
Light-salted salmon salmon is a budget appetizer with royal taste. Recipes and features of salted pink salmon "for salmon"

Good afternoon.

We had the first snow and the realization came that there was not so much time left before the New Year and it was time to slowly draw up a festive menu.

And the main components of the festive table are undoubtedly snacks. And the more diverse they are, the more compliments are poured into the address of the hostess.

For the last New Year, I made selections of snacks from, and in the form of. And in all these dishes there is certainly an option with salted fish. I don't think it's necessary to explain why. Almost everyone loves to eat strong drinks with fish.

Why pink salmon? The answer is simple: this is the most affordable fish from the salmon family. Yes, it is a bit dry, but through simple actions (which I will describe today), it is as close as possible in taste to more “noble” salmon. I am not a miser, but I prefer to make 3-4 types of delicious pink salmon appetizers than one modest cut of salmon for the same money.

If you think so, then this article will be useful to you.

The main secret of successful salting of pink salmon is the use of vegetable oil (most often sunflower). This is what gives the meat its juiciness and elasticity. And when cooking, you only need to choose the method of salting. It can be carried out in brine or dry method. Pieces, slices or whole. It all depends on what is supposed to be cooked from the fish next.

Salted pink salmon at home: a delicious "dry" recipe

Let's start with the simplest and most versatile cooking method, suitable for sandwiches and as an independent snack.

For 1 kg fillet you will need:

  • 2 tbsp salt
  • 1 tbsp Sahara
  • 5-6 tbsp vegetable oil


1. We take the pink salmon fillet and cut it into plates half a centimeter thick, cutting them off the skin. The knife for this procedure must be very sharp.

Since the meat of this fish is rather loose, it is better to cut it half-thawed. Or semi-frozen if using a fresh product.

2. Mix the salt with sugar, pour the resulting mixture into a salt shaker, generously sprinkle the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bplates on both sides and put them in a container.

3. After laying out the first layer, pour it evenly with 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Then we put the next layer of salted fish, again pour oil and so on until the meat is finished.

Close the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

After 2 hours, salted fish is ready. We spread it for 5-7 minutes on a paper towel so that excess oil is absorbed, and then arrange it on a serving dish or use it as an ingredient for more complex snacks.

Delicious salted pink salmon in oil with onions in 2 hours

If you have fresh fish and do not want to spend time freezing it, then it is better not to try to remove the meat from the skin, but to salt it directly with it.

Onions and black pepper will make the fish fragrant and very tasty.


  • Pink salmon - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 2-3 heads
  • Lots of salt
  • Vegetable oil
  • Black peppercorns


1. We take pink salmon and cut it into fillets. First, we clean off the scales, then cut off the fins and remove the insides, opening the abdomen. Although most often carcasses are sold already cut and it remains only to remove the scales and fins.

Then we divide the carcass into 2 parts along the ridge.

For raw not frozen fish sheath very sharp knife and utmost accuracy.

2. Then we remove large bones and cut off the ridge. A lot of pulp will remain on the ridge in any case, so it does not need to be thrown away. We will salt it together with the fillet and use it later with beer.

3. Cut the cleaned fillet directly with the skin into 1.5-2 cm wide flaps.

4. Now pour salt into a deep plate, roll each piece in this plate (the ridge too) and put them in a separate bowl. When all the fish is deboned, leave it in this bowl for 20 minutes.

5. After 20 minutes, rinse the fillet pieces under running water (just to wash off the salt) and proceed to the final stage.

We take a deep plate and put the fillet in it in 1 layer. Put onion rings on top (as many as you like) and 5-6 black peppercorns.

6. Then lay out a new layer of fillet, onion and pepper, and so on until the fish runs out. At the end, pour 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into a plate, cover with an inverted plate of a smaller diameter and put oppression on top in the form of a decanter or a jar of water.

We leave this design for 1 hour, during which the fish will be saturated with oil, onion and pepper and will become just awesome.

Bon appetit!

Salted pink salmon for salmon in brine - it doesn't get any faster

This is the fastest way I know of. It is prepared in slices, under boiled potatoes, that's it.

Salting takes place in brine, which is convenient with a large number of fish - you do not have to process each piece separately.


1. We take a gutted pink salmon carcass, cut off the tail and head and cut it into slices about 1 cm thick, removing the bones along the way (if desired).

2. In a deep bowl, prepare a saline solution in the proportion of 8 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of boiled water. We put the fish in brine and leave for 1 hour.

Water should be boiled, but not hot. It must first be cooled to room temperature.

3. After 10 minutes, put the pink salmon on a paper towel (for 5 minutes to make the water glass), and then in a clean deep plate.

4. Pour 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil on top, cover the plate with cling film and send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Ready. Bon appetit!

Lightly salted pink salmon: a recipe for salting a whole carcass

Well, another way of quick salting is to process the whole fillet without painstaking cutting. Using this method, you will save time and at the same time you will have a finished product that can be used in the future as it will be convenient.

This method allows you to salt in just 10 minutes, but the fish will reach readiness for about 8 hours at room temperature and up to a day in the refrigerator. This option is incredibly convenient if you want to cook fish sandwiches not today, but by tomorrow.

Today you salt the fish, and tomorrow you collect sandwiches from fresh fish that have just arrived.

Ingredients for 1 kg fillet:

  • 2 tbsp salt
  • 1 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp cognac


1. The most important (but also the simplest) in this recipe is the preparation of the curing mixture. To do this, you just need to mix together salt, sugar, lemon juice and cognac.

2. Lubricate the resulting mixture on both sides of the filleted pink salmon and put it in a deep bowl. Cover with cling film and leave at room temperature, or put in the refrigerator, depending on when you need fresh salted fish.

As soon as the smell of cognac disappears, you can begin to take a sample.

While pink salmon reaches readiness, it will be necessary to turn the fillet 3-4 times for more uniform salting.

How to cook salted pink salmon tender and juicy like salmon

If you do not have much experience in butchering fish, then before you start cooking, I suggest you watch a very interesting and informative video about cutting and subsequent salting of fish slices in brine.

Well, that seems to be all I know about lightly salted pink salmon. If you have your own signature recipes and chips, I will be grateful if you share them in the comments.

And that's all for today, thank you for your attention.

Salted fish in stores is quite an expensive product. It is not known with what spices it was salted and how fresh the salting was. Pink salmon, salted on its own, will be much tastier than bought, its cost will be cheaper, and it can become a real delicacy on the festive table. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to pickle it. All you need for this is salt, sugar, spices and seasonings. Below in the article will be given general recommendations and recipes on how to pickle pink salmon at home.

For salting, both fresh pink salmon and frozen are suitable. You can salt red fish, both a whole carcass and cut into small pieces, fillets or steaks. The only thing to remember is that the salting process, depending on the recipe chosen, takes time: it will take several hours to a day to get salted fish.

Basically, frozen pink salmon is offered in stores, as it is stored longer at very low temperatures. There are also options for cut fish, but the price is higher. You can take uncut fish, because its preparation for salting will be simple.

A truly delicious salted fish comes from fresh pink salmon. Before buying fresh fish, you need to check for smell and appearance: when pressed, the former shape of the fish should quickly recover and smell good.

If frozen fish is bought for salting, it must first be thawed. For defrosting, it is better to leave the carcass in the refrigerator overnight. During this time, it will melt and it will be easier to cut it.

Defrosting is allowed at room conditions (when they forgot to take the fish out of the freezer or bought it frozen in the store), leaving it on the table for 2-3 hours. During this time, it will melt and it will not be difficult to carve it.

How to cut pink salmon before salting

The preparation technology before salting is the same for fresh and frozen fish.

The head, fins and tail are cut off. An incision is made in the abdomen, and all the insides are removed.

Then the carcass is washed with running water.

If you want to pickle only the fillet, then you need to remove the skin from the cut fish.

Rinse the cut pink salmon again with cold water and dry well with paper towels so that less moisture remains in it.

Salted fish is cooked dry and wet. The dry version involves only the addition of salt and spices, and the wet type of salting involves immersing pink salmon in marinades, juices and brines.

When red fish is salted in brine, a weight is required so that the carcass is completely covered with it and evenly acquires a salty taste.

To get lightly salted pink salmon, you do not need to marinate it for more than a day and, after removing it, pat it dry with a paper towel. Put the salted fish in a container and add sunflower oil.

An easy way to salt pink salmon is to rub it with a mixture of salt, sugar, spices and spices. Prepare, as a rule, such a mixture in a ratio of 1: 2 (sugar to salt), spices are taken to your liking. The amount depends on the size of the fish, the main thing is that the meat should be plentifully processed with a curing mixture.

Salted pink salmon can be stored in the refrigerator for only 3-4 days. It is better to put the remaining salted fish in the freezer, wrapping it in cling film or putting it in a container with a lid.

For salting pink salmon, you can use any dishes, except for metal, because it can give the fish an unpleasant metallic taste. Ceramic or glass is best suited for this purpose.

Dry salting of pink salmon

Divide the prepared carcass into two fillets or cut into pieces. Place meat side out on a cutting board and season generously with the salt and sugar mixture.

Place the meat side by side and wrap tightly in paper towels.

Put in a tray, bowl or deep plate. Put a load on top: cover the fish with a cutting board or plate and put a jar of water. Place in refrigerator or other cool place.

After 5-6 hours, turn the fish over to the other side.

In a day we will get salted fish, and in 2-3 days already salted. Unroll the carcass and remove the remaining salt.

Served to the table fish, cut into pieces and poured with sunflower oil.

How to pickle pink salmon in a marinade

The classic recipe for pickling pink salmon in brine is this. For 1 kg of pink salmon fillet take:

Water - 1 liter;

Sugar - 150 grams;

Salts - 150 grams;

Mustard - 30 grams;

Bay leaf - 2 pieces;

Allspice - to taste.

A pre-cleaned fillet is taken and divided into several pieces.

Fillet pieces are immersed in the cooled brine. It takes at least 4 hours for the meat to be completely salted. Pink salmon fish meat is taken out of the brine and served at the table.

Salted pink salmon

This method of cooking fish involves keeping pink salmon for a short time in a prepared saline solution, as well as a reduced salt concentration.

To prepare slightly salted pink salmon for 1 kg of fish, take:

Salts - 1 tablespoon;

Sugar - 1 teaspoon;

Vegetable oil (odorless) - 100 ml;

Black pepper - to taste;

Coriander - a couple of pinches or to taste

Prepare fish and cut into small pieces.

Mix sugar and salt in a bowl.

Arrange the fish pieces in a single layer in a container, drizzle with vegetable oil and sprinkle with a mixture of salt, sugar, black pepper and coriander. Black pepper should be coarsely crushed. If desired, you can add a few peas of allspice. Pairs well with white pepper.

Do the same with the next layer. Lay out all the fillet pieces in layers.

Cover the container with a lid and refrigerate for at least 5 hours.

Pink salmon for salmon in brine

Pink salmon meat is not very fatty, but it can be made more juicy if vegetable oil is added during salting. Then such pink salmon will taste very similar to salmon. You can salt the fish in brine or dry method.

To prepare the brine you need:

Water - 1.0-1.3 liters

Salts - 5 tablespoons

Cool the boiled water and dissolve 5 tablespoons of salt in it.

We cut the pink salmon, remove all the bones from the meat and cut into pieces about 4 centimeters.

Shredded fish is placed in brine for 10 minutes. Then drain the brine, and dry the fillet pieces with a paper towel or napkins.

After removing from the brine, put in a glass dish and pour vegetable oil. Take any oil: sunflower, olive or other.

We put the fish in the refrigerator for 40 - 60 minutes.

If the brine is not enough to completely cover the entire fish, then you need to carefully move it every 5-10 minutes. In this case, you need to keep the fish in brine for a little longer.

As a result, there is no faster salting of pink salmon in time, and most importantly, in terms of taste, it corresponds to another red fish - salmon. The fish turns out tender, but if it turned out too salty, then you can soak it in water.

Salted pink salmon in brine

There are many options for brines that will make the taste of the fish rich. If you need to salt pink salmon tasty and quickly, use this recipe.

To prepare a brine for 1 kg of pink salmon, you need:

Water - 1 liter;

Salts - 3 tablespoons;

Sugar - 2 teaspoons;

Bay leaf - 2 pieces;

As spices:

Allspice and black or white pepper;

Mustard (grains or ground).

First, prepare the brine for pink salmon. All components are mixed except mustard. At the very end, add mustard to the brine. Pour pink salmon with prepared brine (room temperature). After 3 hours, it will be ready if cut into small pieces. Larger pieces require more salting time.

Pink salmon in quick-salted brine may fall apart a little if defrosted fish was used. Spices and spices are added to the brine according to taste preferences. To get rid of the bitterness characteristic of pink salmon, you can add a little lemon juice or table vinegar to the brine.

How to pickle pink salmon in oil

For cooking in oil for 1 kg of pink salmon you need:

Salts - 3 teaspoons;

Vegetable oil - 1/2 cup (100-125 ml).

Wash and cut pink salmon: remove the skin and separate from the bones.

Cut the finished fillet into pieces half a centimeter thick.

Put the chopped pieces in a deep plate, add salt and spices as desired. Mix. Drizzle with vegetable oil and mix again.

Transfer the fish to a jar and refrigerate for 8-10 hours. During this time, the pink salmon will be salted.

Another way to salt salmon in oil.

For 700 grams of pink salmon you need:

Vegetable oil - 100 ml;

Salts - 2 tablespoons;

Sugar - 1 teaspoon;

As spices:

Black (white) pepper - to taste;

Bay leaf - to taste.

Rinse salmon and remove skin and bones. Cut the fish fillet into small pieces.

I'm preparing the brine. Mix vegetable oil with salt, add sugar, bay leaf and black or white pepper to be crushed.

Mix the pieces of pink salmon filled with brine and send them to the refrigerator. After 10 hours you can try the fish.

Salted pink salmon with onion in oil

According to this recipe, salted pink salmon will be ready in 2 hours and it will turn out very tasty and tender. To salt pink salmon, for 2 carcasses of fish you need:

Water - 1 liter;

Salts - 5 tablespoons;

Vegetable oils - 150 ml;

Bulb onion - 1 head

Gutted fish cut into pieces. It is best to start slicing when the fish is slightly frozen. We put the pieces of fish in a convenient container.

Prepare brine. Add salt to chilled boiled water and stir. Fill them with fish.

Leave the pink salmon soaked in brine at room temperature for one hour.

Take the fish out of the brine and pat dry. Put in a deep plate or bowl. Put chopped onion on top and pour sunflower oil. Put the pink salmon in the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes.

Any type of salted pink salmon can be used cut into fillets or cut into pieces. The thinner the cut fish, the faster it will absorb salt and salt.

Salting is a fairly quick way to cook pink salmon, which allows you to store fish in the refrigerator for several days without losing taste. Salted pink salmon can be served as a separate dish, garnished with onions and herbs, or used as an ingredient for salads, sandwiches, stuffed pancakes and many other dishes.

How to salt pink salmon in the monastery, see the video

Salted salmon is an excellent dish that will decorate any table. However, most often such a delicacy is saved for the holidays and eaten as a delicacy that they cannot afford in a daily meal because of the high cost. Unfortunately, salmon is very expensive, and not everyone can afford it even for the holidays. Recently, very often you can hear that the quality of salmon has become worse due to breeding in cages, where the fish almost does not move and receives a large dose of antibiotics. Also, the fish is tinted so that the color of the meat becomes saturated. These measures drastically reduce the quality of the product. In such a situation, it is better to pay attention to the domestic felling of the salmon family - pink salmon. Pink salmon is very useful, rich in minerals and vitamins, and most importantly, it is caught in natural conditions. The price of pink salmon in stores pleases in comparison with salmon or trout. There are enough ways to salt pink salmon, many of them are called "salmon", as they taste similar.

We carefully studied the nuances of pink salmon pickles to make it taste close to salted salmon. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic recipes and choose the one that suits you.

The main difference between pink salmon and salmon and the main secret of salting "for salmon"

Pink salmon, like salmon, belongs to the salmon family. However, it is less fat compared to salmon. The fish also has a bitter taste. Therefore, the main secret of salmon pickles is as follows: odorless sunflower oil and the right mixture for salting. Oil makes pink salmon meat more fatty, similar to salmon meat, and the salting mixture removes the bitter taste.

The finer the meat is cut for salting, the less time is needed to cook pink salmon “for salmon”.

How to choose high-quality pink salmon for salting

Consider the main points when choosing pink salmon for salting. If you are not a resident of the Far East, then most likely you will buy frozen fish. It is better to give preference to ungutted, whole pink salmon. Then the probability that the fish came to your table unchanged (directly from the sea) increases.

When buying freshly caught pink salmon, pay attention to the tail and eyes. The tail should not be dry (a sign of long storage), and the eyes should not be cloudy. Cloudy eyes from prolonged freezing.

If you are buying frozen whole salmon, pay attention to the following points:

Gills do not have a dark greenish tint (a sign of rotting fish)

The shape of the fish must be correct, the fins and tail are intact. The opposite speaks of repeated defrosting-freezing.

If the fish is already gutted, then look at the color of the abdomen. It should be pinkish in color. The yellowness of the abdomen indicates improper storage of pink salmon and prolonged lying on the counter.

When buying pink salmon fillets, we again look at its color. The fillet should be pink in color without white, yellow and gray shades. The smell should be fresh.

Step-by-step recipes for cooking pink salmon "for salmon"

Pink salmon "under salmon" in brine


  1. Frozen pink salmon - 1 kg;
  2. Salt or sea salt (large) - 4-5 tablespoons;
  3. Boiled water - 1 liter;
  4. Odorless vegetable oil.


  1. Preparing pink salmon for salting.

    We are waiting for our fish to defrost a little at room temperature or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

    We cut off the head, fins, take out the insides, rinse well from the inside.

    Remove the skin, separate the meat from the bones and cut into portions.

  2. I'm preparing the brine.

    In a liter of cooled boiled water, put 4-5 tablespoons of table salt (not iodized), mix everything thoroughly until completely dissolved.

  3. Salt.

    We put the pieces of pink salmon in the brine and leave for 15-30 minutes. The longer you hold, the more salty the fish will be.

    We take out the pieces from the brine on a paper towel, let the brine drain for a while.

    We shift into a plastic or glass container, pour with odorless vegetable oil.

    After 6 hours, pink salmon is ready.

  4. Pink salmon will be ready in 6 hours.

Pink salmon "under salmon" without brine with sugar


  1. Pink salmon - 1 kg;
  2. Table salt - 3 tablespoons;
  3. Odorless vegetable oil.

Cooking order:

  1. Mix salt and sugar in a separate bowl.
  2. Pour half of the mixture of sugar and salt into the salting dish.
  3. We spread the pieces of pink salmon fillet;
  4. Sprinkle the remaining mixture over the fish.
  5. We give the fish three hours to salt.
  6. Pat the fillets dry with paper towels to remove excess salt.
  7. We put the pieces in a storage container and season with vegetable oil.
  8. Pink salmon "under the salmon" can be served at the table!

Shelf life - up to 5 days in the refrigerator.

Salmon salmon with lemon


  1. Pink salmon - 1 kg;
  2. Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons;
  3. Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  4. Black ground pepper - 1 pinch;
  5. Odorless vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  6. Lemon - 2 pieces.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut salmon fillet into pieces.
  2. Mix salt with sugar and pepper.
  3. Lemons cut into thin slices.
  4. Rub each piece with the pickle mixture and arrange in layers in a bowl.
  5. Distribute the lemon evenly between the layers of pink salmon.
  6. We give the fish 10 hours to salt.
  7. Next, add vegetable oil to pink salmon and let it soak for another 3 hours.
  8. Pink salmon "under the salmon" can be served on the table!

Shelf life - up to 7 days in the refrigerator.

Pink salmon "under the salmon" in a plastic bag

  1. Pink salmon (fillet) - 1 kg;
  2. Salt - 3-4 tablespoons
  3. Ground black pepper - a pinch;
  4. Mustard powder - 1 tablespoon;
  5. Coriander - a pinch;
  6. Vegetable oil - 150 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. We separate the pink salmon fillet from the bones and skin.
  2. Without cutting into portioned pieces, rub the fillet with a mixture of salt, sugar and peppers on both sides.
  3. We twist the fish into a roll and put it in a plastic bag. Tie the bag tightly and wrap it in parchment paper.
  4. Leave in the refrigerator for a day, then turn the roll over on the other side and leave for another 24 hours.
  5. Next, remove excess salt with a paper towel and season with vegetable oil.
  6. Pink salmon "under the salmon" is ready!

Shelf life in the refrigerator - up to 5 days.

True, buying salmon for salting is also a little expensive, but there is a great way out - to buy pink salmon and salt it according to this recipe. The price for pink salmon is much more pleasant than for salmon, and there is practically no difference. As far as my husband is well versed in fish, but he could not identify pink salmon in the finished snack.

So shall we try?

Salted pink salmon for salmon - a simple recipe with a photo

To salt pink salmon at home, to make it look like salmon, you will need:

  • 500 g pink salmon (frozen or fresh - how lucky to buy);
  • 1 liter of drinking water;
  • 4-5 art. spoons of salt;
  • 40-50 ml vegetable refined oil.

How will we cook salted pink salmon at home for salmon

The most important ingredient here is, of course, the fish. We prefer to buy pink salmon on the market, frozen. It usually weighs more than 500 g, but after processing and cutting useful raw materials, alas, it becomes smaller. If you come across a big fish, then all the components can be easily recalculated based on the weight of the cut pink salmon.

You can buy pink salmon as a whole, and without a head and tail. I prefer to buy whole fish. Yes, it will take a little longer to cut it, but then it will be possible to cook a fragrant and healthy fish soup from the head, tail and fins. And it usually costs less than a carcass without a head. Significant savings for the family budget!

You can also buy ready-made chopped fish fillets. The advantage here is that there is no need to take out the bones, everything has already been done before us. Unless the skin is removed, but fillets are often sold even without skin. His price, unfortunately, is even higher than for a carcass without a head. And there is a danger of oversalting in the process, as it may be too thinly sliced.

And what about the happy owners of fresh, not frozen fish? Can I immediately cut and salt? But here's the problem - it is very difficult to remove the skin from fresh fish, and this unfortunate misunderstanding often causes irritation. And we need only positive emotions in the kitchen!

Therefore, I advise you to put fresh fish in the freezer for a short time so that it freezes slightly. And the frozen carcass, on the contrary, is taken out of the refrigerator so that it slightly (not completely!) thawed.

The rest of the ingredients - salt, water, vegetable oil - you will probably find at home. With the dry method of salting, you will also need sugar, but more on that later. First, let's look at how to cook salted salmon for salmon according to the recipe with a photo in brine. And let's start with the processing of the carcass.

How to cut pink salmon

When our fish has reached the desired condition, it has become soft on the outside, but slightly frostbitten inside, it can be easily freed from skin and bones.

  1. First, rinse it thoroughly under running cool water. Lightly dry with paper towels.
  2. Then we take a sharp knife, clean the fish from the remnants of the scales, then ruthlessly cut off the head and tail. Cut out the fins with culinary scissors.
  3. Now carefully cut the abdomen with a knife from the bottom, take out the insides, rinse the carcass again.
  4. Let's make an incision along the ridge.
  5. Carefully pry the skin with a knife, slightly incising it in the place where the tail used to be, and with a deft movement of the hand, remove the skin like a stocking.
  6. Then we remove the bones. The easiest way to do this is with a sharp knife, starting on one side of the fish. Pry the bones with a knife and pull them out with your hands.
  7. When there are no bones left on one half, turn the fish over and pull out the ridge with bones with your hand. Then easily remove the remaining thin bones.

Now you can wash the pink salmon again with peace of mind and cut it into pieces.

Determine the size of the fillet yourself - the larger it is, the longer the fish will be salted. As experience shows, the optimal width is 0.7-1 cm, otherwise you can oversalt. And ready-made salted pink salmon can be cut into thinner slices for sandwiches.


When the fish is already butchered and cut, we proceed directly to the magical process: salt the pink salmon - we get awesome salmon!

  1. Boil a liter of water in a saucepan, cool it slightly to a warm state. Then add salt and stir well so that there are no grains left. You will get a saturated saline solution, which is called brine. To check if it has enough salt, dip a peeled small potato into the brine. If it floated to the surface, it means that the brine turned out the way it should!
  2. Now dip the pieces of fish into the brine and leave them there for 15-30 minutes. The thinner the slices are cut, the less they need to be kept. Otherwise, there is a risk of oversalting.
  3. Then drain the brine, and put the fish on paper napkins or a towel. Let the paper soak up excess moisture from the slices.
  4. In the meantime, prepare a container for the fish, such as a glass jar or plastic container. It is better not to take aluminum dishes. Lay the fish slices in the dishes in layers, sprinkling each layer with vegetable oil.
  5. Pour the rest of the oil on top and shake the container well, covering it with a lid. Then put the dish with pink salmon in the refrigerator for at least an hour. It is better, of course, to withstand at least 5 hours. I prefer to put the fish in oil at night, and in the morning you can already feast on it!

If you want to cook pink salmon for salmon faster, put it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes, turn the slices over every 10-15 minutes.

What is vegetable oil for? It is this that gives dry pink salmon the softness and tenderness characteristic of salmon. The oil must be odorless, refined, otherwise the taste of the fish will no longer be the same. If you do not like too fatty fish or are on a diet, you can pour in less oil. There are no strict recommendations here, everything is according to your taste.

Dry Ambassador

For those who have the time and patience, I also offer a dry method of salting pink salmon for salmon. The fish will be salted for about 10 hours, but it will turn out no less tasty!

For the dry method of salting pink salmon, you will need:

  • 1 kg salmon fillet;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • Refined vegetable oil.

We cut pink salmon, as described above. Then, in a separate bowl, mix sugar and salt. Take a plastic container, ceramic or glassware, put a little salt on the bottom. Then we will lay the slices of fish fillet in layers, not too close to each other, sprinkling each layer with a sugar-salt mixture. Or you can rub each piece with a mixture of salt and sugar on both sides, then lay them out in layers.

If you have more or less fish, it is easy to count the amount of sugar and salt. The main thing is to observe the basic proportions: two parts salt - one part sugar.

To make the fillet salted faster, you can take more sugar, in proportions of 1: 1. But such pink salmon is less stored. True, it turns out so tasty that it does not stay for a long time. So take the risk!

Now we close the container with the fish with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. After three hours, remove the dishes, turn the pieces of fish over so that the lower ones are at the top and the upper ones are at the bottom. Send it to the refrigerator again, for another 7 hours (you can until the morning).

We take out the finished fish from the container, wipe it with paper towels to remove excess salt. Taste it. If too salty, you can lightly rinse with running water. Then put it back in the container, fill it with vegetable oil.

In this form, the fish can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week. And you can serve or make sandwiches in an hour. It turns out tasty and tender, like a real salmon!

Salted pink salmon for salmon in 5 minutes

But what if there is not enough time, guests will come soon? In this case, I offer an express option: salted pink salmon for salmon in 5 minutes. True, this is the time for salting the fish fillet, but then it must also be kept in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. That is, the whole process will take you no more than an hour. It's quite possible to do it!


  • 500-600 g of thinly sliced ​​pink salmon fillet;
  • 900 g of water;
  • 5 st. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 30-40 g of vegetable oil.

How to cook:

  1. This option is almost identical to our first recipe for the "wet" method of salting pink salmon. But there are slight differences: it is desirable to cut the fish as thin as possible, and add sugar to the brine to speed up the process.
  2. Pour the fish fillet slices with warm brine, leave for five minutes.
  3. Then we salt the water, and pour a little vegetable oil into the container with the fish, close the lid, shake it, and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.

Tender salted fish is ready!

And if you got caviar? Salt!

If you come across caviar while cutting pink salmon, you can also pickle it - an added bonus! But first, the caviar must be freed from the film and held a little in a bowl of warm salt water, literally about ten minutes. Proportions: for half a liter of water - 2 tbsp. spoons of salt. Then we carefully drain the water and prepare another brine - especially for caviar.

Ingredients for pickling salmon caviar

  • 250 g of caviar;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 0.5 tsp Sahara;
  • 0.5 cups of water (boiled).

How to pickle caviar:

  1. Dissolve salt and sugar in warm water, cool.
  2. Spread the caviar in a separate bowl, fill with brine.
  3. Leave for a couple of hours, then drain the brine - the caviar is ready!

You can also try the dry method: gently mix the caviar with salt and sugar without breaking its integrity. Cover with a plate, put a small weight on top (for example, a glass of water). After 5 hours you can already make sandwiches.

If, when gutting fish, you find milk, they can also be salted, but already together with pink salmon. Of course, if you love them. I sometimes salt them - the good does not disappear, although in our family no one except my husband eats them. But you can’t serve them to guests anymore, they don’t look very presentable, so this product is only for home use.

On a note

And finally, some useful tips:

Pink salmon is a healthy fish, but rather dry. But it has more protein. Also, pink salmon fillet can be a little bitter. The addition of salt, sugar and vegetable oil can negate all these shortcomings. But it is better not to get carried away with lemon juice, it will dry the fish even more. It is better to add it in a mixture with vegetable oil.

The fish brine must be cool, otherwise the slices can quickly lose their color and shape. Also, for better shape preservation, it is useful to apply oppression with any method of salting the fish.

When salting, you can add different spices to taste. A special set of seasonings for salting red fish is best suited.

That's all. Now that you know the recipe for salted pink salmon, with a photo, it will not be difficult to cook it. It's easy, fun and very tasty! Enjoy your meal!

Pink salmon is not very expensive, but very useful fish in all respects. Pink salmon meat contains a whole complex of trace elements that have a beneficial effect on human health. These include iodine, fluorine, calcium, sulfur and other elements that improve the functioning of the digestive system, the brain, as well as the heart and blood vessels. If the fish is cooked incorrectly, then most of the components will simply disappear. Most of the nutrients remain if pink salmon is not subjected to heat treatment. In this regard, the most suitable option for its preparation is salting.

Nowadays, most housewives do this on their own, since it is not particularly necessary to rely on a purchased quality product. Very often people speak out on the subject of low-quality pink salmon purchased in stores. Basically, this is an expired fish product that can seriously affect human health.

Pink salmon meat is suitable for use in various dishes: it can be boiled into soup, it can be salted, grilled, added to salads or eaten raw. Sliced ​​red fish is always one of the components of the festive table. As a rule, the presence of red fish on the table indicates the level of well-being of the family and its excellent taste.

The recipe for this preparation is very simple and any housewife can master it. This recipe does not involve the use of sugar, therefore, in a very short time, lean pink salmon turns into a dish that can be eaten.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kg salmon fillet.
  • 1.3 liters of boiled water.
  • 5 tablespoons of salt.
  • Black peppercorns.

First you need to cut the fillet into suitable pieces. Then proceed to the preparation of the brine. To do this, take already cooled, but boiled water and dissolve the salt in it, stirring the composition regularly. After that, pieces of fish are placed in this brine for about 10 minutes. After this time, the fish pieces are removed from the brine and dried with a paper towel.

At the next stage, these same pieces of pink salmon are neatly stacked in layers in a suitable dish. At the same time, each layer is watered with vegetable oil. The final stage is placing the fish in the refrigerator for about half an hour. After this time, pink salmon so salted can be served at the table, along with herbs, onions and lemon.

Why not salmon, but pink salmon?

Naturally, salmon, if cooked in this way and served at the festive table, will cause a stir, since it is tastier than pink salmon. But there is one "but" that must always be taken into account. The thing is that salmon, like a very tasty fish, is grown artificially in some Western countries, using genetically modified chemical compounds. In addition to the fact that salmon is much more expensive than pink salmon, it can be dangerous to human health.

As for pink salmon, few people grow it artificially. Therefore, it is almost impossible to buy artificial pink salmon. If pink salmon is available for sale, then it is most likely a fish caught in the vastness of the ocean, and not on some farm located in one of the countries of America.

How to prepare fish for salting?

It is very important to properly prepare the fish for the salting process. It is better, of course, if it is fresh fish, but it can only be purchased in those places where it is fished. Most likely, it will be a freshly frozen carcass that needs to be thawed, moreover, correctly. You should never force this process and allow the fish to defrost naturally in the refrigerator. It is necessary to allow all the water to leave, after which it is cut and washed under running water. When cleaning fish, care should be taken to ensure that no bones remain in the meat.

The salmon fillet should be soft. To accurately calculate the right amount of salt, it is advisable to weigh the fillet. It is advisable to also cut off the head with fins and tail. The fillet is cut into pieces, no more than one and a half centimeters thick, so that the meat is well soaked in brine with seasonings.

Simple and inexpensive recipes for salting pink salmon for salmon

There are three easiest and cheapest ways to cook pink salmon. Despite this, pink salmon turns out to be tasty enough to be put on the festive table in the form of cuts or to cook classic sandwiches.

Pink salmon "under the salmon"

To do this, you will need a small assortment of products:

  • 3 tablespoons of salt.
  • So much sugar.
  • 100 ml vegetable (sunflower) oil.
  • 1 kg salmon fillet.

The fish is cut into large pieces. Salt and sugar are mixed together. A dish for salting is taken and a thin layer of sugar and salt is poured onto its bottom. After that, pieces of pink salmon are placed on top of the mixture and sprinkled on top again with a mixture of salt and sugar.

The fish prepared in this way is placed in the refrigerator for 3 hours. After this time, the excess mixture of salt and sugar is removed from the pieces, after which the fish is poured with vegetable oil.

Light-salted pink salmon in brine under "salmon"

Product range:

  • Pink salmon, fillet.
  • Salt, 5 tablespoons.
  • Water, 1 liter.
  • Sunflower (or other) oil.

Salt dissolves in cold, clean water, preferably boiled. The fish fillet is cut into small pieces. The same fillet slices are placed in brine for half an hour at room temperature. If you wish, you can add some spices, but there should be very few of them, otherwise the whole taste of the fish will be lost. If there are few of them, then they will not interfere.

Pink salmon "under salmon" with lemon

Pink salmon cooked with lemon is especially popular among lovers of fish dishes. In fact, preparing such a delicacy is quite simple even at home.

To prepare this delicious dish, you will need:

  • Pink salmon fish - 1 kg fillet.
  • Salt - one tablespoon.
  • Sugar - one and a half tablespoons.
  • Black ground pepper - 1 pinch.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.
  • Two lemons.

Fillets prepared from pink salmon should be cut into pieces, depending on personal preferences. At the same time, one should take into account the fact that the larger the pieces, the longer they will cook. Salt, sugar and black pepper are mixed together. The pieces are carefully rubbed with a dry mixture on all sides. Lemons are cut into thin slices. Pieces of fish are laid out in the prepared dishes, while each piece should be shifted with a slice of lemon. After that, the fish is left for 10 hours. After this time, the fish is poured with vegetable oil and left for another 3 hours, after which the pink salmon can be served.

How to Serve and Consume Pink Salmon

Since pink salmon meat contains the whole complex of vitamins and microelements, it is desirable to use it every day, which will lead to a balance of all vital components of the human body. Pink salmon is served at the festive table with onions and herbs, cut into small pieces beforehand.

Actually, there are quite a few options. Toasts and sandwiches with red fish, decorated with parsley leaves, are very popular, and someone prefers regular cuts so as not to mix the taste of pink salmon meat with seasonings.

How useful is pink salmon

Pink salmon meat is valued not only for the presence of vitamins and microelements, but also for its protein content, which is easily absorbed by the human body. But all the advantages of pink salmon can be reduced to zero if it is cooked incorrectly.

Before cooking pink salmon, it is better to use some tips, for example:

  1. It is better to buy a whole carcass of freshly caught pink salmon.
  2. To speed up salting, it is desirable to increase the amount of sugar.
  3. Frozen fish is best cut into pieces before defrosting.
  4. Fish will cook faster if you put it under pressure.
  5. The longer the fish is in brine, the saltier it will be, but you cannot keep it in brine for more than 3 days.
  6. In order for the pieces to be evenly saturated with brine, they need to be turned over regularly.
  7. To make the fish lightly salted, it can be soaked in water and dried.
  8. The meatier the fillet, the easier it is to cook.
