
Concentrated broth at home. Broths: meat, fish, mushroom

Tatiana: | February 8th, 2019 | 5:35 am

Dasha, I didn’t understand the knuckle, you undress it, or cook it whole, and as in this case with baking.
Answer: Tatyana, you can do this and that. Here the shank was cooked entirely.

Tatiana: | February 8th, 2019 | 5:22 dp

And I freeze the broth in plastic milk bottles.
Answer: Tatyana, great! Thanks for sharing!

Anna: | February 1st, 2019 | 3:32 pm

Armed with recommendations for savings from this site, I generally stopped buying meat specifically for broth. For 2-3 weeks, I just collect all the meat scraps that are suitable for broth and freeze. Just tomorrow I'm going to cook, because it has accumulated decently, and the old stocks have run out. I will cook in a 5-liter slow cooker-pressure cooker. I will load up to the level of 4.5 liters and fill it with water. It turns out an excellent tasty prefabricated broth. At the end of cooking, I add branches of greens and salt tied with a thread in bundles, and throw the branches away after a few minutes. I take off the edible meat from the bones and add it to the filtered concentrated broth, immediately distributing it in portions for future soups. I leave a couple of blanks without meat for soups with meatballs and for sauces and gravies. What's left over goes to the neighbor's dog. And I get preparations for 4 soups and a couple of sauces or sauces
Answer: Anna, thanks for sharing!

Larisa: | October 25th, 2016 | 1:18 pp

I really liked the idea! Now that's just what I do! Thank you very much Daria!
Answer: Larissa, thanks for your comment!

Anastasia: | August 31st, 2016 | 8:53 dp

Dasha, please tell me, is there a homemade soup chicken in the freezer, is it possible to make a concentrated broth out of it? How much should be cooked in this case and in what proportion should it be diluted later?
Answer: Anastasia, of course, you can. Concentrated chicken broth is prepared in the same way as regular broth, only the amount of meat in relation to the amount of water increases by 2-3 times. As a general rule, homemade soup chicken takes longer to cook than a store-bought broiler. Dilute the broth to taste, depending on your preferences.

Xenia: | May 19th, 2014 | 10:18 am

Is it the same way to cook beef leg? Or are there any changes to the recipe?
Answer: Yes, Ksenia, cook the beef leg the same way.

Olga: | January 5th, 2014 | 1:25 pm

DmitryE:, cooked turkey leg broth according to the above recipe. The broth also turned out to be concentrated, but the maximum degree of dilution, for my taste, is 1:2 (1 part of the broth to 2 parts of water), i.e. in terms of economy, it is inferior to pork knuckle broth. Although the calories in it, of course, less.

Elena: | March 1st, 2013 | 1:04 dp

I also think that it is better to freeze in plastic, and not in glass - it will burst

Catherine: | December 6th, 2012 | 9:58 pm

It's really very convenient. I have a question about making the broth itself. Should the lid be closed or open when simmering the broth? I just read that the lid is d.b. open so that the harmful from the meat is gone, and then the broth is more transparent. but it seems less concentrated like.

Answer: to make the broth more rich and tasty, it is advisable to cook the meat without a lid. And in high-quality meat there is nothing harmful, only useful.

Lenka: | October 16th, 2012 | 9:25 pm

Good day everyone! And I pour the cooled broth into freezer bags, I have them for 3 liters, so that a liter of broth freezes with a thin briquette, and I make inscriptions on top of the bag with a marker. When the broth freezes, I simply put the bags, like books, between other containers.

DmitryE: | September 17th, 2012 | 2:01 pm

As an alternative to the “heavy” shank broth, I advise a more “light”, but very tasty turkey drumstick broth. Prices (at least for us) are comparable, the meat is very tasty, the broth is rich and freezes in jelly.

Oksana: | June 8th, 2012 | 3:20 pm

And my jars of broth burst in the freezer. At the same time, I did not close them with a lid, I filled them 3/4. Can you tell me what I did wrong?

Answer: this is strange, my jars are stored normally, they do not burst ... Maybe you poured hot broth into them, and then, without letting it cool, put it in the freezer?

Sonya: | May 19th, 2012 | 5:49 dp

Dasha, I didn’t understand a little, but how to use it later? Defrost a liter jar and pour as much as you need and then freeze again ?? Or how?):

Answer: Sonya, I cook soup in a 5-liter saucepan so that it lasts for 2, sometimes 3 days. Therefore, a liter of broth is just enough for me at one time. I defrost overnight in the fridge. If the soup is cooked in a 2-liter saucepan, then you can freeze in 500 ml jars.

Rina: | March 5th, 2012 | 10:52 am

Thank you. This is a great help in the household. I also always cook soup in two batches. One day the broth, and the next the soup itself, but I didn’t even know about the concentrated broth. Now I will spend even less time.

Answer: the main advantage of concentrated broth is that it takes up less space in the freezer than regular broth. Glad you liked the idea Rina.

Natalia: | February 6th, 2012 | 6:11 pm

Tell me, is it possible to get something similar from a chicken?

Answer: Yes, sure. I wrote about how I deal with chicken

Oksana: | February 5th, 2012 | 11:29 am

Interesting. And how long can such a broth be stored in the refrigerator and in the freezer?

Answer: At -18 degrees up to six months. But I try to use within 1-2 months.

Natalia: | February 4th, 2012 | 8:17 pm

Hello. Good advice. Well, what about the usefulness of such a jellied broth? It seems to me that after such a boil, nothing useful remains there ... Maybe I'm wrong?

Daria: | February 4th, 2012 | 7:12 pm

What do you freeze your broth in?

Answer: in glass jars or plastic liter buckets of ice cream or mayonnaise. The main thing is that they have a lid on which you can write what kind of broth it is and the date of preparation.

Masha Mironova: | February 4th, 2012 | 2:35 pm

Broth is a decoction obtained by boiling bones, meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms in water (mushroom decoction). The word "broth" came into our language from French at the beginning of the 8th century. and comes from the verb "to boil, to form bubbles". Depending on the type of products used, broths are distinguished: bone, meat and bone, poultry, fish, mushroom. The broth only from the pulp of meat is very rarely boiled especially for soups. Extractive substances, proteins, fats, mineral elements pass into the broth from the products.

Extractives give taste, aroma and color to the broth. There are two groups of extractives - nitrogenous and nitrogen-free.

Nitrogen extractives include free amino acids, the content of which in the muscle tissue of large and small cattle is up to 1% of its mass, dipeptides, guanidine derivatives (creatine, creatinine, etc.), carbamide (urea), purine bases, etc.

Among amino acids, glutamine plays a special role. Its solutions, even in very low concentrations (0.03%), have a strongly pronounced meaty taste. The sodium salt of glutamic acid (monosodium glutamate) is used as a flavoring seasoning.

Guanidine derivatives (creatine, creatinine), which pass into the broth, also play an important role in the formation of meat taste and serve as indicators of the concentration of meat broths.

Chapter 1. Soups

Purine bases are end products of protein metabolism contained in meat. A large amount of them in food is harmful to the body, especially in old age and in a number of diseases.

Nitrogen-free extractives include glycogen, glucose, fructose, inositol, acids (lactic, formic, acetic, butyric), etc.

All extractives have a juice effect.

The amount of extractive substances varies depending on the breed, sex, age, degree of fatness of the animal. The thermal state of the meat (cooled, chilled, thawed) and the method of defrosting are also important.

The taste of the broth is significantly affected by the amount of collagen converted into glutin, as well as the fat that melts during cooking.

When cooking meat, poultry, fish, broths are obtained that are similar in composition, but differ in the ratio of individual nutrients and organoleptic properties.

Thus, meat and bone broth contains more extractive substances and mineral salts than bone broth, but less fat and nitrogenous substances, the bulk of which is glutin.

The nutritional value of meat-and-bone (meat) broth is largely determined by the type of large-sized semi-finished product taken for cooking. So, broths from the hip part of beef contain more extractive substances and less protein compared to brisket broths. They are transparent, have the best taste and aroma, have a strong juice effect. Brisket broths are somewhat cloudy, contain a large amount of protein substances (glutin), which form a colloidal solution in the broths and give the so-called richness, as well as rendered fat.

During cooking, glutin passes into bone broth (it makes up 77% of the dry residue of the broth), an insignificant (compared to the content in meat) part of minerals and fat. Most of the fat collects on the surface and is mechanically removed, however, some of it is emulsified and distributed in the broth. Emulsified fat makes the broth cloudy and impairs its organoleptic characteristics. There are practically no extractive substances in bone broth.

160 Section III. Cooking technology

When cooking fish broth, extractive, mineral and nitrogenous substances also pass into the water. The total amount of soluble substances passing from fish to broth is 1.5-2% of its mass. In fish broths, less than in meat, glutamic acid, purine bases, dipeptides. A feature of fish broths is the content of a significant amount of amines, especially in broths from marine fish, and methylguanidine, a strong base, which in high concentrations has a toxic effect on living organisms. The nitrogenous substances of fish in the broth are mainly represented by glutin: the amount of emulsified fat is negligible. The mineral composition of the broth largely depends on the type of fish.

According to organoleptic indicators, the best quality broths are obtained from freshly caught freshwater fish (perch, pike perch, ruff, etc.), as well as from sturgeon and salmon fish. It is not recommended to cook carp, bream, carp, roach, as the broth from them has a bitter taste.

Bone broth. For its preparation, food bones are used. Food bones include: beef - articular heads of tubular bones, thoracic, vertebral and sacral; pork and lamb - vertebrates, chest, pelvic,

1 tubular and sacral. Broths are not prepared from the costal and shoulder bones of beef carcasses, they are handed over for technical processing. Vertebral bones are used to make sauces.

The vertebral and flat bones are cut across into pieces 5-6 cm in size, the articular heads are cut into several pieces, the tubes are left intact. Beef bones of young animals and pork are lightly fried in an oven (30-45 minutes at

1 temperature 150-200°C) to improve taste and appearance

; broth. The melted fat is drained and used for pass-

I picking vegetables.

Prepared raw bones are poured with cold water, and fried bones are hot (70-90 ° C) and boiled at a low boil. During the cooking process, foam and fat are removed from the surface of the broth. The duration of cooking broth from beef bones is 3-4 hours, from pork and mutton bones - 2-3 hours. With longer cooking, the taste and aromatic qualities of the broth deteriorate. 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking put parsley (root), baked onions and carrots, salt. Carrots and onions, cut lengthwise into several parts, are placed on preheated, clean, dry pans and baked until light brown.

Chapter 1. Soups

crusts, avoiding burning. You can also put stalks of parsley, celery, dill, onion trimmings, carrots, white roots into the broth. Ready broth is filtered.

Bone broth can be prepared concentrated. The yield of concentrated broth is 1 liter per 1 kg of bones. When preparing soups, such a broth is diluted with water to the required volume in accordance with the rate of laying raw materials per serving. So, at a rate of 100 g of bones, 100 g of concentrated bone broth should be taken per serving.

Meat and bone broth. It is prepared in the same way as bone broth, but 2-3 hours before the end of cooking, put pieces of meat weighing 1.5-2 kg. This provides higher taste qualities of not only the broth, but also the meat. In addition, the broth is more transparent. To prepare the broth, beef is used (shoulder, sub-shoulder parts, brisket, dressing for carcasses of the I category of fatness), veal (brisket), lamb (shoulder, brisket), pork (shoulder, neck, brisket). Cooking time for beef - 2-2.5 hours, lamb and pork - 1.5-2 hours.

At the end of cooking, the finished meat is removed, the broth is filtered.

Bird broth. For its preparation, bones, offal (heart, stomachs, necks, heads, legs, wings, skin, necks), whole bird carcasses are used. The bones are finely chopped, the carcasses are seasoned, poured with cold water, quickly brought to a boil, and then cooked until tender at a low boil for 1-2 hours. During the cooking process, the foam and fat are removed. 30-40 minutes before the broth is ready, parsley (root), carrots and onions are added to it. Ready broth is filtered.

If bones, offal, whole carcasses are used at the same time to prepare the broth, then bones and offal are first boiled, and then whole carcasses are put in accordance with the timing of their cooking.

Fish broth. For its preparation, fish and fish food waste (heads, fins, skin, tails, bones) are used. Large heads and vertebral bones are cut into pieces. Previously, gills are removed from the head, and eyes from large heads.

Prepared food waste is poured with cold water, brought to a boil, the foam formed on the surface of the broth is removed, parsley (root) and onion are added.

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chat and cook at a low boil for 40-50 minutes. Ready broth is filtered.

When cooking the broth from the heads of sturgeon fish, an hour after the start of cooking, the heads are taken out, the pulp is separated, and the cartilages continue to cook until softened for 1-1.5 hours. The finished broth is filtered.

From food fish waste, you can cook a concentrated broth with a yield of 1 liter per 1 kg of raw materials.

Mushroom decoction. Prepared from fresh or dried mushrooms. Dried mushrooms are poured with water and left in it for 10-15 minutes, and then washed several times, changing the water. Thoroughly washed dried mushrooms are poured with cold water (7 liters per 1 kg of mushrooms), left for 3-4 hours to swell. The mushrooms are taken out, washed, poured with water in which they were soaked, draining it not completely (there may be sand at the bottom), and boil until soft for 1.5-2 hours. Filter the finished broth. Boiled mushrooms are washed to remove sand residues, after which they are chopped, or chopped, or passed through a meat grinder and put into the soup 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking.

For the preparation of dressing soups at pre-cooking enterprises, you can use semi-finished products of concentrated bone broth and broth with gelatin, produced by specialized workshops or procurement enterprises.

Bone broth concentratedfrom beef bones or bones beef and pork is cooked in accordance with TU 28-24-84. Its technology is not significantly different from the traditional one. To get 100 kg of ready-made broth, take 190 kg of bones. The finished broth is poured into functional containers and intensively cool. Cooled The broth has a jelly-like consistency. Its shelf life is 48 hours at a temperature of 4-8°C.

At the predpriyatiy-preparatory concentrated broths in the preparation of dressing soups pre-bred in boiling water in a ratio of 1:3.

Bouillons with gelatin(chicken and meat) are prepared in accordance with TU 28-25-84. In ready-made chicken or meat broth obtained by boiling meat or chicken for cooking enterprises/ introduce swollen gelatin (1% of the mass of the broth) and boil for 3 minutes. The broth is then poured into functional capacity, intense cool down and store: meat- no more 48 hours, chicken- no more 24 h at 4-8°C..

At pre-cooking enterprises, chicken broth with gelatin is used to prepare dressing soups and sauces without dilution.

Chapter 1. Soups

Meat broth with gelatin is preliminarily diluted in boiling water in a ratio of 1:1.

Can also be used in soups bouillon cubes and powders.

The industry produces bouillon cubes for meat, chicken and mushrooms.

Dry broth concentrates have been used for a very long time. The Charter of the Russian Navy (1797) already mentions "dry broths for cooking soups."

Powders are prepared by evaporating concentrated bone broth (yield of dry residue is approximately 6%). The dry residue is mixed with salt, chopped dry roots and herbs.

When using bouillon cubes and powders, soups are boiled in water without salt. Cubes or powder are preliminarily dissolved in a small amount of hot water, introduced into the finished soup 15-20 minutes before the holiday.

Chicken broth concentrate is an original preparation that allows you to easily prepare the most delicious sauces. For example, demi-glace sauce is prepared only on the basis of a concentrate, the broth can be chicken or beef. To prepare the demiglace sauce (demiglace), the concentrate is combined with red wine, dry thyme, salt and pepper. The result is a French sauce, which will certainly please the exquisite taste. Also, the concentrate can be used to make gravy, add them to soups or side dishes to enhance flavor. Such an additive can be compared with bouillon cubes, which are convenient to use. But, if you monitor the quality of the food you eat, you are unlikely to use such a product. But the broth concentrate prepared by yourself - why not?


  • 1 kg chicken bones
  • 4-5 tomatoes
  • 1-2 carrots
  • 1-2 bulbs
  • 2-3 celery stalks
  • 3 art. l. powdered milk


1. Every time bones remain during the preparation of a soup or meat dish, you do not need to throw them away, but you can put them in a bag and put them in the freezer. Before preparing the concentrate, the bones must be thawed and placed in a baking dish. Add peeled carrots, onions, celery stalks and tomato to this

2. Sprinkle the bones with powdered milk. This will speed up the Maillard reaction, which results in a fragrant crust. This is what gives the broth its rich flavor. Put the form in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, bake for about 30-40 minutes. The bones should turn golden.

3. Remove the bones and vegetables from the oven, put everything in a saucepan and fill to the very top with water. Boil over low heat according to the principle of "jelly" - the water should not boil away and boil strongly. After 5-6 hours, the broth must be filtered.

4. If possible, remove fat from the surface, or this can be done later. Put the pan with the strained broth on the fire and now start to evaporate the excess liquid. When the broth becomes thick and boils down several times, pour it into a jar and let cool. Now you can put it in the freezer or use it for its intended purpose.

Concentrated meat broth

Products: 1 kg of meat, 1 small onion, 1 carrot, 1 bay leaf, 10 peas of allspice, celery, parsley, 1 liter of water, salt.

To cook a concentrated broth, 1 liter of water is taken for 1 kg of meat. The meat is cut into large pieces and cooked in the same way as meat and bone broth for 2-3 hours. With longer cooking, the taste of meat and broth deteriorates. When preparing soups from concentrated broth, it is diluted with water, ordinary broth or vegetable broth.

From the book Soups author Ananiev Alexey Ananievich

179. Meat clear broth Meat bones 150, 3rd grade meat for pulling 44, eggs 5, carrots 4, parsley, celery 3, onions 4. Meat clear broth cook as usual (Footnote), To get a stronger broth in it additionally cook beef, chicken and other meat

From the book 100 French Recipes author Recipe collection

MEAT BROTH (20 min) Wash the meat and put it in a pressure cooker, filling with water no more than up to 2/3 of the pan. Boil open and remove the foam. Then salt, put peppercorns, greens, whole onion, removing the top layer of the peel, chopped carrots. Close the lid and cook

From the book All About Alcohol the author Dubrovin Ivan

CONCENTRATED MEAT BROTH Required: 500–700 g beef, 0.5 cup dry red wine, 50 g vegetable oil, 3 carrots, 3 onions, 1 garlic clove, 2–4 black peppercorns, 0.5 tsp. salt, 2 bay leaves, 1 parsley root, 1 celery root, 1 liter of water. Method

From the book Therapeutic Nutrition for Respiratory Diseases author Rychkova Yulia Vladimirovna

Meat broth Ingredients: lean meat - 500 g, water - 2 l, carrots - 2 pcs., onion - 1 pc., celery and parsnip roots - 1 pc., vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, green onions - 0.5 bunches, parsley - 0.5 bunches, salt to taste. Cooking method Peel, wash and

From the book Baby Food. Rules, tips, recipes author Lagutina Tatyana Vladimirovna

Meat broth with egg Meat broth - 2 cups Egg - 1 pc. Greens to taste Beat the egg well, pour a small amount of hot broth, mix thoroughly and strain. Bring the remaining broth to a boil, pour in the strained egg and, stirring, cook over low heat.

From the book of 1000 culinary recipes. author Astafiev V.I.

Meat broth is transparent Wash the meat, put in a saucepan and cook 2-2 ? hours, removing the foam. Through 1-1? hours after the start of cooking, add the roots (carrots, parsley, onions) lightly fried without oil and salt it. Let the broth stand, remove the fat from above and strain through

From the book Shchi, borscht, soups and soups author Zvonareva Agafya Tikhonovna

Meat broth For the broth, you can take any meat of the first or second grade. The meat must be washed, it is best under running cold water, put in a saucepan (bones cut in several places), pour cold water, cover the saucepan with a lid and put on high heat.

From the book Meat Delicacies at Home author Vasilyeva Yaroslava Vasilievna

Quick meat broth Rinse the meat, separate the pulp from the bones, pass through a meat grinder, chop the bones. Put everything in a saucepan, pour cold water and leave for half an hour, then, without changing the water, put to boil. At the beginning of cooking, add peeled and cut

From the book 1000 delicious dishes [for spreadsheet-enabled readers] author DRASUTENE E.

Meat broth with vegetables Prepare meat broth by settling: pour 100–200 g pieces of meat with hot water, quickly bring to a boil, remove foam and fat and insist for half an hour under a closed lid. This operation must be repeated until the meat is

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Clear meat broth 500 g lean meat, 1 each carrots, parsley or celery, 1 onion, 1.5-2 liters of water, salt. Put the meat in a saucepan, pour cold water, cover and put on fire. When the water boils, remove the foam from the surface, reduce heat and cook

From the book Sugar-Reducing Plants. No to diabetes and overweight author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

94. CONCENTRATED BROTH To cook a concentrated broth, take 1 liter of water per 1 kg of bones or meat and bones. It is cooked in the same way as meat and bone broth. When preparing soups from concentrated broth, it is diluted with water, ordinary

From the book Cooking Tatar cuisine author Kozhemyakin R. N.

Meat broth with wine You will need:? 1/2 cup dry red wine 1 liter of water,? 500-700 g of beef,? 50 g vegetable oil,? 3 carrots,? 3 bulbs,? 1 clove of garlic,? 2-4 black peppercorns 0.5 tsp salt,? 2 bay leaves,? 1 parsley root,? 1 celery root.Vegetables finely

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From the author's book

Meat broth with celery Ingredients 120 g of celery root, 80 g of carrots, 50 g of parsley root, 1 liter of clear meat broth, 50 g of 20% cream, spices (any), salt. and cook until

From the author's book

Meat broth with salma Components Meat broth -1 l Ready-made salma - 100 g Boiled meat - 250 g Onion - 1 pc. Black pepper - 6-7 peas Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs. Butter - 100 g Green onions - 1 bunch Salt - to taste Cooking method For cooking salma, see

From the author's book

Meat broth Ingredients 200 g of beef, 1 small or half carrot, 1 small onion, parsley root, 500 ml of water, salt. Preparation Rinse the meat, cut into small cubes. Wash carrots, onions and parsley root thoroughly, peel, soak in water for 1 hour,

To cook a good broth, first of all, time is needed. Approximately two hours for chicken and three or four for beef or veal. In the classical tradition, these broths are usually prepared with the addition of mirepois - a mixture of carrots, onions and celery, as well as a bouquet garni - a bunch of bay leaves, parsley and thyme. Meat broths are divided into two classes - white and brown. Meat, bones and vegetables for white broth go straight to the pan. The components of the brown broth, before being boiled in water, are fried in a pan with the addition of fat - animal or vegetable. Beef and veal bones can also be baked in the oven for an hour and a half, they will give the broth a bronze-brown color. Ready-made broths after filtering can be frozen and stored in this form for six months.

Lamb broth

Lamb is perhaps the fattest broth of all possible: for 2 liters of water, they usually take 1.5 kilograms of meat, 2 onions and a few sprigs of fresh thyme and parsley. It takes about 1.5-2 hours to boil lamb broth over low heat, constantly removing foam and adding water if necessary. And then be sure to strain.

Dashi broth

Konbu seaweed and tuna meat are dehydrated, ground into powder (or granules) and used in much the same way as we are used to using bouillon cubes. True, it is not necessary to adhere to clear proportions here - it all depends solely on the preferences of the cook. You can take a spoon per liter of broth, or you can take two and two tenths. A kilogram package, however, is enough for hundreds of Japanese soups anyway.

Turkey broth

Turkey broth is cooked in the same way as chicken broth: a whole small turkey or turkey legs, along with a small parsley root, celery stalk, onion and carrots, should be put in a saucepan, poured with water and boiled over low heat for about an hour and a half. Strain the finished broth.

squid broth

It is better to cook squid broth based on low-fat fish broth, bringing it to a boil and throwing fresh or thawed squid carcasses into the pan for 3-4 minutes - during this time the clams will not have time to become tough.

celery broth

In order for the aroma of celery to prevail in vegetable broth, you need to take at least 4-5 stalks of celery for a couple of small carrots and one onion, throw in parsley, black peppercorns and cook for 30-40 minutes, removing the foam.

Hondashi broth

Granular dry fish broth hondashi is diluted in a ratio of 1 teaspoon per 250 ml of water and is used as the basis for Japanese soups with fish and seafood. Hondashi is sold in Japanese grocery stores and is often referred to as "dashinomoto" or "fish yeast".

beef broth

Beef broth is boiled for three to four hours, and in addition to the beef itself, mirepois (chopped onions, carrots and celery), a bouquet of garni, black peppercorns and sometimes wine are added to it. From beef broth, like from any other, it is necessary to constantly remove the foam, and at the end strain through a fine sieve. It is not necessary to salt the broth - then without fear it can be added everywhere, including in ready-made dishes.

mushroom broth

With just 100 grams of dried mushrooms, you can make 2 liters of rich mushroom broth, which can then be frozen and added to soups, sauces or stews for flavor. To do this, mushrooms - any forest mushrooms are suitable - you need to soak in advance, changing the water several times, then throw it into a saucepan, pour three liters of water and simmer for about an hour and a half. The finished broth must be filtered and diluted to the desired consistency - it will turn out concentrated.

Concentrated chicken broth

Concentrated chicken broth is prepared in the same way as regular broth, only the amount of meat is increased by 2-3 times and is often fried in butter before cooking. Concentrated broths are used mainly for making sauces.

bone broth

A good bone broth can be prepared as follows: put raw or boiled beef bones (neck, tail, leg or knuckles) in a deep pan, add half a cup of coarsely chopped onions, celery and carrots. Lightly mix everything together, pouring vegetable oil, and fry for 30-40 minutes in the oven at 240 degrees, stirring several times. Then transfer the bones and vegetables to a saucepan, add cold water so that it covers the bones with a layer of 4-5 cm. Again add half a cup of chopped onions, celery and carrots, 2 large cloves of crushed unpeeled garlic and a bunch of garni. Bring to a boil and cook, removing the foam, 2-3 hours. Strain at the end.

crab broth

A good crab broth can be prepared as follows: throw crabs and a bunch of parsley into boiling salted water and cook for 7 minutes. Peel the boiled crabs and cut them up. Cut a small tomato into circles, chop the onion head coarsely, heat a little vegetable oil in a pan and fry crab meat, onions and tomatoes on it for 5 minutes, salt, then pour a liter of water or ready-made chicken broth and cook for 10 minutes. At the end, you can add 20 grams of wine, 20 grams of soy sauce, a tablespoon of vinegar to the broth and cook for a couple more minutes.

Chicken Thai broth

Thai chicken broth differs from the usual one in that it is prepared with the addition of a large amount of spices: coriander, lime leaves, ginger, and sometimes chili peppers. Thai broth is spicy and flavorful and is a good base for a variety of Thai soups.

Lanspic is a clear broth for aspic. It is brewed from the head of a veal, rid of the tongue and brains, with the addition of mirepois, herbs and vinegar. Gelatin is used to solidify the lanspic, and various braces (black caviar or whipped protein) are used for transparency.

vegetable broth

Two liters of good vegetable broth can be obtained from three onions, two carrots, two stalks of celery, a bay leaf, a bunch of parsley, twenty grams of ginger, a leek stem, half a glass of white wine, poured over three liters of water and boiled until the water has evaporated by a third. You do not need to salt the broth, it is better to salt the dishes to your taste later.

fish broth

A good fish broth can be made from pike perch or perch. First of all, the fish must be cleaned of scales, the abdomen cut open, gutted, washed, cut into small pieces, and the gills removed from the head. Then put in a saucepan, cover with cold water, add mirepois and cook at a low boil for 25-30 minutes; after that, take out the pieces of fish, and continue to cook the head and tail for another 15-20 minutes. Also, fish broth can be cooked from bones or heads: for this, the bones must be cut into several parts, gills removed from the heads and well-washed tails and fins added; cook for about an hour, removing the foam.

Veal broth

The best broth is made from baked veal bones: together with vegetables, they are put in an oven heated to 200 degrees for an hour, after which they turn brown, which gives the broth a noble color, and all excess fat follows from them. Boil the baked bones for at least three hours, constantly removing the foam, and then strain the broth.

duck broth

Duck meat broth has a specific smell and turns out, whatever one may say, quite fatty. Nevertheless, it almost always comes out effortlessly transparent, light brown. In addition to the actual duck meat and bones, carrots, celery, onions and a few sprigs of parsley and thyme are added to the broth. Everything is boiled together for about 4-5 hours, then the broth is filtered. Most often, duck broth is used to make sauces.
