
Alcoholic drinks cocktails. The most famous cocktails

Today, few parties can pass without a cocktail, but why is your New Year's party worse? Today in our rating are the ten most popular cocktails and, of course, recipes for their preparation.

10th place. Mojito

Mojito recipe appeared in Havana, the capital Cuba, in a small cafe-restaurant " Bodeguita del Medio founded by the family Martinez V 1942 year and to this day welcomes visitors in the same bar in the colonial style in the heart of the city; it was visited by famous personalities, among them Ernest Hemingway, Adrianis Rodriguez, photos of which are stored in the restaurant.

On the origin of the name mojito There are several legends. One says that the word mojito is a modified mojadito (Spanish. Mojadito, reduce from mojado), which means "slightly moist".


White rum - 50 ml
. Sugar syrup - 20 ml
. Soda (mineral water with lemon or sprite) - 50 ml
. Mint - 15 grams
. Lime - 3 slices


1. Put lime and mint in a highball.
2. Muddle and top with crushed ice.
3. Pour in the rum, sugar syrup and club soda.
4. Stir with a bar spoon.
5. Add crushed ice.
6. Garnish with a sprig of mint.

9th place. Pina colada

The name of the cocktail translates as " filtered pineapple". Initially, this name meant fresh pineapple juice, which was served strained ( colado). Unstrained bore the name sin color. Then rum was included in the composition. IN mid-twentieth century in one of the Puerto Rican bars, the cocktail recipe " piña colada”, which gained immense popularity and became the pride of Puerto Ricopiña colada»is considered the official drink Puerto Rico.


White rum - 50 ml
. Coconut syrup - 30 ml
. Pineapple juice - 100 ml


1. Pour rum, coconut syrup and pineapple juice into a shaker.

3. Strain through a strainer into a hurricane glass with ice.
4. Garnish with a pineapple and cocktail cherry.

8th place. cosmopolitan

Initially, the cocktail was specially created for vodka. Absolute Citron which tasted like lemon. According to another version, cosmopolitan» created Cheryl Cook, a woman bartender from the shtetl South Beach, Florida. Another figure involved in the creation of the drink was Toby Cizzini With Manhattan. He made a cocktail based on the recipe Cook, while he made his own small changes. It was his recipe that became the standard of cooking " Cosmopolitan". For a long time, this cocktail has been popular among gay club goers. Only in 1998 year with the release of the series " Sex in the city", Where " cosmopolitan"became the favorite drink of the heroines, it gained wide popularity.


Orange liqueur - 10 ml
. Cranberry juice - 30 ml
. Lemon juice - 10 ml
. Vodka - 30 ml
. Orange peel essential oil - 1 slice


1. Pour vodka, orange liqueur, lemon juice and cranberry juice into a shaker.
2. Fill a shaker with ice cubes and shake.

4. Squeeze the orange peel essential oil onto the surface of the drink and plunge into the glass.

7th place. Tequila Sunrise

Cocktail " Tequila Sunrise'was invented in 30-40s years in a hotel Arizona Biltmore Hotel. The original recipe included blackcurrant liqueur and lime juice. Your name (English) sunrise - "sunrise") Cocktail received for appearance. Dense components (blackcurrant liqueur or pomegranate syrup), settling to the bottom of the glass through a mixture of juice and tequila, create a gradation of colors reminiscent of dawn.

There is a version that the cocktail became famous thanks to the group " The Rolling Stones", whose musicians preferred" Tequila Sunrise» to all other drinks during his American tour in 1972 year.


Tequila - 50 ml
. Orange juice - 150 ml
. Grenadine syrup (pomegranate syrup) - 10 ml


2. Pour tequila and orange juice
3. Top with grenadine syrup
4. Garnish with an orange slice

6th place. Daiquiri

Origin story related to patriotic Cuban motifs tells the story of a Cuban engineer Jennings Cox, which was heading for manganese development in the area Daiquiri. He had only rum at his disposal to quench the thirst of the workers. The engineer asked a peasant, whose estate bordered on mining, a basket of limes and granulated sugar, then extracting ice from the fittings that miners usually used, prepared a simple cocktail composition " Dairiki". The result was so successful that the workers spread the recipe all over the island.

Well, he brought worldwide fame to the cocktail Ernest Hemingway. He wrote about his favorite cocktails like this: My daiquiri en Floridita, my mojito en Bodeguita "(My daiquiri is in Floridita, my mojito is in Bodeguita") .


White rum - 40 ml
. Lemon juice - 20 ml
. Sugar syrup - 20 ml


1. Pour rum, lemon juice and sugar syrup into a shaker.
2. Fill a shaker with ice cubes and shake.
3. Strain through a strainer into a chilled cocktail glass.
4. Garnish with a circle of lemon.

5th place. margarita

A cocktail of Hispanic origin, the appearance dates back to about a period of 1936—1948 years, there are many versions about his appearance, in almost all of them a woman named Margarita appears. And although there are only three official versions of the origin of life on Earth, contenders for the title " creator of margarita» do not count!


Tequila - 40 ml
. Orange liqueur - 20 ml
. Lemon juice - 20 ml


1. Pour tequila, lemon juice and orange liqueur into a shaker.
2. Fill a shaker with ice cubes and shake.
3. Strain through a strainer into a margarita glass with a salty rim.
4. Garnish with a lime wedge.

4 methods. Martini Dry

Dry Martini was first presented to the public at the turn of the XX century. According to one version, it happened in a bar in a New York hotel. Knickerbocker: bartender Martini di Armadi Taggia combined in equal proportions gin and Noilly Prat and added a drop of orange bitter. According to another theory, "father" Dry Martini was from San Francisco and called him Jerry Thomas. He mixed a cocktail for a gold digger who went to seek his fortune in the city. Martinez. There is also a version according to which the cocktail got its name in honor of guns. Martini and Henry, which were in service with the British army at the beginning XX century: the allegedly stunning (in the literal sense of the word) cocktail was to the taste of the soldiers.
Cinematography brought worldwide fame to the cocktail. " Matrini Dry"appears in such cult films of American cinema as a series about the war in Vietnam M*A*S*H, where the main characters use only "dry martini".


Gin - 75 ml
. Dry vermouth - 15 ml
. Olive - 1


1. Chill the cocktail glass and mixing glass.
2. Drain the melted water from the mixing bowl.
3. Pour in the vermouth and gin and stir with a bar spoon.
4. While holding ice in a mixing glass, pour into a cocktail glass.
5. Dip an olive on a skewer to the bottom of the glass.

3rd place. Cuba Libre

First prepared in Havana V 1900 year. American soldiers mixed Cuban rum and cola while toasting a free Cuba: « Viva la Cuba libre» (« Long live free Cuba»).


White rum - 40 ml
. Cola - 120 ml
. Fresh lime - 1 wedge


1. Fill your highball glass to the top with ice cubes
2. Pour rum and cola
3. Garnish with a lime wedge

2nd place. Screwdriver

According to legend, the cocktail got its name from the habit of American oil engineers working in Iraq to mix vodka and orange juice with a screwdriver. But most likely the cocktail was invented John Martin, the man who taught me to drink all the vodka America. The first written mention of the Screwdriver cocktail (screwdriver) is found in the American magazine " Half» in the issue dated October 24, 1949.


Vodka - 50 ml
. Orange juice - 150 ml


1. Fill the highball to the top with ice cubes.
2. Pour in vodka and orange juice.
3. Garnish with an orange slice.

1 place. Bloody Mary

For the role of the inventor bloody mary Several people apply. Some sources claim that the cocktail was originally created George Jessel at about 1939 year. In the newspaper New York Herald Tribune December 2, 1939 what is believed to be the first reference to the drink was published, along with the original recipe attributed to George Jessel: « George Jessel's new anti-hangover drink, which attracted the attention of correspondents and called Bloody Mary: half tomato juice, half vodka»
The name is associated with the name of the English queen Mary I Tudor, nicknamed Bloody Mary for the massacre of Protestants.


Vodka - 50 ml
. Tomato juice - 100 ml
. Lemon juice - 10 ml
. Fresh celery - 10 g
. Wotchester sauce - 5 drops
. Tabasco - 3 drops
. Salt
. Ground pepper


1. Muddle the celery in a shaker
2. Pour in vodka, lemon juice, tomato juice, Wochester and Tabasco
3. Sprinkle salt, pepper to taste
4. Fill shaker with ice cubes and shake
5. Strain through a strainer into a highball
6. Garnish with a stalk of celery and a lemon

Art director of the Manufactura interactive agency.

- Do you visit clubs and bars? If yes, how often?
- I almost never go to clubs. I've only been a couple of times in my life. I also didn’t pass for a frequenter of bars, but it happens - meetings with friends, clients, partners.
- Do you drink there? What are you drinking?
- Of course I drink. Just not alcohol. I have not been drinking alcohol for over 6 years. Not a drop.
- Do I need to drink in the club to maintain mood and euphoria?
- I think this question applies not only to clubs. I am sure that you can have fun without alcohol in your blood.
- How do you feel about cocktails?
- Cocktails like, but non-alcoholic.
- What do you think about the cocktails presented in the review? What is your favorite and why?
- Non-alcoholic mojito. Because it's refreshing and not overly sweet.
- What is your opinion about alcohol: for or against? Why?
- What is alcohol? This is a serious problem, these are sons without fathers, these are ruined destinies. The fact that I do not drink alcohol is my protest against the system of soldering, the system of creating people addicted to alcohol. Everyone knows that I believe in God, and I know that God is against addiction, against a person deprived of freedom. Many people tell me: “Yes, I can not drink!”, But for some reason they refuse not to drink when I suggest that they do so. So they can't. And when you depend on something, you limit your potential. I would like everyone to be free. I am against alcohol.

A little theory today. Let's talk about cocktails, or rather, about their types. I think everyone knows what cocktails are - drinks obtained by mixing several liquids. Also, I think everyone knows that cocktails can be alcoholic and non-alcoholic. But not everything is so simple - the alcohol group is classified by many categories, which will be discussed further.

Of course, to understand which of the groups this or that belongs to cocktail very difficult. In fact, there can be as many of these categories as there are cocktails themselves, but still there is some underlying reason here. Let's try to understand in more detail. Next will be the types of cocktails in terms of different categorization.


This is a very large group of cocktails, the role of which is to excite the appetite and, as a result, improve digestion. They are served before meals and, as a rule, they include spirits. Depending on the culture of food, aperitifs exist in two versions:

  • Classic aperitifs. Here you can highlight this kind of cocktails: Dry Martini (), Manhattan (Manhattan), as well as Kir (Kir).
  • Aperitifs of Mediterranean Europe. These cocktails most often use vermouth and beaters. I already wrote about one such aperitif - Americano (Americano) can also be attributed here.


This group of cocktails is served after a meal (After Dinner Cocktails), as a rule, they have a very high sugar content, including coffee. Prominent representatives of this group are cocktails and Alexander (Alexander).


The International Bar Organization calls these cocktails Any Time Drinks, which means they can be served at any time, regardless of the food being served. This includes short drinks (Gimlet (Jimlet), (Rusty Nail) or), as well as long drinks (Gin Fizz (Gin Fizz), Screwdriver (Screwdriver), (Long Island Iced Tea) or Tequila Sunrise (Tequila Sunrise)) as you guessed it, this is one of the most popular groups that is very popular in nightclubs and other public events.

Classification of cocktails by strength and size

To be honest, what I am writing now, I hear for the first time =) even a little ashamed. In general, cocktails are also classified by total strength and serving volume:

  • Hot Drinks - hot drinks or warming. Volume (from 60 ml) and strength (from 12 to 35% vol.) can be different.
  • Long Drinks - long drinks. From 160 to 300 ml with a strength of 7 to 17% vol.
  • Short Drinks - short drinks. From 60 to 160 ml with a strength of 17 to 45% vol.
  • Shot Drinks - sent shots. They are also called "throats" or shooters (shooters): from 40 to 60 ml with different strengths. They drink in one gulp, and some are set on fire for beauty.

Classification of cocktails by taste (sweet and sour)

Very fine classification, so it is rarely seen anywhere. I use the first type of classification most often on the blog, but it's still useful to know the following:

  • Daisy- short drink, which consists of one alcoholic drink, lemon juice, sugar and grenadine syrup. As a rule, it is served in an old-fashioned glass, garnished with an orange circle and a cherry.
  • – prepared in the famous collins glass, which is one of the varieties of highballs (highball) – I am still working on the glassware, so you will soon be able to see all its varieties. The composition of such cocktails includes one alcoholic drink, lemon juice, sugar, soda and ice. They are also classic long drinks, and suffice it to cite the famous Collins cocktail (John Collins) as an example.
  • Cobblers and Coolers- almost Collins, only sugar, or lemon juice, or both are not added to the composition. Coolers are a spirit drink served with soda and ice (Gin and Tonic or Concrete), or with ginger ale. But Koblers are also served with crushed ice (crash), as well as fruits;
  • Sauers (Sour)- sour cocktails I already wrote about them when I described the cocktail.
  • Slings- a high content of lemon juice in combination with an alcoholic drink, soda and a spoonful of sugar. A bright representative is Singapore Sling, but instead of sugar, cherry brandy comes here.
  • sweezles- These are long drinks, which include beaters.
  • Fizzy- the composition of cocktails includes highly carbonated water (to fizz from English - “sizzle”). And it is poured with “pop” whipped into lemon juice, sugar and alcohol. Served in highball. A prominent representative is Gene Fizz.
  • Fixes- undiluted cocktails, which include strong alcoholic drinks, liqueurs, syrups or wines. It cooks them very quickly: 2/3 is filled with crushed ice collins and all the ingredients are poured in - decorated with a slice of lemon.

  • layered cocktails- and went to layer one ingredient after another. I already wrote about them in, so look there =).
  • Sangeri- a timeless classic. Sangeris are prepared on the basis of strong elite drinks, diluted with soda, with the addition of Tawny port and nutmeg powder.
  • Corpse Revivers- this is how the eminent bartender Charles Schuman calls this group, which is interpreted as "a return to the life of a dead man." As you guessed, these are anti-hangover cocktails, which are prepared on the basis of high-calorie fruits, a large amount of juice or broth. The brightest of the tonic cocktails are Bullshot (Blow of a bull) and Bloody Mary (Bloody Mary).
  • Punches- warming drinks based on alcohol, juices, sugar and spices.
  • Grogi- warming drinks based on rum, lemon juice, sugar, water or tea, spices.
  • Toddy- warming alcoholic drinks, based on alcohol, honey or sugar, juice or water.
  • hot coffee- warming drinks, based on alcohol, sugar, coffee, sometimes cream.
  • Juleps- mint leaves are crushed with sugar in the muddler right in the serving dish. All this goodness is covered with stabbed people, and alcohol is poured from above. Representative - Mint Julep. , by the way, is considered a long drink, not a julep.
  • Smashes is a more similar form to a mojito, as less alcohol and soda are added to the julep. Smashes are served in old fashion or tumbler.
  • Kir- a mixture of liqueur and champagne. An example is Kir Royal (Kir Royal).
  • eggnog- a long drink cooked in with the addition of an egg. Ground nutmeg, sugar or sugar syrup, milk or cream and, of course, alcohol are also added to the eggnog.

I have to say, it's an impressive list. This is probably the most informative article for me personally so far, in general, I am proud of it =). The listed types describe far from all cocktails, but the basics from the basics are still taken into account. Well, cook, fantasize, experiment, and I will rest. Bye!

A visual guide to making 20 of the most popular, trendy club cocktails at home. The main thing for a cocktail is not the technique of preparation, but the presence of components, but now that the secret is open, you can easily prepare cocktails at home.

A mixture of tastes and aromas, sweetness and bitterness, brightness, lightness and ambiguity - all this is so close in spirit to our short summer. Let's prepare a cocktail, get away from stereotypes, mix our lives in a new way.

If you can't do without a cocktail, choose one based on diet tonics or natural juices.

What's a party without fancy alcoholic cocktails? Take, for example, the notorious Pina Colada, which, without exaggeration, can be called a frequenter of fun parties. Sweet, pleasant taste - you won't even realize that you are drinking alcohol ... But be careful! This is an insidious thing, firstly, you can quietly get tipsy, and secondly, you can gain a couple of extra pounds even more quietly. In one glass of "Pina Colada" "hides" up to 625 kcal (depending on the recipe). And this is not surprising, because there is rum, and sweet pineapple juice, and coconut milk syrup, and even cream to boot ... But if the temptation in front of the yummy is strong, get ready for action!

Rarely at parties, things end with cocktails alone. As a rule, they are also accompanied by an appetizer. If you are the hostess of the holiday, try to keep it light and dietary. Suitable fruit salads and cuts, canapes with vegetables and low-fat cheese, seafood.

Cocktail recipe Margarita / Margarita:
60 milliliters lime juice

60 milliliters of tequila
salt on the rim of the glass
2 crushed ice cubes
lime slice

Cocktail recipe Puss-cafe / Pussee Cafe:
5 milliliters brandy
5 ml green chartreuse
5 milliliters Creme de Menthe
5 milliliters Creme de Yvette
5 ml yellow chartreuse
5 milliliters grenadine

Cocktail recipe Mint Julep / Mint Julep:
300 milliliters of water
60 ml bourbon or whiskey
4 mint leaves

4 crushed ice cubes

Cocktail recipe Long Island Ice Tea / Long Island Ice Tea:
A little Coca-Cola
45 milliliters sweetened lemon juice
30 ml Triple Sec liqueur
30 milliliters of gin
30 ml white rum
30 milliliters of tequila
30 milliliters of vodka

15 ml Galliano liqueur
180 milliliters orange juice
30 milliliters of vodka
orange slice
a tablespoon of brown sugar
3 ice cubes

Harvey Wallbanger Cocktail Recipe:
Rum Cola / Rum & Cola
315 milliliters of Coca-Cola
45 milliliters white rum
lime slice
3 ice cubes

Cocktail Recipe Zombie / Zombie:
15 ml Demerara rum
30 ml passion fruit juice
30 milliliters pineapple juice
30 milliliters of vodka
30 milliliters orange juice
15 ml apricot brandy
75 ml white rum
30 ml Jamaican rum
a tablespoon of brown sugar
lime slice
sprig of mint

Cocktail recipe Ice Pick / Ice Pick:
315 milliliters of iced tea
45 milliliters of vodka
lemon slice
3 ice cubes

Cocktail recipe John Collins / John Collins:
270 milliliters of club soda
45 ml bourbon or whiskey
30 milliliters lemon juice
15 milliliters of sugar syrup
orange slice
3 ice cubes

Cocktail recipe Screwdriver / Screw Driver:
135 milliliters orange juice
45 milliliters of vodka
2 ice cubes

Cocktail recipe Joey's Drink / Joey's Drink:
150 ml tonic
90 milliliters Stolichnaya Orange
3 ice cubes
lime slice

Cocktail recipe Bloody Mary / Bloody Mary:
135 milliliters tomato juice
45 milliliters of vodka
2 ice cubes
celery shoot
a dash of Worcestershire sauce

Cocktail recipe Gin-tonic / Gin&Tonic:
135 milliliters of tonic
45 milliliters of tonic
2 ice cubes

Cocktail recipe White Russian / White Russian:
30 milliliters fresh cream
30 ml Kahlua liqueur
90 milliliters of vodka
2 ice cubes

Cocktail recipe Gimlet / Gimlet:
15 milliliters lime juice
40 milliliters of gin
some soda water

Cocktail recipe Alexander (Alexander):
45 ml gin or brandy
22.5 milliliters Creme de Cacao
45 milliliters fresh cream

Cocktail recipe Daiquiri / Daiquiri:
22.5 milliliters lime juice
45 milliliters white rum
a tablespoon of brown sugar

Cocktail recipe Pina Colada / Pina Colada:
60 ml pineapple juice
30 ml white rum
50 milliliters coconut milk
a tablespoon of brown sugar
slice of pineapple

Tequila Sunrise cocktail recipe / Tequila Sunrise:
270 milliliters orange juice
22.5 milliliters grenadine
45 milliliters of tequila

Cocktail recipe Stars and Stripes / Stars & Stripes:
10 milliliters fresh cream
10 ml Creme de Yvette
10 milliliters grenadine

Boiler room infographics by German designer Konstantin Dats.

Children of Prohibition

In the 1920s, dry law reigned in the United States. But the people did not stop drinking. Clandestine bars and restaurants illegally bought alcoholic drinks of various, often very low quality. And so that they would not taste so disgusting, the owners tried to prepare all kinds of mixtures from them - with the addition of sugar and salt, juices and syrups, various fruits.

In 1921, the Bloody Mary cocktail was created from vodka with tomato juice. In 1924 - "Side Car" (Side Sag) based on cognac, orange liqueur and lemon juice. Visitors liked the mixture. And soon cocktails became the favorite drink of Americans. After the First World War, Americans discovered Europe, flooded into Paris and London, and brought jazz and cocktails with them, which conquered the Old World with incredible speed.

What is the essence of the cocktail

It is necessary to select and mix its components in such a way that a new and harmonious taste is obtained, from which nothing “protrudes” - neither alcoholic strength, nor sweetness, nor sourness with bitterness. Most often, five or six components are combined into one whole. If you take too many ingredients, the taste is strangely leveled. There is an element of mysticism in composing cocktails: you combine the seemingly incompatible and get something amazing and harmonious. It is worth preparing a couple of cocktails - and you will want to create more and more.

Cocktail is very personal.

Making cocktails is also psychology, as different mixtures of drinks affect a person in different ways. The one who came to the bar in sadness should not be offered the same cocktail as the joyfully excited guest. There are cocktails that are quite universal but effective: for example, “Dry Martini” perfectly relieves emotional stress, and “Key of Riga” based on “Riga Balsam” and apple juice liberates and creates a festive mood.

And sometimes the bartender creates a cocktail for only one client, obeying the inspiration and his own reading of his personality. And this cocktail will not suit anyone else, except for this client, but for him it will turn out to be delicious and healing, like ambrosia, it will bring him out of depression or emphasize and enhance joy.

Cocktails in the company

Food to accompany a cocktail requires the same original. This beer can be eaten with salted nuts - this will not work with cocktails. We serve them with a variety of dishes - from salads to meat. But they must be prepared in a special, "cocktail" way - a complex drink requires gourmet food: goat cheese parfait, cod caviar with creme brulee, steak in kumquat sauce and red wine, home-smoked salmon.

What is Cocktail Thinking and Cocktail Lifestyle

This is the art of creating something unique from a mixture of the familiar, accurately dosing the new and slowly enjoying the result. The cocktail lifestyle is bright, does not tolerate haste and is conducive to conversations and friendly fun. He is surprisingly good on vacation: on the shores of the warm sea, in the garden or on the terrace of the house - or in the apartment, the windows of which are wide open. You collect a company of a variety of guests, which can only be combined into a single whole by your charm and a couple of good cocktails, prepare snacks, fantasy drinks and enjoy the result.

Could you imagine that you have to constantly order the same cocktail at the bar? Of course, we all have favorite drinks, but fortunately, no one has this problem. The fact is that cocktails constantly replace each other - some gain popularity, while others are forgotten and disappear. This year, Drinks International magazine presented a new ranking of the world's best-selling cocktails. It is based on a survey conducted among the 108 best bars in the world and includes 25 drinks.

25. Caipirinha

Caipirinha gained popularity in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro and has since risen from 47th place to 25th. The cocktail recipe has several options. Bar regulars are especially fond of "Caipirinha" made from cachaca, cane sugar and lime. The cocktail is traditionally served in low wide glasses.

24. "Tom Collins"

By now, this alcoholic drink with gin, lemon juice, sugar and carbonated water has a whole “family”: Pedro Collins with rum, Pepito Collins with tequila, Colonel Collins with bourbon and Captain Collins with Canadian whiskey. The most important thing in preparing every cocktail is to decorate it with a good lemon.

23. "Gin Fiz"

Gin Fizz is a classic and fairly simple drink. It is prepared on the basis of gin, lime or lemon, sugar and sparkling water.

22. "Aperol-syringe"

This refreshing Italian aperitif is perfect for hot weather. "Aperol Spritz" is made from prosecco or white wine, Aperol and soda.

21. "Rum old fashion"

This is a version of the classic Old Fashioned cocktail that has taken on a life of its own. According to the results of the survey, every 5th bar included "Rum Old Fashioned" in the list of top sellers. Be sure to try it in the version with falernum, as well as white and dark rum.

20. "Zombie"

Drinks International called this cocktail "the drink of the living dead". "Zombies" are made from rum, apricot liqueur, lime and pineapple juice. The drink is served decorated with a sprig of mint in large glasses.

19. "Penicillin"

Ignore the name of the cocktail, Penicillin actually tastes amazing. The composition of the drink includes whiskey, lime juice, honey-ginger syrup and candied ginger.

18. Pisco Sour

The Pisco Sour was popular in San Francisco in the 30s, in New York in the 60s, and is now a huge hit all over the world. This timeless Peruvian cocktail is made with pisco, simple syrup, lime juice, egg white and angostura bitters.

17. "Aviation"

In 2017, Aviation moved up one position compared to last year. The cocktail is an improved version of "Tom Collins". It consists of gin, maraschino liqueur, violet liqueur and lemon juice.

16. "Gimlet"

The recipe for this cocktail is constantly changing. Now it is made from gin and lime cordial, while the ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 75:25.

15. Espresso martini

"Espresso martini" refers to dessert cocktails. It is made from espresso coffee, vodka and coffee liqueur. The drink is served in martini glasses with one or two coffee beans.

14. "Darkness and Storm"

This is Bermuda's most popular cocktail. On the islands, "Darkness and Storm" is traditionally made with dark rum, ginger beer and lime.

13. "Boulevard"

Over the past year, "Boulvardie" has risen by 15 positions. The cocktail is based on the famous Negroni, but American whiskey is added instead of gin.

12. Bloody Mary

You may love it or hate it, but it was in the top 10 best drinks in a quarter of the bars surveyed. "Bloody Mary" is especially good with vodka, freshly squeezed lemon and tomato juices, spices and celery.

11. "Mai tai"

This is a modern classic with curacao liqueur, rum, orchad milk syrup and lime juice. The cocktail is served in tall glasses with a straw and garnished with a sprig of mint, a slice of pineapple and lime zest.

10. Sazerac

Sazerac is one of the oldest American cocktails. It is made with whiskey, bitters and sugar, and is served in old fashion glasses, which are pre-rinsed with absinthe.

9. "Mojito"

This Cuban cocktail was in the top 10 by over a third of the bars surveyed by Drinks International. Mojitos are made with rum, lime juice, sparkling water, brown cane sugar, fresh mint and ice.

8. "Moscow mule"

"Moscow Mule" is the "vodka" answer to "Darkness and Storm". It consists of vodka, lime, ginger and sparkling water. The cocktail is usually served in a copper mug.

7. "Margarita"

"Margarita" remains in 7th place, despite the fact that in 40 percent of the bars it is not served cold, as required by the classic version of the drink. There are many varieties of cocktail, but the most successful is the version with tequila, freshly squeezed lime juice and agave syrup.

6. "Dry martini"

"Dry martini" has long been a classic. The traditional version of the cocktail is made from gin and vermouth. It is customary to decorate the drink with olives and lemon zest.

5. Whiskey Sour

This cocktail (main photo) consists of bourbon, lemon juice and a teaspoon of sugar. Sometimes it is supplemented with egg white.

4. "Manhattan"

Over the past year, Manhattan has lost one position in the rankings, but it is still incredibly popular. Most often, this aperitif is prepared with spicy rye whiskey, bitters and sweet vermouth. Whiskey Bulleit, Rittenhouse and Maker's Mark are also added to the drink.

3. "Daiquiri"

Daiquiri is one of the most famous cocktails in the world. To get this drink, bartenders mix lime juice with light rum and sugar syrup, and then shake the ingredients with a shaker.

2. Negroni

Negroni is a popular Italian aperitif made from Campari liqueur, sweet vermouth and gin. According to Drinks International, it is the second most ordered cocktail in the world.

1. "Old fashion"

This drink is literally tested by time. Created in 1881, it still remains at the peak of popularity and is not going to lose ground. Traditionally, "Old fashion" is made with a sugar cube, angostura bitters, ice and bourbon. Decorate the aperitif with orange and cherry.
