
Pumpkin jam for the winter. Video "Jam from pumpkin with oranges"

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Apple-pumpkin jam will be a wonderful dessert, a treat for cold winter days.
Maybe many people know that pumpkin is useful, but few know what and what trace elements and vitamins are in it. Today we would like to focus on this particular vegetable and offer a recipe with its participation.
So, pumpkin, as a representative of a vegetable orange color rich in carotene (vitamin A), it is thanks to him that we have beautiful hair, excellent vision and good functioning immune system. In general, this is already enough to understand how useful pumpkin is and that it must be added to your diet. For example, you can cook
But many do not like pumpkin boiled, baked or fried, but what if you cook jam from pumpkin? But be sure to add more apples - the taste will be delicious. That is what we will do today.
Jam from apples and pumpkins - photo recipe.

- pumpkin puree- 330 grams;
- applesauce- 470 grams;
- granulated sugar- 600 grams;
- citric acid - 2.5 grams.

How to cook with a photo step by step

To prepare jam from pumpkin and apples, we select a mature pumpkin and wash it thoroughly under cold water. running water. We cut it into two parts and remove the fibrous part of the pulp from the middle. We also clean the pumpkin from the skin, while cutting off no more than 1.5 mm.

Cut the pumpkin into cubes. We also wash the apples under running water and cut in half.

We remove the middles from apples using a special tool, it is much more convenient to do this.

We prepare applesauce, for this we cut the apples into pieces and send them to the pan. Pour water into it with a layer 2-3 centimeters thick.

Boil the apples for about 12-15 minutes until they are completely softened.

We will also do the same with the pumpkin and boil it for about 15 minutes until it softens gently.

Then we put the boiled apples on a sieve and rub the applesauce through it.

We rub the pumpkin through a fine sieve until a homogeneous pumpkin puree is formed.

We send the resulting pumpkin puree to the pan and add apple to it.

Heat the mixture over low heat and add right amount granulated sugar gradually. Boil the mixture while stirring constantly for about 25-30 minutes. Let's add to it also citric acid and boil for another 20 minutes. As a result, the total cooking time of this jam should exceed 50 minutes.

We pack ready-made boiling jam from apples and pumpkins in clean and dry glass jars. We fill them to the top and seal hermetically with lids boiled in water. Refrigerate without turning upside down.
Bon appetit!


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30.10.2014 / 12:07


I try to close such jam for every winter, as well as from other components (pears, apples, apricots). It fits very well as baby food(make porridge sweeter and as a dessert). Shredded delicate texture allows you to eat even with the minimum amount teeth. The only thing, since I’m doing it for a baby, I add less sugar and close it in small jars.

Pumpkin is a parting gift of a generous autumn, a low-calorie and hypoallergenic vegetable. Pumpkin is universal in use, it can be combined with citrus fruits - lemons and oranges, additionally administered lemon juice or acid. In this article we will tell you how to cook pumpkin jam at home for the winter.

The composition of pumpkin pulp includes vitamins A, E, C and D, magnesium, potassium, iron and fiber, so preparations from it are useful for digestion, as well as for those who monitor weight and follow a diet. By using thick jam, you can strengthen the immune system, cheer up and get rid of the winter blues.

The classic preparation is done on the stove for about 1 hour. You can cook it in the oven or slow cooker. For the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of vegetable pulp;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 0.3 tsp citric acid or natural citrus juice.

We advise you to choose an overripe pumpkin fruit of a sweet variety. The pulp is cut into cubes, poured into a saucepan with a thick bottom, sugar is added and left overnight, stirring occasionally. Cooking delicacies on the stove lasts up to 40 minutes, then acid is added, and the vegetable is kneaded or whipped with a blender. The sweet mass is boiled down to a density and color change to dark. The finished treat is packaged in sterile jars and rolled up with lids.

Video "Jam from pumpkin with oranges"

From this video you will learn the recipe for a delicious pumpkin jam with oranges for the winter.

Sweet pumpkin desserts

For the preparation of any pumpkin dessert, we advise you to choose juicy and “soft” varieties of vegetables, well-ripened fruits, then even an inexperienced hostess will be able to make a culinary masterpiece out of them. pumpkin desserts without juicy accents in the form of spices, they are not even half as good as with them.

To do original blank from your favorite vegetable and apples, you need the following products:

  • 600 g pumpkin fruits;
  • 600 g of apples;
  • 800 g of sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 250 ml of water.

Citrus zest is crushed, juice is squeezed out of it, each apple is peeled and rubbed using a grater, poured with juice. A decoction is made from their peel (in 250 ml of water). The vegetable is also rubbed on a fine grater and added to the workpiece, granulated sugar is poured and the broth is poured. Need to boil sweet mass about 40-60 minutes over low heat.

With dried apricots

To prepare delicious treat with dried fruits next recipe, take:

  • pumpkin fruits in the amount of 1.2 kg;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • dried apricots - 400 g

Vegetables are peeled, removing seeds and fibers. Dried fruits are pre-soaked in warm water for 1 hour, then cut into strips. The fruits are rubbed coarse grater, you can use a meat grinder for grinding. All components are poured into a saucepan with a thick bottom, sugar is added and boiled for no more than 5 minutes after boiling. The mass must cool before each step, as the procedure is repeated three times.

With oranges

Get rid of the autumn and winter blues, when the weather is cold outside, will help gourmet dessert, which requires:

  • 2 kg of pumpkin fruits;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 4 oranges;
  • 400 ml of water.

Vegetables are peeled, pulp, seeds and fibers, each orange should be doused with boiling water, removed upper layer and grind with a blender. Is being done sweet syrup from water and sugar. Vegetables are cut into cubes, poured with hot syrup and left for 3 hours in a dark place. After that, the workpiece should be simmered for about 20 minutes, and the same amount when the orange puree is added.

With zucchini and citrus

If the year was not too fruitful for berries and fruits, you can cook a treat with amazing aroma and taste from such products:

  • 1 kg pumpkin vegetable;
  • 1 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 pc. lemon and orange.

Vegetables can be cut into pieces of any shape, pour into a saucepan big size, pour water and put on the stove. Even old zucchini will do, they must be peeled and the seeds removed, also chopped into pieces. The recipe indicates the yield of pulp in pure form. When the pumpkin mass boils, you need to add zucchini to it and boil until all vegetables soften. The pan must be removed from the stove and wait for the vegetables to cool, then drain the juice that appears.

Pour boiling water over citrus fruits and remove the zest from them, then squeeze out the juice and add it to the boiled vegetables, not forgetting to also add sugar. Grind the zest and vegetables using a blender. The workpiece should be cooked for about 1 hour over medium heat, and the pan does not need to be covered with a lid.

In a slow cooker

Life modern housewives became much easier with the invention of the kitchen household appliances, in particular multicookers, in which you can cook winter preparation from these products:

  • 1.4 kg of pumpkin pulp;
  • 400 g of granulated sugar;
  • 4 g of citric acid;
  • 2.5 multi-glasses of water.

The pulp must be cut into small pieces, fall asleep in the bowl of the appliance and add water. All this is cooked for 30 minutes in the “Baking” mode. Now the pieces should be taken out and rubbed through a sieve, you can also beat them with a blender. The pumpkin mass is again placed in the bowl, citric acid and sugar are added, it still needs to be mixed. The "Baking" mode is set again, the cooking time at the last stage is 40-45 minutes. When it cools down, for reinforcement palatability you can add zest, cinnamon or saffron to taste.

If the pumpkin fruits are not orange enough, the resulting greenish or light delicacy can be tinted by adding beetroot or Cherry juice and also juice chokeberry. So that the workpiece does not become moldy, it is sprinkled in an already open jar powdered sugar. If you decide to use cinnamon, it is better to choose sticks, not ground. Density finished product determined by a wooden spatula - if you run it along the bottom of the pan, a groove should remain. You can also drip on a saucer placed in the freezer - the delicacy should not spread.

Regardless of the recipe, other spices are also used for the taste and aroma of dishes: cinnamon, cloves, vanilla, ginger, honey.

Pumpkin preparations are pleasant to use with cereals, pancakes and toasts, add when baking cakes and pies, just enjoy their taste while drinking fragrant tea, cocoa or coffee.

There is never too much jam, especially if it is from pumpkin! An orange blank will definitely come in handy. It is ideal for a cup of tea, no less well fits into all kinds of desserts(for example, buns with jam). We will definitely do it!

Pumpkin Jam - General Cooking Principles

For jam, pumpkin pulp can be crushed immediately or after pre-steaming. The choice of method is influenced by the recipe, the presence of a meat grinder or blender, the amount of free time. It's faster and easier to twist all the ingredients, combine and cook a delicacy on the stove. But this is not always possible.

What is added to the pumpkin:

Lemon juice or acid;

Granulated sugar;

different fruits, fresh and dry;

different vegetables(carrot, zucchini);

Water, juices.

To improve taste and aroma goodies use different spices: cinnamon, saffron, cloves, ginger, vanilla. good smell jam gives citrus peel, but it must be well crushed.

Pumpkin jam is usually prepared on the stove about one hour. But there are recipes for the oven or slow cooker. If the delicacy is prepared in several stages, total time may increase. For long-term storage pumpkin preparation put into sterile jars. If the jam will be consumed immediately, then clean and dry containers with lids are sufficient. In this case, after cooling, it is advisable to put the delicacy in the refrigerator.

Ordinary pumpkin jam

A recipe for a simple and easy-to-make pumpkin jam with natural taste and aroma. A little citric acid is added. Powder can be replaced natural juice citrus, quantity to taste.


1.5 kg of pumpkin pulp;

0.3 tsp lemons;

1 kg of sugar.


1. Cut the peeled pulp into small cubes no more than 0.5 cm, put in a saucepan with a thick bottom.

2. Immediately add sugar, leave for four hours or immediately all night. You can stir occasionally.

3. The pumpkin will release a lot of juice, no need to add water. We put the saucepan on the stove.

4. Cook jam under the lid for 40 minutes. You need to soften all the pieces.

5. Now you can remove the lid, add citric acid, you can mash the vegetable or beat with a blender.

6. Boil the jam to the desired density. It should get darker.

7. As soon as the mass becomes suitable, thick, the drop on the saucer stops spreading, we take a clean ladle and pour the delicacy into sterile jars. You can cool the pumpkin jam and just store it in the refrigerator.

Pumpkin jam with oranges

One of the most popular flavors of pumpkin jam. The taste of orange fits perfectly into the delicacy, making it insanely fragrant. We choose juicy citruses of medium size.


2 oranges;

A kilogram of sugar;

One and a half kg of pumpkin;

0.7 cups of water.


1. Mix water and sugar in large saucepan.

2. Finely chop the oranges, be sure to throw out the seeds. Add to sugar, put on a small fire.

3. While the mass is slowly heating up, the sugar melts, we are engaged in pumpkin. We cut the pulp small pieces, can be chopped with a combine. Add to saucepan.

4. Mix everything together, cover and simmer over low heat until the pumpkin is soft.

5. As soon as the pulp of the main product begins to be easily pierced, you can remove the pan from the heat.

6. Cool the jam a little, mash it with a potato masher or beat with an immersion blender to make the mass uniform.

7. Put it on the stove again.

8. We add fire, boil the juice, which has already stood out quite a lot.

9. Thick and fragrant jam you can immediately pour into jars, roll up for long-term storage. Or chill and consume immediately.

Twisted pumpkin jam

This method is ideal for happy owners of electric meat grinders. In this case, the preparation of jam will not take much time.


One lemon;

3 kg of pumpkin;

0.1 liter of water;

1.6 kg of sugar.


1. Remove the zest from the washed citrus, squeeze out all the juice separately.

2. Cut the pumpkin pulp into slices, twist through a meat grinder along with the previously peeled.

3. Add some water and sugar to the pumpkin, stir. Let stand for an hour to extract the juice. It will not allow the delicacy to stick to the walls of the pan.

4. Stir the pumpkin mass, set to boil.

5. After boiling, make the fire a little less than average, cook for half an hour.

6. Now you can add lemon juice, add fire and boil to the desired density. Approximately another 20-25 minutes. But it all depends on the juiciness of the vegetable.

Jam from pumpkin and apples

Variant of mixed marmalade with a popular flavor. This delicacy is perfect for different desserts, can be used as a filling for pies and has an amazing flavor.


2 kg pumpkin;

1 kg of apples;

1.7 kg of sugar;

1 tsp cinnamon powder;

1 glass of water.


1. We clean the pumpkin, cut it, you can not grind it. We shift the pieces into a saucepan and add water, put on the stove.

2. Steam the pumpkin under the lid until soft. Remove from heat, knead with a spatula or any other device, no need to drain the juice.

3. While the pumpkin was cooking, it was necessary to wash the apples, twist them through a meat grinder. We do not remove the skin.

4. Add twisted apples to the pumpkin, immediately pour sugar.

5. Put the thoroughly mixed mass on the stove. We proceed directly to cooking jam.

6. Cook the delicacy to the desired density, stir regularly from the bottom.

7. Twenty minutes after boiling, you can add cinnamon powder.

8. We boil the delicacy for about the same amount of time, as soon as the density of the jam suits, the stove can be turned off.

Pumpkin jam in a slow cooker

The recipe for pumpkin jam, adapted for a slow cooker. In it, the delicacy will definitely not burn, boil and turn out exactly as it should.


1.4 kg of pumpkin pulp;

2.5 multi-glasses of water;

400 g of sugar;

4 g of citric acid.


1. Cut into pieces pumpkin pulp, put in a slow cooker, add prescription water.

2. Cooking in the baking mode for half an hour.

3. Now the pieces need to be removed, chopped, rubbing through a sieve. Can be smashed with a kitchen blender.

4. We return the pumpkin mass to the cup from the multicooker.

5. Now add sugar and citric acid, stir.

6. Set the baking mode again.

7. Now we cook jam for 40-45 minutes.

8. Cool down and enjoy! If desired, you can add any aromatic substances to it: saffron, cinnamon, zest.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots

By the time the pumpkin ripens, there are no more apricots. But dried apricots are available all year round. Together with it, you can cook a very fragrant and sunny jam. For business!


3 kg of pumpkin;

500 grams of dried apricots;

1 tsp without a slide of lemon;

2 kg of sugar;

Water for dried apricots.


1. Rinse dried apricots, preferably several times. Then dried fruits are poured with hot, but not boiling water. We leave them to swell for at least 1.5 hours.

2. We take out dried apricots, we become obsolete.

3. Cut the pumpkin into pieces, twist through a meat grinder.

4. We also twist the dried apricots or use a powerful blender for the main ingredients.

5. Add granulated sugar, stir.

6. Cover the bowl with a lid, leave everything together for an hour. Should appear pumpkin juice, most of sugar to dissolve.

7. Put the pan on the stove. Cook for 20-30 minutes small fire. As soon as the grains of the pumpkin become soft, increase the intensity of the boil.

8. Cook jam to the desired density.

Jam from pumpkin, zucchini and citrus

vegetable jam recipe amazing taste and citrus aroma. A wonderful way out if the season has not spoiled the harvest of fruits and berries.


1 kg pumpkin;

1 kg of zucchini;

1 orange.


1. Cut the pumpkin into arbitrary pieces, throw it into the pan, add a glass of water and put it on the stove.

2. Zucchini can be used any. In old vegetables, remove the skin, remove the seeds. The recipe indicates the weight of pure pulp. We cut into pieces.

3. Add zucchini to boiled pumpkin. Cook everything together until soft.

4. Remove the pan from the heat, cool the vegetables, drain all the juice from them.

5. Pour boiling water over washed lemons and oranges to remove wax deposits from them. Remove the zest from a lemon and one orange.

6. Squeeze juice from all citrus fruits, mix with juice from boiled vegetables, add sugar, put on the stove.

7. Grind the zest and pumpkin with zucchini with a blender, transfer to syrup.

8. Cook jam over medium heat for about an hour, do not cover the pan with a lid.

9. As soon as the delicacy reaches the desired density, the jam can be decomposed into jars, closed with lids. For long-term storage, the workpiece is hermetically sealed.

It is easy to determine the density of jam with a wooden spatula. Run it along the bottom of the pan from one end to the other. If the edges of the resulting groove drain slowly, the trace is visible for 10 seconds, then the delicacy is ready.

Another way to check the density is a plate from the freezer. It is necessary to drip a little jam on a cold saucer, the mass should not spread.

Cinnamon sticks are much more aromatic than ground spice bags. Therefore, personally ground product you can add less than goes according to the recipe.

Jam will not become moldy if a delicacy in an open jar is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

If the pumpkin is not orange enough, the jam turns out to be light or greenish, then it can always be tinted. Perfect option- juices, for example, cherry or beetroot. Chokeberry has good coloring abilities.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Oh, you just won't believe what delicious jam made from pumpkin! And it always comes out very beautiful - bright, provocatively orange, sunny in summer! And I can't keep silent about it beneficial features: there are so many vitamins in the pumpkin that it is absolutely necessary to cook with it! Add apples and lemon to the pumpkin - you get just an enchanting jam, which once and for all will conquer those who try it.

I want to immediately reassure those who don’t like the taste of pumpkin: the lemon transforms it so much that even the most notorious picky people will appreciate this jam from its first spoon (and will certainly ask for more!).
We cook jam from apples, pumpkins and lemons together.

- 500 g of peeled pumpkin;
- 700 g of peeled apples;
- 0.3 - 0.5 kg of sugar;
- 1 half lemon.

Recipe with photo step by step:

The amount of sugar in the pumpkin jam recipe is approximate - you will adjust it yourself, based on how much sweet pumpkin and apples you will use. I advise you to start with sugar a little less than the norm, then try the jam, and then add if the sweetness is not enough.

Wash the pumpkin, remove the skin. We cut and take out loose pulp with seeds. Carefully scrape out the inner surface of the pumpkin with a spoon so that there are no areas with a loose mass. And only after that we weigh it - after all, we need the weight of the “useful” part of the pumpkin, without skins and seeds. Cut the pumpkin into thin slices or small cubes. In principle, the size of the pieces does not matter. But remember that pumpkin, cut into small thin pieces, will be ready much earlier and almost no water is required to cook it.
Recall that in last time We .

Pour 1-2 tablespoons of water into the pan (so that only the pumpkin does not stick to the bottom and burn) and pour the pumpkin. Cover with a lid and put on fire. At first, the fire should be strong, but as soon as the water heats up, it “hisses”, immediately reduce the fire to a minimum and simmer for 10 minutes.

While the pumpkin is stewed, we are engaged in apples for jam. We clean them from the skin, remove the core. Remember that apples darken quickly when exposed to air. To prevent this and not worsen the color of the jam, we immediately lower the peeled apples into cold water. And again I remind you that we weigh apples, like pumpkins, after we clean and remove the middle. Cut the apples into small pieces (similar in size to pieces of pumpkin).

The pumpkin was a little stewed and became soft (this is easy to see if you stir it a little with a spoon).

We spread the chopped apples in a saucepan with a pumpkin. Stir and simmer covered for another 10-20 minutes. The time directly depends on the variety of apples and the size of the pieces, so mix every 5 minutes and at the same time check the apples for softness.
When the apples with pumpkin become soft and mixed, almost turning into "porridge", turn off the fire. Apples will no longer be so white, they will become transparent and a little orange, like a pumpkin.

Cool the pumpkin with apples a little. Then puree with a blender.

Add sugar to the puree, mix and put on fire. First, we make the fire strong and stir the mass all the time until it “chuffs”. Then we reduce the fire to the smallest and continue to cook. Since the mass is quite thick, do not forget to mix it. So we cook the future jam from pumpkin and apples for 10 minutes.

We just have time to get on with the lemon. We remove the zest from it with the help of fine grater being careful not to capture the white subcutaneous layer.

Then, if the lemon is thick-skinned, remove white layer. Let's cut the lemon in small pieces and take out the seeds.

Add lemon and zest to pumpkin jam with apples, mix and cook it over low heat for another 10 minutes.

Jam can burn, so do not forget to stir it often. At this stage, I advise you to try jam for sweetness. If you doubted the amount of sugar and put it a little less: it's time to add it if necessary.

We sterilize clean jars. Wipe the jars dry immediately.

We lay out the finished jam in jars, while trying to ensure that they are filled to the very top. We close the jars with lids.

We turn the jars over, put them on a towel and leave them like that until they cool. And then we send it to a permanent place for storage. You can store such jam from pumpkin and lemon apples when room temperature, so sending it to the refrigerator or taking it out to a cold cellar or basement is not necessary at all. Just enough to hide it away from sunlight and from the stove.

Tips & Tricks:
Pumpkin for jam should be chosen in a bright orange color - it also has more pectin, and it is sweeter than other varieties.
Try not to let the white part of the lemon get into the jam. The fact is that it is a little bitter and can thoroughly spoil the taste of your preservation.
Apples of any variety. Neither size nor sweetness matters. It's just that the sweeter ones require less sugar. Well, sour ones will give the jam a pleasant sourness: if you like this, choose them.

Jars and lids should be well washed and sterilized. Moreover, you need to sterilize the jars only before you put pumpkin jam in them. Remember the rule: we put the jam only in hot jars: after all, our jam is hot, so cold jars can simply burst.

Author - Natalia Tishchenko
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