
Red velvet cupcake. Cupcakes Red Velvet

Such cupcakes perfect option For gala dinner, especially for the New Year, because the red color always accompanies this holiday and is its invariable attribute.
If we talk about how much the dessert lives up to its name, then, without a doubt, it justifies it one hundred percent. Due to the fact that the dough for cupcakes is kneaded classical method- by whipping butter - they really turn out incredibly tender, melting, light ... In a word, velvety. Be sure to cook the "Red Velvet".

Cooking time: about 1 hour
Yield: 16 pieces


  • 170 grams of sugar
  • 140 grams of wheat flour
  • 100 ml milk
  • 70-80 grams of butter (not margarine)
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp. cocoa spoons
  • 1 st. spoonful of red food coloring
  • 1 st. l. vinegar
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • vanilla sugar or vanillin
  • a pinch of salt
  • powdered sugar for sprinkling.

How to make red velvet cupcakes

First a couple of important tips.

1. For making cupcakes, do not replace butter margarine. The fact is that in this recipe, oil greatly affects the taste and texture. finished dessert, and margarine can spoil them. In addition, during whipping, margarine is highly likely to curl up and give up water.

2. Oil and egg must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance- They should be at room temperature.
If you are short on time, heat the oil in the microwave at low power. Heat for 10 seconds so as not to overdo it and melt the butter.

Break the egg into a cup or small bowl and place in a container with warm water- so it heats up pretty quickly.
So, let's start the cooking process.

mix soft butter with sugar and vanilla sugar (vanillin).

Beat the mass until it brightens and becomes more airy.
Then beat the egg into the butter and beat again until smooth at low speed. Sometimes after adding an egg, the oil curdles. This means that the egg colder than butter. That is why do not neglect the process of heating the egg to room temperature.

The result should be a creamy base for the dough.

In a separate bowl, mix milk, vinegar, food coloring.

Mix together flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt.

Pour a third of the flour mixture into the butter-egg base and gently fold in.

Then pour in a third of the milk with dye and stir until combined.

Alternating in the same way, enter all the flour and milk.
At the end, when all the ingredients are combined, you can again beat the dough a little with a mixer at low speed to break up any lumps.

Put in a cupcake mold paper tartlets and fill them with dough no more than two-thirds.

Bake cupcakes at 170 degrees for 20-25 minutes. When baking cupcakes, it is important not to exceed this temperature, otherwise the dough will not be so tender.
Check the readiness of the cupcakes with a match or a toothpick: it should come out dry.

Remove the finished cupcakes from the mold and sprinkle with half of the powdered sugar, and when they have cooled, sprinkle on top again. This will create a soft, sweet crust on the surface.
Such a dessert is very tasty both on the day of baking, and on the second or third day.

Making red velvet cupcakes at home is no more difficult than chocolate cupcakes, american recipe red velvet is made up of available ingredients- kefir, sour cream, flour, eggs, cocoa. Cupcake dough is beaten with butter, hence the velvety structure of red miniature cakes, melting in your mouth, light and tender.

Cupcakes, cupcakes Red Velvet - these are cakes with cream in miniature, holiday look cupcakes, the velvety taste of the portioned famous american dessert fell in love with culinary specialists for the opportunity to show their culinary skills in the preparation and decoration of bright festive, New Year's cupcakes original form. This original look tiny cakes the size of a cup are rightfully rated for excellent taste qualities confectioners and sweet lovers.

Cream Cheese Cupcake Secrets

Feature of the red velvet recipe - and the colorful cupcake Red Velvet Cupcakes - considered red, hence the name of the American velvety dessert. Coloring cupcakes is bright red, scarlet or pink, burgundy, colors finished baking depends on the concentration of the dye added to the dough for cupcakes, cake.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. To give rich color dry dye for red velvet or gel food is added to the cupcake dough. Recreate the classic burgundy color in cupcake recipes Red Velvet with Beetroot Juice without dye - beetroot juice, added in arbitrary proportions depending on the desired shade, gives red chocolate cupcakes no less burgundy than artificial dye, and is a natural supplement.

When preparing muffins, at home, classic butter can be used various recipes dough, but it is very important to make one that keeps its shape. TO resistant creams that retain their original shape include cream icing, cream cheese, cottage cheese, with condensed milk - these are cupcake creams that keep their shape and are simply decorated with New Year's table, wedding, holiday, birthday.

Preparation - 25 minutes

Cooking - 25 minutes

Calorie - 385 kcal per 100 grams

Ingredients for Red Velvet Cupcakes on kefir


  • butter - 120 g;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • vanillin - 2 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • large chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • corn starch - a quarter cup;
  • cocoa powder - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • kefir - half a glass;
  • fat sour cream - half a cup;
  • red food coloring - 1 tbsp;
  • oil for lubrication.

Cream Cheese

  • cream cheese - 200-220 g;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • vanillin - 2 tsp;
  • powdered sugar - 2 cups;
  • salt - a pinch.

Homemade red velvet cupcake recipe

  1. To prepare cupcakes, put butter at room temperature in a microwave dish and place in the microwave. Heat, stirring every 30 seconds, until the butter is completely melted.
  2. Add vegetable oil to melted butter, beat the mixture with a whisk.
  3. Add sugar and vanilla, beat until smooth.
  4. Add eggs and yolk at room temperature one at a time, each time carefully beating the mass with a mixer or blender.
  5. Separately combine flour, starch, cocoa, soda, baking powder and salt. We mix.
  6. Pour the dry ingredients into the liquid ones, stir with a whisk.
  7. Add vinegar and kefir to the dough, beat until smooth. We mix sour cream, and then we introduce the dye and stir well or beat the dough until the dye is completely dissolved.
  8. Place in small cupcake molds paper molds and coat them with oil. We fill the molds with dough no more than three-quarters of the height (from the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe, about 18 cupcakes are obtained).
  9. We bake muffins in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 15-17 minutes. Readiness is checked with a wooden stick or a toothpick.
  10. Remove cupcakes from oven and cool for 5-10 minutes. Then remove the cupcakes from the mold and leave to cool completely in paper molds.
  11. Cooking cream for cupcakes. To do this, sift the powdered sugar through a sieve.
  12. In a large bowl, with a mixer or immersion blender, beat the butter and cream cheese at room temperature on medium speed until smooth.
  13. Switch the mixer to low speed and start adding the sifted powdered sugar. in small portions. Beat the cream thoroughly each time.
  14. If the cream turned out to be not thick, but too liquid, add more powdered sugar until the desired cream density is obtained, not forgetting to beat.
  15. Add vanilla and a pinch of salt. Beat the cream at maximum speed for 1-2 minutes.
  16. Apply thick cream on cupcakes with a pastry bag, decorate as desired and serve.

The decoration of Red Velvet cupcakes according to this recipe is as varied as the pastry chef's imagination allows. Make from regular red velvet cupcakes holiday treat quickly and easily using ready-made edible figures from marshmallows, mastic, sprinkles.

The red color identifies the holiday, including New Year, New Year's cupcakes, including Red velvet, will decorate festive table, in addition, they will cheer up the birthday man and the appetite of the guests at the table, create a solemn atmosphere in the house for. Be sure to make these velvet cupcakes with butter cream, you can make cupcakes with filling on the eve of the holiday - the next day the dessert remains juicy, fresh and tasty.

  • Flour - 200 g
  • Cocoa powder - 10 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Baking powder - 5 g
  • Vegetable oil - 90 g
  • Eggs - 70 g
  • Kefir 1% - 150 g

Guess what question has been bugging me the most over the past three years on the blog!? Think you often read it in the comments if you are preparing a cake ““. That's right, the leader among all "Is it possible to make cupcakes from this cake test." The funny thing is that when I answer “NO”, they send me dozens of photos of cupcakes made from this dough. Our grandmothers could be forgiven for such ignorance, but in 2018 it’s completely unforgivable not to understand the philosophy of confectionery. My advice to everyone - when cooking something, read in reference books why this dessert is so wonderful.

The idea of ​​a cupcake is not at all that it is any dough that can be poured into a basket and baked. Everything is harder and easier at the same time. Cupcake is the most tender and fluffy dough in the class of desserts, we can afford it, because the paper basket helps the dough to keep its shape, not crumble and please us with a unique texture. Therefore, if someone made dough for cakes and poured them into a basket, it will turn out just small cake, as far from the right idea as the Moon is from the Earth. And a simple manipulation helps to achieve these characteristics - we do not allow the flour to combine with liquids too early and knead the dough gently with a spatula. At the household level, such an understanding is enough to make cupcakes correct and tender.

And since you have been asking for a long time, I decided to give the recipe for Red Velvet cupcakes. Let me remind you that behind this name is a delicate, slightly friable texture of the dough, a bright juicy color and a light chocolate aftertaste that no one expects (unless it's the 20th serving, of course). And although many people think that chocolate is not felt in Red Velvets, let them try to replace cocoa powder with flour and compare, the difference will be enormous. This time I give not only a proven working recipe, I will tell you how to properly deposit the dough, bake and store it, and also show schematically how to deposit a beautiful hat so that it stands confidently on a cupcake and delights guests with its appearance!

Andrey Rudkov

If you need any ingredient, confectionery inventory and equipment, go to my store - dvemorkovki.ru. I plan that it will become the most convenient store for those who love to cook. An up-to-date showcase, many payment and delivery methods (all over the world), I have my own store in Moscow and the goods that I select myself and the ingredients that I use on the blog. Come in!

In the second bowl there will be liquids: one percent kefir (150 g), vegetable oil (90 g), an egg (70 g, you have to break a couple and pour exactly 70 into the bowl).

Add red dye to the liquid mixture, so much that the color satisfies you. Now I have started using dry dyes from India, they are much cheaper than AmeriColor, they give a good color and have only one element (the actual color).

In this case, I used the color "Tomato Red".

In total, we have a bowl of dry ingredients and a bowl of liquid.

Combine the ingredients silicone spatula, pour ALL dry ingredients at once into a bowl with liquid ones.

You should get a beautiful and bright dough.

Transfer the dough to pastry bag. It is the purest and The right way, no spoons will help you spread the dough evenly and neatly.

Next are paper baskets. They are of two types - such as in the photo, with them cupcakes are beautiful, neat and very comfortable to eat. The only negative is that they need a form into which they are inserted. But, it pays off with the fact that you get an aesthetically flawless product.

The second option is baskets with a special neck. They don't need additional form, but it is much more difficult to unfold them, plus their paper is stiffer - this is also a minus.

I think that the most perfect shapeit's 6 cell silicone. We have it in our store Italian Silikomart .

Firstly, you can buy one or two, they stand well side by side on a baking sheet home oven. Secondly, silicone is always better than metal - you can bake independent cupcakes (without paper baskets), collect toppings and mousse desserts.

This dough is enough for 8-10 cupcakes, it all depends on you how much you fill the baskets. While the dough is baking, put the bag in the refrigerator, this is important.

To fill the baskets correctly, lower the bag to the very bottom of the basket and hold it upright. Start to deposit the dough, while the bag should remain at the bottom. Then the dough will rise up in an even layer and you will have less problems with baking. I poured this dough about 2/3 of the height.

This is how you should be.

Bake in the oven, preheated to 175 degrees, top-bottom mode. The main thing is not to overdry the cupcakes, so after 10-12 minutes start checking them every minute. Just press them on top with your finger, if they spring a little, then the dough is baked and ready.

You know that they will come out with a slightly dry crust. This is fine. But, you can make them tastier, for this, let them cool in the form for a couple of minutes, and then transfer them to a cramped container, close the lid. After 3-4 hours, they will become softer, the moisture inside the cupcake will be distributed and make the top juicier. If the basket is made of good paper, then it will not deteriorate (do not sweat).

Excellent cream

  • Powdered sugar - 150 g
  • Butter 82.5% - 180 g
  • Curd cream cheese - 450 g
  • Vanilla extract - 10 g

This recipe has been on the blog for a long time, we will only slightly change the technology and proportions. I always recommend two cheeses: these are Hochland (or Kremette) and Almette. I am sure of them, further on your discretion.

And remember, it's better for cupcakes. soft cream, then there will be no torn edges on the caps, and it will be easier and smoother to sit down. Therefore, after you have prepared the cream and put it in the bag, let it lie on the table for 2-25 minutes, then massage the bag so that the cold center mixes with the soft edges, and sit down!

First - take the butter from the refrigerator (180 g) and cut into large cubes, add powdered sugar (150 g) and natural vanilla extract(10 g). You can do without it, but it will not be as tasty.

This mass must be beaten with a mixer until it becomes a smooth paste, this will not happen immediately.

It will come out something like that.

Only after that add cheese (450 g). Mix the mass with a mixer until smooth.

Let's talk about nozzles. Most of the beanies that I see in the photo on Instagram are, frankly, terrible. And most often this is because you buy the wrong nozzles, small ones.

Look, it should be metal and large (about 5-7 centimeters tall). In my hands

Original cupcakes made of bright red dough can surprise all guests at a festive event. Decorated with delicate taste, they are not inferior even to the most gourmet dessert. We will tell you how to bake Red Velvet cupcakes, reviews of which contain only positive comments and admiration, in our article. Here we offer several cooking options. delicious cream to cupcakes.

Origin of "Red Velvet"

Cupcakes (cakes) "Red Velvet" were originally prepared according to the cake recipe The Red Velvet. In the context, such pastries resemble velvet, where this came from. interesting name. The cake itself was invented and prepared in America back in the 30s of the XX century and for the most a short time became very popular in all English-speaking countries. The reason for its preparation was a decrease in consumer demand for confectionery during the biggest global crisis. To attract the attention of buyers, confectioners came up with the idea of ​​coloring biscuit cakes beetroot juice. Thanks to his concentration, it was possible to obtain different colors test: from pale pink to red-brown.

The recipe has since been slightly modified. In 1972, American confectioner James Beard invented new technology making this dessert. In his original recipe cocoa is added to the cake dough, which, thanks to vinegar, buttermilk or kefir, acquires a bright red hue, while maintaining chocolate flavor. When layering pastries, a cream based on cream cheese is traditionally used.

Soon, Red Velvet cupcakes appeared, the recipe of which practically did not differ at all from classic cake. Portioned muffins with cream have become in high demand and popular with sweet tooth and lovers of original desserts.

Red Velvet Cupcakes: A Classic Recipe

These are surprisingly soft cupcakes with a red dough and tender cream cheese cream. However, tasty and spectacular pastries can be decorated in a completely different way, but then it will be a slightly different dessert.

Despite the fact that the baking recipe suggests that in order to obtain bright color it is enough to achieve the reaction of vinegar and kefir (buttermilk) with cocoa, confectioners still use the dye in the preparation. This is how you get beautiful, with a uniform color of the dough inside, Red Velvet cupcakes.

The recipe for cooking consists of several steps:

  1. The oven preheats to 180 degrees.
  2. Dry ingredients are sifted together in a separate bowl: flour (260 g), salt and baking powder (½ teaspoon each), cocoa powder (4 teaspoons), vanillin.
  3. Butter (125 g) is whipped until fluffy, then 2 eggs and sugar (300 g) are added to it.
  4. In a separate container, kefir or buttermilk (240 ml) and liquid dye (2 teaspoons) are mixed together. In the case of using the ingredient in dry form, it will need 2 times less.
  5. The dye is added to the oil mass, after which the sifted dry ingredients are added.
  6. Extinguish the soda with vinegar (1 teaspoon of the ingredients each) and add it to the dough, after which it immediately breaks into molds (2/3 molds are filled) and goes into the oven for 25 minutes.
  7. From the indicated amount of products, approximately 20 cupcakes are obtained.
  8. Whipping cream for cream high fat(33-38%) in the amount of 300 ml. Then, curd cream cheese (450 g) (“Almette” or “Philadelphia”) is whipped in a separate bowl. Powder (110 g) and vanillin are added. Gradually, cream whipped to peaks is introduced into the cheese.
  9. With the use of the cream is applied to the cooled cupcakes.

Dough recipes for cupcakes in vegetable oil

No less tasty, soft and fluffy are cupcakes based on vegetable oil without smell. They are prepared in almost the same way as presented in previous recipe Cupcakes "Red Velvet".

A recipe with a description consists in performing the following sequence of actions:

  1. Dry ingredients are combined in a deep bowl, such as flour (370 g) and sugar (300 g), cocoa and baking powder (1 tablespoon each), salt (¼ teaspoon) and soda (1 teaspoon).
  2. After mixing the dry ingredients, eggs (3 pcs.), Vegetable (preferably olive) oil (280 ml), the same amount of kefir or buttermilk (can be replaced with sour cream and cream in equal proportions) are driven into a bowl.
  3. Lastly, gel dye (red) is introduced (2 teaspoons).
  4. Cupcakes are baked for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Cream

The cream is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Beat chilled curd cheese (340 g) with a mixer with soft butter (120 g) for 5 minutes.
  2. Add powdered sugar (100 g) and vanilla extract (1 teaspoon).
  3. Apply the cream on the cake layers, sides and top of the cake. Cool down.

To prepare a cream of a different color, you will need to add 2 tablespoons of strawberry or other fruit or berry puree. The cream turns out to be quite dense, keeps its shape well, does not flow down the sides of the cake.

"Red Velvet": Beetroot Cupcake Recipe

Anyone who can’t decide on the use of dye in the dough in any way will like the recipe for cupcakes based on beetroot puree. For this raw beets peeled, rubbed fine grater and beat with a blender. All you need is ½ cup puree.

How to bake red velvet cupcakes? The recipe starts with kneading the dough. First, vegetable oil (1.5 cups) is whipped with sugar (280 g) and vanilla. Then add eggs (2 pcs.) And a liquid mass based on buttermilk (1 tbsp.), Vinegar (1 teaspoon) and beetroot puree. Then flour (270 g), baking powder (1 teaspoon), dry beetroot powder and cocoa (3 tablespoons each) are gradually added to the liquid mass.

Bake cupcakes at 175 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Cupcakes with cream frosting

These are real mini cakes with delicious icing perfect for dessert children's holiday. It is difficult to find a person who would not like Red Velvet cupcakes.

The recipe for making the glaze is to add milk to the cream cheese-based cream (about 30 ml per 60 g curd cheese and 100 g of high-fat butter). The result should be a glaze with a less dense texture compared to the cream, but no less tasty. Many people like this option for decorating cupcakes.

Bicolor Buttercream Cupcake Recipe

Cupcakes with two-color cream will be an excellent decoration for the holiday. Since the baking dough has a red color, it is most optimal in this case to prepare a cream that combines the same color and white. To prepare the Red Velvet cupcake directly, you can use any of the recipes presented above, for example, based on vegetable oil and buttermilk.

For a two-color cream, beat soft butter (125 g) for 2 minutes. Gradually introduce cream cheese (340 g) and the same amount of powdered sugar. Then transfer part of the cream to a separate bowl and add red food coloring to it. After that, both masses will need to be placed in different culinary bags (files, bags), cooled and a hole of about 1 cm should be made in each of them. Then both files should be transferred to a large culinary bag with an asterisk nozzle and decorated with cupcake cream.

Other options for cupcake cream

We bring to your attention two options The first chocolate and coffee with rich color and no less bright taste. To prepare it, soft butter (100 g) is first whipped with a mixer at high speed, into which cocoa (50 g), powder (120 g), a teaspoon of coffee (instant) and melted chocolate (70 g) are gradually introduced. Before applying the cream, it must be cooled so that it sticks better on the cupcakes.

Even the most delicious recipe Red Velvet cupcakes can be made even better by making delicious cream. To prepare it, first beat heavy cream(100 ml), then cream cheese (500 g) and powder (100 g). It turns out to be lighter than the traditional cream of curd cheese with butter, but has the same delicate and at the same time dense structure.

Secrets of making delicious cupcakes

  • saturated red color gives the dough water-soluble. This should be paid attention to Special attention, since a fat-soluble dye will never give such a rich color;
  • for baking based natural puree choose sweet varieties of beets;
  • secret gentle cream with a dense structure is to use very cold cream cheese and very soft butter for its preparation.
  1. Remove the mascarpone and butter for the filling from the refrigerator in advance and leave for an hour in room temperature. Preheat the oven to 160 / 170C, grease the tin molds for baking muffins with butter and sprinkle with flour. silicone molds You do not need to lubricate anything, paper disposable molds can be lightly sprinkled with vegetable oil.
  2. Sift flour through a sieve along with salt, cocoa powder, vanilla and baking powder into one bowl, stir. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat with a mixer for 1-2 minutes until foamy. Then pour sugar in a thin stream and beat for another 5 minutes at high speed until a lush and light mass is formed. At the end, add food coloring to the eggs.
  3. In the meantime, combine kefir with soda and oil in a separate container, stir, leave for a couple of minutes at room temperature. Turn on the mixer at low speed and alternately, add to the egg mass, in three passes, dry ingredients and in two, kefir with butter.
  4. Pour the dough into pre-prepared molds and put in a preheated oven for half an hour. take out ready-made cupcakes from oven and leave to cool. Remove the cooled products from the molds and carefully cut each cupcake in half into the top and bottom parts (optional).
  5. Prepare the cream for the filling. Combine melted butter with powdered sugar and beat at high speed with a mixer until fluffy for 2-3 minutes. whipping oil cream, add vanilla sugar first, and then add a spoonful of mascarpone. Continue whisking until you get a smooth and fluffy cream.
  6. Lubricate the bottom of each cupcake with the resulting cream and cover with a top, lightly press. You can also make an incision on top of the cupcake and fill the cupcakes with cream using a pastry syringe.
  7. Prepare cream for decoration. Butter cut into small pieces and leave for half an hour in the warmth, so that it becomes very soft. Proteins combine in a bowl with sugar and put it in a water bath.
  8. Heat the whites with sugar, stirring constantly, until all sugar grains are completely dissolved. Remove bowl from water bath and whisk protein cream about 10 minutes to steady peaks (it should hold its shape well).
  9. Without ceasing to beat, add 1-2 tsp. butter, beating thoroughly after each use. At the end, pour in the cognac food coloring and mix until smooth. Fill with cream pastry bag or a syringe and decorate the finished cupcakes.
  10. Leave the Red Velvet cupcakes for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator to soak. Ready-made cupcakes can be decorated on top with biscuit crumbs, nuts or confectionery sprinkles and served. Happy tea!
