
Cherry jam. Cherry jam for the winter - recipes at home

Cherry jam is a gourmet treat. It combines a unique English sense of style and a purely Russian taste of ripe berries that ripen in our gardens throughout the summer. Sweet, tasty, long-term storage product can be used both as an independent addition to an English breakfast, as a filling for pancakes and cakes, and as an integral part of the sauce for fish and meat dishes.

What are the benefits of cherry jam?

Cherry jam, prepared at home, retains the spectrum of vitamins and dietary fiber that fresh berries have. When cooking cherries, the organic compounds present in it are not destroyed, but completely pass into the composition of a new dish.

Jam can be stored from three months to two years, depending on sterilization and storage conditions: in aluminum and thermoplastic cans, the product can be from three to six months, in glass, sterilized - from one to two. And all this time you will be able to turn to the beneficial properties of cherries, the main of which is its anti-inflammatory effect, which allows you to easily eliminate pathogenic bacteria penetrating the body, heal wounds and normalize aching joints.

Red-purple berries are a powerful antioxidant. They not only lower blood cholesterol levels, but also prevent the risk of developing cancer. In winter, immunity-boosting cherry jam can be used as a prophylactic against colds. Few people know, but cherry and its derivatives are an excellent sedative (so excellent that it is recommended for use by people suffering from mental disorders).

What is the best way to make cherry jam?

There are several nuances in the preparation of cherry jam:

1. You need to choose the right dishes. For cherry jam, it is best to take a wide (it has a maximum area for moisture evaporation) enameled pan or a tinned cooking basin. Steel and deep dishes are not suitable.

2. No need to overdo it with volume. It is clear that you want to cook as much jam as possible at a time, but this is difficult: it will be difficult to mix the berries, as a result, the finished dish may not turn out quite the way you expected.

3. Sugar should be less than cherries, otherwise its piquant taste will be lost. It is clear that the more sugar you put in the jam, the longer it will be stored, but ... You don't want to eat only sugar, do you?

4. During cooking, cherry jam must be constantly stirred. Otherwise, it will burn to the container in which it is cooked.

5. Cherry jam is cooked in a state of light boiling, therefore, during the cooking process, you need to constantly monitor the temperature, then decreasing it, then increasing it.

6. Ready cooled jam easily falls off an inverted spoon. The flowing mass means that the jam needs to cook a little more.

7. Ready jam is immediately laid out in jars, which must first be cleaned with soda, sterilized and heated. Hot jam is evenly distributed throughout the jar, leaving no air voids.

8. Cherries for jam should be ripe (ideally, they should ripen right on the tree). It is necessary to pluck them with stalks, which can be separated immediately before cooking.

9. Cherry jam is cooked without pits, but since the latter give it a unique, original taste, the following trick will help preserve it: you need to fill the removed pits with water (so that it completely covers them), then boil them over a fire and use the resulting broth in making jam.

10. Cherry has low astringent properties, so jam from it is usually boiled in combination with other berries.

Classic cherry jam

From nine hundred grams of sugar and five hundred grams of water we prepare sugar syrup. Add to it five grams of gelatin dissolved in a small amount of cold water and one kilogram of pitted cherries. Cook cherries in syrup over moderate heat, periodically removing foam from it.

Cherry jam with lemon juice

We put one kilogram of pitted cherries in an enamel bowl, add one kilogram of sugar and leave for an hour. We simmer the berries that have given up the juice over low heat for thirty to forty minutes. As soon as the jam thickens, you need to add one teaspoon of lemon juice to it, carefully move, boil for several minutes and mix thoroughly again. We lay out the finished jam in jars, close the lids, wrap it in a blanket and leave it until it has completely cooled down.

Cherry jam with citric acid

Pour two kilograms of pitted cherries with one kilogram of sugar and leave for six to eight hours. Cook the jam over high heat, stirring constantly. As soon as the jam thickens, add a quarter teaspoon of citric acid to it.

Cherry jam with gooseberries

We pass one kilogram of pitted cherries through a meat grinder with holes with a diameter of two and a half millimeters. Pour the crushed berries with one hundred and fifty grams of water, cook for a while on low heat, then add one kilogram and one hundred grams of sugar and cook until fully cooked. At the end of cooking, add one hundred and fifty grams of pre-squeezed gooseberry juice to the jam. Boiling jam is laid out in hot dry jars, sealed tightly, turned upside down and left in this position until completely cooled.

Cherry jam with red currant

We pass one kilogram of pitted cherries through a meat grinder with holes with a diameter of two and a half millimeters. Pour the crushed berries with one hundred and fifty grams of water and cook for some time over low heat.

Grind five hundred grams of red currant in a meat grinder, pour sixty grams of water and cook until thick.

We mix cherries with currants, add seven hundred and fifty grams of sugar to them and cook until ready. We lay out the boiling jam in jars, close, turn over and wait for it to cool completely.

Cherry jam with pistachios and cognac

We mix a handful of raw, peeled, chopped almonds in a saucepan with chopped zest left over from lemons, pour water (so that it rises one finger above the nuts) and cook over medium heat for forty-five minutes until the zest is boiled.

We put one and a half kilograms of pitted cherries in a saucepan, pour juice squeezed out of four lemons, add six hundred milliliters of apple juice, one hundred grams of finely chopped pistachios and cook for thirty minutes under the lid.

Strain the decoction of almonds and zest through a fine sieve, add to the cherry jam, stir and cook for five minutes. We put one kilogram of sugar intended for jam with pectin in a saucepan and stir until the latter is completely dissolved. We cook cherry jam for five minutes, add one hundred milliliters of cognac to it and cook for another five minutes.

We remove the foam from the finished jam, put it in jars and close it hermetically.

Cherry jam with melon

Five hundred grams of pitted cherries are mixed with the pulp of two hundred and fifty grams of melon, cut into thin slices. Add seven hundred and fifty grams of sugar and a small cinnamon stick. We insist from one or two hours to the whole night. Boil for four minutes over high heat. Pour in two or three tablespoons of cherry vodka, mix thoroughly and cook until tender.

Cherry jam with cherries

Pour five hundred grams of cherries and five hundred grams of pitted cherries with a small amount of water and cook for ten minutes. Add forty grams of pectin and two hundred grams of powdered sugar to the berries. After three minutes of boiling, gradually add four hundred grams of sugar, making sure that the boil does not stop. Cherry jam should boil intensively throughout the cooking.

Cherry jam with apples

We cut one kilogram of apples into slices along with the peel, cook until softened, rub through a sieve, mix with five hundred grams of sugar and cook until the latter is completely softened.

We mix one kilogram of pitted cherries with five hundred grams of sugar, leave for an hour or two (until the berries let the juice go) and transfer to boiling applesauce. Cook until ready.

Cherry jam with plum

Grind one kilogram of plums and seven hundred and fifty grams of pitted cherries in a mixer. We add two kilograms of sugar and ten grams of citric acid to them and cook over high heat for ten seconds, stirring constantly. Pour gelatin dissolved in a small amount of cold water into the jam, mix thoroughly, boil over high heat and arrange in jars.

Cherry jam for the winter - recipes.

But, before you start making real, thick cherry jam for the winter, first I will give you some tips for making treats to get the most out of it and benefit from it:

  • Use only enamelware for cooking jam, cherry is a sour berry, it can oxidize in containers of a different quality.
  • Rinse any seaming utensils (jars and lids) with soda and sterilize.
  • Cook jam only from ripe berries. Cherries, like cherries, must be ripened on the tree, only then the desserts will have their incomparable taste.
  • It is desirable that the berries are plucked with the stalks. You need to remove them immediately before making jams.
Cherry jam is usually made by removing the pits from the berries. But you must admit that jam with seeds is always more aromatic and tastes better. Therefore, do not throw away the bones, fill them with water, let it boil, cook for a few minutes. Then drain the decoction and use it instead of water in making cherry jam.

Cherry jam is a simple recipe without water.

This is the simplest and most familiar option for making jam; it is he who is offered in cookbooks of different years. You will get a thick cherry jam, perfect for tea drinking, toppings in pastries. For example, you can make a cherry roll using this jam.

  • Cherry - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 800 gr.
How to make cherry jam according to this recipe:
  1. First of all, prepare the berry for cooking: do the most monotonous and unloved work of all - remove the seeds. It is clear that before this, the cherries are sorted out, and I remove all the debris and stalks.
  2. Put the berry in a bowl for cooking, bring to a boil, for the first time without adding sugar (however, you can add it, it doesn’t matter).
  3. Boil the berry for 20 minutes, remove from heat and let cool. Then connect the blender to work - chop the cherry.
  4. Now proceed to the second cooking, but put the sugar and let it bloom well so that there are no grains left. Stir, foam will appear - remove without sparing. Cook for another 20 minutes and set aside the basin, let it cool.
  5. In the third approach, do not move away from the jam, it will already be quite thick and may burn. Boil down to the desired consistency, remove and arrange in jars.
Cherry jam - a recipe for the winter with gelatin.

The cherry berry does not thicken well during cooking, in order to achieve the desired consistency when cooking cherry jam at home, it always needs to be cooked for a very long time. And we have no time, and why waste time if there are wonderful helpers - special thickeners. For example, gelatin.

We will need:

  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.9 kg.
  • Gelatin - 5 gr.
  • Water or a decoction of the seeds - 500 ml.
How to make cherry jam with gelatin:
  1. First of all, make syrup - dissolve sugar in water, bring to a boil.
  2. While you prepare the syrup, place the gelatine in cold water, let it sit for a while to swell, and then drop it into the hot syrup.
  3. Put the cherry in there. Cook over moderate heat so that the jam does not boil too much, remembering to remove the foam.
  4. How long to cook jam? Here you see for yourself. Once the jam has thickened to desired consistency, remove. Let cool slightly and put into jars.

Cherry jam - a recipe for the winter with strawberries.

As I said, cherries have low gelling properties, and the berry is juicy, so making thick cherry jam at home is quite difficult. Therefore, in many recipes you see other berries - they will give a dense texture to the delicacy. Many housewives use strawberries for this purpose, since these berries are found in season in terms of time, strawberries do not leave when the first cherry appears.

We will need:

  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg.
  • Strawberries - 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.9 kg.
  • Water - 0.3 - 0.5 liters. First, pour in a little and see if it’s not enough, then add it, but keep in mind (I remind you) that the cherry is a juicy berry.
How to make thick cherry jam with strawberries:
  1. First, prepare the berries for working with it: remove the stalks, debris. Rinse the berries, and when the water drains, remove the pits from the cherries.
  2. Grind cherries and strawberries in a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Put everything in a bowl for cooking, pour in water and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Remove the basin and set aside to cool.
  4. During the next boil, add sugar. Mix well and cook over moderate heat. Do not forget to remove the foam (children love it, so it will not be lost - it will be very tasty with a loaf and tea).
  5. You will determine the cooking time yourself, you will understand that it is time to turn off the fire when the consistency of the jam becomes the required density.
  6. Let the jam cool down a bit, but for now, prepare the jars for seaming - sterilize them. Lay out the treat and roll up.

Cherry jam with chocolate.

Cherry jam prepared according to this recipe is similar to everyone's favorite cherry in chocolate, only in reverse - here the chocolate will bathe in the cherry. Intrigued? Then we move on to cooking. As a thickener, we will use gelfix, then the jam will turn out to be the desired density.

To prepare this luxurious jam, we need:

  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 800g.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons.
  • Gelling sugar, gelfix - 1 pack.
  • Coffee - Prepare regular strong coffee in advance.
  • Chocolate - 40 gr.
  • Cinnamon - to taste (on the tip of a knife).
How to make cherry jam for the winter:
  1. We remove the seeds from the cherry, squeeze the juice from the orange, add sugar, vanillin, gelling sugar (what it is, if anyone does not know, I wrote below) and mix everything well. We let it brew for two hours.
  2. We put on fire and when the sugar begins to dissolve, add 400 ml there. brewed coffee. The type of coffee does not matter, but it must be strong.
  3. We break the chocolate into small pieces, and when our jam boils, we will throw it there. And five minutes later, after the jam boils again, put cinnamon (on the tip of a knife). Cooking time is approximately 40 minutes.
You need to store cherry jam with chocolate in the refrigerator, no more than 4 months.

Thanks to the use of gelfix in the recipe, the cooking time for cherry jam does not exceed ten minutes. Cherry jam retains the original taste of fresh cherries, without the taste of burnt sugar, as in Soviet recipes. All fans of cherry jams and marmalades will appreciate this cherry jam recipe.

Since we will be making seedless cherry jam, take care of the helpers in the kitchen in advance to remove the seeds from the berries. This is the most time consuming part of the process and will take up most of the time. But believe me, the result is worth it!

Cherry jam turns out to be amazingly tasty: fragrant, with a slight unobtrusive sourness, and a velvety aroma. Are you intrigued? Then welcome to my kitchen, where I will tell you in detail and show you how to cook cherry jam without much hassle - a cherry jam recipe with a photo for the winter is at your service.


  • 1 kg. pitted cherries
  • 500 gr. Sahara
  • 25 gr. gelfix 2:1 or pectin (1 sachet)

How to make cherry jam:

First of all, we will prepare the cherries: we sort out the berries, remove the spoiled and rotten ones. Place in a deep bowl and fill with cold water. Rinse thoroughly, tear off the tails and leaves. For the cherry jam recipe, you will need approximately 1,250 kg. cherries with pits.

The next step in the preparation of our cherry jam is to weigh out the sugar according to the recipe. And then from the total, take two tablespoons of sugar, and mix with gelfix powder in a separate bowl.

Cherries are placed in a saucepan in which we will cook jam. Using an immersion blender, turn the pitted berries into a smooth puree for our future cherry jam. Instead of a blender, you can use a meat grinder.

Add gelfix with sugar to the cherry puree. Mix thoroughly and put on the stove.

Bring the cherry mass to a boil.

And add all the rest of the sugar, as required by the recipe for cherry jam for the winter. Mix thoroughly, bring to a boil and cook for three minutes over high heat. Be careful, the mass foams a lot!

After three minutes, we remove our cherry jam from the stove, wait a couple of minutes for the foam to settle. Then carefully remove the foam with a spoon.

We pour our cherry jam into dry sterile jars. When hot, cherry jam is very liquid, and you can pour it into jars directly from the pan.

Cherry is a tasty and healthy berry known for its antioxidant properties. It is the high content of the antioxidant anthocyanin that gives it a rich red-burgundy color. Juicy berries reduce cholesterol levels, are useful for cardiovascular diseases and gout, increase immunity, improve blood formation.

There are a great many recipes for home preservation of berries. One of the most popular cherry preparations is jam. This is a wonderful dessert that can be served with tea, cottage cheese, semolina, make delicious sandwiches or use as a filling.

Today on the site "Popular about Health" we will look at how to make pitted cherry jam according to a simple recipe for the winter and consider more than one.

Before proceeding directly to the recipes, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advice of experienced housewives on the selection and processing of berries:

Preliminary preparation

If you will be making jam from purchased berries, it is better to buy them in the market, where they are fresher than store-bought ones. Choose dense, with a shiny skin. Do not take damaged and wrinkled. It is advisable to buy with stalks (they are juicier).

Sort at home, rinse thoroughly with cold water, discard in a colander. Remove the stalks and place in a bowl.

How to remove pits from cherries?

Now you need to remove the bones. If there is no special device, you can use improvised means, for example:

Take a regular hairpin. Insert the arcuate part into the base of the berry, hook the bone in a circular motion and pull it out. You can use a paper clip the same way.

Suitable for this and crusher for garlic. Namely, the old models - where the handle at the end has a round hole (bottom) and a pin (top). Put the berry on the hole and push the pin. The bone will easily separate and come out.

For cooking jam, use only enameled dishes. Wash pots, jars and lids thoroughly. Boil jars with lids or bake in the oven.

Now you can start cooking:

Thick cherry jam according to a simple recipe without pits

Us need: for 1 kg of berries - 1 kg of sugar.


Sugar according to this recipe will be added in parts, as it is cooked. Therefore, immediately divide the entire volume into 4 equal parts.

Now process the cherries, as we said above, put them in a large, wide pan. Pour in one part sugar. Stir, boil over high heat for 5 minutes, stirring.

Pour the second part of sugar, cook for 5 minutes. Then the third, also cook for 5 minutes and fall asleep the last part, reduce the heat and boil a little longer - 10 minutes.

It remains to shift the jam into hot jars and tightly tighten the lids. Don't worry if it looks runny to you. After seaming, it will quickly thicken, literally, for 2-3 days.

Another recipe for cherry jam for the winter

It's a little more complicated:

Us need: for 1 kg of cherries - an incomplete kilogram of sugar (approximately 800 g).


Pour the pre-treated berries into a saucepan. Do not add sugar at this stage. Place on the stove, make medium heat. Once it boils, lower the temperature. Cook for 40 minutes, stirring constantly, removing the foam. Now leave to cool completely. It is best to postpone cooking until the next day.

Now grind the berry mass with a blender until smooth. Bring to a boil, lower the temperature, cook for 40 minutes. Let cool completely again.

Boil the third time, cook for 15 minutes. Stir constantly so that the mass does not burn. Cool down again.

And only at the fourth stage, add sugar, boil, reduce the temperature, cook, stirring, for half an hour. Arrange jam in jars, roll up.

Cherry jam for the winter with gooseberry juice

Us need: for 1 kg of berries - 1.5 kg of sugar, 150 ml of freshly squeezed gooseberry juice.


Grind pre-treated pitted cherries with a blender or scroll through a meat grinder. Transfer to a saucepan, add sugar. Leave for a few hours for the juice to mix well with the sugar.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat, simmer for 40 minutes. Stir more often, remove the foam. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the gooseberry juice. Continue cooking while stirring. Transfer the finished jam into jars, roll up.

Jam "drunk cherry"

This method of preparing the original recipe came to us from Spanish cuisine. Cherries prepared according to this recipe are served with ice cream and fried meat. In the second case, the sweet-spicy taste goes well with a freshly cooked steak. Let's try to cook such cherry jam for the winter:

Us need: for 1 kg of berries - 1 kg of sugar, 400 ml of dry red wine, 100 ml of rum. You will also need 2 tablespoons of gelatin.


Process the cherry, remove the seeds. Grind with a blender or with a meat grinder. Put the mass in a saucepan, pour half of all the sugar. Stir, leave for a few hours to mix the juice with sugar. Soak gelatin in a glass of water, leave to swell, about 40 minutes.

Put the pot on the stove, boil. Lower the temperature, boil for 15 minutes, stirring and removing the foam.

Mix the wine and the rest of the sugar in a separate saucepan. Pour in the gelatin solution, mix well. Bring to a boil over very low heat. Pour the finished syrup to the cherry, boil for another 10-15 minutes. Now pour in the rum and stir. Arrange the finished dessert in jars, roll up.

Now that the cherry season has begun, eat as many healthy fresh berries as possible. If possible, be sure to prepare it for future use in order to enjoy its taste, summer aroma, and health benefits in winter.

Jam is a favorite among my winter sweet preparations. Now I will show you how to make cherry jam for the winter - the recipe makes it possible to cook almost the same jam that we usually buy in the store - thick, sweet and sour, with a smooth, uniform structure. The only difference is that there will be no chemical additives and flavorings in homemade jam. Only natural products.

Cherry has just appeared on the market. A couple of times I came across sweet, and today we bought a kilogram - sour, it is impossible to eat. But it is from such a berry that the most delicious preparations are obtained. For cherry jam, it is imperative to take a gelling agent (“Zhelfix”, “Jelly”, pectin, etc.), because there is not much pectin in the berry itself - with long boiling, the cherry mass will not become jam-like, but will only become vitreous.


  • Cherry - 1 kilogram,
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram (if the berry is very sour), 600 grams for sweet,
  • Pectin - 15 grams (or a bag of gelfix, Jelly or other natural gelling substances)

How to make delicious cherry jam for the winter

Cherries must be sorted out and discarded all dubious berries with barrels and any other incomprehensible spots, otherwise the harvest will not stand until winter.

Remove the seeds from the washed berries. I tried to do it in a newfangled way, when a cherry is placed on the neck of a plastic bottle and a berry is pierced in the center with a stick, so that the stone falls into the bottle, but it is only suitable for large cherries, small ones tend to fall down. In general, in the old fashioned way, just picking out the bones from the berries with the same stick, it’s more convenient.

Place the berries in a bowl. We grind them into a liquid puree, which personally seemed to me more like juice, in which small inclusions of the skin floated.

I know that many people cook like this - with these inclusions. But I always delete them. It is very simple to do this - the puree is passed through a fine sieve. It must be rubbed with a spoon along the bottom of the sieve until a dry mass remains inside. There is not much of her. A trifle, five minutes of work, but how your jam will win!

Next, we fall asleep in the jam 2/3 of the norm of sugar. We put on fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a third of the full scale on the temperature controller and cook for 15 minutes. I do not remove the foam - it will disappear at the end of cooking.

Then we take a gelling agent (manufacturers write the quantity per kilogram on the packages), mix it better with the remaining third of the sugar. Pour into a saucepan with jam and stir quickly - so that jelly-like lumps do not form. The most convenient way to do this is with a pastry whisk. You will see how the jam will begin to change - it will acquire some transparency and a deep rich cherry color. Boil for 5 minutes.

I advise you to try the jam in the process of cooking. And if it's too sour, add some more sugar. I got a total of 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries. But if your cherries are not particularly sour, then 600 grams of sugar per kilo of cherries is enough.

By this time, you should already have jars prepared. They need to be washed and sterilized - it is most convenient for a couple. Boil the lids for five minutes. Banks must be dry.

Pour hot jam into jars. So that the glass does not burst, put a spoon in the jar, and, after filling with jam, remove it.

We screw the jars tightly, turn them over and leave to cool.

That's all. This cherry jam is amazingly delicious. It can be served with toast for breakfast, bake pies, buns, croissants with it. I always try to make a lot of jam from a wide variety of berries - there has never been a single jar left by the beginning of the next season.

Bon appetit!
