
Strawberry liqueur at home is out of competition! All the subtleties and recipes for making strawberry liqueurs at home. Homemade strawberry liqueur

Many people prefer to use liqueurs from alcoholic beverages, the main condition for preparing this wonderful drink is its raw materials - these should be fruits or berries with a pronounced taste, for example: banana, apple, cherry or strawberry. This article deals with a complete list of recipes collected from all over the Internet, no need to search, wasting your time, we did it for you!

Do not rush to the store for liquor, it is quite easy to make at home, even in winter!

The distinctive qualities of strawberry liqueur are an extraordinary aroma, a bewitching taste and, of course, a stunningly bright color. Big fans of this drink are girls, they know what tastes better! A small bottle can dilute an already wonderful romantic evening.

General principles of preparation

The strength of the liquor can range from 15 to 75 degrees. But, despite the high rate, the drink is quite easy to drink. And all thanks to the addition of a large amount of sugar and a pronounced taste of berries. Syrups are boiled from sugar or put it in its pure form. Over time, it dissolves in a mixture of juice and alcohol.

What are liqueurs fortified with?

  • brandy;
  • alcohol;

Strawberries for making liqueurs can be used not only fresh, but also frozen. Sometimes they make a drink on the finished syrup with sugar. Rinse fresh berries thoroughly, remove tails and be sure to dry. There should be no drops of water.

Liqueurs are available for immediate consumption and for long-term storage. The difference between them is not only in technology, but also in the ingredients used. Often dairy products, chocolate, condensed milk are added to the drink and it simply cannot be stored for a long time.

  • For the preparation of strawberry liqueur, it is necessary to use only ripe berries, without rot and damage. It is from the taste and aroma of berries that the taste of the tincture depends.
  • The finished drink is not recommended to be stored in a large container, as over time it will lose its aroma and taste. Therefore, for liquor, glass sealed containers with a volume of 0.5 liters or 1 liter are used.
  • A dark, cool room is an ideal place to store such a product.
  • And one more important tip: for the preparation of strawberry tincture, it is recommended to use high quality vodka.
  • How to make strawberry liqueur? There are many options for making strawberry tincture, we offer you the most popular and affordable recipes:

The subtleties of technology

The same recipe can be slightly modified. To do this, the products must be taken in the following ratio: for every 3 kg of strawberries, a liter of vodka, one and a half kilograms of sugar and a full glass of water.

The changes will affect only the technology of making the drink:

  1. The berries must be sorted out, washed and cut in half lengthwise.
  2. Then put them in a bottle of the appropriate size, fill with vodka and leave for a while away from direct sunlight. The contents should be shaken daily.
  3. After two weeks, strain everything through several layers of gauze.
  4. Set aside the liquid, and again pour vodka over the berries and keep in the shade for another two weeks, shaking daily.
  5. Strain the mass again and combine both liquids together.
  6. Pour the remaining strawberries with water (boiled), shake and drain again through gauze.
  7. Add the resulting liquid mixture to the already existing tincture and pour it into bottles.

After 14 days, an excellent strawberry liqueur will be ready. It always tastes better at home.

Cooking step by step with photos:

Step 1

To prepare an incredibly tasty and fragrant homemade strawberry liqueur, let's take fresh strawberries, vodka, drinking water and granulated sugar. If you decide to prepare such a liquor, for example, in winter, you can safely use frozen berries (only not in the form of mashed potatoes, but whole ones).

Step 2

First of all, let's prepare the berries. We wash 300 grams of strawberries, cut off the stalks, dry the berries and cut into large pieces.

Step 3

Then we take a jar (with a capacity of 1 liter) and transfer the berries into it.

Step 4

Pour strawberries with 250 milliliters of high-quality vodka.

Step 5

We tightly twist the lid, shake the jar well and put the berries to infuse in a dry, dark place for 5 days. It is best to put the jar in a kitchen cabinet.

Step 6

During the specified time, we take out the jar every day and shake the contents so that the strawberries give the vodka its flavor more actively. After 5 days, you will see that the berries will fade, and the vodka, on the contrary, will become a rich red color.

Step 7

We filter the berry infusion by simply throwing the strawberries on a sieve.

Step 8

Strawberry infusion is poured into a container suitable for storage with an airtight lid and put everything in the refrigerator.

Step 9

We return the berries to the jar.

Step 10

We fill the strawberries with 150 grams of granulated sugar, close the lid and shake a little so that the berries begin to release juice and the sweet crystals melt. We put the jar back in a dry, dark place for another two days. During the first day, you need to shake the jar several times so that the sugar completely melts.

Step 11

This is what strawberries in syrup look like after 2 days - they gave away their juice, taste and aroma even more.

Step 12

Again we filter the berries in syrup through a sieve.

Step 13

Pour sugar syrup to strawberry infusion.

Step 14

It seems like strawberries gave us everything to the maximum, but that's not all. She's sweet from the syrup, so we'll take this sweetness too. We return the berries to the jar, fill them with 100 milliliters of cold drinking water.

Step 15

Close the lid and shake the jar well. Do not worry, the berries will not fall apart, turning into porridge.

Step 16

For the last time, we throw the strawberries into a sieve - now we got everything we wanted.

Step 17

Feel free to throw away the berries, and pour the strawberry water into a container with infusion and syrup. If you want the liqueur to be sour, add the juice of 1 lime or a small lemon. We mix everything and pour the finished strawberry liqueur into beautiful bottles.

Step 18

Just look, what a charm: a bright, rich, such a positive drink we have prepared for you! In total, from the indicated amount of ingredients used, 580 milliliters of ready-made strawberry liqueur is obtained, the strength of which does not exceed 15 degrees.

Step 19

Without a second's delay, let's start the tasting! Well, how can you resist if there is an indescribable aroma of strawberries throughout the kitchen ... This homemade liqueur can be served at the end of a dinner party or for dessert along with ice cream or a piece of cake. I like this flavored drink most of all simply with ice cubes or ice-cold sparkling water. And what a cocktail you get with champagne - you will rock! Try it or you will regret that you have deprived yourself of such pleasure.

strawberry recipe

Strawberries are also very beneficial for the body. Therefore, this drink is definitely worth a try. After all, it also contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. An infusion of this berry will enrich the body with calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc. Helps with cardiovascular diseases, digestive problems, normalizes the endocrine system. Also, if you make tea with the addition of this syrup, to prevent inflammation and colds.

Contraindications! Do not use for people with an increased level of acidity in the stomach, hypotension, allergies. It is also not recommended for pregnant women and children.

The recipe for a drink from this berry is as simple as the previous one.


  • kilogram of strawberries;
  • a liter of vodka;
  • half a liter of water;
  • 750 g sugar.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Peel the berries, put in a container, pour vodka so that it covers the berries by a couple of centimeters.
  2. Close, put to settle for a little more than 20 days. in the closet.
  3. Filter, cook sugar syrup (previous recipe) and cool.
  4. Mix both liquids, close tightly, keep for 5 days in a locker.

Strawberry liqueur at home "Quick"

Usually it takes from 27 to 30 days to prepare a liquor, and in this case only 7-8. But this does not at all make its taste worse and you can’t distinguish it from those aged for the usual time.

  • 1 kg of strawberry berries;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 l of vodka.

Cooking technology:

  1. mix mashed strawberries with sugar and water;
  2. bring the resulting mass to a boil and cook over low heat, stirring continuously for about 5-6 minutes - you get a syrup;
  3. pour the syrup already cooled to room temperature into bottles or pour it into a jar, put it in a place that is well lit by the sun for 5 days;
  4. after that, the mixture is passed through a thick layer of gauze and cotton wool, and the resulting pure aromatic liquid is mixed with vodka;
  5. the liquor is ready, now it remains only to pour it into bottles and put it in a cool place for a couple of days (1-2).

Strawberry liqueur "Classic"

This drink is prepared by steeping the berries in alcohol with the addition of sugar syrup after infusion. Homemade strawberry liqueur prepared according to this recipe can be drunk for dessert, and it is very similar to homemade strawberry liqueur.


  • 1 kg of strawberries;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 0.75 kg of granulated sugar.

Cooking technology:

  1. Clean and rinse the strawberries well, place them in a jar and fill with water so that the surface of the water is 1-2 cm higher than the strawberries.
  2. Close the jar with a tight lid and leave to infuse for a period of 20 to 25 days in a place protected from light at normal room temperature.
  3. The finished tincture must be filtered through gauze folded in several layers with a cotton layer.
  4. Then the syrup is prepared: water with sugar is brought to a boil and boiled for 2-3 minutes over low heat, while you need to constantly remove the foam. Remove the finished syrup from the heat.
  5. The previously prepared filtered tincture is mixed with syrup cooled to room temperature. After 3-5 days, the liquor, hermetically sealed and aged in a dark place, is completely ready for use.


Recipe 1: On vodka

This is perhaps one of the easiest and most affordable ways to make strawberry liqueur at home. A bottle of vodka can be purchased at any store, and the drink will be ready in a month.


  • 0.6 kg of strawberries;
  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • 0.35 kg of sugar.


  1. 1. We wash a 1.5 liter jar and dry it.
  2. 2. The berries also need to be washed and allowed to dry, we immediately remove the tails and damage.
  3. 3. We shift the strawberries into a jar, fill it with vodka, close it and put it on the window. It is better to choose the sunny side.
  4. 4. After a week, we filter the liquor, but there is no need to squeeze out years. We remove the vodka infusion for now, and pour half the sugar into the strawberries. Shake the jar and let stand for another 2 days in the sun.
  5. 5. We drain the new syrup, now the berries can be squeezed out.
  6. 6. Combine with vodka and the remaining sugar, shake and remove to ripen in a dark room for 22 days.
  7. 7. Then the drink must be removed from the sediment, which will sit on the bottom. You can use a straw or just carefully pour into another container.

Classic method

To make a delicious strawberry liqueur for a festive feast or an ordinary bachelorette party, you need a little patience and a special recipe. The result is a light and pleasant drink with a strength of no more than 15%. Take:

  • 0.5 kg of berries;
  • 0.5 l of vodka or alcohol diluted to the desired strength;
  • 250–300 g of sugar;
  • half a large lemon;
  • 200 ml of purified water.
  1. Rinse the fruits, air dry a little, cut in half.
  2. Pour them into a glass jar, fill with alcohol so that they are completely covered. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  3. Remove the container to a sunny windowsill, where it should spend 7-10 days. After the indicated period, drain the liquid through gauze and put it in the refrigerator.
  4. Pour granulated sugar to the remaining pulp, and wait another 2-3 days, periodically shaking the container to dissolve the crystals as soon as possible.
  5. Pour the syrup, add clean water, shake and drain again, this time squeezing the pulp well.
  6. Mix everything in one jar. And leave it warm for another 3-5 days. At the end of the process, drain the finished strawberry liqueur from the sediment, filter it and you can use it.

Home Ksyu-ksyu

The famous strawberry liqueur in any store costs fabulous money. But its analogue can be made independently using the following recipe.

  • 500 g of frozen or fresh strawberries;
  • 400 g of coarse sugar;
  • citric acid to taste;
  • 750 ml of quality vodka.
  1. Mix the peeled and washed strawberries with granulated sugar and lemon, chop with a blender.
  2. Pass the resulting puree through a sieve.
  3. Combine the mass with an alcohol base and pour the liquid into bottles.
  4. Now wait at least a couple of weeks for the drink to brew properly.

"Xu Xu Xu"

  • strawberries - 0.5 kg
  • vodka - 0.5 l
  • sugar - 250-300 g
  • water - 200 ml
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.


Strawberry liqueur of German origin Xu Xu (Xu Xu) is a kind of standard of this variety of alcoholic beverages. Therefore, many would like to make an analogue of the famous liquor at home. This recipe will help just that.

Washed and peeled strawberries cut in half. Put in a liter glass jar. Pour in vodka to completely cover the berries. Add juice squeezed from half a lemon.

  • Place the jar in a sunny place, such as a windowsill. Wait 7-10 days, and then carefully drain the infusion through cheesecloth. Do not squeeze the berries.
  • Pour the infusion into a jar or bottle and seal. For now, it's not needed. Pour the remaining berries with sugar, shake the jar several times so that the sugar is evenly distributed, and leave the jar for 2-3 days. After this time, drain the resulting syrup from the jar through cheesecloth.

Pour water into the jar, stir. Drain the resulting syrup. Now mix the previously obtained infusion and both syrups. Leave the container for 3-5 days so that the liquor clarifies: insoluble particles will settle to the bottom and the drink can be filtered.

The finished liquor will have a strength of about 15% vol. It is best to chill before serving. Store in a dark cool place for no more than a year.

With condensed milk

The recipe for an incredibly tasty liquor, for which you need ordinary condensed milk. We choose a real product without vegetable fats, otherwise a greasy film may form on the surface of the drink, which is not very pleasant.


  • 0.3 kg of strawberries;
  • 170 grams of vodka;
  • 0.12 liters of condensed milk.


  1. 1. We wash the strawberries and put them in a bowl.
  2. 2. Add condensed milk and use a blender to beat into puree.
  3. 3. It remains to pour in vodka and beat again.
  4. 4. Fragrant liquor is ready! You can take a sample.

A variant of a liqueur that keeps remarkably well throughout the year. The drink will delight until the new harvest if it is stored in the refrigerator, cellar, cold pantry.


  • 1.5 kg of strawberries;
  • 0.2 kg of sugar;
  • 0.2 liters of water;
  • 1 liter of vodka.


  • 1. We put the strawberries in a glass jar, you can crumple a little.
  • 2. Add prescription vodka. You can take diluted alcohol, brandy or another drink that is suitable for strength.
  • 3. We close the jar and put it in the sun, you can just on the windowsill. Withstand 10 days.
  • 4. Strain through gauze, squeeze out the rest of the berries.
  • 5. Cook sugar syrup with prescription water, cool.
  • 6. Combine strawberry infusion with syrup, stir.
  • 7. Bottle, cork and clean. Liquor can be consumed immediately, but it is better to let it ripen for two weeks.

with pulp

For cooking you will need:

  • strawberries - 1.5 kg
  • vodka - 1 l
  • sugar - 200 g
  • water - 200 ml


The recipe for this homemade strawberry liqueur is generally similar to the previous one, however, in this case, the strawberries are kneaded and the pulp remains in the drink.

Pour clean strawberries with vodka and leave to infuse for 10 days. When the specified period has passed, add the syrup boiled from sugar and water to the tincture. Stir.

Pour the liquor into clean bottles, seal tightly. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 year.

With lemon and mint

For such a liqueur, in addition to strawberries, you will need a little lemon juice, vanilla, and a couple of sprigs of mint. The drink is very aromatic and there are many variations with the addition of cinnamon, cloves and other aromatic ingredients.


  • 1 kg of strawberries;
  • juice of 0.5 lemon and zest;
  • 0.5 vanilla pod;
  • 2 sprigs of mint;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 0.8 kg of sugar;
  • liter of vodka.


  1. 1. We combine the washed berries with vodka in a glass jar, close, shake. We clean in a dark place for 3 weeks. It is advisable not to forget about the future drink and periodically shake the container.
  2. 2. Cook the syrup from water with sugar, let it boil for three minutes, then turn it off and immerse the mint, vanilla, zest. Cover and let it brew for 4 hours.
  3. 3. We filter the berries from vodka. Drain the infusion back into the jar.
  4. 4. Add the cooled syrup, which also needs to be filtered.
  5. 5. Pour in lemon juice, stir. Liquor is ready! You can try it immediately or pour it into convenient containers and put it away for storage.

With schnapps or brandy


  1. 1.5 kg of strawberries;
  2. 1 liter of schnapps or brandy;
  3. 200 g of sugar;
  4. 200 ml of water.

How to cook:

Mash strawberries in a jar and pour it with alcohol for 10 days. Then you need to prepare a syrup from 200 g of sugar and 200 ml of water: dissolve the sugar in water, heat and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool the syrup and mix with the tincture. Pour the finished strawberry liqueur into clean bottles and cork tightly. Store in the refrigerator for up to a year.

Strawberry liqueur video recipe

With rum

In fact, this type of homemade liquor is made from two types of alcohol: vodka and rum. The drink has an unusual taste, pleasant aroma and sufficient strength.


  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 0.7 lira rum;
  • 2 kg strawberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.


  1. 1. We wash and dry the berries well. If they are large or dense, then cut into several parts.
  2. 2. Pour the strawberries into a jar, immediately fill the berries with sugar, mix and insist for 3 hours to extract the juice.
  3. 3. Combine rum with vodka, stir and pour into strawberries.
  4. 4. Cork the jar and shake vigorously for about five minutes.
  5. 5. We put in a dark place for 60 days. It is advisable to remember about the liquor 2 times a week and shake the container.
  6. 6. After two months, the drink is filtered and it is completely ready for use.

For long term storage

The following recipe suggests preparing strawberry liqueur in reserve at the height of the season. After all, the original sweet tincture can be stored in the refrigerator until next year.

  • 1.5 kg of large fruits;
  • 1 liter of alcohol (diluted alcohol, vodka, brandy);
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water.
  1. Put the strawberries in a glass container and mash it there. Pour the selected type of alcohol and leave for 10 days to infuse.
  2. Prepare the syrup as follows. Pour a clean cold liquid into a bowl, add sand and place on the stove. With slight heating, wait for complete dissolution.
  3. Pour the chilled syrup into the tincture jar. Shake well and strain into bottles.
  4. For storage, cork them and put them in a cold place: cellar, refrigerator.

From fresh berries

To make a particularly delicious strawberry liqueur, you need to choose the most beautiful and sweet fruits, and then follow the instructions. Prepare:

  • strawberries;
  • vodka;
  • sugar.
  1. Take a jar of the right size. Fill it to the top with whole fruits and fill it with alcohol. To prevent alcohol vapors from escaping, close the lid tightly.
  2. Keep the container in the sun or in a warm place for two weeks, periodically shaking the contents. As a result, the berries will become whitish, and the liquid, on the contrary, will acquire a beautiful color.
  3. Strain the tincture, slightly squeezing the pulp.
  4. Cook syrup from granulated sugar and water in equal proportions. You will have to adjust the sweetness to your taste, on average, 150–200 g of sugar goes per liter of tincture.
  5. Pour the chilled syrup into the tincture, shake it up and bottle it, without adding a couple of centimeters to the top of the pebble.
  6. Insist from a week to a month.

banana recipe

A very original strawberry liqueur is obtained by mixing berries with a banana. At the same time, a thick banana flavor perfectly complements a lighter berry one. To prepare, take:

  • 350 g fresh berries;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 500 ml of alcohol;
  • 200 ml of water.
  1. Sort the strawberries, remove the sepals, wash and dry. Peel bananas and cut into slices.
  2. Place together in a glass container. Fill with alcohol and insist a week in the sun.
  3. Then add granulated sugar and let it ferment for another 2-3 days.
  4. Strain off the liquid by lightly squeezing the strawberry-banana pulp.
  5. Pour into bottles and let it brew now in a dark place for about 10 more days.

Low-alcohol drinks prepared at home attract with their bright, but at the same time refined taste. Drink them both on their own and as part of cocktails.

  • Don't like bones in liquor or don't have a blender? You can run strawberries through a juicer and use pure juice to make a drink.
  • The slightest trace of rot or mold will spoil the taste of the drink and give it an unpleasant aroma. Therefore, it is important to carefully sort out the berries and prevent the ingress of spoiled strawberries.
  • Strawberries are not enough and not enough to prepare your favorite recipe? You can always add some other berries: cherries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries. Juicy fruits are also suitable: peaches, plums, apricots.

Well, do not forget about exotic fruits: bananas, oranges, pineapple, kiwi. All of them are in perfect harmony with strawberries and will solve the problem of deficiency.


Liquor in 10 days

Making this liqueur at home is as easy as shelling pears, the drink turns out tasty and beautiful, and even looking only at the photo you can feel the intoxicating smell of strawberries.


  • Strawberries - 1.5 kg.
  • Vodka or moonshine 40% - 1 liter.
  • Sugar - 300 g.
  • Water - 200 ml.

How to cook?

  1. Clean the strawberries, wash, dry and chop in a blender. Fill it with moonshine, put it in a dark place for 10 days. Shake the infusion from time to time.
  2. Prepare sugar syrup, cool it, mix with infused berry mash on moonshine.
  3. It remains to bottle the drink and put it away for storage.

If you do not like the fact that the liquor prepared according to this recipe has a sediment, you can strain the drink. Drink chilled.

Pina Colada liqueur

How to make Oji liqueur or Pina Colada? This fragrant drink with an original taste with a strength of 15-30% is very popular among gourmets. Reviews about him are only positive.

The drink got its name thanks to the bartender Ramon Marerro. After successful experiments, the young guy picked up the ideal proportions of coconut milk and rum. The result is a drink.

This liquor is one of the expensive drinks, so a homemade recipe for its preparation will certainly be of interest to many.


      • Rum Bacardi - 60 ml.
      • Pineapple juice - 60 ml.
      • Coconut milk - 60 ml.
      • Cocktail cherry - 2 pcs.
      • Two slices of pineapple.
      • Ice cubes -300 g.

Combine coconut milk with rum and pineapple juice, beat with a blender for 1 minute. Pour the finished drink into cocktail glasses, decorate with pineapple slices and cherries. For a special taste, you can add one teaspoon of cream to the liquor.

This amazing drink without vodka will be a highlight for any festive table and will delight all guests with its unusual taste.

Recipe with two types of alcohol

The taste of the finished drink is unusual, but very interesting and pleasant.


  • Fresh berry - 2 kg.
  • Vodka - 1 liter.
  • Rum - 700 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Mix vodka with rum and sugar.
  2. Cut the washed and peeled strawberries into several pieces, put it in the alcohol mixture.
  3. Cover the container tightly with a lid and put it in a cool place for 2 months. Shake the jar of mash well every two or three days.
  4. After the time has elapsed, strain the drink, pour and store in the refrigerator.

As you can see, you don’t have to do almost anything, but you will get a good supply of excellent booze, which can be served both on a festive table and a romantic dinner.

How to make cocktails with strawberry liqueur?


You will need:

  • 300 ml strawberry liqueur.
  • Three berries.
  • 20 ml chocolate liqueur.
  • 150 ml of rum.
  • 50 ml chocolate syrup.

Mix the liqueur with the rum, adding a few pieces of ice. Pour in the syrup, mix again. Pour the cocktail into a glass, pour chocolate liqueur on top, decorate the drink with strawberries.

champagne cocktail recipe


  • Champagne - 250 ml.
  • Strawberry liqueur - 50 ml.
  • Strawberries - 50 grams.

Cut strawberries into slices, put in a glass and lightly crush with a fork, pour liquor on top, then chilled champagne.

The recipes and photos presented in this article will help you easily prepare a delicious drink at home.


Strawberry pouring at home on vodka

Fragrant strawberry drink is obtained only by aging the ingredients for some time. As a rule, the process reaches one and a half weeks. Homemade vodka liqueurs are made from the following ingredients:

  • strawberries - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar or powder - 200 g;
  • vodka - 1 l;
  • water - 200 ml.

To make a liqueur, you need to go through these steps:

  1. Mash the berries washed and peeled from the stalks in a bowl. Place the resulting slurry inside a glass vessel and fill with a liter of vodka. Leave the mixture to infuse for 10 days.
  2. Put a container of water on the stove, turning on a low fire. While adding sugar, stir the syrup until the substance is completely dissolved.
  3. Refrigerate the sugar solution.
  4. Straw vodka-strawberry tincture through a sieve, pouring the liquid into a separate container.
  5. Combine syrup with tincture and pour into clean bottles.

How to make liquor at home using moonshine

Some believe that for a self-made drink, the components must be obtained with their own hands. There is some truth in this. Recipes for liquors and tinctures at home often contain such a component as moonshine. One of the cooking options involves the following components:

  • berry component - 1.5 kg;
  • moonshine - 1 l;
  • sugar sand - 300 g;
  • water - 200 ml.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Divide the clean berries in half, grind to a homogeneous gruel with a blender.
  2. Transfer the mass inside the glass jar, fill with moonshine and shake. The composition should be infused for a week and a half. Shake the container daily.
  3. Dissolve sugar in water and, putting on a gentle fire, stir to achieve a homogeneous transparent syrup.
  4. Open the container with strawberry infusion, strain it. Combine the tincture with the chilled sugar liquid, mixing well.
  5. Pour the finished liqueur into bottles.

Fast track

You can make such a strawberry liqueur at home, the recipe of which will greatly reduce the waiting period. You will need the following ingredients: for half a kilogram of strawberries, 400 g of sugar, a little citric acid and one and a half bottles (750 ml) of vodka.

The drink is prepared in an unusual way:

  1. Berries for this method are suitable both fresh and frozen. In the first case, they must be washed and removed all unnecessary (garbage and ponytails).
  2. Transfer the prepared products to a blender and beat well, adding a little citric acid.
  3. Rub the finished mass through a plastic sieve and add vodka to it.
  4. Pour the liquid into empty bottles and place where it is dark.

After a couple of weeks, it will be possible to tell your friends how strawberry liqueur was made with your own hands at home. The recipe is simple, and it will not be difficult for anyone to repeat it. The drink can be consumed in its pure form or used to prepare a variety of cocktails.

Component Selection

To figure out how to make strawberry liqueur at home, at the very beginning you need to understand that it is not necessary to use vodka for strong alcoholic drinks. Almost any alcohol that is available can be used. The main thing is that its fortress should not be lower than 40 degrees. In this case it is necessary:

  1. Pour the prepared strawberries into a clean container and fill it completely with any alcohol: rum, cognac or even alcohol. The mixture should stand for about a week and a half.
  2. Then boil the syrup, using only a kilogram of sugar per one and a half liters of water.
  3. Strain the berry mass.
  4. Combine the resulting liquid with syrup and bottle the drink.

The liqueur is ready, and now you can treat your friends to it. Maximum pleasure and good mood in this case will be guaranteed. Rich taste and pleasant aroma will complement any conversation. And guests do not have to be told how to make strawberry liqueur at home. Let it remain the secret of the owner.

Variety of taste

There is another option on how to make strawberry liqueur at home. To do this, you will need to have an unusual set of ingredients available: for 4 kg of strawberries the same amount of sugar, 6 liters of alcohol (75 percent) and 8 full glasses of dry white wine.

In this case, the work must be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, put the clean washed strawberries into jars, pour in alcohol and leave alone for 14-15 days.
  2. After the time has elapsed, the mixture must be filtered, and the berries themselves should be squeezed well. To do this, it is better to use gauze in five additions.
  3. From wine and sugar, prepare a regular syrup.
  4. Combine it with alcohol tincture and strain again so that the liquid is free of small particles and does not resemble a thick suspension.

Now the finished liquor can be poured into a beautiful decanter and served at the table, and the remaining amount can be bottled and put in a bar. A good drink is never enough. It is useful for any celebration, a quiet conversation or a friendly party.

without haste

Some people think that making strawberry liqueur at home is quick. But this is not true. Every process takes time. Especially when it comes to the process of insisting. Here haste can only go to the detriment. For such a drink, you will need four main components that can be taken in the following ratio: for 1 kg of berries the same amount of sugar, a liter of boiled water and a bottle (half a liter) of vodka.

You can speed up the process a bit:

  1. Prepare syrup from water and sugar in the usual way.
  2. Pour them with washed strawberries, distributed over large bottles. The mixture must be infused for at least 12 days.
  3. After that, the mass must be well filtered and combined with vodka.
  4. To make the liquid more transparent, the filtration process must be repeated.
  5. The resulting drink is the very long-awaited strawberry liqueur.

It's not hard at all to do it. But how much pleasure it can bring to someone who was not too lazy and spent quite a bit of time preparing it.

For every taste

There are many who want to know the secret of how to make your own strawberry liqueur. The recipe for cooking at home can be changed at your discretion. The main thing to remember is that this is a drink in which not degrees are important, but taste. It was thanks to him that liquor was for a long time considered accessible only to aristocrats and people from high society. In addition, doctors say that it has a positive effect on human health and can even restore his vitality. In reasonable doses, it improves blood circulation and normalizes blood pressure.

And women can use it to improve complexion and overall skin condition. It is not difficult to make such a medicinal infusion at home. The whole process consists of two stages: fermentation and blending. To give a special taste and aroma, various spices are sometimes used: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom or cloves. Take, for example, a recipe that contains: 400 g of strawberries, a liter of any cognac, 0.2 kg of granulated sugar, 5 black peppercorns and a vanilla pod.

Cooking method:

  1. Place clean berries in a clean jar.
  2. Pour all other ingredients on top. Pepper pre-crush.
  3. Close the jar and put it in the cellar for 10-15 days. We must not forget to come and shake the container every day.
  4. As soon as the time is right, strain the contents. To do this, use a fabric folded in several layers.

The finished drink can be tasted immediately or poured into prepared containers.

What do you drink homemade strawberry liqueur with?

A self-prepared analogue of XuXu is consumed in its pure form, thanks to its pleasant taste it is easy to drink. However, you can combine the drink with sparkling wines and add to cocktails. Homemade strawberry liqueur is used as an ingredient in the popular Daiquiri drink. You can also enjoy a delicious tincture when added to ice cream.

Strawberry liqueur video recipes at home

Making strawberry liqueur at home is not difficult if you rely on a step-by-step video that describes the entire process in detail. Explore the videos below to add new ideas to your culinary piggy bank: recipes for liqueurs at home with vodka or alcohol, with the addition of lemon juice, bananas or orange zest. Guests and family members will appreciate your finds.

Very easy and quick recipe

How to make homemade strawberry and banana liqueur

How to make with the addition of orange and lemon zest


What to drink with

Strawberry or wild strawberry liqueur is great just diluted with ice in summer weather on a sun lounger, but if you want something more interesting, then you can make delicious drinks.

Voodoo cocktail

Quite complicated, since the preparation requires ingredients that are difficult to get in stores. But it's worth a try. For this you will need:

  • 15 ml each of strawberry, melon liqueurs and sambuca;
  • 100 g of ice cream.

Mix everything in a blender, pour into a glass with ice.

Mix strawberry liqueur, vermouth (60 ml), cognac (10 ml), add a couple of pieces of ice and garnish with strawberries.

Of the snacks with such drinks, the berries themselves, as well as cakes and muffins with them, will be best combined.


Now you can make your own delicious strawberry liqueur, which will give a pleasant aroma to anyone. After all, berries are great for everyone, because they have a sour taste and a sweet aftertaste. Strawberry liqueur recipes will give a lot of pleasant emotions, and their result will be a good mood for the whole evening. Good luck with cooking and don't forget to treat your family!

If the recipe is not completely clear, you have questions, you can watch a video on how to prepare a drink. It is also worth recalling that strawberry liqueur can be prepared according to the same recipe as strawberry liqueur and vice versa.


The history of the creation of liquor

The history of the creation of liquor. Liqueurs have long been very popular. Today they take pride of place among the variety of alcoholic beverages, becoming one of the most popular alcoholic treats. The richest choice of their assortment is represented by specimens of a huge color palette with an immense bouquet of aromas.

Origins of creation
The word "liquor" comes from the Latin. "Liguefacere" - to dissolve. But this drink has another name - "cardiais", which has become a derivative of lat. "card" - heart. This is what was originally called a drink that can warm the soul and heal the heart. Liqueurs have been used for centuries. Thanks to their delicate, unique taste, liqueurs were recognized in aristocratic circles, where they were valued above beer and wine. For the lower strata of society, they were not available.

It is impossible to reliably say when exactly the first liquor appeared for the first time.

  • According to one version, the origins of the birth of this drink were laid back in the 13th century when Arnaud de Villeneuve (the court alchemist of King Argon) created the "elixir of life" - alcohol.
  • It was soon noticed that the plants and fruits added to it increased the healing abilities of this drink.
  • Since then, the preparation of this miraculous elixir has been practiced in ancient monasteries and laboratories of alchemists.
  • Doctors sought to invent various healing potions on its basis. Allegedly, in the XIV century, the secret of making the first liqueurs was already known.

Elixir of Benedict

The official inventor of the liquor is considered to be Bernardo Vinzelli, who told the whole world about this amazing drink. He lived in the 16th century in the French city of Fecamp, located on the coast of the English Channel. Therefore, France is considered the historical homeland of liqueurs. However, Bernardo Vinzelli himself was of Italian origin, so it is likely that he learned the secret of this magnificent drink in his homeland - in Italy.

B. Vinzelli named his drink "Elixir Benedict" in honor of the monastery of St. Benedict, where he lived as a monk. There it was widely used for medicinal purposes.

In the Middle Ages, Europe was shaken by numerous wars. As you know, the monks often acted as healers, helping the wounded. To heal the warriors, they gave them liqueurs, assuring that this drink strengthens the male spirit and strengthens strength.

Over time, both monks and physicians sought to improve the miraculous drink. They included various herbs, their flowers and roots in his recipe. The addition of certain ingredients stimulated the appetite, improved digestion, and so on.

Strawberries are such a berry that wherever you put them, everything turns out delicious. The liqueur was no exception. It is known as Xu Xu and is very popular. Let's take this opportunity and try to cook the same strawberry liqueur Xu Xu at home, and read below how to do it.

Recipe for strawberry liqueur Xu Xu at home

In order to get a bright taste and rich color, it is better to take the ripest and sweetest strawberries. Of course, you can also use frozen, but then the color of the liquor will not be so beautiful.


  • water - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • vodka - 700 ml;
  • strawberries - 800 g;
  • lemon - ½ pc.


We thoroughly wash the berries, remove the stalks and cut into quarters, small ones can be halves. We will use a 3 liter bottle as dishes, and put the chopped strawberries into it. We also squeeze lemon juice there, carefully so that the bones do not fall, it will give a pleasant sourness and prevent the drink from becoming cloyingly sweet. Fill everything with vodka, it is important that it covers all the berries completely, and put on the windowsill or any other warm place for 7 days. Then we strain the tincture from the berries through cheesecloth in two layers into another bowl. And put sugar in the berries, shake well and leave again for 3 days, mix from time to time with a wooden or plastic spoon. The berry will give all the juice, the sugar will dissolve and we will strain it again through cheesecloth. It is not worth crushing the berry so that the strawberry pulp does not get into the liquor. And pour water into the remaining berries, mix, thereby washing off the remnants of the precious fragrant and filter. Now we mix all three filtered liquids, mix and insist for a couple more days in the refrigerator.

Strawberry liqueur on vodka Xu Xu

Thanks to the chic strawberry aroma, the liquor turns out to be very tasty and the smell of alcohols is not felt at all.


  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 320 g;
  • vodka - 550 ml;
  • water - 100 ml.


Wash strawberries well, sort and clean from the stalks. Next, you need to grind it in a blender and strain or rub through a sieve. We put this puree in a jar with a volume of at least 2 liters, fill it with vodka and leave it to infuse for 10 days in any warm place. We cook the syrup from water and sugar and add it to the tincture along with lime juice, mix and put it in the refrigerator to brew for a couple of days, after which the taste becomes saturated with strawberry, and alcohol is practically not felt.

A quick recipe for homemade liquor Xu Xu

This recipe is designed for the fact that it can be consumed immediately after preparation, it does not require a long tincture and strawberries can be taken frozen, so you can cook such a xu xu at any time of the year.


  • thawed strawberries - 550 g;
  • sugar - 255 g;
  • vodka - 300 ml;
  • lemon - ½ pc.


We put the berries in a blender bowl and beat them into a homogeneous puree, which we filter through a fine sieve. Because the mass is quite thick, this process is not fast, you can speed it up with a spoon, the main thing is that all the excess remains in the sieve. Then we send the puree back to the washed blender and lay sugar there, beat again at maximum speed. Pour alcohol and pitted lemon juice, otherwise it will be bitter, turn on the blender for 4 minutes. Lemon juice and sugar can be added a little more or less, as you like. Pour into bottles and let stand for a while to let the air out, close the lids and refrigerate before drinking. Be sure to store in the refrigerator, because. berries were not subjected to heat treatment.

Well, we have told all the intricacies of the recipe, and how to drink strawberry liqueur Xu Xu - pure or everyone decides for himself.

Today I want to offer a delicious and light alcoholic drink for adults - strawberry liqueur, which can be made very simply at home. A homemade drink usually has a strength of 15 degrees, a sweet taste and a wonderful aroma. It is these properties that make him a real favorite of the female population. I really want to save a piece of summer to keep warm during the long winter evenings. And one of these memories is a strawberry.

Secrets of Delicious Strawberry Liqueur

It would seem that it is easier to fill the berries with vodka, pour sugar and let it brew. But this is only at first glance. Of course, like any culinary product, the drink has its secrets.

  1. The berry for making liquor should be juicy and ripe, this will make the drink more saturated and fragrant.
  2. Do not get hung up on the word "strawberry". You can shade the taste of strawberries with other berries, fruits and even herbs.
  3. You can always get frozen berries out of the fridge and make a great drink out of them. All the recipes I have presented are suitable for this.

For novice lovers of a wonderful drink, I suggest that you first get acquainted with the technical recommendations for making strawberry liqueur:

  • Be sure to dry the berries thoroughly so that excess moisture does not reduce the degree of the drink;
  • If you want the liqueur to be free of small strawberry pits, run the berries through a juicer. No juicer - take a blender, chop the berries and rub the puree through a sieve;
  • Each ingredient gives the drink its own taste, so be careful when choosing alcohol. Use only quality drinks;
  • Pour the liquor ready for storage into small bottles (0.5–1 liter). Periodically opening and closing the container, you risk depriving the contents of aroma and taste.

Strawberry vodka liqueur - a simple homemade recipe

A simple classic homemade liqueur recipe. A drink prepared in this way will last all winter perfectly.

You will need:

  • Strawberries - 1.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Vodka or cognac - 1 liter.


  1. Carefully sort through the strawberries, setting aside spoiled and not ripe berries, wash and dry. Strawberries should not be wet.
  2. Place the berries in a large container and fill with alcohol. The liquid level should be a couple of centimeters above the berries. Close the container with a lid, put on a windowsill or in a sunny place. Leave for two weeks.
  3. When the berries give up their juices, make syrup. To do this, dissolve the sugar in water and let it boil. Then refrigerate the syrup.
  4. Drain the strawberry juice. If necessary, strain through cheesecloth and mix with cooled syrup.
  5. The last step to pleasure: bottle the mixture into bottles in which the liquor will be stored. Let it brew in a warm place for an additional week to “ripen”. After a week, start sampling and enjoy.

Strawberry liqueur with cream

If you are a fan of strawberries and cream, this is the drink for you. Having made it yourself at home, you will get an exquisite drink at the exit.


  • Fresh strawberries - 2 tbsp.
  • Vodka or cognac - 500 ml.
  • Vanilla - 1 stick (vanilla sugar 1 sachet).
  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Cream 10% - 150 ml.
  • Yogurt natural or vanilla - 200 gr.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. First, prepare the strawberry infusion. To do this, wash and dry the berries. Cut into halves or quarters (large) and fill with alcohol. Let the berries brew in a cool place for a week.
  2. When the infusion is ready, prepare the creamy syrup. Combine cream with sugar and boil the mixture.
  3. Cool, add yogurt, mix thoroughly.
  4. Drain the infusion, if necessary, strain and mix it with creamy syrup. Pour into bottles.
  5. Let the liquor brew in the heat for a couple of days and put it in the cold for storage.

Strawberry liqueur Xu-Xu (Xu-Xu) - a recipe at home

The world-famous xu-xu liquor. In Russia, many people call him Xu-Ksu. Fragrant drink with spicy sourness will not leave anyone indifferent.

To prepare Xu, you will need:

  • Fresh berry - ½ kg.
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • Vodka - 0.5 l.
  • Sugar - 250 gr.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  1. Sort and wash the berries. Dry well.
  2. Take a liter jar, fold the berries, fill with alcohol. If you want a stronger liquor, add vodka to the top of the jar.
  3. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, add to the contents of the jar.
  4. Close the lid and send to insist on the window. The waiting time is a week.
  5. Pour the finished infusion into a jar, set aside for a while, but do not hide in the cold.
  6. Add sugar to the "drunk berry", mix gently.
  7. Set the mixture aside for a couple of days until the sugar dissolves. Shake the jar periodically.
  8. After the sugar is completely dissolved, drain the syrup and pour it into the infusion (remember, we drained it and removed it for now).
  9. Pour water into a jar of berries, mix and pour strawberry water to the finished mixture.
  10. Leave the liquor to infuse in a warm place for 4-5 days.
  11. After the expiration date, a berry suspension will appear at the bottom of the jar. Remove it by straining the liquor through cheesecloth.
  12. Pour the liquor into bottles and refrigerate for storage.

Aromatic strawberry banana liqueur

Love the combination of strawberries and bananas? I - yes! What I just do not do with these fruits, including liquor. To make strawberry banana liqueur, take:

  • Strawberries - 400 gr.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Banana - 2 pcs.
  • Vodka - 500 ml.


  1. Sort the strawberries, wash, dry thoroughly. Cut into circles.
  2. Peel bananas, cut similarly into circles.
  3. Take a jar, lay strawberries with bananas, alternating layers. Fill with vodka.
  4. Place the container in a warm place or in the sun for 7 days.
  5. After a week, add sugar to the resulting infusion. Hold on for a couple more days.
  6. Strain the finished liquor, fly into bottles.

Strawberry liqueur with condensed milk - a quick recipe

If you urgently need to come up with something interesting for a treat, or just treat yourself to your loved one, prepare a wonderful creamy liqueur. The main feature of the drink is that you don’t have to wait long for it to infuse.

  • Berry fresh (frozen) - 1 kg.
  • Cream - 200 ml.
  • Condensed milk - 1 jar.
  • Vodka (cognac) - 500 ml.

How to make a delicious drink:

  1. Rinse fresh berries thoroughly and dry. Frozen can not be defrosted, the blender can handle it.
  2. Puree the strawberries in a blender. If you do not want cake to be present in the liquor, strain the juice through cheesecloth.
  3. Mix juice (berry puree) with condensed milk, cream and alcohol. Try it. If the strength of the drink does not suit you, add cream and add a little condensed milk.
  4. After adjusting the taste, let it brew in the refrigerator for 1 day.

Thick jam liqueur

It remains strawberry jam - make liquor! The taste will turn out to be somewhat different, but the workpiece does not disappear.


  • Jam - half a liter jar.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Vodka - 1 liter.
  • Sugar - to taste.

How to do:

  1. Put the jam in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it. Mix thoroughly. If the jam is watery, take less water. Thick jam usually does not dissolve well, so put the saucepan on the fire, warm it up a little, stirring constantly.
  2. Cool the resulting syrup, pour into a jar, add vodka.
  3. Put the container in a dark place, allowing it to “ripen”, for 2 weeks. Stir the contents of the jar once a day.
  4. At the end of the term, strain the liquor through cheesecloth. If it is not sweet enough, add sugar, mix thoroughly.
  5. Pour into bottles and put in the pantry.

Video recipe: homemade strawberry liqueur. Good luck harvesting and delicious winter evenings.

Step-by-step recipes for strawberry liqueur at home with vodka and cognac, lemon, cream, mint

2018-08-04 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


22 gr.

88 kcal.

Option 1: Classic strawberry liqueur at home

Strawberry liqueur is a great drink on its own, but also a wonderful ingredient in a variety of desserts, cocktails and other drinks. Liquor is very easy and simple to prepare at home. It is best to do this in the summer, when there is an abundance of fresh berries. From frozen strawberries, the liquor will turn out not so tasty, the aroma will change. The drink is based on vodka and sugar. To reduce the strength of the liquor and achieve acceptable values, we use purified water. There should be no chlorine in it.


  • 300 g strawberries;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 250 ml of vodka;
  • 100 ml of water.

Step by Step Recipe for Classic Strawberry Liqueur

We wash the strawberries, put them on a napkin and leave to dry. Then we pinch off the tails. We cut large berries into four parts, all other specimens in half.

Pour strawberries into a glass jar, fill with vodka, close and put in the refrigerator. We insist exactly five days, shake occasionally. Gradually, strawberries will give color to vodka, and the berries themselves will become noticeably paler than they were.

After five days, pour the vodka through a strainer into another jar, close it, put it in the refrigerator. Add granulated sugar to the strawberries, shake, leave to melt and dissolve for another two or three days. Then we discard the berries and drain the syrup through gauze, squeeze the strawberries. We throw away the rest, we don’t need more berries.

It remains only to mix strawberry vodka with the resulting sugar syrup. Next, dilute the liquor with purified water, shake vigorously and you're done! We use the liqueur immediately, but it is better to put it in a cool and dark place, after a week the taste will be much better. Do not forget to use a tight lid so that alcohol vapors do not evaporate.

All granulated sugar in the strawberries should dissolve, so it is advisable to shake the jar of berries several times a day.

Option 2: A quick homemade strawberry liqueur recipe

Infuse the berries in vodka, then strain, sprinkle with sugar and wait again, there is not always time. Here is a simplified technology for making liquor. The recipe is for a whole bottle of vodka, but if necessary, you can cut it in half, make less liquor.


  • 700 g strawberries;
  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • glass of water;
  • 320 g sugar.

How to quickly make strawberry liqueur at home

We sort through the strawberries, pour them into a colander and rinse under a tap or shower. If the berries are very ripe and soft, then simply dip the colander into a bowl of water several times, and then let it stand and dry for a while.

Since we have an abbreviated technology for making strawberry liqueur, we cut the berries finely. Pour into a jar, fill with vodka. We leave it in the sun, you can put it on the windowsill, shake it periodically so that the taste and color come out of the pieces. We keep three days.

As soon as the vodka turns pink, you can strain it, squeeze the berries well, since they will not be reused.

We mix water with sugar, put on the stove and let it boil well. If there is a gray foam on the syrup, then remove it. We leave to chill.

We combine our strawberry vodka with prepared sugar syrup. Shake well and use the liquor for its intended purpose. Or we send it to the refrigerator for a while. It is believed that any alcohol after mixing needs to be infused.

If you do not need a very sweet liquor, then the amount of sugar can be reduced by about 25-30%, but no more. Still, this drink should have a slightly sugary taste.

Option 3: Homemade strawberry liqueur with lemon

Another of the most popular varieties of strawberry liqueur, which is prepared with the addition of lemon. The recipe uses not only juice, but also zest. After all, it is she who gives that unique aroma.


  • 1 lemon;
  • 300 g strawberries;
  • 300 ml of vodka;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 90 ml of purified water.

How to cook

Wash the lemon and strawberries. Remove the yellow peel from the citrus in a circle, which is the zest. We throw it into a jar, add whole berries, but remove the tails. Cut the citrus in half, squeeze out the juice, pour into a jar.

Add vodka to the lemon with strawberries, put on a tight lid, send it to the refrigerator for a week. Let the alcohol infuse, absorb the aroma and flavor of the strawberries, and take the essential oils from the zest.

Add water to sugar, stir, put on a small fire and melt. After dissolving the sand, add a little fire, bring the syrup to a boil, cool.

We drain vodka from the can, it is better to do it right away in a strainer. Squeeze the berries to extract all the juice. If the tincture is cloudy, it is advisable to re-strain. Or leave alone, then drain from the resulting sediment.

Pour infused vodka to syrup or vice versa. We mix the liquids, send them into a bottle or into a decanter with an airtight lid. We put the liquor in a cool place.

It is important for the preparation of liqueurs to use good berries without traces of rot, mold. Otherwise, alcohol will absorb them, and the drink will have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Option 4: Homemade strawberry liqueur with cream

Strawberries with cream are the perfect combination that can be used in more than just desserts. Your attention to the recipe for a delicate and fragrant liquor. Cream for cooking we take 20 or 25% fat. Whiskey is used here for fastening, but you can also take good vodka.


  • 200 g strawberries;
  • 250 ml whiskey;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • 250 ml cream;
  • 1 g vanillin.

Step by step recipe

Pour the whiskey strawberries cut into cubes or slices, let it brew for three days, and preferably for a whole week, so that the liquor has a more pronounced flavor. Then we filter, carefully squeeze the berries, but do not add the pulp.

Combine cream with vanilla and powdered sugar. Beat for a few seconds and in the process we introduce whiskey infused with strawberries or just vodka. Mix well so that stratification does not form.

Pour the cream liqueur with strawberries into airtight bottles, let stand in the cold for a week. After that, the drink can be consumed. If suddenly sweets seem a little, then you can add a little more powdered sugar, but dissolve thoroughly.

Very often, such cream liqueurs are prepared in a simplified way based on condensed milk, sometimes it is diluted with whole milk or low-fat cream. After adding the tincture, a rich and sweet drink is obtained, additional sugar is usually not required.

Option 5: Homemade strawberry liqueur with lemon juice and mint

Another summer version of strawberry liqueur with lemon, but with the addition of mint leaves. The drink has a very pleasant sweet taste, while it has a light refreshing aftertaste. You can use lemon balm instead of mint. Sufficiently large proportions of products are given, if necessary, reduce.


  • 2 liters of vodka or cognac;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 100 ml lemon juice;
  • 25 g mint;
  • 1 liter of filtered water;
  • 2 kg strawberries.

How to cook

Wash, sort through all the strawberries. If the berries are large, then cut in half or into four parts. Transfer the berries to a large jar, periodically throwing mint leaves. Squeeze the juice from the lemons, add to the berries and top it all with vodka. We leave for 14-16 days, hermetically close. Can be kept at room temperature, even better put on the windowsill.

We mix sugar and water, put it on the stove and cook the most ordinary syrup. Let it simmer for a few minutes, then strain.

While the syrup is cooling, we take out our strawberries. We put gauze in a colander, set it over a bowl or saucepan, filter the berries. Raise the ends of the gauze, squeeze.

We combine sugar syrup and tincture, stir, pour the finished liquor into bottles. Now it is better to put it in a dark place.

The taste of homemade liqueurs is very easy to change by adding or removing certain ingredients. Cinnamon will fit perfectly into the drink, but we use sticks, not powder, we insist all together. You can also pour a little cut zest, it gives more taste and aroma than the juice itself. If desired, we throw a vanilla pod, an asterisk of cloves, star anise or a piece of ginger root.

18.04.2016 14 287

Homemade strawberry liqueur - how to cook?

Here is a small recipe on how to make homemade strawberry liqueur with a minimum of effort and time. A wide variety of strawberry liqueurs are sold in stores, why buy when you can make your own at home. The taste of homemade liquor cannot be compared with any alcoholic drink, moreover, you will be sure of the quality of the product made. Sugar acts as a natural preservative, it only needs to be stored properly, but it is unlikely that strawberry liqueur will wait long for its connoisseurs ...

1 kilo fresh strawberries
750 grams of sugar
0.5 liters of alcohol (vodka, pure alcohol)
1 liter filtered clean water
Yield: 1 liter

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Liquor preparation time: 45 minutes

in the photo - preparing strawberries for making strawberry liqueur

1. Rinse the berries thoroughly, let the excess water drain. Using a kitchen knife, remove the green stalk;

2. Cut the prepared strawberries into pieces;

3. Place the chopped strawberries in a small saucepan;

4. Fill a saucepan with water until the strawberries are completely covered. Put on the stove, wait for the moment of boiling. Cook over moderate heat for twenty minutes. Remove the released foam during cooking;

5. After about a quarter of an hour, the strawberries will lose most of their color, the water will turn red (scarlet) in color. Remove from fire;

6. Let the strawberry liquid sit for 10 minutes;

7. Using a sieve with small holes, separate the berries from the water. Don't press down on the strawberries, the temptation is great, but it will make the syrup cloudy;

8. Discard the boiled berries. Add sugar to strawberry water, bring to a boil to dissolve sugar into syrup;

9. Boil the strawberry syrup over moderate heat for 5 minutes, remembering to stir every minute and remove the resulting foam;

10. Remove from heat, let cool completely;

11. Add alcohol, stir well, pour the resulting homemade strawberry liqueur into clean bottles. Seal tightly, store for 14 days in a dark room, preferably cool.

After two weeks, the magic drink will be ready to drink. Delicious delicacy goes well with desserts and as a pleasant aperitif. Strawberry liqueur, made at home, can be presented as a gift, pouring into a beautiful bottle, a bright gift will not go unnoticed!
