
Metaxa drink. Metaxa - silk brandy from Greece

Many people know that cognac is an exclusively French drink, which by some miracle also became the name of Armenian, Russian, Georgian drinks similar in recipe and cooking technology. In all other countries and even regions of France, except for the Cognac of the same name, a ban has been established. They produce brandy, armagnac, and in Greece, for example, metaxa.

In fact, Metaxa is more than just cognac from Greece. This drink has rightfully become calling card countries. Spyros Metsaks, the one who invented this drink, probably did not even think that his drink would become so loved all over the world and even enter the top 100 most popular drinks.

How is Metaxa made?

Do this Greek drink from wine spirits double distillation. These are necessarily spirits from only three regions of Greece: Corinth, Attica and Crete. This alcohol is aged oak barrels from 3 to 15 years old.

This is not the end of the cooking process. After aging, the resulting brandy (yes, at this point it is, just the same, brandy) is mixed with nutmeg wine. And then added to the drink herbal infusion and rose petals. After that, it is kept at a temperature of minus 6 for at least another six months.

History of Metaxa

Spyros Metax invented this drink in 1888. Beautiful date, isn't it?

When a factory was being built for its production, they found a coin dedicated to the victory of the Greeks over the Persians in a naval battle near the island of Salmarin. Spyros took this coin as the emblem of his drink.

At first, Metaxa was not released for everyone: it was presented to the royal courts of Greece, Serbia, Russia and Ethiopia. Those, in turn, immediately made Metaxa one of the official drinks.

Gradually, Metaxa conquered the rest of the countries.

How to drink Metaxa

There are a few possible ways. For example, in pure form like any brandy. Only one thing: connoisseurs of this drink do not advise adding ice to Metaxa, as it spoils the taste of the drink.

This drink can be added to tea or coffee. Can be diluted citrus juices so as not to waste the spirit of Greece. Oranges or lemons are also great as appetizers. Classics of the genre - grapes, cheese - will also be a good accompaniment for this drink.

There is so much diversity in the world today alcoholic beverages that can easily please the most fastidious connoisseurs. One of them is tart and fragrant, originally from sunny Greece - Metaxa. Anyone who has tried this drink will not be able to forget it for a long time.


This drink was born in the port city of Piraeus, in southern Greece in the 19th century. great admirer French cognac Spyros Mataxas decided to open a production line unique drink in his own country, awarding him with his own name. He mixed aged cognac with mountain herbs and the national wine of Greece - and brandy was born. The emblem on the bottle was a drawing of an ancient Greek coin, which marked the victory of the Greeks over the Persians in the city of Salamis. This coin was found in the ground, when laying the plant, and Spyros decided that it would bring him good luck.

The owner of the plant presented the first bottles of brandy to the royal courts of Greece, Serbia, Russia and Ethiopia, so that noble persons would become admirers of the drink and its main customers. And so it happened.

The drink became very popular in high society, for its soft taste it was nicknamed "Greek silk", since the name of the owner and the name of the brandy are translated in this way.

In 20 st. brandy began to be delivered to America, where he was very popular. In the 60s, production was transferred to Athens, where it works now.

Metaxa - cognac or brandy

Many connoisseurs wonder if this is brandy or cognac? The Mataxa drink is made according to a special technology, mixed with herbs and spices, which is why it has the name brandy. He is dark amber, with the aroma of dried fruits, and the aftertaste has notes of oak and nutmeg.

Mataxa is often called cognac, and they are mistaken, because not only grapes are used in its production, but also fruits and spices. This drink is unique in itself, there is no similar combination in the whole world. Greek wine, national herbs and fruit juice, for this it is difficult to attribute it to any category of alcoholic beverages.

Differences between brandy and cognac

Brandy is usually called a type of drinks containing alcohol, which are prepared in a special way from the distillate of grape spirit, juice, fermentation residues of berries and fruits, or from their pomace. Such drinks are very similar to cognac and have 45-60 revolutions.

Cognac is produced only from certain varieties white grapes, by double processing, and then aged in oak barrels for at least 3 years. This drink has a strength of not more than 40%.

You can’t call any particular drink brandy, it’s more like a recipe for preparing it using a special technology than a full-fledged name.

Manufacturing process

The brandy recipe is kept in strict confidence and is not disclosed to anyone. But the technology of its manufacture is known. For the drink, grape mixtures are used from different regions Greece - Crete, Attica, Corinth. The grapes are distilled twice for alcohol, and then stored in oak barrels for 5 to 15 years.

The most expensive brandy, Mataxa, has been aged for about 80 years.

Then already in ready drink add muscat wine aged for at least 1 year, which is made on the Greek islands. Also in the composition there is a collection of dry herbs and rose petals in a secret proportion.
The final stage for brandy is its storage in oak barrels in special rooms with an air temperature of -6 degrees for about six months. The brandy is then bottled and sold.

Types of brandy Mataxa

To date, there is a classification of types of brandy called Mataksa.

3 stars- this drink has a strength of 38%, it is aged in oak barrels and is sold at a low price. Has fresh fruity taste;

5 stars- has a strength of 40% due to the 5-year-old wine in the composition. This drink contains unforgettable aroma roses and Greek herbs;

7 stars- such a drink is called "Amphora" and is bottled in special bottles resembling this vessel. This brandy has 7 years of aging, it has a dark amber color, flavor of dried fruits with a hint of vanilla;

12 starsnoble drink with a strength of 40%. It is infused for 12 years, and is valued for its complex taste with chocolate and orange notes;

Grade Grand Fin- refers to elite varieties, has an exposure period of 15 years, you can buy in stores in porcelain and ceramic containers. It has a rich fruity taste with hints of raisins and nutmeg;

Grade Private Reserve- aged for about 30 years wooden barrels. It is distinguished by a strength of 40% and a mild aftertaste of honey, nuts and spices. Can only be bought in Greece;

Variety AEN- an exclusive type of brandy. The aging period is 80 years. It differs from other varieties with notes of coffee, almonds and spices in taste.

How to drink brandy

There are several ways to consume this drink, on its own, with ice or as a cocktail. It is better to serve long-aged brandy as a digestif, and to drink it with the help of small sips in order to fully feel in your mouth all its bouquet of aftertaste and unusual smell.

Brandy can be drunk from several types of glasses. Drink up to 7 stars can be consumed from small glasses Short Glass (Shot). These are small shot glasses up to 40 ml different shapes. A drink of seven stars and above is served in wide low glasses with a neck already at the base. You need to pour brandy only into the wide part of the glass, so that in addition to taste you can enjoy a bright aroma.

Before drinking a drink, the glass is held in the palms to heat up to room temperature.

What is better to use

If you add a few ice cubes to this brandy, then this will dilute its amber color. Connoisseurs of Matax do not recommend drinking brandy with ice aging for more than 5 years, as this can ruin it. unique taste.

It is better to combine light snacks with brandy, for example, berries and fruits, toast with caviar, lemon slices, dark chocolate, slices of cheese and baked meat on lettuce leaves.

Brandy should be drunk in small sips, and before swallowing, you need to hold it in your mouth a little.

Recipes with brandy Metaxa

A drink of not long aging can be drunk by mixing in equal proportion with any juice or tonic. High-aged matax is not mixed with anything, so as not to spoil its exquisite taste.

Brandy is also added a few drops to coffee or tea to reduce the strength of the alcoholic beverage.
In many bars around the world, Mataxa is considered an excellent base for making cocktails.

Here are some recipes for these drinks:

Greek mojito

Brandy Mataksa - 50 ml;
Sugar - 1 tsp;
Lemon or lime - a couple of slices;
Soda water -200 ml;
Mint - a couple of leaves;
Ice on request.

Cocktail "Sauer" by Spyros Mataxas

Freshly squeezed lemon and orange juice - only 60 ml;
Brandy Mataksa - 50 ml;
Sparkling water - 120 ml;
Ice to taste.

Alexandra cocktail(invented at the time of the arrival of the queen in the 20th century)

Brandy Mataksa - 30 ml;
chocolate liqueur- 30 ml;
Baileys - 30 ml;

Add all ingredients to a shaker, mix and enjoy.

Brandy Metaxa at home

There is no exact recipe for the famous brandy, since it is kept in the strictest confidence. But you can make your own drink, very similar to Mataksa.

For a 5 liter keg you will need:
Grape distillate 60% - 3.5-4 liters;
White wine, sweet - 0.5 bottles;
Rose hips - 5-6 pieces;
Dry cloves - 2 buds;
Cinnamon sticks - small piece;
Brown sugar - 0.5 tbsp. spoons.

The distillate is stored in a barrel for 6 months, then wine is added to it. Six months later, a tincture of spices and 300 grams of distillate are prepared, insisted for a couple of months and added to the barrel. After 3 months, you can try the resulting drink and bottle it.

Those who have tried Matax brandy at least once definitely recommend it to others. Already from the first sip you can enjoy its unique taste filled with spices, dried fruits and herbs collected on the lands of sunny Greece.

Perhaps every country can be proud of a product that is associated only with it on the world market. In the case of Greece, Metaxa brandy became such an embodiment, amber drink with a long and very interesting history.

I am sure that most tourists, returning from vacation, take home a bottle unusual shape with Metaxa inscription.

History of Metaxa

In 1888, connoisseur of beauty and aristocrat Spyros Metaksas decided to found his own cognac company. Formerly employed in family business, he leaves the business and builds a factory in Piraeus. But the problem is that in the late 19th century, alcohol was not associated with finesse. It warmed or burned, but there was no product that could give pleasure. In search perfect taste Metaxas combined aged wine distillates with muscat wine, rose petals and other secret herbal ingredients to create a sweet drink with a light floral aroma.

The founder of brandy set his task to create a drink that would equally delight with both aroma and taste. Metaksas took cognac as a basis, painstakingly improving it with additional components. This is how the amber Metaxa appeared, to which the aristocrat proudly gave his name. By the way, the name Metaxas comes from the words "silk merchant", which is quite symbolic - the drink is famous for its soft taste. The image of an ancient coin dedicated to the Battle of Salamis was chosen as the emblem. It was accidentally discovered during the construction of the first plant.

In 1892, Metaxa began to be exported to Egypt, and in 1895 received another award at an exhibition in Germany. In 1900, it was appreciated by the inhabitants of the United States, where the drink was in great demand. Also, until the fall of the Russian Empire, the plant was a supplier of the imperial court and was even awarded a gold royal medal.

The Greek elite also appreciated taste qualities Metaxa, and for good reason it was originally conceived as an expensive drink. Brandy was delivered to the court of George I, after which it was marked by the elite of Serbia, Bulgaria and Germany. The number of Metaxa factories increased: enterprises opened in Cairo and Odessa, where more than 100,000 barrels were produced per year.

After the unexpected death of Metaxas in 1909, his wife, sons, and then grandchildren continued to work. They not only supported the popularity of the drink, but also brought it to a new level. In 1915, brandy was again recognized as the best - this time at an exhibition in San Francisco. Interestingly, Metaxa became one of the two Greek brands that survived both world wars.

In 1968 a new plant was built in Kifisia. Today, almost 60% of the drink is exported to dozens of countries around the world, although it is produced only in Athens. Metaxa is one of the hundred most popular alcoholic beverages and has long been one of the most recognizable brands in Greece.

Types of Metaxa

Today, for the production of the drink, they take alcohol obtained by distillation of wine grown in Attica and Crete. The blends are matured in special Limousin oak barrels. As at the time of creation, rose petals are still added to Metaxa. Moreover, they must be grown at an altitude of 800 meters and collected at the end of spring.

In some barrels, the drink matures for 90 years. On sale there are special types of Metaxa long exposure or copies in exclusive bottles. The number on the label fully reflects the exposure time:

  • Metaxa 3* is a three year old brandy and the youngest of the Metaxa types. Drink golden color with a light fresh taste can be drunk neat.
  • Metaxa 5 * - is rightfully considered a bestseller. The drink has an amber color, notes of vanilla and, as the manufacturer himself claims, the taste of a brioche bun.
  • Metaxa 7* is considered by many to be more male drink. Its taste is stronger and more intense, with rich notes ripe peach, black raisins and nutmeg.
  • Metaxa 12* is a drink with a complex character, notes of chocolate, toffee and orange peel. For its production, Muscat wine is taken from the island of Samos.

  • Private Reserve is a drink that is produced in only one batch per year. It is made from ingredients selected at the peak of their maturity.

How to drink Metaxa

Drink at room temperature can be consumed in its pure form. Usually Metaxa is drunk slowly, enjoying every facet of its taste and delicate aroma. If desired, ice is added, but only a little so that the taste is not lost. To reduce the strength, you can mix Metaxa with citrus juices.

In Greece, brandy is considered more medicinal, adding a little Metaxa to tea. But the combination with coffee is allowed. Based on the drink, many varieties of refreshing cocktails are prepared. Grapes, citrus fruits, cheeses, meat, chocolate are served as snacks.

Metaxa: is it cognac or brandy?

Throughout the long history of Metaxa's existence, the question has not been resolved: what is it - brandy or cognac? Given the reputation of the drink, we can say with confidence: Metaxa is unique in its kind, and it is unlikely that analogues will ever appear.

In conclusion - cocktail recipes with Metaxa:

Metaxa Suntonic: put ice in a glass, 3 slices of orange and add tonic, a little short of the top. And then - the "solar ball" of Metaxa.

METAXA HotSun: Metaxa 5 stars, hot Apple juice. Garnish with an apple slice and a cinnamon stick.

See how masterfully creates a variety of drinks André Cavalheiro:

Even if you are not a fan of alcoholic beverages, it is worth bringing a bottle of Metaxa from Greece as a gift. Or at least taste this "drink of the gods" to understand what attracts millions of connoisseurs in it exquisite tastes Worldwide.

I must say that I personally have practically never seen Greeks order Metaxa in cafes or drink it at home. In Northern Greece simple people they prefer simple aperitifs: ouzo and tsipouro, as well as light wine and retsina. And in the Peloponnese, we were somehow surprised that they hardly drink retsina there, we hardly found our Malamatina in the supermarket. 🙂 Metaxa is a more aristocratic drink, it requires contemplation and slow enjoyment of flavors…

Elena Meteleva

"Metaxa" is a symbolic brand for Greece. For everyone who appreciates a beautiful holiday in a warm environment, it is simply unacceptable to visit this country without taking home a bottle of an elite drink.

Cognac "Metaxa", as it should be for all elite brands, has not only a unique taste, but also its own interesting story. If you did not manage to relax in Greece, but would like to feel a piece of the flavor of this beautiful country, you should buy a bottle of five-star Metaxa. But before drinking the drink, you should find out the history of its origin. After all, it is better to enjoy any masterpiece when you know its background.

Today, the production of the famous Metaxa drink makes a significant contribution to the development of the fledgling Greek economy. This brand is known all over the world, and individual bottles are sold for 1000 euros. But it all began more than a hundred years ago, when an enterprising merchant, Spyros Metaxas, decided to open small factory for the production of brandy.

Cognac "Metaxa": the history of the emergence and subsequent success of the brand

This drink should have favorably differed from the analogues available at that time. This is exactly what Mr. Metaxas emphasized, logically judging that the soft and refined brandy will appeal not only to the Greeks themselves, but will also win the hearts of the rest of Europe.

The fact is that even 120 years ago brandy was not that soft and refined drink as it is today. The situation was about the same as with Cuban rum. Brandy was served mainly in low-class establishments where people didn’t care what exactly to drink.

Spyros Metaxas approached the creation of brandy from a different angle. He collected the softest varieties of grapes, having obtained through trial and error the technology that makes it possible to make a real masterpiece from the drink.

And already in 1900, the first delivery of Metaxa brandy to the United States was made. Unfortunately, Mr. Metaxas himself did not have time to enjoy the success of his achievements, and his wife successfully continued his work. In difficult economic conditions, she managed to multiply the successes of her late husband and pass on secrets and skills to future generations.

Iconic characteristics

To talk about the reason for the success and belonging to the elite range of "Metax", this cognac should first be tried. From the first sip you can feel its softness and velvety taste. Cognac does not burn the palate at all and has a pleasant smell. True connoisseurs of the five-star and seven-star drink will immediately notice these characteristic qualities of Metaxa, thanks to which the real Greek product nothing to be confused with.

That is why Metaxa cognac is the most famous drink of this sunny country. The production technology, which to this day is kept in deep secrecy, grape varieties that grow only in certain provinces of Greece, and the commitment family traditions- thanks to this achieved best qualities drink.

The famous "Metaxa" does not look like either brandy or cognac. A pronounced nutmeg shade will most characterize this golden drink.

Production features

Cognac "Metaxa" originates from the vineyards of three Greek provinces. These are Crete, Attica and Corinth. Also, wine from the exquisite Muscat, whose homeland is the Aegean Islands, is added to the drink.

What about the pricing policy? "Metaxa" - cognac, which at all stages is produced mainly by hand. For the manufacture of elite drinks, technology better than this has not yet been invented. Therefore, the harvest, its sorting and most of the subsequent processes take place thanks to the caring hands of local workers.

The peculiarity of the product lies in the fact that wine distillation products are used for production. The original for "Metaxa" double technology is used. cognac distillation with the addition of muscat.

In addition to sweet nutmeg, an infusion of special collection herbs, which is a closely guarded secret. Cognac is aged in charred white American oak barrels.

What causes global popularity

The brand became widely popular in our country in the 90s. Since then, you can see 5-star Metaxa cognac on store shelves, as well as a more expensive seven-star version. But as early as the end of the nineteenth century, the popularity trademark managed to fly around the whole world. And it all started with the right marketing policy, which was started by the founder of the company - Spyros Metaksas himself.

His business was very successfully continued by the widow, after which the enterprise passed into the hands of the two sons of an enterprising couple. They introduced new marketing moves, which to this day find their echoes in the global promotion of the brand.

What to serve cognac "Metaxa" 7 stars and 5 stars

Despite the fact that this elite drink can be mixed with other components of cocktails, real connoisseurs use it in its pure form. Both 7 stars and 5 are best combined with a piece of good dark chocolate, a slice of lemon or toast with caviar, which will only emphasize the status of the drink.

"Metaxa" - what is it?

Many do not cease to be interested in the question: "Metaxa" - cognac or brandy? famous drink Greek origin today classified as brandy. The technology of its production includes the moments of making both brandy and cognac. At one time, the brand was called cognac, at others - brandy. Now on the shelves of shops it can be seen exactly as cognac.

The creators of the drink themselves are not inclined to call it either one or the other name, highlighting it as separate view drinks.
