
How to cook oatmeal soup. Hercules soup: recipe with minced meat

I suggest you cook a simple and delicious oatmeal soup that will diversify your lunch menu. This soup can be boiled in water or meat broth, in the first version, the soup is suitable for fasting, in the second, it will be more satisfying. I have today lean version. Soup with oatmeal, cooked according to this recipe, turns out to be spicy, just what you need on cold autumn days.


To prepare herculean soup, we need:

cereals"Hercules" - 100 g;

potatoes - 4-5 pcs.;

onion - 1 pc.;

carrots - 1 pc.;

garlic - 2-3 cloves;

sunflower oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;

salt, pepper - to taste;

water - 2 liters.

Cooking steps

Grate the peeled carrots, cut the peeled onions into small cubes.

Heat up in a frying pan sunflower oil, put the onion with carrots and fry, stirring, until the onion is transparent.

Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan and put on fire. When the water boils, add diced peeled potatoes to it, remove the foam and cook for 5 minutes over low heat.

Add fried onions with carrots and swollen flakes to the soup, cook over low heat until the potatoes are ready, salt at the end of cooking.
Also add to oatmeal soup ground pepper and crush the garlic. Let the soup brew covered for 10 minutes.

What could be more desirable and healthier than a bowl of freshly made hot soup at dinner? But what if there is practically no time to cook it? Well, here came, for example, the husband suddenly, deciding to enjoy a legal break homemade food, and forgot to warn his wife or did not have time. Then the dear wife has no choice but to figure out something on hastily. For example, a simple but hearty enough oatmeal soup can become a real lifesaver if there is no time to cook more. complicated dish. The main thing is to be at hand minced meat. I recommend that all hostesses keep at least half a kilogram of this semi-finished product in the freezer, so to speak, in reserve. He will always help out, because from it you can quickly cook not only soup (and any), but also, say, naval pasta, or cutlets.

hercules soup: recipe with minced meat to the website

A set of products for a two-liter saucepan of herculean soup:

Hercules soup: a recipe with minced meat to the site

3 tablespoons of oatmeal "Hercules";
onion head;
1 carrot;
ready minced meat - 200 g;
large potato tuber;
vegetable oil.

Cooking time for herculean soup: a recipe with a photo with minced meat - a maximum of 30 minutes.

So, let's get started, it's time.
We put a saucepan on the fire, pouring one and a half liters of water into it (if there is ready broth- better). In the meantime, the water boils, finely chop the onion, chop the carrots on a grater. We throw the vegetables into the pan, pour a little vegetable oil and fry until tender.

Hercules soup: a recipe with minced meat to the site

Cut the frozen minced meat and potatoes into small cubes.

Hercules soup: a recipe with minced meat to the site

I note right away that my minced meat is already completely ready, that is, seasoned with onions and spices - in this form I usually store it in the freezer, it often helps me out when I need to cook something very quickly. Well, if someone had fresh (that is, not frozen) minced meat at hand, you can quickly make meatballs out of it - too great option. I prefer minced meat cubes - they just drive me crazy. To each his own! But back to our soup. We throw meat cubes into boiling water (or broth) - cook for about three minutes, not forgetting to salt.

Hercules soup: a recipe with minced meat to the site

Then we lower the potatoes, followed by the fried vegetables.

Hercules soup: a recipe with minced meat to the site
Hercules soup: a recipe with minced meat to the site

As soon as the potatoes are ready, throw hercules into the soup, mix.

Hercules soup: a recipe with minced meat to the site

We bring our brew to a boil and turn off the pan, leaving it to infuse for about 7 minutes. During this period, the oatmeal will steam out and the soup is ready to eat.

Analysis of a dish based on ingredients

publication date: 09.04.2013

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Soup recipes for kids

vegetable soup

Cut the washed and peeled carrots into strips, simmer in a saucepan with a little water under the lid for 10 minutes, add chopped cabbage, potatoes cut into small cubes, green peas, sautéed onions, pour hot water and cook until done. Add sour cream before removing from heat.

Borscht with potatoes

Wash potatoes, peel, cut into cubes, dip in boiling water, bring to a boil, add finely chopped or grated on coarse grater and sautéed beets and carrots, finely chopped and sautéed onions with tomato paste and cook until tender. Add sour cream before removing from heat.

Shchi from fresh cabbage

Cut the washed and peeled potatoes and cabbage into cubes, dip into boiling water ( early cabbage lay after the potatoes), cook for a minute, then add the sautéed finely chopped carrots and onions and cook until tender. Add sour cream before removing from heat. Serve with finely chopped greens.

Green cabbage soup

Sort the sorrel, rinse thoroughly, pour boiling water for 5-6 minutes, then drain the water, pass the leaves through a meat grinder. Put finely chopped potatoes into boiling water, cook until tender, add prepared sorrel and sautéed finely chopped green and onion. Add sour cream before removing from heat. Serve with finely chopped hard boiled egg and greenery.

Potato soup with meatballs

Wash potatoes and carrots, peel, cut into cubes, dip in boiling water, add sautéed onion, parsley and cook for a minute. Pass the meat through a meat grinder, mix with finely chopped onion, egg, mix well, form balls, pour them with broth and cook for 5-6 minutes at a low boil. Add the broth to the soup after seasoning. Ready meatballs put on a plate before serving.

Rice soup with meat

Pour sorted and well-washed rice into boiling water and cook until half cooked, then add sautéed onion, tomato paste, boiled meat cut into pieces and cook until tender.

Hercules puree soup

Sort the hercules, pour into the boiling “secondary” broth, cook until tender, then pass through a sieve, add the boiled mashed carrots and potatoes, sautéed onions, mix well, bring to a boil. Add sour cream before removing from heat.

"Secondary" broth is obtained in the following way: prepared meat (chicken) is poured cold water, slowly bring to a boil, the first broth is drained, the meat (chicken) is again poured with hot water and boiled until tender.

Milk soup with potatoes and croutons

Wash, peel and cut potatoes thin slices, dip in boiling water, cook for about 30 minutes, add warmed milk and cook at a low boil for 2-3 minutes. Add oil before removing from heat. Bread for croutons cut into small cubes, dry in the oven, serve separately.

Milk soup with vegetables

Put sliced ​​potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, sautéed onions into boiling water, cook over low heat for about 15 minutes, then add green peas and cook until tender, then drain the hot milk and bring to a boil. Add oil before removing from heat.

Noodle soup with chicken broth

In the chicken "secondary" broth, put the potatoes cut into strips, poached onions, carrots and parsley and cook until tender. Boil noodles in in large numbers salted water, discard, lower into the broth, bring to a boil.

Diet soup for children in a slow cooker video recipe

Preparation: Peel, wash and chop the vegetables. Prepare chicken broth in advance, cool, strain. Pour the broth into a slow cooker, add vegetables, a little pasta (or noodles), salt, add Bay leaf(optional). We close the multicooker. Press the soup mode, cook for about 45 minutes.

Where does heavy metals come from in soup for children and how to avoid it?

6 recipes healthy soups for children

Soups for children are easily digested by the child's body and help the work of the gastrointestinal tract. However, kids are often skeptical about the first course. Find out how to make a soup for children for your child, which he definitely will not refuse.

Broth for babies: what should it be?

Pediatricians and nutritionists recommend not only children, but also adults to eat soups prepared on the basis of meat broths as little as possible. Of course, this threatens the extinction of such soups as meat borscht or classic cabbage soup.

Grandmothers are at a loss: why is meat soup from broth on a marrow bone harmful?

By itself, meat is good for children, because. contains vital animal protein. But with meat broth for babies, the situation is completely different, because in the process of cooking meat, not only useful substances get there.

It turns out that "for the company" in the soup for children get:

  • heavy metals (the animal could have been grazing near the highway, on a chemically treated field or near some enterprise),
  • pesticides or radionuclides,
  • antibiotics (for speed dial masses of animals are often fed medicines; when digested, the meat releases them into the broth).

If you really want to, you can cook soup in meat broth for children over three years old, but only on the “second” broth. But for babies, such dishes are not suitable at all. Soups for them are cooked only on vegetable broths.

At what age should you give your child soup?

Cream soup, crushed in a blender, can be offered to the baby as early as 7 months. For babies, you can make soup from literally any set of vegetables, but there important rule: you need to cook the first dish from already familiar vegetables.

Important! Soup for a baby should not be the only main dish for a baby during a single meal. As with adults, his lunch should consist not only of the first course, but also of the second (vegetable or mashed potatoes combined with meat, cottage cheese). That is why a serving of soup should not exceed 50 g.

Soups for babies for every taste

Broccoli cream soup

The easiest soup recipe for kids is when broccoli, cauliflower, leeks and celery stalks are boiled together until tender and whipped into homogeneous consistency blender.

The recipe for the first soup for babies

Boil zucchini, onions, carrots, potatoes and a few green beans and grind thoroughly in a blender. When the child gets used to it children's soup, when serving on a plate, you can add croutons home cooking from white bread.

The recipe for the first soup for baby pumpkin

It is considered very valuable for the body of infants pumpkin puree soup. It is prepared quickly and simply, and the baby will get a lot of benefits and pleasure from this dish. You just need to chop it up sweet pumpkin, pour it with water and cook until soft, and then beat with a blender, add a little olive oil or cream and serve with croutons.

Developing the topic ... Recipe for sorrel soup with meatballs for babies

First, prepare small meatballs from twice chopped in a meat grinder diet minced meat(suitable turkey or lean beef) with a small addition raw rice. Put them in boiling water and boil. Separately weld vegetable broth from potatoes, onions and carrots, and at the very end of cooking, add chopped sorrel there. Whip the vegetables together with the broth in a blender, and when serving, add the meatballs to the soup.

Herculean soup-cream for a child

The combination of vegetables and cereals in the soup for children significantly increases its nutritional value and enhances the taste experience little gourmet. Such soups are very appetizing, because vegetables and various cereals, as a rule, very well combined in one dish. First you need to a small amount water, boil the carrots and oatmeal until soft, then grind all these products in a blender until they have time to cool. After that, you need to add hot milk diluted with boiling water in a ratio of 3: 1 there, mix everything and bring to a boil. Before serving, grind the cool egg yolk(in the amount recommended by your pediatrician for your baby) and season the soup directly in the bowl with it.

Lentil soup for kids

To prepare it, put 150 g of lentils together with coarsely chopped potatoes in a saucepan and cook until half cooked. After that, add other chopped vegetables - garlic, carrots, onions and peeled tomatoes - and cook the soup until it is completely cooked. Whip all the ingredients in a blender if the baby still does not know how to chew. And if he is already used to food in pieces, you just need to knead the vegetables with a fork before eating in the plate itself.

Expert opinion

Vera Starikova, pediatrician, immunologist-allergic

Moms should remember that soups play an important role in the nutrition of the child. It is dietary (due to the way the food is processed) and is usually nutritious dish, which should appear daily in the diet of the baby.

You can start feeding a child of the first year of life with soup immediately after the main types of vegetables are constantly “registered” in his menu - cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, carrots. But to use legume vegetables in soups should only be in the diet of babies closer to the age of one year and not more than once or twice a week.

Pediatricians recommend giving soups prepared exclusively with vegetable broth to children under one year old, since meat broth contains many extractives that will irritate tender and unripe digestive tract baby. And in the meat broth may contain harmful and even aggressive substances that go there from boiled meat.

Yes, and for older children, it is also better to use vegetable broth for the soup base, and only sometimes you can cook the first course in a secondary meat broth using lean meat no bones.


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Cuisine of Smiru

Hercules soup without frying

  • For 1.5 liters of water:
  • Chicken with bone or lean pork ribs, I took 2 chicken thigh this time
  • 4 large potatoes,
  • 1 carrot
  • pieces 10 green onion feathers
  • 1.5 tablespoons herculean flakes
  • Bay leaf
  • black peppercorns

I recently visited my mother. And she treated me like this delicious soup that cannot be expressed in words! But I'll try. Even before the phone trip, my mother told me that she had discovered a new diet soup without frying from oatmeal flakes. But I did not believe that such a soup could be tasty. Until I tried it myself. At the same time, being a guest, we cooked this soup for two days in a row and enjoyed it with pleasure. Therefore, I will say that such a soup is equally tasty both from chicken and from low-fat pork ribs, only the broth from pork ribs needs to be cooked longer.

I didn’t suspect that soup without frying could be at least a little tasty or beautiful until I was convinced myself. Not to mention the benefits of this soup, it is especially good to cook it in fasting days after holidays. When I got home, I immediately cooked the oatmeal soup again!

We take chicken meat, wash it, fill it with water and put it on the fire to cook the broth. When the broth boils, boil the chicken for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables. Oh, and I like to cook this soup - easy, fast, without problems and extra hassle! We peel potatoes, carrots, pieces of 10 green onion feathers (we cooked from chives with my mother).

In a boiling broth, immerse the diced raw carrots, let the soup boil and boil for another 15 minutes with carrots. In the meantime, peel and cut potatoes, green onion, pour in a cup of oatmeal flakes.

So, it's time to add potatoes to the broth and salt the soup to taste. We fall asleep, let it cook for another 10 minutes (well, or until the potatoes are almost ready). At this point, you need to pour hercules and green onions into the broth. As you can see - no extra fat, no frying!

To make the soup liquid (and not like starchy jelly), the hercules must be put at the rate of 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of cereal, this will be enough so that the soup does not have bad smell and did not turn into mush.

I’ll also say that parsley grows in my mother’s garden, and I wanted to add it to this soup, but my mother stopped me, because she said that she had already cooked, and she and her brother didn’t like it - the taste and smell of the soup were lost, it smelled too much greenery.

Therefore, I will not advise adding any more seasonings or spices, believe me, what we have already put is enough for the harmonious taste of oatmeal soup!

It remains to add bay leaves to the soup for smell, black peppercorns and adjust the taste of salt.

We cook the soup for another 3 minutes after boiling the broth with hercules and onions, turn it off, pour it and serve it to the table! Bon appetit!

Step-by-step recipes for making herculean soup with oatmeal on meat and chicken broth, water

2018-07-14 Marina Danko





In 100 grams ready meal

2 gr.

3 gr.


3 gr.

45 kcal.

Option 1: Herculean Oatmeal Soup - A Classic Recipe

From a set pork goulash and the most modest vegetables, it is easy to cook a wonderful soup. Fat, if any, cut off and count the mass of pulp without it. Having melted the fat from the cracklings, sauté the vegetables on it, the soup will become more tender, but somewhat more high-calorie.


  • a slice of pork - three hundred grams;
  • five to six tablespoons of large oatmeal;
  • a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • a large onion and a carrot of the same mass;
  • salt, coarse;
  • three hundred grams of potatoes;

Oatmeal Oatmeal Soup Step by Step Recipe

Saturated meat and bone broths are useless for Hercules soups. Choose a regular pork tenderloin, leave or remove excess fat at your discretion. Cut the pork into cubes and wash, dip in a slightly incomplete three-liter saucepan with boiling water.

Adjust the heat under the broth to medium, remove the foam when it boils. Simmer the broth for forty minutes to an hour, depending on the toughness of the pork. In the heated oil, we send the onion cut into checkers and the grated carrot to sauté. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes.

Remove the meat from the broth, strain the liquid and heat to a boil again. Salt the broth and lower the potatoes into it, removing the foam, cook on low heat for ten minutes. We send the passerovka to the pan, wash the pan and dry it, put it on heat again.

Do not fry the flakes, but warm them up strongly in a dry frying pan. As soon as an amber crust begins to appear on the edges of the first pieces, we pour the cereal into the soup, put the pork with it. Cook the soup for two minutes at the weakest boil, stirring with a long spoon. IN portion plates Be sure to add parsley leaves to the soup, offer onion feathers separately.

Option 2: Herculean Oatmeal Soup - A Quick Recipe

It will come out even sooner if you pour cereal enough boiling water, add concentrated broth and a pinch of herbs. Such a brew can be served immediately, but it is highly undesirable to eat it. We, even in a hurry, will cook not just a hearty, but also a very healthy soup.


  • boiled potatoes - three things;
  • fillet of broiler chickens - eight hundred grams;
  • a quarter of a pack of butter;
  • a handful of chopped parsley;
  • a leaf of lavrushka, four peas of pepper, salt;
  • two juicy onions and one sweet carrot;
  • five tablespoons of oatmeal.

How to quickly cook herculean soup with oatmeal

On one peeled onion, cut into large chunks of chicken, with the addition of pepper and herbs, cook two liters of broth. Dip in it five minutes before turning off the parsley.

For sauteing, cut the second onion into quarters of rings, rub the carrots coarsely. Melt the butter in a massive frying pan, simmer the vegetables in it, preventing it from blushing.

We take out the spices from the broth, cool the chicken and dissolve it in smaller pieces, carefully filter the broth and set it to warm up again. After boiling, put potato cubes in it, add a little salt and cook until it is ready.

Dip half of the chicken into the broth, cool the rest and serve separately. Transfer to a saucepan and stir the frying and Hercules, add salt, but not much. After a minute or two, put the pan off the stove and sprinkle with herbs, after a short cooling and infusion, pour portions and decorate them.

Option 3: Diet Herculean Oatmeal Soup

Flakes for cooking soups, with rare exceptions specified in the recipe, use the most coarse. Not only is this product much healthier, it also cooks better, in the sense that flakes are felt in the soup if it is not forcibly rubbed. Any quick-cooking product for the same cooking time would turn into jelly.

Choose a pack of Hercules, marked with the number "2", such flakes for soups are the most suitable. If there is a choice between packaged and loose flakes, then it is worth stopping at the latter. The point, of course, is not that it is convenient, cereals in such a package are coarser than packaged Hercules, and therefore, the soup will only come out better with them.


  • three hundred and fifty grams of potatoes;
  • half an onion and a carrot;
  • a spoonful of chopped fresh parsley;
  • two tablespoons of oil;
  • salt and lavrushka;
  • two tablespoons of oatmeal.

How to cook

Directly from the cutting board, we send peeled and washed vegetables into a saucepan. We cut the potatoes into one and a half or two centimeter cubes, chop the carrots about half as small, and chop the onion, in general, with a heavy knife, after dissolving into rings.

Turn on the burner under the pan to moderately strong heat, pour in water, at the rate of one and a half liters. After the water boils, add oil and salt the broth quite a bit.

We lower the temperature to the lowest, as low as possible, leave the vegetables to cook for forty minutes, tightly covering the pan. Part of the water will inevitably boil away, add right amount to the previous level and lightly crush the vegetables with a wire masher.

After boiling the broth, pour the flakes into the pan, mix and put another pinch of salt. Dip a small dry leaf of lavrushka into the broth. Cook no longer than five minutes, and turn off the stove. After the dish is infused for another ten minutes under a high lid, pour the soup into portioned dishes and sprinkle with parsley.

Option 4: Vegetable Herculean Oatmeal Soup

It seems that a minimum of vegetables was added, but the soup is completely different! The onion of the specified variety can be safely replaced with white, it will not affect the taste at all, and the color will hardly change. Polka dots in fresh you can buy a very limited time, frozen is quite suitable and does not even need to be thawed.


  • a couple of medium-sized potatoes;
  • one hundred grams of peas, green;
  • juicy sweet pepper;
  • half a spoonful of turmeric;
  • a small colored onion;
  • a handful of greens;
  • sweet carrot;
  • oil;
  • thirty grams of oatmeal;
  • salt, parsley and small pepper;
  • two hundred gram zucchini (or large pulp).

Step by step recipe

The soup is prepared quickly, we send the vegetables into it, as they say, from the knife. Therefore, water, in the amount of two liters, put to boil ahead of time. We clean the zucchini, regardless of the tenderness of the skin, dissolve into cubes up to two centimeters in size. We cut the potatoes in exactly the same way, but the carrots will have to be chopped twice as small.

Turn on the second burner to the maximum, put on it steel pan. Heat the oil harder, sauté the carrots on it and put the equally finely chopped onion to it. While the vegetables are fried, we free the pepper from seeds and wash it, cut it into centimeter squares, put it in a pan and simmer for up to five minutes.

Do not miss the moment when the water boils in the pan, immediately dip the potatoes into it. Boil it until half cooked and add zucchini, pour and green pea. Cook until the potatoes are ready, then put the frying into the soup and salt, put the pepper and parsley.

Pour the oatmeal and turmeric into the pan, mix, lower the heat to a very low boil. Cook for five minutes, sprinkle with herbs and leave for a while, wait until the soup is saturated with aromas.
