
How to make chocolate cake easy. To grease the cakes with cream made from cocoa powder

In order to cook chocolate cake with cocoa, no need to use bitter, dark or milky tiles - just add cocoa bean powder to the biscuit or cream, and you will succeed great dish for the sweet table. Cakes are prepared on milk, and on sour cream, and on fermented baked milk, and on kefir - depending on the proposed recipe. Below is a selection of easy recipes for making chocolate cake using cocoa.

Chocolate cake with cocoa "Bird's milk"

For test:

  • 130 g butter
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of soda
  • 1 cup flour
  • 3 teaspoons

For cream:

  • 300 g butter
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2 lemons
  • 2 glasses of milk
  • 3 art. spoons of semolina

To make chocolate cake with cocoa powder according to this recipe, you need to melt the butter, add sugar and stir. Pour eggs one at a time, extinguish soda with vinegar, gradually add flour. Divide the dough into 2 parts, add cocoa to one. Bake 2 cakes.

Cut the cooled cakes into 2 parts, coat with cream with a layer of 1.5–2 cm. Cover the top and sides of the cake with icing.

To prepare the cream, boil semolina from milk and semolina. Grate on fine grater lemons along with the peel and put in the cooled porridge. Put some butter and sugar there. Whip the cream and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

A simple chocolate cake recipe with sour cream and cocoa

For test:

  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. butter spoons
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 cup flour
  • 3 tsp cocoa

For cream:

  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • nuts

For glaze:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
  • 2 tsp cocoa
  • 3 art. spoons of granulated sugar
  • 50 g butter

Grind butter with sugar, add sour cream, soda, flour, mix. Divide the dough into 2 parts, add cocoa to one. Bake 3 dark and 3 light cakes. Lubricate them with cream and lay, alternating. Cover the top of the cake with icing and decorate with chocolate chips.

To prepare the cream for a simple chocolate cake with cocoa according to this recipe, you need to beat sour cream with sugar and nuts.

To prepare the glaze, boil sour cream until thickened, add cocoa, granulated sugar, butter and boil again until thickened.

Prague cake at home: a step by step recipe with a photo

For cooking Prague cake at home according to this recipe, 2 eggs should be ground with 1 cup of sugar, add 200 g of sour cream, ⅓ teaspoon of soda quenched with vinegar, ½ can of condensed milk with cocoa, 1 cup of flour. The dough should be good thick sour cream, if it turned out liquid, you need to add flour. Grease a small round shape with oil, sprinkle breadcrumbs and pour the batter into it. From one cake, make two and grease each with cream. Sprinkle walnut pieces on top.

Cream:½ cans of condensed milk with cocoa and 200 g of butter, grind well until smooth, you can beat. Add 3 tablespoons of vodka or a mixture of vodka and wine, 200 g walnuts. For big cake(in a miracle) two servings are made for two cakes. Then each is cut in half. As a result, 4 cakes will be obtained.

Here are step by step photos for this Prague Cake recipe:

How to make a simple cocoa chocolate cake at home


  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 1 tablespoon starch
  • 3 teaspoons cocoa powder
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
  • 6 eggs
  • 2 cups fresh strawberries
  • 1 cup fresh raspberries,
  • 2 tablespoons raspberry jam
  • 2 cups sour cream
  • jelly.

Cooking method:

Beat the eggs with sugar into a stiff foam, sift the flour, starch and cocoa powder and combine with the egg mass, mix everything gently and transfer to a form greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Place the container with the dough in an oven preheated to 200 ° C and bake the product for 20 minutes until cooked.

Wash and sort the berries. Leave a few strawberries with sepals and set them aside with raspberries to decorate the cake. Then mix the berries with sugar and make berry puree by crushing them. Beat part of sour cream with vanilla sugar and mix with berry puree.

Cut the finished cake into three parts, grease the bottom with an even layer of berry-sour cream, put the second cake on top, apply cream on it and cover with the third cake. Place the cake for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator, and then coat the top and sides with whipped sour cream with sugar and decorate raspberry jam, berries and jelly.

A simple chocolate cake with milk and cocoa: a recipe for a slow cooker


  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 0.5 cup vegetable oil
  • 4 tbsp. l. cocoa,
  • 1.5 cups flour
  • 3 eggs,
  • 1 st. l. baking powder
  • salt.


In order to prepare a chocolate cake with milk and cocoa, you need to beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer in lush mass, then add vegetable oil and milk there, mix gently. Then, in turn, stir in the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder, but not with a mixer, but with a spoon or fork to keep the splendor of the dough. Lubricate the slow cooker with oil, lay out the dough and cook in the “Baking” mode for 80 minutes. There is no need to flip the biscuit.

How to cook chocolate cake with cocoa in a slow cooker


  • 2 cups of flour,
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 eggs,
  • 1.5 tsp soda,
  • 6 art. tablespoons of cocoa
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 70 ml vegetable oil,
  • 1 glass boiling water.


Beat eggs with sugar, add vegetable oil and milk, mix everything thoroughly. Whisk the flour, baking soda and cocoa in a separate bowl, then fold into the batter bit by bit. At the very end, pour in boiling water and mix again. The dough is very liquid. Lubricate the slow cooker with butter and immediately pour the dough into the bowl. Turn on the "Baking" mode for 1 hour, then, without opening the lid, set the "Heating" mode for 20 minutes (you can use the "Baking" mode for all 80 minutes - it depends on the type of multicooker and how it bakes).

Decorate chocolate cake with cocoa, prepared in a slow cooker, as you wish.

Chocolate cake on kefir with cocoa at home


For test:

  • kefir - 2 tbsp.
  • flour (extra class) - 2 tbsp.
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • soda - 1 tsp
  • cocoa powder - 2 tsp

For cream:

  • sour cream - 0.5 l
  • crystal sugar - 1 tbsp.

Step by step cooking process at home.

Beat eggs with sugar, then add kefir and quenched soda.

1. Mix liquid ingredients.

Enter flour into the prepared mass.

2. We introduce flour.

Knead a homogeneous, slightly watery dough and divide it into 2 equal parts.

3.Knead the dough and divide into 2 parts.

Add cocoa powder to one part of the prepared dough and mix thoroughly.

4. Add cocoa to one part of the dough.

Line a baking dish with greased parchment vegetable oil. Pour into the prepared baking dish white dough. vykayte white cake for a cake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 - 30 minutes (based on the power of your stove).

5. We bake a white cake.

Do the same with chocolate part test.

6. We bake chocolate cake.

While the freshly baked cakes are cooling, make the sour cream by beating the sour cream with the sugar until the sugar crystals dissolve.

7. Whisk sour cream.

Cut the cooled cakes in half and, spreading with cream, fold, alternating, on top of each other.

8. Coat the cakes with cream.

Decorate the finished cake with cocoa powder and coconut flakes. To give a more aesthetic appearance, the edges of the formed cake can be carefully trimmed.

9. Decorate the cake with cocoa and coconut flakes.

Cut the finished chocolate cake on kefir with cocoa into portioned pieces and serve as a sweet accompaniment to tea.

Chocolate cake with cocoa, sour cream and cherry jam


For test:

  • 6 eggs
  • 400 g flour
  • 200 g sugar
  • 200 g sour cream
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa,
  • 1 st. l. margarine

For cream:

  • 3 egg whites
  • 6 art. l. powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp. l. cherry jam

For impregnation:

  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 3 art. l. cherry liqueur

For filling:

  • 1 cup cherry jam

For decoration:

  • 100 g pitted cherries
  • 1 st. l. powdered sugar

Cooking method:

Separate the whites from the yolks, beat into a strong foam, mix with the yolks, pounded white with sugar. Add the sifted flour, cocoa and sour cream, knead a homogeneous dough and put it in a form greased with margarine. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes. Ready biscuit cool, cut lengthwise into three cakes.

To prepare the cream, beat the whites with powdered sugar And lemon juice, at the end of whipping add cherry jam. From sugar, 6 tbsp. l. water and liquor, prepare syrup, soak the cakes with it. Wash cherries, dry.

Lubricate the cakes with jam, lay on top of each other. Decorate a chocolate cake prepared according to this recipe on sour cream with cocoa roses, cherries rolled in powdered sugar, and cream patterns.

Chocolate cake with cocoa and red currant


For test:

  • 250 g wheat flour,
  • 170 g sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa,
  • 2 tbsp. l. poppy,
  • 1 st. l. starch,
  • 2 tsp butter,
  • 1 st. l. breadcrumbs,
  • 1 sachet of baking powder

For filling:

  • 1 liter cream
  • 2 tbsp. redcurrant,
  • 1 tsp starch,
  • 100 g chopped hazelnuts

Cooking method:

Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites with a mixer until thick foam. Grind the yolks with sugar, pour 3 tbsp. l. hot water and whip. Add flour, cocoa, starch, baking powder and poppy seeds to the mixture. Combine the resulting mass with whipped proteins and mix thoroughly.

Grease a round baking dish with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put the dough into a mold. Bake over high heat for 30 minutes. Cool the finished biscuit, cut into two layers.

To prepare the filling, mix the cream with starch, beat with a mixer until a thick foam forms. Leave ⅓ of the cream for the top, mix the rest with nuts and washed and dried currants, leaving a few berries to decorate the finished cake.

Put currant cream on a biscuit layer, cover with a second layer. Coat the top and sides of the cake with the remaining whipped cream, decorate with currant berries.

Here you can see a selection of photos of chocolate cakes with cocoa for the recipes presented on this page:

Today we will bake a chocolate cake. This delicacy will appeal to all the sweet tooth. Chocolate cake turns out incredibly tasty: chocolate cake, chocolate cream And chocolate glaze- what could be tastier? One of the advantages of this cake is a very simple cooking process that does not take much time. The cake is very tender, and the taste is rich.

Please your loved ones with this delicacy as often as possible, because chocolate contains great amount antioxidants that prevent the development cancerous tumors prevent heart disease vascular system and have a rejuvenating effect on the body, and chocolate has the ability to cheer up.

Surprise and delight your loved ones with delicious chocolate dessert. It's just easier to do.

We need 50 minutes to make a chocolate cake. We will have 8 servings. And step-by-step photos will help you quickly navigate an already simple recipe.

Chocolate Cake Ingredients

For test:
Sour cream - 220 grams
Sugar - 250 grams
Condensed milk - 200 grams

Chicken egg - 3 pieces
Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
Soda - 1 teaspoon
Vinegar - 1 tablespoon
Flour - 2.5 cups (a glass with a capacity of 250 milliliters)

For cream:
Butter - 250 grams
Cocoa powder - 4 tablespoons
Condensed milk - 200 grams

For chocolate glaze:
Sour cream - 1 tablespoon
Butter - 40 grams
Sugar - 2 tablespoons
Cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons.

A simple recipe with a photo

We make cakes:

To do this, we need to knead the dough. We beat 3 eggs into an empty container, pour sour cream, add sugar, vanilla sugar, flour, soda and extinguish it with vinegar.

Now add condensed milk and cocoa powder.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The dough is ready.

For baking, I use a detachable round form. Before the dough is placed in the form, you need to grease its bottom and sides with butter. Pour half of the dough into the mold, evenly distributing it over the surface.
We place the cake in a preheated oven. We bake for 10 - 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees. We determine the readiness of the cake with a wooden toothpick: we pierce the cake, if the dough remains on the toothpick, the cake is not ready yet. You should keep it in the oven for a while.

Posting finished cake on a dish, in the same way we bake the second. The cakes are porous and soft.

Now we prepare the cream:

Butter must first be removed from the refrigerator, it should be soft.
Pour the oil into an empty container.

Add condensed milk and cocoa powder. Or you can take a jar of ready-made condensed milk with cocoa. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

The cream is ready.

We smear the already cooled cakes with cream, grease the sides.

Now we prepare the chocolate icing:

On a light fire, melt the butter, add sour cream, sugar, cocoa powder to it. Pour the cake hot glaze until she freezes.

If necessary, decorate the cake with cream and decorate fresh berries. So our amazing chocolate cake is ready. simple recipe with photo. Call everyone to the table as soon as possible! If you prefer cakes with loose cream, let your dessert stand for 12 hours. And enjoy your meal!

TM "Rud"

Delicious chocolate biscuit cake with cream

Preparing a surprise cake for your beloved family is not difficult, just bake delicious biscuit, make cream and chocolate icing.


150 minutes Easy Lunch


Biscuit Ingredients:

  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Sugar - 2 cups;
  • Soda - 1.5 tsp;
  • Baking powder for dough - 1.5 tsp;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • Steep boiling water - 1 cup;
  • Cocoa - 5 tablespoons

Custard Ingredients:

  • Flour - 2 tbsp;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Butter - 200 grams.

Chocolate Glaze Ingredients:

  • Flour - 1 tbsp;
  • Cocoa - 2 tsp;
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp;
  • Butter - 50 grams.
  • Milk - 3 tablespoons


Preheat the oven. You should also prepare a baking dish in advance. Lay on the bottom of the form parchment paper. If used Silicone molds for baking, you do not need to do this.

Beat eggs with sugar using a mixer until a slight foam forms. Add milk to the resulting mass room temperature and vegetable oil. Mix in a separate bowl the following ingredients: sifted flour, baking powder for dough, soda, cocoa and vanilla sugar. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the egg-butter mixture while continuing to beat together. TO ready dough add a glass of boiling water and immediately mix everything thoroughly. Pour the dough into a baking dish. We send the biscuit for about 50 minutes in the oven preheated to 180 ° C. The readiness of the biscuit can be checked wooden skewer or a match.

In the meantime, while the biscuit is baking, you can prepare the cream. To chocolate biscuit on boiling water any will do cream.

It will be very tasty sour cream, and custard. In a small saucepan, combine eggs, sugar, flour and milk. Put the mixture on a small fire and stir constantly, as soon as the mixture begins to thicken, turn off and remove from the stove. When the mass has cooled, add pre-softened butter and beat everything with a mixer. Place the cream in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Preparation of chocolate glaze. Mix cocoa, sugar, milk and flour in a saucepan and put on a small fire. As soon as the icing boils, remove from heat and add a piece of butter. Stir well our glaze until the butter is completely dissolved.

Cake decoration. cooled down chocolate biscuit cut into three pieces. We coat each cake custard. Fill the top cake with hot glaze. If desired, the sides of the cake can be sprinkled with nuts.

Once, at the birthday party of friends, according to tradition, at the end of the feast, the hostess brought out a sweet treat - a chocolate cake. I myself have a sweet tooth, and have tried a bunch of all sorts of sweets and goodies in my lifetime, but I can say that this was the most delicious homemade chocolate cake that I have ever tasted. I couldn't resist asking for his recipe!

Since then, I have prepared this same dessert many times, and there has not been a single case that he let me down. Every time I am amazed at how easy it is to make! It has become my family's favorite pastry, and today it can become one for you too. So, His Majesty chocolate cake!

Chocolate Cake Ingredients:

  • Flour - 240 g;
  • Cocoa powder -65 g;
  • Sugar - 300 g;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Vanilla extract - 2 tsp;
  • Butter - 60 g;
  • Vegetable oil (olive) - 60 g;
  • Milk - 250 ml;
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - a pinch.

Step by step homemade chocolate cake recipe

Well, let's roll up our sleeves and get down to business! We combine all dry ingredients, and these are flour, sugar, salt, soda, cocoa, in one container. You are right, everything is simple - after all, even a kid can cook this cake, and the result will be like that of an experienced confectioner!

Take a whisk and mix all the dry ingredients together so that the components mix well with each other. Attention! As a person who has repeatedly cooked according to this recipe, I can notice that this stage can be skipped: whether you mix the dry ingredients or not will not affect the taste and quality of the cake.

The next step is to add eggs and vegetable oil. I've tried sunflower, corn, and olive oil. Best of all, the cake is obtained with olive, so here we are not looking for a replacement for oil, but we add it.

Next, it's time to pour in the milk, add soft butter and vinegar. Vinegar can be anything. You can safely take table 6%, apple or wine. I do not recommend balsamic - it has too pronounced aroma and taste.

Mix all ingredients together. At first it may seem that all the components are on their own, but after a few minutes the dough becomes homogeneous and smooth.

Pour the dough into the mold. Lightly sprinkle it with vegetable oil or grease the sides with butter. Put baking paper on the bottom. The cake will definitely not stick to the mold, but the circle of parchment at the bottom will help you in the future without special efforts take out the cake.

We put the dough in the oven. We bake for about an hour at a temperature of 175-180⁰. Get ready for the fact that at first the cake will actively, literally before our eyes, grow. The dough will approximately double in size. Keep this in mind if you have a very small form, and do not try "to be sure" to pour more dough. The readiness of the cake is traditionally checked with a skewer. After 40 minutes, we look into the oven every 5 minutes, so as not to miss the moment and not overdry the cake - ovens are different.

When the cake is ready, take it out of the mold and carefully turn it upside down on the wire rack - this is a trick so that the opal cake does not remain fluffy. And now one more thing: as soon as the chocolate cake has cooled, wrap it for a couple of hours cling film. It sounded strange to me the first time, but this trick will make the cake equally wet and porous from the very center to the edge.

Now it remains only to decorate the chocolate masterpiece. You can cut it into 2 cakes with a thread, and smear with any cream, or you can, like me, pour ganache on top, lightly touch with powdered sugar and lay out berries.

So you are convinced that the recipe for this gorgeous juicy chocolate cake, as I promised, is quite simple, and its preparation does not require special skills. As for its unique deep, rich taste, you will definitely like it, as well as those who will taste this homemade chocolate cake with you. Happy tea!

Imagine my delight when I was convinced that you can easily bake a gorgeous chocolate cake at home that tastes indistinguishable from the factory one! Even tastier :)

The recipe for cakes is simply a miracle, it is universal, you can make chocolate, coffee, it turns out like at the Roshen factory, known for its Kyiv and Prague cakes. Well, how to do different creams, we already know (unless, of course, you regularly read my website). Combining various cakes and creams, every time we will surprise the family and guests with a new homemade cake!

And now I will tell and show you basic recipe cake layers for homemade chocolate cake.


Cake layers:

  • flour - I take one and a half glasses (the volume of a glass is 200 g, it fits 130 (level) or 140-150 g (with top) of flour). When I cook again, I will weigh it on an electronic scale for accuracy.
    Weighed. It turned out 200 g of flour.
  • sugar - an incomplete glass (200 grams);
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • margarine or butter - 150 g;
  • cocoa powder - 50-70 g;
  • baking powder for dough - 2 teaspoons;
  • baking soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • milk - 1 cup (250 ml);
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon.


  • rum, or wine, or tea with lemon, or cherry jam syrup - in general, something thin and sweet!


  • a bank of condensed milk;
  • a pack of butter.


  • 50 g butter;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of milk;
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa.

How to make cake layers:

Mix all dry ingredients except sugar in a bowl:

  • flour;
  • baking powder;
  • soda (you do not need to quench with vinegar in this recipe!);
  • cocoa - the more, the more chocolate cake.

In another bowl, beat sugar and softened butter with a mixer. It is not necessary to melt it, just let it stand for a while not in the refrigerator.

Add 1 egg to the sugar-butter mass, beat with a mixer. Then add the second egg, also beat.

A glass of milk, pour a tablespoon of vinegar and wait with interest. After a couple of minutes, the milk is fermented urgently, turning into buttermilk. milk can be warm - then it will ferment faster, but not hot! And then it will turn into cottage cheese and whey, and then the cake will turn out not so fluffy.

We connect all the components of the test.

Mix the dry mixture with the oil.

Pour buttermilk into the dough, mix again. That's why it was not necessary to extinguish the soda.

It turns out chocolate dough, moderately thick, like sour cream, very fragrant and so appetizing that you want to try it right now!

But still, we will be patient until the cake is baked! Pour the dough into a detachable form, the bottom of which is tightened confectionery parchment. The paper and sides of the form should be greased with vegetable oil so that the cake can be easily reached.

Flatten the dough with a spoon in shape, and in the middle you can make a recess to make the cake even.

We put the form in an oven preheated to 180-200C and bake at 200-220C for about half an hour. 10 minutes after we put it in the oven, we look in and see how the cake rises. If we slowly, reluctantly, slightly add fire, if it quickly approaches, but remains raw inside, we slightly reduce it.

Test for readiness with a wooden stick. If it is dry - the cake is ready! We take out the form, wait until it cools down a bit - so that it does not crumble, then carefully cut the edges of the cake with a knife, open it and remove the sides of the form.

When the cake has cooled, cut it wide sharp knife for two. What a fluffy, chocolate, delicious!

We impregnate both cakes - the lower and upper ones - with the selected impregnation. If the tea party is for adults, you can soak it in rum, and if you cook for children - better syrup from jam diluted with water, or sweet tea!

Lubricate bottom cake cream.

We put the top one on it.

Cooking homemade chocolate icing: melt on small fire a piece of butter, add sugar, milk, cook until sugar is dissolved, pour a teaspoon of cocoa through a strainer, stir and, bringing to a boil, turn off. The chocolate icing prepared according to this recipe turns out to be shiny, very beautiful, and not candied even for tomorrow (unless, of course, the cake is eaten earlier so that you can check it!)

When the frosting has cooled down a bit, pour it over the cake.

You can additionally decorate it according to your desire and taste - with cream patterns, grated chocolate, but we could not resist and let's try it soon! So if you also make a homemade chocolate cake in your own way, share your design methods in the comments!

Happy tea!

This cake is very tasty with prunes. And you can also make it not just chocolate, but chocolate and coffee! Well, if you don’t add cocoa to the dough at all, you get white and fluffy cake"Snowball"
