
The healthiest cocoa. The benefits and harms of cocoa powder for the human body

Probably, not everyone knows where cocoa comes from, how to properly grow it, collect it, and whether everyone is allowed to use it.

It turns out that cocoa grows in Latin America on a tree called "chocolate". The height of the tree reaches almost ten meters, so it is not easy to see the fruits at such a height. In addition, cocoa is extracted from the pulp of the fruit of the chocolate tree. They contain many useful substances, which can bring both benefit to a person and harm.

Composition and benefits

Cocoa beans contain many useful substances, in particular, such trace elements:

  • protein plant origin;
  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • fatty saturated acids;
  • starch;
  • dietary fiber;
  • sugar.

In addition, cocoa contains enough vitamins and minerals:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamins PP and E;
  • fluorine, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, etc.

In terms of calories, this product surpasses many other products of plant origin. In total, 100 grams of crushed cocoa contains from 200 to 400 kilocalories. Moreover, carbohydrates and the amount of fat in one cup are much less than in a small slice of chocolate.

A drink made from cocoa powder (excellent quality!) Is able to saturate the body, energize, and without being burdened with calories. This means that ladies who are on a diet can safely drink one cup of cocoa a day. Moreover, it is desirable to drink it in the first half of the day in order to recharge your batteries for the whole day.

Health benefits of cocoa

Many do not even suspect, but cocoa can relieve many ailments, including. If the drink is prepared correctly, then it will “work” as an expectorant, antitussive and sputum thinning medicine. In addition, cocoa butter is used in the treatment of such diseases:

  • broncho-pulmonary.

It is not difficult to prepare a medicine: add a little cocoa butter to a glass of hot milk (no more than 40 degrees), dissolve it and drink it warm. Of course, the taste of such milk will be unusual, with a characteristic "oily" film, but for the sake of good health, it is worth to be patient.

In addition to ingestion, cocoa butter lubricates the nasal mucosa, this helps fight viruses during cold epidemics.

Also, with the help of cocoa, such diseases are treated:

  • heart failure and other heart diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • remove cholesterol, bile;
  • stomach diseases.

Let's take a closer look at how cocoa affects the functioning of the heart. In one part of cocoa, 70 percent is occupied by bioactive useful components that help block platelets from sticking together. In addition to such a useful function, in terms of antioxidant properties, cocoa is many times superior to such products as apple, orange juice, and tea, both green and black. And the flavanols contained in cocoa help prevent blood vessels from damage and affect metabolic processes on the positive side.

If you drink a cup of fragrant cocoa drink, the fruits of which have not been heat-treated, then the muscles after intense labor day and hard work recover faster.

In addition, in the fruits of the chocolate tree there is a special substance that helps stimulate endorphin - the hormone of "joy". That is why, after drinking a glass of hot cocoa, a person feels more cheerful, his mood rises.

But the substance such as elicatechin present in it helps to reduce the risk of diseases such as:

  1. Stroke.
  2. Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  3. Heart attack.

Through experiments, scientists discovered cocoa as a substance that can rejuvenate the skin. Beans contain a special substance that returns the skin to a healthy look and improves its elasticity. And melanin, in turn, will protect it from harmful effects ultraviolet.

Cocoa during pregnancy

Despite great benefit cocoa, it turns out, is undesirable for women who are expecting a baby. Doctors recommend giving up the drink altogether or drinking it infrequently. This requirement is due to the fact that cocoa retains calcium in the body and prevents it from being absorbed. And this is fraught with both the health of the mother and the full development of her baby.

In addition, cocoa is an allergenic product and can provoke an allergic reaction.

If a pregnant woman loves this drink very much, then she can afford a cup of weak cocoa once a week.

About harm

Chocolate beans contain some caffeine, so this should not be overlooked when preparing a drink for children. Doctors say that it is undesirable to give caffeine-containing products to children and to be more careful with those babies who are strictly prohibited from caffeine.

The harm of cocoa is also noted in the following: when large plantations of the chocolate tree are grown, it is fertilized and treated for pests. And cocoa is subjected to intensive processing. In addition, the harvested beans are again treated with radionuclides to kill pests, and then this cocoa is sent to factories for the production of chocolate. It turns out that 99 percent of this chocolate is used by the population of the whole world!

  1. Children under the age of three.
  2. People suffering from diseases such as sclerosis, diabetes and.
  3. Fat, full people.
  4. in stressful situations.
  5. With diseases of the nervous system.

It is also necessary to limit the use of the drink for people suffering from kidney failure And .

How to choose and where to apply

And even despite the fact that manufacturers of raw materials for chocolate claim that cocoa undergoes a thorough cleaning, in fact, it is impossible to determine which cocoa powder you got.

There are several types of cocoa on the market, namely:

  1. For industrial production. This species is grown using various fertilizers.
  2. For industrial production - organic, grown without fertilizers. considered the most valuable.
  3. "Live" product, collected from wild trees by hand. Has a unique property.

It is not so easy to immediately understand what kind of cocoa is on the store counter. How to distinguish a quality product:

  1. You are holding a pack of cocoa powder in your hands. Read the composition, the fat in it should be at least 15 percent, then the product will be considered the most useful.
  2. The color of natural cocoa is brown.
  3. If you grind the powder in your hands, it should not crumble and roll into lumps.
  4. When cocoa is brewed with boiling water, it is necessary to check whether a precipitate has formed. If the product is of high quality, it will not be.

Pay attention to the manufacturer. Ideally, this should be a country in which chocolate trees. If this is another country, then perhaps the raw materials were bought and the production technology was violated.

How to cook right

To brew a delicious drink, you need to strictly observe the proportions. To prepare a drink MirSovetov recommends:

  1. take three large spoons cocoa (take only with a dry spoon (!).
  2. Mix the powder with sugar (one teaspoon).
  3. Boil a liter of milk.
  4. Pour the mixture of powder with sugar into milk and mix.
  5. Cook over low heat for no more than three minutes, stirring occasionally.

Another cooking method:

  1. Prepare cocoa, sugar, milk, water, whisk or mixer.
  2. Boil water and add cocoa and sugar to it.
  3. Shake with a whisk or mixer.
  4. Add hot fat milk.

With this method, the drink forms an airy, aromatic cocoa foam.

In addition to making a hot drink, cocoa is added to baked goods and used in the production of sweets and other sweets.

And in conclusion, MirSovetov wants to warn readers against purchasing Chinese-made cocoa. According to gourmets, Chinese buyers buy rotten beans and process them through flavoring. Such cocoa will not be useful, but it can harm. Be carefull!

Why cocoa is useful for women and men: we drive away depression, improve memory, mood, blood circulation, and the cardiovascular system.

Cocoa - lovely drink, which reminds of a carefree childhood, creates an atmosphere of comfort, warms you in severe cold and simply improves your mood. Cocoa is a source of healthy and active life. Another plus is that cocoa is healthier than chocolate, because it is less high-calorie. In addition, the beneficial properties of cocoa have been known for a long time. The drink is especially shown to the representatives of the "weaker" sex.

Who was the first to use cocoa? Maya Indians who lived in Mexico!

Who invented cocoa

How useful cocoa was known to mankind already in the days of the ancient Maya Indians (in the territory where the modern one is located). The healing drink was made from the beans of the chocolate tree, and had little in common with the pleasant sweet cocoa that we are used to.

original recipe ancient drink Maya included water, cocoa and chili peppers. The mixture turned out to be thick, so often the drink had to be eaten with a spoon.

Today, tribes living in the equatorial zone consume cocoa daily - 40 cups of the drink weekly. The use of such an amount contributes to longevity, reduces the risk of cancer, diabetes and also improve performance circulatory system and hearts.

The main beneficial properties of cocoa

This is what fresh cocoa beans look like. Who would have thought, right?

Cocoa beans are a storehouse of nutrients and trace elements for the health of the body. The use of this drink has a beneficial effect on mental and physical workers: it helps to focus, improve memory and better recover after heavy loads. Cocoa is very useful for women, as naturally normalizes nervous system and improves mood - which ultimately has a beneficial effect on men!

Let's take a closer look:

  • cocoa contains epicatechin, which has a beneficial effect on our memory, improves cerebral circulation and reduces arterial pressure. Content a large number epicatechin makes the drink healthier than green tea, red wine and berries, which also affect the lowering of blood pressure.
  • Flavonoids, which are part of cocoa, also have a positive effect on the body. Therefore, people who regularly consume cocoa, reduce to a minimum the possibility of developing diabetes and heart problems. A small minus: flavonoids, which provide the beneficial properties of cocoa, give bitterness. Therefore, they are removed during the production of chocolate. And in case of cocoa drink loosen by-effect This miraculous trace element will help its use with milk and sugar.
  • With rich content magnesium cocoa is an excellent helper in the fight against stress, has a relaxing effect on the muscles, strengthens the skeletal system.
  • cocoa beans contain great amount gland so drinking the drink great way in the fight against anemia.
  • Chromium As part of cocoa, it helps to maintain normal blood glucose levels.
  • trace element anandamide(chocolate tree is the only plant that contains anandamide) has a positive effect on the brain. Simply put: it causes a feeling of euphoria and increases the level of the “hormone of happiness” in the body - endorphin.

What else is good for cocoa? It has an excellent effect on cerebral circulation, concentration and memory. Regular consumption of a fragrant drink will help prevent the development of senile dementia.

These are the health benefits of cocoa. So in between coffee and tea (and better instead!) Drink it. Keep warm, cheer up, improve memory and ward off depression!

The best way to make cocoa: a recipe with a photo

Cooking cocoa is not so difficult: some people are used to just brewing it hot water. But the most delicious cocoa turns out, of course, on milk. In addition, there are some more secrets that will allow you to make this wonderful drink more fragrant. So how do you make delicious cocoa?

Cocoa is very useful for women, as it normalizes the nervous system and improves mood - which ultimately has a beneficial effect on men!


  • 6 art. spoons of cocoa;
  • 6 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 1 liter of milk.

cocoa recipe

First, boil about a liter of milk. Then, in a separate bowl, mix 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder and 6 teaspoons of sugar. Pour sugar and cocoa with a small amount of hot milk, while stirring constantly. You need to bring it to a state of thick sour cream.

Pour the resulting mixture into the rest of the milk and boil again, not forgetting to stir - there should be no lumps.

Instead of part of the milk, of course, you can also use water, but we warn you right away - the taste will lose a lot from this. In this case, the number of other ingredients does not need to be changed.

When is the best time to drink cocoa?

When is it better to drink cocoa: in the morning or in the evening?

The best time to drink cocoa is in the morning, when you want to wake up and cheer up. It’s a good idea to serve cocoa for an afternoon snack, and also any time you need to improve your mood (after all, cocoa, as we now know, contains endorphins, known as the “hormone of joy”). Cocoa can be consumed not only hot, but also cold. You can serve baked goods to it, preferably with reduced content Sahara. For example, diet cookies or saltine crackers.

In cocoa, unlike coffee and tea, not too great content caffeine, so it can be given to children as early as two years of age.

Cocoa has the taste of childhood and the aroma of joy! The Aztecs called it "seed". Gourmets call chocolate nectar.

Cocoa - a storehouse valuable substances. It contains about 300 different components! Among them, dopamine, anandamide, magnesium, tyramine, etc. The approximate composition of the product is as follows: fats - 54%, proteins - 11.5%, cellulose - 9%, polysaccharides and starch - 6%. The rest is accounted for by tanning and minerals, organic acids, water, etc.

There are several varieties of cocoa.

  • Criollo - has a subtle, mild taste and an amazing fragrance. Belongs to the elite varieties.
  • Trinitario is powerful, slightly sour and very aromatic.
  • Nacional is the most rare variety cocoa.
  • Forastero - has a characteristic taste of cocoa and a mild aroma of beans. The variety has a high yield, therefore it is a leader in the world market.

In order to get cocoa, the fruits of the tree of the same name are harvested, processed, dried in the sun or in special ovens. The beans are then packaged and shipped to chocolate-producing countries. There, by pressing, oil is squeezed out of cocoa fruits. The remaining cake is ground and cocoa powder is obtained from it.

precious oil

The fat pressed from the beans of the chocolate tree is called cocoa butter. It is hard but brittle room temperature consistency. Has a characteristic pleasant aroma. Color - white with a yellow tint. There are two types of cocoa butter: natural and deodorized (subjected to additional processing).

The chemical composition is as follows:

  • oleic acid - about 43%
  • stearic acid - about 34%
  • lauric and palmitic acid - about 25%
  • linoleic acid - 2%
  • arachidic acid - hundredths

The amount of fat contained in cocoa butter can be alarming. However, it has been proven that a third of all fatty substances are stearic acid, which, as you know, does not increase cholesterol levels. Another third is related to oleic acid. She's generally famous.

cocoa butter application is very wide. It is used in food industry, in cosmetology, medicine, pharmaceuticals. So, cocoa butter serves as the basis for various medicinal ointments, suppositories. It is effective for burns, skin rashes, coughs, dryness and even colds.

Beauty will save ... cocoa butter

In cosmetology, the product is used to rejuvenate and prevent withering of the skin of the face and neck. It has an effective regenerating effect and does not cause allergies. The oil is ideal for dry or mature skin. It perfectly nourishes, softens, moisturizes and tones. The skin becomes soft and clean. Small wrinkles disappear. The area around the eyes is smoothed and tightened. Cocoa butter is truly amazing!

Masks with the addition of "chocolate balm" relieve cracked hands and horny feet. They are used to eliminate dry lips, swelling and dark circles around the eyes. Oil baths soften the skin of the feet, elbows, knees.

Cocoa butter strengthens eyebrows and eyelashes. In combination with it, it provides beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. The oil has powerful protective properties. It provides excellent protection against negative impact sun rays, dust, dirt, frost, etc. A few drops applied to the skin before going outside will keep you young for a long time!


In the production of confectionery cocoa butter application found a huge one. It serves as a fat base for sweets, cakes, cakes, chocolate, cookies, etc. Moreover, the greater the percentage of cocoa butter in the product, the more valuable it is.

Cocoa butter brings the taste and aroma of products to perfection! Antioxidants, organic compounds and natural ingredients, improve health and have a positive effect on the body. However, you should remember the golden rule - everything is good in moderation! Unlimited consumption of chocolate products can turn into negative phenomena. After all, the calorie content of cocoa butter is quite high. For 100 g of product - about 899 kcal!

noble placer

Cocoa powder is a finely ground, homogeneous product with a pronounced aroma of cocoa beans. Color - all shades of brown, from dark to light.

The composition of the product includes fats - up to 17.5%, sugar - 3.5%, starch - 25.4%, - 5.5%, organic acids - 4%, minerals - 3%, theobromine and caffeine - 2, 5%. The rich composition makes the product a wonderful source of antioxidants, vitamins and other valuable substances.

cocoa powder widely used in the bakery, confectionery and dairy industries. His discriminating taste, rich aroma And chocolate color make ice cream, cakes, sweets, puddings, etc. more tasty, attractive and appetizing.

chocolate drink

In the 19th century, a drink made from cocoa powder was born. Even sophisticated gourmets liked it and very quickly gained immense popularity. To this day, cocoa drink is a must on the menu of kindergartens and schools. Both adults and children drink it with equal pleasure and desire.

There are two ways to prepare cocoa drink. The first one is the simplest. To prepare it, you will need instant cocoa powder and milk (or water). Several spoons chocolate product pour cold or hot liquid and mix thoroughly. Everything - the drink is ready!

However, many believe that the cocoa product " fast food"does not compare with a drink made according to all the rules. Real cocoa, according to experts in the "chocolate art", must be cooked on fire.

How to cook cocoa with milk? This is the basic recipe. For two servings you will need the following:

  • cocoa - 2-4 tbsp. spoons
  • water - 1 glass
  • milk - 1 cup
  • sugar - to taste

The powder is thoroughly mixed with sugar. Added to sweetened cocoa a small amount of boiling water and stir until smooth. Then boiling milk is poured into the mixture in a thin stream and the rest is added hot water. The resulting liquid is well mixed, brought to a boil. AND flavored drink ready!

The main recipe can be supplemented with various nuances. Would you like to get a drink with air foam? Arm yourself with a blender, mixer or whisk. If you want to emphasize the taste - add nuts or berries. Cocoa is also supplemented with ice cream, egg or cream. A portion magic drink energize, cheer up and increase vitality.

It should be noted that for cocoa, the calorie content of the drink is increased by adding milk and sugar to it. The nutritional value per 100 g of drink is approximately 360 kcal.

Be healthy!

Cocoa benefit and harm - this question is still open. Numerous studies are being carried out to this day. They showed that cocoa has many beneficial properties.

So, scientists at the University of Münster found a new substance in cocoa - cocoheal. It, according to scientists, has truly invaluable properties - it promotes cell growth, heals wounds, smoothes wrinkles and even reduces the risk of stomach ulcers.

Swiss cardiologists also appreciated the benefits of the product. They call dark chocolate containing more than 70% cocoa, "sweet aspirin". Why? According to numerous studies The biologically active compounds of cocoa beans serve to prevent heart disease, namely, they reduce unwanted agglutination of platelets.

Cocoa contains the well-known "hormone of joy" - endorphin. It is necessary to maintain a good mood and energy. A cup of cocoa in the morning energizes for the whole day.

It is known that a cold cocoa drink is the fastest and most effective muscle restorer after heavy physical exertion and sports activities. According to this indicator, it significantly exceeds special drinks and cocktails. That is why athletes often use cocoa to recuperate.

On the other side of the scale

Numerous studies have identified some factors of the harmful effects of cocoa products on the human body. They are much smaller, but still ...

The main disadvantage is the high calorie content. Even a small portion of the drink causes a feeling of satiety. Therefore, they should not be abused. They are high in calories and chocolate products. In small quantities, they are useful, increased consumption is fraught with undesirable consequences.

Cocoa contains purines, which are responsible for the preservation of hereditary information, metabolism and protein processing. They perform a very important function, and therefore are necessary for the human body. However excess consumption cocoa can lead to a high concentration of purines, threatening the deposition of salts in the joints and diseases of the genitourinary system.

There are many low quality products on the market today. Cocoa is no exception. Therefore, when buying, you need to carefully study the composition, check the quality of the packaging, choose a reliable manufacturer and beware of a suspiciously low price.

Soluble cocoa powder contains a lot of chemical substances, fragrances, dyes. Therefore, it is better to give preference to a natural product.

To drink or not to drink?

A lot has been said about the benefits and harms of cocoa. Everyone chooses for himself - whether to drink chocolate drink how much and when. However, there is a risk group for which it is contraindicated:

  • children under 3 years old
  • people who suffer from diabetes, sclerosis, atherosclerosis and diarrhea
  • obese people
  • people with diseases of the nervous system, prone to stress

The rest of the cocoa can be drunk without fear. Bon appetit!

Hello my dear readers and friends!

If a survey were conducted and it was proposed to choose the most favorite drink, I would answer - cocoa, the benefits and harms of which are the topic of our discussion today. I gave up coffee a long time ago, but I used to be an avid coffee addict. Although I drink tea every day, both green, and black, and herbal, in the summer I brought a large bag of mountain herb tea from Arkhyz, and I enjoy it. But I do not consider myself a big fan of tea and I can do without it.

Another thing is cocoa. You know, often, when I receive some new information about a particular product, I am amazed at how smart our body is. I didn't think about it or pay attention to it before. So with cocoa, in childhood I drank it very often and loved it, then I began to do it much less often, and in Lately straight up pulled. Recently I bought a pack of cocoa and a friend asked: “What are you going to bake?”. And I very rarely bake anything, I just like to drink cocoa in the morning. And it turns out that it is very important that such a product be in the diet, it is especially useful for children and the elderly for the mind. And I also experienced the harm of cocoa, which was the reason for writing this article.

The composition of cocoa and useful properties

The birthplace of cocoa is South America and Africa, the fruits of the chocolate tree 3000 years ago were known to the ancient Aztecs for their useful properties. Moreover, only men and shamans had the privilege of drinking cocoa drink, which brings wisdom and increases potency.

Cocoa beans among the ancient Mayan tribes were worth their weight in gold and served as money, for 100 of these beans you could buy two slaves.

But this delicious drink has come down to us. Most often, for its preparation, we use powder, which is produced from cocoa beans. Although the beans are now commercially available, they can be chewed like nuts or ground in a coffee grinder and brewed just like coffee. But we are still not very used to them.

According to Wikipedia, 54% of cocoa beans are fats, thanks to this moment their calorie content is 565 kcal.

From other components:

  • proteins - 11.5%
  • cellulose - 9%
  • starch - 7.5%
  • tannins - 6%
  • water - 5%
  • mineral salts - 2.6%
  • saccharides - 1%
  • caffeine - 0.2%.

The amount of caffeine is much less than in coffee and tea, pay attention to this. And life-extending antioxidants are five times more abundant in cocoa than in tea.

Every sixth of the three hundred substances in the composition of the fruit gives such a peculiar unique aroma and the bitter taste of cocoa.

Cocoa beans are processed in a special way, oil is extracted from them, and the remaining cake is ground into powder, while the calorie content of the powder is reduced to 289 kcal compared to beans, since the bulk of the fat remains in the oil.

This product stimulates the immune system, it will raise your mood and give you vigor and warmth in the cold season, help you recover from heavy physical activity, overcome stress, improve brain function. And all because it contains valuable useful and biologically active substances, such as:

  • calcium
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • potassium
  • manganese
  • phosphorus
  • vitamins A, E, B, PP
  • amino acids arginine and tryptophan
  • folic acid
  • polyfinols and many others.

What are the health benefits and harms of cocoa

Due to its composition, the health benefits of cocoa and the body in general are very valuable.

Calcium will strengthen bones and teeth, and if you add milk to the drink, then the amount of this element will increase and there will be more benefits.

Magnesium will relax your muscles and help you get out of stress. Likewise, tryptophan, which is not produced in our body, is a natural antidepressant, so a cup of cocoa or a slice of dark chocolate contributes to the production of happiness hormones and improves mood.

Cocoa is useful for diabetics, as it increases insulin sensitivity.

Cocoa stimulates metabolism, slows down the aging process, if you drink it regularly, you can prolong life.

health benefits of cocoa

Scientists have conducted studies that have found a direct correlation between the number of Nobel laureates in the Scandinavian countries and the amount of cocoa they eat. And also in the course of observations of a group of people over 60 years old, it was found that after four weeks regular use cocoa improved their brain activity and mental function, these people began to perform various tasks for the mind three times faster.

This is due to the presence of flavonoids in cocoa beans, which contribute to a powerful improvement in the blood circulation of the brain.

Therefore, cocoa is good to drink for the mind, it improves brain activity, helps to concentrate better, strengthens memory.

For the heart and blood vessels

Polyfinols are responsible for the function of not only the brain, but also the heart - vascular system have an antispasmodic effect.

The champions in their content are green tea, black grapes and cocoa.

Useful substances of cocoa improve the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce bad cholesterol.

So cocoa relieves spasm of smooth muscles, reduces blood viscosity.

The potassium and magnesium contained in cocoa also contribute to the normal contraction of the heart muscles and nutrition.

For the treatment and prevention of anemia

Cocoa helps to increase the level of hemoglobin to the desired level, because it contains a lot of iron. It perfectly improves well-being with, I myself experienced this in my youth, when there were problems.

And in general, a wonderful tasty prophylactic remedy for this disease.

When coughing

Since ancient times, when coughing, I loved to make a mixture of aloe with honey and cocoa. After all, cocoa contains the substance thiabromin, which has an antispasmodic effect, relaxes bronchospasm, and facilitates breathing. Unless the cough is of allergic origin, cocoa with hot milk can help with the treatment. But, of course, the amount of thiabromin in cocoa is negligible, so they alone cannot cure a cough.

Cocoa for men

The ancient tribes knew the benefits of cocoa for men, I already wrote about this above. Zinc and magnesium contained in the drink stimulate the production of testosterone, the male hormone. And the amino acid arginine enhances sexual desire, being a natural aphrodisiac.

For women

Cocoa drink will help women alleviate premenstrual syndrome, improve mood, cope with physical and mental stress, replenish iron deficiency and prevent weight gain.

But since drinking the drink can cause allergies, pregnant women should avoid it. Especially if women have high blood pressure, kidney disease and increased uterine tone.

But at the same time, he is able to relieve nausea and causes a surge of strength, so that with toxicosis you can drink half a cup.

The drink is not shown during the period of feeding babies until they reach at least 3 months.

For children

Children love cocoa and it can be drunk from the age of 30 years, of course, accustoming the child gradually to avoid allergies to the product. natural cocoa drink healthier than chocolate, for the preparation of which oil and sweet additives are used.

Cocoa is simply necessary for the development of mental activity, it is useful in diseases to restore strength, with the same cough you can do delicious medicine for a child. During exams, it increases the general tone and mood.

Nesquik cocoa is very popular with children. . Is this drink good or bad?

In fact, this drink contains only 18% cocoa, the rest is sugar. But when cooking classic cocoa from the powder, we will also add a lot of sugar, so there is no need to refuse Nestlé products, which are recognized as safe for baby food and complies with all international standards.

The presence of vitamins in the drink indicates that it is useful to drink it, but this must be done in moderate amount. Harm can only be high calorie product, which is dangerous for girls who follow the figure, and children can benefit.

For the elderly

All people over 50 and especially 60 years old are advised to drink cocoa instead of coffee. It will help activate the blood supply to the brain, maintain clarity of mind, improve memory, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, remove from the state of despondency and depression.

Benefits of cocoa for skin

In addition, cocoa has a very beneficial effect on the skin of the face and is widely used in cosmetology as part of various creams, scrubs, masks. It moisturizes, tones, softens, rejuvenates our skin and is useful for all skin types.

Made with cocoa chocolate wraps in salons.

Most often, cocoa butter is used for the skin. It is used in cosmetology, and for the treatment of burns, wounds, eczema, for rubbing the chest when coughing.

For hair

Shampoos and masks with cocoa for hair make them shiny, smooth, strengthen hair follicles: nicotinic acid promotes hair growth.

It is also useful to take a drink of cocoa inside.

Cocoa for weight loss

Despite the fact that cocoa has more calories than coffee or tea, a small cup of it will not lead to weight gain, but will only cause a feeling of fullness and a person will not overeat.

You need to drink a drink for weight loss, of course, without milk and sugar, you can add a little honey. The mood will be fine, and the appetite will decrease.

Harm cocoa

Like any product, there are probably contraindications for the use of cocoa.

  1. We have already said that cocoa is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 3 years of age.
  2. Due to the high calorie content, they should not be abused by overweight people.
  3. The culprits of the accumulation of uric acid purines create a ban overuse this drink for osteoporosis, rheumatism, arthritis.
  4. Since the product has a stimulating effect, it may have Negative influence on people with heart disease, with unstable pressure and hypertension.

In any case, again, you need to comply with the norm. One cup of cocoa in the morning can be helpful, but an extra one is useless. I had such a case when, after drinking cocoa in the afternoon, and then also in the evening, cocoa became heavy on my heart, I noticed that the malaise was caused precisely by cocoa.

How to use cocoa

Which cocoa to choose

Of course, the health benefits of cocoa can be in case of consumption natural product. You should not get carried away with instant drinks, even such as Nestle, they still have more sugar than cocoa powder.

It is better to buy cocoa powder from companies such as Golden Label, Red October. I prefer cocoa "Russian" in airtight vacuum packaging with a "lock", in such packages there is no access to air and light, which means that the quality of cocoa is guaranteed better, and it is convenient to store it. It should be borne in mind that the open powder attracts moisture and loses its taste.

In addition, it seems to me that "Russian" cocoa is tastier than all the others.

The powder should be homogeneous, without lumps, dry, dark chocolate brown, without any additives, and on the package - the inscription " natural cocoa powder".

When and how much to drink cocoa

Cocoa drunk in the morning will bring the greatest benefit, it will energize you for the whole day.

The daily norm is not more than 2 cups a day in the morning. It is not advisable to drink it at night because of the stimulating effect.

How to cook

Cocoa can be boiled in water or milk, if desired, adding a little sugar.

Classic recipe

Pour a spoon into boiled water - two cocoa and sugar to taste and beat with a whisk until the powder is completely dissolved.

At the end of whipping, you can add milk or even boil cocoa in milk alone without water.

This classic recipe preparation of cocoa drink.

Coffee with cocoa

Have you tried making coffee with cocoa? When I was fond of coffee, I practiced such a drink. This is delicious!

Cocoa is the drink of childhood. Otherwise, you can't say. After all, it is in kindergarten and the school began to get acquainted with this drink. True, in addition to the drink itself, a foam unloved by many often floated in a glass on top - they liked to blow it off for fun. But it is precisely properly brewed cocoa (according to a special technology that is hardly familiar to kindergarten cooks) with an airy foam formed during the cooking process that is so valued in the world.

Chocolate trees sometimes reach ten meters in height and give fruits, in the pulp of which 30-40 cocoa beans ripen. Initially, they have neither taste nor smell - this is achieved in the process of special processing.

Interestingly, cocoa in the form in which it exists now appeared only in the 19th century, while cocoa beans grown on a chocolate tree began to be used much earlier. Was more popular hot chocolate, which many still confuse with cocoa. But it's completely different drinks- hot chocolate is made from milk and chocolates with the addition of vanillin, sugar and cinnamon. After mixing all the ingredients, they are whipped until foamy.

But for the preparation of cocoa you need knowledge special recipe, which we will open for you, for this you will need:

  • cocoa powder
  • milk
  • sugar
  • mixer or whisk

We heat the water, when it boils - we put cocoa and sugar in it to taste. We constantly shake everything with a whisk. And at the very end, add hot fat milk (well, if not less than 3.5% fat). Please note - the milk must be hot!

And one more important point cooking - use a mixer or whisk.

Without it, cocoa will dissolve in water, but the foam, from which millions of people are fans, will not work, rather it will resemble cocoa from a school cafeteria. But the highlight of this drink is precisely in light sweet foam! Try this cocoa recipe and your loved ones will be amazed by this simple culinary masterpiece.

Cocoa is made up of plant proteins, carbohydrates, fats, saturated fats and
organic acids, mineral-vitamin complex, dietary fiber, sugar, starch, tannic, aromatic and coloring elements.

Cocoa also contains theobromine, which prevents spasms of the vessels of the heart and brain; thanks to this substance hot drink good for coughing.

Caffeine, which is part of cocoa, awakens and activates the cardiovascular and nervous system, so it is better to start your day with a cup of cocoa.

Calorie content of 100 g of cocoa powder is about 200-400 kcal. cocoa is great alternative sweet - in a cup of drink there are much less fats and carbohydrates than in a piece of chocolate.

In addition, scientists have proven that cocoa contains antioxidants in an amount exceeding their content in red wine - 2 times, in green tea - 3 times, in black tea - 5 times.

  • If your mood has dropped, apathy and fatigue have appeared - a cup of cocoa is exactly what will help in this situation. It stimulates the production of endorphins, the hormone responsible for good mood. In addition, cocoa activates mental abilities and increases efficiency.

After playing sports or serious physical overstrain at work, it is also advised to drink cocoa - this will contribute to muscle recovery.

To do this, mix cocoa with milk to get a paste-like mass, add a couple of drops vegetable oil, apply a mask on the face and neck area for 20 minutes. Wash off with water.

What is the allowable daily dose of this drink?

Most deny themselves cocoa for fear of getting fat, because the calorie content of the drink is not the lowest. In fact, cocoa will not spoil the figure.

  • Firstly, it is very nutritious - a small cup of the drink saturates very well and interrupts the feeling of hunger.
  • Secondly, cocoa does not have to be cooked with added sugar.
  • And thirdly, cocoa is much less nutritious than sweets or chocolate, which it is so difficult for us to deny ourselves.

Just imagine: 100 grams of chocolate contains 20 grams of fat. And in a mug of cocoa they are only 0.3 grams.

Drinking cocoa, which belongs to the category of energy drinks, is better in the morning - then it will give the necessary boost of vivacity. Avoid using it in evening time- this threatens you with a sleepless night, because a glass of cocoa contains 5 mg of caffeine.

For people whose work is associated with constant mental or physical stress - 2 cups of cocoa per day required rate. At the same time, it is not advisable to exceed this dose.

Cocoa should be taken with caution in children due to the presence of caffeine in its composition.

Cocoa can cause harm in case of improper processing of primary raw materials.

There are many chilling stories that the countries where chocolate trees (Thailand, African and Asian states), do not comply with all sanitary standards when processing cocoa beans.

In addition, beans are a favorite habitat for cockroaches, all of them cannot be cleaned of cockroaches, so all living creatures are ground together with beans. Numerical treatments with chemicals do not help in the fight against them. By the way, cocoa is recognized as the most pesticide-treated crop in the world.

WITH mass production things are even worse - cocoa undergoes radiological processing, during which, theoretically, all pests should die (how interesting are they separated from the beans after destruction?). And such cocoa serves as a raw material for the production of most chocolates and sweets around the world.

Of course, in large serious companies, cocoa is cleaned and processed with less harm to human health, but, unfortunately, they are in the minority. Most of manufacturers prefer a faster and more harmful cleaning method. Standing in the store at the shelf with chocolate, we can only guess - what kind of cocoa is this bar made of?

What is worth taking cocoa?

Without special knowledge regarding this product, it is worth evaluating cocoa after purchase and preparation - sticky particles of powder, non-aromatic drink, lumps in a cup indicate poor quality of the product.

A natural product of decent quality has a rich brown color, to the touch - without grains, while not turning into dust and does not roll down if you rub it with your fingers.

IN good cocoa there will never be sediment

Read the composition - the most useful will be cocoa, in which there is at least 15% fat and in which there are no flavors, dyes and other additives.

Pay attention to the manufacturer - it is desirable that it be the country in which chocolate trees grow. Resellers, primarily China, often produce a product with a violation of processing technology.
