps the most spectacular way useful application the day before yesterday's cake - biscuit cake for the lazy. The idea is not new - why make a biscuit if you can slightly refresh the existing cake with impregnation (syrup based on amaretto or regular fruit juice) and wet sour cream or butter cream based on mascarpone. You will need a cake mold, cream (up to 500 ml), 100 grams of sugar and, say, a can of canned peaches.
The idea is that the Easter cake should be cut into segments (not thick, maximum 1 cm) and put them on the bottom of the mold. Soak in a part fruit syrup, layer with whipped cream or mascarpone with sugar, then lay out a layer of Easter cakes again, soak them in syrup, put cream on top again and garnish with chopped peaches. In order for the Easter cake cakes to be thoroughly soaked, this cake should ideally stand for 6 hours in the refrigerator (at least 40 minutes). On top of the cake, you can decorate with cream as you like, it all depends on your imagination.

By the way, consecrated Easter cakes cannot be thrown away. As a last resort, you can always take them back to church or just dry the crackers. If you also have nowhere to put the croutons, then I suggest browning them in the oven by the summer and making kvass. So we can extend the life of April Easter cakes almost indefinitely.
