
Milk croutons from white bread. Simple beer toast recipes

If there is no time for complex dishes but needs to be done urgently hearty snack for the whole family, it is worth making croutons with egg and milk. This budget snack can be great breakfast or even dessert for tea. It all depends on the ingredients chosen for it.

Classic loaf croutons with egg and milk

You can even use stale white bread for treats. Such croutons from a loaf will also turn out to be very tasty and crispy. They are prepared from: 6-7 bread slices, 2 large chicken eggs, half a glass fat milk, salt.

  1. First of all, the eggs are broken into a deep wide plate and lightly beaten with a fork. The mass can be immediately salted, and if desired, sprinkle with your favorite seasonings. A mixture of peppers or curry is perfect.
  2. Milk is poured into the eggs, and the mixture is beaten well again.
  3. The loaf is cut into even slices, the thickness of each of which should not exceed 4 cm.
  4. Every bread slice on both sides, it is dipped in the egg-milk mass, after which it is fried in hot oil until an appetizing crust is formed.

The treat is served hot with sour cream and herbs.

With the addition of cheese in a pan

The classic recipe for salted croutons can be diversified by adding any hard cheese to them. Perfect fit spicy variety this dairy product(160 grams). In addition to cheese, you need to use: a whole egg and yolk, 90 ml of full-fat milk, salt, a slice of butter, a whole loaf. How to cook croutons with cheese and an egg in a pan, is described below.

  1. The loaf is cut into even thin slices(as for sandwiches). It is better to use white bread sliced ​​by the manufacturer. This will speed up the cooking process.
  2. Milk is poured into a shallow wide bowl, an egg is broken and the yolk is poured. If the bowl is narrow, then it will be inconvenient to dip bread in it.
  3. The milk-egg mixture is salted, after which it is lightly beaten with a fork or whisk.
  4. The cheese is grated with the smallest divisions.
  5. slices white bread well dipped in milk with eggs and fried until golden brown in butter.
  6. While still hot, the finished loaf is generously sprinkled with cheese.

Croutons, croutons - memories from childhood ... Now I cook my mother's goodies for my tomboy. Classic croutons are prepared in 5 minutes. Simple, fast and very tasty!

White bread toast with egg - Preparation:

1. Drive 2 eggs into a plate, add salt and sugar.

2. Beat lightly with a fork or kitchen whisk.

3. Add milk in a thin stream and mix all ingredients together.

4. Cut a loaf or white bread across into 1 cm thick slices (it is convenient to use a ready-made sliced ​​loaf).

5. Dip each piece on both sides.

6. Pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil into a hot pancake pan and lay out a loaf.

7. Turn over and fry on the second side.

8. Serve with breakfast fragrant tea either with .

The secrets of making classic white bread toasts with egg:

- a long loaf for croutons can be taken both fresh and already slightly dried up. Having soaked in the milk-egg mass, it will be the desired softness,

- Sugar can be substituted vanilla sugar- many children really like the aroma of vanillin,

- fry classic croutons you can also use butter, but the fire must be reduced and the cooking time slightly increased,

- jam is perfect for croutons or homemade jam from berries,

- except classic version very tasty are very appetizing croutons with herbs.

Bon appetit!

Many people quite often face the fact that there is stale bread left in the house, which is a pity to throw away, but you don’t want to eat at all. There are several ways out of this situation. For example, a stale bun can be crumbled to birds, thereby doing a good deed. You can also make croutons out of it. Today it is quite popular which is not difficult.

White bread toasts cooked in the oven are very versatile because they can also be used as self snacks and for sandwiches, and even in soup or salad.

A bit of history

Croutons are called toasted pieces of bread (not necessarily white). There are several versions of how this name of the dish came about. According to some historians, this name comes from the word warm. Others say that the dish was named after the word grains, which means crumbs in French.

As you can see, both of these assumptions are not very far from the truth. They began to cook the dish as soon as they learned how to cook bread, but croutons became widespread in the war and post-war periods, when every piece of bread counted.

Now croutons are popular dish Worldwide. Many have been devised a variety of recipes, so even the pickiest eaters will find one they like.

Classic white bread croutons in the oven: recipe

IN classical form preparing such a dish is very simple, so even an amateur in the kitchen will cope with cooking. To make croutons in the oven, you need to choose dried bread. Now it's time to start cooking:

Using a well-sharpened knife, you need to cut the bread into pieces. They can be different, depending on their subsequent purpose: small cubes are suitable for soup, straws or slices for beer. When cutting bread, it must be taken into account that the thickness of all slices should not exceed 1 cm.

Sliced ​​bread must be laid out in a single layer on a lined baking sheet. If desired, the slices can be sprinkled with spices and salt.

Bake the dish for about 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180 °. To prevent the bread from burning, you need to monitor the cooking process.

Thus, the most ordinary, classic croutons are obtained, which can be crumbled, for example, into soup, or made into a wonderful sandwich.

Egg croutons - a great breakfast dish

As said, cooked in the oven delicious croutons white bread are one of the the best breakfasts. There are several recipes for toast for breakfast.

You will need:

  • bread;
  • a little milk (about 200 ml);
  • a couple of eggs;
  • a couple of st. l. Sahara;
  • salt on the tip of a knife.

Add eggs and dry ingredients to milk. Next, the mixture must be whipped with a whisk. Next, pieces of bread should be dipped in the resulting mixture and put everything on a baking sheet, which is covered with parchment. Sweet croutons of white bread in the oven should be baked for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200 °.

It is possible in another way. Fry ordinary white bread in the oven, and ready-made croutons can be poured with honey or jam, spread with condensed milk, chocolate. Now croutons are very popular with peanut butter and banana. This combination will appeal to many.

Croutons with garlic

Can cook garlic croutons from white bread in the oven. For this recipe you need:

  • bread;
  • some milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • some salt and pepper;
  • garlic and seasonings to taste.

The cooking process is standard: you need to drive eggs into a bowl, add salt, pepper, seasonings. The resulting mixture must be beaten with a fork or whisk and add a little milk, without ceasing to beat. Next, you need to divide the garlic into cloves, peel them, pass through a press and add to the bowl.

The next step is to soak the already sliced ​​​​bread in the prepared mixture, put it on a baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes. Baking temperature 200°.

Festive option

Still quite popular are oven-baked white bread croutons as a snack on festive table. Very often you can find croutons with pickles and sprats. For this sandwich you will need:

  • bread;
  • pickle and sprats;
  • garlic and mayonnaise;
  • greens (onions, dill).

In the photo, white bread croutons with fish and cucumber look very appetizing.

Sliced ​​loaf must be fried. Next, you need to mix mayonnaise with garlic passed through a press and spread bread with this mixture. The next step is to lay out sprats and slices of pickled cucumber on each piece of bread. All this is decorated with greenery. The table is served cold. Sprats and cucumber can be replaced with anything. For example, combinations of cheese and ham, cheese and greens, etc. will be no less tasty.

Croutons for a snack

Except self-dish, croutons are also great snack for beer. The principle of their preparation does not differ from the classical one. Slices of bread should be cut into small cubes or strips, dip them in the mixture prepared in advance and put on a baking sheet to dry.

Mixtures can be different, for example:

  • Chopped garlic must be combined with spices and vegetable oil.
  • tomato paste, to which you need to add water, salt, pepper, oil and dill. Oil can be both sunflower and olive.

As you can see, the recipes for white bread toasts are very diverse and each person can find the right one for himself. Also, in all the above recipes, you can use not only white bread, but also gray or rye.

Calorie content, beneficial properties and harm of the product

The calorie content of this dish is quite high - 331 kcal. per 100 g. It may vary depending on the ingredients. So, for example, if the croutons were cooked with the addition of butter, then it will be more. Therefore, in order to calculate the exact calorie content of a product, you need to take into account all its components.

Oven-cooked white bread croutons are quickly digested, so they are useful for people who have digestive problems. The crackers contain useful material and vitamins responsible for the functioning of the brain, heart and skin condition.

This dish contains an impressive amount of carbohydrates, so they will be most useful in case of poisoning and after stomach operations.

Precisely because of a large number carbohydrates, it is desirable to minimize the consumption of toast for people who have problems with overweight. If it’s still hard to refuse such a dish, nutritionists recommend eating croutons from bread, which does not contain wheat flour and not fried in oil.

In order to make the dish as tasty as possible, you can use the tips the best chefs. These recommendations will be useful not only for beginners in the kitchen, but also for more experienced chefs.

  • For croutons, a loaf cooked a few days ago is most suitable. Such bread almost does not crumble, so it will be much easier to cut even slices.
  • To get more exquisite fragrance, bread should be fried in butter, not vegetable oil.
  • If you keep slices of the mixture for a long time, then it can become very soft and the croutons will turn out bad.
  • To make sweet croutons even tastier, you can add vanillin to sugar. Also ready sandwich you can sprinkle with cinnamon.
  • If the bread is fried in butter, then the dish needs to be cooked on a minimum heat longer. So the croutons will be more tender.
  • To reduce the calorie content of croutons, it is best to cook them in the oven on parchment, without adding oil. If the calorie content of the dish does not play a big role, then slices of bread and parchment can be greased with butter (melted butter or vegetable). So the croutons will be more fried and fragrant.
  • To make your job a little easier, you can buy already sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbread. In this case, you will not need to worry about the same pieces of bread.

A small conclusion

All listed recipes very easy to implement, so after reading, no one should have questions about how to make croutons from white bread.

In the absence of an oven, you should not immediately abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcooking croutons. This dish can be cooked in a pan, and even in the microwave.

White croutons taste just as good as those made from black bread. They can be crispy, and soft, and sweet, and spicy - whatever! This is not very useful, but very delicious snack can be prepared in just a few minutes.

Toasts are perfect for breakfast or as an appetizer to any dish. Many cook garlic recipe for beer. This dish is suitable for experimentation, but still classic recipe remains the most sought after. And we have prepared several recipes at once to choose from.

General principles of preparation

For the preparation of real croutons, it is better to use stale bread. It is better to let it lie down for at least two days on a shelf. So it will become denser, it will be easier to cut, it will not crumble. This dish was born because it gives new life to stale bread, which everyone forgot about. However, you should not keep the bread for too long, otherwise it will bloom with mold.

The technology is simple: slices in the milk mixture or without it are simply fried in a pan or baked in the oven. It takes a minimum of time, but you can’t move away from the stove, otherwise the bread can burn out quickly.

White bread toasts with milk

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

A traditional recipe for white croutons using milk. This is what keeps the bread from becoming tough when toasted. However, the crispy crust is still present.

How to cook:

Tip: to make croutons sweet and have caramel crust, you can sprinkle them with sugar as soon as they are laid out from the pan.

White bread toasts with egg

The eggs are responsible for beautiful colour And sweet taste toast, so there's a double portion of them here. It is desirable that the eggs have fairly large orange yolks, so you should give preference to homemade products.

What is the calorie content - 255 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Whisk eggs with sugar and salt. You can also use a mixer, but you do not need to whip until a high foam. The mass must remain quite dense and smooth, otherwise it will not be able to soak the bread.
  2. Pour in the milk in a thin stream until the sugar dissolves, stirring all the time. You will get a creamy liquid.
  3. Cut the bread into slices 1 cm wide. You can take an already sliced ​​\u200b\u200bloaf. But bread for toast is not suitable, it is cut too thin and often crumbles.
  4. Dip each piece in egg mixture on both sides, and then transfer to an already hot frying pan with oil. Fire should be medium. Fry the pieces on both sides.
  5. Serve with compote or tea.

Tip: To make sugar dissolve faster, it is better to take eggs and milk at room temperature.

Sweet croutons in the oven

Using the oven makes it possible to cook more healthy, but just as tasty and nutritious croutons. The smell of cinnamon instantly spreads throughout the house, gathering everyone in the kitchen. The time spent is worth the results!

How long is 40 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 236 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Put the oiled baking paper on a baking sheet, additionally grease with oil. You can also take a silicone mat, but the croutons will definitely stick to ordinary baking paper.
  2. Mix sugar in a small bowl with cinnamon.
  3. Cut each slice of bread into two or three pieces.
  4. In another bowl, combine eggs with milk and vanilla sugar with a fork. Salt and beat a little until the first bubbles.
  5. Take slices of bread and dip them in the milk mixture, and then transfer to a baking sheet.
  6. Melt the butter and brush it over the already soaked slices with a brush.
  7. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top and put in the oven for medium fire. Bake for fifteen minutes on one side, then turn over, brush with butter and sprinkle with sugar again, bake for another quarter of an hour.
  8. Remove from oven, serve with honey or berries.

Tip: Can be used instead of cinnamon nutmeg, but by weight it will take half as much. So the croutons will turn out more fragrant.

How to cook with garlic

Garlic croutons are popular with men, as they are slightly spicy, crispy, fragrant. You can eat them just like that, or you can serve some kind of spicy sauce or mustard. WITH spicy mustard the dish will suit the real brave men!

How much time - 5 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 302 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the bread into manageable pieces. You can cut the slices lengthwise to make triangles.
  2. Pour the oil into a frying pan and heat it over medium heat. Put the slices here and fry them on both sides.
  3. Take out and let cool slightly. During this time, you need to free the garlic from the husk and disassemble into slices. Not all cloves can be used, depending on the size of the garlic.
  4. Take a toast in one hand, and with the other hand, pressing down, rub it with a whole clove of garlic on all sides. If the garlic turns green, it's okay.
  5. Serve both warm and cold.

Tip: you can cook garlic croutons in another way: immediately grate slices of bread, even before frying them, or simply put finely chopped garlic in hot oil. In any case, the amount of garlic is selected as needed.

Recipe for children

Such croutons are very popular with children and can serve wonderful breakfast for them. Yes, you can also pack them with you to school. The amount of sugar can be increased, but just a little, otherwise it will start to burn in the pan, then a light caramel flavor will become bitter.

How much time - 15 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 285 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the bread into even slices, not too thick.
  2. Beat the eggs with a fork brown sugar. It can be replaced with the usual one, but then the caramel color will be lost. You can add spices to taste.
  3. Then pour in the milk and mix again.
  4. Dip slices of bread into the resulting mixture and transfer them to the hot oil in a frying pan. Fry on both sides until golden brown.
  5. Remove and serve with jam or syrup.

Tip: to make croutons cute yellow, you can stir in just a gram of turmeric to the eggs or use only the yolks.

In a recipe that uses garlic, the hands are also saturated with this aroma. You can get rid of it not with ordinary soap, but with real lemon juice or any other citrus. They just need to water their hands and then rinse with water.

In the milk mixture, in which pieces of bread are dipped, you can add finely chopped greens, dry spices or any other spices. But the amount of sugar then needs to be reduced.

White bread croutons are especially tasty and fragrant. They can be prepared even in nature or in your country house as a breakfast or a quick snack.

Early in the morning, after a good night's sleep, you go to the refrigerator and think deeply. Indeed, a serious question for reflection: what to have for breakfast, so that it is both tasty and satisfying. There is always bread at home. There is also milk. There are some eggs, seasonings and garlic. Actually, nothing more is needed for those who know how to make croutons and can show imagination in serving them.

Everything ingenious is simple, or what is the essence of cooking?

What are croutons? These are toasted slices of bread flavored with seasonings, herbs, eggs, or sugar if you are cooking. sweet option. Many people spoil their family with such a simple dish all their lives, without even thinking about the origin of the name. It turns out that the term itself comes from the French word "grains", which can be translated as "crumbs", with the interpretation that the croutons are cooked small. In every family, what's there, every housewife has several of her own cooking recipes. After all, the matter is not at all tricky, the main thing is to know how to make croutons from bread, and fantasy will tell you how to give them a special taste.

Basic cooking step

It should be said right away that cooking croutons is great way get rid of slightly dried bread. Decide on a cooking tool. If you do not have a grill at home, then we will tell you how to make croutons in a pan. The result will be no worse, but perhaps someone does not like the very fact of using a frying pan, since such cooking is supposedly unhealthy.

So, heat up the pan or turn on the air fryer. Slice the bread into even, medium-sized pieces. You do not need to make future croutons too thin, otherwise they will fry too quickly and turn into croutons. But do not get carried away with the thickness, because otherwise they will only brown and remain inside ordinary bread. At the first stage of cooking, you can only lightly fry the croutons to achieve their crunch and aroma. Next, prepare the dressing. Here you can fantasize, but many culinary specialists prefer dressing from eggs, milk and garlic.

Making spicy croutons

But how do you make garlic croutons? Break a couple of eggs into a bowl, pour a little warm milk. At this stage, the mixture is similar to an omelet. Beat eggs well with milk, adding salt, pepper and other spices to taste. Separately, finely chop or pass through a garlic press a few cloves of garlic. Add it to the mixture. You can add chopped herbs to taste. Evenly pour the dressing over the toasted croutons and let it simmer (or grill) for a few more minutes. Serve hot. For beauty and aroma, you can sprinkle grated cheese on top of the croutons and pour over the sauce. That's the whole secret of how to make garlic croutons. Hearty, delicious and incredibly easy to prepare breakfast is ready!

Sweetness for tea in a few minutes

Have you thought about drinking tea, but suddenly found that there is nothing sweet? In a few minutes you can build gourmet dessert if you know how to make croutons from a loaf. Yes, for a sweet option, it is better to take white bread or a slightly dried loaf. In addition, you will need milk, eggs and sugar. Mix the last three ingredients in a deep bowl. The mixture should become completely homogeneous. Meanwhile, cut the banana into even slices. Better preheat the pan. Now gently dip the slices of the loaf into the mixture one by one and put them in the pan. Fry the croutons on both sides until golden brown. It is not a shame to meet guests with such a dessert!

Preparing croutons for soup

Kinda boring lunch regular soup and take bread to him. Have you noticed that restaurants don’t offer bread for a long time, but they recommend croutons, which are simple croutons for soup. Surely at your place bread sometimes dries up. So take it out into the light of day and cut it into neat cubes. Again, you need to prepare a dressing. Since we are preparing an appetizer for soup, we will figure out how to make garlic croutons. We will need an oven, since small bread cubes are somewhat problematic, although possible, to fry from all sides in a pan. Preheat the oven, prepare a sheet of parchment. Take care of refueling. It needs oil dried garlic(you can take fresh, but grind it thoroughly), dried herbs and spices. With a dressing made from these ingredients, pour over the croutons and put in the oven for five or seven minutes until golden brown.

Homemade croutons with a surprise

Croutons can be served as a breakfast (in a hurry), an appetizer for soup or even beer, but that's not all. Appetizing croutons will become great dish at a solemn feast. The most important thing is the preparation of the dressing. Remember how to make bread croutons. Since the dressing will be thick and satisfying, you can fry croutons without spices. Rub on coarse grater boiled eggs And hard cheese. Mix them with mayonnaise or sour cream. Add herbs and garlic to taste. Let the toasted croutons cool slightly and brush them with the dressing. For piquancy, you can send them for another 30 seconds in the oven so that the cheese is slightly melted. Everything, you can serve croutons to the table and receive well-deserved compliments!

Let's surprise!

And how about culinary delights?! Check yourself, maybe you are able not only to feed deliciously, but also to surprise your family. Moreover, at the heart of surprise there will be a secret that everyone knows - how to make croutons.

Serve for a snack french croutons with prosciutto and arugula salad. We bet that your family members will not even pronounce such a name the first time.
will they be able to?! And you pronounce these words calmly and with taste, emphasizing your culinary professionalism. Start cooking by warming up olive oil and frying prosciutto. Don't be afraid to replace it with simple ham. If you like it fatter, then wait until the juice starts to stand out from the ham, and add oil. But in original recipe Place the prosciutto on a paper towel to drain excess oil. Next, prepare a mixture of eggs, cream, salt and sugar. Soak the bread in the mixture and fry until golden brown. Spread on hot croutons grated cheese and prosciutto. This masterpiece appetizer is served with arugula salad, which also uses balsamic vinegar, nuts and olive oil.

For dessert - with fantasy

After the appetizers described above, the main course should be no less refined and tasty. But the dessert should put an excellent exclamation mark in this extravaganza. Let's show here a master class on how to make croutons in French! In addition to the already familiar eggs, bread and milk, stock up on bananas, sour cream and caramel sauce. The latter can be replaced with melted chocolate. It's all for an amateur. These fragrant croutons in the oven. The baking sheet needs to be well greased. butter and sprinkle with brown sugar. We prepare dressing from eggs, milk, sour cream and sugar. Now peel the bananas and cut them into neat slices. On a baking sheet, lay the bread in the first layer, and bananas in the second. Next up is the egg and milk mixture. Upper layer forms caramel or chocolate sauce. In a preheated oven, all this splendor should spend at least 20 minutes. Depending on how well the bread is soaked with the mixture, the final taste of the toast varies. Serve this original dessert on the table and carefully watch the faces of your guests. Most likely, they will not even understand what simple ingredients lie at the heart of the dish, and will shake their heads in disbelief when you share the secret.
