
What do they drink Baileys liquor with, what is it diluted with? Coffee, cocktails with Baileys liqueur: the best recipes. What is served with Baileys liquor, what appetizer, what glasses are needed for Baileys liquor? Liquor Baileys (Baileys) - the composition and properties of the drink; how to drink it; cocktails with beyliso

Baileys homemade liqueur

Baileys liqueur is one of the 20 favorite alcoholic drinks
drinks all over the world. It must be produced from
natural ingredients without adding preservatives, but
only coffee with cream and whiskey. home option
Baileys practically does not differ in taste, but manages
much cheaper.

180 ml vodka
400 ml Wonder milk chocolate or Wonder chocolate
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1 can of condensed milk
2 tbsp instant coffee

Let's prepare the ingredients.
We mix everything and beat with a mixer.
Your Homemade Baileys is ready!
from here

Classic version of Baileys liqueur

I want to offer you lovely drink for women,
but there is someone who loves men too - this is Baileys liquor.
There were many recipes, but this one is a little different in
preparation. We are looking for a beautiful bottle and pour it!

The main thing is not to confuse anything with the ingredients and for sure
keep their proportions.

So for cooking classic version liquor
"Baileys" we need the following products:

0.5 l. good vodka;
one standard size can of condensed milk;
yolks of four eggs,
1 tablespoon of instant coffee;
2 tablespoons vanilla sugar
400 ml cream, the fat content of which should not exceed 30%.

If it was not possible to get the cream of the desired fat content,
you can dilute them with milk to the appropriate

Baileys liquor is prepared in 4 stages.

First things first, you need to combine in one dish
the entire volume of condensed milk, yolks and add to the resulting
mixture vanilla sugar. After that, let's get down to business
electric mixer and knead everything until
until the mass becomes homogeneous.

After that, add to the resulting base soluble
coffee and again mix everything thoroughly with
mixer. Of course, it is desirable that the coffee granules
dissolved completely, however, if this is not achieved
succeed - no big deal. Don't over mix
mass until at least one black remains in it
a speck, especially since it will easily dissolve immediately
after adding vodka to the preparation for liquor.

So, moderately stirring dry coffee in a mass of condensed milk,
we begin to carefully pour the cream into it, without turning off
while the mixer.

Well The final stage- adding vodka, after which
almost ready liquor, you need to again carefully
mix with a mixer.

That's all, the Baileys liqueur is ready, but before you treat
their friends need to let the drink stand for several hours
refrigerator. having insisted homemade liquor will become
almost indistinguishable from the original, but even more
similarity can be achieved simply by replacing
preparing vodka for whiskey in the same volume.

If you like homemade
liquor, then you can continue experiments in this area and
try to make an exotic alcoholic dessert,
which will be based on any Reviver from vodka to
tequila. But, describing the recipe, we will talk about vodka.
We will need 200 ml of this drink, the same amount of water and
100 g of gelatin.

So, first you need to boil water and heat the vodka to
"slightly warm" state. Then mix the liquids and
pour gelatin into a container. If at your disposal
not pure gelatin, but instant jelly, then its taste
must be selected based on the selected alcoholic beverage.

So it's best for vodka berry jelly, for whiskey
the best option is apples, for tequila - lemon. But strict
Of course, there are no recommendations on this matter, everyone can
experiment with taste at your discretion.

Adding gelatin, future dessert mix thoroughly,
until the crystals are completely dissolved. Then slightly
the thickened liquid is poured into molds and removed in
freezing refrigerator. If you didn't make a mistake
proportions, then after a couple of hours an alcoholic drink
turn into jelly and vodka can be eaten with spoons.

You can also adjust the strength of the jelly, for it you need
increase or decrease the amount of water used.
However, you should not get too carried away, do not forget -
it is, after all, a dessert, and therefore be too strong
jelly should not.
This the most delicate drink- favorite sweet alcoholic
many women.
from here

More recipes, take your pick!

Cream liqueur Irish Cream

Cream liqueur Irish Cream with creamy taste And
unique aroma can be prepared at home.
We will need the following ingredients:
200 g whiskey (cognac)
200 ml whipped cream
4 eggs
1 pack of condensed milk
2 tbsp. l. chocolate syrup (or melted chocolate)
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp ground almonds

Mix condensed milk with eggs and place everything
into a blender.
Add chocolate syrup, vanilla, whiskey and whisk
until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Irish Cream liqueur is ready!
Shelf life - 3 weeks in a cool place.

Another one at a lower dosage

We will immediately give the floor to the author - chatskaa:
“If you love cream liqueurs, then I’m ready to offer
you a potential new favorite
It is creamy, slightly coffee and chocolate, pleasantly sweet.
and deliciously drinkable. Why not a candidate?
And it is also a very gift liquor: poured into a bottle and
presented to some good person
But first, try it yourself: what if you don’t want to give it away? ”

for 1.25 liters:
1-1.5 tablespoons of freshly brewed coffee;
1.5 tbsp melted dark chocolate;
350 ml whiskey;
450 ml cream (I took low-fat);
400 gr (1 can) condensed milk
1 egg.

IN hot coffee pour in chocolate and mix well.
Let it cool down a bit. Add the rest of the ingredients
and mix until smooth.
Pour into chilled sterilized bottles
and clog.
Keep refrigerated. According to the prescription - up to six months.
Based on the results of our own experiment,
it is impossible to save, before everything will be drunk and presented
Have a nice evening!
from here

Liquor lovers - recipes (tested)


Cream-200 ml (22 or 11%)
powdered sugar-2 tbsp
yolk-4 pcs
vodka-70 ml
vanillin - 1/3 sachet
Beat everything in Mister Quick, add more vodka
beat. Literally 30 seconds

Cream 22%-200 ml
powdered sugar-2 tbsp
instant coffee-2 tsp
cognac-50-70 ml
vanillin - 1/3 sachet
Manufacturing principle - see above
concentrated milk without sugar-250 ml
powdered sugar-2 tbsp
instant coffee - 1 tbsp
cognac-100 ml

Yolk-2 pcs
powdered sugar-3 tbsp
alcohol-50 ml
warm milk-250 ml
vanillin-1 sachet


Vodka-100 ml
chocolate ice cream-250 gr
instant coffee - 1 tsp
sugar-floor cl

Baked milk-500 ml
creme brulee-250 gr
cognac-40 gr

Egg liqueur "Wouldn't sleep..."

Egg liqueur, it's like a lawyer cocktail
as well as Baileys. Try it - you won't regret it.
Moreover, it is very easy to prepare.

Vodka 0.5 liters
Raw yolks 5-6 pcs.
Condensed milk 400 gr.
Sugar 1-2 tbsp. l.

Boil a jar of whole condensed milk with sugar
to the state of a thin cream (cook for 60 minutes).

Beat the yolks - separate them carefully !!! a drop of protein
alcohol folds into disgusting clots - from 1-2 tbsp.
tablespoons of sugar (not for sweetness, but for the process), add
condensed milk and necessarily a bag of vanilla sugar.
Pour half a liter of strong without a pronounced taste
alcohol and pour into beautiful bottles.
Chill in refrigerator, shaking from time to time
bottles. The cocktail should be thick.
Based on many years of experience, I can say that attempts
modify and improve the recipe for a special
did not cause excitement.

Girls, don't get drunk!
And more ... A glass of liquor on an empty stomach completely discourages appetite.

You will need:
- three liters of cola;
- two cans of condensed milk (preferably with cocoa);
- about 0.7 liters of 96% alcohol;
- five bags of vanilla;
- container - it can be plastic, as long as it is clean and five-liter. Do not pay attention to the unpresentability of, say, a canister: it is convenient to mix future liquor in it. And if you seriously want to pass off your creation as a real Baileys, you can always pour it.

To make the mixture homogeneous, follow a simple sequence: first pour condensed milk, then cola, then alcohol. The final step is vanilla. Now shake the canister until the liquid becomes a uniform color. Leave the drink alone for 8 hours at room temperature- he has to stand up. Then shake the canister well. Repeat three times. In a day, the drink will be ready for use and will remain so for six months even at room temperature.


Ask a person who knows where fruit is sold to buy:
- three kilograms of strawberries;
- and one lime.
- With two bottles of vodka (a total of one and a half liters), there will be no problem: you yourself know where to find it.
- What else? Half a liter of grapefruit juice.

Use a blender to make a nasty puree from strawberries. Mix juice with delicious vodka in any container with a lid, add strawberry puree and squeeze the lime. Close, mix well and leave at room temperature. In a day, you can not only taste the “liquor”, but already drink it. Shelf life in the refrigerator is 1-2 weeks.


Look in your kitchen for:
- two liters of alcohol;
- a set of spices: 15 g of cinnamon in the form of tubes, 50 hooks of cloves (well, this is how it looks), 4 g of cardamom and anise, 20 black peppercorns.

You will also need three lemons, or rather, the zest removed from them.

Dilute alcohol and water in a ratio of one to one, add spices and leave to infuse. After seven days, prepare sugar syrup. Everything is simple here: take half a kilo of sugar and half a liter of water, put on fire and stir until it boils. Pour the cooled syrup into a container with alcohol, add water so that the total volume reaches 5 liters, mix the almost ready Becherovka and leave it alone for three days. At the appointed time, make the first test: if the aroma is poor, let the liquor brew for a couple of days. If you like everything, take cheesecloth or a fine sieve and filter the drink. Rejoice, the shelf life of the divine liquor is not limited!

Baileys liqueur- Irish cream liqueur with a strength of 17%. The composition of the drink includes cream and whiskey. Baileys has been produced since 1974 by the Irish company R. A. Bailey & Co. It is a leading liquor company. In the first year, 72,000 bottles of Baileys were produced.

In the production of this drink is used Irish whiskey, which is obtained by triple distillation to give it softness.

The idea of ​​mixing whiskey with other foods and drinks is not new. In the 1970s, whiskey remained a popular drink in domestic market Ireland, but it was difficult to export the product. In order to increase the sales market, it was decided to experiment with recipes for making drinks based on it. Whiskey was often mixed with citrus fruits, as well as coffee, but since these ingredients were expensive, producers had to turn to their native products, that is, cream. Dairy products were very cheap at the time, so farmers were happy to sell cream to a liquor manufacturer. Today, 40% of Ireland's milk goes to the production of Baileys.

Baileys began to produce liquor near Dublin. It is produced under the patented brand name "Baileys Irish Cream". At first, the company, headed by David Dand, produced mainly gin and whiskey. The firm then created a liquor that is among the top ten best-selling alcoholic beverages. This liqueur is considered one of the most popular in the world. He possesses pleasant aroma and creamy taste. David Dand and his colleagues at Gilbeys of Ireland developed a recipe for a liqueur that was to contain only natural ingredients. It was decided to make the liquor from traditional Irish products: cream and whiskey, in order to get a product with a national character. The taste of the drink completely fascinated the employees, there was only one problem: the whiskey cream whipped with a mixer did not have a constant consistency. At first, they tried to replace the cream with milk, but it simply curtailed, and besides, the product quickly deteriorated. The company "Gilbeys of Ireland" continued to improve the recipe for the drink, and only after 4 years did the Baileys liquor become what it is known now.

The resulting drink exceeded all expectations of its creators. In order to make its taste even more pleasant, it was decided to add the aroma of vanilla, chocolate, caramel to the liquor. As a result, "Baileys" very quickly conquered women all over the world with its mild taste and delicious aroma.

A feature of Baileys liquor is its completely natural composition. The drink does not contain preservatives, but thanks to a special production technology, it can be stored for 18 months. British scientists advised the manufacturer to apply harmonization technology, which allows achieving uniform consistency. According to this technology, each whiskey molecule envelops the cream, then grain alcohol, butter, cocoa, and flavors are added to the product.

The history of Baileys liqueur is not only the history of preparation delicious drink but also a cleverly crafted marketing campaign. The presentation of the liquor did not make the proper impression on the invited journalists and guests. They liked its taste, but nothing more. David Dande, in response to this, proclaimed Baileys a traditional Irish drink and, in confirmation of this, even began to pour it into a pot-bellied bottle that resembled a jug from which it is customary to drink whiskey in Ireland.

In order to make Baileys liquor as dear to the Irish as possible, David decided to add to the drink the family values ​​\u200b\u200bthat his compatriots so honored. Not far from David's office was the Bailey bar, where they spent free time employees of W.&A. Gilbey. David decorated the liqueur bottle with the inscription Baileys, which was reminiscent of a common Irish surname.

The company R. A. Bailey & Co decided to diversify the range of liquor loved by all and released a number of new products:

    • "Baileys Original" - a traditional liqueur, is flavored drink with a taste of coffee with cream.
    • "Baileys Mint Chocolate" - a drink with mint and chocolate.
    • Baileys Coffee is a liqueur with the addition of coffee.
    • "Baileys Cream Caramel" - liqueur with the addition of caramel.
    • "Baileys Hazelnut (hazelnut) Flavor" - a drink with hazelnuts.

The liqueurs of this company have their own characteristics. As already mentioned, they do not contain preservatives. The drink contains fresh cream, which spoil quickly, but thanks to whiskey aging for 2-3 years, as well as special technology, the liquor retains its taste for a long time.

The label of the liqueur has the inscription "Best taste before...", which means that the drink is best consumed immediately, since open bottle Baileys does not last long.

Beneficial features

Baileys liqueur contains only natural ingredients, the basis of the drink is cream and whiskey. IN moderate amounts the drink improves mood, helps with depression, insomnia.

The calorie content of the product is 327 kilocalories per 100 g of drink, therefore it is better to refrain from drinking liquor for people who adhere to a dietary diet.

Use in cooking

In cooking, Baileys liqueur is traditionally used to make desserts. So, they are poured over biscuits, ice cream, cakes. Also, a little liquor can be added to coffee in order to give it a special taste. To date, the company produces Baileys with mint-chocolate and creamy-caramel flavors. Also the liqueur is great for making chocolate chip cookies, yoghurts, fruit salads.

For example, you can cook very delicious jelly based on this liqueur. For this we need cow's milk, ground coffee, Baileys liqueur, gelatin, vanilla, sugar, mint. First you need to brew a portion of coffee and add sugar to a slightly cooled drink. Vanilla and sugar are also added to the milk. Gelatin is poured cold water(about 1 cup of water), leave to swell. Gelatin must be divided into 3 parts: add one part to milk, the second to coffee, and the third to liquor. Pour liqueur into the bottom of the mold and leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After the layer has hardened, it is necessary to pour out the coffee layer and put it in the refrigerator again, the third layer is milk, it is made according to the same scheme. Ready jelly refrigerate overnight, decorate coffee beans, powdered sugar, mint leaves.

Liquor is considered to be women's drink: it is not very strong and also has soft taste. Women prefer to use it along with ice cream as a dessert. Very often it is mixed with other drinks to make creamy cocktails.

So, in order to prepare such cocktail must be poured into a glass in layers equal proportions Kalua liqueur, Baileys liqueur, and orange liqueur Grand Marnier. You can also prepare a second version of such a drink. All the ingredients for this must be mixed in a shaker with ice, if desired, the cocktail is set on fire and drunk through a straw very quickly while it burns.

Women will love it Strawberry cocktail based on Baileys. In a shaker, mix 100 ml of liquor, 50 ml of cream or ice cream and 10 ml of strawberry vodka. Decorate the cocktail with whipped cream.

How to drink?

Baileys liqueur can be drunk both on its own and as part of cocktails, it also goes well with ice. Some gourmets believe that the liquor does not go well with citrus fruits, as well as tonic. When preparing cocktails, Baileys liqueur is usually mixed with stronger alcoholic beverages, such as vodka, rum. Chocolate, milk, cold coffee, strawberry, banana, chocolate chips.

Baileys cream liqueur is so tasty that it can be consumed on its own, enjoying delicious taste and aroma.

Baileys resembles more coffee with cream than an alcoholic drink. It is recommended to add a little ice to it, which makes the chocolate notes more pronounced. Ice Baileys perfectly quenches thirst. The drink is amazingly combined with marshmallows, soufflé, croissants.

You can also cook coffee Baileys. To do this, we need 20 ml of espresso coffee, 50 ml of Baileysi liqueur and a little boiled milk. Decorate the cocktail with whipped milk foam and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Real Irish drink can also be prepared using Baileys liqueur. To begin with, take 50 ml of Baileys, 20 ml of whiskey and 10 ml of cold coffee. All ingredients are shaken and served in martini glasses.

You can also cook Chocolate Baileys. The cocktail is prepared from 50 ml of Baileys, 10 ml of vodka and 15 ml of chocolate liqueur. Alcoholic drinks mix and pour into a chilled glass.

How to do at home?

The legendary Baileys cream liqueur can be made by hand at home. To do this, you will need 1 bottle of vodka, 2 cans of condensed milk, 6 chocolate tetra bags, 4 tsp. instant coffee and vanilla sugar. All ingredients are mixed in a shaker until smooth. Liquor can be consumed sazu after preparation. The end result is about 2 liters of liquor. The strength of this drink is 12%. In order to improve the taste of homemade liquor, it is recommended to put it in the refrigerator overnight.

You can also cook Baileys next recipe using the multicooker. To do this, we need 2 cans of condensed milk, 1 tsp. coffee, vanilla sugar and 0.5 l of vodka. First, condensed milk is poured into the slow cooker, coffee and vanilla sugar, as well as vodka are added to it. If you want the liquor to have a lower strength, you can dilute the vodka with a little water. All ingredients are stirred and the "milk porridge" mode is turned on. homemade liqueur It will be ready in 20 minutes, it just needs to be stirred and bottled. It should be consumed chilled.

Harm of Baileys liquor and contraindications

A drink can cause harm to the body with individual intolerance to the components, as well as with overuse. Since the liqueur contains 50% cream and milk protein, as well as 1% lactose, Baileys is not recommended for people with lactose intolerance.

Let's start with the fact that only products of the Irish company R. A. Bailey & Co can be called Baileys liqueur, and we do not pretend to be. There are many recipes home version this delicious liqueur. Many spears are broken: with eggs, without eggs; if with eggs, we will be poisoned or not; if we get poisoned, then with what ... I want to make an attempt to offer you a safe, and, it seems to me, the most correct option.

Ingredients for Homemade Baileys Tastier than Store-Bought:

Recipe "Homemade liqueur like Baileys "Tastier than store bought"":

Let's start in order. Eggs in Baileys, nevertheless, should be, whatever one may say. Attempts to prepare this liquor without them are mainly due to the fear of catching salmonella from raw chicken eggs. best way out out of position quail eggs. The quail bird is clean, not prone to chicken sores, you can not be afraid. Of course, if you have a friend, a proven domestic chicken, then you can take her eggs, only less than 3 or 4, but we city dwellers don’t have familiar chickens (there are familiar chickens, there are no chickens ...), so 12 pieces of quail.

My eggs are broken into a bowl. There are all the ingredients except for vodka, and I mercilessly mix everything with a blender until the sugar is completely dissolved. I poked the blender into the bottom, does it crunch? So it's dissolved.
Who loves strong coffee aroma- 3 spoons of coffee boldly! Who likes more chocolate taste, put more cocoa (soluble, naturally), for example 2 tablespoons, and one coffee.

I add vodka to the bowl, and again with a blender.
What about vodka... You don't need to take a cheap one at all. I personally do not use vodka, but alcohol filtered through coal and diluted to 40 degrees. In any city you can find a semi-legal supplier good alcohol. Well, if not, then maybe vodka. Here is a dilemma: good vodka is very expensive, usually it is imported, not from what is in stores, but good vodka you need to drink like that, and not harass you for any nonsense, and the economic effect of producing liquor on expensive vodka is reduced to zero, on the other hand, take a very cheap one - voluntarily poison yourself. As a compromise, perhaps, we can take the average price category, for example, vodka named after our President-Prime Minister-President (in this sequence, and not vice versa)). She's always been nothing...

Well, in general, that's all. Pour it into a bottle and put it in the refrigerator for a day, let it rest, is it a joke, when such metamorphoses ... You can drink right away, of course, but the next day it tastes better.

Many of my friends have already tried it. All are still alive. I personally am rather indifferent to him, I would like something stronger, but always the female half of the feast, almost unanimously says: your Baileys tastier than store bought!!! I'm glad to hear it. Yes, "how much cheaper!!!", I think. It makes me feel even better about it.
From this amount of ingredients, almost 1 liter of liquor is obtained. It is stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time (I have stood for more than a month), it is not divided into fractions, in short - a thing!
Have a nice app...what an appetite??? For health!!!
