
Apples in syrup with slices for the winter - the best simple recipe with step-by-step photos for harvesting without sterilization. Apples in syrup for the winter without sterilization

For one year I had many, many apples in my garden, I closed compotes from them, cooked jam, dried them in pieces, in general I did everything I could, offered apples to a relative and neighbors. Who refused, and who gladly took away and also prepared all sorts of goodies.

When I proposed to my girlfriend, she refused, she was not married then, she lived with her grandmother and she had no time for preparations for the winter. But she suggested that I close the apples in pieces, she said that earlier, when she was little, her grandmother always fed her such apples. I'm interested in the recipe. A friend asked her grandmother for the recipe. And since then I close these in sweet syrup for the winter for my children. And preparing such a preparation is easy and simple. So let's get started.


For sweet syrup per 1 liter jar

Sugar - 1 tbsp.

Water - 450 ml.

How to make sliced ​​apples in syrup for the winter: a recipe with a photo

Apples, you can take what you have, early or late varieties, it does not play a special role. This recipe is also good because the apples need to be cut into slices, so the whole apple does not have to be red and beautiful without any damage, defects and worms. After all, it often happens that there are a lot of apples, but they are wormy or slightly spoiled.

First, wash the apples well, cut them, remove all the parts of the apple that are not needed or spoiled by worms. And also on pieces of apples we remove the core, you should get beautiful pieces of apples, approximately the same size.

Arrange apple slices in jars. First, the jars must be thoroughly washed with soda or laundry soap, rinsed under running water. Then the jars need to be sterilized, this can be done over steam or in the oven at a temperature of 100-150 degrees. Metal lids also need to be sterilized, sent to a pot of water and boiled.

This recipe is given for a 1 liter jar, but I recommend rolling it up not only in liter jars, but also in one and a half liter jars, and if a large family has two liter jars. I do not recommend using three-liter and half-liter jars.

When the apples are laid out in jars, you can start preparing the syrup.

Pour 450 ml of water into a saucepan, add a glass of sugar and bring the syrup to a boil. Pour boiling syrup into jars and immediately roll up with metal lids, turn upside down and wrap in an old blanket or warm jacket, leave to cool completely, it will take you about 24 hours. Then take them to a cellar or other dark, cool place, out of direct sunlight.

Here is such a simple and wonderful recipe I got from my girlfriend's grandmother. Grandma is no longer with us, and when a friend comes to visit, always forgive me to get apples according to my grandmother's recipe, because this is her taste of childhood, And she also says that I get the same ones as my grandmother, probably because I cook them with love for children.

Apple syrup makes excellent vitamin juice, and canned apples will serve as a juicy filling for baking. Cooked apples in syrup will help replenish vitamins in the winter and allow you to enjoy a fruit dessert.

Apples in syrup - recipe

Apples are an incredibly versatile product that can be harvested in a variety of ways. They are easy enough to master if you follow the instructions. Before you cook apples in syrup, you should carefully examine the fruits and sort them out. Cookware for cooking ingredients should be wide so that moisture evaporates and stainless so that the bottom does not burn.


  • apples - 750 g;
  • sugar - 550 g;
  • water - 950 ml;
  • citric acid - 5 g.


Rinse the sorted apples, dry and cut off the tail from the side opposite the stalk. Prick the apples all over with a toothpick. Dissolve sugar in water, bring to a boil and cook for a while on the stove until it is completely dissolved. Pour the syrup over the apples, cool, drain the syrup, reheat and pour over the fruit. Repeat this procedure three times. Add citric acid to the syrup, transfer the apples to a sterile jar and fill them with syrup. Close the jar with a lid and store after cooling.

Transparent jam in apple syrup

Using fruits and sugar in equal proportions without adding water, you can make fragrant jam from apples cut into slices in syrup. It is this cutting of fruits that allows each piece of fruit to be soaked with sugar syrup.


  • sugar - 950 g;
  • apples - 950 g.


Dry the washed apples, remove the seeds and cut into slices. Put the apple slices in a wide bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Leave the fruit for a long time to extract the juice, then boil for a quarter of an hour and leave to cool. Repeat this procedure three times. Pour the finished jam still hot and cover with lids. Keep cool.

Canned apples in sugar syrup


  • apples -1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 1.8 l.


In prepared apples, remove the core without cutting the fruit. Place the apples tightly in a sterile jar. Pour the contents of the container with boiling water and insist for half an hour. Then repeat the filling again, maintaining half an hour of infusion. After draining the water from the container, boil it for a couple of minutes, add sugar and cook a little until it is completely dissolved. Pour syrup over apples and close with a clean lid. Turn the jar upside down and wrap. After cooling, move the workpiece to storage in a cool place.

Love apples and want to make preparations for the winter? Then it is worth doing this starting from the middle of summer. It was at this time that the first summer varieties of apples appeared on the market. At the beginning, everyone's favorite White filling ripens, and the rest follow.

It should be noted that summer varieties of apples are distinguished by the aroma and unique taste of a living fruit that is not subject (with long-term content) to any chemical delights. Therefore, it is so pleasant to pamper yourself with them not only in the ripening season.

Compotes can be made from hard fruits, and jam, jam, from soft fruits.

Our preparation is made from apples of the Glory of the Winner variety. But you can use other varieties with dense pulp. We will prepare a delicious dessert - apple slices in syrup for the winter, which is not a shame to put even on the New Year's holiday table.

It’s not at all difficult to make such a preparation and it won’t take much of your time, so judge for yourself, you just need to buy apples, wash them, divide them into slices, cook syrup and roll up jars.

Taste Info Sweet blanks

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • Apples - 0.8 kg;
  • Purified water - 0.5-0.6 l;
  • Sugar sand - 200-250 gr.

One liter jar will come out of the proposed layout. From kitchen utensils we use: a device for cutting apples into slices, a saucepan for making syrup, a slotted spoon, a liter jar, a tin lid, a seaming key.

How to cook apple slices in syrup for the winter

Slices of apples in syrup for the winter are not just a delicious dessert, but also an excellent filling for pies, which skillful hostesses love to pamper their households in the winter months.

Our first step is to buy apples. As mentioned above, you can take any variety, as long as the main requirement is met: their flesh must be dense. Soft fruits simply cannot maintain a presentable appearance during heat treatment, and we want to get not only a tasty, but also an attractive-looking dessert.

And so, the apples were purchased and now we carefully wash them under running water, each separately.

Our next action is chopping apples into slices. By the way, these very slices are a very economical option, they can be placed in a liter jar of almost a kilogram. Agree - very profitable!

In our case, we divided the apple into slices with a special device, but this is not necessary, if it is not available on the farm, use an ordinary sharp knife. Just don't forget to cut out the core.

While the apples are being cut on the stove in the saucepan, the water from which we will make the syrup should already be heated. As soon as it boils, pour the prepared amount of granulated sugar and boil for 5 minutes.

At the same time, we put a cleanly washed jar and lid on sterilization. We steam the jar over steam, and boil the lid (1-1.5 min.)

Consider the following circumstance: the apple pulp is very light and therefore the slices will certainly all strive to float to the surface, but we need them to be slightly cooked. Therefore, we take the usual skimmer and use it to immerse the apples in the syrup. We hold on for a couple of minutes.

Now we take an already sterile (hot) jar and put the slices that have been in the syrup into it.

Then let the syrup boil again and pour it into a jar with boiling water.

We immediately take a sterile lid and roll up the jar. Turn upside down and wrap. Let it cool like this for about a day.

Now the finished workpiece - apples in syrup in slices, we send for storage until winter.

In addition to the method already described by us, there are other options. We want to offer them as an alternative, so that you yourself choose the method that suits you best.

Apple slices in sweet spicy syrup

We use apples with dense pulp, preferably more acidic varieties. As in the first method, we wash the apples individually. Then we divide into slices of medium size.

In sterile half-liter jars at the bottom we put two or three peas of allspice and a couple of cloves.

Then we fill them with apple slices. Immediately fill with boiling water to the top and cover with already sterile lids. We leave for about 15 minutes.

After that, pour the water from the apples into a saucepan, add sugar (2/3 cup) and a pinch of ground cinnamon. We boil this syrup and pour boiling apples. We cork the lid, turn the jar over, insulate, leave to cool.

The first question that arises for us is what kind of apples to take for this blank? Juicy fruits with a dense, strong structure are best suited. After all, only they will not begin to fall apart during heat treatment. The ideal variety for these purposes is Glory to the Winner. We wash the fruits and do cutting. We will cut into neat slices. To do this, you can use a special cutting device, but you can do it with a regular knife. Cut out seeds from apples.

Bring the water to a boil and add 200-250 grams of sugar to it, depending on how sweet your apples are. Boil the syrup for five minutes. Now we send the lid and the jar to be sterilized. Boil chopped apples in boiling sweet syrup for 3-4 minutes. It is important not to overexpose the fruits so that the slices do not boil.

We take out all the apples with a slotted spoon and put them in a jar.

Boil the syrup for a couple more minutes, and then pour it into the jar too. With a steamed lid, roll up a jar of apples in syrup.

A delicious delicacy for the winter is ready.

If such happiness has fallen on you as a decent bunch of garden (not store) apples and you are not able to exterminate them in the near future, I offer my own version of their use - do not be too lazy to make such a wonderful preparation for the winter like apples in sweet syrup.

Before such a dessert in winter (and not only), neither a young sweet tooth nor an overgrown gourmet can resist. In addition, canned apples in syrup can be an excellent filling for pies and pies or a luxurious addition to all kinds of desserts. A sweet syrup with the aroma and taste of spices will be a worthy replacement for compote, coffee or tea. It is better to take apples for such a preparation dense (not loose) such as "Antonovka" or "Simirenko".

By the way, in addition to apples (or together with them), according to the same recipe, you can preserve any other fruits (pears, nectarines, peaches, mangoes).


  • apples (antonovka variety) - 2 kg;
  • sugar sand - 900 g;
  • citric acid - 1 dessert + 1 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks;
  • vanilla sugar - a teaspoon;
  • cloves - 3 buds;
  • allspice - 6 peas;
  • purified water - about 1.7 liters.
  • Yield: 4 jars with a capacity of 700 ml.
  • Cooking time - 1 hour (maybe a little more).

First of all, take care of the container: wash the jars + lids for them thoroughly in soapy water and rinse with boiling water - this is the fastest way to sterilize dishes. Or you can put it in a cold oven and sterilize for 20 (maximum 25) minutes at 160°C - the easiest way to sterilize canning utensils.

Now is the time to start preparing the fruit. Pour cold water (about 2-2.5 liters) into a spacious cup (basin, saucepan) and dilute citric acid (dessert or even a tablespoon) in it.

Wash the apples, cut the core with seeds, cut into not very wide slices (from 1.5 to 2 cm). Immediately toss the apple slices into a cup of acidified water - thanks to the citric acid, they will not darken.

In the meantime, boil water in a saucepan (with a volume of at least 3 liters), which will later become a sweet syrup - 2 kg of it. apples will need approximately 1700 ml.

Then load half of all apples into a saucepan with syrup (you will have to work with fruits in two steps, because their entire volume will not fit in such an amount of liquid).

Next, without removing the pan from the heat, soak the fruit slices in the syrup for about a minute and a half (you do not need to bring to a boil - tender juicy apples will quickly begin to spread). Then, quickly but very carefully, using a slotted spoon, remove the apple slices from the hot syrup and immediately place in a colander or sieve (to drain the remaining syrup from them) mounted on a cup or pan.

Do the same with the remaining apples. Strain all the syrup into a clean saucepan, pour the second part of granulated sugar into it along with citric acid and boil for 1-1.5 minutes.

While the syrup is boiling, arrange the apple slices in jars (you don’t need to tamp too much so that the fruit doesn’t wrinkle).

Pour boiling syrup over and continue in the usual way: tightly seal the jars with lids, turn over and leave to cool under a towel.

Good preparations for you!!!

A step-by-step photo recipe for apple slices in sugar syrup especially for the Well-Fed Family website. Sincerely, Irina Kalinina.
